
Open world questing is the bread and butter content of Rift!
The quests will guide you through the storyline while giving you much needed experience to level up your character.

There are Story Questlines running through every zone, along with side quests to pick up along the way. Some zones also have carnage quests to complete, these were added during the Storm Legion xpac, as a way to make those ‘Go kill 20 of these’ quests more versatile. The quests are listed on each page in the general order you will pick them up.
I highly recommend you use the ‘Completionist‘ add on to help you keep track of which quests you have done. The completionist add on sometimes lists all the guardian and defiant quests together, this can make it difficult to tell which quests you can still do! At the bottom of each quests page you will find ‘Notes for Completionist’, this will tell you if a quest is listed but cannot be done.

Saga quests will have you exploring many areas of Rift, these are meant for well geared, higher level characters.

Saga Questlines

Side Quests

Zone Questlines

Defiant Questline in Mathosia

Guardian Questline in Mathosia

Storm Legion Quests

Nightmare Tide Quests

Prophecy of Ahnket Quests

Daily and Weekly Quests