Prefix Titles

Titles that go before your character name


Avid Reader
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Avid Reader’ found in H>Zones
Read the Unstable Books

Beach Basher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Beach Bash!’ found in H>Legacy
Collect and use two of the three Summerfest Dimension Item Kits: Gazebo Kit, Summer Faer Hedge Kit or Summerfest Beach Party Kit.
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Earned when you complete the ‘introduction artifact set’ found in..
For Defiants: in Meridian > The set is called ‘Secrets of the Ascended’
For Guardians: in Sanctum > The set is called ‘Enrinke’s Missing Artifacts’
You will be asked to find, complete and hand in this artifact as one of your first quests to introduce you to artifacts.
The title is awarded form the linked cheevo, ‘It Belongs in a museum!‘ found in H>Character

Chased by Nightmares
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Grim Remembrance‘ found in H>World Events>Grim Remembrance

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Bought from the rift store during the Summerfest world event

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘A Demented Joy’ found in H>Planes>Event>Echoes of Madness
Defeat all of the Echoes

Death Tyrant
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning level 29 during the Battle Pass Season 5

Earth Baron
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Earth Baroness’)
For completing level 29 of Battle Pass season 4

Earth Baroness
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Earth Baron’)
For completing level 29 of Battle Pass season 4

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘True Veteran’ found in H>World Events > Carnival of the Ascended
Complete the 3 artifact sets listed

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Fashion Icon IV’ found in H>Planes>Event>Echoes of Madness
Unlock 58 Wardrobe Slots

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Cyril’s Champion’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete Act Three of the Saga of the Wanton Maw

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Quantity Over Quality’ found in H>Legacy
Spread the Love bug to 25 players in Sanctum or Meridian
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section and is no longer completeable

Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Culling the Immortal Army’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete the Death Saga quest in Freemarch.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Most Dangerous Game’ found in H>Character>Bounties
Collect the Bounties on all callings

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Are you Insane?!’ found in H>Character>Bounties
Collect 100 Bounties
Complete 100 Bounty Artifact sets and hand them in.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Such Sweet Sorrow’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete the Air Saga quest ‘The Infinite Empire’

Mad King
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Mad Queen’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Citadel of Insanity’ found in H>Dungeons>Rift: Nightmare Tide>Citadel of Insanity

Mad Queen
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Mad King’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Citadel of Insanity’ found in H>Dungeons>Rift: Nightmare Tide>Citadel of Insanity

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Defeat a Dev in Conquest during a special event in 2014

Party Planner
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Always Something To Do‘ found in H>World Events

Party Starter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘‘Let’s Get This Party Started!‘ found in H>World Events>Summerfest

Pinata Puncher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Pinata Puncher‘ found in H>World Events>Summerfest

Awarded when you bought the Rift Prime Primogenitor Pack. (2018)

Salt Miner
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Awarded when you use /cry on Guurloth when he screams ‘Who’s the man now’, the usual response is to /point when he does this.
This only works in the level 65 Intrepid Guilded Prophecy raid, with the raid switched to hard mode. You will need to get the boss below 50% for him to start the ‘Who’s the man now’ mechanic.
The title will be awarded automatically when the boss dies, there is no cheevo linked to it.

Scion Surveyor
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Awarded when you complete all the artifact sets hidden in the Port Scion, entered via Orphiel Farwind’s portal in a Personal Dimension.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Is Something Burning?’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Nightmare Tide>Mount Sharax

Squirrel Rancher
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Planar Squirrel Rancher’ found in H>Character
Buy and ride all the Squirrel mounts from the artifact collector using planar nuts, earned by completing unstable artifact sets.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘The Stabilizer’ found in H>Zones
Collect every Unstable Artifact

Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Tidelord’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete Act One of the Abyssal Saga

Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Exploring the Deep’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete Act One of the Abyssal Saga

Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Follow the Ancients’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Trace the paths of the heroes of old who killed Regulos.

Typhoon Duchess
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Earth Baron’)
For completing level 29 of Battle Pass season 6

Typhoon Duke
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Earth Baroness’)
For completing level 29 of Battle Pass season 6

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Tyrant’s Forge’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Nightmare Tide>Tyrant’s Forge

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘It Hurts So Good’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Storm Legion>Bindings of Blood

Undead Choreographer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Dead Dance Revolution‘ found in H>World Events>Summerfest

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Chasing Chekaroth’ found in H>Character>Cult Sagas
Complete the Air Saga quest ‘The Storm Queen Rises’

Water lady
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Waterlord’)
For earning level 29 during the Battle Pass Season 3

Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Waterlady’)
For earning level 29 during the Battle Pass Season 3

Winter Spirit
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Winter Spirit‘ found in H>World Events>Fae Yule

Faction Titles

Spirit Whisperer
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Friend of Spirits’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Kelari Expedition.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Stronghold Commander‘ found in H>Planes>Strongholds

Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Farclan Castaway’ found in H>Character>Advancement
Reach Glorified with the Farclan.

Earned by Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Sir’)
From completing a series of Marshal Kain story quests in Scarwood, Iron Pine, and Stillmoor.
The final quests in each of the three story arcs are: “The Last Command” (Scarwood Reach), “One Soldier to Another” (Iron Pine Peak), and “Past Is Prologue” (Stillmoor).
You will recieve a ‘Parcel from Sanctum’ in the mail, containing a ‘Letter from Cyril’, right clicking the letter will grant you the title

Earned by Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Dame’)
From completing a series of Marshal Kain story quests in Scarwood, Iron Pine, and Stillmoor.
The final quests in each of the three story arcs are: “The Last Command” (Scarwood Reach), “One Soldier to Another” (Iron Pine Peak), and “Past Is Prologue” (Stillmoor).
You will recieve a ‘Parcel from Sanctum’ in the mail, containing a ‘Letter from Cyril’, right clicking the letter will grant you the title


Zone Titles

Death Master
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Death Mistress’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: River of Souls’ found in H>Raids>Rift>River of Souls

Death Mistress
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Death Master’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: River of Souls’ found in H>Raids>Rift>River of Souls

Fae Master
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Fae Mistress’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Greenscale’s Blight’ found in H>Raids>Rift>Greenscale’s Blight

Fae Mistress
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Fae Master’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Greenscale’s Blight’ found in H>Raids>Rift>Greenscale’s Blight

Inferno Master
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Inferno Mistress’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Infernal Dawn’ found in H>Raids>Rift>Infernal Dawn

Inferno Mistress
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Inferno Master’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Infernal Dawn’ found in H>Raids>Rift>Infernal Dawn

Mead Chugger
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Two Aethenhawks at the same time’ found in H>Dungeons>Rift>Rhaza’de Canyons

Monster Slayer
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Monster Hunter Extraordinaire’ found in H>Zones
For killing all the rares in Mathosia, Ember Isle, Storm Legion and Nightmare Tide

Night Terror
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Nightmare Coast’ found in H>Dungeons>Rift: Nightmare Tide>Nightmare Coast

Royal Assassin
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Royal Assassin’ found in H>Raids>Rift>Primeval Feast

Tempest Master
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Tempest Mistress’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Frozen Tempest’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Storm Legion>Frozen Tempest

Tempest Mistress
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Tempest Master’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Frozen Tempest’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Storm Legion>Frozen Tempest

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Keep What You Kill‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Planetouched Wilds

The Beast
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Hammerknell Fortress’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Nightmare Tide>Hammerknell Fortress

The Portal Prince
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘The Portal Princess’)
For earning the cheevo ‘A Fawndness for Portals’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Nightmare Tide>The Comet of Ahnket

The Portal Princess
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘The Portal Prince’)
For earning the cheevo ‘A Fawndness for Portals’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Nightmare Tide>The Comet of Ahnket

Tide Mistress
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female. (possible that males get ‘Tide Master’?)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Hammerknell Fortress’ found in H>Legacy
This is the level 50 version of the raid which was deleted
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section and is no longer completeable

Tide Turner
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Tide Turner‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Nightmare Tide

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Blue in the Face‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Ember Isle

Void Master
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Void Mistress’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Endless Eclipse’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Storm Legion>Endless Eclipse

Void Mistress
Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Void Master’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Conqueror: Endless Eclipse’ found in H>Raids>Rift: Storm Legion>Endless Eclipse

PvP Titles

Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Adept’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 19

Arch General
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Arch General’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 50

Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Aspirant’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 7

Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Brigadier’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 45

Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Cadet’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 3

Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Captain’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 19

Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Centurion’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 26

Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Colonel’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 36

Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘High Constable’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 26

Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Corporal’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 3

Earned by Defiants, Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Dreambreaker’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 100

Eldritch Knight
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Eldritch Knight’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 36

Earned by Defiants, Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Freelancer’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 70

Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Legionnaire’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 12

Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Lieutenant’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 12

Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Major’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 31

Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Marshall’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 50

Earned by Defiants, Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Mercenary’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 60

Mercenary Captain
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Assault on Bronze Tomb Domination’ found in H>PVP>Assault on Bronze Tomb

Earned by Defiants, Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Myrmidon’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 90

Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Prefect’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 31

Earned by Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Sergeant’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 7

Tech Lord
Earned by Defiants, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Tech Lord’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 45

The Blighted
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Blighted Antechamber Domination’ found in H>PVP>Blighted Antechamber

Earned by Defiants, Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Warlord’ found in H>PVP
Reach Prestige Rank 80

Incentive Titles

Historic – From buying the Ultimate Nightmare Edition during the release of Nightmare Tide expansion.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Awarded for participating in the 2012 Extra Life!

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – For being a top conquest crafter during a special event in 2012.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Starlord’)
Historic – Awarded for pre purchasing Prophecy of Ahnket expansion

Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Starlady’)
Historic – Awarded for pre purchasing Prophecy of Ahnket expansion

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – From buying one of the Storm Legion expansion packs.

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
Historic – Gifted to players who participated in Rift Beta Survey.

Planar Titles

Barrel Tosser
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Single Barrel Blast‘ found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Colossal Victory’ found in H>Planes

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Grim Survivor’ found in H>Legacy
Identify the origin of Evanescing Shadestone
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section and is no longer completeable

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Rampant Dysmorphia‘ found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!

Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Male. (Females earn ‘Huntswoman’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Bloodfire Hunter‘ found in H>Planes>Fire

Earned by Defiants and Guardians that are Female. (Males earn ‘Huntman’)
For earning the cheevo ‘Bloodfire Hunter‘ found in H>Planes>Fire

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Bloodfire Assassin‘ found in H>Planes>Fire

Planar Commander
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Planar Commander’ found in H>Character
Complete 30 Tiers of Planar Attunement.
Planar Attunement is available after you hit level 50, more info here.

Prime Hunter
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Great Hunt Rank VI’ found in H>Planes>Hunt Rifts

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Pie for an Eye‘ found in H>Legacy
LEGACY – This cheevo is found in the Legacy section but you can still complete it!

Crafting Titles

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Ultimate Angler’ found in H>Character>Fishing
Complete all Fishing achievements in Mathosia

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Legendary Crafter’ found in H>Character>Crafting
Become Savant in all the trades!

Puzzle Titles

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Cryptographer‘ found in H>Dungeons>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket>Toks Proving Grounds

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Short Circuit‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Storm Legion>Ardent Domain

Expert Opie Rider
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Dopey Opie‘ found in H>Zones>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket>Vostigar Peaks
Open Opie’s Feed Bag (This is the finish chest with the mount at the very end of the puzzle)

Mathmagical Genius
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Mathmagical Genius‘ found in H>Dungeons>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket>Toks Proving Grounds

Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Ravings of a Madwoman?‘ found in H>Zones>Rift>Planetouched Wilds

Toking Amazing
Earned by Defiants and Guardians, Male and Female.
For earning the cheevo ‘Toking Amazing‘ found in H>Dungeons>Rift: Prophecy of Ahnket>Toks Proving Grounds