Professor Toks Books


Find the Queen of Callweddi and have a chat with her – loot first book and read it
For ‘Turpentine Troop Ammo’ book go to Ardent Domain puzzle and make it all red
For ‘Moratorium on Pep Tent’ book go to Draumheim puzzle and make it all red
For ‘More Unimportant Poet’ book go to Goboro reef puzzle and make all the torches red
For ‘Pier to Tournament Mop’ book go to Morban puzzle and make it all red
Go back to Callweddi and speak to Queen again, receive painting. Copy pattern from painting into Callweddi puzzle, receive last book
Go buy all the things

Finding Professor TOKS books

The last ‘piece’ of the Callweddi puzzle is to read Professor TOKS books for the ‘Ravings of a Madwoman’ cheevo…

Special note: all the book titles are acronyms of Pentomino Permutator!

The first step, is to find the Queen of Callweddi and have a chat with her.
You will find her up in the village at /setwaypoint 12331 6589
She is right next to you when you use the call to Callweddi item to port up to the village.

The Queen will award you with the first book, Importunate Pet Moron.

To read the book, right click to collect it, then open up your character screen [C] and select ‘books’ on the left hand menu. Scroll down til you find it then left click to read

You will notice while up in Callweddi that ‘Meena’ is talking in her sleep..

These sleepy sayings are clues for the next step.. note the importance of the colour red!

Turpentine Troop Ammo Book

To find the ‘Turpentine Troop Ammo’ book, you need to go to the puzzle in Ardent Domain at /setwaypoint 5874 10716
You need to ‘complete’ the puzzle so that the whole path is red.. like this..

Once you pull the lever, the book will pop into your bags.

Make sure to right click to collect the book and then open your books collection to read the book, this will tick it off the cheevo.

Moratorium on Pep Tent Book

The ‘Moratorium on Pep Tent’ Book is from the Draumheim puzzle at /setwaypoint 5767 5015 – You need to drop down to this location from the sea above, use a jellyfish next to a portal to get up to the sea. (more info on the draumheim puzzle page)

To make this puzzle red, firstly click the panel to the right of the puzzle to start, then click all the orbs til they are red, then click the ‘door handle’ lever just above the orbs to register your first ‘try’, then click just one of the orbs again and cycle through the colours on that orb til you end back at red, once the orb is red again (so you have 5 red orbs again) click the lever to register your second ‘try’. Then click through the same orb again to end up back at red and submit your third try, keep repeating this until you have submitted 10 tries total, you will then receive the book in your bags.

Make sure to right click to collect the book and then open your char screen to read the book, this will tick it off the cheevo.

More Unimportant Poet Book

The ‘More unimportant poet’ book is from the goboro reef puzzle, to get up here, pull the lever at /setwaypoint 3016 5981

In the Goboro Reef puzzle, you simply need to change all the torches to a red colour. Thankfully this is at the very beginning of the puzzle.. I have included a short video for how to get there..

Once you teleport up, you dont need to click anything to start the puzzle. Simply walk around the corner and through the pretend wall then swim down to the torches.

Click all the torches until they are all red.
If you are unable to click the torches it could be because you already have a ‘key’ for this section of the puzzle, check your bags and bank for Goboro puzzle keys and destroy them, this will reset this section of the puzzle and allow you to change the torches colours.
The key looks like this…

Make sure to right click to collect the book and then open your char screen to read the book, this will tick it off the cheevo.

Pier to Tournament Mop Book

The ‘Pier to Tournament Mop’ book is from the puzzle in Morban.
Climb up the rocks at /setwaypoint 12617 7333 to get to the puzzle at /setwaypoint 12690 7445  (more detailed guide for the route on the morban puzzle page)

For this, you just need to click on all the beam generators to turn them all on and make it red!
Then click the ‘run resonance test’ lever to the left of the treasure chest.

Make sure to right click to collect the book and then open your char screen to read the book, this will tick it off the cheevo.

Back to Callweddi

Now you need to go back to Callweddi, dont forget you can use your call to Callweddi item to teleport you there!

Speak to the Queen again and she will award you with Meena’s painting!

Go back down to the puzzle and complete it again using the combination from the painting..

Puzzle Combination from Meena's Painting

Once completed, a pedestal will appear in the middle of the puzzle, click this to loot the last book, Pentomino Permutator. (Click the pedestal not the actual book!)

Once you have read this book you will be awarded with the meta cheevo, ‘Ravings of a Madwoman?’.

Congratulations! You are now able to buy all the things!
Please see the Shopping page for information about how to do that!