Suffix Titles

Titles that go after your character name


, Older’n Dirt
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Carnival world event

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Instant Adventurer!’ found in H>Character
Complete 1000 Instant Adventures

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Instant Adventurer!’ found in H>Character
Complete 500 Instant Adventures

An Hero
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Anheroic’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Storm Legion>Bindings of Blood

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for getting married in game on February 14th 2012

Bacon Baron
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Bacon Baron’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Boar’s Bane’ found in H>World Events>Promotions
This cheevo is not currently completeable due to the world event not being made into a call to action yet.

Baroness of Bacon
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Bacon Baron’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Boar’s Bane’ found in H>World Events>Promotions
This cheevo is not currently completeable due to the world event not being made into a call to action yet.

Blinded by Shinys
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Shinys: Art or Fact’ found in H>Character
Collect 1200 sets of Artifacts.

Bounty Hunter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘I’ll Take Pleasure in Guttin’ You… Boy…’ found in H>Character>Bounties
Collect 20 Bounties
Complete 20 Bounty Artifact sets and hand them in.

Brevane Adventurer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Brevane Adventurer’ found in H>Character>Instant Adventure
Complete Instant Adventures in all the Brevane zones

Bug Hunter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
From the ‘Writ of the Defender‘ item which drops from the Architects in Ashora

Cake Lady
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female. (possible that males get ‘Cake Lord’?)
For earning the cheevo ‘No Lie!’ found in H>Legacy
Took part in the Telaran Half-Birthday Celebration.
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section and is no longer completeable

Cape Jule Surname – Ember
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo to do 500 Instant Adventures in Cape Jule found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!
The display name of the title is bugged, It will show the correct name when you apply it

Conflict Mediator
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Five More Years!‘ found in H>World Events>Carnival of the Ascended

Crazy Cat Lady
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Crazy Cat Man’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Animal Rescue’ found in H>Character
Collect 250 companion pets.

Crazy Cat Man
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Crazy Cat Lady’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Animal Rescue’ found in H>Character
Collect 250 companion pets.

Dazzled by Shinys
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Dazzled by Shinys’ found in H>Character
Collect 1400 sets of Artifacts.

Defiant Supporter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ’10 Years of Service with the Defiants’ found in H>World Events> Carnival of the Ascended
Buy and use any of the 3 Defiant Warhorses.

Dusken Adventurer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Dusken Adventurer’ found in H>Character>Instant Adventure
Complete Instant Adventures in all the Dusken zones

Eastern Holdings Surname – Bunker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo to do 500 Instant Adventures in Eastern Holdings found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!
The display name of the title is bugged, It will show the correct name when you apply it

Ember Isle Surname – Ember
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo to do 500 Instant Adventures in Ember Isle found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!
The display name of the title is bugged, It will show the correct name when you apply it

Fate’s Favorite
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Only Improbable’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Storm Legion>Bindings of Blood

Fae Bane
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unseelie Slayer’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete the Life Saga quests in Moonshade Highlands

Freemarch Surname – Free
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo to do 500 Instant Adventures in Freemarch found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!
The display name of the title is bugged, It will show the correct name when you apply it

Gentle Breeze
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned from Season Six battle pass artifact set

Goboro Reef Surname – Reef
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo to do 500 Instant Adventures in Goboro Reef found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!
The display name of the title is bugged. It will show the correct name when you apply it.

Guardian Supporter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ’10 Years of Service with the Guardian’ found in H>World Events> Carnival of the Ascended
Buy and use any of the 3 Guardian Valmeras.

Harvest Celebrant
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Autumn Harvest world event

Harvester of Dreams
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘A Nightmare of a Harvest‘ found in H>World Events>Autumn Harvest

Herd Master
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Herd Master‘ found in H>Character
Collect 100 mounts.

Initiate Bounty Hunter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Start Small, Aim Big’ found in H>Character>Bounties
Collect your first Bounty
Complete a Bounty Artifact set and hand it in.

Is Magic
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Friendship…‘ found in H>World Events>Promotions

Khadluu Stalker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Drops when you kill a Dev during a dev dino event!

Lady of Death
Earned by a Defiant Female (Male earns ‘Lord of Death’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Lord of Death’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete the Saga of the Endless

Leaf on the Wind
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned from Season Two battle pass artifact set

Liquid State
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For completing the artifact set from Battle Pass Season 3

Lord of Death
Earned by a Defiant Male (Female earns ‘Lady of Death’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Lord of Death’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete the Saga of the Endless

Lord of Madness
Earned by Defiant and Guardian Male (Female earns ‘Mistress of Madness’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Lord of Madness’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete Act Three of the Abyssal Saga

Master of the Glow
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Mistress of the Glow’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Master of the Glow’ found in H>Character
Collect 1000 sets of Artifacts.

Master of the Menagerie
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Mistress of the Menagerie’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Master of the Menagerie’ found in H>Character
Collect 75 companion pets.

Mathosian Adventurer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Mathosian Adventurer’ found in H>Character>Instant Adventure
Complete Instant Adventures in all the Mathosian zones

Mead Drinker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Autumn Harvest world event

Mistress of Madness
Earned by Defiant and Guardian Female (Male earns ‘Lord of Madness’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Lord of Madness’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete Act Three of the Abyssal Saga

Mistress of the Glow
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Master of the Glow’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Master of the Glow’ found in H>Character
Collect 1000 sets of Artifacts.

Mistress of the Menagerie
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Master of the Menagerie’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Master of the Menagerie’ found in H>Character
Collect 75 companion pets.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Naturalist’ found in H>Character
Collect 100 companion pets.

Nightmare Adventurer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Nightmare Adventurer’ found in H>Character>Instant Adventure
Complete Instant Adventures in all the Nightmare Tide zones.

Novice Bounty Hunter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘My Little Bounties’ found in H>Character>Bounties
Collect 10 Bounties
Complete 10 Bounty Artifact sets and hand them in.

O’ Lantern
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Jack of all Lanterns‘ found in H>World Events>Autumn Harvest

Of Argent
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for being a previous resident of the Argent shard

Of Blightweald
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for being a previous resident of the Blightweald shard

Of Icewatch
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for being a previous resident of the Icewatch shard

Of Phynnious
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for being a previous resident of the Phynnious shard

Of the 750 Club
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Supreme Antiquarian’ found in H>Character
Collect 750 sets of Artifacts.

Of the Icewatch
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Winter is… on its way’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete the Air Saga quest ‘Welcome to the Fight’

Of The Storm
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for purchasing Storm Legion
Note: I have had a report that this is granted by the Ascended Essentials pack.

Of Three Springs
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for being a previous resident of the Three Springs shard

Of Volan
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for being a previous resident of the Volan shard

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Instant Adventurer!’ found in H>Character
Complete 2500 Instant Adventures

Pack Hunter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Drops when you kill a Dev during a dev dino event!

Pants on Fire
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned from Season One battle pass artifact set

Patron of the Arts
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Mitch’s 2016 World Puppet Tour‘ found in H>World Events>Summerfest

Pelladane Surname – Ram
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo to do 500 Instant Adventures in Pelladane found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!
The display name of the title is bugged, It will show the correct name when you apply it

Prophetic Speaker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Autumn Harvest world event

Pumpkin Picker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Autumn Harvest world event

Rock Solid
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For completing the Artifact set ‘Arcane Geology Doctorate’ from Battle Pass season 4

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Saddle-Sore‘ found in H>Character
Collect 224 Mounts.

Scarwood Surname – Scar
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo to do 500 Instant Adventures in Scarwood Reach found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!
The display name of the title is bugged, It will show the correct name when you apply it

Scary Beyond All Reason
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Scared Silly‘ found in H>World Events>Autumn Harvest

Seasoned Bounty Hunter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Look at all These Parts’ found in H>Character>Bounties
Collect 40 Bounties
Complete 40 Bounty Artifact sets and hand them in.

Shimmersand Surname – Sand
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo to do 500 Instant Adventures in Shimmersand found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!
The display name of the title is bugged, It will show the correct name when you apply it

Singer of the Mad Verse
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Akylionic Scripture’ found in H>Planes>Event>Echoes of Madness

So Crafty
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Earned on the Prime-Vigil Server for completing a challenge to level a craft skill to 300

Stable Master
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Stable Master‘ found in H>Character
Collect 40 mounts.

Stillmoor Surname – Caer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo to do 500 Instant Adventures in Stillmoor found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!
The display name of the title is bugged, It will show the correct name when you apply it

Stonefield Surname – Stone
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo to do 500 Instant Adventures in Stonefield found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!
The display name of the title is bugged, It will show the correct name when you apply it

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Somebody set us up the Bomb’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete the Air Saga quest ‘Memento Mori’

Tamer of Brambletail
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Tamer of Brambletail’ found in H>Character
Buy and ride the Brambletail mount from the artifact collector using planar nuts, earned by completing unstable artifact sets.

Tamer of Cloudtail
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Tamer of Cloudtail’ found in H>Character
Buy and ride the Cloudtail mount from the artifact collector using planar nuts, earned by completing unstable artifact sets.

Tamer of Flametail
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Tamer of Flametail’ found in H>Character
Buy and ride the Flametail mount from the artifact collector using planar nuts, earned by completing unstable artifact sets.

Tamer of Gemtail
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Tamer of Gemtail’ found in H>Character
Buy and ride the Gemtail mount from the artifact collector using planar nuts, earned by completing unstable artifact sets.

Tamer of Rivertail
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Tamer of Rivertail’ found in H>Character
Buy and ride the Rivertail mount from the artifact collector using planar nuts, earned by completing unstable artifact sets.

Tamer of Shadowtail
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Tamer of Shadowtail’ found in H>Character
Buy and ride the Shadowtail mount from the artifact collector using planar nuts, earned by completing unstable artifact sets.

The Acquirer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Freemarch‘ Artifact set.

The Addicted
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Queen’s Gambit‘ Artifact set.

The Aggressive
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Live Strong‘ found in H>World Events>Summerfest

The Antiquarian
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Journeyman Antiquarian’ found in H>Character
Collect 50 sets of Artifacts.

The Artistic
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Morban‘ Artifact set.

The Ash King
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Summer Royalty‘ found in H>World Events>Summerfest

The Automaton Engineer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Souvenirs from Golem Foundry‘ Artifact set.

The Awesome
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted: Rorf’s Extra Hidden Shinnies‘ Artifact set.

The Beach Bum
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Beach Bum Style‘ found in H>World Events>Summerfest

The Brasse Basher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for Participating in a Dev killing event

The Caroler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Making a List, Checking it Twice‘ found in H>World Events>Fae Yule

The Celebrator
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Carnival world event

The Chased
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Try not to look too desperate’ found in H>Legacy
Be the target of the love bug from 50 other players while in Meridian or Sanctum
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section and is no longer completeable

The Chic
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘The Dapper’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Wardrobe: Set V’ found in H>Character>Wardrobe
Collect 300 Wardrobe Sets

The Civil Engineer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Civil Engineer’ found in H>Character>Role-Playing
Place 5000 dimension items in your guild’s dimension

The Claimant
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Silverwood‘ Artifact set.

The Cleric Slayer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Cleric Slayer’ found in H>Character>Bounties
Collect all the Bounties on Clerics

The Compulsive
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Expert Antiquarian’ found in H>Character
Collect 100 sets of Artifacts.

The Connoisseur
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Kingsward‘ Artifact set.

The Crazed Collector
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘The Crazed Collector… With A Twist‘ Artifact set.

The Dark Tide
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Dark Water Rising’ found in H>Planes>Water

The Dapper
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘The Chic’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Wardrobe: Set V’ found in H>Character>Wardrobe
Collect 300 Wardrobe Sets

The Darkseer
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Stand Against Darkness’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete the Death Saga quest in Moonshade Highlands.’

The Death Proof
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Death Proof’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Storm Legion>Bindings of Blood

The Decadent
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Cape Jule‘ Artifact set.

The Decker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Souvenirs from Realm of Twisted Dreams‘ Artifact set.

The Deranged
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘An Deranged Obsession’ found in H>Planes>Event>Echoes of Madness
Defeat 10 of the Echoes

The Detector
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Stonefield‘ Artifact set.

The Dimensional Architect
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Architect’ found in H>Character>Role-Playing
Place 5000 dimension items in your own dimension

The Discerning
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Ember Isle‘ Artifact set.

The Discoverer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Gloamwood‘ Artifact set.

The Dreamer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Ashora‘ Artifact set.

The Dreamy
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Between Arak and a Hard Place’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete Act Three of the Nightmare Saga

The Drunk
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Hammered‘ found in H>World Events>Summerfest

The Dynamo
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Mind and Body’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Moonshade Highlands
Complete the Soul Story Quest ‘Mad Respect’

The Enlightened
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Nirvana’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete the Life Saga quests in the Expert Instances

The Exalted Carouser
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Carnival world event

The Fae Puppeteer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Fae Puppet Master‘ found in H>World Events>Autumn Harvest

The Far-Seer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘The Far-Seeress’)
For earning the cheevo ‘An End Unforeseen’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Moonshade Highlands
Complete the Soul Story Quest ‘Stairway To Oblivion’

The Far-Seeress
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘The Far-Seer’)
For earning the cheevo ‘An End Unforeseen’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Moonshade Highlands
Complete the Soul Story Quest ‘Stairway To Oblivion’

The Feather Plucker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Souvenirs from Exodus of the Storm Queen‘ Artifact set.

The Finder
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Scarlet Gorge‘ Artifact set.

The Frosty
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘A Bloody Fae Yule‘ found in H>World Events>Fae Yule

The Fugitive Finder
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Lots of Time and Things to Kill’ found in H>Character>Bounties
Collect 60 Bounties
Complete 60 Bounty Artifact sets and hand them in.

The Gifter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Gift of Giving’ found in H>Legacy
Gift an item via the Rift Store during Fae Yule.
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section and is no longer completeable

The Gnar Tamer
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Death in the Gorge’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete the Death Saga quest in Scarlet Gorge.

The God Slayer
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The End of Life’s Demise’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete the Saga of the Aelfwar

The Great Destroyer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘It’s Over 900,000’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Storm Legion>Bindings of Blood

The Grisly
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Souvenirs from Unhallowed Boneforge‘ Artifact set.

The Grotesque
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Souvenirs from Archive of Flesh‘ Artifact set.

The Headhunter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Headhunter’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Storm Legion>Planebreaker Bastion

The Hoarder
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Grandmaster Antiquarian’ found in H>Character
Collect 300 sets of Artifacts.

The Host with the Most
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Host With the Most‘ found in H>World Events>Summerfest

The Icy
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Fae Yule Grand Cape‘ found in H>World Events>Fae Yule

The Igniter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Unknown Flame’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete Act One of the Saga of the Wanton Maw

the Impossible Dynamo
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘It Can’t Be Done’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Nightmare Tide>The Mind of Madness

The Inescapable
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘So Much Death…’ found in H>Character>Bounties
Collect 80 Bounties
Complete 80 Bounty Artifact sets and hand them in.

The Inquirer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Scarwood Reach‘ Artifact set.

The Investigator
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Droughtlands‘ Artifact set.

The Irrational
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘An Irrational Fear’ found in H>Planes>Event>Echoes of Madness
Defeat 5 of the Echoes

The Jail Breaker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Shattered Remnants‘ Artifact set.

The Jubilant
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘New Years Fireworks‘ found in H>World Events

The Judge
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Hand of Judgment’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Moonshade Highlands
Complete the Soul Story Quest ‘A Rift A Minute Wide’

The King of Summer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘the Queen of Summer’)
Bought from the rift store during the Summerfest world event

The Landscaper
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Landscaper’ found in H>Character>Role-Playing
Place 5000 dimension items in friends’ dimensions

The Liberator
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Steppes of Infinity‘ Artifact set.

The Life of the Party
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Life of the Party‘ found in H>World Events>Summerfest

The Long Lived
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘An Old Dog Learning New Tricks‘ found in H>World Events>Carnival of the Ascended

The Mage Slayer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Mage Slayer’ found in H>Character>Bounties
Collect all the Bounties on Mages

The Magpie
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Master Antiquarian’ found in H>Character
Collect 200 sets of Artifacts.

The Manipulator
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted City Core‘ Artifact set.

The Manugoist
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Instant Adventurer!’ found in H>Character>Instant Adventure
Complete 5000 Instant Adventures

The Matchmaker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Matchmaker‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Seratos

The Mazed and Confused
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Summerfest world event

the Neophyte of Flame
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Into The Depths and Back Again’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket>Tartaric Depths

The Night Walker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Night Terrors’ found in H>Dungeons>Rift: Storm Legion>Realm of Twisted Dreams

The Noble Puppeteer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Noble Puppet Master‘ found in H>World Events>Autumn Harvest

The One Percent
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Scraping the Threads of Fate’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Storm Legion>Bindings of Blood

The Pain Killer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Love Heals All’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Moonshade Highlands
Complete the Soul Story Quest ‘A Rune By Any Other Name’

The Parade Maker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Carnival world event

The Peacekeeper
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Carnival world event

The Pioneer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Moonshade Highlands‘ Artifact set.

The Planar Defender
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Carnival world event

The Poetic
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Seratos‘ Artifact set.

The Psychotic
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘A Psychotic Focus’ found in H>Planes>Event>Echoes of Madness
Defeat 15 of the Echoes

The Puppet Master
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Puppet Master‘ found in H>World Events

The Puzzle Slayer
source – Unknown

The Pyromaniac
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Delinking the Chain of Command’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete Act Two of the Saga of the Wanton Maw

The Queen of Summer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘the King of Summer’)
Bought from the rift store during the Summerfest world event

The Rabble-Rouser
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Carnival world event

The Redeemer
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Valley of Darkness’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete the Life Saga quests in Stillmoor

The Regifter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘The Great Dragon Cult Gift Exchange‘ Artifact set.

The Reveler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Carnival world event

The Revolutionary
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Prince’s Pal’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete the Life Saga quests in Silverwood

The Rogue Slayer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Rogue Slayer’ found in H>Character>Bounties
Collect all the Bounties on Rogues

The Romantic
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted: Sterling Sylver, a Romantic’s Guide to Love‘ Artifact set.

The Sandswept
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Souvenirs from Storm Breaker Protocol‘ Artifact set.

The Scavenger
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Fun in the Sun‘ found in H>World Events>Summerfest

The Searcher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Iron Pine Peak‘ Artifact set.

The Seeker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Apprentice Antiquarian’ found in H>Character
Collect 10 sets of Artifacts.

The Shattered
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Pelladane‘ Artifact set.

The Shocked
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Ardent Domain‘ Artifact set.

The Sinister
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Dreams of War’ found in H>Dungeons>Rift: Storm Legion

The Sizzling
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Summerfest world event

The Snow Puppeteer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Snow Puppet Master‘ found in H>World Events>Fae Yule

The Snowmancer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Snowmancer‘ found in H>World Events>Fae Yule

The Soggy
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Soggy Historian’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete Act Two of the Abyssal Saga

The Speed Demon
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Racing Toward Destruction’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Nightmare Tide>The Mind of Madness

The Spotter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Shimmersand‘ Artifact set.

The Squirrel
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Supreme Antiquarian’ found in H>Character
Collect 500 sets of Artifacts.

The Storm Legion’s Most Wanted
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Mind Breakers‘ Artifact set. (Found in Tower of the Shattered Dungeon)

The Summer Flame
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Summerfest world event

The Summer Sleuth
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Summer Sleuth‘ found in H>World Events>Summerfest

The Sun Kissed
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Summerfest world event

The Sun Praiser
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Cape of the Sun‘ found in H>World Events>Summerfest

The Sunburned
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Summerfest world event

The Sunny
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Summerfest world event

The Theorist
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Eastern Holdings‘ Artifact set.

The Time Bandit
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘GOTT4 C4TCH TH3M 4LL’ found in H>World Events>Promotions
LEGACY – This cheevo is no longer completeable and should be moved to legacy!

The Trendsetter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Fabric of the Universe‘ Artifact set.

The Twisted
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Stillmoor‘ Artifact set.

The Uncanny
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Uncanny Visitor‘ found in H>World Events>Autumn Harvest

The Unknowable
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Secrets of the Bastion’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Storm Legion>Planebreaker Bastion

The Unmutated
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Souvenirs from Empyrean Core‘ Artifact set.

The Unphaged
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Souvenirs from Tower of the Shattered‘ Artifact set.

The Unstable
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned by Completing the ‘Twisted Dendrome’ Artifact set.

the Vanquisher of Nightmares
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: The Mind of Madness’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Nightmare Tide>The Mind of Madness

The Warmonger
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Carnival world event

The Warrior Slayer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Warrior Slayer’ found in H>Character>Bounties
Collect all the Bounties on Warriors

The Wrecker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Fragment of Kaaz’ra‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Ashora
LEGACY – This cheevo is no longer completeable and should be moved to legacy!

The Yaviey Squisher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for Participating in a Dev killing event

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unbridled‘ found in H>Character
Collect 60 mounts.

Void of Life
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning level 30 during the Battle Pass Season 5

Woven Floof
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Foxes in the Yarn‘ found in H>World Events>Autumn Harvest

Zoo Keeper
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Zoo Keeper’ found in H>Character
Collect 50 companion pets.

Faction Titles

Ahnket Inquisitor
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Master of Magic’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with Mages of Alittu.

Best Friend Forever
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Friendship Magic’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with Feilbocan.

Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Farclan Castaway’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Farclan.

Champion of Freemarch
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Champion of Freemarch’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Honored with the Freemarch Wardens.

Champion of Silverwood
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Champion of Silverwood’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Honored with the Quicksilver Scholars.

Champion of Thedeor
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Heaven in Hell’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with Thedeor’s Spear.

City Survivor
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘City Survivor’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Eternal City Survivors.

Cliff Diver
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Camp Falls‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Seratos

Defender of Bailghol
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Son of a Bailghol’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with Bailghol.

Defender of the Seas
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Defender of the Seas’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with Pelagic Order.

Drake Slayer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Drake Slayer’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Dragonslayer Covenant.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Empyreal Soldier’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Empyreal Alliance.

Friend of the Dead
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Respect of the Dead’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Earned when you are Venerated with Dead Simon.
Gain Notoriety with Dead Simon by doing puzzles and other activities in Toks Dungeon.

Granite Falls Citizen
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Granite Falls Citizen’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Honored with the Granite Falls Citizens.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Cheers!’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Hailol.

Hand of the Arcane
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Arcane Devotee’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with the Arcane Hand.

Honorary Waykeeper
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Honorary Waykeeper’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Honored with the Gloamwood Waykeepers.

Iron Claw Trapper
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Iron Claw Hunter’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Honored with the Gloamwood Waykeepers.

Kain’s Fist
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For completing the quest ‘The Last Command‘ from Scarwood Reach

Keeper of the Dead
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Keeper of the Dead’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Necropolis Caretakers.

Keeper of the Flame
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Keeper of the Flame’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the The Keepers.

Knight of Mathos
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Knight of Mathos’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Order of Mathos.

Legion Eradicator
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Nemesis of Crucia‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion
Destroy 10,000 member of the Storm Legion

Lycini Exemplar
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Lycini Exemplar’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Venerated with the Lycini.

Lycini Royalty
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘For Queen and her Country’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Lycini.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Numerologist’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with Manugo League.

Of the Birds
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Empyrean Flyer‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion
Complete all the jump cheevos in Brevane and Dusken

Planar Conqueror
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Into the Breach’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with Planar Defense Force.

Prey Stalker
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Red Scar Stalker’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with the Red Scar Trackers.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Progenitor’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with the Onir.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Student of the Cosmic Rhinoceros’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Achyati.

Royal Advisor
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Royal Advisor’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with Shal Korva.

Sheriff of Rock Ridge
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Lawman’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Decorated with the Quarry Rats.

Soggy Student
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Deep Learning‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Steppes of Infinity

Station Commander
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Station Commander’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with the Ghar.

Student Hazing Committee
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Bookworm’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Decorated with the Quicksilver Scholars.

Tapped Out
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘It goes to Eleven‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion

The Bloodthirsty
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Blood Lust’ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion
Complete all the carnage quests in Brevane or Dusken

The Caretaker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Caretaker Conscription‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Steppes of Infinity

the Deliverer of Redemption
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Redemption Song’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with Saint Taranis.

The Glorified
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Best Friends Forever found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Icewatch, The Order of Mathos and The Dragon Slayer Covenent.

The Reclaimer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Runeguard Reclaimer’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Runeguard.

The Thresher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Thresher’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with Cerulean Rhenke.

The Vigilant
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Ice Watcher’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Icewatch.

The Wanderer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Sore Foot‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion
Explore every zone in Brevane and Dusken

The Warden
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Freemarch Warden’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Decorated with the Freemarch Wardens.

The Wave Singer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Wave Singer’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Revered with the Atragarians.

Torvan Exemplar
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Torvan Exemplar’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Venerated with the Torvan hunters.

Torvan Legend
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Torvan Legend’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Torvan hunters.

Tribal Elder
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Tribal Elder’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Qaijiri.

Ultimate Tracker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Ultimate Camper‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion
Kill all the rares in Brevane and Dusken

Zone Titles

Architect of Destruction
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Kicking the Hive‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>The Dendrome

Ardent Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Ardent Domain’ found in H>Zones>Storm Legion>Ardent Domain
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Ardent Domain

Ashora Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Ashora’ found in H>Zones>Storm Legion>Ashora
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Ashora

Bane of the Bloodfire
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Intrepid Gyel Fortress’ found in H>Dungeons>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket>Intrepid Gyel Fortress

Base Jumper
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘So Much Fun, I Did It Once‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Silverwood

Boulder Buster
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Kicking Rocks‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Moonshade Highlands

Bounty Hunter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Bountiful‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Droughtlands

Bug Buster
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Repellent Bug‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>The Dendrome

Cape Jule Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Cape Jule’ found in H>Zones>Storm Legion>Cape Jule
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Cape Jule

Champion of the Sun
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Primeval Feast’ found in H>Raids>Rift>Primeval Feast

City Core Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable City Core’ found in H>Zones>Storm Legion>City Core
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in City Core

Dances With Squirrels
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Dancing with Squirrels’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Stonefield

Dendrome Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Dendrome’ found in H>Zones>Storm Legion>Dendrome
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Dendrome

Desert Diviner
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Desert Knowledge‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Ashora

Dragon Babysitter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Dragos Dragons‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket>Vostigar Peaks

Droughtlands Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Droughtlands’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Droughtlands
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Droughtlands

Ember Isle Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Ember Isle’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Ember Isle
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Ember Isle

Endless Annihilator
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘It’s Finally Still’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Stillmoor
Complete all the achievements in Stillmoor

Eternity’s End
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Venific Victory‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>The Dendrome

Explorer of the Depths
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Seeking Solace‘ found in H>Zones>Rift

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Playing with Fire‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion> Cape Jule

Freemarch Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Freemarch’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Freemarch
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Freemarch

Friend of Scotty
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘From Outcast to Hero’ found in H>Zones>Rift
Complete the questline involving Scotty

Gaucho of the Gorge
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Glory of the Gorge’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Scarlet Gorge
Complete all the achievements in Scarlet Gorge

Ghost Reader
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Pew Pew Pew‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Ardent Domain

Gloamwood Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Gloamwood’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Gloamwood
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Gloamwood

Goblin Bane
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Darkening Deeps’ found in H>Dungeons>Rift>Darkening Deeps

Gorge Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Scarlet Gorge’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Scarlet Gorge
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Scarlet Gorge

High Diver
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘High Diver‘ found in H>Zones>Rift

Holdings Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Eastern Holdings’ found in H>Zones>Storm Legion>Eastern Holdings
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Eastern Holdings

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Garden Gathering‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Kingsward

Hunter of the Deep
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Huntress of the Deep’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Brine Buster‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Nightmare Tide
Kill all the Nightmare Tide rares

Huntress of the Deep
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Hunter of the Deep’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Brine Buster‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Nightmare Tide
Kill all the Nightmare Tide rares

Iron Pine Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Iron Pine Peak’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Iron Pine Peak
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Iron Pine Peak

Jumped the Shark
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Jump the Shark‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Nightmare Tide

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘I Didn’t Like What They Were Playing Anyway‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion> City Core

Kingsward Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Kingsward’ found in H>Zones>Storm Legion>Kingsward
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Kingsward

Lady of the Desert
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Lord of the Desert’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Windswept’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Shimmersand
Complete all the achievements in Shimmersand

Lady of the Fae Court
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Lord of the Fae Court’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Realm of the Fae’ found in H>Dungeons>Rift>The Realm of the Fae

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Ascended by Lamplight‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Eastern Holdings

Lord of the Desert
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Lady of the Desert’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Windswept’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Shimmersand
Complete all the achievements in Shimmersand

Lord of the Fae Court
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Lady of the Fae Court’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Realm of the Fae’ found in H>Dungeons>Rift>The Realm of the Fae

March Warden
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Freemarch Conqueror’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Freemarch
Complete all the Achievements in Freemarch

Master of the Bioforge
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Mistress of the Bioforge’
For earning the cheevo ‘Biofoundry Containment‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Ashora

Master of the Wild Hunt
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Mistress of the Wild Hunt’)
For earning the cheevo ‘The Wild Hunt‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Planetouched Wilds
Defeat ALL the rares in Planetouched Wilds

Merchant of Death
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Merchant of Death‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Freemarch

Mistress of the Bioforge
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Master of the Bioforge’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Biofoundry Containment‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Ashora

Mistress of the Wild Hunt
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Master of the Wild Hunt’)
For earning the cheevo ‘The Wild Hunt‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Planetouched Wilds
Defeat ALL the rares in Planetouched Wilds

Monkey Brain
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Manugo‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Nightmare Tide
>> 2,000,000,000 <<

Morban Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Morban’ found in H>Zones>Storm Legion>Morban
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Morban

Mother Nugger
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Mother Said Nug You Out‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Morban

Moonshade Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Moonshade Highlands’ found in H>Zones>Storm Legion>Moonshade Highlands
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Morban

Of Meridian
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘All Things Defiant‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Freemarch
Explore all of Meridian

Of Sanctum
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Meditating in Sanctum‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Silverwood
Explore all of Sanctum

Of The Unseen
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Agent of the Unseen’ found in H>Zones>Rift
Follow Defiant Story Questline from Stonefield to Stillmoor

Of the Wilds
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Master of the Wild’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Planetouched Wilds
Complete all the Planetouched Wilds achievements

Pelladane Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Pelladane’ found in H>Zones>Storm Legion>Kingdom of Pelladane
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Pelladane

Scarwood Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Scarwood Reach’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Scarwood Reach
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Scarwood Reach

Scourge of the Sea
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Scourge of the Sea’ found in H>Raids>Rift>Infernal Dawn

Searcher of High Places
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Cairn Do Too‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion

Seratos Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Seratos’ found in H>Zones>Storm Legion>Seratos
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Seratos

Shimmersand Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Shimmersand’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Shimmersand
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Shimmersand

Silverwood Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Silverwood’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Silverwood
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Silverwood

Steppes Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Steppes of Infinity’ found in H>Zones>Storm Legion>Steppes of Infinity
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Steppes of Infinity

Still Perplexed
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Perplexing Puzzle Pieces‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket

Stillmoor Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Stillmoor’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Stillmoor
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Stillmoor

Stonefield Stabilizer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Unstable Stonefield’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Stonefield
Complete all the Unstable Artifact sets found in Stonefield

Storm Chaser
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Frozen to the Core’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Iron Pine Peak
Complete all the achievements in Iron Pine Peak

Tavril’s Champion
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Silverwood Campaigner’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Silverwood
Complete all the achievements in Silverwood

Telara’s Defender
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Nightmare of the Cultists‘ found in H>Zones>Rift

The Apex Predator
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Worthy of a Triptych‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>The Dendrome

The Burner
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Burning Down‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket>Gedlo Badlands
Complete all the cheevos in Gedlo Badlands

The Condemned
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Better To Rule in Ashenfell‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket>Ashenfell
Complete all the cheevos in Ashenfell

The Confounded
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Confounding Contraptions’ found in H>Zones>Rift
Find all the Confounding Contraptions

The Dangerously Delicious
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘A Bad Idea‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>The Dendrome

The Daredevil
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Plop!‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Stonefield

The Delicious
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Crater Crushing‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>The Dendrome

The Discordant
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Discordant’ found in H>Raids>Rift>River of Souls

The Dream Walker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Touch the Clouds‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion> Cape Jule

The Drifter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Droughtlands Triumphant’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Droughtlands
Complete all the achievements in Droughtlands

The Exorcist
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Fall of House Senviva‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Morban

The Exterminator
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Ultimate Hunter‘ found in H>Zones>Rift
Kill all the rares in Mathosia

The Gladiator
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Champion of the Droughtlands‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Droughtlands
Complete a series of quests around the Splitmouth Ponds

The Green Knight
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘And They All Lived Happily Ever After‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket>Scatherran Forest
Complete all the cheevos in Scatherran Forest

The Grim
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Grim Awakening’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Storm Legion>Grim Awakening

The Heartless
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Cry Me A River‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Freemarch
Collect 20 Squirrel Tears

The Highlander
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Moonshaded’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Moonshade Highlands
Complete achievements in Moonshade Highlands

The Humorless
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Knock Them Off Their Perch‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Scarlet Gorge

The Loveless
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘All You Need Is (The Queen’s) Love‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket>Xarth Mire
Complete all the cheevos in Xarth Mire

The Lucky
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Living on the Edge‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Shimmersand

The Magician
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Lord of Illusion‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Shimmersand

The Mountaineer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Cairn Do‘ found in H>Zones>Rift

The Pit Fighter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Pit Fighter‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Scarwood Reach
Put down 30 fighters at Lotham Strike

The Pointless
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘I Don’t get the Point‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Kingdom of Pelladane

The Red Handed
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Red Handed‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Stonefield

The Shepherd
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘The Shepherdess’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Playing Sheep Dog‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Kingdom of Pelladane

The Shepherdess
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘The Shepherd’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Playing Sheep Dog‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Kingdom of Pelladane

The Shroomer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Mushroom Soup‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Scarwood Reach

The Tideseeker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Tideseeker‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Nightmare Tide

The Trailblazer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Every Nook and Cranny‘ found in H>Zones>Rift

The Tyrant
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Thus Always to Tyrants‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Nightmare Tide>Tyrant’s Throne

The Undertaker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Graveyard Shift’ found in H>Legacy
Put 40 of the Restless Spirits in Solemn Outlook to rest.
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section, it may still be completeable.

The Wildling
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Tear Down That Wall’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Droughtlands
Complete the quest ‘Into the Wilds’

Titan Foe
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Stonefield Savior’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Stonefield

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Deepstrike Mines’ found in H>Dungeons>Rift>Deepstrike Mines
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Return to Deepstrike Mines’ found in H>Dungeons>Rift: Storm Legion>Return to Deepstrike Mines

Tomb Raider
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Iron Tomb’ found in H>Dungeons>Rift>The Iron Tomb

Truth Seeker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Achievement: Impossible!‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Iron Pine Peak

Ultimate Dungeon Hero
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Ultimate Dungeon Hero’ found in H>Dungeons>Rift

Vampire Hunter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Just Call Me Van Helsing‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Stillmoor

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Ruler of Scarwood’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Scarwood Reach
Complete all the achievements in Scarwood Reach

Witchfinder General
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘What Witch‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Ardent Domain

Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Glory of Gloamwood’ found in H>Zones>Rift>Gloamwood
Complete all the achievements in Gloamwood

PvP Titles

Herald of War
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Warfront Herald’ found in H>PVP

Lady of War
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Lord of War’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Warfront Domination’ found in H>PVP

Lord of War
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Lady of War’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Warfront Domination’ found in H>PVP

Scourge of the Sands
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Shimmersand Annihilator’ found in H>Legacy
Kill 5000 players in Shimmersand
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section, it may still be completeable.

The Annihilator
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Homicidal Tendencies’ found in H>Legacy
Kill 5000 players in Stillmoor, Iron Pine Peak and Shimmersand
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section, it may still be completeable.

The Butcher of Mathosia
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Stillmoor Destroyer’ found in H>Legacy
Kill 1000 players in Stillmoor
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section, it may still be completeable.

The Conqueror
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Conqueror’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 40

The Corpse Dancer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Corpsedancer’ found in H>Legacy
Dance within 35m of an enemy PvP Rift
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section and is no longer completeable

The Dune Stalker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Shimmersand Destroyer’ found in H>Legacy
Kill 1000 players in Shimmersand
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section, it may still be completeable.

The Executioner
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Executioner’ found in H>PVP
Kill 100,000 players

The Ice Cold Killer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Iron Pine Annihilator’ found in H>Legacy
Kill 5000 players in Iron Pine Peak
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section, it may still be completeable.

The Nightstalker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Stillmoor Annihilator’ found in H>Legacy
Kill 5000 players in Stillmoor
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section, it may still be completeable.

The Reaper
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘I’ll Take Reaping for 1000, Asha’ found in H>Legacy
Kill 1000 players in Stillmoor, Iron Pine Peak and Shimmersand
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section, it may still be completeable.

The Scourge of the North
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Iron Pine Destroyer’ found in H>Legacy
Kill 1000 players in Iron Pine Peak
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section, it may still be completeable.

The Vanquisher
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Vanquisher’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 40

Incentive Titles

Of House Fluffington
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Suddenly, Corgis‘ found in H>World Events
Corgi Rifts are available during special Extra Life weekends, it is unknown if these will ever happen again.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘You ARE licensed to practice medicine, right?‘ (not in game anymore)

The Affluent
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Awarded when you reach Blue Tier Loyalty.

The Altruist
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for participating in the fifth year of Extra Life!

The Angelic
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for participating in Extra Life!

The Benefactor
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for participating in the fourth year of Extra Life!

The Charitable
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for participating in Extra Life!

The Chosen
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Awarded when an Ascend-a-Friend code to your account. You need a fresh account to do this!

The Creator
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for being part of the Creator Program

The Devotee
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for participating in a Rift Community event

The Distinguished
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Awarded when you reach Silver Tier Loyalty.

The Enthusiast
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Awarded when you reach Green Tier Loyalty.

The Extravagant
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Awarded when you reach Purple Tier Loyalty.

The Generous
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for participating in extra life.

The Gilded
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Awarded when you reach Orange Tier Loyalty.

The House Guest
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for voting for a Dimension in a Competition

The Insomniac
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for participating in extra life.

The Ironclad
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for installing/using the Rift Mobile Authenticator

The Lion
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Granted for having played Oathsworn in Conquest during a special event in 2012

The Opulent
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Awarded when you reach Red Tier Loyalty.

The Patient
source – Unknown

The Prestigious
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Awarded when you reach Black Tier Loyalty.

The Ram
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Granted for having played Dominion in Conquest during a special event in 2012

The Raven
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Granted for having played Nightfall in Conquest during a special event in 2012

The Rebellious
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for killing Devs in Conquest

The Ridgerunner
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for participating in the Storm Legion open beta testing of Karthan Ridge

The Rift Watcher
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – For subscribing to the weekly newsletter

The Speechless
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – This was given as a ‘sorry‘ gift due to chat issues back in 2014.

The Traveler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for participating in Storm Legion open beta testing

The Typhoon
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for purchasing a Nightmare Tide Collector’s Edition

The Unafraid
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘2016 Tour of Terror!‘ found in H>World Events>Autumn Harvest

The Weekend Warrior
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Seems to have been included in some sort of weekend patron pack.

Planar Titles

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Bane of the Bloodfire‘ found in H>Planes>Fire

Empyrean Champion
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Empyrean Champion’ found in H>Planes

Empyrean Defender
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Empyrean Defender’ found in H>Planes

Lady of Mayhem
Earned by Defiants and Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Lord of Mayhem’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Lord of Mayhem’ found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section and is no longer completeable

Lord of Mayhem
Earned by Defiants and Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Lady of Mayhem’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Lord of Mayhem’ found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section and is no longer completeable

The Arbiter of Heroes
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Harmony of Heroes’ found in H>Planes
Close the ‘Hero’s Unrest’ rift 200 times

The Ark Hunter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘When Worlds Collide’ found in H>Planes>Fire

The Bad Dream
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Nightmare I: Master’ found in H>Planes>Nightmare

The Colossus Crusher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Death Becomes Them’ found in H>Planes

The Dark Delusion
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Nightmare VI: Master’ found in H>Planes>Nightmare

The Desert Rose
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘The Desert Sun’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Desert Daisies’ found in H>Planes

The Desert Sun
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘The Desert Rose’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Desert Daisies’ found in H>Planes

The Drowned Dreamer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Nightmare IV: Master’ found in H>Planes>Nightmare

The Endless Dreamer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Nightmare III: Master’ found in H>Planes>Nightmare

The Fire Dancer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Fleet-Footed Feller’ found in H>Planes>Fire

The Giant Killer
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Giant Slayer’ found in H>Planes

The Hunt Apprentice
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Great Hunt Rank I’ found in H>Planes>Hunt Rifts

The Hunt Exemplar
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Great Hunt Rank #‘ found in H>Planes>Hunt Rifts

The Hunt Expert
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Great Hunt Rank 2’ found in H>Planes>Hunt Rifts

The Hunt Leader
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Great Hunt Rank #‘ found in H>Planes>Hunt Rifts

The Hunt Master
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Great Hunt Rank #‘ found in H>Planes>Hunt Rifts

The Hurricane
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Stormbound Achiever’ found in H>Planes>Air

The Insane
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Nightmare V: Master’ found in H>Planes>Nightmare

The Iron Willed
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Iron Snowman’ found in H>Planes

The Light Bringer
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Light the Way’ found in H>Planes

The Mad
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Hero of Madness’ found in H>Legacy
Complete all Waves of Madness achievements
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section and is no longer completeable

The Mad Dreamer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Nightmare II: Master’ found in H>Planes>Nightmare

The Moonshadow
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Moon Shadow’ found in H>Planes

The Mountain
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Stonebound Achiever’ found in H>Planes>Earth

The Primal
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Faebound Achiever’ found in H>Planes>Life

The Rift Walker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Telaran Defender‘ found in H>Planes

The Sandwalker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Walking on the Sun’ found in H>Planes

The Scarlet Knight
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Crimson Gladiator’ found in H>Planes

The Scarwood Hunter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘The Scarwood Huntress’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Reach for the Scars’ found in H>Planes

The Scarwood Huntress
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘The Scarwood Hunter’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Reach for the Scars’ found in H>Planes

The Shadebringer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Shadebound Achiever’ found in H>Planes>Death

The Skull Cracker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Grey Matter Splatter’ found in H>Planes>Life

The Soul Survivor
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Grim Victory’ found in H>Legacy
Unlock all Grim Harvest Achievements
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section and is no longer completeable

The Sterling Savant
Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Polished Silver’ found in H>Planes

The Tsunami
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Tidebound Achiever’ found in H>Planes>Water

The Volcanic
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Flamebound Achiever’ found in H>Planes>Fire

The Warden’s Hand
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘March Savior’ found in H>Planes

The Water Bomber
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Water Bomber‘ found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!

Crafting Titles

Atragarian Angler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Exalted Angler’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Complete all Fishing achievements in the Plane of Water

Atragarian Fisherman
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Apprentice Atragarian Fisherman’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Catch 100 fish in the Plane of Water

Brevanic Fisherman
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Apprentice Brevanic Fisherman’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Catch 100 fish in Brevane

Celestial Angler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Celestial Angler’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Complete all Fishing Achievements in the Celestial Lands

Dusken Fisherman
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Apprentice Dusken Fisherman’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Catch 100 fish in Dusken

Expert Angler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 225 (Expert) in Fishing

Expert Apothecary
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 225 (Expert) in Apothecary

Expert Armorsmith
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 225 (Expert) in Armorsmith

Expert Artificer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 225 (Expert) in Artificer

Expert Butcher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 225 (Expert) in Butchering

Expert Dream Weaver
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 225 (Expert) in Dreamweaver

Expert Forager
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 225 (Expert) in Foraging

Expert Miner
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 225 (Expert) in Mining

Expert Outfitter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 225 (Expert) in Outfitting

Expert Rune Crafter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 225 (Expert) in Rune Crafting

Expert Survivalist
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 225 (Expert) in Survival

Expert Weaponsmith
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 225 (Expert) in Weaponsmith

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Apprentice Fisherman’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Catch 100 fish

Grandmaster Angler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 375 (Grandmaster) in Fishing

Grandmaster Apothecary
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 375 (Grandmaster) in Apothecary

Grandmaster Armorsmith
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 375 (Grandmaster) in Armorsmith

Grandmaster Artificer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 375 (Grandmaster) in Artificer

Grandmaster Butcher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 375 (Grandmaster) in Butchering

Grandmaster Dream Weaver
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 375 (Grandmaster) in Dreamweaver

Grandmaster Forager
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 375 (Grandmaster) in Foraging

Grandmaster Miner
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 375 (Grandmaster) in Mining

Grandmaster Outfitter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 375 (Grandmaster) in Outfitting

Grandmaster Rune Crafter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 375 (Grandmaster) in Runecrafting

Grandmaster Survivalist
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 375 (Grandmaster) in Survival

Grandmaster Weaponsmith
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 375 (Grandmaster) in Weaponsmithing

Lady of Atragarian Waters
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Lord of Atragarian Waters’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Supreme Celestial Fisherman’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Catch 10,000 Fish in the Celestial Lands
This title is duplicated with Supreme Celestial Fisherman and Supreme Atragarian Fisherman cheevos.

Lady of Brevanic Waters
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Lord of Brevanic Waters’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Supreme Brevanic Fisherman’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Catch 10,000 Fish in Brevane

Lady of Dusken Waters
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Lord of Dusken Waters’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Supreme Dusken Fisherman’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Catch 10,000 Fish in Dusken

Lady of the Lakes
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Lord of the Lakes’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Supreme Fisherman’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Catch 10,000 Fish

Lord of Atragarian Waters
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Lady of Atragarian Waters’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Supreme Celestial Fisherman’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Catch 10,000 Fish in the Celestial Lands
This title is duplicated with Supreme Celestial Fisherman and Supreme Atragarian Fisherman cheevos.

Lord of Brevanic Waters
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Lady of Brevanic Waters’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Supreme Brevanic Fisherman’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Catch 10,000 Fish in Brevane

Lord of Dusken Waters
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Lady of Dusken Waters’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Supreme Dusken Fisherman’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Catch 10,000 Fish in Dusken

Lord of the Lakes
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Lady of the Lakes’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Supreme Fisherman’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Catch 10,000 Fish

Marvelous Angler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Marvelous Angler of Mathosia’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Catch one of every fish in Mathosia

Master Angler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 300 (Master) in Fishing

Master Apothecary
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 300 (Master) in Apothecary

Master Armorsmith
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 300 (Master) in Armorsmith

Master Artificer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 300 (Master) in Artificer

Master Butcher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 300 (Master) in Butchering

Master Dream Weaver
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 300 (Master) in Dreamweaver

Master Forager
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 300 (Master) in Foraging

Master Miner
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 300 (Master) in Mining

Master Outfitter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 300 (Master) in Outfitter

Master Rune Crafter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 300 (Master) in Runecrafter

Master Survivalist
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 300 (Master) in Survival

Master Weaponsmith
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 300 (Master) in Weaponsmith

Novice Angler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 75 (Novice) in Fishing

Novice Apothecary
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 75 (Novice) in Apothecary

Novice Armorsmith
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 75 (Novice) in Armorsmith

Novice Artificer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 75 (Novice) in Artificer

Novice Butcher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 75 (Novice) in Butchering

Novice Dream Weaver
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 75 (Novice) in Dreamweaver

Novice Forager
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 75 (Novice) in Foraging

Novice Miner
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 75 (Novice) in Mining

Novice Outfitter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 75 (Novice) in Outfitter

Novice Rune Crafter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 75 (Novice) in Runecrafting

Novice Survivalist
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 75 (Novice) in Survival

Novice Weaponsmith
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 75 (Novice) in Weaponsmith

Pierless Angler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Pierless Angler’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Complete all Fishing Achievements in Brevane and Dusken

Savant Angler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 450 (Savant) in Fishing

Savant Apothecary
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 450 (Savant) in Apothecary

Savant Armorsmith
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 450 (Savant) in Armorsmith

Savant Artificer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 450 (Savant) in Artificer

Savant Butcher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 450 (Savant) in Butchering

Savant Dream Weaver
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 450 (Savant) in Dreamweaver

Savant Forager
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 450 (Savant) in Foraging

Savant Miner
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 450 (Savant) in Mining

Savant Outfitter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 450 (Savant) in Outfitter

Savant Rune Crafter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 450 (Savant) in Runecrafter

Savant Survivalist
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 450 (Savant) in Survival

Savant Weaponsmith
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 450 (Savant) in Weaponsmith

Skilled Angler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 150 (Skilled) in Fishing

Skilled Apothecary
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 150 (Skilled) in Apothecary

Skilled Armorsmith
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 150 (Skilled) in Armorsmith

Skilled Artificer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 150 (Skilled) in Artificer

Skilled Butcher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 150 (Skilled) in Butchering

Skilled Dream Weaver
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 150 (Skilled) in Dreamweaver

Skilled Forager
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 150 (Skilled) in Foraging

Skilled Miner
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 150 (Skilled) in Mining

Skilled Outfitter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 150 (Skilled) in Outfitter

Skilled Rune Crafter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 150 (Skilled) in Rune crafting

Skilled Survivalist
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 150 (Skilled) in Survival

Skilled Weaponsmith
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Reach level 150 (Skilled) in Weaponsmith

The Almost Lucky
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Feeling Lucky?’ found in H>Character>Crafting
Collect 50 Fortunes from Lucky Fortune Biscuits

The Briny
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Fish On!’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Deliver the tackle box to Uncle Stan in Choreburg

The Fortune Baker
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Fortune Baker’ found in H>Character>Crafting
Buy an oven of good fortune (part of the Lucky Fortune Bundle found in the Rift Store under crafting)

The Incredibly Lucky
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Feeling Lucky?’ found in H>Character>Crafting
Collect 5000 Fortunes from Lucky Fortune Biscuits

The Very Lucky
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Feeling Lucky?’ found in H>Character>Crafting
Collect 2500 Fortunes from Lucky Fortune Biscuits

Ultimate Brevanic Angler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Ultimate Brevanic Angler’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Complete all Fishing Achievements in Brevane

Ultimate Dusken Angler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Ultimate Dusken Angler’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Complete all Fishing Achievements in Dusken

Puzzle Titles

Ace of Enigmas
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Emerald Enigma‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Ember Isle
Complete the Puzzle in Ember Isle

Atom Smasher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Black Box‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Morban
Complete the Puzzle in Morban

Barrel Rider
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘A Barrel of Laughs‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Scarlet Gorge
Complete the Puzzle in Scarlet Gorge

Citizen of Callweddi
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Callweddi Citizen‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Planetouched Wilds

Expert Transmogrifyer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Expert Transmogrifyer‘ found in H>Dungeons>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket>Toks Proving Grounds

Knight of the City
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘City Knights‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>City Core
Complete the Puzzle in City Core

Master of Games
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Mistress of Games’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Game Master‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Nightmare Tide
Complete all the Nightmare Tide Puzzle cheevos

Master of Puzzles
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females will earn ‘Mistress of Puzzles’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Solution Finder‘ found in H>Zones>Rift

Mistress of Games
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Master of Games’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Game Master‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Nightmare Tide
Complete all the Nightmare Tide Puzzle cheevos

Mistress of Puzzles
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males will earn ‘Master of Puzzles’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Solution Finder‘ found in H>Zones>Rift

Of the Royal Court
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Quizzical Queens‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Kingsward

Old School Collector
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Old School Collector‘ found in H>Dungeons>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket>Toks Proving Grounds

Snake Eyes
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘To Die For‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>The Dendrome
Complete the Puzzle in The Dendrome

The Batty
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Herding Bats‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Stillmoor
Complete the Puzzle in Stillmoor

The Bogling Wrangler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Bogling Boggle‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Eastern Holdings
Complete the Puzzle in Eastern Holdings

The Dotty
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Going Dotty‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Seratos
Complete the Puzzle in Seratos

The Engineer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Go With The Flow‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Moonshade Highlands
Complete the Puzzle in Moonshade Highlands

The Hare Brained
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Tracks in the Snow‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Iron Pine Peak
Complete the Puzzle in Iron Pine Peak

The Light in the Dark
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Scarwood by Torchlight‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Scarwood Reach
Complete the Puzzle in Scarwood Reach

The Puzzler
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Puzzler‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion
Complete all the puzzles in Brevane and Dusken

The Shady
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Shield Wall‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Stonefield
Complete the Puzzle in Gloamwood

The Smelly
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘What Smell?‘ found in H>Dungeons>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket>Toks Proving Grounds

Treasure Hunter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘A Classic Treasure‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Shimmersand
Complete the Puzzle in Shimmersand