Portrait Badges

Portrait Badges are available from many different sources.
They sit at the top of your character portrait to give your UI a more unique look.
Other players are able to see your badge when they select you.

Badge of Honor

If you can’t see your portrait badge/frame (or other peoples) you should check if you have accidentally switched off the setting to see them, you can find this in — Settings > Interface > Display — In the top right is an option that says ‘Show additional player portrait frames and icons’, make sure this is ticked as on!

Badges Earned From Achievements

Rare Icon

Awarded for the Patience is a Virtue meta cheevo for killing all the rares in Mathosia (Ultimate Hunter), Ember Isle (Great Beasts Fear My Name) and Storm Legion (Ultimate Camper).


For completing all the Normal artifact sets in Planetouched Wilds.
Cheevo is called ‘Planetouched Shinys’

Twisted Shiny

For completing all the Twisted artifact sets in Planetouched Wilds.
Cheevo is called ‘Seeing Red’

Poison Shiny

For completing all the Poison artifact sets in Planetouched Wilds.
Cheevo is called ‘Feeling Queezy’

Burning Shiny

For completing all the Burning artifact sets in Planetouched Wilds.
Cheevo is called ‘Scorched’

Nightmare Shiny

For completing all the Nightmare artifact sets in Planetouched Wilds.
Cheevo is called ‘Night Sweats’

Cycling Shiny

For completing all the artifact sets in Planetouched Wilds.
Cheevo is called ‘Over Shinyed’

Creepy Crawler

Reward for completing the ‘Mask-a-raid:2015’ cheevo from Autumn Harvest.

Badges Bought With Credits

Jingling Bells

Bought during the Fae Yule world event. (credits only)

Jolly Hellbug

Bought during the Fae Yule world event. (credits only)

Pink Skull

Bought during the Carnival world event. (credits only)

Also available to buy with Affinity in the Affinity Rewards section of the store.


Bought during the Carnival world event. (credits only)


Bought during the Carnival world event. (credits only)

Sea Colossus

Bought during the Carnival world event. (credits only)

Gold Scarab

Bought during the Summerfest world event. (credits only)


Bought during the Summerfest world event. (credits only)

Paw Print

Bought during the Autumn Harvest world event. (credits only)


Bought during the Carnival world event. (credits only)

Historic (Unobtainable)

Lucky Dice

Given out to players during Extra Life fundraising.

Benevolent Badge

From participating in Extra Life fundraising.

Philanthropist's Badge

From participating in Extra Life fundraising.