The Cheevos

Cheesed Off

Rewarded when you complete the Rat Maze.


Rewarded when you complete the Sudoku puzzle.

Booglie Boogie Bogling

Rewarded when you use the Mathmatically Pleasing Dance Music and /dance with the boiglings.

Bemused Boglings

Rewarded when you have used all the special abilities in the sudoku puzzle.

Breaking Glass

Rewarded when you complete the Glass Maze.

Perfectly Solid

Rewarded when you complete the Laser Shapes puzzle.

Math Test

Rewarded when you complete the Math Maze.

Tomb Raider

Rewarded when you complete the Pyramid Puzzle.

Mass Muncher

Rewarded when you complete the Pacman Puzzle.


Rewarded when you complete the Pacman Puzzle 50 times in a row without being caught by the skeletons.
This can be completed in solo or duo mode.

Nobody Loves Me

Rewarded for completing all the puzzles solo.

Friendship Is Magic!

Rewarded for completing all the puzzles with a friend.

Kill Ten Rats

Kill ten rats during your travels through the dungeon.
The rats are explained on the introduction page.

Old School Collector

For collecting the 5 listed artifact sets.

What Smell?

You are going to need to gut a lot of fish to do the Toks Crafting!

Starts as..
Gross > Gut 10 Scoria Fish
Eeeewwww! > Gut 100 Scoria Fish
I’m Never Getting The Smell Out! > Gut 500 Scoria Fish
I Think I’m Going To Be Sick > Gut 1000 Scoria Fish

Expert Transmogrifyer

For crafting one of each of the Emulsifiers.

Starts as..
Novice Transmogrifyer > Find and Read Transmogrification for Beginners.
Accomplished Transmogrifyer > Transmogrify and Emulsifier Base.

Mathmagical Genius

For crafting all 6 of the Toks wardrobe sets.

Starts as..
Cryptographer > Find, Translate and Read Tok’s Field Guide
Mathmagically Inclined > Craft any one of Toks Planewalker Wardrobe Sets.

Toking Amazing

The huge meta cheevo for completing all of the previous cheevos.