
A guide for how and where to farm all the different Notoriety in Rift.
You will find most Notoriety cheevos in H > Character > Advancement

As you play through the different zones, you will notice that most quests grant you notoriety towards each zones residents. When you reach certain levels of this notoriety, you will unlock the ability to buy items from notoriety vendors, these are generally called ‘Quartermasters’.

All of the Notoriety Quartermasters were supposed to have their goods duplicated in the Rift Store, allowing you to shop without even leaving Tempest Bay! However, a few items were left out and can still only be found on the vendors, especially in the Mathosian and Storm Legion zones. It is worth to have a quick check of each one to be sure you don’t miss out on anything shiny.

You will need to earn this many points to progress each Notoriety tier.

  • Neutral – 0
  • Friendly – 3,000
  • Decorated – 10,000
  • Honored – 20,000
  • Revered – 35,000
  • Glorified – 60,000
  • Venerated – 90,000

Zone/Ally Notorieties are mostly earned by playing through the zones questline and then completing daily quests that are picked up in the zone. You may also find some of these Notorieties rewarded from doing Dungeons or Chronicles.

Planar Notorieties are earned from killing the various Planar Mobs throughout the game. Some of these are tied to specific activities, these often have daily/weekly quests that give extra Notoriety.

The PVP Notorieties are almost always Guardian or Defiant specific. The Quartermasters sell the same stuff though, so you won’t miss out on anything shiny! PVP Notorieties are all for low level PVP content. Most PVP vendors now will sell to you as long you have enough favor(currency) to buy the goods.

Notoriety Tokens

Sigils of Valor can be earned while participating in zone events and Instant Adventure.
You can trade Sigil of Valor for notoriety in the Rift store. Open up the store and click ‘Boosts’ on the left side menu, then within this tab click ‘Notoriety’ on the left side menu. Here you will find a list of Notoriety Decrees which you can buy with your Sigils of Valor. You should check this daily, as you can only hold 5 Sigils at a time and can only buy one decree for each Faction daily.

Sigils were created to replace older tokens called ‘Commendations of Renown’ and ‘Mark of Notoriety’. If you have some of these in your bags then you can still exchange them in your home cities, but you can’t earn them anymore.

Notoriety VIals

Notoriety Vials will increase the amount of Notoriety you gain for 2 hours. You can find them in the Rift Store for credits only.
You can save up a bunch of completed quests and then pop a Notoriety vial before you hand them all in. This will help speed up your farm!


As a level 70 character, the only Notorieties that are important are the 7 main Prophecy of Ahnket Ally Notorieties (All except Dead Simon). These Notorieties will allow you to buy items that will actually help you at end game!
All other Notorieties listed below are from previous expansions, except Dead Simon, which is a fluff Notorietyfor Toks Puzzle Dungeon. The only reason to max out these other Notorieties is to be able to buy skins, minions, pets, etc from the vendors.. and for those shiny cheevo points!
New players would be wise to concentrate on the PoA Notorieties first, before going back to previous xpacs.

Tracking your Progress

Open up your character sheet and click the Notorieties tab to see your current progress.
You may want to download an add on that shows you in a much prettier way! Maybe the Heartometer on the Recommended add ons page.

Quick List of all Notorieties

Prophecy of Ahnket: Ally Factions
FeilbocanReveredScatherran Forest
Saint TaranisReveredGedlo Badlands
BailgholReveredXarth Mire
Thedeor’s SpearReveredAshenfell
Uttila ResistanceGlorifiedVostigar Peaks
Mages of AlittuReveredPlanar Mobs in PoA
Planar Defense ForceReveredCelestial IA
Dead SimonVeneratedToks Dungeon
Nightmare Tide: Ally Factions
AtragariansReveredGoboro Reef
The OnirReveredDraumheim
Cerulean RhenkeReveredTarken Glacier
Pelagic OrderReveredPlanar mobs in NMT
The GharReveredNightmare Rifts
Manugo LeagueReveredAll NMT zones
Shal KorvaReveredPlanetouched Wilds
Storm Legion: Ally Factions
Eternal City SurvivorsGlorifiedBrevane Continent
Necropolis CaretakersGlorifiedDusken Continent
The QaijiriGlorifiedAshora
The AchyatiGlorifiedThe Dendrome
HailolGlorifiedThe Dendrome
Empyreal AllianceGlorifiedThe Dendrome
Mathosia: Ally Factions
Quicksilver ScholarsHonoredSilverwood 
Gloamwood WaykeepersHonoredGloamwood 
Freemarch WardensHonoredFreemarch 
Granite FallsHonoredStonefield 
Quarry RatsDecoratedScarlet Gorge
Iron Claw TrappersReveredScarwood Reach 
Red Scar TrackersReveredScarwood Reach 
IcewatchGlorifiedIron Pine Peak
The RuneguardGlorifiedMoonshade Highlands
Arcane HandReveredDroughtlands
Dragonslayer CovenantGlorifiedShimmersand
Order of MathosGlorifiedStillmoor
The KeepersGlorifiedEmber Isle
The FarclanGlorifiedEmber Isle 
Kelari ExpeditionGlorifiedEmber Isle 
Rift/Planar Factions
The Storm InquisitionHonoredAir Planar Mobs 
Order of the Death SerpentHonoredDeath Planar Mobs 
Mendicant OrderHonoredEarth Planar Mobs 
Order of the FlameHonoredFire Planar Mobs 
Order of Life SereneHonoredLife Planar Mobs 
Order of PurityHonoredWater Planar Mobs 
Zephyrian CollectiveHonoredAir Planar Mobs 
The Grim DisciplesHonoredDeath Planar Mobs 
The Shale CollegiateHonoredEarth Planar Mobs 
Ember ScholarsHonoredFire Planar Mobs 
Students of the ValeHonoredLife Planar Mobs 
Mercurial SavantsHonoredWater Planar Mobs 
Torvan HuntersVeneratedHunt Rifts
The LyciniVeneratedAny Planar Mobs
Warfront Factions
The UnspokenReveredThe Codex 
CaretakersReveredBlack Garden 
Runic SagesReveredRunemaster’s Library 
Whitefall BrigadeReveredWhitefall Steppes 
Eldritch SeekersReveredThe Codex 
The MoribundReveredBlack Garden 
The SeekersReveredRunemaster’s Library 
The Storm GuardReveredWhitefall Steppes 
Ridgerunner MercenariesReveredKarthan Ridge
Historic PVP factions
Noble GuardReveredBattle for Port Scion 
Eldritch VanguardReveredBattle for Port Scion 
The Order of the EyeReveredOpen World PvP Dailies 
The UnseenReveredOpen World PvP Dailies 

Detailed List of all Notorieties

Prophecy of Ahnket: Ally Factions

XPac and Level: Prophecy of Ahnket, Level 65-70
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Scatherran Forest
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Feilbocan Quartermaster — Alittu, Prophecy of Ahnket at /setwaypoint 4037 6384 — Same vendor in: Feilbocan, Scatherran Forest at /setwaypoint 4907 5769

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Scatherran Forest. Then you can pick up some daily quests in Feilbocan, Scatherran Forest.

Friendship Magic Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Friendship Magic’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Boxes of Life Fragments.
  • Some level 67 essences. Not really worth buying at any stage.
  • 2 Minion Cards: Hollowood, and Desecrated Lanaria.
  • The companion pet: Hermes Hedgehog.
  • Some Dimension Items.
Saint Taranis

XPac and Level: Prophecy of Ahnket, Level 65-70
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Gedlo Badlands
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Saint Taranis Quartermaster — Alittu, Prophecy of Ahnket at /setwaypoint 4025 6387 — Same vendor in: Saint Taranis, Gedlo Badlands at /setwaypoint 3601 6462

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Gedlo Badlands. Then you can pick up some daily quests in Saint Taranis, Gedlo Badlands.

Redemption Song Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Redemption Song’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Boxes of Air Fragments.
  • Some level 67 essences. Not really worth buying at any stage.
  • 2 Minion Cards: Mossclaw, and Aftershock.
  • The companion pet: Frasier.
  • Some Dimension Items.

XPac and Level: Prophecy of Ahnket, Level 65-70
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Xarth Mire
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Bailghol Quartermaster — Alittu, Prophecy of Ahnket at /setwaypoint 4035 6377 — Same vendor in: Bailghol, Xarth Mire at /setwaypoint 4251 3913

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Xarth Mire. Then you can pick up some daily quests in Bailghol, Xarth Mire.
Note: The ‘Tuatha’Don’t Even Try It’ quest, picked up in Camp Quagmire, Xarth Mire, is horribly broken. Best to just ignore it.

Son of a Bailghol Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Son of a Bailghol’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Boxes of Water Fragments.
  • Some level 67 essences. Not really worth buying at any stage.
  • 2 Minion Cards: Killthraxus, and Simulacrum of Nathairacha.
  • The companion pet: Korgox the Betrayer.
  • Some Dimension Items.
Thedeor's Spear

XPac and Level: Prophecy of Ahnket, Level 65-70
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Ashenfell
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Thedeor’s Spear Quartermaster — Alittu, Prophecy of Ahnket at /setwaypoint 4023 6380 — Same vendor in: Thedeor’s Spear, Ashenfell at /setwaypoint 2638 4272

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Ashenfell. Then you can pick up some daily quests in Thedeor’s Spear, Ashenfell.

Heaven in Hell Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Heaven in Hell’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Boxes of Fire Fragments.
  • Some level 67 essences. Not really worth buying at any stage.
  • 2 Minion Cards: Scarn, and Shourioth.
  • The companion pet: Ayette.
  • Some Dimension Items.
Uttila Resistance

XPac and Level: Prophecy of Ahnket, Level 70
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Vostigar Peaks
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Uttila Resistance Quartermaster — Uttila East, Vostigar Peaks at /setwaypoint 3966 3417

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Vostigar Peaks. Then you can pick up some daily and weekly quests in Uttila East, Vostigar Peaks.

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Lures for the Level 70 Raid Rifts: Decay of Ahnket, The Iron Legion, and Egg of Destruction.
  • The Best in Slot Trinket for level 70 players.
  • Some level 70 armor boxes, containing LFR or T1 quality gear.
  • The Best in Slot Rings and Necklace.
  • ‘Cosmic Trigger’ and ‘Stellar Trigger’ – For upgrading gear.
  • Caches of Jetpack Fuel.
  • The ‘Sagum of Rain’ cape wardrobe unlock.
  • The companion pets: Boo Bear, Snuzu, and Rusker.
  • Some Dimension Items.
Mages of Alittu

XPac and Level: Prophecy of Ahnket, Level 65-70
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Planar Mobs in PoA
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Mages of Alittu Quartermaster — Alittu, Prophecy of Ahnket at /setwaypoint 4176 6472
Mages of Alittu Special Quartermaster — Camp Quagmire, Xarth Mire at /setwaypoint 4788 4531

Tips for Farming: Kill any planar mobs in the PoA zones.
You will get this notoriety from level 450-525 crafting quests.
Do the weekly Queens Foci quest, picked up in Camp Quagmire, Xarth Mire.

Master of Magic Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Master of Magic’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Boxes of Death Fragments. You will likely need to buy these as decent death frags don’t really drop anywhere else.
  • Some level 67 essences. Not really worth buying at any stage.
  • Some level 67 Seals. Not worth buying.
  • 2 Minion Cards: Gristlespitt, and Gust Front.
  • The companion pet: Nori.
  • Some Dimension Items.

The ‘Special’ Quartermaster in Camp Quagmire sells:

  • The Planar Weapons. Feel free to pretend these don’t exist.
  • The second BiS Seal – Grab this until Summerfest comes around.
  • Fortress Fragments – For upgrading the Seal.
  • The Minion Card: Prophet Ananke.
Planar Defense Force

XPac and Level: Prophecy of Ahnket, Level 65-70
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Celestial Instant Adventures
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Planar Defense Force Quartermaster — Alittu, Prophecy of Ahnket at /setwaypoint 4140 6348

Tips for Farming: Participate in the Celestial Instant Adventures, be sure to complete the weekly each week.

Into the Breach Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Into the Breach’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Boxes of Earth Fragments.
  • Some level 67 essences. Not really worth buying at any stage.
  • The Best in Slot Planar Focus for level 70 characters.
  • The Best in Slot Synergy Crystal for level 70 characters.
  • 2 Minion Cards: The Nuclei, and Michael Bringhurst.
  • The companion pet: Hekor.
  • Some Dimension Items.
Dead Simon

XPac and Level: Prophecy of Ahnket, Level 65-70
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Toks Dungeon
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Odds and Ends Merchant — Inside Toks Dungeon

Tips for Farming: Complete all the puzzles to unlock the daily and weekly quests. Collect as many rat parts as you can then hand then all in at once with a notoriety vial on!

Respect of the Dead Cheevo

Earning Friendly Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Friend of the Dead’.
Earning Decorated Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Decorated by the Dead’.
Earning Honored Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Honored of the Dead’.
Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Revered by the Dead’.
Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Glorified by the Dead’.
Earning Venerated Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Respect of the Dead’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Completing every element of Toks will eventually reward you with 6 complete costume sets. 

  • There is also a clockwork lifter mount to buy directly with currency earned in the dungeon (bind on pickup).

  • And the cape skin ‘Enigma Cape’ that is also bought with dungeon currency.

Nightmare Tide: Ally Factions

XPac and Level: Nightmare Tide, Level 60-65
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Goboro Reef
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Atragarian Goods — Inside the Atragarian Well, Goboro Reef at /setwaypoint 2870 7022

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Goboro Reef. Then you can pick up some daily quests in: Atragarian Well, Ghar Station Mem, and Temple of Ranri.
Complete any of the level 65 Chronicles for some extra notoriety!
Choose this Notoriety as a reward from the daily quest on Tyrant’s Throne.

Wave Singer Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Wave Singer’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • The companion pet: Rainbow Shrimp.
  • 5 Minion Cards: Misty, Pizko, Zebrayan, Lamonrian, and Anuxy.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some Dimension Items.
The Onir

XPac and Level: Nightmare Tide, Level 60-65
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Draumheim
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: The Onir Goods — Margle Palace, Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5500 5572

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Draumheim. Then you can pick up some daily quests in: Gemini Bluffs, and Ghar Station Rosh.
If you have a crafting skill between 375 and 450 then you can pick up daily craft quests in Margle Palace that will grant Onir notoriety.
Complete any of the level 65 Chronicles for some extra notoriety!
Choose this Notoriety as a reward from the daily quest on Tyrant’s Throne.

Progenitor Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Progenitor’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • The companion pet: Gerbik.
  • 5 Minion Cards: Opheline, Una, Styxoris, Breezy, and Kolmasveli.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some Dimension Items.
Cerulean Rhenke

XPac and Level: Nightmare Tide, Level 60-65
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Tarken Glacier
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Cerulean Rhenke Goods — Port Scuddra, Tarken Glacier at /setwaypoint 6588 4295

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Tarken Glacier. Then you can pick up some daily quests in Ghar Station Tau, Tarken Ascent, Port Scuddra, and Octus Monastery.
Complete any of the level 65 Chronicles for some extra notoriety!
Choose this Notoriety as a reward from the daily quest on Tyrant’s Throne.

Thresher Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Thresher’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • The companion pet: Ochopus.
  • 6 Minion Cards: Magmus, Violet, Nixtoc, Yarjos Mezrot, Ich’kir, and Goldgrille.
    Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some Dimension Items.
Pelagic Order

XPac and Level: Nightmare Tide, Level 60-65
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Any Planar mob in NMT zones.
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Pelagic Order Planar Goods — Margle Palace, Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5503 5572 — Same vendor in: Goboro Reef at /setwaypoint 3923 7881 + Tarken Glacier at /setwaypoint 4731 2735

Tips for Farming: Killing any Planar mob in NMT zones will grant you small amounts of notoriety.
You can pick up daily rift closing quests in: Atragarian Well Goboro Reef, Gemini Bluffs Draumheim, and Tarken Ascent Tarken Glacier.
You can also pick up a Daily Raid Rift quest in Margle Palace, Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5501 5550 and the Onslaught daily and weekly quests at /setwaypoint 5545 5519
Complete any of the level 65 Chronicles for some extra notoriety!
Choose this Notoriety as a reward from the daily quest on Tyrant’s Throne.

Defender of the Seas Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Defender of the Seas’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • The companion pet: Spats.
  • 5 Minion Cards: Al, Bludfeng, Moltarr, Kre’ll, and Phanagos.
  • Level 65 synergy crystals (useless now).
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some Dimension Items.
The Ghar

XPac and Level: Nightmare Tide, Level 60-65
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Nightmare Rifts
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: The Ghar Planar Goods — Margle Palace, Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5506 5569 — Same vendor in: Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef at /setwaypoint 3916 6494 + Ghar Station Rosh, Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5570 6398 + Ghar Station Tau, Tarken Glacier at /setwaypoint 3711 4000

Tips for Farming: Finish the Nightmare Rift questline then grab the dailies and weeklies and farm farm farm!
Complete any of the level 65 Chronicles for some extra notoriety!
Choose this Notoriety as a reward from the daily quest on Tyrant’s Throne.

Station Commander Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Station Commander’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • Some low level essences.
  • Some low level runes.
  • 4 Minion Cards: Ewethanasia, Xandill, Dargal, and Snottongue.
  • Some Dimension Items.
Manugo League

XPac and Level: Nightmare Tide, Level 60-65
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: All NMT zones
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Manugo League Goods — Margle Palace, Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5506 5566 — Same vendor in: Ghar Station Mem, Goboro Reef at /setwaypoint 3918 6474 + Ghar Station Rosh, Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5548 6399

Tips for Farming: Grab the Manugo Dailies from the 3 Ghar Stations and complete them.
You can earn this notoriety by playing the PvP Warfront: Ghar Station Eyn.
Choose this Notoriety as a reward from the daily quest on Tyrant’s Throne.

Numerologist Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Numerologist’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • The companion pets: McGillicuddy Mudskipper, and Flops.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • 6 Minion Cards: Martrodraum, Hylas, Prince Kaliban, Inquisitor Garau, Salvarola, and Tzul.
  • Some Dimension Items.
  • The level 65 Planar Focus. (Used to be BiS, now it is not)
Shal Korva

XPac and Level: Nightmare Tide, Level 60-65
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Planetouched Wilds
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Shal Korva Quartermaster — Shal Korva, Planetouched Wilds at /setwaypoint 10315 5898

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Planetouched Wilds. Then you can pick up some daily and weekly quests on top of the rocks at /setwaypoint 10110 4951 – Start your climb up the slope at /setwaypoint 9966 5090
You can pick up the Jump Club Daily from Baltu in Shal Korva /setwaypoint 10200 5931 – Note: This one is great for levelling alts under 65.
You can pick up a daily quest in Jad, and Khort.
Choose this Notoriety as a reward from the daily quest on Tyrant’s Throne.

Royal Advisor Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Royal Advisor’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A low level ‘Ascended’ Ring/Band/Signet/Loop. This will grant 5% extra XP for anything you kill under level 60. This might be good to send to alts that are under level 60. It costs 1000plat.
  • Some low level runes.
Storm Legion: Ally Factions
Eternal City Survivors

XPac and Level: Storm Legion, Level 50-60
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Brevane Continent
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Eternal City Survivors Quartermaster — Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 12683 11609 — Same Vendor in: Ursin Grove Bunker, Eastern Holdings at /setwaypoint 7858 7757 + Southwall Bunker, Eastern Holdings at /setwaypoint 8095 8798

Tips for Farming: Finish the questlines from Cape Jule up to Kingsward.
There are very few daily quests to pick up: In Tulan there are fishing quests. In Vaud Tower, there are 2 planar quests. In Ursin Grove Bunker, Auroborus Woods, there is a drinking quest for guardians only!
There are also a couple of quests in K’rom’s Fortress, Ashora.
Complete any of the level 60 Chronicles for some extra notoriety!

City Survivor Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘City Survivor’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • The companion pet: Diseased Terrormaw.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some Dimension Items.
Necropolis Caretakers

XPac and Level: Storm Legion, Level 50-60
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Dusken Continent
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Caretaker Quartermaster — Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 12674 11667 — Same Vendor in: Necropolis, Seratos at /setwaypoint 10871 4957

Tips for Farming: Finish the questlines from Pelladane to Steppes.
There are a bunch of quests to pick up in Zerzala, Steppes of Infinity.
Also, in Tuldio Retreat, Pelladane you will find fishing quests. In Necropolis, Seratos there are 2 planar quests. In Arlan’s Challenge, Morban there are 2 planar quests.
There are also a couple of quests in K’rom’s Fortress, Ashora.
Complete any of the level 60 Chronicles for some extra notoriety!

Keeper of the Dead Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Keeper of the Dead’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • The companion pets: Necropolis Rat, and Strandling Spider.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some Dimension Items.
The Qaijiri

XPac and Level: Storm Legion, Level 60
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Ashora
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Qaijiri Quartermaster — Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 12661 11575 — Same Vendor in: Nurjak Vostra, Ashora at /setwaypoint 3592 8203

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Ashora.
You can then pick up daily quests in Nurjak Vostra. 
There are also a couple of quests in K’rom’s Fortress, Ashora.
Complete any of the level 60 Chronicles for some extra notoriety!

Tribal Elder Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Tribal Elder’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • The companion pet: Dunecrawler.
  • Some low level runes.
  • A few low level crafting recipes.
The Achyati

XPac and Level: Storm Legion, Level 60
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: The Dendrome
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Quartermaster of the Profits — Achyati Village, Dendrome at /setwaypoint 4169 4634

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in The Dendrome.
You can pick up daily quests in Achyati Village.
Complete any of the level 60 Chronicles for some extra notoriety!
There is also a quest at the Dendrome border controls that grant this Notoriety, like the one at /setwaypoint 3685 6676

Student of the Cosmic Rhinoceros Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Student of the Cosmic Rhinoceros’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • The companion pet: Derby.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some Dimension Items.

XPac and Level: Storm Legion, Level 60
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: The Dendrome
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Hailol Quartermaster — Hailol, Dendrome at /setwaypoint 3888 5602

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in The Dendrome. Complete the Hailol Foothold Quest too.
You can pick up a daily quests in Hailol.
You will get Hailol Notoriety from every Hailol Foothold you complete.
Complete any of the level 60 Chronicles for some extra notoriety!

Cheers! Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Cheers!’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • The companion pet: Bunsy.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some Dimension Items.
Empyreal Alliance

XPac and Level: Storm Legion, Level 60
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: The Dendrome
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Empyreal Alliance Quartermaster — Solstice Tower, Dendrome at /setwaypoint 3137 5586

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in The Dendrome. Complete the Stronghold Quests too.
You can pick up daily quests in Soltice Tower. 
You will earn Empyreal Alliance notoriety whenever you are participating in Strongholds.
Complete any of the level 60 Chronicles for some extra notoriety!

Empyreal Soldier Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Empyreal Soldier’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • The companion pet: Erdos.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some Dimension Items.
Mathosia: Ally Factions
Quicksilver Scholars

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 0-20
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Silverwood
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: Quicksilver Scholars — Quicksilver College, Silverwood at /setwaypoint 5892 3040

Tips for Farming: Finishing the entire questline in Silverwood will have you nearly at max. If you still need more, then you can pick up some daily quests at the Quicksilver College, or just run the Realm of the Fae dungeon a few times.

Bookworm Cheevo

Earning Decorated Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Bookworm’.

Champion of Silverwood Cheevo

Earning Honored Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Champion of Silverwood’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
Gloamwood Waykeepers

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 20-26
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Gloamwood
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: Waykeeper Quartermaster — Gloamwood Pines, Gloamwood at /setwaypoint 5135 3124

Tips for Farming: Finishing the entire questline in Gloamwood  will have you nearly at max. If you still need more, then you can pick up some daily quests in Tearfall Run and Gloamwood Pines, or just run the Darkening Deeps dungeon a few times.

Honorary Waykeeper Cheevo

Earning Honored Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Honorary Waykeeper’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • The companion pet: Pet Werewolf.
Freemarch Wardens

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 0-20
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm:Freemarch
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: Freemarch Wardens — Denegar’s Stand, Freemarch at /setwaypoint 7241 5436

Tips for Farming: Finishing the entire questline in Freemarch will have you nearly at max. If you still need more, then you can pick up some daily quests in Denegar’s Stand, or just run the Iron Tomb dungeon a few times.

Freemarch Warden Cheevo

Earning Decorated Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Freemarch Warden’.

Champion of Freemarch Cheevo

Earning Honored Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Champion of Freemarch’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
Granite Falls

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 20-26
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Stonefield
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: Granite Falls — Granite Falls, Stonefield at /setwaypoint 4978 4944

Tips for Farming: Finishing the entire questline in Stonefield will have you nearly at max. If you still need more, then you can pick up some daily quests in Granite Falls, or just run the Deepstrike Mines dungeon a few times.

Granite Falls Citizen Cheevo

Earning Honored Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Granite Falls Citizen’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • The companion pet: Pet Oreling.
Quarry Rats

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 27-29
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Scarlet Gorge
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: For Guardians : Quarry Rats — Crimson Wash, Scarlet Gorge at /setwaypoint 3847 3051
For Defiants: Quarry Rats — Scarwood Lift Base, Scarlet Gorge at /setwaypoint 4611 4407

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Scarlet Gorge for Defiants or Guardians. Then you can pick up some daily quests in the main quest hubs, or just run the Foul Cascade dungeon a few times.

Lawman Cheevo

Earning Decorated Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Lawman’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • The Mounts: Plains Yarnosaur, Forest Yarnosaur, Striped Yarnosaur, and Tundra Yarnosaur
  • Some low level runes.
  • A low level crafting recipe.
Iron Claw Trappers

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 30-35
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Scarwood Reach
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: Iron Claw Quartermaster — Kain’s Command, Scarwood Reach at /setwaypoint 3138 3890

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Scarwood Reach. Then you can pick up some daily quests in Kain’s Command, or just run the Kings Breach dungeon a few times.

Iron Claw Hunter Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Iron Claw Hunter’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
Red Scar Trackers

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 30-35
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Scarwood Reach
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: Red Scar Quartermaster — Perspice, Scarwood Reach at /setwaypoint 3666 4433

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Scarwood Reach. Then you can pick up some daily quests in Kain’s Command, or just run the Kings Breach dungeon a few times.

Red Scar Stalker Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Red Scar Stalker’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 27-35
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Iron Pine Peak
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Icewatch Quartermaster — Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak at /setwaypoint 4631 1542

Tips for Farming: Finishing the entire questline in Iron Pine Peak for Defiants or Guardians. You will need to farm the rest using daily quests picked up in all the major quest hubs, or just running the Abyssal Precipice dungeon many times.

Ice Watcher Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Ice Watcher’.
Credits the ‘Best Friends Forever‘ cheevo.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • The companion pet: Yeti.
The Runeguard

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 35-40
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Moonshade Highlands
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Runeguard — Reclaimer’s Hold, Moonshade Highlands at /setwaypoint 6297 1594

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Moonshade Highlands for Defiants or Guardians. Then you can pick up some daily quests in Reclaimer’s Hold, or just run the Runic Descent dungeon a few times.
You will also gain Runeguard Notoriety in both the Hammerknell Chronicles and in the level 65 Hammerknell Raid.
The Soul Saga Quests give loads of Runeguard notoriety.

Runeguard Reclaimer Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Runeguard Reclaimer’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
Arcane Hand

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 36-44
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Droughtlands
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Arcane Hand — Lantern Hook, Droughtlands at /setwaypoint 7644 6304

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Droughtlands for Defiants or Guardians. Then you can pick up some daily quests in Lantern Hook. You can also find a couple more dailies from Moose in the Hunters’ Camp at /setwaypoint 8531 6629.
Run the Lantern Hook dungeon a few times to finish up.

Arcane Devotee Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Arcane Devotee’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • The Mounts: Rock Vaiyuu, Black Tail Vaiyuu, Striped Vaiyuu, and Tawny Vaiyuu
  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
Dragonslayer Covenant

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 43-50
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Shimmersand
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Dragonslayer — Wyrmbane Spire, Shimmersand at /setwaypoint 6111 7311

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Shimmersand for Defiants or Guardians. Then you can pick up some daily quests in Fortune’s Shore and Wyrmbane Spire.
It is easiest to just run the Charmer’s Caldera dungeon repeatedly.

Drake Slayer Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Drake Slayer’.
Credits the ‘Best Friends Forever‘ cheevo.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • The companion pet: Pet Dragon Whelp.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
Order of Mathos

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 45-50
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Stillmoor
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Order of Mathos Vendor — Zareph’s Return, Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1576 2627

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Stillmoor for Defiants or Guardians. Then you can pick up some daily quests in Zareph’s Return.
This notoriety can be farmed by killing mobs in the Endless Citadel area in the west of Stillmoor. Each mob here will grant Order of Mathos notoriety upon death.
You will also gain Order of Mathos Notoriety in both the River of Souls Chronicles and in the level 50 River of Souls Raid.
The rare mobs in Stillmoor each give you a quest on the first kill. The quest gives 800 Notoriety each!

Knight of Mathos Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Knight of Mathos’.
Credits the ‘Best Friends Forever‘ cheevo.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • The companion pet: Pet Gravemaker.
  • Some low level runes.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
The Keepers

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 50
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Ember Isle
Faction: Defiant and Guardian
Quartermaster: Keeper Quartermaster — Ember Watch, Ember Isle at /setwaypoint 13034 3449

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Ember Isle for Defiants or Guardians. Then you can pick up some daily and weekly quests in Ember Watch.
You will also earn Keepers Notoriety from quests in the level 60 Ember Isle Underwater area, part of the Storm Legion expansion.

Keeper of the Flame Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Keeper of the Flame’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • The Mount: Swift Armored Ash Strider
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • The Enkindled Spirits, and Dragon’s Gold Raid Rift Lures.
The Farclan

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 50
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Ember Isle
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: Farclan Quartermaster — Farhall, Ember Isle at /setwaypoint 13457 2772

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Ember Isle. Then you can pick up a daily quest in Fort Zarnost, and Farhall.
It is easiest to just run the Caduceus Rise dungeon repeatedly.
This notoriety can also be farmed by endlessly killing the eggs and dragons that spawn in Stonefield above the waterfalls at /setwaypoint 4962 4708 You will need to be quite high level to be able to solo this comfortably, preferably level 65+.

Farclan Castaway Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Farclan Castaway’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • The ‘Soccer Ball’ fluff item.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
Kelari Expedition

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 50
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Ember Isle
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: Kelari Expedition Quartermaster — Atia, Ember Isle at /setwaypoint 13419 4188

Tips for Farming: Finish the questline in Ember Isle. Then you can pick up a daily quest in Talos Landing, and Atia.
It is easiest to just run the Caduceus Rise dungeon repeatedly.
This notoriety can also be farmed by endlessly killing the eggs and dragons that spawn in Stonefield above the waterfalls at /setwaypoint 4962 4708 You will need to be quite high level to be able to solo this comfortably, preferably level 65+.

Friend of Spirits Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Friend of Spirits’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • The ‘Soccer Ball’ fluff item.
  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
Best Friends Forever Cheevo

For earning Ice Watcher, Drake Slayer, and Knight of Mathos.

Rift/Planar Factions
The Storm Inquisition

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned in any zone, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Air Planar Mobs
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: Bottom floor of Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7479 3015

Tips for Farming: Farm Rifts, Invasions, Footholds, Zone events etc with creatures from the Plane of Air

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Nico Lights – White glow sticks – A consumable fluff item.
  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level essences.
  • Some low level runes.
  • A low level Synergy Crystal.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Expert Rift: Storm Legion Elite.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Raid Rift: Winds of Chaos.
  • The companion pet: Storm Squirrel.
Order of the Death Serpent

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned in any zone, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Death Planar Mobs
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: Bottom floor of Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7458 3015

Tips for Farming: Farm Rifts, Invasions, Footholds, Zone events etc with creatures from the Plane of Death

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Nico Lights – Purple glow sticks – A consumable fluff item.
  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level essences.
  • Some low level runes.
  • A low level Synergy Crystal.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Expert Rift: Redemption of Perdeen.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Raid Rift: Terror of Undeath.
  • The companion pet: Shade Squirrel.
Mendicant Order

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned in any zone, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Earth Planar Mobs
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: Bottom floor of Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7479 3017

Tips for Farming: Farm Rifts, Invasions, Footholds, Zone events etc with creatures from the Plane of Earth

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Nico Lights – Yellow glow sticks – A consumable fluff item.
  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level essences.
  • Some low level runes.
  • A low level Synergy Crystal.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Expert Rift: Auricore.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Raid Rift: The Golden King.
  • The companion pet: Stone Squirrel.
Order of the Flame

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned in any zone, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Fire Planar Mobs
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: Bottom floor of Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7459 3012

Tips for Farming: Farm Rifts, Invasions, Footholds, Zone events etc with creatures from the Plane of Fire

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Nico Lights – Red glow sticks – A consumable fluff item.
  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level essences.
  • Some low level runes.
  • A low level Synergy Crystal.
  • Cinderon Lure. Specifically made for the Saga of the Aelfwar questline.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Expert Rift: Explosive Tendencies.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Raid Rift: Drakith Hatchery.
  • The companion pet: Flame Squirrel.
Order of Life Serene

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned in any zone, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Life Planar Mobs
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: Bottom floor of Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7458 3017

Tips for Farming: Farm Rifts, Invasions, Footholds, Zone events etc with creatures from the Plane of Life

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Nico Lights – Green glow sticks – A consumable fluff item.
  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level essences.
  • Some low level runes.
  • A low level Synergy Crystal.
  • Gnarladon Lure. Specifically made for the Saga of the Aelfwar questline.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Expert Rift: Primal Evolution.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Raid Rift: Growth of the Aelfwar.
  • The companion pet: Fae Squirrel.
Order of Purity

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned in any zone, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Water Planar Mobs
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: Bottom floor of Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7479 3011

Tips for Farming: Farm Rifts, Invasions, Footholds, Zone events etc with creatures from the Plane of Water

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Nico Lights – Blue glow sticks – A consumable fluff item.
  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level essences.
  • Some low level runes.
  • A low level Synergy Crystal.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Expert Rift: Revenge of the Icewatch.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Raid Rift: Hunger of the Deep.
  • The companion pet: Tide Squirrel.
Zephyrian Collective

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned in any zone, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Air Planar Mobs
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: College of Planar Studies, Meridian at /setwaypoint 5924 5275

Tips for Farming: Farm Rifts, Invasions, Footholds, Zone events etc with creatures from the Plane of Air

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Nico Lights – White glow sticks – A consumable fluff item.
  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level essences.
  • Some low level runes.
  • A low level Synergy Crystal.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Expert Rift: Storm Legion Elite.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Raid Rift: Winds of Chaos.
  • The companion pet: Storm Squirrel.
The Grim Disciples

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned in any zone, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Death Planar Mobs
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: College of Planar Studies, Meridian at /setwaypoint 5940 5289

Tips for Farming: Farm Rifts, Invasions, Footholds, Zone events etc with creatures from the Plane of Death

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Nico Lights – Purple glow sticks – A consumable fluff item.
  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level essences.
  • Some low level runes.
  • A low level Synergy Crystal.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Expert Rift: Redemption of Perdeen.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Raid Rift: Terror of Undeath.
  • The companion pet: Shade Squirrel.
The Shale Collegiate

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned in any zone, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Earth Planar Mobs
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: College of Planar Studies, Meridian at /setwaypoint 5931 5269

Tips for Farming: Farm Rifts, Invasions, Footholds, Zone events etc with creatures from the Plane of Earth

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Nico Lights – Yellow glow sticks – A consumable fluff item.
  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level essences.
  • Some low level runes.
  • A low level Synergy Crystal.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Expert Rift: Auricore.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Raid Rift: The Golden King.
  • The companion pet: Stone Squirrel.
Ember Scholars

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned in any zone, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Fire Planar Mobs
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: College of Planar Studies, Meridian at /setwaypoint 5957 5273

Tips for Farming: Farm Rifts, Invasions, Footholds, Zone events etc with creatures from the Plane of Fire

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Nico Lights – Red glow sticks – A consumable fluff item.
  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level essences.
  • Some low level runes.
  • A low level Synergy Crystal.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Expert Rift: Explosive Tendencies.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Raid Rift: Drakith Hatchery.
  • The companion pet: Flame Squirrel.
Students of the Vale

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned in any zone, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Life Planar Mobs
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: College of Planar Studies, Meridian at /setwaypoint 5944 5265

Tips for Farming: Farm Rifts, Invasions, Footholds, Zone events etc with creatures from the Plane of Life

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Nico Lights – Green glow sticks – A consumable fluff item.
  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level essences.
  • Some low level runes.
  • A low level Synergy Crystal.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Expert Rift: Primal Evolution.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Raid Rift: Growth of the Aelfwar.
  • The companion pet: Fae Squirrel.
Mercurial Savants

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned in any zone, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Water Planar Mobs
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: College of Planar Studies, Meridian at /setwaypoint 5949 5292

Tips for Farming: Farm Rifts, Invasions, Footholds, Zone events etc with creatures from the Plane of Water

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Nico Lights – Blue glow sticks – A consumable fluff item.
  • A few low level crafting recipes.
  • Some low level essences.
  • Some low level runes.
  • A low level Synergy Crystal.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Expert Rift: Revenge of the Icewatch.
  • Lure for the Level 50 Raid Rift: Hunger of the Deep.
  • The companion pet: Tide Squirrel.
Torvan Hunters

XPac and Level: Storm Legion, Level 60
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Hunt Rifts
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Torvan Planar Goods — Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 13115 11523

Tips for Farming: Complete the Hunt Rift questline and then complete the Hunt Rift dailies that can be picked up in the Tempest Bay hunt room. Don’t forget the Raid Rift daily, which also gives Torvan notoriety.

Torvan Legend Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Torvan Legend’.

Torvan Exemplar Cheevo

Earning Venerated Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Torvan Exemplar’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
  • Some Dimension Items.
  • Some low level essences.
  • Lures for the Level 60 Raid Rifts: Bloodfire Incursion, Crucia’s Chosen, Hell’s Insurgents, Mutant Progeny, and Undying Hunger.
The Lycini

XPac and Level:This Notoriety can be earned in any zone, but the rewards are geared towards Level 50-60 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Any Planar Mobs
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Lycini Planar Goods — Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 13120 11516
Lycini Quartermaster — Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 12784 11706

Tips for Farming: Farm anything Planar!
You can also pick up raid weeklies for level 60 content from the Hunt room in Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 13124 11503
You get Lycini notoriety from all the onslaught quests picked up in various locations throughout the Storm Legion zones.

For Queen and her Country Cheevo

Earning Glorified Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘For Queen and her Country’.

Lycini Exemplar Cheevo

Earning Venerated Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Lycini Exemplar’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Lycini Planar Goods sells low level essences and runes.
  • Lycini Quartermaster sells a bunch of Dimension items, and 2 companion pets: Suspicious Sheep, and Crocnard Hatchling.
Warfront Factions
The Unspoken

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned at any level in the correct warfront, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: The Codex
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: The Unspoken Quartermaster — Thedeor’s Circle, Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7409 2911

Tips for Farming: Play PVP in the The Codex warfront.
There are a couple of starter quests to pick up from the quartermaster. These are not repeatable.

Hero of The Unspoken Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Hero of The Unspoken’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned at any level in the correct warfront, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Black Garden
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: Caretakers Quartermaster — Thedeor’s Circle, Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7416 2906

Tips for Farming: Play PVP in the Black Garden warfront.
There are a couple of starter quests to pick up from the quartermaster. These are not repeatable.

Hero of the Caretakers Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Hero of the Caretakers’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
Runic Sages

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned at any level in the correct warfront, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Runemaster’s Library
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: Runic Sages Quartermaster — Thedeor’s Circle, Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7417 2910

Tips for Farming: Play PVP in the Runemaster’s Library warfront.
There are a couple of starter quests to pick up from the quartermaster. These are not repeatable.

Hero of the Runic Sages Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Hero of the Runic Sages’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A low level focus and some low level runes.
Whitefall Brigade

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned at any level in the correct warfront, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Whitefall Steppes
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: Whitefall Brigade Quartermaster — Thedeor’s Circle, Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7408 2907

Tips for Farming: Play PVP in the Whitefall Steppes warfront.
There are a couple of starter quests to pick up from the quartermaster. These are not repeatable.

Hero of the Whitefall Brigade Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Hero of the Whitefall Brigade’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
Eldritch Seekers

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned at any level in the correct warfront, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: The Codex
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: Eldritch Seekers — Catari Command Center, Meridian at /setwaypoint 6075 5124

Tips for Farming: Play PVP in the The Codex warfront.
There are a couple of starter quests to pick up from the quartermaster. These are not repeatable.

Hero of the Eldritch Seekers Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Hero of the Eldritch Seekers’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
The Moribund

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned at any level in the correct warfront, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Black Garden
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: The Moribund — Catari Command Center, Meridian at /setwaypoint 6083 5121

Tips for Farming: Play PVP in the Black Garden warfront.
There are a couple of starter quests to pick up from the quartermaster. These are not repeatable.

Hero of The Moribund Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Hero of The Moribund’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
The Seekers

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned at any level in the correct warfront, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Runemaster’s Library
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: The Seekers — Catari Command Center, Meridian at /setwaypoint 6060 5116

Tips for Farming: Play PVP in the Runemaster’s Library warfront.
There are a couple of starter quests to pick up from the quartermaster. These are not repeatable.

Hero of The Seekers Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Hero of The Seekers’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • A low level focus and some low level runes.
The Storm Guard

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned at any level in the correct warfront, but the rewards are geared towards Level 0-50 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Whitefall Steppes
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: The Storm Guard — Catari Command Center, Meridian at /setwaypoint 6087 5115

Tips for Farming: Play PVP in the Whitefall Steppes warfront.
There are a couple of starter quests to pick up from the quartermaster. These are not repeatable.

Hero of The Storm Guard Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Hero of The Storm Guard’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Some low level gear that may unlock wardrobe for you.
Ridgerunner Mercenaries

XPac and Level: This Notoriety can be earned at any level in the correct warfront, but the rewards are geared towards Level 60 characters.
Max Notoriety:
Main Area to Farm: Karthan Ridge
Faction: Defiant and Guardian

Quartermaster: Ridgerunner Mercenaries Quartermaster — Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 12977 11705

Tips for Farming: Play PVP in the Karthan Ridge warfront.

Hero of the Ridgerunner Mercenaries Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Hero of the Ridgerunner Mercenaries’.

Items you can buy from the Quartermaster include:

  • Trinkets, runes, and buffs aimed towards level 60 characters.
Historic PVP Factions
Noble Guard

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 50
Max Notoriety:
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: There isn’t one anymore.

Tips for Farming: This Notoriety can no longer be earned.
It used to be earned in the Battle for Port Scion warfront. This warfront was removed at the end of the Nightmare Tide expansion due to difficulties scaling the NPCs inside to level 70 difficulty (Basically they didn’t want to spend the money to do it).

Hero of the Noble Guard Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Hero of the Noble Guard’.
This cheevo is now in the Legacy section.

Eldritch Vanguard

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 50
Max Notoriety:
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: There isn’t one anymore.

Tips for Farming: This Notoriety can no longer be earned.
It used to be earned in the Battle for Port Scion warfront. This warfront was removed at the end of the Nightmare Tide expansion due to difficulties scaling the NPCs inside to level 70 difficulty (Basically they didn’t want to spend the money to do it).

Hero of the Eldritch Vanguard Cheevo

Earning Revered Notoriety will grant you the cheevo ‘Hero of the Eldritch Vanguard’.
This cheevo is now in the Legacy section.

The Order of the Eye

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 50
Max Notoriety:
Faction: Guardian Only

Quartermaster: The Order of the Eye Quartermaster — Thedeor’s Circle, Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7410 2889 – No longer has a Notoriety level Requirement. They sell Synergy Crystals, runes, essences and other items, all aimed towards level 50 characters.

Tips for Farming: This Notoriety can no longer be earned.
It used to be earned from a variety of PVP quests at level 50. These were open world PVP quests that had Guardians and Defiants sent to the same areas to kill baddies or gather items. This led to arguments and the not so occasional stabbing. This behaviour was abolished when Storm Legion was released and the two factions became the very best of friends.

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.

The Unseen

XPac and Level: Mathosia, Level 50
Max Notoriety:
Faction: Defiant Only

Quartermaster: The Unseen — Catari Command Center, Meridian at /setwaypoint 6042 5089 – No longer has a Notoriety level Requirement. They sell Synergy Crystals, runes, essences and other items, all aimed towards level 50 characters.

Tips for Farming: This Notoriety can no longer be earned.
It used to be earned from a variety of PVP quests at level 50. These were open world PVP quests that had Guardians and Defiants sent to the same areas to kill baddies or gather items. This led to arguments and the not so occasional stabbing. This behaviour was abolished when Storm Legion was released and the two factions became the very best of friends.

There is no Cheevo for completing this Notoriety.