Nightmare Tide Puzzles

There are 3 puzzles to complete in the Nightmare Tide zones.
The Draumheim and Tarken Glacier puzzles are based on the old games of Mastermind and Squares.
And then we have the Goboro Reef puzzle.. Which is just an epic massive maze floating high up in the sky!
The Goboro puzzle is a joy to run through, I hope you have as much fun as I did when you run it yourself!

Game Master

The Game Master Cheevo is found on the main page of H > Zones > Nightmare Tide

Although the Planetouched Wilds puzzle ‘Callweddi‘  was part of the Nightmare Tide expansion, The zone is part of Mathosia, so the puzzles and other cheevos you can get there are all found listed under Mathosian zones.

Goboro Reef
Amazing Race

Code Breaker
Super Sleuth

Tarken Glacier
Boxed In
Thinking out of the Box

Artifact Rewards

Puzzle Master Noshei

You will loot these artifacts randomly from the finish chest

Minion Card Rewards

You have a chance to loot these minion cards each time you repeat any of the NMT puzzles.
I find the easiest puzzle to repeat to farm for these minions in the the Tarken Glacier puzzle.


Only lootable from Goboro Reef puzzle

General Batua

Only lootable from Tarken Glacier puzzle

Uriel Chuluun

Only lootable from Draumheim puzzle


Also available from completing the ‘Wedding Gifts of Shadow Scion’ Artifact set.​