Toks Materials
Well yes indeed.. You probably should be fishing.. You can fish while you read I’m sure!
So, the best way to do this is i suppose a nice list…
I will start with a ‘short’ list of all materials required and then below you will find a full explanation of where to get each type of material from.
Click the name of the item in the list to zip down to the detailed guide of where to get it.
There are 6 outfit sets to craft, each has a helm, gloves, boots, shoulders, chest and legs. Each outfit set is from a particular plane (air, fire etc). When gathering your materials you need to match the materials with the outfit set you want to craft.
From Open World
Scoria Fish Livers – From Fishing in Lava
2780 for one set
16,680 for all 6 sets
Bolidium Ore – From Mining
1220 for one set
7320 for all 6 sets
Dream Ribbons – From Breaking Artifacts
1080 for one set
6480 for all 6 sets
Fibers – From Foraging
30 of each type
180 total
Skins – From Major Rifts
16 of each type
96 total
Hides – From Special Rare Mobs
16 of each type
96 total
Bought in Toks
Emulsifiers – Bought in Toks
556 for one set – Cost of 1112 Tok tokens
3336 for 6 sets – Cost of 6672 Tok tokens
Perfectly Purified Water – Bought in Toks
278 for one set – Cost of 1390 Tok tokens
1668 for 6 sets – Cost of 8340 Tok tokens
Planes Compatible Metal Polish – Bought in Toks
90 for one set – Cost of 900 Tok tokens
540 for 6 sets – Cost of 5400 Tok tokens
Plane Strengthened Thread – Bought in Toks
16 for one set – Cost of 400 Tok tokens
96 for 6 sets – Cost of 2400 Tok tokens
Clockwork Catalyst – Bought in Toks
6 for one set – Cost of 600 Tok tokens
36 for 6 sets – Cost of 3600 Tok tokens
Patterns – Bought in Toks
One set – Cost of 1750 Tok tokens
6 sets – Cost of 10,500 Tok tokens
Total Tok Tokens for One Set – 6152
Total Tok Tokens for 6 Sets – 36,912
Materials Farmed in Open World
If you are going to use the butchering, foraging, fishing and mining runes, you can buy some cheap shoulders off the AH (or craft some low level shoulders) and use a rune on each one, then swap between them depending on what you are hunting for at the time.
The recipes for these runes can be bought from the planar crafting vendor ‘R23-JK’ in Alittu at /setwaypoint 4030 6360
Scoria Fish Livers
2780 for one set
16,680 for all 6 sets
Scoria fish can be fished up from the lava at — /setwaypoint 3181 5635 — in Ashenfell.. You only need fishing skill at 410 to fish here.
The drop rate of Scoria fish is low, about half your casts will be grey trash (sellable, not required for anything)
Thankfully, skeleton dude in Toks reception can sell you 2 different kinds of scoria fish lures..

The scoria fish lure is available for 300 Tok tokens each.
This lure will guarantee you loot Scoria fish from every catch for 20 mins (its actually slightly longer than 20 mins due to PA buffs)
You can usually get 50-70 fish out of one lure – you can use the lure on any level fishing pole – however your fishing skill does need to be at 525 to use the lure.

The Super scoria fish lure is available for 3000 Tok tokens each.
When you fish with this Lure you will get a bunch of Scoria fish from each cast instead of singular fish.
You should get between 50-70 ‘bunches’ per lure.
Each bunch has 7 to 15 Scoria fish inside
Although the cost of Tok tokens per fish is roughly the same, the Scoria Super Lure is far superior when it comes to time spent fishing!
Because they cost Tok tokens, it is better to buy these lures on your alts and then send them to your main.. If you have been doing the Tok chest weekly on all your alts then you should have a good stash of Tok tokens to buy these lures.
Once you have the fish in your bags, you will need to gut them for their livers, just right click them.. About 1 in 20 fish will give you a grey ‘ruined fish liver’, just throw those away and keep the blue ‘scoria fish liver’
gutting 5000 fish will give you a pretty cheevo.. ‘what smell?’

Bolidium Ore
1220 for one set
7320 for all 6 sets
Bolidium ore is the high level rock in all Prophecy of Ahnket zones (Scatherran, Xarth, Gedlo, Ashenfell & VP) — The lower level rock is called Atramentium.

Any player with Mining skill (yes even level 1!) will be able to mine Bolidium, however you will get only one ore per mine at lower levels of mining.
You get 2 ore per mine at high levels of mining (500+)
You can use a mining rune to get an extra ore per mine, so either 2 ores at low level, or 3 at high level.
Bolidium ore is a VERY common drop from minions too, so keep spamming your minion sender!
Of course you can always buy the extras you need from the Auction House.. or maybe you have generous friends!
The most important thing to remember, is you need the ORE not the BARS. Ore that has been crafted into bars is no good for toks.
Dream Ribbons
1080 for one set
6480 for all 6 sets
Dream ribbons are created by a Dreamweaver by breaking down artifacts.

For ease of storage 99 dream ribbons can be right clicked to create 1 bolt, when you are ready to craft just right click the bolts to turn them back into ribbons.

30 of each type
180 total
Fibers drop when foraging in any of the Prophecy of Ahnket zones. They will all drop randomly from both Xarthian Tendrils and Faecap Mushrooms.
These are generally very cheap to buy in the auction house as people who are not farming for toks still pick them up and try to sell them on. If you find none in the auction house, try asking your guildies or friends, most peeps have some in their banks!
There are 6 types of Fibers
30 Abrasive fiber – earth
30 Ghostly fiber – death
30 Effervescent fiber – water
30 Tangling fiber – life
30 Ember fiber – fire
30 Filmy fiber – air
You will need 30 of each type.
A foraging rune may increase your drop rate for the fibers.

16 of each type
96 total
There are 6 different skins, one for each planar type..
16 Gravel skin – earth
16 Ethereal skin – death
16 Flowing skin – water
16 Blooming skin – life
16 Searing skin – fire
16 Gossamer skin – air

Skins drop from major rifts and also from crafting rifts.
The fire skin will drop from fire rifts, the death from death rifts and so on.
They are a random drop from rifts, you may get 3 in a row, or close 10 rifts without seeing any, just keep farming!
Any major rift in SP zones will do.. including those found in Scatherran Forest that are much easier than the ones in Ashenfell
The skins are often in the auction house for decent prices.
16 of each type
96 total
There are 6 different hides, one for each planar type..

16 Gritty Cotton – Earth — Doomseed — Found in Xarth Mire – /setwaypoint 4841 3611
16 Ectoplasmic Wool – Death — Taranis Apparition — Found in Gedlo Badlands – /setwaypoint 3864 7064
16 Moist Lichen – Water — Bilebelcher — Found in Scatherran Forest – /setwaypoint 5275 5875
16 Mossy Wool – Life — Mosshide — Found in Scatherran Forest – /setwaypoint 4252 6240
16 Molten Hair – Fire — Flamehoof — Found in Ashenfell – /setwaypoint 3285 4897
16 Featherlite Fur – Air — Rocky — Found in Gedlo Badlands – /setwaypoint 1906 6653
These are the hardest to farm – All explained in detail below!
At each location there is a ‘normal’ mob, the same as other mobs around it. when you kill the normal mob after a while it will respawn, around 1 in 10 respawns will be the ‘rare’ mob. When you kill the rare mob you will be able to butcher it for your special hides.
You will need to have any level butchering skill on your char to be able to butcher the mob. If your skill is below 525 then you will only get one hide, at 525 you will get 2 hides per butcher.
A butchering rune will increase your loot by one skin per butcher.. so at high level you will get 3 hides per butcher.
Note the ‘original’ spelling on the recipe when it was first released!
You will notice these mobs have a LOT of health, they are slow to kill but don’t do too much damage.

The best way to farm these, is to go to the locations, kill whichever mob you find there, then switch shard and keep killing the same mob on every shard, by the time you get back to the first shard the normal mob should have respawned. You will get a ‘rare’ mob every few shard rotations.. assuming luck is on your side!
You can use a target macro to quickly check each location..
/target mosshide
/target bilebelcher
/target flamehoof
/target doomseed
/target taranis apparition
/target rocky
Mossy Wool - Life
Mosshide — Found in Scatherran Forest
/setwaypoint 4252 6240

This one is very easy, if you stand to the left of the rock (at /setwaypoint 4237 6254), you only need to kill the one Ahnket Bear mob and wont agro anything else.
Moist Lichen - Water
Bilebelcher — found in Scatherran Forest
/setwaypoint 5275 5875

This one is easy enough, just kill the river leafling that’s stood on the spot. Occasionally there will be a rift at this location, its best to close it so it doesn’t kill the rare mob for you!
Molten Hair - Fire
Flamehoof — found in Ashenfell
/setwaypoint 3285 4897

Kill the fire stallion at this spot to make Flamehoof spawn
Gritty Cotton - Earth
Doomseed — found in Xarth Mire
/setwaypoint 4841 3611

If you stand up the bank from the river then you only need to kill the one ravenous bloom and wont agro anything else.
Ectoplasmic Wool - Death
Taranis Apparition — found in Gedlo Badlands
/setwaypoint 3864 7064

Kill all the hounds in the immediate area.
The apparition is see through, like its stealthed, you may want to make a /tar macro for it in case it has wandered off a bit and you cant see it properly.
Featherlite Fur - Air
Rocky — found in Gedlo Badlands
/setwaypoint 1906 6653

Stand up near the graveyard and kill the badlands squirrel, you wont agro any other mobs
Materials Bought From Toks Dungeon
All these materials are bought with Tok tokens from Ripseo Neilmi in Toks dungeon reception.
These are bought for 2 Tok tokens each
556 for one set – cost of 1112 Tok tokens
3336 for 6 sets – cost of 6672 Tok tokens

Perfectly Purified Water
These are bought for 5 Tok tokens each
278 for one set – cost of 1390 Tok tokens
1668 for 6 sets – cost of 8340 Tok tokens

Planes Compatible Metal Polish
These are bought for 10 Tok tokens each
90 for one set – cost of 900 Tok tokens
540 for 6 sets – cost of 5400 Tok tokens

Plane Strengthened Thread
These are bought for 25 Tok tokens each
16 for one set – cost of 400 Tok tokens
96 for 6 sets – cost of 2400 Tok tokens

Clockwork Catalyst
These are bought for 100 Tok tokens each
6 for one set – cost of 600 Tok tokens
36 for 6 sets – cost of 3600 Tok tokens

You will need one pattern for each item you will craft.
Each set has 6 patterns.
Each pattern costs a different amount of Tok tokens..
Helmet Pattern – 250 Tok Tokens
Glove Pattern – 250 Tok Tokens
Boot Pattern – 250 Tok Tokens
Shoulder Pattern – 300 Tok Tokens
Breastplate Pattern – 350 Tok Tokens
Legging Pattern – 350 Tok Tokens
One set – cost of 1750 Tok tokens
6 sets – cost of 10,500 Tok tokens

Total Tok token Costs
556 for one set – cost of 1112 Tok tokens
3336 for 6 sets – cost of 6672 Tok tokens
Perfectly Purified Water
278 for one set – cost of 1390 Tok tokens
1668 for 6 sets – cost of 8340 Tok tokens
Planes Compatible Metal Polish
90 for one set – cost of 900 Tok tokens
540 for 6 sets – cost of 5400 Tok tokens
Plane Strengthened Thread
16 for one set – cost of 400 Tok tokens
96 for 6 sets – cost of 2400 Tok tokens
Clockwork Catalyst
6 for one set – cost of 600 Tok tokens
36 for 6 sets – cost of 3600 Tok tokens
All of these materials are bound to account, however, you need the full notoriety with Dead Simon in order to buy them, so its best to stock up the tok tokens with just your main char.
You can use any Tok tokens on alts for buying Scoria fish lures and buying the cape (note the mount is bind on pickup)