Raid Entrances

A complete list of the locations of entrances for all the raids in Rift – Starting with a compact quick guide and then moving on to a much more detailed guide. You can find Dungeon Entrances here.
If you are looking for a specific raid entrance, use CTRL+F to open up the search and type in the name.

Some of the raid entrances will require you to have the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them.
This ability is bought from a vendor for 12k planarite.
Defiants can buy Quantum Sight in Meridian from ‘Hallam Darad ‘ at /setwaypoint 5941 5274 — In the College of Planar Studies.
Guardians can buy Omen Sight in Sanctum from ‘Abstaffar the Mysterious ‘ at /setwaypoint 7474 3006 — Inside the Sanctum Tower on the ground floor.
Once you have the ability just go to the correct raid entrance location and then switch it on to see the ‘Sliver’ entrance.

Quick List

Click the raid name for more information.

Detailed List

Rift - Greenscale's Blight

DESCRIPTION: A level 50 – Tier 1 – 20 man raid with 5 bosses. Go through the maze to each of the first 4 bosses and then kill Greenscale in his lair! (For first two bosses go left from entrance, for 3rd boss go right)
LOCATION: Stillmoor – Top of Caer Mathos – /setwaypoint 753 2699

Oracle Aleria
Rift - River of Souls

DESCRIPTION: A level 50 – tier 1 – 20 man raid with 4 bosses and 3 mini-bosses (Foci)
LOCATION: Stillmoor – Top of Caer Mathos – /setwaypoint 990 2708

Herald Gaurath
Rift - Gilded Prophecy

DESCRIPTION: A level 50 – tier 1 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses – To defile the offering, just go click the cauldron at /setwaypoint 7359 7148
LOCATION: Shimmersand – Tempest Plains – /setwaypoint 7099 6901 — You will need quantum/omen sight (see top of page) — Hover over the portal to see if the portal is for intrepid or normal mode.

Anrak The Foul
Rift - Drowned Halls

DESCRIPTION: A level 50 – tier 1 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses.
LOCATION: Scarwood Reach – Bottom of the stairs at Lords Hall – /setwaypoint 3076 4133 — You will need quantum/omen sight (see top of page) — Hover over the portal to see if the portal is for intrepid or normal mode.

Joloral Ragetide
Rift - Rise of the Phoenix

DESCRIPTION: A level 50 – tier 2 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses and 3 mini bosses (Golems)
LOCATION: stonefield – at the entrance to the last valley – /setwaypoint 4225 5233 — you will need quantum/omen sight (see top of page) — hover over the portal to see if the portal is for intrepid or normal mode

One of the Golems
High Priest Arakhurn
Rift - Hammerknell Fortress

A level 50 – tier 2 – 20 man raid with 11 bosses.
When the level 65 Hammerknell Fortress was created the level 50 one was deleted from the game, along with all our cheevos!
We had many good times in Hammerknell at level 50, it was a truly epic raid!
Information for the level 65 version can be found with the other Nightmare Tide raids below.

Rift - Infernal Dawn

DESCRIPTION: A level 50 – tier 3 – 20 man raid with 8 bosses.
LOCATION: Ember Isle – INSIDE the volcano! — Which is why I have made a video – /setwaypoint 13655 3778
You can get into the volcano from the north at /setwaypoint 13686 3350 or from the south at /setwaypoint 13612 3745
The entrance to the tunnel where the raid entrance is is at /setwaypoint 13774 3625 (on the bottom floor of the volcano’s pathways)

Maklamos the Scryer
Rift - Primeval Feast

DESCRIPTION: A level 50 – tier 3 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses and a puzzle like encounter at the start.
LOCATION: Droughtlands – Near the Fallback portal — /setwaypoint 8591 6877 — You will need quantum/omen sight (see top of page)

Swarmlord Khargroth

Storm Legion Raids

Storm Legion - Intrepid: Drowned Halls

DESCRIPTION: A level 60 – tier 1 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses.
LOCATION: Scarwood Reach – Bottom of the stairs at Lords Hall – /setwaypoint 3076 4133 — You will need quantum/omen sight (see top of page) — Hover over the portal to see if the portal is for intrepid or normal mode.

Commander Jorb
High Priestess Hydriss
Storm Legion - Triumph of the Dragon Queen

DESCRIPTION: A level 60 – Tier 1 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses – Has a pass the ball ‘puzzle’ between the 1st and 2nd boss which needs at least 7 people to complete (maybe 5 or 6 if they position perfectly).
LOCATION: Kingsward – South of the Armory portal – /setwaypoint 5715 8759 — You will need quantum/omen sight (see top of page)

Grand Falconer Zoles
The Puzzle Boss
Storm Legion - Endless Eclipse

DESCRIPTION: A level 60 – tier 1 – 20 man raid with 5 bosses.
LOCATION: Morban – In the Shapers Citadel in the north-east – /setwaypoint 15236 5480

Progenitor Saetos
Storm Legion - Frozen Tempest

DESCRIPTION: A level 60 – tier 1 – 20 man raid with 4 bosses and one mini boss.
LOCATION: Morban – In stormhold in the south-east (on the top outside) – /setwaypoint 14314 7342

Storm Legion - Grim Awakening

DESCRIPTION: A level 60 – tier 2 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses.
LOCATION: Kingsward – Near the Academy portal – /setwaypoint 4534 8621 — You will need quantum/omen sight (see top of page)

Magma Lord Kaliban
Storm Legion - Plane Breaker Bastion

DESCRIPTION: A level 60 – tier 2 – 20 man raid with 5 bosses.
LOCATION: Steppes of Infinity – At the Infinity Gate – /setwaypoint 17259 7600

Planebreaker Abominus
Storm Legion - Infinity Gate

DESCRIPTION: A level 60 – tier 2 – 20 man raid with 3 bosses.
LOCATION: Steppes of  Infinity – At the Infinity Gate – /setwaypoint 16939 7476

Breaker X-1
Storm Legion - Binding of Blood

DESCRIPTION: A level 60 – tier 3 – 20 man raid with 4 bosses.
Each of the bosses is in its own separate instance, each boss has a mini-boss to kill before the main encounter – All the entrances are inside the Runic Athenaeum – Maelforge on the middle floor, Akylios, Laethys and Greenscale on the top floor – Hover over the portal for the name of the boss inside!
LOCATION: Moonshade Highlands – Inside the Runic Athenaeum – /setwaypoint 7398 1519


Nightmare Tide Raids

Nightmare Tide - The Rhen of Fate

DESCRIPTION: A level 65 – tier 1 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses.
LOCATION: Tarken Glacier – To the west of Port Scuddra – /setwaypoint 6384 4228 — You will need quantum/omen sight (see top of page)

Nightmare Tide - Mount Sharax

DESCRIPTION: A level 65 – tier 1 – 20 man raid with 5 bosses,
LOCATION: Tarken Glacier – In the north! At the bottom of the curvy path up the mountain – /setwaypoint 4735 2221

Yrlwalach - Yogurt Boss
Nightmare Tide - Tyrant's Forge

DESCRIPTION: A level 65 – tier 1 – 20 man raid with 3 bosses.
LOCATION: Tyrants Throne – At the coastline in the south – /setwaypoint 6590 9097

Nightmare Tide - Hammerknell Fortress

DESCRIPTION: A level 65 – tier 2 – 20 man raid with 11 bosses. – (One of which could be considered a mini-boss)
LOCATION: Moonshade Highlands – At the top of the stairs leading to the Hammerknell Fortress – /setwaypoint 6459 1192

Nightmare Tide - Intrepid: Gilded Prophecy

DESCRIPTION: A level 65 – Tier 2 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses. – To defile the offering, just go click the cauldron at /setwaypoint 7359 7148 – There is easy, normal and hard mode for this raid.
LOCATION: Shimmersand – Tempest Plains – /setwaypoint 7113 6904 — You will need quantum/omen sight (see top of page) — Hover over the portal to see if the portal is for intrepid or normal mode.

Nightmare Tide - The Mind of Madness

DESCRIPTION: A level 65 – tier 3 – 20 man raid with 9 bosses.
LOCATION: Tarken Glacier – In the Tenebrean Craters – /setwaypoint 4111 2210 — You will need quantum/omen sight (see top of page) – There is a sinister presence bad guy guarding the entrance who you need to kill before you can enter, he is level 67 and very mean!

Lord Arak
Nightmare Tide - The Comet of Ahnket

DESCRIPTION: A level 65 – tier 3 – 10 man raid with 6 bosses. – (Two of which could be considered mini-bosses)
LOCATION: Tempest Bay – Towards the Haunted Terminal on the left hand side after you go up the big ramp – /setwaypoint 13275 11564 — You will need quantum/omen sight (see top of page)

Duke Eblius

Prophecy of Ahnket Raids

Prophecy of Ahnket - The Queen's Foci

DESCRIPTION: A level 70 – tier 0.5 – 10 man raid with 1 boss.
LOCATION: Although there is an entrance to this raid most people will make a group of 10 players and then use the LFR system to queue in – The raid was original only available after completion of the Xarth Mire zone event ‘Cracking Xarth’s Skull’, it was eventually opened up to be available all the time via LFR – If the zone event has recently (less than 2 hours) been completed then just outside the Camp Quagmire portal will be a platform ( /setwaypoint 4787 4501 ) that will teleport you into Xarth Skull (where the raid entrance is)

Hexathel with Mechanics!
Prophecy of Ahnket - Tartaric Depths

TDEM (LFR) = a level 70 – tier 0.5 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses
TDNM = a level 70 – tier 1 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses
For TDEM most people will group up with 10 and then queue using the LFR system
For TDNM you have to use the portal
The two portals are right next to each other, hover over them to be sure you are entering the right one!
LOCATION: Ashenfell – Inside a large cave in Tartaric Fissure – /setwaypoint 2176 4601

Prophecy of Ahnket - Intrepid: Rise of the Phoenix

DESCRIPTION: A level 70 – tier 1 – 10 man raid with 4 bosses and 3 mini bosses (Golems)
LOCATION: Stonefield – At the entrance to the Last Valley – /setwaypoint 4234 5227 — You will need quantum/omen sight (see top of page) — Hover over the portal to see if the portal is for intrepid or normal mode.

General Silgen
Prophecy of Ahnket - The Bastion of Steel

DESCRIPTION: A level 70 – tier 2 – 10 man raid with 3 bosses.
LOCATION: Vostigar Peaks – Near the middle entrance to the Maze of Steel area – /setwaypoint 4024 1685

Commander Isiel's tank