Quick Links
Call of Callweddi Artifact Tracking Vials Unstable Artifact Thief Catcher Nets
Dimension Items: dance partners unique dimension items Dimension: Dream Hive marble squares
Puzzle Boxes
Artifacts: Shiny Puzzle Box Twisted Puzzle Box Unstable Puzzle Box
Dimension Items: Green Spotted Puzzle Box Cosmic Puzzle Box
Outfit: Cranial Puzzle Box Truncated Puzzle Box Standing Puzzle Box Grasping Puzzle Box Pedal Puzzle Box
Mount: Floating Puzzle Box
Things to buy in Callweddi Village
Once you have made it up to the village there are a number of vendors with unique items to buy..
On this page I will show you exactly what can be bought, including all the different puzzle boxes and the mount and costume set.
If you are just after the mount and costume set then they are towards the bottom of this page.
You cannot be summoned up to the village or to the vendors. A player who has not completed the ramps up to the village will fall through the floor of the Callweddi village.
Send Pretty Things To Your Friends!
Most of the items that you can buy in Callweddi are giftable using plat! This means you can send the items to your friends using the gifting system.
This is useful as some of these items are Bound to Account or Soulbound when you buy them and so can’t be traded any other way.,
You can gift any of the Artifact Tracking vials, The Dream Hive Dimension, and Each of the Dimension Items, including the Dance Partners, and the Building Blocks.
You cannot gift the Guise of the Shiny Hunter, Call of Callweddi item, or most of the Puzzle Boxes .
Call of Callweddi
Your first purchase should be the call of Callweddi, this item acts as a portal to get you to Callweddi village.
This is from ‘ALI’ Omi’s other sister

Artifact Tracking Vials
You can also buy every artifact tracking vial directly with platinum.. from ‘TWIG’ expert artifact hunter.
These vials are soulbound, you will not be able to trade them!

Unstable Artifact Thief Catcher Nets
‘TWIG’ will also try to sell you a huge variety of unstable artifact thief catcher nets..
You will tell him no thank you, cos these are WAAAAAY cheaper to craft.

Dimension Items
There is also ‘CEIDWAD’ a dimensioneer, he will sell you many unique dimension items! (All items are tradeable except the dance partners)
Male and Female dance partners (human, elf, dwarf and bahmi)
These dance partners can be summoned next to you in open world (only one at a time and 2min cooldown) or you can place them in your dimension.
Dance Partner (Human Male)
Dance Partner (Human Female)

Dance Partner (Elf Male)
Dance Partner (Elf Female)

Dance Partner (Dwarf Male)
Dance Partner (Dwarf Female)

Dance Partner (Bahmi Male)
Dance Partner (Bahmi Female)

Many unique dimension items.. (9 total)
Mussel Covered Rock – 100 plat

Onir Tapestries – 50 plat

Thin Rose Coral Tree – 100 plat

Reef Sea Fern Group – 75 plat

Massive Bivalvia – 100 plat

Dreamhive Cocoon – 100 plat

Animated Goboro Jelly – 250 plat

Architect – 400 plat

Aegmir’s Skull – 600 plat

Skull plays a voiceover when you click it, you cannot change the size of the skull.
Many different colours of marble squares (18 total)

Puzzle Boxes
‘ANTONELL’ has a variety of puzzle boxes to buy.
Once you are completely over the sting of spending 15k on glue then you should buy these 🙂
The puzzle boxes contain unique items, this is where the good stuff is! However, the puzzle boxes are expensive! So check this list and see which items you really want before buying them!
When you first make it up to Callweddi, only 5 puzzle boxes will be available to you..

After completing the ravings of a madwoman cheevo you will unlock the costume and mount puzzle boxes..

I am going to open one of each and explain the loot.
To open the boxes, you need to have the box (along with anything else required) in your bags and then create the correct pattern on the Callweddi puzzle.
Once you have made the puzzle correctly your puzzle box will be destroyed, so make sure you are ready to grab your loot otherwise you will need to buy another puzzle box and do it again!
BEFORE YOU START! some of the puzzle boxes need additional items, make sure to read the full text for each box so you can gather these items first without wasting plat.
Many of the boxes spawn pedestals with items on top of them to loot… however, you actually need to click the pedestal to loot the item and not the item itself.
If you have hidden your UI while doing the puzzle you may need to turn your UI back on before the puzzle box will destroy itself and do its thing.. so dont panic if things dont happen straight away when your UI is off, just switch it back on again
Shiny Puzzle Box

The Shiny Puzzle Box gives a random selection of normal artifacts

By typing out these letters into a 10×6 grid you get this…

You can now copy this pattern into the Callweddi puzzle..

When the puzzle is complete, artifacts will appear all over the puzzle for you to pick up!
I picked up all the artifacts, which was 12 in total, they are all ‘normal’ artifacts from all over telara (meaning not zone specific). they were all for sets between level 0 and 65.

Twisted Puzzle Box

The Twisted Puzzle Box gives a random selection of twisted artifacts

By typing out these letters into a 10×6 grid you get this…

You can now copy this pattern into the Callweddi puzzle..

When the puzzle is complete, twisted artifacts will appear all over the puzzle for you to pick up!
I picked up 13 twisted artifacts for sets between level 0-65.
Bear in mind that when the artifacts appeared my quantum sight ability was automatically activated, as you normally cannot see twisted artifacts without this ability. So its a good idea to ensure you have bought the ability before trying this box (quantum sight for defiant and omen sight for gaurdians can be bought in sanctum/meridian)
Unstable Puzzle Box

The Unstable Puzzle Box gives a random selection of unstable artifacts

BEFORE YOU START! You will need an unstable thief catching net (crafted by dreamweavers)

By typing out these letters into a 10×6 grid you get this…

You can now copy this pattern into the Callweddi puzzle..

Once the puzzle is complete, a sneaky unstable artifact thief will appear! You need to use your net to catch him.
He will drop a box of unstable artifacts.
Using a white net to catch the squirrel, I got: 10 white artifacts and 1 purple artifact.
Using a white net to catch the squirrel, I got: 7 white artifacts and 3 green artifacts.
Using a green net to catch the squirrel, I got: 6 white artifacts and 2 green artifacts.
Using a blue net to catch the squirrel, I got: 5 white artifacts, 2 green artifacts and 1 blue artifact.
Using a purple net to catch the squirrel, I got: 7 white artifacts, 1 blue and 1 purple artifact.
Using a purple net to catch the squirrel, I got: 4 white artifacts, 4 green artifacts and 2 blue artifacts.
From this ‘very’ small sample size we can gather that it probably doesn’t matter what colour net you use to catch your squirrel, however as an epic is not guaranteed every time these boxes are super expensive!

Green Spotted Puzzle Box

The Green Spotted Puzzle Box gives a talking frog dimension item

BEFORE YOU START! You will need to go to ALI and buy a fine mesh net.

By typing out these letters into a 10×6 grid you get this…

You can now copy this pattern into the Callweddi puzzle..

Once the puzzle is complete, BUFO will appear, you can catch him using the reactive from your net

BUFO the Altered is a dimension item
He is a small frog that sits on a leaf and jumps around on the leaf
He is also.. talkative…

Cosmic Puzzle Box

The Cosmic Puzzle Box gives a Kubara Sakti dimension item (talking dude)

By typing out these letters into a 10×6 grid you get this…

You can now copy this pattern into the Callweddi puzzle..

Once the puzzle is complete, a pedestal will appear with a cosmic rhinoceros on top of it, click this to collect the rhino.

You need to take this to a vendor in Achyati Village in the Dendrome at /setwaypoint 4143 4638
The vendor will exchange the rhino for a dimension item – You will need to be max notoriety with Achyati to do this.

The dimension item is called a Kubara Sakti.

Outfit and Mount
Buying all the puzzle boxes for the outfit and mount will cost 5150 platinum.
The codes in the next puzzle boxes are done differently, instead of letters in a grid, they are numbered co-ordinates.
The first five co-ordinates on the cranial box are 0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 2, 2 1
Which produces this shape..

You can then take the next set of 5 co-ordinates for the next shape and so on…
To simplify this, I will just show a screenshot of the completed puzzle for you to copy.

It will be easier to keep track if you just buy all the puzzle boxes at once and do each of them in turn.
If you only want the mount, then just buy the Floating Puzzle Box.
Cranial Puzzle Box

The Cranial Puzzle Box gives the Helmet Costume

To open the cranial puzzle box, use this pattern..

There will be a pedestal in the middle of the puzzle which you click to loot the Callweddi ceremonial headdress.
Note that you need to click the actual pedestal not the present sat on top of the pedestal!

Truncated Puzzle Box

The Truncated Puzzle Box gives the Chest Costume

To open the truncated puzzle box, use this pattern..

There will be a pedestal in the middle of the puzzle which you click to loot the Callweddi Ceremonial Tunic.
Note that you need to click the actual pedestal not the present sat on top of the pedestal!

Standing Puzzle Box

The Standing Puzzle Box gives the Legs Costume

To open the standing puzzle box, use this pattern..

There will be a pedestal in the middle of the puzzle which you click to loot the Callweddi Ceremonial Leggings.
Note that you need to click the actual pedestal not the present sat on top of the pedestal!

Grasping Puzzle Box

The Grasping Puzzle Box gives the Gloves Costume

To open the grasping puzzle box, use this pattern..

There will be a pedestal in the middle of the puzzle which you click to loot the Callweddi Ceremonial Gloves.
Note that you need to click the actual pedestal not the present sat on top of the pedestal!

Pedal Puzzle Box

The Pedal Puzzle Box gives the Feet Costume

To open the pedal puzzle box, use this pattern..

There will be a pedestal in the middle of the puzzle which you click to loot the Callweddi Ceremonial Boots.
Note that you need to click the actual pedestal not the present sat on top of the pedestal!

Floating Puzzle Box

The Floating Puzzle Box gives the Mount

When you complete the puzzle to get the mount, the mount will appear up in the air above you! So you first need to build a ramp to get yourself up in the air so you can loot the mount when it appears.
Go back into your dimension and find the red framed mosaic

Reclick it to loot another red faerie puzzle box
Then go back to the Callweddi puzzle and complete the puzzle to create the red ramp (the ramp isnt actually red, its just for reference)

Once you complete the puzzle, go straight up the ramp to the last square and stay there. The rest of the ramp will fall away leaving the last square for you to stand on.
From this square you can complete the puzzle with the combination for the floating puzzle box (You may need to click the yellow orb near the entrance to reset the puzzle so you can do the next pattern, stay on the little square platform, you can reach it from there!).

When you finish the puzzle, the mount will appear in the sky next to you!
Right click it to loot the mount.
If you are unable to loot the mount from the platform then you need to careful get on top of the mount and try again to loot it.