Supply Crate Loot

I have often wondered what the loot table is like for a Supply Crate. To answer this, I started saving up Dark Levitation Supply Crates around 18 months ago, not opening any that I received from my weekly patron gift.
I managed to save up 177 crates.
I spent a couple of days opening them and recording the contents.
Below I have listed the results!

Points to note..

  • Every time you open a Supply Crate you have a chance to get any of the items. Nothing is guaranteed, and you may open hundreds of them before getting the item you want.
  • Each Supply Crate gives you 5 items. These are usually spread pretty evenly across the different categories. For instance, you wont get two dimension chests, or two artifact chests. However you can get two types of currency.
  • The % chances listed below are the chance of getting an item from a lockbox having opened all 5 cards. They are rough guestimates based on the data I have. Random is random!
  • The loot table below is for the Dark Levitaiton Supply Crate. Other supply crates will have different loot tables.. though it is mostly all the same stuff, with the same very small chance for anything actually useful.
  • I opened all my crates on a level 70 rogue.
  • The Dark Levitaiton Supply Crate is an ‘Up to Level 70’ Crate. There are other crates that only go up to level 65, or even level 60! These crates will have even more useless stuff in them!
  • Supply Crates and Lock Boxes are the same thing, the names are interchangeable. Trion experimented with many different kinds, including some which needed keys to open. All of the newer (and thus useful) Supply Crates will say ‘Up to level 70’ and will be called ‘Supply Crates’.
  • Some of the super old Supply Crates do not use the pop up UI (See pic to the right). These Supply Crates will just open and the items will go straight into your bags.


Prize Tickets

Every Supply Crate will give you a small amount of Prize Tickets (unless you loot the mount from the Crate).
You can loot up to 3 prize tickets.
I looted..

  • 1 Prize Ticket = 36.36% of the time.
  • 2 Prize Tickets = 33.52% of the time.
  • 3 Prize Tickets = 30.11% of the time.

Prize tickets are used in the Rift Store to buy unique wardrobe skins, mounts, and other useful items.
Prize tickets are region wide and not tradeable.

The Mount!

After opening 177 Dark Levitation Supply Crates, I looted the mount just once!
This gave me a 0.56% drop rate.
The Mount is tradeable! You can give duplicates to a friend or pop it on the Auction House.

When you loot the mount you will not loot any Prize Tickets.


I looted 5 different Currencies from the Crates; Celestial Remnant, Favor, Captured Intel, Legion Datagrams, and Challenger’s Mark.
All the currencies will bind to the character you loot them on, they are not tradeable.

  • Celestial Remnant – Looted 28.25% of the time – The average amount was 285, with the lowest amount being 204 and the highest at 387.
  • Favor – Looted 46.89% of the time – The average amount was 282, with the lowest amount being 200 and the highest at 396.
  • Captured Intel – Looted 23.73% of the time – The average amount was 143, with the lowest amount being 101 and the highest at 195.
  • Legion Datagrams – Looted 24.3% of the time – The average amount was 150, with the lowest amount being 101 and the highest at 194.
  • Challenger’s Mark – I looted 4 of these, making the chance to loot at 2.26% (You only get one each time)
Crafting Items

There are many types of crafting supplies available from Supply Crates. I looted..

  • Tenebrean Planar Attuner – I looted 4 of these, making the chance 2.26%
  • Celestial Matrix – I looted 7 of these, making the chance 3.95%
  • Celestial Mote – I looted 11 of these, making the chance 6.21%
  • Crafter’s Energy Infusion – I looted 14 of these, making the chance 7.9%
  • A Very Large Bag of Crafting Marks – I looted these 60 times, making the chance 33.9% – I got 1 bag 28 times and 2 bags 32 times. It really likes giving you these!
  • Hunting Resource Bundle – I looted 15 of these, making the chance 8.47%
  • Harvesting Resource Bundle – I looted 24 of these, making the chance 13.56%
  • Mystical Resource Bundle – I looted 35 of these, making the chance 19.77%

The Celestial Matrix, Celestial Mote, and Crafter’s Energy Infusion are all tradeable.
The Tenebrean Planar Attuner, Hunting Resource Bundle, Harvesting Resource Bundle, and Mystical Resource Bundle are all bound to account.
The Very Large Bag of Crafting Marks are soulbound.

Dimension Items

Dimension items are given in chests. All the Dimension chests are tradeable, with the items in Stan’s chests being quite valuable to some players.

  • Stan’s Rare Dimension Chest – I looted 10 of these, making the chance 5.65%
  • Stan’s Relic Dimension Chest – I looted 4 of these, making the chance 2.26%
  • Uncommon Premium Dimension Stash – I looted 14 of these, making the chance 7.9%
  • Rare Premium Dimension Stash – I looted 10 of these, making the chance 5.65%
  • Epic Premium Dimension Stash – I looted 8 of these, making the chance 4.52%

There are some other rarity levels of these chests, it is possible that these others are in the loot table, but I didn’t loot any myself.

Artifact Stashes

The artifact stashes are the same as the ones from the monthly calendar rewards. These stashes try hard to give you an artifact you actually need!
These are all soulbound when you loot them.

  • Opie’s Artifact Stash (Green) – I looted 29 of these, making the chance 16.38%
  • Opie’s Artifact Stash (Blue) – I looted 33 of these, making the chance 18.64%
  • Opie’s Artifact Stash (Purple) – I looted 10 of these, making the chance 5.65%
  • Opie’s Artifact Stash (Orange) – I looted 5 of these, making the chance 2.82%
Vials and Boosts

Some of the vials seem pretty rare, while others get thrown at you all the time. It is likely that all the types of vials are in the loot table.
The Greater Skill Spheres are soulbound, but all the other vials could be traded.

  • Greater Skill Sphere – I looted 7 of these, making the chance 3.95%
  • Transcendent Token Tablet – I looted 1 of these, making the chance 0.56%
  • Transcendent Notoriety Vial – I looted 1 of these, making the chance 0.56%
  • Transcendent Experience Vial – I looted 3 of these, making the chance 1.69%
  • Transcendent Favor Vial – I looted 19 of these, making the chance 10.73%

I looted wardrobe items 50 times, making the chance 28.25%. I had a few duplicates, but still found 36 different wardrobe skins.
it is highly likely that there are many more skins to find.

Aquatic Gauntlets
Aquatic Helm
Aquatic Spaulders
Axe of Razing
Bouquet of Flowers
Candy Cane
Caretaker’s Boots
Caretaker’s Robe
Cosmic Helmet of the Rhinoceros
Dealer’s Helm of Death
Duelist’s Umbrella
Giant White Lilly
Greater Skeletal Knight Sword
Living Spaulders
Prowler’s Cowl
Reinforced Leather Tunic
Riot Torch
Rolling Pin
Shaper’s Scythe
Sharpened Pitchfork
Sharpened Saw
Sharpened Scythe
Skycloth Tunic
Soulburn Pike
Stitched Leather Helm
Storm Assassin’s Hood
Temporal Agonizing Blade
Temporal Agonizing Scanner
Temporal Banded Energy Shield
Temporal Banded Pulverizer
Temporal Energizing Blade
Temporal Esteemed Grinder
Temporal Frenziedal Energy Glaive
Tenebrean Agonizing Scanner
Wolf Helm of the Apocalypse



The gear and upgrade parts that I looted were as follows..

  • Tenebrean Engine – I looted 10 of these, making the chance 5.65%
  • Trinket – Blessed Key of the Reaper – I looted 22 of these, making the chance 12.43%
  • Fragment – I looted 15 of these, making the chance 8.47% – I looted; 3x Air, 1x Death, 3x Earth, 5x Fire, 2x Life, 1x Water — There were no fragments of note, in fact they were all Tier 5 or 6 whites and greens.. pretty poor.
  • Cosmic Earth Core – I looted 4 of these, making the chance 2.26% – You get 2 each time.
  • Cosmic Death Core – I looted 2 of these, making the chance 1.13% – You get 2 each time.

There were a few other items also looted..

  • Pack of 5 IRC – I looted 20 of these, making the chance 11.3%
  • Underwater Mount Training – I looted 3 of these, making the chance 1.69%
  • Spring Loaded Pow Kickers – I looted 6 of these, making the chance 3.39%
  • Dungeon Charge – I looted 4 of these, making the chance 2.26% – I got 1 charge 3 times and 2 charges once.
  • Warfront Charge – I looted 17 of these, making the chance 9.6% – I got 1 charge 5 times and 2 charges 12 times.
  • Directly Opposed Positive Externality – I looted 9 of these, making the chance 5.08%

The Data