
Getting from A to B with ease.

A list of all the Porticulums in game (hereinafter referred to as ‘portals’).
Portals can usually be found in main quest hubs or cities.
A player can use a portal to travel to any other portal that they have unlocked. 
Portals are usually unlocked just by walking near them, though for some portals you will need to speak to the portal master to unlock it.
Portal Masters take a variety of shapes and sizes, from normal humanoid NPCs, to woodland creatures or even floating brains!
Portals in new continents or on islands will often have a quest to pick up that will unlock the portal and allow you to travel to it.
Travelling by portal costs a bit of coin, the amount will depend on your characters level and the locations you are porting to/from.
A lot of portals will also have a mailbox nearby for collecting in game mails.

All portals can be used by both factions of players, Portal Masters are neutral, however the surrounding NPCs in the quest hub/city may not be neutral, especially in the Mathosian zones. Take extra care when visiting a portal of the opposite Faction, especially if you are a low level player!


Players start the game in a small starter zone; Mathosia for Guardians and Terminus for Defiants.
Once through the Tutorial zone, Defiants will start their questing in Freemarch and Stonefield, their main city will be Meridian. Guardians will start their questing in Silverwood and Gloamwood, their main city will be Sanctum.

Players level up from 1-50 in the Mathosian zones.
Planetouched Wilds is a level 65 zone.

Storm Legion

Once you hit Level 48 you can speak to the Lycini Ambassador in Meridian at /setwaypoint 6140 5187 or Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7454 3059. Choose to go the front lines and pick Brevane or Dusken to go to Cape Jule or Pelladane in the Storm Legion zones and continue questing, or you can ask the Lycini Ambassador to send you directly to Tempest Bay by saying you have business in the capital.
Tempest Bay is the main city that everyone uses from level 48 and up to max.

Players level up from 50-60 in the Storm Legion zones.

Nightmare Tide

Once you hit Level 58 you can portal straight to the Nightmare Tide zones, the first portal in Goboro Reef will be open to you.
There will also be a quest for you to pick up at /setwaypoint 12945 11607 in Tempest Bay (Near the Plaza portal) that will start you off with the quests in the Nightmare Tide zones.

Players level up from 60-65 in the Nightmare Tide zones.

When you hit level 65 you will be receive a letter from Rahn Chuluun that will start you off on the main Planetouched Wilds questline. There are a few quests to complete in Droughtlands in the area bordering Planetouched Wilds before leading into Planetouched Wilds. You can also go straight into Planetouched Wilds (from droughtlands) and pick up the first quest from Uriel Chuluun /setwaypoint 8072 5571 though you will want to complete the quests from the letter at some point.

At 65 you will also be able to take the first quest to take you into the Prophecy of Ahnket zones. The first portal in Alittu will automatically open up for you on hitting 65. Or you can go to the Cometary Porticulum at /setwaypoint 12825 11723 to pick up a quest from General Batua that will ask you to travel to the Comet of Ahnket.

To get to Tyrants Throne, you can just swim from Goboro Reef and open up the portal, or at level 65 you can take a quest from ‘Blark’ in Margle Palace /setwaypoint 5727 5636 which will open up the Tyrants Throne portal and allow you to travel there to do the quests.

Prophecy of Ahnket

Players level up from 65-70 in the Prophecy of Ahnket zones.

At 65 you will be able to take the first quest to take you into the Prophecy of Ahnket zones. The first portal in Alittu will automatically open up for you on hitting 65. Or you can go to the Cometary Porticulum at /setwaypoint 12825 11723 to pick up a quest from General Batua that will ask you to travel to the Comet of Ahnket.

Other kinds of teleports

Patrons Fast Pass / Brevanic Portal Generator

Patrons fast pass works exactly the same way as the Brevanic Portal Generator

Brevanic Portal Generator is available to buy in the Rift Store (under services) for credits only.

Patrons fast pass is available for use whenever you have an active Patron sub.

Both abilities allow you to remotely access the Porticulum system. You can do this from anywhere in open world, it doesnt usually work in instances. Simply click the ability and the portal map will pop up and you can choose which portal you would like to port to.

Patrons fast pass and the Brevanic Portal Generator have separate cooldowns.
If both your abilities are on cooldown you can use a Brevanic Portal Battery to reset both cooldowns and use them again. The cooldowns are pretty short though and when combined with all the other portals available in game there isnt much need to use them.

Teleportation Devices

There are a few Teleportation Devices available that will teleport you to one specific location.
The main downside of these is that they take up a slot in your bags, with so many other teleports available these may just end up stashed away in your bank.

Tempest Insignia
Rewarded from completing Blue tier loyalty.

Chancel of Labors Teleport Device

Rewarded from completing the artifact set called ‘Iron Pine Peak’.

Wyrmbane Spire Teleport Device

Rewarded from completing the artifact set called ‘Shimmersand’.

Zareph’s Return Teleport Device

Rewarded from completing the artifact set called ‘Stillmoor’.

PA Teleports

When you level up your Planar Attunement you will unlock various Teleports

Teleport to Droughtlands – From the Air PA
Teleport to Ember Isle – From the Fire PA
Teleport to Gloamwood – From the Death PA
Teleport to Moonshade Highlands – From the Water PA
Teleport to Scarwood Reach – From the Life PA
Teleport to Stonefield – From the Earth PA

These teleports will port you to one of the main Porticulum in the specified zone. The Gloamwood and Stonefield teleports work a little differently, Guardians will be ported to a graveyard in Stonefield and Defiants will be ported to a graveyard in Gloamwood.

Puzzle Teleports

There are a few teleports specifically related to puzzles.

Call of Callweddi

Bought from a vendor in the Callweddi Village above the Callweddi Puzzle.
Can be used anywhere to teleport you back to the Callweddi Village to use the vendors there to buy unique items.

Opie Whistle

Looted from a chest high up in the Magician’s Tower in Vostigar Peaks.
The chest is next to the starting platform for the Vostigar Peaks Jumping Puzzle.
Using Opie Whistle will take you back to the starting platform. It can be used from anywhere in Vostigar Peaks.

Tok Box

Bought from a vendor inside
Toks Puzzle Dungeon. The Tok Box will teleport you into Toks Dungeon if you are stood in Alittu, once inside Toks Dungeon it will teleport you back to the reception area from anywhere else in the dungeon.