Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Crafting Preperation Toks Field Guide Perplexing Puzzle Pieces Translate the Field Guide Transmogrification for Beginners
Crafting Your Emulsifiers Emulsifier Preperation Emulsifier Bases Attune Your Emulsifiers
Timeline for Emulsifier Crafting Stations Locations of Emulsifier Crafting Stations
Crafting In Toks Gathering your Materials Into Your Bags Enter The Craft Area In Toks
Craft The Materials Craft The Wardrobe Crafting Quick Guide
Follow the Crafting guide below to craft the full Toks Outfit sets.
Before you can start crafting, there is a whole list of materials you will need.
Click here for the Toks Materials page that shows you how to farm them.
I have added a quick guide to the crafting stage at the bottom of this page so you don’t have to scroll tons after you have crafted your first/second set and sorta know what you are doing 🙂
Crafting Preperation
Toks Field Guide
Before you can start the crafting process in Toks, you need to have completed all the Toks Field Guide artifact sets and handed in the post script set. As a reward you will get an Untranslated Field Guide book.
Your first job is to translate the book. The process is explained below!
(If you accidentally lose this book you will able to buy a duplicate in Toks)
Perplexing Puzzle Pieces
If you have completed the perplexing puzzle pieces cheevo.. (See Forbiddenlakes full guide here)
in toks, you will be able to buy a decoder ring..
This costs 500 Tok tokens.
Translate the Field Guide
You then need to take the field guide book and the ring over to the Callweddi puzzle at /setwaypoint 12310 6571 in Planetouched Wilds, you can see the guide to the callweddi puzzle here, it will show you how to get there and how to interact with the puzzle.
If you have completed the Callweddi puzzle before then you likely have the call of Callweddi item to get you there quickly already.
Just jump down from the village to the puzzle area.
You may have noticed in the Pyramid puzzle there are many floating shapes mingled in with the platforms. At the top of the platforms when you cross the glass bridge, you can go across so you are positioned over a rectangular platform, looking down at the puzzle, you will see this pattern. This is the position of shapes that you need to enter into the Callweddi puzzle in order to pick up the translated field guide
Once you have done the puzzle in this way, a podium will appear with the translated book on it. Click the podium (not the actual book) to collect it.
You need to right click to add this book to your collection and then open up the book and read all the pages..
Inside the book are the recipes for all the items. Along with hints to special codes you will need to craft the items. At the bottom of this page is a link to Coodeys thread on the rift forums that explains all these codes if you are interested to know how the codes are figured out.
When you read the book, you will pop the cheevo for cryptographer, worth 50 points.
This cheevo will then turn into the Mathmagically Inclined cheevo..
Transmogrification for Beginners
Now that you have the translated field guide, you will need to go to the Chancel of Labors in Iron Pine Peak /setwaypoint 4584 1582 to find the second book, transmogrification for beginners.
To the right of the clock is a stack of books, the red book at the very top is the transmogrification for beginners book, open up this book and read it to earn the Novice Transmogrifyer Cheevo.
This book contains clues for finding the 6 open world craft stations that you will need to change your emulsifiers to a specific plane.
I’ve been told by Dead Simon that there are about a dozen different locations in the Chancel of Labors for the book so it may not always be in the location shown here. Please let me know if you find your book elsewhere!
The book does not sparkle, but it does light up when you hover over it.
Crafting Your Emulsifiers
Emulsifier Preperation
Firstly, you will need a level 70 planar essence from each plane, if you plan to craft just one set at a time then you will just need the essence that matches the plane you have chosen to craft first.
Astral Corestone – Earth
Mutable Faestone – Life
Ionized Stormstone – Air
Salty Tidestone – Water
Unknown Shadestone – Death
Thermal Flamestone – Fire
The prefix (that’s the first 2 words) of the essence needs to match this list, you are looking for level 70 green lesser essences. If you type the prefix into the auction house it will come up with matches for you.
You only need ONE of each essence!! Even though the essences are used a lot for the crafting in Toks, they are never consumed, they will always stay in your bag ready to be used for the next craft.
Emulsifier Bases
Now you will need to go into Toks and buy your emulsifier bases.
If you plan to craft one set at a time, then you will need 556 emulsifier bases. If you plan to craft all 6 sets, or just want to have your emulsifier base ready for all 6 sets, then you will need to buy 3336 emulsifier base
3336 emulsifer bases is 33 stacks of 99 and 69 extra, these will cost 6672 tok tokens
556 emulsifer bases is 5 stacks of 99 and 61 extra, these will cost 1112 tok tokens
You may want to buy a couple of extra emulsifier bases, especially if you generally experience lag in game. This is because occasionally the game will start to craft the next emulsifier before it has ‘picked up’ the first one and the first one will be lost. I have read reports of this happening on the forums, but didn’t experience this myself, I bought the exact amount of emulsifiers and had no problems with lost crafts.
Attune Your Emulsifiers
You now need to attune your emulsifier base to the plane you wish to craft.
This is done at open world craft stations. these are located in the Mathosian zones. They are up at certain times of the day. You can check what time it is by typing /time into chat.
It is the ‘game time’ you are after, you need to be in a Mathosian zone to be able to see the correct game time.
You can see the time information in the general chat tab.
Game time runs at just over 3 times the speed of normal time.. Meaning that for every hour of game time only around 20 mins of real life time has passed. This means that each of the craft stations are up 3 times a day with roughly 8 hours in between spawns, some of them are up for only a couple of hours of in game time, others are up for longer. The only exception is the water station which is up all the time.
The hints for the locations of the craft stations are all in the transmogrification for beginners book. They are explained in detail below!
Once at a station you simply need to right click the station to transmorg one emulsifier base into the specific plane of the craft station. You will need to click the station 556 times!! This will take around half an hour.
For this to work, you need to have collected and read/opened both books, have the correct planar essence in your bags and have the emulsifier bases in your bags.
If you go to a station location at the wrong time you will see a placeholder where the station will spawn, this can be just a small mound of earth or a larger plinth.
You will also only see the placeholder if you do not have a correct essences and the Emulsifier Base in your bag, even if you are there at the correct time.
Infusing your first emulsifier will give you the cheevo ‘Accomplished Transmogrifyer’ and then allow you to see the meta cheevo ‘Expert Transmogrifyer’.
Timeline for Emulsifier Crafting Stations
Note: Times are Game Time.
Locations of Emulsifier Crafting Stations
You need to be at the right location, at the right time with the right ingredients.
You need to stand right next to the craft station to be able to see them, you can’t see them from a distance!
The death station is located at /setwaypoint 1763 2652 in Stillmoor. It is at the end of a long pointy spire overlooking the Eye of Regulos. It spawns at around 8:00pm game time and is up until 4:40am.
Right clicking the death pustule will infuse an emulsifier base with your death essence and give you a decay infused emulsifier
you will need to craft 556 of these, which is 5 stacks of 99 and 61 extra
The air station is located at /setwaypoint 4987 1848 in Iron Pine Peak. It is on top of the mountain (not inside the cave).
It spawns at 1am game time and despawns at around 3am game time.
Right clicking the ice chest will infuse an emulsifier base with your air essence and give you a storm infused emulsifier.
You will need to craft 556 of these, which is 5 stacks of 99 and 61 extra.
The life station is located at /setwaypoint 3498 4802 in Scarwood Reach. It is on top of a tree stump that is tricky to get to.
It spawns at 6:40am game time and despawns at around 5pm game time.
Get onto the rock, then jump while mounted to the first platform, then jump unmounted to the stump.
Right clicking the life cauldron will infuse an emulsifier base with your life essence and give you a loam infused emulsifier
you will need to craft 556 of these, which is 5 stacks of 99 and 61 extra
The fire station is located at /setwaypoint 7146 7610 in Shimmersand. It is above the entrance to Chamers Caldera dungeon (height of 950). You need to drop down from above, following the path shown below..
It spawns at 12noon game time and despawns at around 2pm game time.
Drop very carefully until you are on the rock above the dungeon entrance
Right clicking the fire furnace will infuse an emulsifier base with your fire essence and give you a heat infused emulsifier
You will need to craft 556 of these, which is 5 stacks of 99 and 61 extra.
The earth station is located at /setwaypoint 4858 4298 in scarlet gorge. it is on top of a big rock!
It spawns at 6:45pm game time and despawns at 7:43pm game time. The time you have to craft is too short to craft all 556 in one go, so you will need to visit this station twice. Also its best to make sure you arrive at the location before the station spawns to give you as much time as possible to craft.
You need to go around to the hills behind the rock and jump while mounted from them onto the rock.
The water station is of course underwater, so first go to Breaker Point on Ember Isle to get underwater breathing from /setwaypoint 11935 3590
This craft station is in a fatigue zone, which means that if you stay at it too long you will die.
The water crafting station is ALWAYS up in game, there is no time limit here, the only limit is your health bar!
If you can, it is easier to get another player to heal you through the fatigue so you don’t die and can craft all 556 at once.
If you are solo, mark a waypoint on your map where the ‘safe’ spot is just outside the fatigue zone and go to the craft station, craft around 5/6 emulsifiers and then return to your safe spot to heal up. This will take a lot longer than being healed up by another player!
Just click the crystal to give you underwater breathing for 2 hours.
Then head over to the water craft station at /setwaypoint 7800 2820
Right clicking the water chest will infuse an emulsifier base with your water essence and give you a brine infused emulsifier.
You will need to craft 556 of these, which is 5 stacks of 99 and 61 extra.
Crafting In Toks
Gathering your Materials Into Your Bags
See the materials page if you don’t know where the mats come from.
I will now talk you through how to craft one complete outfit set..
Firstly you will need all the materials for one set in your bags or bank (the craft materials will be taken straight from your bank if you don’t have them in your character bags)
You can post the emulsifiers and planar essences that you don’t need to an alt so you don’t accidentally craft the wrong plane.
2780 Scoria fish livers
This is 28 stacks of 99 and 8 extra.
1220 Bolidium ore
This is 12 stacks of 99 and 32 extra.
1080 Dream Ribbons
This is 10 stacks of 99 and 90 extra.
556 Emulsifiers + Essence
You will need to bring the ones from the specific plane you want to craft, I am showing the death set in these screenshots.
This is 5 stacks of 99 and 61 extra.
278 Perfectly Purified Water
This is 2 stacks of 99 and 80 extra.
Other Toks Mats
90 Planes Compatible Metal Polish
16 Planar Strengthened Thread
6 Clockwork Catalyst
30 Fibers
You need the fibers linked to the plane you wish to craft.
Abrasive Fiber – Earth
Ghostly Fiber – Death
Effervescent Fiber – Water
Tangling Fiber – Life
Ember Fiber – Fire
Filmy Fiber – Air
16 Skins
You need the skins linked to the plane you wish to craft.
Searing Skin – Fire
Ethereal Skin – Death
Flowing Skin – Water
Gravel Skin – Earth
Blooming Skin – Life
Gossamer Skin – Air
16 Hides
You need the hides linked to the plane you wish to craft.
Mossy Wool – Life
Moist Lichen – Water
Molten Hair – Fire
Gritty Cotton – Earth
Ectoplasmic Wool – Death
Featherlite Fur – Air
Tok Costume Patterns
1 Helmet Pattern
1 Glove Pattern
1 Boot Pattern
1 Shoulder Pattern
1 Breastplate Pattern
1 Legging Pattern
Enter The Craft Area In Toks
Once you are inside, you will notice there is a craft station for each plane, earth, air, fire etc
The first room has the forges of each planar type, in the 4 rooms coming off the main room are all the other types of craft station, one for each planar type in each room.
NOTE: The crafting stations can only be used by one person at a time, so if you and friend want to craft together you will be much better off going to separate solo instances of Toks,
Also in each room (including the main room) is a set of ‘dice’ on the wall where you can change the numbers to enter a code.
These codes are very important, when you enter the correct code you will be deciding what exactly is being crafted when you right click each station.
The codes are all worked out from the translated Toks field guide.. please see the link to Coodeys thread at the bottom of this page if you want to know how it was all figured out!
To change the code you simply right click the dice, much like in the Sudoku room.
All the codes are linked, so you will be changing the code in every room simultaneously.
Craft The Materials
First to combine all your materials..
The example below is for the Death Costume Set. All the prefixes of every item crafted have a death theme. Every time a craft station is used it will use the death version of that station.
If you are crafting a different plane, you need to ensure you use the correct craft station for that plane. All the water crafts will have water themed prefixes and will all be made using the water craft stations, all the fire crafts will have fire themed prefixes and you will be clicking the fire craft stations, etc..
Planetouched Padding
The first item to craft is 16 paddings.
You need to craft the padding at a loom using the code 698896
Right click the loom of the correct plane to craft the padding one at a time bringing 16 in total.
Deathtouched Padding
Earthtouched Padding
Airtouched Padding
Firetouched Padding
Lifetouched Padding
Watertouched Padding
Planar Generator
The next item to craft is 6 generators
You need to craft the generators at a focus using the code 161803
Right click the focus of the correct plane to craft the generators one at a time bringing 6 in total.
Shadestone Generator
Corestone Generator
Stormstone Generator
Flamestone Generator
Faestone Generator
Tidestone Generator
Planar Oil
The next item to craft is 278 planar oils
You need to craft the oils at a laboratory using the code 314159
Right click the laboratory of the correct plane to craft the oils one at a time bringing 278 in total. (yup, click it 278 times!)
Planar Oils
Oblivion Oil
Muck Oil
Breeze Oil
Scalding Oil
Vitality Oil
Sodden Oil
Planar Temper
The next item to craft is 278 planes tempers
You need to craft the tempers at a laboratory using the code 500500
Right click the laboratory of the correct plane to craft the tempers one at a time bringing 278 in total. (yup, click it 278 times!)
Fatal Temper
Sand Temper
Breath Temper
Ash Temper
Growth Temper
Tear Temper
Planar Metal Sheet
The next item to craft is 16 metal sheets.
You need to craft the metal sheets at a forge using the code 271828
Right click the forge of the correct plane to craft the metal sheets one at a time bringing 16 in total.
It is very important here not to overcraft, make sure you keep an eye on your crafting and stop at 16, you have the mats in your bags to craft more than this! But you need those mats for other items, you will need to go material hunting again if you overcraft so be very careful!
Metal Sheets
Haunted Metal Sheet
Sandy Metal Sheet
Mirrored Metal Sheet
Warm Metal Sheet
Vibrant Metal Sheet
Slick Metal Sheet
Planar Metal Rod
The next item to craft is 74 metal rods.
You need to craft the metal rods at a forge using the code 141421
Right click the forge of the correct plane to craft the metal rods one at a time bringing 74 in total.
Metal Rods
Death-Metal Rod
Earth-Metal Rod
Air-Metal Rod
Fire-Metal Rod
Life-Metal Rod
Water-Metal Rod
Planar Metal Rivets
The last item to craft is 222 metal rivets.
You need to craft the metal rivets at a forge using the code 100000
Right click the forge of the correct plane to craft the metal rivets THREE at a time bringing 222 in total.
Metal Rivets
Decay-Resistant Rivet
Precious-Metal Rivet
Ultra-Light Rivet
Super-Heated Rivet
Almost-Living Rivet
Well-Lubricated Rivet
Craft The Wardrobe
Now we have all the materials combined, we can craft the items..
You should now have all these ingredients in your bags.
Although the book refers to a ‘workstation’ it is in fact meaning the workbench.
You will have 2 leftover rivets in your bags when you have completed the full set of crafting, you can just vendor those.
When you craft each item it will unlock the wardrobe for your characters on that region, you will not have an item in your bags! You will see the wardrobe unlock written in the general chat tab.
The helmet is crafted at the workstation using code 362880
Gauntlets - Gloves
The gauntlets are crafted at the workstation using code 853211
Sabatons - Boots
The sabatons are crafted at the workstation using code 104729
Pauldrons - Shoulders
The pauldrons are crafted at the workstation using code 100003
Cuirass - Chest
The cuirass is crafted at the workstation using code 409113
Cuisses - Legs
The cuisses is crafted at the workstation using code 604800
And there ya go!
To craft sets from all the different planes, simply ensure you have the correct planar essence and emulsifiers and then use the correct planar craft station.
Crafting a complete full set will give you this pretty cheevo..
Mathmagically Inclined
Crafting all the sets will give you this cheevo!
Mathmagical Genius
Crafting Quick Guide
A quick and condensed guide to the crafting.. This guide should only be used if you have already crafted one set and already know what you are doing (generally!)
Materials Required
2780 Scoria Fish Livers — this is 28 stacks of 99 and 8 extra
1220 Bolidium Ore — this is 12 stacks of 99 and 32 extra
1080 Dream Ribbons — this is 10 stacks of 99 and 90 extra
556 Emulsifiers (you will need to bring the ones from the specific plane you want to craft)
this is 5 stacks of 99 and 61 extra
30 Fibers (you need the fibers linked to the plane you wish to craft)
Abrasive Fiber – Earth
Ghostly Fiber – Death
Effervescent Fiber – Water
Tangling Fiber – Life
Ember Fiber – Fire
Filmy Fiber – Air
16 Skins (you need the skins linked to the plane you wish to craft)
Searing Skin – Fire
Ethereal Skin – Death
Flowing Skin – Water
Gravel Skin – Earth
Blooming Skin – Life
Gossamer Skin – Air
16 Hides (you need the hides linked to the plane you wish to craft)
Mossy Wool – Life
Moist Lichen – Water
Molten Hair – Fire
Gritty Cotton – Earth
Ectoplasmic Wool – Death
Featherlite Fur – Air
From Vendor In Toks
278 Perfectly Purified Water — this is 2 stacks of 99 and 80 extra
90 Planes Compatible Metal Polish
16 Planar Strengthened Thread
6 Clockwork Catalyst
1 Helmet Pattern
1 Glove Pattern
1 Boot Pattern
1 Shoulder Pattern
1 Breastplate Pattern
1 Legging Pattern
You need to craft the *16* Padding at a Loom using the code 698896
You need to craft the *6* Generators at a Focus using the code 161803
You need to craft the *278* Oils at a Laboratory using the code 314159
You need to craft the *278* Tempers at a Laboratory using the code 500500
You need to craft the *16* Metal Sheets at a Forge using the code 271828 (Don’t Overcraft!)
You need to craft the *74* Metal Rods at a Forge using the code 141421
You need to craft the *222* Metal Rivets at a Forge using the code 100000
Helmet – The Helmet is crafted at the Workstation using code 362880
Gauntlets (Gloves) – The Gauntlets are crafted at the Workstation using code 853211
Sabatons (Boots) – The Sabatons are crafted at the Workstation using code 104729
Pauldrons (Shoulders) – The Pauldrons are crafted at the Workstation using code 100003
Cuirass (Chest) – The Cuirass is crafted at the Workstation using code 409113
Cuisses (Legs) – The Cuisses is crafted at the Workstation using code 604800
I would like to say a massive thank you to Coodey on the Rift Forums for making this thread that helped me a HUGE amount with the crafting!