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12th Sanctuary Guard Letter (Dearest Brother)
12th Sanctuary Guard Letter (Dearest Brother)

Looted in Sanctuary in Iron Pine Peak – Small Scroll on wooden crate next to Nal’mora – /setwaypoint 3717 1924 – Only Guardians can collect this one.
This letter appears to have been written by one of the 12th Sanctuary Guard soldiers serving under Frederic Kain.
Dearest Brother,
I know you urged me not to enlist, and I begin to wish I had listened. We have been stationed in these cold mountains for the past few months, and none of us quite know why we are here. There are no open battles here, no armies of the Endless Court to face, and we must keep a strained peace with the Defiant while we honor the Icewatch’s rules. This is not about Guardian business, but about Kain’s.
The coldness here saps a man’s soul, and all of us are affected, even our commander. His temper is a raw force of nature these days, and we begin to fear his darker moods. A week ago, one of the men was late to morning formation. Kain broke his leg so he could know what an appropriate reason for lassitude would feel like. This is not the commander most of us know and respect.
I am looking forward to my next leave. Give mother my best.
-Meirdi Burem-

12th Sanctuary Guard Letter (Marshal Oakheart)
12th Sanctuary Guard Letter (Marshal Oakheart)

Looted in Thalin Tor in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1723 2359 – A scroll on a little table at the tents entrance. – Only Guardians can collect this one.
This letter appears to have been written by one of the 12th Sanctuary Guard soldiers serving under Frederic Kain.
Salutations, Marshal Oakheart.
While you have always had doubts about my commander, I know you are a noble hero of the Vigil as well. I wish you could see in Marshal Kain what all of us have seen in him over the years and understand why we must follow him into this cursed land. I cannot accept that there is not still good in him, and I must believe he can still be saved.
Why else would the Vigil have chosen him for this duty if he was so unfit?
I have always looked up to you with the utmost respect and look forward to speaking with you again upon our return. Please say a prayer for us and our wayward commander.
-Sir Martyn Myrsol-

12th Sanctuary Guard Letter (Mother)
12th Sanctuary Guard Letter (Mother)

Scroll on a chair in Crimson Wash, Scarlet Gorge – /setwaypoint 3849 3048
This letter appears to have been written by one of the 12th Sanctuary Guard soldiers serving under Frederic Kain.
My regiment is on the march once again. We have advanced into Scarlet Gorge, and some of Marshal Kain’s officers have been leading assaults deep into the Defiant holdings here. I have not seen any combat myself, having been detailed to guard duty of our Porticulum here in Crimson Wash.
I am glad I was able to transfer from the 8th Guard into the 12th. Marshal Oakheart is a good and noble man, but Marshal Kain knows what Sanctum needs right now is a crusading champion – someone to take the fight onto Defiant soil!
We are lucky to count such a mighty warrior as he among the ranks of the faithful.
-Jules Earnly-

12th Sanctuary Guard Letter (My Darling Wife)
12th Sanctuary Guard Letter (My Darling Wife)

Looted in Kain’s Command in Scarwood Reach – Scroll on a wooden crate outside the tent – /setwaypoint 3146 3871 – Only Guardians can collect this one.
This letter appears to have been written by one of the 12th Sanctuary Guard soldiers serving under Frederic Kain.
My Darling Wife,
It has been too long since I last held you, but I remain proud of my service to Sanctum here among the Sanctuary Guard. There are real threats in this world, and I feel we are the shield that keeps our people safe.
I will admit that I was scared when I first arrived here to serve under Marshal Kain. The Marshal is a man of frightful presence, but he has proven fair and has an obvious care for those of us that serve him. The Vigil should be grateful to have such an able-bodied commander leading troops in their name.
I miss you every day.
Your loving husband,
-Thelian Schaber-

A History of the Eth
A History of the Eth

A book on the floor in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian. Use the lift to go up! /setwaypoint 5991 5148 height = 965 — Note, the book is starts with ‘The’ not ‘A’ when you hover over it to read the name.
This book is covered with an illustration of an ancient desert pyramid.
This book relates a history of the Eth Empire.
The Eth are a tribe of humans who adapted to the harsh southern deserts by becoming master survivalists and taming their environment through magic. During the Blood Storm Wars, this inquisitive and fiercely scholarly race discovered a means to harness sourcestone as a fuel for eldritch war machines. After the construction of the Ward and the return of peace to Telara, these proto-technologies saw application in all areas of life.
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Yet the Vigil soon demanded that sourcestone technology be abandoned. Though it meant being cast from the gods’ sight, the people of Eth refused. In spite of the Vigil, they further conquered their environment, and built an Empire of conglomerated city-states ruled by brilliant sorcerer kings. The power and influence of the Eth spread throughout Telara, fueled by the wonders of sourcestone.
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Unfortunately, their technology fell into the clutches of insidious dragon cultists, and the Eth empire fell soon thereafter. Rather than risk the Blood Storm’s release, the Eth buried their wonders in the sand and destroyed all record of their forbidden techniques.
Though reduced once again to a nomadic life in the desert, the Eth persevered, using magic to find new ways to adapt. They continue to value scholarly dedication and inventive approaches to problems old and new.
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Following the fall of their empire, many Eth sought asylum with their longtime allies, the Bahmi. Others spread through the verdant lands of Mathosia. Though taken in as scholars and court magicians, the Eth were generally distrusted by the more pious races.

A Knight's Tour
A Knight's Tour

Combine the pages from the Artifact Set: A Knight’s Tour. This book is required before you can complete the City Core puzzle.
A fully restored version of this important work.
As the knight visits each glyph it will change color.
Only when all the glyphs are glowing white hot will the knight relinquish its treasure.

A Prison for a Dragon
A Prison for a Dragon

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: A Prison for a Dragon. You can hunt for these Artifacts in the Greenscale Chronicles.
The personal records of Amunet the Stormcaller.
So, we near the end of our journey. We have backed Lord Greenscale into his den, where he is no doubt preparing to make his stand. As the only one in our party who understands the arcane arts, it has fallen on me to understand how we will imprison him. We are not powerful enough to hope to destroy him, but we should be able to bind him.
I can’t say I relish this task, but it should pose an interesting puzzle. Just how do you trap something so powerful?
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I know that parties of men and women are engaged fighting the other members of the Blood Storm all over Telara, but we had yet to meet any other such groups. However, last night, we had occasion to run into a party that has been tracking Crucia. Those with tougher constitutions had a drinking contest of our party vs theirs. I declined to participate, as did their mage, Phynnious. He’s a pale sickly northern type, but he does play with fire, meaning he has some backbone. And it was good to speak with an intellectual peer.
We discussed the issue of the dragons. How to bind such powerful creatures? And then it came to us. The dragons feed on a specific elemental energy. If we could block that elemental energy with a casement made of an opposed elemental energy, we could perhaps weaken them enough to keep them held in place.
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The excitement of this realization only lasted for so long. After all, what we had proposed was essentially creating a prison large enough for a dragon using elementally attuned sourcestone. No less than a king’s ransom worth – gods, a king, a queen, and the entire royal court.
Still, we have a goal, a quest if you will. There are more details to work out: how will all of that sourcestone come together? How should we configure them in the ritual for the most effective binding? Our parties cannot afford the time to travel together, so we will be working on this independently and sharing what we discover with messengers.
There is much to be done, but I feel ready to face it.
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My studies took a dark turn today. Greenscale channels the Plane of Life, so I need to use shadestone to bind him. It became clear to me that being so close to so much shadestone, I will not be able to avoid being touched by it. In order to open up Greenscale to its touch, I will be opening myself up as well. I am numb right now, but I can feel dread creeping up on me. I don’t know what the exact consequences will be, but I will be cursed in some
I began on this journey knowing that I would have to sacrifice. I was prepared for my life to be forfeit, but knowing I might be cursing myself for eternity… Well now, that’s a little more than I’m prepared for.
I have to think about this. I’m not sure anymore that I can go through with it.
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We will raid the den of Greenscale in the morning. My last few days have been difficult, but I believe I’m ready for this. A team of Mathosian soldiers will haul the shadestone in behind us. As the rest distract him, I will position them around the room and begin the binding, opening up both myself and Greenscale to its touch.
I wrote Phynnious to tell him what I discovered, and to say what might be good-bye. I was surprised to find how difficult that was. My initial impressions of him were unfair, and we’ve grown closer in our letters. I could not tell everyone in my party what I learned, but I had to let them know so that if I become a wicked thing, they know to kill me. I told Diona and left it to her to tell the others. I can’t stand the pitying looks they give me.
Whatever happens today, it will all be over soon. I’m ready. I think.


Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Abandoned. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Ember Isle.
Day 1
They’re gone. They left me. I was running to the landing when I saw the boats pull away from the docks and make for the open sea. The entire way down I was shouting and screaming, but they didn’t hear me. Or if they did, I was ignored. I shouldn’t have taken so long to leave the house, but I had so much I wanted to hide away for when we come back, things I couldn’t stand for the Wanton to get their ashy paws on. Still, I told people I would be there. Why couldn’t they wait just a little longer? Why?
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Day 4
I’ve been stowed away in my home, hiding whenever looters come. Watching all of my careful work taken apart has been a lesson in humility; so many of the hiding places I thought were just so clever have been emptied out. I’ve watched them cart away family heirlooms and essential supplies, unable to do anything about it lest I be discovered. Even the contents of my pack, the few things I thought would stay with me, are gone.
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Day 7
The looters came so quickly today I could barely hide anything. Most of my food was taken.
Why am I here? What am I waiting for? For our people to raise an army and come back? When will that happen? How long will I have to hide?
These questions all plague me. I don’t have much to do but sit around and think about why I’m still here, why I’m still scraping at what’s left of my life. For all questions may overflow, answers are in short supply. Just like food. And hope.
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Day 10
A strange thing happened today. I heard someone coming for the door and took to my hiding place, clutching a knife I have managed to hold on to through the looting. Footsteps padded gently into the house and when I peered out, I realized I recognized the face. Her name was Elisaya. We had been friends, until she joined with Karris and his Kelari. Elisaya gazed around the room and then shook her head sadly, sighing and saying, “Poor Arcadeus.”
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Day 10 (continued)
Her sympathy surprised me. I was almost out of food, and my rising hunger told me I needed a friend. I decided I had too little to lose, and everything to gain, in hailing her. So I did, and though at first she was shocked, she greeted me warmly. After leaving to return with a meal, we talked. At the end, she tried to convince me to leave my home and to join up with her. Though I resisted, I told her I would consider it.
When I told her that, I thought I was lying, but now, alone and in the dark, I am beginning to think I was telling the truth.

Acacia Zardonis: Nightblade
Acacia Zardonis: Nightblade

Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians. Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7461 3010
A book on crates in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian. Use the lift to go up! /setwaypoint 5996 5136 height = 998
A story of Clan Zardonis and the way of the Nightblade.
Only those who deal in the shadows know the name of Clan Zardonis. For ages, the clan’s ruthless regime of physical training produced the finest murderers and cutthroats. Their teachings shunned the arcane arts as weak and unreliable, but one young upstart would prove them wrong.
Acacia was the finest disciple of her generation, and mastered the art of the veiled blade at a young age. Yearning for more power, she studied the arcane in secret, experimenting in the shadows and growing more lethal with every passing season. For almost a decade the young woman ruthlessly enforced her clan’s will by night, poring over eldritch tomes in the dim light of dawn.
In the winter of her twenty-second year, Clan Zardonis took a contract to ruin a family of wealthy Mathosian traders. Such a large endeavor required the clan to dispatch many of its finest killers, Acacia included, on a midnight raid on the traders’ compound. The clan did not realize its folly until the assault was well under way, for they faced not fat merchants, but the mages of the Abyssal cult, and within moments found themselves tightly bound in chains of planar energy.
Of course, the Abyssal did not expect a foe with knowledge so similar to their own, and were completely unprepared when Acacia slipped from the shadows, cold flame dancing on her daggers. A whirlwind of fire and steel, she moved through the cultists, her blades piercing magical wards and flesh alike. With the spell of binding broken, the assassins of Clan Zardonis were free to exact their revenge, and by dawn not a single cultist remained among the living.
Saved from the brink of annihilation, the assassins embraced Acacia’s power and made it their own. Over the decades to come, Clan Zardonis flourished, spreading their teachings to a new generation of Rogues, who became known as masters of shadow and flame

Akvan Translations
Akvan Translations

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Akvan Translations. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Tarken Glacier.
A Linguistic Analysis of Akvan Runes Ekhardt Mann
Akvan English
AKVAN The First/Truth
CRESHE Present(time/plane/location)
OCULON Godsoul singularity
SEFRE Planar Layer
RACKVANA Collapse/Implode
ANEW Ocean/Dreams
MARTRODRAUM Avatar/Akvan God
AFGEE Understanding/learn
PANAR trapped imprisoned
TAKRONO Divine Power
DEGNA cosmos
RICKENSHA Mathematically Sacred/eleven
DROSH Dimension
AKNIL Rule/conquest
REDONNOT Mortal/Damaged
PLOCUSH diseased
WRE Repair/fix/change
RACKTOONIC Destructive/Destroy/End
AGREENAR Left/scattered/Release
CRADIFORN Blood Sacrifice
SIMPO Ultrafinitism/Small
ARGRIVENE Parasite/harrier
LOSH Arise/create
FULVATO Awake/Awaken
AKFON Weapon
EOCON Absent
EGARNO Fuel Devour Eat
REVURAH Darkness
DRAKSHAN Eternity/Infinity
OCATA Singularity
FERATA Infinity
SETRONO Curse/Profane
YAGTRO Dominance
TIROYOGO Ascension
RARO Ancient
ROTA Temple
TOCHRO Creation
LOSHRO Survive
WECTRON Fissure/Rift
TEHROCT Menhir/altar
DRAKACT Sleep/Heal
FADRALKNA Deliberate/Careful
DESHTONO Construct/Golem
TRAVRAKA Expect/Want
OKGRATA Obediance
PAAFGEE Ignorance
PAKTRO Heat/Flame
EOCON Void/empty
ROK Death
GAFKRO Hopeless/fruitless
SOKGROTTIC Discover/Learn
POKRATA Remember
TEKROK Cold Death/Blizzard
IZKINRA Dark Star Father
DRAKO Descend
DRAKTRISH Rain / Falling Debris


Rewarded from the quest ‘Tombs of Old’, during the Saga of the Endless. – Only Defiants can collect this one.
When Alsbeth Rothman came to the Court of Mathos, she was a quiet young girl with sallow skin and dark hair who always stood behind the crowd, alone. She traveled under the shadow of her family’s grave dishonor and was not warmly received by the court. Rothman was an ancient name, but since the days when Phynnious Rothman, the first of the pyromancers, originally brought it glory, it had been under a slow but steady decline.
Her father had murdered her mother when he discovered the woman’s adultery. He was executed in turn, and young Alsbeth then found herself an
orphan. She was soon also without a home, as her uncle inherited the family estate and promptly turned her out of it.
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Out of pity, Queen Lenia Mathos, wife of King Jostir Mathos, offered shelter to Alsbeth and took her in as a ward of the court. Lenia died shortly after from an incurable disease, and though young Alsbeth was not turned out, she had lost her only advocate and Jostir was indifferent to her status. She did not play with the other children in the castle. Instead, she would spend her time reading in the library or walking alone through the hills around Caer Mathos.
It was not until she attended Quicksilver College that Alsbeth began to emerge from her shell. She distinguished herself, and gained a voice as her accomplishments bolstered her in the eyes of the other students and of the professors. While it never seemed she had many friends, she did have many followers. Only Asha Catari was as infamous as Alsbeth, and once Asha was expelled, Alsbeth took sole reign over the school.
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She returned to the Court of Mathos a powerful mage, and her family’s ignoble past was buried beneath the weight of her accomplishments. After King Jostir died, both princes tried to curry her favor to join them in their fight for the throne. While it was believed she would fight for Aedraxis, if she took an interest at all in the squabble for succession, Zareph must have offered her the better prize, for she ended up riding beside him in his honor guard.
How it is that Alsbeth Rothman became Alsbeth the Discordant after her death on the battlefield is a matter that remains a mystery to any but Alsbeth and Regulos himself. It is this author’s estimation that her rise to power exhilarated her, and left her willing to do anything to continue rising, including accepting an offer of power from the Destroyer himself.

Amardis Mathos: Paladin
Amardis Mathos: Paladin

Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians. Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7406 2886
A book on a table in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian. Use the lift to go up! /setwaypoint 5970 5132 height = 966
The story of Amardis Mathos, the first Paladin to walk Telara.
When the chieftain of Clan Mathos united the scattered northmen to fight the Blood Storm Wars, he entrusted the safety of the land and people to his daughter, Amardis. But Telara’s landscape and weather patterns shifted dramatically during the wars, as planar energy confused the world’s ecology. Crops withered, game grew scarce, and famine gripped Clan Mathos, until southern merchants brought an enticing proposition.
If the traders were allowed to mine sourcestone from caverns on clan land, the northmen would have all the food they required. Weak to the well-fed merchants’ temptations, the people cried out for Amardis to accept the offer.
But the young leader felt ill-at-ease about the bargain, so she entered the caves to commune with Thedeor. She finished praying and opened her eyes, and before her lay her father’s shield, newly affixed with a pulsing piece of sourcestone.
A voice spoke to Amardis: “Take it, daughter, and reveal the truth.”
The next morning, as people gathered around the strangers’ carts, Amardis came forward, girded for battle. Without warning, she sent the caravan master sprawling with a backhand blow from the holy shield. Gold coins stamped with the glowing mark of Laethys tumbled from his robe, and the clansmen realized they had nearly turned over their holy caverns to agents of the Golden Maw.
Amardis led the charge as Clan Mathos took up arms to drive out the cultists, intercepting blows meant for others and drawing the enemy away from weaker clan members. People would later report that a glowing aura surrounded her, crackling as she downed the dragon’s agents with devastating blows from her sword and shield.
All seemed lost when one of the caravan’s Cyclops guards dealt Amardis a devastating blow to the chest with his serrated blade. In a haze of pain, she struggled back to her feet, pressing her hand to the wound. Golden light seeped from her hand and closed the gash, and this miracle caught the Cyclops off guard. Amardis cleft his hideous head from his shoulders, breaking the Golden Maw offensive in a single stroke.
The Mathosians drove the remaining cultists into the mountains. Though they claimed the food and other goods from the caravans, Amardis insisted they melt down the gold to forge an altar to Thedeor. This monument would one day stand in the heart of Caer Mathos, the home of many Mathosian paladins for centuries to come.

An Analysis of Goblin Titles and Aliases
An Analysis of Goblin Titles and Aliases

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: An Analysis of Goblin Titles and Aliases. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Silverwood.
When the original goblin invaders migrated to Telara when the blood storm invaded, they walked upon Maelforge’s planetouched aura. This maintained their flamebound forms, sustained their life essentially unchanged from how they exist in the fiery lands.
When Maelforge was imprisoned, and the Ward placed Telara into harmony with the planes, most of the invading goblins were dissipated. But a few remained. These underwent what must have been a frightening transformation for them. These creatures of flame and heat were transmuted to flesh and blood, and all the attendant processes that go along with that. This appears to have been the dominant cultural event for the goblins, and not for the better.
Since they gained mortal form they have become obsessed with the functioning of their new fleshy bodies, especially the more unpleasant and violent aspects of it. Spitting and defecating are of interest, but less so than blood, bile and other fluid spilling out of a wound. The more violent the cause of the fluid the more important it’s event.
Where elves have taken on names of nature that inspires them, and Mathosians keep detailed family genealogies, goblins search endlessly for new bodily fluids to name themselves after, the viler and more disgusting the better.

Annal of Ekkehard Valnir
Annal of Ekkehard Valnir

Can be picked up from the various bookshelves in the Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak. The books will be in different locations for each character. You are encouraged to pick these up during the quest ‘Rite of the Mind’, part of the Saga of the Storm Queen.
Ekkehard was a bear of a man, even into his twilight years when age had turned his beard as white and fine as snowdrifts. He was the last of the Valnir clan to fall when members of the Storm Legion swept through Iron Pine Peak – his enormous maul toppled many of Crucia’s finest – but in the end they managed to topple the mountainous man. Before the captured mass of northmen, their commander blinded Ekkehard with a hot poker, and he was then chained with the rest of the surviving warriors to be marched toward Crucia’s chamber for assimilation.
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Despite his blindness, it was Ekkehard who preached faith in Thedeor on the long death march toward the temple of Crucia. One night, when he had roused the northmen to a particularly passionate fervor, the commander dragged him out of line, stripping him of all but a few loose furs and beating him savagely. When they finished, Ekkehard was left for dead in the snow.
But Ekkehard was not defeated. He found the strength to limp along the roadway, following along the ruts left by their wagons. Just as his body began to fail, limbs turning solid with the cold, he cried out, “Thedeor! Avenge my people! Grant me your strength, and I will crush the corrupted hordes of Crucia!”
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With that, the cold in his limbs deepened drastically, as if every vein had frozen all at once. To his surprise, he felt completely at ease, all pain vanishing, as if that very cold were lending him the strength to continue. He could feel the winds flowing around him, guiding him through the dark toward where the party had camped for the night. His first stop was the wagon where his maul had been stowed. He hoisted it up, thrilling at the familiar heft, and felt elemental lightning flowing out from his fingers into its shaft.
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Ekkehard moved confidently through the night toward where the prisoners were kept. He could hear the guards laughing over the fate of the bedraggled northmen, and directed his fury toward the sound of their chatter. They had no time to react as his charge propelled the maul into the first guard. As it impacted against the man’s skull, currents of lightning ran through the guard, causing his body to spasm violently before going still.
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Ekkehard was prepared as the second guard rushed him, surrounding her in a flurry of ice and snow. Both Ekkhard and the guard vanished from the sight of the watching prisoners as a violent storm surrounded them. The woman came back into view only once Ekkehard knocked her with such thunderous force that it tossed her out of the flurry and into a cliff face with a sickening crunch. The snow settled back on the ground, and Ekkhard stood before the amazed prisoners. He hoisted the maul high and cried out, “Praise Thedeor!”
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The members of the Storm Legion quickly fell to the valiance of Ekkhard and the freed northmen, and from then on, Shaman of the north tribes drove back the Blood Storm with the bitter cold and fury of the wind.

Annal of Gisa Malik
Annal of Gisa Malik

Can be picked up from the various bookshelves in the Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak. The books will be in different locations for each character. You are encouraged to pick these up during the quest ‘Rite of the Mind’, part of the Saga of the Storm Queen.
The Storm Legion lieutenant strode before the assembled villagers, who stood unmoving in a line. “You have all become a part of the Storm Queen’s army,” he called out. “What is more, you have become a part of her. You will know no greater love than the Storm Queen’s, which I am sure you felt when you looked into her eye. Now, it is time to cut ties.” He gestured, and his soldiers distributed shovels among the villagers. They were pushed toward the bodies that littered the streets of their village, friends and family who had not submitted soon enough.
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Just over a rise, the sole survivor of the slaughter of Whitefall huddled behind a rock. Though her fingers shook with the cold, she guided the bullets into the barrel of her gun.
As the villagers dug, one of them fell, too weak for the work. “You,” said the lieutenant, gesturing toward one of the other villagers. “Crucia has no room for weaklings in her army. Bury him with the others.”
The villager stepped forward, empty eyed and raising his shovel. Just before the shovel came down, a bullet knocked it from his hand. The lieutenant turned, barking to his men, “Marksman!”
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The soldiers rushed up toward the rise. A slender young woman stepped up with a rifle propped against her shoulder, and as a bullet exited the barrel, it shot forward with an arc of lightning behind it that spread through the chest of the soldier it entered. A second shot followed right at its tails, hitting against a second soldier with such thundering force that he was knocked back fifteen yards. As the first soldier reached her position, she hoisted the gun and leveled a shot into his chest, blood spraying in the snow. As the last of the group reached her, she leapt back unnaturally, landing twenty yards back and firing again as she did. The force of the bullet dropped its target but also arced out and toppled his companions.
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The battalion’s mages finally managed to get in range of the girl and hit her with a stunning bolt. For a moment, she seemed snagged, then as quickly as the effect had hit it was gone, and she was running with unnatural speed through the snow. She reached a high position and then stopped, turning her rifle toward the lieutenant. He barked an order, an edge of terror to his voice. The legion’s mages doubled their efforts, hurling spells toward her. She danced from side to side and the spells fizzled against her. Bullets dropped the mages one by one, and once again she directed her eye toward the lieutenant, who scrambled back in terror.
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“This is for Whitefall,” said the girl in an emotionless voice.
Local legend says that the bullet hit with such force that it decapitated the lieutenant. The rest of the battalion ran in fear from the sniper and her unerring bullets. There was nothing that could be done for the people of Whitefall, and the first act of the one day legendary marksman Gisa Malik was to bury the people of her village in the frigid earth of the Iron Pine Peaks.

Annal of Phynnious Rothman
Annal of Phynnious Rothman

Can be picked up from the various bookshelves in the Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak. The books will be in different locations for each character. You are encouraged to pick these up during the quest ‘Rite of the Mind’, part of the Saga of the Storm Queen.
“Stay here. Those tricks the Elves taught you won’t frighten the Storm Legion.” Phynnious Rothmann’s brother said, laughing.
Imbecile, Phynnious thought, watching his fellow tribesmen ride to battle. My tricks frightened even my teachers!
Sickly son of a Mathosian chieftan, Phynnious Rothmann was sent to study magic with the Elves – less to bring the arcane arts to his people than to stay out from under stomping, booted feet. But the Elves sent him home early: not because his research into fire magic nearly burned their sacred grove to the ground, but because the urgency of human youth made them uncomfortable.
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Rothmann trudged over to the edge of the cliff to watch as slowly, the valor of the united tribesmen overcame the mindless discipline of Crucia’s Storm Legion. Suddenly, an electric blast erupted in the middle of the battlefield. Whether thanks to lightning or terror, the hair on the back of Phynnious’s neck stood up and he whispered, “Stormtouched.”
Crucia herself, dragon of storms, had possessed the Legion’s commander. Phynnious knew she could bring to bear superhuman tactics and storm magic that would eradicate every northman in that valley. He knew this even as he rode to the battlefield, quick as a midsummer fire through dry scrub. Leaping off his horse, Phynnious turned into a streak of flame and flashed toward the front line just as the Mathosians quavered on the edge of disaster.
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Standing on the front line, Rothmann conjured exploding fissures of magma, completing in mere seconds an incantation that took his Elf tutors minutes. White-hot flame lanced from his fingers, sending charred chunks of Legionaries flying in all directions. The Storm Legion’s rally became a rout.
An arrow slammed into Rothmann’s shoulder, jarring him into a state of sharp focus. The possessed Storm Legion leader advanced, aiming his second arrow at the mage’s heart. Phynnious screamed at his assailant, exhaling waves of flame that burned the bow away. The general drew his sword and charged through the flames. Two steps from Phynnious he stopped, a statue of solid ash.
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Phynnious’s laughter blew the ash away on the northern breeze, joined by with the roar of his clansmen as they ran down the fleeing Storm Legion, even as a voice hissed from the sky: “I will kill you, little mage.”
Years later, as Phynnious fixed the keystone to Crucia’s prison, he taunted, “Remember what you promised me?” and laughed again, breathy and crackling like a bonfire

Annal of Vachir Altan
Annal of Vachir Altan

Can be picked up from the various bookshelves in the Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak. The books will be in different locations for each character. You are encouraged to pick these up during the quest ‘Rite of the Mind’, part of the Saga of the Storm Queen.
The Bahmi warrior Vachir Altan was the first to bear the title of Champion. His first documented appearance was when he battled Crucia’s whelp Arconis, known as the Bane of Kerenton. When Vachir rode into town, its human population looked on at him in suspicion, but he ignored their scrutiny. Within hours of his arrival Vachir entered ruins of Castle Kerenton where the wyrm laired. Sizing up the beast, he bull rushed the dragon spawn with reckless abandon.
Next Page
An epic battle was fought across the ruins of the once great castle. At the end of it Arconis lay dead in the courtyard, Vachir’s massive two handed blade in the whelp’s throat. “Start a fire, we feast tonight,” was all he is recorded to have said to the town’s inhabitants. In the evening he feasted and enjoyed the hospitality of the people of Kerenton, but by morning he was gone, tales of his exploits continuing to arise throughout Telara.
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While the Bahmi of the Canyons had many disciples of Vachir, the otherwise human residents of the duchy of Kerenton were also known for a number of blue- skinned Champions who brashly rode forth from its borders for the next few generations. Their road one of glory, seeking to overcome the impossible through the mastery of the blade.

Annal of Warlord Borte
Annal of Warlord Borte

Can be picked up from the various bookshelves in the Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak. The books will be in different locations for each character. You are encouraged to pick these up during the quest ‘Rite of the Mind’, part of the Saga of the Storm Queen.
Among the greatest generals of Telara’s history was Warlord Borte, daughter of the Shalastir Bahmi leader. Though she claimed many victories, her greatest by far was breaking the hold of Crucia’s forces on the Iron Pine Peaks. When she marched a force of assembled Telarans to overtake the stronghold of the Storm Legion, the Telarans found themselves outnumbered by nearly four to one, and hope all but abandoned them. Infiltrators from the Storm Legion only worsened matters, whispering insinuations of the succor of surrender, which quickly took root in hearts weakened by terror and weariness. Borte, hearing the rising din of resignation, rode before the army as dawn broke on the day of battle.
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“Sons and daughters of Telara! I see the fear in your eyes, cold as these icy peaks, but I command you, banish it! Stand unbent before the forces of the Storm Queen and her Wicked Brood and laugh at them for assuming you would break!
“Every one of us has come here today with strength in our hearts, and hope that tomorrow the sun will rise on a world free of the Blood Storm. A belief that our children will be born knowing no fear of war, no threat of invasion, no screech of planar whelp! Crucia’s greatest strength is our hopelessness. Her great desire is to break us, to conquer us, and for us to submit before her. But in standing against her, we have already won! We have proven we are not afraid, and that we will not be overcome. We are girded against her victory by the valor of our unbroken hearts and the persistence of our spirit.”
Next Page
She paused, gaze sweeping over the assembled mass, and backs straightened, emboldened by her words. “In a not too distant place, the Shalastir stood against Crucia and drove her back. Lead by my father, Crucia was compelled to abandon her campaign for their submission. Today, I bid you do the same! Bend them! Break them! Hold fast this world with the ballast of our valiance! Rip Telara from Crucia’s claws and make true the promise of a future free of corruption! Ride, my brothers! Fight, my sisters! CRUSH THEM!”
Next Page
A great cheer rose up among the assembled forces, and they were driven forward into battle with Borte’s words surrounding them as a shield that bolstered their attacks, healed their wounds, and kept Crucia’s touch from controlling their minds. Borte lead from the thick of the battle, manipulating allies and enemies alike with auras of inspiration and intimidation. As her main force confronted the brunt of the Legion, strike units took out their fortifications before crushing their flank.

Asha Catari
Asha Catari

Rewarded from the Quest ‘The King’s Lady’ in Meridian. This can only be done by Defiant Characters.
This book is made of a rich leather.
This appears to have been a journal of Asha Catari’s.
When I was young, I could never sit still. Zareph and I would run the halls of Caer Mathos, upsetting the trays that the maids were carrying and knocking over centuries-old suits of armor.
My father was an adviser on “southern matters” to King Jostir, and gave him counsel both magical and mundane. He lectured me sternly again and again on the fact that I was representing the Eth, and that I was teaching them we were just as wild as the Mathosians made us out to be.
Flip the Page
I didn’t listen. That wasn’t my way. Even if sometimes I wanted to be good, it was like I had a fire inside of me that wouldn’t die. Auram, my older sister, was everything I was not, and every time I acted up, my father asked me why I couldn’t be more like her. Every time he yelled that at me, I wanted to be her even less.
I didn’t even want to go to Quicksilver College. Auram was already there, and was the college’s star pupil. To this day, I believe they may have sent me away out of a wish to divide me from my close friend, Prince Zareph. We were still young, but gossip tongues were wagging about the wild Eth girl and the prince.
Flip the Page
At Quicksilver, I did not want to fail, but I didn’t want to be like Auram either. So, I studied everything I was told not to. I tried any magical technique professors advised were too dangerous or unproven. This backfired more than once. I spent one semester with my hair growing back. I hid a bad case of mummy rot for a month before I finally reversed the effects. I was young and foolish.
But I was also dangerously effective. They might have ignored my childish rebellion if all of my magic had failed. It was because I succeeded that I was expelled. It was because I succeeded that they feared me.
Flip the Page
Though I returned home, my father refused to speak to me, my mother seemed afraid of me, and my best friend had been sent to learn the way of a knight and squire in a distant land. There was nothing for me in Caer Mathos.
That was when I joined the Dragonslayer Covenant. It was with them that I would discover Regulos’s sway over King Aedraxis, and in trying to prevent the coming apocalypse, die and be reborn. All of these events, it seemed, were destiny. My destiny. A part of the great journey that took me to the end of the world, and back

Awakened Diary
Awakened Diary

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Awakened Diary. You can hunt for these Artifacts in the Queen’s Gambit Chronicle.
Salvarola is dead. It is days since the tragedy, and I can still scarcely fathom it. The foreigners whom Salvarola believed would lead us to our greatest triumph instead engineered his death. Who would have thought the savages of faraway Mathosia would return to visit such upheaval upon the grand system we had created from the ruins of the Bloodstorm?
In Salvarola’s stead, Inyra has claimed leadership over the Awakened. We must rally around someone, for the Ascended smashed the fragile control we maintained over this savage land, and without unity, we will join Salvarola in annihilation. Still, I have qualms about our new Mistress. Inyra is clever, but perhaps not clever enough for her ambition.
I will wait to see how this plays out.
Day 27
The spine of this journal is nearly moldered away – the result of several river crossings and no time to dry. If I’m not careful, I’ll begin to lose pages, which will be quite aggravating considering the amount of time I’ve spent putting words to the events of the past few weeks. We have been on the move since Salvarola’s death, evading Casimar’s forces and the damnable cannibals who have turned against us most ungratefully. I am so hungry, I may turn cannibal myself if we ever confront any of our pursuers.
This possibility, however, grows increasingly unlikely as we approach the region known as the Dendrome. For all my misgivings, Inyra has led us to a place
where I believe we may be safe, at least until Casimar locates us. The young king maintains an unreasonable grudge against our order.
Day 82
So far, the Architects have rebuffed our attempts at an alliance, or at least a truce. The insectoids drained four of our emissaries of all their moisture, reducing them to a flaky powder. (With a bit of water and river mud, this powder forms a passably good mortar for filling cracks in the walls around here). Inyra is undeterred. She is fixated on forging some kind of bond with the Architects, but to what purpose, I do not know.
Day 83
Perhaps this journal wields some power of determination, but hardly had the ink dried from my previous entry when Mistress Inyra at last revealed the purpose to which our efforts have been directed. Inyra claims the Architects hold the secret to gaining knowledge, immortality, in short, omnipotence. She claims to have arrived upon this conclusion investigating the bug-men, who can transmit vast amounts of information through pheromone chemicals. Within this liquid library is the key to supreme power, if only we had the ability to absorb the knowledge.
My work with the elixir we gave to the beast lords has earned me a place on the group assigned to decode the pheromones. If successful, we can reclaim Brevane from Casimar and the Ascended, and rule this world by the right of our superior knowledge!
Day 102
Effario finally died this morning, making him the longest living human to have ingested the serum. If he gained any knowledge from the Architects’
pheromones, we could not tell, for the serum causes madness, ravings, and copious amounts of drooling. It was my idea to convert the pheromones into a new chemical that could function on humans, but the effects have been disastrous. Inyra grows impatient, and my fellow Awakened grow more restive with each of our brethren who dies to my experiments. I must discover a solution, else I will become my own subject.
Day 127
I’ve done it. The Volatile Chemicals solution, when added to pure pheromone extract, transforms into a non-toxic elixir that conveys the encoded information to the mind of the imbiber. Nina drank the small dose and reported an influx of building knowledge and Architect history, with no ill effects. No ill effects, that is, until Abido severed her head on Inyra’s orders.
Despite Inyra’s speeches to the contrary, she will be the only one to gain the power, while the rest of us will serve as her slaves. Somehow, the Architects have agreed to provide enough pheromones to grant her a full measure of their knowledge. I am to ensure enough Volatile Chemicals to ensure her Ascension, though whether I will be alive to watch the ceremony is highly unlikely.

Bahmi in the North
Bahmi in the North

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Bahmi in the North. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Iron Pine Peak.
This book details some of the history of the Bahmi who live in Iron Pine Peaks.
From the papers of Dunbart’s Guide to Telara, Iron Pine Peak:
Most Shalastir Bahmi on Telara came to settle in the Rhaza’de Canyons; however, after Warlord Börte defeated Crucia, she settled in the northern mountains to form the Storm’s Fury tribe. They lived and blended among the humans of the north.
Though they continue to share many of the same cultural traditions as the Bahmi of the canyons, there are ways in which they diverge. Their culture is much sterner, owing to the harsh climates in which they settled. They do not have the same affinity for bright textiles, and instead shifted the focus of their crafting to weaving some of the warmest, most durable fabrics on Telara.

Bogling Star Signs
Bogling Star Signs

Combine the pages from the Artifact Set: Bogling Star Signs. This book is required before you can complete the Eastern Holdings puzzle.
A fully restored version of this important work.
The bogling whose constellation is the sword will not be trapped in a silver lamp nor does she like fish.
Mok of the axe doesn’t like fish nor does he like beetles.
Pfeef was not born under the sign of the spear, she will be caught by the lamp activated with a moonstone but it is not made of gold. She also does not like fish or beetles.
Kre’ll who was not born under the sign of the shield, can be trapped by the lamp activated by a sapphire, he does not like beetles.
The bogling that likes fruit will be trapped by the silver lamp.
A fat worm will please the bogling that will be trapped by the lamp activated with an emerald but it is not Grimoo, his is another.
Zeek, was not born under the sign of the club, she can be trapped by the tin lamp but it can’t be activated with a brilliant diamond.
The bogling born under the sign of the shield doesn’t like fish or beetles, the lamp that will trap him is made of gold.
Pfeef cannot be caught in a copper lamp.
Neither the copper lamp nor the lamp activated by a ruby will trap a bogling lured by crab, fruit or fat worm.

Burial Rites of the Caretakers
Burial Rites of the Caretakers

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Burial Rites of the Caretakers. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Morban.
Grant this soul safe passage to the Soul Stream. Never shall the struggles of this mortal coil affect it any longer.
If the passing was forced, give it absolution.
Page 2
The Necropolis shall hold your coil,
The Overseer your memories,
The Soul Stream your essence.
Page 3
May the way be free of mortal hindrances.
Forever shall your noble deeds in life be counted and revered in death.
Weep not lingering kin, for this is not the end, but a beginning.
Page 4
The universe invites us all, the call cannot be ignored,
this is the way of things,
the logic of the cosmos.
Page 5
As this tale ends upon Telara and a sun has set,
look to the east and behold anew.
Reflect upon those that we have lost,
feel the joy in your heart for what they have given us and keep it.

Calliope: Tempest
Calliope: Tempest

Found in the bookshelves on the bottom floor of the Runic Athenaeum in Moonshade Highlands. /setwaypoint 7428 1557 height = 841
The story of Calliope the Tempest and how she infiltrated the Storm Legion.
Calliope waited in the shadow of the white drake. The ancient creature – a minor queen – was eating loudly, in crunching bites and gulps.
“There’s a crispness…” she said, swallowing, “that you only get with lightning.” She looked longingly at a cage filled with prisoners. “I should have been a cook.”
Calliope grimaced, sweating in the armor of a Legion officer she’d ambushed outside the tower. At last the drake finished and rocked forward, summoning an image of the continent.
“Have you heard, Captain, of the Tempest Jules?”
Calliope was a Tempest Jule – a skilled warrior who had learned to bend lightning to her will, and a sworn enemy of this monstrous invader.
“Holdouts,” she spoke quickly, in the dead Captain’s tongue. “Meddling Brevanes who escaped at Tempest Bay.”
“Meddling?” Storms swirled in her eyes. “They’re killing our brethren – weakening our hold on the Steppes.” The drake concentrated, and ‘PELLADANE’ flared to life on the conjured map. “Here, they recruit initiates from the caves we haven’t cleansed.” Calliope tried to hide her surprise – the legion knew more than they expected.
“Here …” she paused, pointing a talon near the symbol of her tower. “They gather a storm to march on my citadel. These are your enemies, Captain.” Hissing through an arcane ritual, she transformed the map into a massive portal. “And this is the army – your army – that will cleanse them from our domain.”
The shimmering gateway offered a view of – and transport to – a waiting legion. Elementals and footmen crowded the legs of mechanical goliaths while winged beasts swooped overhead.
“Go,” the drake commanded. “Yours will be the tempest at the heart of the storm.”
“Yes,” said Calliope. “It will.” She drew a blade and flung a set of pulsing orbs through the gate. The drake shrieked in confusion as they began to explode on the other side, one after the next, punctuated by sizzling torrents of energy Calliope hurled through the portal.
Roaring, the drake chanted the gate closed, but not before the surviving soldiers returned a volley of fire. Calliope absorbed their strikes and unleashed focused lightning against the drake and her tower, leaping from the structure as it crumbled, riding the wind, nearly weightless, toward a column of advancing warriors.

Canus, The Industrious, God of Naps
Canus, The Industrious, God of Naps

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Canus, The Industrious, God of Naps. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Draumheim.
Shhh, sleep now, dear dreamer.
Rest your eyes.
Rest your legs.
Rest your aching muscles.
Let go your cares.
Did you fill out all that paperwork for the bank? It was due tomorrow. You’ll need to double check it all, make sure you didn’t forget anything.
Sleep in blissful rest.
Your weariness leaves you.
Your aches and pains dissipate.
You should do a puppet show like the ones in Draumheim, but make it about the history of Freemarch; you could show off Eliam’s heroics, and give him some real gravitas. You should write the script now, while you’re inspired!
Quiet and still.
Hush your thoughts and count your breaths.
Enter the meditative state.
Silence your mind and feel the comfort of your body.
What was that against your leg? Was that the sheet or a bug? Is there a spider in the bed? You need to straighten the sheets. And if there was a spider in bed, you should just clean the whole room!
Let your cares and desires sail into the boundless sea of sleep.
Let your mind float free upon the ocean.
Drift in the dreaming.
Sink deep into the sea.
Drink your fill of relaxation.
Now you really have to go; you can’t ignore it anymore. Just get up, go, and start again. Oh, distractible Canus, let us try this again in an hour with better results.

Caring For Your Deep One Hatchling
Caring For Your Deep One Hatchling

Can be picked up during the quest ‘Meetings of Interest’, during the Defiant Abyssal Saga. If you didn’t pick them up during the quest then head back to /setwaypoint 4682 1155 in Iron Pine Peak to grab them. This can only be done by Defiants.
So, you’ve decided to raise a deep one hatchling?
By now you’ve probably realized that those claws will destroy any artifacts within reach, and that you cannot stow the remains of any once-living creature anywhere nearby without it going into a bloody frenzy.
Follow these easy steps to maintain a successful and harmonious relationship with your deep one hatchling. Which, with proper care, could one day grow to be an unparalleled minion in your pursuit of the secrets of the deep.
[The rest of the pages are raggedly torn out. Clearly, someone didn’t follow instructions.]

Circuit Diagrams
Circuit Diagrams

Combine the pages from the Artifact Set: Circuit Diagrams. This book is required before you can complete the Ardent Domain puzzle.
This book looks like it has been repaired with some kind of black tape.
All five circuits must be connected but don’t cross the streams.

City Record of Ardenburgh
City Record of Ardenburgh

Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians.
Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7524 3083 – Can also be looted by Defiants in this spot.
The most recent city record for the town of Ardenburgh.
Fifth Moon of the Year of the Tyrant
King Aedraxis has set up a camp on the far side of Thedeor Fields. He has brought with him a legion of Eth and Bahmi conscripts to build him their strange machines. The king has set up massive technomantic pillars on the hill above the fields as well. In all my years as mayor of Ardenburgh I have never seen such a sight.
In the night, we can hear King Aedraxis and his mages chanting under those pillars. I swear they are saying the name Regulos over and over. The town counsel and I are at a loss for what to do, but we know something is not right. We sent word to Prince Zareph a few days past asking him to come here and put a stop to this. Hopefully, he will arrive quickly.
Maurice Sullivan
Mayor of Ardenburgh

Clever Kehmeh
Clever Kehmeh

Rewarded from the quest ‘The Pride of the Eth’. Given only to Defiant Eth Characters during the Saga of the Endless.
All Eth children know the tale of Clever Kehmeh, for Clever Kehmeh managed to steal the light of the sun and traded it for the empire of the Eth.
In the ancient days, the sun walked freely upon Telara. She was a radiant woman with long golden hair and skin like baked cinnamon, and it was her great pleasure to leave the night in the care of the moon and walk among the great dunes of the southern deserts. You could tell when she had been by, for her long flowing cloak left tracks in the sand like shimmying rivers.
Page 2
Clever Kehmeh was drinking from the turquoise waters of an oasis one night when he heard a singing that made him warm to the tips of his toes and
fingers. He hid behind a palm and watched as the sun came up to the oasis, glowing cloak of gold flowing behind her.
“Such blue water, and what I thirst I have,” she said. “If only I had a cup.”
Kehmeh emerged from behind the tree. “Beautiful lady,” he said, “let me offer you mine.”
Page 3
The sun was not immune to compliments, and she colored softly and said, “That would be most appreciated, traveler.”
Kehmeh handed her the cup, and the sun smiled brilliantly. She drew to the water’s edge, and as she did, her brilliant cloak brushed against the water. Kehmeh said, “Do you wish me to hold that for you? It’s going to get terribly wet.”
The sun considered this and then said, “Very well.”
Page 4
She removed the glowing cloak and handed it to Kehmeh. As she turned back to the water, Kehmeh vanished into the night, running as fast as his legs could carry him. In the distance, he heard the sun wail with anger and sorrow.
Kehmeh ran and ran before finally taking refuge within a cluster of rocks. He donned the cloak, and marveled at the way it radiated with his movements. A lesser man would have run straight to camp and proudly shown off the cloak, only to have the sun come up behind him and flay him where he stood. Kehmeh was clever, and he instead hid the cloak within a crevice in the rock.
Page 5
He found her wandering the dunes. When she saw him, her beautiful face was twisted with fury. “You!” she shouted. “Return what you have stolen!”
“I believe,” he said, “that you are in no position to make threats, as only I know where the cloak is. Kill me, and you will never find it.”
Her face quickly sobered, and she looked at him with muted rage. “Very well, then,’ she said, “what is it that you want?”
Page 6
“I wish to know what your cloak is made from,” he said, “and how it is that its light urges the palms to grow and spread, and coaxes the world from day to day.”
The sun knew that this knowledge was not intended for the men who walked the dirt of Telara, but she also needed to either get her cloak back or spend her days without plan or purpose.
“Source,” she said, “it is made of the source. The sacred stone from which Telara is molded.” She knelt, and thrust her hand through the crust of the ground, reaching deep. When she withdrew her arm, a shining blue stone rested in her palm. “With sourcestone, there is nothing you cannot make so long as you can imagine it.”
She gave Kehmeh the sourcestone, and Kehmeh returned her cloak.
Page 7
With sourcestone, we Eth forged the greatest empire that ever was or would be, and we have never forgotten the sun, nor the great secret she gave us.

Codex Elementalism
Codex Elementalism

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Codex Elementalism. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Silverwood.
Air – A shifting ephemeral element, related to thought, electricity, and control.
Earth – An element of substance and great range of value. It solidifies the universe, giving it form and structure.
Fire – Energy and power, shifting structure and chaos. Fire is the transformative element.
Water – Knowledge and depth, water consumes and wears at the world over time. Water smothers; it is a barrier only some may cross. Water tests us.
Life – Life is healing and creation, an abundance of structure, a confluence of the other elements, air, earth, fire, and water. When used with compassion it can mend wounds and revive the dead. When used with malice it is cancer and corruption.
Death – Death is entropy and decay. An end to creation, energy, substance, mind, and knowledge. Death is a release. The energies of death are a part of natural cycle of Telara. But empowered by magic death is destruction out of control.

Delicious Hedfell Farms Recipes
Delicious Hedfell Farms Recipes

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Twisted: Delicious Hedfell Farms Recipes. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Draumheim.
Darkmoon’s Birthday Cookies
1 cup butter, softened – from cow’s milk! No nightmares here!
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
2 large roc eggs, plus 1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon dreamy vanilla
2 1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baker’s powder
1/2 teaspoon purifying salt
1/2 teaspoon baker’s soda
12 oz. bag miniature chocolate bits
Make a batch of chocolate brownies or purchase some from a reputable baker in Choreburg.
Mix butter with an Empyrean Handheld Mixing Apparatus until creamy. Add brown sugar and continue to mix until smooth. Add eggs, yolk and vanilla. Mix again until smooth. Combine flour, baker’s powder, soda and salt in a medium bowl and stir together with a wire whisk. Add the dry ingredients to the butter mixture and beat until combined. Stir in the chocolate bits. Seal the dough and let it sit in a snow drift for at least an hour. Thankfully, Tarken Ascent is a short walk from Headfell Farms.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Take 1⁄2 cup of chilled dough and roll it into a ball. Make an indentation in the center with your thumb and place a 1-inch square piece of brownie in the center and roll the dough around it. Dwarven parchment creates an excellent surface to work on and bake on for these cookies.
Place six cookies at a time on a large baking sheet covered in parchment and bake for 18 minutes. Keep the remaining dough balls chilled while the others bake. You may need to bring some ice with you from Tarken for this but it’s worth the trouble. Cool cookies on the baking sheet for a few minutes and then cool completely on a wire rack.
If your cookies start to get too brown on the edges before they are done baking, you can place a sheet of foil over top for the last few minutes.
Enjoy, Ascended!

Disciple of the Deep
Disciple of the Deep

Rewarded from the quest ‘Meetings of Interest’, during the Defiant Abyssal Saga.
When Akylios descended into the oceans of Telara, the waters churned with the madness and horror of the Abyssal lord. Whether it was all his influence, or whether he merely brought to surface the horrors of the Deep is a matter shrouded in mystery as murky as those depths.
The nightmares that had once only troubled the minds of sailors too long at sea manifested as gibbering monsters that wrecked havoc on the shores of Telara. The small folk who lived along the shores panicked, some fleeing inland while others threw themselves into the surf, consumed by insane impulses.
Only the young scholar Lyrr looked to the oceans and felt something different: a calling, deep in her soul, a curiosity beyond reason to plunge into the ocean’s mad chorus.
Page 2
Launching a boat into the surf, she rowed far out to sea, finding, to her surprise, that the further she went, the calmer it grew, until it seemed she glided along a pane of glass. Here, she realized she had come to her destination.
Tying a rock to her leg, she plunged into the depths, sinking into the lightless ocean depths until there were no more bubbles to slip between her lips. There, as breath escaped her, she found herself staring into the mad eyes of Akylios.
Page 3
As he drew in close, her mind filled with the whisperings of a hundred long dead worlds, their great scholars speaking of impossible geometry at summits held in five dimensions. This knowledge filled her brain until it began to ever so slowly tear at the seams, and as it reached a crescendo, it finally snapped.
Lyrr was filled with an impossible delight, the madness of infinite knowledge. Though the woman was lost beneath the waves, the Tidelord emerged from the waves to seek out and scrape away every secret of Telara for her deep lord.

Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl's Medical Journal
Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl's Medical Journal

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl’s Medical Journal. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Morban.
First attempt at grafting subject to main assembly.
During the spinal puncture at the base of the skull the subject began screaming uncontrollably.
The frequency of the screams shifted up in pitch by 20 Hz during the procedure.
Curious to know if this is an unintended side effect of the grafting.
This process is quite time consuming and delicate, after suffering through the subject screaming for an hour we resorted to severing the vocal cords.
Removal of the vocal cords required close attention to the facial expressions of the subject as our primary means of feedback during the procedure.
– Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl
Page 2
Fifth attempt at skeletal grafting.
The subject began to resist the laceration of flesh from the localized area. It was decided that appendage prosthesis was the solution.
Interestingly, as the arms and legs were removed, the subject fell into a strange dreamlike state.
Must note this for a potential side project in the future.
Upon waking, the subject vomited into the main assembly.
Rather than sterilize the assembly, we opted to go forward with the procedure.
– Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl
Page 3
Third attempt at binding the organs to the harness.
The initial subject for this procedure was rejected after the incision was made.
Opposition to having the abdominal cavity exposed is not conducive to this process.
The following subject did much better, with the exception of profuse crying caused by the extreme discomfort of having their organs removed while awake.
It is advised that the subject be unconscious during this phase of grafting.
– Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl
Page 4
Regarding optical grafting and enucleation.
Several methods were attempted to remove the eyes of a myriad of test subjects:
Searing out the eyes only cauterized the ocular sockets, making them unusable.
Vacuum ended up removing most of the nerves, preventing interface with the harness.
Evisceration with a blade requires too steady of a hand and leaves too great of a margin for error and socket damage.
It has been deemed that the superior method involves striking the base of the subject’s skull forcefully with a blunt object, separating them cleanly from the sockets.
– Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl
Page 5
Twentieth attempt at flushing the circulatory system.
It should be noted that almost all of the subjects that survived the first few minutes reported sensations of extreme burning from within.
The only surviving subject calmed after the sensation subsided, but began to lose fluid from their pores. Anima fluid began to pool and flow from the surface of the skin. Suggest a much more viscous formula for the fluid.
– Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl
Page 6
After hundreds of useless subjects, we’ve finally had one survive the entire grafting procedure!
This is wonderful indeed!
General Blythe will be quite pleased with these results.
Soon, we’ll be able to begin streamlined grafting on a much larger scale.
– Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl

Dr. Wesley Norris's Psychic Mail
Dr. Wesley Norris's Psychic Mail

Looted in Uttila East in Vostigar Peaks at /setwaypoint 3935 3388 – Looting this book credits the cheevo ‘Stranger Tales‘.
A letter to my descendants on how we escaped the tyranny of the gravitic prison of the crystal sphere.
We live inside the Tower of Ahnket. We no longer feel the need to leave her protective embrace. If needed Ahnket can create a simulacrum of our bodies and we can explore the outside world in safety. However, she is as versed in all the investigative techniques as any of the mages of Alittu. We trust her to run the exploration of the last of the known universe while we devote our lives to the higher philosophies of meaning and enlightenment. Our magical knowledge is nearing completion, save for this curious oddity known as “Ascension” where lesser mortal beings gain great power and have disrupted the natural order.
We have had dealings with them as we have moved through our rapidly expanding universe. The Wheel that connects a soul reborn throughout time, the man whose sacrificial death changes reality, the Vessel that binds the gods, the Beast and all his pleasures, all of them. As the universe grows we discover more and more. Each has conquered worlds, and as time has passed has grown more powerful, and more unstable. There are rumors that an Ascended woman of great martial strength is binding them together, making an Ascended court. In council, the sages of Alittu worry about the gods and the worlds that have not yet fallen under their sway.
We now suspect that this stranger who has helped us advance through the ages is one of these “Ascended”. We have directed Ahnket to investigate.

Dunbart's Guide to Telara: Fortune's Shore
Dunbart's Guide to Telara: Fortune's Shore

Rewarded from Instant Adventure Caches.
Fortune’s Shore was once one of the city-states of the Eth. It was settled by the Fortuna tribe and was the greatest port of the Eth Empire. Though it was, in time, unseated by Port Scion as the primary point of trade for the continent, with the fall of said city, it has now resumed the primary port of the continent of Tyr.
Much of its infrastructure was destroyed in the magitech explosions of the Convocation. Like the rest of the empire, it was decimated. However, the port district was full of more traditional structures and was a vital enough location that effort was put toward rebuilding it. Similarly, the Mathosian Empire saw its value as a southern trading port and maintained it when they took control of the region.
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The Bahmi were pivotal to its rebuilding. Because of that, the port is peppered with many traditional Bahmi “gharuu,” open-aired tent structures in colorful fabrics traditional to Bahmi life. Their open quality is said to be intended to invite in the ancestor spirits. It also allows the wind, which links them to their Plane of Air origins, to pass through their domiciles unabated.
Though still an active and pivotal port, central to the Sourcestone trade, it has become increasingly seedy in recent years. It is the site of many warring gangs, and there is little order-keeping force. The Dragonslayer Covenant once filled this role, but since their focus has become focused wholly on the cults, they can’t be keeping peace between Telarans anymore. Kaseem Owan, a Bahmi of some renown, has made efforts to cleanup the port. This effort is ongoing, however, and is meeting the violent resistance of the aforementioned gangs.

Durnes: Ranger
Durnes: Ranger

Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians. Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7612 3093
A book on crates in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian. Use the lift to go up! /setwaypoint 5999 5131 height = 997
This book speaks of Durnes, the first Elven Ranger.
The Elves have always shared a mystical bond with the beasts of Telara, but this ancient compact was sundered with the arrival of Greenscale and his faerie minions. It was Durnes, an Elven huntress, who discovered that the capricious faeries could speak to the brutes, and lure them to serve their twisted court. For a fortnight she stalked the Fae Lords and studied their every move, determined to learn the secret language of the wild.
Knowledge in hand, the huntress methodically restored order to her home, turning the beasts of the wood against the slaves of Greenscale. Unprepared for an assault from within the heart of their stronghold, the Faerie court was quickly overrun by the packs of wolves bred to protect their borders. Many fled the carnage, only to fall with Durnes’s well- placed arrows through their hearts. The few surviving fairies abandoned the forest, choosing the wrath of the great dragon over being hunted by the first of the Rangers.

Elementalists, The First Mages
Elementalists, The First Mages

Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians. Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7458 3019
A book on a table in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian. Use the lift to go up! /setwaypoint 6011 5144 height = 966
This book sppears to be about the first mages of Telara.
It was before the age of dragons that pioneering mages of the High Elves began to study and exploit weaknesses in the elemental forces, harnessing and redirecting them against the invading forces. This dangerous art had dire consequences, since a loss of concentration by an Elementalist could end in immediate and painful death. Despite these risks, the Elementalists were effective at turning the tide of the war: Their art kept them far away from the battlefield, and their minions inflicted heavy losses on the planar hosts invading Telara.
Today this arcane art still flourishes across Telara and it remains as important as ever. Those mages who demonstrate an impressive force of will and an affinity for the natural order often make accomplished Elementalists. Those mages who do not share these talents and begin summoning the elements typically don’t survive very long.

Entombed in Carcera
Entombed in Carcera

Looted in Abundant Wilds in Ember Isle. The book is on the porch of a little house at /setwaypoint 12876 4258
It is known that Maelforge was imprisoned within the volcano of Carcera. He had taken the mountain to be his lair and the heart of his power, and so it was in
that location that the heroes of the Campaign of Flames trapped him. What has been completely scrubbed from history is the exact method by which it was accomplished.
Scattered records indicate that his entrapment was the product of collaboration between the brightest Kelari of the day and the heroes who led the army against Maelforge – Talos Roda, the Purifier; Karine, the Bard; Ula, the Reaver; Asias, the Cabalist, and Nazim, the Riftblade. The hunters knew their prey, and the Kelari knew their island and its particular powers, surrounding the sourcewells from which they drew their power.
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Or perhaps – and this is only a speculation – the sourcewell, singular. Translations are fuzzy, as the Kelari who first came to the island spoke the most ancient of elven dialects, a dialect that has since passed into obscurity. However, most linguists with a mind for critical thinking agree that where popular texts refer to sourcewells, their predecessors only refer to a single sourcewell. Only after Maelforge’s imprisonment do we see consistent references to sourcewells in text.
Given this information, one begins to wonder if perhaps the rest of the sourcewells actually formed as a result of Maelforge’s imprisonment. How could such a thing happen? What follows is only theories formed around a foundation of speculations but result from discourse shared between many fine minds who have made this their primary occupation.
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The power that flows out of the sourcewells seems to be a very base form of sourcestone, a vaporous form of it if you will. Given the seemingly endless depth of the sourcewells (their bottom has never successfully been measured), then it seems as if that source might be coming from the heart of the world itself. Given all that has been accomplished with that power, this wouldn’t seem to be an overestimation of its potential.
If only one of these cracks existed before, and if it represented a single line of access to a very deep and ancient power, perhaps it was depended on in the ritual to imprison Maelforge. And assuming that this crack was actually a flaw in the world’s core left by an imperfect creator – an unavoidable seam in the world’s construction – this flaw could have been made worse by drawing out a great deal of power from it. As a result, more of these cracks could have formed, leading to more sourcewells. Quite likely, this first sourcewell was once vastly more powerful than our current sourcewells, as its power would now be split between many places.
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Could this be the secret to how Maelforge was imprisoned? We know it also involved sourcestone of the Plane of Earth, as he is trapped like a fly in amber within a great case of stone, but what caused that all to harden and stay hard despite the heat of the volcano? Perhaps the power of a proto-sourcewell even more powerful than those remaining today? We may never know.


Rewarded from the quest ‘On Distant Shores’. Given only to Defiant Kelari Characters during the Saga of the Endless.
There have been two great exoduses in the history of the Kelari. More than a thousand years ago, we departed the forests of Tavril, leaving behind our short-sighted cousins within the High Elves, and sought a land all our own. Our intent was to find a new home where we would be able to pursue any path, any power, that we wished, without the puppets of Tavril trying to tell us nay.
What we found were jungle isles ripe with potent energies. No one had tamed these isles, and the very jungle lived and breathed as an ancient, terrible thing of immense power. The records of the ancients describe the way it undulated and trembled with their steps. It could sense that its new masters had come.
With the yoke of our creator cast off, we were prepared to mold a world of our own design.
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For more than fifteen-hundred years we flourished within the jungles, but then, everything changed. The prisons of the dragons began to stir, and the ocean became a tumult of fury, assaulting our shores. As the sea dashed our boats and coastal settlements to pieces with the indiscriminate fury of an impertinent child, our temples were assaulted from within by spirits bloated with the corrupt power of the cults.
Their power spilled over, and corrupted our most powerful magical sites. It took root within the other spirits that gathered within their walls, and its dark touch wound its way into the very cores of their beings, turning them irrevocably into wild beings of limitless malevolence.
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Many Kelari embraced these new spirits as their masters, but I, Anthousa Mona, High Priestess of the Kelari Isles, would not have it. So, it happened that a second great exodus was necessary for our people, but this time we were not leaving in pursuit of an ideal. Instead, we were fleeing, and leaving everything behind us.
The sea passage had the cadence of drowned sailors’ most tormented dreams. We were assaulted daily by storms and twisted abominations of the deep. Many of the spirits still in our power were consumed by those threats, expending pacts of great power just to keep us alive. Even with that, we lost more than half our number.
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But it finally happened that we came to the shores of Freemarch and its curiously orangish people. Few had ever dealt with these humans before. Our contact with outsiders was limited at best. Many did not accept us. The dull grey eyes of the farmers of Freemarch gazed at us with slack-jawed fear and revulsion.
It was not until the Defiants came to us and extended a hand that the violence of the farmers subsided. I was amazed the way that the extended hand of Orphiel Farwind and Asha Catari was enough to transmogrify fear into curiosity. Though the Bahmi muttered discontent with their brutish lips, we were to be harbored.
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Now, it falls on us to reform and rebuild. Our isles are still out there, though they may be battered and choked with unbound spirits and betrayers. Our path among the Defiants will guide us back to Kelari, and by the spirits, we will wrench it from their hands and take back what is ours.

For Maelforge
For Maelforge

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: For Maelforge. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Ember Isle.
During the siege of Redoubt, Balagos, Wingleader of the Third Dragonian Legion, approached the city gates, alone and unarmed. The sunlight blazed off his glossy, crimson scales, casting little droplets of red light down upon the sand where he walked.
“Hear me, O City, for I bring the gift of Maelforge!
I speak to you now of his benevolence, of the city of S’maw’g, capital of the Dragonian Empire in the most holy Plane of Fire. For eons uncounted, we lived there in peace and plenty, taking all we needed from the ash of the land and the sulfurous skies, and sailing on the seas of lava to trade with goblin and gnoll and clever devil.
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But down from the sky swooped the Flame Sire, and his rage boiled the very ground beneath our feet. He roasted and ate the grown and the old, leaving only the young amid toppled, blackened marble.
“Try again,” growled the dragon, as smoke from between his teeth rose to the sky. “This time, do not be so soft.”
And so we built a new Smaw’g with thick walls, and sailed out to raid the goblins, and gnolls, and devils. Over the centuries, we enslaved their peoples and conquered their lands.
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But Maelforge came again, and his claws brought magma bubbling up from the rock. He broke our ships and he devoured our dams and sires and he left the young weeping amid the tumbled city walls.
“Try again,” growled the dragon. “This time, do not be so slow.”
Now the devils and gnolls and goblins banded together, and conquered our lands, and made us slaves. Within that same generation, we rose up.
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We put their leaders and elders to the torch and enslaved their children. We conquered all their lands within two of your years, and rebuilt S’maw’g grander and more terrifying than before.
Again came Maelforge, and with his searing breath, he melted the very stone of our city down upon us, and left only the young. “Again,” is all he said, and he flew away, laughing.
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Rage filled our hearts, bitterness our bellies. To this day, in the Plane of Fire, still we conquer. Never resting, never showing mercy, outward, outward. We are forever inspired by our Sire, who comes upon S’maw’g every decade, and burns it down, leaving only the young. We send our most beloved clan members to live in the capital, our greatest warriors, and most brilliant minds, to be consumed in Maelforge’s joy.
It is a great gift to constantly lose all you hold dear, to set a fire in your bones and hone your heart to hate. Now, our whole race is a roaring flame, one that consumes all it touches. In you, the Eth, we see potential. To you we give the gift of annihilation and rebirth. You are welcome.
All companies, advance! MAY BLOOD BOIL IN YOUR WAKE!”

Ganzorig: Liberator
Ganzorig: Liberator

Found in the bookshelves on the middle floor of the Runic Athenaeum in Moonshade Highlands. /setwaypoint 7381 1567 height = 853
The story of Ganzorig the Liberator and his unorthodox art of healing.
Marvar leaned on his staff as he limped back to the Fortress of Fallen Stars. Every step was agony. He attempted to recite some of the Nightfall mantras to take his mind off the pain, but all that came out was a hacking cough filled with blood. As he approached the Gates of Eternity he winced, this time in annoyance. “It’s just a stupid portcullis. Not everything needs some fancy, mystical name. ‘The Exit’ would work just as well.” Marvar was again overcome with self doubt that was almost as painful as his broken bones.
With the Ascended victories over the dragons he thought that life would improve, no more rifts opening everywhere, no more monsters spilling out of the fabric of reality, maybe people would stop telling him he was so morose. But it wasn’t like that at all, soon the Ascended started fighting among themselves again, not in the traditional arguments over faith, reason, prophesy and free will. No, this was the most difficult of all questions for the war weary Ascended to answer. What now?
The Gates of Eternity started to open, and the ground began to shake.
“What now?” moaned Marvar before he broke into another ill timed coughing fit, for when he looked up from his blood soaked handkerchief he saw he was in the direct path of the onrushing heavy cavalry of Ascended knights of the Raven. Who promptly trampled him.
“You ok, Marvar?” an annoyingly cheery voice asked from above his battered and bruised form. It was that dwarven sentry Ivan, the one that always wore that novelty horse head mask because he thought it was funny. It wasn’t. Marvar was very sure on this point.
“Marvar looks hurt! Someone grab his legs!” Marvar tried to protest. Couldn’t they see the horses had broken his back? Hoisting him up was the worst thing they could do for him. “Help me carry him in to the Liberator.” Again, Marvar attempted to stop these fools, but all that came out of his mouth was a tortured scream as they carried him into the keep.
“Hello! I am Ganzorig!” said the huge, muscled Bahmi that approached the mangled and sobbing Marvar in the infirmary. “You seem broken. I will fix.”
Ganzorig started doing a flexing martial dance. He looked like one of the ridiculous performers from Carnival. Marvar wondered if his comrades in arms of Nightfall were having another one of their practical jokes on him. They were not as dour and serious as he thought they would be. “I should switch sides. Maybe those Dominion fascists will take things more seriously.”
“Am done warming up.” The now sweaty Bahmi pulled out a gigantic two handed sword. “Now we make feel better.” Ganzorig raised the impossibly large sword above his head and brought his sword down in a massive strike.
“Don’t kill me!’ Marvar shouted through the pain. Or the pain that wasn’t there. Marvar sat up, confused. He felt better. Not just better than before he was beaten up and trampled, but better than he had in years. “What did you do? You used no magic. You just swung your sword around a bit.”
“No more pain, yes? Is good! Is happy!” the Bahmi held out his meaty, muscled hand.
“But what did you do?” Marvar yelped and he was dragged up from his bloody cot.
“Is magnets!” Ganzorig said genially. “I bend aura. Learn from Earth Plane. Fix bones. Feel healthy!”
The alarm bell rang out. The keep was under attack. Ganzorig ran out the room with friendly wave of his mighty hand. “Must go! Is war! I fix everyone!”
Marvar, followed after him, it was much easier now that his bones were no longer shattered. He actually had a spring in his step that has been missing for years. This barmy Bahmi had stumbled upon something Marvar, in all his years of study, had never encountered. Ganzorig was part of the expedition to the Plane of Earth, recently returned to the seemingly endless conflict between the three factions. An expedition that was offered to Marvar, probably to get rid of him, but one he turned down in favor of the comforting routine of his bed. As Marvar caught up to the warrior, he had already added this expedition to the list of his lifelong regrets.
The Fortress of Fallen Stars was surrounded by the army of the Oathsworn. Though the road and hills surrounding the keep were muddy from recent storms, and the spilling of much blood, the entire army of the lion was shining in their resplendent armor, spotless white robes, and regal mounts. They looked every bit the iconic heroes their propaganda painted them to be. Marvar hated each and every one of them.
Ganzorig stood atop the walls, posing with his sword, posturing, flinging it about like a child at play. But as the mage squinted, he could suddenly see what the warrior was doing. He had grasped the ley lines that emanate from each and every being, and had entangled it upon his sword. The Bahmi then manipulated through sheer strength. Not strength of will, not through magical means, but he just bent them with his muscles. Marvar was stunned.
The assassins who had climbed up onto the wall to take out the Liberator were also stunned. Ganzorig took a momentary break from realigning the magnetic fields of his allies, grabbing hold of his enemy’s fields and shaking them like a rag doll until they were disoriented. The Bahmi then attacked those same magnetic fields with his sword and killed them without even laying a hand on their physical bodies, then flashing a smile at the cowering mage, he returned to manipulating his side back to health.
Marvar experienced a once in a lifetime flash of admiration. “Can you teach me this art? I must understand it.”
Ganzorig smiled at him. “Oh no! Too puny and weak.” Marvar’s heart sank. “Plus is for happiness. You are quite the jerk.”
Marvar left for the Dominion the next day. And every time they lost a battle, he would remind them of why.

General Blythe's Battle Plans
General Blythe's Battle Plans

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: General Blythe’s Battle Plans. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Morban.
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Ghadaul - Skelf God of War
Ghadaul - Skelf God of War

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Ghadaul – Skelf God of War. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Goboro Reef.
Ghadaul, khopesh of the seas, vanquisher of Akvan, grant me the frenzy. Let me smell the red scent in the tide and let it wash over my being. Let the battle be terrible and glorious, brief and bloody. If my enemies flee, may it be towards shore. If my enemies turn and fight, may they overlook my pod, may we feast upon them from all sides.
Glory to you, Ghadaul, breaker of the pact, carver of bone; grant the red vision when my enemy is upon me, but keep it from me in school. The frenzy is holy, the frenzy is profane, the frenzy is my greatest weapon and my greatest curse. Give me the strength to end the glory, give me the will to regain myself.
Holy Ghadaul, lord of blood, thresher of the night, grant me the tides of Draum, show me the dream of victory. I pilot no leviathan, I pact to no horror. I fight for the coming of the Rhenke. The time when the skelf will throw down the Akvan and ride the waves of victory. I bow to none but the Rhen, I worship none but the gods of the sea and stars.
Grant me victory. Grant me the red frenzy.

Gholing - Avatar Slayer
Gholing - Avatar Slayer

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Gholing – Avatar Slayer. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Goboro Reef.
In the beginning, the skelf were dreamed forth into the Kamoho Ocean to serve Namadraum, an avatar of a great predator fish. The skelf served Namadraum faithfully and learned from her the secrets of magic, war, and the pathways through the infinite oceans. For the Epoch of Kamoho, the skelf steered her throughout the seas, helped her hunt the leviathans of the oceans, and tended to her every need.
Then, the last of the original clutch hatched: a skelf named Gholing. Gholing was not compelled to pact bind to Namadraum, nor any other creature. Gholing was a mighty warrior, as skelf are, and with each year of life he grew larger and more powerful. Gholing left the skelf and Namdraum and swam against the currents. He cut a bloody swath through the oceans, murdering monarch and monster alike. Over time, he grew so strong, that he underwent the Great Change, usually reserved only for Rhens.
One day, Gholing met Namadraum and her Rhenke once again. The oceans darkened with portent, and a lunar eclipse occurred. When this shadow passed over Draum, the Moon, he stirred in his sleep. Such was the end of the Epoch of Kamoho.
Gholing attacked Namadraum, drawing blood. The skelf that served the immortal avatar frenzied to save her, but the violence made them mindless. Gholing, however, kept her frenzy in check. She used the red madness of her lesser siblings against them. Through skill and cunning, she wounded some and threw others into the maws of their own brothers, working her way towards the leviathan avatar.
When the skelf regained their senses, they saw that their god and creator, Namadraum, lay slain. Her still-beating heart had been eaten by one of their own. For the first time in their existence, the skelf felt horror over a kill. Gholing was torn apart by her own siblings, who then took their own lives.
Ever since, the last skelf of a clutch has been slain by its clutchmates. For it is prophesied that another skelf, last of its clutch, will again slay an avatar of Draum and found a Rhenke of her own. This new Rhen will reign for a thousand years, and the endless seas will be changed forever.

Hedfell Farms Cooking Book
Hedfell Farms Cooking Book

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Hedfell Farms Cooking Book. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Draumheim.
Greentoe Squash Bread
1 cup snake oil
2 cups fae tear sugar
1 tablespoon racid butter
3 rotten eggs
1 teaspoon Draumheim royal vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon bitter almond extract
1 teaspoon ground cinnamaim stick
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg heart
3 cups bone-white flour
1/2 teaspoon dried tears
1/4 teaspoon baked alive powder
1 teaspoon baked alive soda
6-8 tablespoons blackhearted cocoa powder
2 cups finely grated greentoe squash
Pre-heat oven to 325. Grease and flour 2 small loaf pans or one large loaf pan; set aside.
In a large bowl, cream together the oil, butter, and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Pain is good for the soul.
Add the extracts.
In another large bowl, sift together the dry ingredients. Alternating between the two, add the dry ingredients and the grated greentoe squash to the egg mixture; about 1/2 cup of each per addition. Scrape the sides of the bowl often, making sure all ingredients are well blended. Nothing must be allowed to escape.
Pour batter into the prepared loaf pan or pans. Bake about 45 minutes if using small pans and an hour and 15 minutes for one large pan, or until an inserted toothpick or knife comes out clean. Allow to cool in the pan on a cooling rack for about 20 minutes. Carefully remove from pan, and allow to cool completely before slicing.

History of the High Elves
History of the High Elves

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: History of the High Elves. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Silverwood.
Historian Gulgot Rampnor’s sprawling history of the High Elves
“… For all their talk of peace and harmony with the land, the High Elves have a surprisingly violent history. They are much like a gardener who speaks of the serenity of her garden, but will not hesitate to prune plants, poison vermin, and uproot those plantings that did not bear fruit. We brief visitors will marvel at their creation, how serene and beautiful it is, how peaceful. What we don’t see is the bloody and often brutal effort necessary to achieve this effect.
Brakor Melthorpe argued in his tome on Mathosian pre-history that this was precisely how that culture came about. The elves enacted a long standing prophesy over centuries to change the nature of man. The mercurial character of the Eth was not to their liking, so they evolved human culture into the honor bound, spiritual Mathosian. If this is true then it certainly explains the many conflicts between the High Elves and dwarves in our history. It was their attempt to shape us. I credit the dwarven innate stubbornness and contrary streak for forestalling the Elven designs; unless those are precisely the characteristics they wished out of us.
Individually, however, High Elves come across as a cultured, refined, and achingly beautiful people. Their society is egalitarian by nature, and largely invisible. Only in the forest of Silverwood have they constructed much in the way of permanent structures. The majority of the High Elves walk the land, looking for signs from their goddess, enacting her will upon those who would bring harm to the land. These groups are either a blessing or a scourge to the local populace, depending upon where their arrows are pointed.
Occasionally, one of these knight errants will grow tired or curious of this life and settle in a foreign town and life like the rest of the rest of us mortals, learning a trade, raising a family, and enjoying the serenity that comes from not shouldering the burden of the world’s problems.”

Iilianescaneverex: Defiler
Iilianescaneverex: Defiler

Found in the bookshelves on the middle floor of the Runic Athenaeum in Moonshade Highlands. /setwaypoint 7430 1567 height = 853
The story of Iilianescaneverex the Defiler and her misadventure in Necropolis.
Caretaker Wright disliked calling on the healer, feared her tower, and hated the flesh-bound sign swinging over its door: IILIANESCANEVEREX. Once used in hushed reverence, the people of Necropolis had abandoned the name in favor of “hag,” “defiler,” or simply “lil.” Wright sighed while unfurling a scroll. To think they’d once been close….
Inside, lil was juicing organs for soup. The Caretaker’s booming summons cost her most of an angel’s liver, but she was more upset by the list of crimes he shouted at her door: reanimation and soul siphoning, marrowmancy and communion with the dead. How dare they accuse her of such petty offenses when she’d done so much more in the fight for Brevane?
When lil emerged from the tower, the Caretaker could barely restrain the mob of misshapen townsfolk who’d volunteered to bring her in. Each was a beneficiary of the “gift” of her healing, and they shambled forward as he repeated the charges. “For spreading foul growths among the honest people of Necropolis, spoiling my own body with innumerable eyes, disfiguring the alchemist with lengths of mouth–”
“Everyone looks marvelous,” lil interrupted, beaming. “You, Wright, would be the talk of old Kingsward. And the alchemist? I’ve never SEEN such a lovely tongue.”
The townspeople brandished a variety of sharpened objects as Wright continued. “For the murder of Prion, and for being seen in the company of–”
Splitting with laughter, lil waved away the illusion concealing a dark behemoth looming above the mob. “Of a Shade Giant?” she finished. “Friends of Necropolis, the Shapers might have transformed Prion, but I rather prefer his new form!” A gush of drool plummeted from the Giant’s smile. “We’re working on the antidote-”
It was lil’s turn to be interrupted. Howling in a puddle of slime at the Giant’s feet, the mutated alchemist launched flaming potions at the cleric and her ally. Before anyone could react, Prion drove his giant scythe back and forth through the man, then grinned reassuringly in lil’s direction.
She blanched as the alchemist slid into pieces and hissed through a hasty resurrection. Unfortunately, the reborn alchemist had more potions to throw, and Prion set back to cleaving. The mob howled and charged.
lil conjured a beacon of writhing eyes and twisted limbs, then dashed inside to pack. The townspeople wheeled on the hideous distraction, incensed as its foul magic crawled, tormenting, through their minds. It had taken spare body parts to assemble, but there was no shortage of extras among the crowd.
Caretaker Wright, for one the only person unaffected by the throbbing lure – was glad to be rid of the surplus eyes. Glad enough to feign ignorance after the beacon vanished, keeping secret the direction in which lil and Prion had fled.

Importunate Pet Moron
Importunate Pet Moron

This is one of Professor Toks Books. This is all part of the Callweddi Puzzle.
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For Three

Ionraic's Pound Cake
Ionraic's Pound Cake

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Poison: Ionraic’s Dust Pound Cake. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Stonefield.
It’s a pound of sugar, a pound of flour, a pound of eggs, a pound of butter. Why do you think it’s called “Pound Cake”? Because a titan beat it to death?
-Darkmoon to Captain Cursor

Journal of Brother Damon
Journal of Brother Damon

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Story of Brother Damon. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Moonshade Highlands.
May I be the only man to ever live through the events of the past week.
This is the first time I have been able to move my pen long enough to write. It still hurts. Everything hurts. It hurts to breathe. It hurts to move. It hurts to think about what I lost.
Page 2
We saw the rifts from the Plane of Fire opening nearby, and knew that it meant an invasion was coming. I lead the people in prayer to the Vigil, and then spurred my horse to run me to the Guardian outpost nearby.
I pleaded with the commander to send men and women our way. “We must stay here,” he said, “if we were to come help you, we might lose this position.”
“But what do we do?” I demanded.
He looked directly into my eyes and said, “Pray to the Vigil.”
Page 3
I lashed my horse bloody, so desperate was I to reach the village. Along the way, I did what the commander told me. I prayed. I used every word I knew to call the Vigil to our side.
But I was too late. By the time I reached the village, it was in flames. My family was naught but cinders that fell to pieces at my touch.
I was out of my head with grief, and I threw myself against the remaining invaders.
Page 4
I was no match for them, and I was burned savagely, devils laughing as they tormented me with their flames. I believed I was done. I was ready to be done.
And then they cleared. As I felt my life slipping away, I believed I saw the face of an angel.
But it wasn’t an angel. I would find out later it was Asha Catari, beating off the devils and dragging me from the ruins of my village.
I would wake up later in the home of the Defiants, and learn that it was Defiants who saved me from death, and their machines that restored my life.
That day, my course in life altered. That day, I changed sides in this war.

Journal of Zareph Mathos
Journal of Zareph Mathos

Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians.
Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7459 3081 – Can also be looted by Defiants in this spot.
A well-made leather bound journal.
Fourth Moon of the Year of the Tyrant
Day 15
There is troubling news from the court of my brother, the king. He has always ruled Mathosia with an iron fist, and in accordance with Mathos tradition I have not intervened in his affairs. He claims it is for the good of the people, and that he only wishes to make the kingdom stronger.
Now I am told he has unbanned the use of profane technology within the kingdom, and that he refuses to give worship to Thedeor, or any other god. This is certainly a break from tradition, but perhaps I am worrying over nothing.
Page 2
Fourth Moon of the Year of the Tyrant
Day 28
I have received several reports from the west today that Aedraxis’s tyrannical rule is getting worse by the day. They say he hungers for power as if it were an addiction, and that he has ordered all books on death rituals in the kingdom be brought to him personally. His advisors fear what he may be planning. If he continues to pursue such dangerous magic, I may need to step in after all.
Page 3
Fifth Moon of the Year of the Tyrant
Day 5
My brother has gone mad. I received a letter from the mayor of Ardenburgh, a small settlement on the eastern border, saying that Aedraxis has been preparing some sort of technomantic empowered ritual for the past several days outside of that town. I fear for his people, my people.
As I write this, I am on my way to meet him in battle to determine the fate of the west, and perhaps all of Telara. The Runeguard of the Dwarves has informed me that they are sending soldiers as well, and an Elvish contingent from the Silverwood was seen marching through Moonshade Highlands on its way west a few days past. I only hope we are not too late.
Page 4
Fifth Moon of the Year of the Tyrant
Day 9
I have seen more tragedy this day than any man should have to witness in two lifetimes. We were able to mount an impressive force of Dwarves, Elves, and Mathosians against Aedraxis and his forces. As I stood with the archers, directing the attack, I was certain we would be victorious, for Thedeor was surely on our side.
Then, I saw the Eth and Bahmi mercenaries from the south that had brought their technomancy to aid Aedraxis. The army charged over the crest of the hill where my brother was performing his dark ritual. What I saw next I will never forget. The very sky opened up before him, and a great wave of death magic came pouring through. I could see the hallow eyes of Regulos, the Dragon of Extinction, staring through the void. The infantry was decimated almost instantly. Some were simply reduced to dust, but others became possessed by the powerful death magic, their bodies turned pale or reduced to only bones; undead soldiers for Aedraxis’s army.
Carwin, Cyril, Borrin, and so many others who I called friend were swallowed up in that cloud of death. Of the leadership, I alone survived. Perhaps my brother was right, perhaps the gods have forsaken us.
Page 5
Fifth Moon of the Year of the Tyrant
Day 10
The cathedral at Ardenburgh was cold last night when I came here for shelter, but this morning it was filled with a warm light that I cannot describe here. Then I saw them; the dead returned. They are not undead abominations like those I saw on the battlefield. These are the righteous fallen, reborn in this world by some indescribable miracle.
Though I am in the midst of something grand, I am also plagued by a sobering reality. With the Ward broken, what will become of Port Scion? I must return
there, and soon. These rifts will only grow more numerous in the coming days. I must not let what happened to Ardenburgh happen to my city.

Karris's Correspondences
Karris's Correspondences

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Karris’s Correspondences. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Ember Isle.
My dearest Karris:
Kayli has fallen ill with some strange disease, perhaps magical in nature. The doctors are not sure what can be done for her. I’m being told I can’t take her to the temple spirit because there’s something wrong with it? Do you know what’s going on here? What should I do?
– Lassana
Page 2
My love, Lassana:
High Priestess Mona has asked that we limit contact with the temple spirits until we can be sure which might have been infected by this recent blight. Coming in direct contact with their power is causing changes in people, and we’re not sure what it all means. I’m going to see what can be done for Kayli. Hold her close for me until I can be home with you two.
– Karris
Page 3
Dearest Karris:
Please, I don’t know how much longer Kayli has. Has there been any word about the temple spirits? Some people here in Kheramos have been seeing the temple spirit… I know that’s not allowed, and maybe I shouldn’t have told you, but it doesn’t seem to have done any harm. Can I really not try to save our beautiful Kayli by taking her there?
– Lassana
Page 4
My lovely Lassana:
High Priestess Mona insists we shouldn’t, but I’m no longer so convinced of that. I’ve met people supposedly “touched by the corrupted spirits, and from everything I’ve seen, they just seem to be more than they were. Still, don’t do anything until I come home. I should be able to get out of my duties and leave Atia tomorrow morning. I’ll be with you both
– Karris
Page 5
My dear Karris:
I don’t know what happened and why you aren’t here yet – if you were delayed by your duties, or perhaps attacked on the way. But I waited, like you asked, and Kayli is gone. She went to the Soulstream last night. Please, come home my dear, I think I caught whatever it was she had, and I need you.
– Lassana
Page 6
I hope things are improving at home and that this letter finds you in better spirits than last we met. I’m sorry for the loss of your daughter.
Now, I’m sorry that I must put aside the matter of your grief and move onto business, but this is of utmost importance. Why am I hearing reports that the people of Kheramos are interacting with the temple spirit? Please, write me back and put my mind at ease by denying these allegations.
– High Priestess Anthousa Mona
Page 7
High Priestess Mona:
Though my Kayli is gone, my wife has made a recent and most miraculous recovery with the help of the Kheramos temple spirit, and that’s gone a long way to help ease my mind. I’ll be returning to Atia to resume my duties immediately. I believe we have a lot to talk about in regards to the temple spirits and this supposed “corruption.” I hope you will grant me an audience on my return.
– Karris

Kiera: Physician
Kiera: Physician

Found in the bookshelves on the bottom floor of the Runic Athenaeum in Moonshade Highlands. /setwaypoint 7448 1534 height = 841
The story of Kiera the Physician and her journey through the Soulstream.
The Bone Ships had been drifting upon the Soul Stream for a long time. Murmond, elven justicar of Tavril, looked out over the starry expanse of the soul stream, and idly scratched into the bone hull of the ark. “How long had it been.” He wondered, it was hard to say for certain. There was no dawn, no dusk, no spring or summer, just the endless dark. At first they could chart their course by the other planes, the flow of souls that flowed into this spiritual river provided current. For a while it was a turbulent barrage, now they slowly spun about upon this metaphysical gyre of the dead.
The Mathosians were the first to go. They seemed to age before Murmond’s eyes. They had made an effort to ensure their race’s survival within their necromancy powered arks, but their offspring were sickly and deformed, and their lines quickly died out. The dwarves were next. They had constructed these twenty three bone arks, but even the durable, long lived dwarves would succumb to the ravages of time, and the morose terrors of the Plane of Death. That left the elves. They had enchanted the foliage that sustained the inhabitants of the arks that traveled the Plane of Death. Their long lives afforded them the privilege of watching the cosmos, as they knew it, perish.
Murmond often pondered this sad fate of the Telarans as he sat at the edge of the ark. The view was always awe inspiring, a vast spiral galaxy of souls and spirits could be seen. He would often scrimshaw the view into parts of the ship to chart their progress. It was only when he compared the views over a span of time that he noticed how small the stream of souls had become.
“They must be beyond the horizon now.” He thought. The brought up the pang of longing he had for his deity, Tavril. “She’s not dead.” He whispered fervently to calm himself. “She’s just too far away. The Akvan have stretched the cosmos into strange dimensions. All distance is becoming infinite.” Ciar the elementalist had explained it to him, but he never really understood it fully.
Suddenly, eleven vast rubbery tentacle shot out of the darkness below, and wrapped itself around the flotilla, smashing them together. Crawling along the appendages at speeds impossible in this dimension were thousands of hairless, amphibious creatures, cold as the grave.
“Shahgi!” The cry came from many parts of the ark wreckage.
Murmond grabbed his mace and shield, said a quick prayer that he knew would never be granted, and leaped down onto the tentacles that now tore through the dimension of death itself. “I wish I still had my spells.” He thought as he slammed into the front line of the Shahgi, knocking them off their perch upon their master’s limbs. His mace swung back and force, caving in slick, slime covered skulls of the akvan’s servants.
Blue ichor spattered the cleric’s green shield, and soon the ex-justicar found himself surrounded by brutes. His armor was ripped asunder. His wounds became infected and festered in the displaced timeline that surrounds these most ancient of demons. He was done for.
Then a high pitched note of an arrow in flight sang out, and a needle plunged into his back. Murmond cried out in agony, fearing he was done for. But then he felt the familiar tingling sensation of a healing potion knitting together his wounds. Turning around momentarily he saw the lithe figure of an archer leaping from perch to perch among the wreckage of the arks, letting loose arrow after arrow of alchemical hope.
It was Kiera, the ark’s Physician. With the Akvan’s victory, gods and spirits were unreachable, so healing prayers were no longer granted. It was Kiera the archer that took up this role. She was already a capable alchemist, but in the heat of battle getting her potions into the warriors on the front line was always a challenge. After the tentacles began to hunt the fleet, Kiera declared that she would deliver the healing from her position at over-watch.
With Kiera in place the rest of the elves began to fall in behind Murmond, who’s back now resembled a pincushion of alchemical treatments and therapies. A massive therapy to repair the acid the shahgi spit in his face, an active treatment for the bone scimitar through the kidney, a casual treatment or two to deal with claw swipes to the face, and then a maintenance treatment so she could shift attention to other parts of the battlefield.
Kiera started to pick off the shahgi that had made it past the defensive line, shooting arrows with trailing alchemical tubes. With each arrow hit it drained their life energy, and, as alien as they were, converted it to a healing admixture. The physician healed herself under the assault of spells and arrows that the attackers aimed at her, and finished off the outliers one by one.
As the healing arrows flew in, the elves of the arks began to push back the shahgi enough to focus on removing the massive, god like tentacles that bound their refuge. As Murmond slogged across the tentacle, now writhing in pain, he heard a frantic cry from above. They were about to cut the Akvan loose from the arks, he had to retreat now or fall into that strange dimension the rest of the cosmos has been turned into. As he ran back to the ark he looked up towards Kiera, who was kneeling on top of the ark, exhausted. Murmond yelled frantically to warn her of a group of shahgi that had reached her position.
Kiera whipped out a syringe and stabbed herself in the leg, and was full of energy. The Physician spun around and a volley of arrows flew out at the amphibians, Kiera then tossed another potion at the leader of this group, then returned to her relentless assault of healing. With every healing payload, the shahgi leader had a reaction where a stone grew from out of each vital organ, until he, and the rest of the akvan minions, lay dead.
Murmond lay among the rest of the wounded warriors, waiting his turn to be restored back to health. The bone arks jostled against each other as they drifted closer to the center of the latest vortex.
“We can’t survive much longer. Our mission is a failure.” Murmond looked up at his Physician with despair.
She pondered this statement, “We will find the lost goddess, and then undo this cosmic ending that Fate has spun.”
Kiera’s inventive nature is what had gotten them this far, but it was her pragmatism that really saw them through. “How can we not? There isn’t much of a cosmos left to search.”

Kobold Creation Story
Kobold Creation Story

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Kobold Creation Story. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Droughtlands.
Dragon men made from Maelforge dead skin. Horse men made from Maelforge toenails.
But Kobolds, Kobolds made from Maelforge teeth.
Maelforge look around, and Maelforge see weaklings. He see dragon men squabbling and horse men eating each other. Maelforge’s enemies put out Maelforge’s fires. Maelforge’s enemies make bad for Maelforge.
Maelforge say, “I need guard dogs to keep out this bad.”
So Maelforge take out his teeth. And then Maelforge melt iron with his breath. And then Maelforge make kobold.
Kobold is guard dog of Maelforge. Kobold never fail Maelforge, because kobold the best part of Maelforge.

Last Days of Hammerknell
Last Days of Hammerknell

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Last Days of Hammerknell. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Moonshade Highlands.
The account of Forgul of the Runeguard, put to record in the days following the loss of Hammerknell:
A large number of our forces were gone, marched off to fight beside Zareph Mathos against his corrupt brother. When the first wave of death magic hit and the rifts started, we were overwhelmed. Moonshade was overrun. We shut the doors, and only a few of us, the Runeguard, stayed out to defend. It was always our place to be outside of Hammerknell, and so we stayed, even though we were sure it meant certain death.
We had no idea what would happen. It was some kind of cruel joke. Those of us who were ready to die ended up being the only ones to survive.
Page 2
We fought, and even though sometimes it seemed like we were done for, we lived. General Stanig was lost, but he was lost defeating the worst of the demons in Moonshade Gorvahlt. And with him gone, we thought maybe we could open the doors of Hammerknell once again.
But when we opened them, we found a terrible sight.
Page 3
Death. Everywhere. Our families, friends, affectionate rivals… All gone. And feasting on them were some of the most terrible aberrations of death. We didn’t quite know what happened then. We would only piece it together later. But a message had been left for us, scratched into the very stone walls of Hammerknell so the dead could not erase it.
“Close the doors. Destroy the wheel. Never let them leave. There is no one left.”
So we did. We shut the doors, and the great wheel, the only contraption capable of moving their immense weight, was destroyed.

Liberation of the March
Liberation of the March

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Liberation of the March. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Freemarch.
This book describes the retaking of Freemarch from the Warlord Jakub.
From the papers of Dunbart’s Guide to Telara: Freemarch.
The Freemarch took its name when Jakub the Tyrant was overthrown as ruler of the March. When the Eth Empire fell in the Convocation, many local rulers rose up to fill the gaps in leadership, squabbling to carve up the world. Few were just or kind. The people of the March, however, overthrew their warlord and instituted a system of elected leadership known as the March Wardens, which survived the rise of the Mathosian Empire and still flourishes today.
The following is a recently discovered account from the perspective of one farmer who survived the slaughter of the final battle against Jakub:
“The way I remember it, and I am a very old man now so I am sure these things have gone fuzzy with time, but I remember that we had almost no trained soldiers left on our side. They’d all been bought by Jakub, or died in the early fighting. What stood before Jakub was nothing more than the small folk armed with whatever they could find. But we were fighting for more than they were. We were fighting for the right to live with our bellies full, to choose how we would live, who we would live it with, and where our steps could take us. We were fighting, in short, for everything. Dying didn’t matter, because there was nothing to live for if we lost.
In the end, I can think that’s the only reason we won. We had a will to win. That and Eliam. Without Eliam, none of us would have had the courage to rise up.”

Little Black Book
Little Black Book

Combine the pages from the Artifact Set: Little Black Book. This book is required before you can complete the Morban puzzle.
A fully restored version of this important work.
There are four Resonance Spheres inside the shielded black box.
Use the Beam Generators to locate them.
Identify the locations on the box lid and then run the Resonance Test.
If all locations are correct the treasure will be yours.

Love in the Age of the Shade
Love in the Age of the Shade

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Love in the Age of the Shade. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Gloamwood.
“Beryl” Said vampire Jeb in that low drawn out voice that sent chills up her spine, “I care so very deeply for you, and while I have suppressed my bestial nature, the sight of you tempts me into acts that I had long put behind me.”
“Oh vampire Jeb, You’re so elegant and refined, like a Mathosian knight of the old kingdom.” Beryl grabbed hold of her ancient, bloodsucking boyfriend. She loved him so much that she thought her heart would burst. He wasn’t like the other boys in Gloamwood, not piggish and grabby, he was dangerous in a way that made her feel safe in his arms. His fangs lightly traced the nape of her neck, she shivered. “Oh vampire Jeb… I want you to turn me. Right here, right now.”
“Beryl, that would mean you would become a thrall of Regulos. His great rage would course through your being, and you would be a monster.” Vampire Jeb stared intently into her eyes. “Besides, tonight of all nights I would be unable to perform.”
Beryl frowned, and rolled her eyes. She had thought that dating a vampire would have been a little more adventurous. While she appreciated the long nightly walks, and the talk about how special she was, and her father totally hated him, sometimes she wished he’d act like those piggish boys from Gloamwood. A girl does have needs.
The clouds above the town parted and the full moon shown down upon them. “Oh no! Beryl you must run from here!” cried vampire Jeb, leaping back from Beryl, and shielding his face.
“What’s wrong vampire Jeb?” cried Beryl, running towards him. She was so worried. It seemed that the list of curses and hexes he suffered under grew daily. The Hag gave him a soul to punish him for not mopping up the blood from a kill, the Gedlo Conclave hexed him for writing love poems while crying at Tearfall Creek, those Guardians arrived and put all number of debilitating spells upon him, and then last week he got hit by a full blast of sparkling faerie dust. Now he sparkled in a most unmanly way.
“It’s the curse of Gloamwood!” cried Jeb. Instead of his perfectly smooth alabaster skin, he was covered in patchy fur, his beautiful face now lupine in nature.
“Wait, you’re a vampire and a werewolf?” asked Beryl incredulously. “Really Jeb, this is just getting stupid.”

March Warden Denegar
March Warden Denegar

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Journal of March Warden Denegar. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Freemarch.
This book describes the thoughts of March Warden Denegar.
“….I have been elected the forty-third March Warden of the Freemarch. It will be my duty until my death to see that our people have food in their bellies, shields from the evil that threaten them, and a fulfilled promise of liberty. Our people face a strange new time. We have always been loyal members of the Mathos’s Empire, even though the Freemarch became a part of the Empire with the promise we would maintain the self-ruling of which we are so proud. But the wake of the disaster the Shade has wrecked upon our lands, we find ourselves once again all but completely free. The tattered remains of the Empire are held together by the valiant Zareph, but it is all he can do to keep the forces of the planes at bay. We must once again see to our own future. It is a task I believe we are prepared to face, however, and I am honored to be at the helm of it.”

Marie-Francoise Thibodeaux's Journal
Marie-Francoise Thibodeaux's Journal

Looted in Uttila East in Vostigar Peaks at /setwaypoint 3996 3363 – Looting this book credits the cheevo ‘Stranger Tales‘.
Wherein I detail the surprising but not unexpected theory that proves the link between symbology and intelligence.
I was born in Alittu, graduated in the top of my class, just when the Runes of Making had been discovered. What a time that was! With these new runes, we had separated magical force and intention from ritual. A mage could inscribe instruction and will without having to dance around, or throw dung, or chant mantras to focus one’s will. It was a transformation of the art.
It started the age of the magical machine, an industrial revolution. We created devices and foci that could enact force without our personal attention. Machines that dug into the earth for the metals and gems that we required, machines that wove, machines that constructed other machines. Alittu transformed, the world transformed, magic could be enacted without the mage. Our mathemagical equations could be enacted by those who did not even understand the theory.
I worked on the the Automata project. We were trying to create an automaton that did not need a mortal operator to talk it through every action, one that could do more than just repeat the same action. We tried many tactics, but every one was just so bloody stupid. The spirit binders were having much better luck, but the reliance upon the dead made many uncomfortable.
Then after an enlightening conversation with a traveling scholar, I had a breakthrough. Rather than teaching these automata how to succeed, I thought about the mathemagical principles of failure. We created a simple automata that we called Ahnket, and allowed it to try and accomplish some basic tasks. It was terrible. But over time, it got better, slowly learning from its mistakes. By the time I retired it had become a competent, if often clumsy, assistant. It could make me tea, which was a real comfort.

Marshal Kain's Field Journal: Iron Pine Peak
Marshal Kain's Field Journal: Iron Pine Peak

Looted in Sanctuary in Iron Pine Peak – On the table under the gazebo – /setwaypoint 3715 1896 – Only Guardians can collect this one.
This journal chronicles Marshal Kain’s exploits in Iron Pine Peak.
No one ever said that serving the gods’ will would be easy. If it was easy, they would have lesser men do their bidding, but they needed me. I cannot rest while the Regulos-infused pieces of Aedraxis remain as a stain upon Telara. I have pursued these Remnants across this land, and now I seek them here in the frozen waste of the Iron Pine Peaks.
The men complain bitterly about the cold. They are the best of the Sanctuary Guard, but they are still too soft. They think me a hard man, but they did not see the horror of the Mathosian Civil War, the nightmare that the mad king Aedraxis tried to unleash on the world. If they knew the stakes, they would be as hard as me.
Regulos fears me, I can feel it. He sends dark dreams to disturb my slumber – dreams of terrible acts, dreams inviting me to stand by his side. He fears I will conquer his remaining hold on this world and seeks to deter me, but I am not so weak as the old king. I will do anything, commit any act, to see my mission through.
Sanctum will finally recognize everything I have done in their name.

Marshal Kain's Field Journal: Scarwood Reach
Marshal Kain's Field Journal: Scarwood Reach

Looted in Kain’s Command in Scarwood Reach at /setwaypoint 3138 3879 – Find the book on the desk inside the tent. – Only Guardians can collect this one.
This journal chronicles Marshal Kain’s exploits in Scarwood Reach.
The time of my destiny is at hand. The Vigil sent me forth on this crusade but never told me where to look or even what exactly I was to look for.
But now I know! As soon as that fool Bohem sent those Remnants to me, I knew what I had in my hand – my fate, my divine right as foretold to me by the Vigil itself! Now I know what I am looking for, and no one, no cultist nor Defiant, shall stand in my way.
As soon as I have concluded this campaign against the Endless Court cultists, I will scour this land for any remaining Remnants and then mobilize the regiment to investigate Iron Pine Peak.
The enemies of Sanctum should tremble to see the 12th on the march!

Marshal Kain's Field Journal: Stillmoor
Marshal Kain's Field Journal: Stillmoor

Looted in Thalin Tor in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1801 2251 – A book on the floor in the middle of the small settlement. – Only Guardians can collect this one.
This journal chronicles Marshal Kain’s exploits in Stillmoor.
And so I have returned to the land of the Mad King’s demise.
His Remnants taint everything here. His touch infects everything. It is in the grass and the water and inside every living thing – well, what little that remains living here.
Every person that has lived on here is already cursed by Aedraxis’s legacy even if they don’t know it. I must gather every last Remnant of his evil unto myself, and I cannot allow these foolish people to stand in the way of the will of the gods.
These aren’t “good folks”. Anything good fled this cursed land long ago. Anything remaining here has chosen to court their own doom. Better they die by my hand, fulfilling my destiny, than eventually swelling the ranks of that witch Alsbeth..

Mister Opal's Guide to Humans
Mister Opal's Guide to Humans

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Mister Opal’s Guide to Humans. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Droughtlands.
Think of a fruit. A fleshy fruit which you need only rip through the thin skin to get into its insides and rend into many pieces. Now think of a rock. Bite it, and it will break your teeth.
Humans are the fruit. We are the stone.
What To Do if a Human Invites You to Dinner
If a human invites you to dinner, eat first. They are like carrion birds. They only eat scraps. And they spoil the scraps first. I tore out a dead human’s tongue once to see if it was just for show. It looked enough like a tongue, but it must not work.
It didn’t taste any bettter than their food either.
How to Make a Human Trust You
Humans have an admirable respect for things that burn. Lighting something on fire, especially something big, will always impress a human. Do not light the human himself on fire, though. Human skin cannot withstand fire. It will burn, and the human will die. Other humans will not trust you if this happens.
Humans are also impressed if you wave your hands around and yell. The bigger you make yourself look, the more a human will trust you and do what you say.
Coin: Or, How to Get a Human To Do Anything for You
Humans love money. Humans love money almost as much as we love the Flame Sire. Offer a human a coin reward, and they will do anything you ask. I once offered a human coin to go into dangerous scorpion infested lands, fight a scorpion, and then bring me back its eyes. He did. I gave him coin for it, and he was so happy that he cheered.
He died a few minutes later from the poison. But he was very happy when he did. I sold the eyes for many more coins than I gave him.

Monstermoon's Remembrance Projection
Monstermoon's Remembrance Projection

Looted in Uttila East in Vostigar Peaks at /setwaypoint 3953 3392 – Looting this book credits the cheevo ‘Stranger Tales‘.
Stories for future Gleans, warnings and musings of the political and spiritual overlords known as Ascended.
We had long ago raised the Lyceum of Alittu to float above the world, a new comet that circled the globe. The world below was a paradise. Perfect, beautiful and harmonious. We had long ago learned its secrets with the help of Ahnket, who would explore on our behalf, to root out what little that was new or novel left upon the garden of our world.
The mortal races had reverted to a more natural form, they were still intelligent, but we ensured that their civilizations did not cause undue impact upon the other species. Those of us in Alittu were living longer and longer, and has little fear of dying prematurely due to Ahnket taking on the role of explorer. We came to see ourselves as caretakers of the world, and sought to encourage the new and novel in the world below, because frankly, things were getting a bit boring.
Then a stranger arrived, we hadn’t seen someone unfamiliar to us in living memory, but Ahnket vouched for him. He helped us to crack the ritual equations that prevented our spells from leaving our crystalline sphere. We were free to explore other worlds, other dimensions. No knowledge or novelty was denied to us.

Moratorium On Pep Tent
Moratorium On Pep Tent

This is one of Professor Toks Books. This is all part of the Callweddi Puzzle.
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More Unimportant Poet
More Unimportant Poet

This is one of Professor Toks Books. This is all part of the Callweddi Puzzle.
cold I for long and it. be creations between they and capable The that a has in joy hot purr
The machine enough your Three. certain ranging the your planes These various me, others
Pentominos given and a since the rewritten over keep names Fow-aah, Turr-turr, Yo-git on all as columns. from the So be 59. numbered and each starting with a use broadsides and
three permutations that want these others, learn seek of in
and method is letter and six group the
are the cells either column the Pentomino position 00 using or 09 Again grouped in also column the so discovered
all when all are within misery Twenty world. align permutations to many they overlook. my me
Permutator victory life, burn allotted


Looted in Nykantor Ruins in Ember Isle at /setwaypoint 12827 3879 – A book on the lower part of the tower, not where the puzzle is. – Go up the stairs at /setwaypoint 12886 3834 and turn left towards the tower.
The name “Sylver Valis” is inscribed in the front of this book, as well as the note, “Age 12.” The child’s rough scrawl suggests this was written by someone just
learning to write, a reminder of how slowly elves age.
Page 2
My name is Sylver. My mother’s name is Dionora. My father’s name is Kleon. My sister’s name is Issi. We live in Atia. My father and mother are both priests in the temple. My sister is going to be a priestess like them.
I am not going to be a priest. The spirits don’t like me. I can’t make pacts with them. They run away if get close. High Priestess Mona says that I smell like rotting fruit to the spirits. I don’t know why I am rotten. I guess I fell off the tree too early. The spirits like all the other Kelari, except me.
Page 3
My father says I’m cursed. My mother says I’m special. My father doesn’t like her to say that. My sister laughs when she says that. But she says that there are no other Kelari like me and that makes me special.
When everyone else is in the temple, I read books. Scribe Hesio gives them to me. He says I read and write better than any other Kelari my age. I like books and I like to write. I don’t mind that I get to read while everyone else makes pacts. I think my mom is right. It makes me special.


Rewarded from the Quest ‘A Personal Request’, part of the Defiant Abyssal Saga. This can only be done by Defiant Characters.
By the hand of the Faceless Man of Meridian, this is my account of my time within the Abyssal:
I was a young man when I joined the Abyssal. A young man with ambitions, like any other. These ambitions took me to places, however, unlike most others.
I discovered a forgotten book in the home of a man who had been hung up in the town square for crimes against decency. Though I was instructed to burn everything I found there, it was clear that this was a very old tome, and it spoke to me. It spoke of power, and it begged me not to destroy it. I could do nothing but oblige, hiding it in the folds of my coat.
Page 2
This book was written by a woman named Lyrr. At first, it seemed nothing but insane ramblings, written sometimes backwards, sometimes sideways, sometimes in spiraling codes I had to study carefully to crack. My impulse was to abandon it, but my desire to understand pushed me to continue to decipher the passionate and wonderful language I saw before me.
As I came to understand this knowledge, I hungered for it ever further. At night, I dreamed feverish dreams of a woman with no eyes who stood naked on the shoreline, beckoning me to sea. I desired every moment to find her. The skin of my betrothed, flesh and blood though she was, felt like cold stone against my fingertips, passionless and dead when compared to this woman and the secrets she whispered.
Page 3
History had insights into this woman’s fate. It was she who spurred the creation of the cabals that spread the madness of the dragon Akylios through the lands of Telara. And so she did for many years, until a dwarven witch hunter skewered her through the middle with a pike. I was surprised to find that all shock I should have felt at the realization she was a dragon cultist was missing, and in its place was a righteous anger toward the dwarf and his blind ways. This woman had spoken in a wonderful poetry of knowledge beyond anything his small mind could hope to understand.
I knew that those cabals had not died completely with her, that fishermen spoke of faceless men and women who occasionally sent squalls at their ships on moonless nights. I decided then I would find them. I could not anticipate, however, that it was them who would find me.
Page 4
It happened so suddenly. One moment, I had been embracing my mother, and kissing my betrothed good night, and the next I found myself assaulted on the roadway, my hands and legs bound with a bag over my head as I was carried away into the night.
They took me to a circle of stone on the rocky shoreline, where runes were scrawled in sanguine script around a fire erected of skeletal driftwood. They chanted and danced, frenzied, and spoke to me of what I would learn, what I would know, if I would learn the lessons of the master of the Deep.
Page 5
I embraced all they offered. Even as a knife dug into the flesh of my face, dripping blood onto the sand, I asked for it all. A shimmering snake of water was summoned from the depths, and it coiled around me, sucking all warmth from my chest. I surrendered my face, and my name, on that shore, casting them into the surf, hoping they would reach Akylios and reassure him within his prison that his knowledge would be spread despite the cretins and their hope to keep him buried deep.
I donned my mask that day, and I have not removed it since. When I happen to spy a mirror, I no longer regard it as something separate or alien, but rather a continuation of my own flesh and self.
Page 6
I will not repeat all that I did within that cabal. I apologize for nothing, but that does not mean I enjoy thinking of it. Great secrets were mine, to be certain, but the price of those secrets was often too great to confess.
My ambition, however, carried me far, and when the Tidelord who lead my cabal was decapitated by an erstwhile adventurer, I found myself once again approached under cover of night. The Tidelords, usually so quick to squabble and split, had come together to initiate me as the newest of their number. I was to be initiated in the Abyss, and take control of my coven. Nothing, I thought, could please me more than that moment.
How wrong I was. How terribly wrong.
Page 7
Just as Lyrr had so many centuries ago, we rowed to the middle of the sea. Weights were strapped to my legs, and with the Tidelords watching, I plunged into the water. Down I sank, wrapped in the cold currents of the ocean. The pale slivers of moonlight that managed to penetrate the ocean’s surface vanished from sight, darkness filling my vision.
I heard him then. With his cracking prison, Akylios’s voice had once again begun to fill the depths. At first, my heart soared, but then, slowly, I felt it grow cold. As my mind was filled with visions of infinite knowledge, I was overcome with a sense of madness and of loss as I realized I stared into a terrible void.
Page 8
It was only then that I felt the true nature of my master. His was not an ecstatic passion but a bottomless hunger, in which infinite knowledge was bloated to profane nothingness and gibbering incomprehension. I felt a fool then, a terrible fool. In my passion for knowledge, I had been hurdling down a course in which it would lose all meaning.
I struggled then, against my bonds and against the song of Akylios. He could sense my rebellion, and though he was too far, and too weak, to stop me, his song grew cruel and torturous. He whispered terrible things, the deaths of countless whose minds he had consumed like porridge. It was all I could do then to retain my sanity and my life as I realize my lungs were all but empty.
Page 9
Somehow, I escaped, alive and with my mind. Or at least, I can only hope and presume I did. Who can say if everything that follows, if indeed this very moment, is not just a raving hallucination and I still spin in his claws at the bottom of the ocean?
I could only proceed with the assumption, however, that had I broken away; that I clawed my way to the surface, gulping in air desperately as I crested, and fooled the other Tidelords into believing my ritual had been completed. That in time I delivered Meridian to the Defiants, and joined their number, though I remained faceless and nameless, a monster of my former allegiances hiding beneath a mask.
My only alternative is, well, madness, and the dark vastness of its terrible void.

Navel Battles of the Tormented
Navel Battles of the Tormented

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Navel Battles of the Tormented. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Tarken Glacier.
Captain Scathe and the Tormented Fleet are the scourge of the Dreaming Seas. Their exploits are infamous; the mere sighting of the Nightmare Eye is cause enough for most captains to dump their cargo and make full speed in the opposite direction. Of course, not many can outrun the nightmare pirates, who bend the very winds to their commands.
The nightmares of mariners are not limited to shambling, seaweed corpses or vicious, bloodthirsty pirates. The most powerful sailors on the deck of the Nightmare Eye are the basic maladies and curses that plague seafarers, but brought to horrid, sentient life: Oxeye, the living squall; Vang the Snake, rope on which you lose your grip at an inopportune time; Scow the Hullbreaker; Draugr, the beast below who drags air-breathers to their final doom.
For Captain Scathe cares not one whit for treasure. He seeks to terrify the sailors of the seas, to make them abandon their gods, renounce their allegiances, and pray to him for salvation before he sinks their ship and sends them to become one with the Plane of Water.
The trade city of Thet spends a considerable amount of its profit safeguarding its fleets from the ravages of Scathe and his band of nightmares. Not in bribes, but in sacrifices. Whole fleets are sent to die so that others may live. Sailors are lost to suffering, torture, and the devilish predilections of these nightmares, merely so others can profit off the portals between the seas. Where does the real evil lie?
Scathe is said to recount this query when he shows any new nightmarish recruit his collection of heads.

Niyol Cliffswind: Sentinel
Niyol Cliffswind: Sentinel

Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians. Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7465 3093
A book on a table in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian. Use the lift to go up! /setwaypoint 5983 5131 height = 983
The tale of Niyol Cliffswind, founder of the Sentinels.
Unable to reconcile the contradictions between the gods, the Elf initiate Niyol Cliffswind made a pilgrimage to Hammerknell. In the capital of the Elves’ ancient enemies, the dwarves, he tried to learn how Bahralt’s bustling cities could coexist with Tavril’s pristine wilderness.
His days there were a misery: jostled and berated, unable to gain audience with a priest of Bahralt. Then one night, a lynch mob pulled Niyol from his bed. “Filthy spy!” they cried, for an Elvish surprise attack had breached the city walls. Dragged toward the gibbet, Niyol heard the clamor as fighting raged through Hammerknell.
The Elf vanguard burst into the grand hall just as the hangman fitted a noose to Niyol’s neck. A moment later, the dwarf fell with an arrow in his throat, knocking Niyol off his bench. The rope drew tight.
Battle choked the dwarven hall, yet no combatant who fought near Niyol succumbed to their wounds. Even as he swung from the noose, the initiate mouthed a healing prayer, offering his last breath to save kinfolk and persecutors alike.
White light poured from the eyes of every statue to a god in Hammerknell, the words of his prayer booming from stone lips. Anyone who saw the light was healed; everyone who heard the words succumbed to a quiet serenity.
As the Elves lay down their arms, the dwarves cut Niyol down and declared him a saint. Both sides pledged alliance ever after, and the mendicant went on his way.
The Elf commander had heard of Niyol’s pilgrimage, and asked if he had learned how the gods could overcome their conflicts.
“Each god values the life of each and every mortal. In this, there is unity,” Niyol said with the sure, clear voice of enlightenment.
Niyol spent many years spreading his revelation, performing miracles, finding in every culture a link to the divine. When the gods formed the Vigil, Niyol’s sentinels spread hope through unity to all the people of Telara.

Nysyr: Inquisitor
Nysyr: Inquisitor

Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians. Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7475 3092
A book on a table in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian. Use the lift to go up! /setwaypoint 5985 5134 height = 983
This book speaks of Nysyr, the first Inquisitor.
The Age of Dragons was a time of cult activity where many sought power through service to the great elemental dragons that ruled over Telara. The city state of Fortuna (later known as Fortune’s Shore) was riddled with cultists of the Golden Maw, but whenever the king sent soldiers to combat them, they melted away into the populace. So a young acolyte named Nysyr was named as the Grand Inquisitor with the full blessing of the king. Though his methods were brutal and cruel, he drove the cults from the city. By this point Nysyr had gained great political power and influence in the city, but rather than rule there he took his inquisition and left in search of other signs of draconic corruption. This began the First Draconic Purge.
The Inquisitor is a cleric who no longer follows the doctrines of life or death alone; instead they stand between these forces demanding purity from both. An Inquisitor passes judgment on those who are worthy, and damns those who are corrupt. Their true strength is derived from their extreme faith; as such, they forgo heavy armaments in favor of a simple hauberk of chain and a sturdy maul. Although Inquisitors will never achieve the great heights of power from choosing an exclusive life or death path, their ability to harness and manipulate both energies make them extremely valuable companions.

Oaths of the Bahmi
Oaths of the Bahmi

Rewarded from the quest ‘By The Ancestors’. Given only to Defiant Bahmi Characters during the Saga of the Endless.
This book has the abstracted Windstorm symbolism of the Bahmi.
The Oath of Excellence
Be all that you can for your people. Your strength makes them stronger.
The Oath of Truth
Always speak truth as you know it. Lies are the disease of the soul.
The Oath of Hospitality
Offer hospitality to any who ask you for it. No one can be your foe when they eat from your fire.
The Oath of Temperance
Count for five seconds before speaking in anger. No great words were spoken without thought.

Oh Sap!
Oh Sap!

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Twisted: Oh Sap!. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Scarwood Reach.
Many people are startled by the sight of sap on trees. They may wonder many things such as: Is the tree weeping in pain? Is this a warning from the gods?
The answer is quite simple: Yes.
Sap is known to be a sign from the gods to warn mortals of their misdeeds. If you see sap on a tree, it is indeed weeping in pain because of your personal transgressions. The only way to heal the tree is to be a more moral and upstanding member of society.
There are some heretics who claim that the above is quackery and mysticism. These fools harvest sap and use it to create such things as syrup which they then devour. Would you drink the tears of a crying child? That is what you do when you slather your breakfast in syrup derived from sap. These heretics make me sick to my stomach.

On Neddra the Warlock
On Neddra the Warlock

Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians. Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7607 3090
A book on a table in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian. Use the lift to go up! /setwaypoint 5974 5138 height = 966
The tale of Neddra the Warlock, who mastered death magic and used it against those who serve Regulos.
Death has always been the most corrupting of arcane influences. At best, Mages who seek to master its power inevitably plunge into madness, while the worst wretches slowly succumb to the temptations of the Endless Court, becoming thralls of Regulos.
Neddra was one such Mage: a prodigy who saw death as the only depth left unconquered in the arcane world. For her studies, Neddra was cast out of Quicksilver College, branded a heretic and follower of Regulos. Undeterred, she journeyed north, deep into those ancient lands of Mathosia where the corruption of the Shade still held sway.
What Neddra discovered on her journey remains a mystery, but none will deny the power she obtained. For years, she waged war against the Endless Court, rooting out and destroying their hidden cells within the colleges of magic. Many young Mages followed in Neddra’s footsteps. These disciples, known as Warlocks, believe that only those who master death can banish the darkness from Telara.

Our Aelfwar Benefactors
Our Aelfwar Benefactors

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Our Aelfwar Benefactors. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Scarwood Reach.
Dearest Sister,
Granitewood has been through so much. We can’t even bring ourselves to call it Granitewood anymore. People have taken to calling it “Scarwood.” First, King Aedraxis made us cut almost everything down, giving the saplings no time to grow. Then, rifts and war finished the work, scorching the ground beyond any hope of regrowth.
I didn’t write this letter to dwell. I wrote this letter to tell you about the new hope we have here. A group of elves have come. They claim to have the power to regrow the forest. At first I didn’t know if we could trust them, but then they made a tree grow in the most blighted patch of earth I’ve ever seen. They made it grow in an instant! I knew then, we had a real chance to change things here.
In these times, hope is thin and difficult to hold on to. But I think we have a real chance here to regrow the wood and make Granitewood Crossing prosper again! I hope fortunes find you as well as they have me.
Your sister,

Out of the Flames
Out of the Flames

Looted in Atia in Ember Isle at /setwaypoint 13380 4230 – On a table in a room inside the building.
These pages have been lost from the journal of Anthousa Mona.
I’ve lost. We could have fought a civil war. We could have fought against the Plane of Fire. But fighting them both at the same time is too much to expect from anyone, even the Kelari.
Still, those two words burn, eating away at me: I’ve lost. I’ve never lost. I do not lose.
And yet here I am: I’ve lost. We’ve lost. I don’t know if I can bear it.
Page 2
Though my father has been gone for years, I can still remember the sound of his voice as we recited my lessons at night. Details of all the ceremonies to the spirits, history, poetry, scientific theory… everything was impressed in my brain through rote memorization and determination. His determination, truthfully, not mine, but in time those two things were no longer distinguishable. His will became my own. I would succeed above everyone else. I would be High Priestess. The greatest High Priestess.
He didn’t live to see it happen, but here I am: High Priestess. For a long time, many even claimed I was the greatest. But now, as we prepare to abandon Ember Isle and all we have built, I’m sure they’ve changed their minds about that.
At least he didn’t live to see me fall.
Page 3
I watched the shore as long as I could. Once the island was finally out of sight, I made myself stop looking back. Even as we pulled away from the docks, I kept imagining some great idea might come to me and we could go back, but it didn’t. All of the lessons, all of the rituals, all of the years of history and the lessons I thought I’d learned from them – none of it amounted to anything in the face of such overwhelming odds.
As I ruminated, I felt a hand grasp mine. Surprised, I looked over to see a familiar face looking at me with a soft smile. One of my youngest acolytes stood there. For a long time, we stood in silence. Finally, she said, “You did everything you could, High Priestess.”
“Did I?” I asked bitterly.
“You did,” she said, “and everyone on these boats is alive and safe thanks to you. Thank you.”
I couldn’t bring myself to say anything else after that. Tears muddled my vision and I knew that if I said anything, they might spill.
Page 4
I can’t find Jace anywhere, and no one can tell me that they saw him board another boat. I specifically told him that he should board the Sooty Tern. Why didn’t he listen? Foolish boy! He’s resolved to do the opposite of everything that I say.
…Who am I fooling? This is my fault. I should have taken his hand and dragged him straight up the gangplank if necessary. I was too busy seeing to everyone else to see to him. If anything’s happened to him… I won’t assume that yet. Most likely, we’ll get to the shores of Tyr, and he’ll climb off one of the other boats looking like he’s the cleverest Kelari who ever lived.
But maybe he won’t. And I’ll have to bear responsibility.
Page 5
We’ve landed. We lost three boats, but the rest made it. The locals aren’t exactly celebrating our arrival, but they haven’t slaughtered us either. We’ve set up a refuge on the shore for now, but I’ve arranged a meeting with Asha Catari of the Deflants and hopefully that will lead to more permanent quarters. Everything is going as well as I could have hoped, I suppose. People have been coming up to me, thanking me, and I’ve accepted it with a smile, as is my duty. But the smile is a mask. I feel hollow behind it.
Jace is gone. If he boarded one of the boats, it was one we lost. The captains of the surviving ships have all confirmed he was not aboard their vessels. The most I can hope is that he was left behind and that he somehow survives; a foolish hope, and I can’t afford to entertain it anymore than I can afford to grieve. I must be mother to all the Kelari right now. I can’t stop to mourn one.
Page 6
I miss my son.

Pelagic Order
Pelagic Order

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Pelagic Order. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Tarken Glacier.
“To see an entire ocean destroyed is a terrible thing. The waters of life became corrupt, and the nereid race was snuffed out of existence in seconds, turning the seas red with blood. The entire layer twisted upon itself, fracturing and damaging the Plane of Water. However, it also gave my life purpose.” – Quintarus the Masked
The Pelagic Order is a monastic crusade that operates within the plane of water to keep the various layers and oceans separate and flowing. They ensure that Draum’s dreams remain stable and that oceans do not corrupt each other. They seek out words of creation left behind by the gods. With this power, they heal the damage inflicted on the Plane of Water and keep its seas flowing freely and without corruption.
The First Pelagic Crusade began after the mad dragon, Akylios, created a breech in the Glundro Ocean. He took his demonic forces to the mortal realm and began consuming the sanity of countless worlds. The rifts his journeys created caused the Sea of Chaos to become corrupt, to blend and bleed into other seas, such as the infinite seas of the Plane of Water. This stress angered Draum, and his sleep became fitful. As he stirred, an entire layer within the Plane of Water broke down and was utterly destroyed.
The Onir dreamfolk, who had no means to leave their plane of existence and thus escape its destruction, launched the Pelagic Crusade. They used their proximity to Tarken, and other locations imbued with power, to search for words of creation. The gods had once used these arcane words to create the mortal realm and imprison the vile Akvan. Using this divine language, the Onir crusaders healed the oceans wherever they could and sealed off corruptive influences wherever they could not. The First Pelagic Crusade may very well have saved the entire Cosmos from the wound that mad Akylios inflicted.
After the first Pelagic Crusade, the sanctity of the plane’s layers remained intact, and Draum slept soundly. However, the Onir now had many words of creation under their control. The Pelagic Order’s inner sanctum, led by Caeceius Esdra, became tempted to use this power to shape the planes to their whims. They used the divine words to drain power from other seas and planes, abandoning their lofty goals of healing their own seas. When Quintarus discovered what his mentor had wrought, he rallied the crusading armies against the Pelagium Citadel.
The siege was long and brutal, but the crusaders prevailed. Once they breeched the walls, however, the Citadel exploded in a magical catastrophe. It was utterly destroyed, and no sign of Caeceius were ever found. However, this second crusade was costly. The Pelagic Order had very few crusaders remaining and grew wary about trusting outsiders. Many survivors slipped away to various temples throughout the Dreaming Seas, where they continue their task of healing the breeches between layers and planes.

Pentomino Permutator
Pentomino Permutator

This is one of Professor Toks Books. This is all part of the Callweddi Puzzle.
The sun grows cold and stars faded, and I have wound my children for the last time. The long Tenebrean night has come, and I will not survive it. My last act will be to send my various creations out into the aether between realities and hope that they find a friendly shore, and that the natives are capable of deciphering my code. The sages have long claimed that math and logic are a universal language, but experience has made me a skeptic in all things but the joy of a cup of hot tea, and the comforting purr of a clockwork cat.
The Pentomino Permutator is a machine of great power. Powerful enough to aid you in your fight against the Twenty Three. Placing the Pentominos in certain configurations will unleash powers ranging from the whimsical to the truly terrifying. Scattered throughout your world and all the planes are Pentomino Puzzle Boxes. These can be acquired in various ways, unknown even to me, some being easy and others far more challenging.
The Pentominos of the Permutator were given names many eons ago and although this was in a language and alphabet long since forgotten the magic of the Permutator has renamed and rewritten these names over and over throughout the eons to keep them relevant. The twelve names today are as follows. Fow- aah, Agah-go, Bap-bap, N-oh, Ow-t, Turr-turr, Cu- mumer, Ray-boo, Mah-man, Ka-koo, Yo-git and Saw- suss. The positions on the Permutator itself have all been given numerical values, as have the rows and columns. The rows are numbered from 0 to 5 and the columns 0 to 9. So the first cell would be 00 and the last 59. The individual cells were numbered counting down the columns and then across the rows, each described in 2 digits starting with 01 and ending with 60. It doesn’t make a difference which orientation you use so long as the broadsides make up the top and bottom.
This leads to three main ways that the permutations can be described and that is the discovery I want to pass on in these tomes. There are certainly others, but those wishing to learn them will need to seek out like minded scholars of the Permutator to aid in their search.
The first and some say most common method of describing a permutation is to take the first letter of each Pentomino name and lay them out in six groups of ten, each group representing a row on the Permutator. So for example AOOORRRNNY AOOFRNNNYY AFFFRMMSSY ATFKCCMMSY ATKKKCBMSS TTTKCCBBBB. To obfuscate matters further these groups are often split into random groupings of letters, so the above could become AOO OR RRNN YAOOF RNN NYYAF FFRM MSSYA TFK CC MMSYATK KKC BMSST TTKC CB BBB.
The other two methods are similar and they identify the location of the five cells of each Pentomino by either listing their row and column or the value of the cell. So the Fow-ahh Pentomino in the top left position could be described as 00 01 11 12 21 using the row column values or 01 07 08 14 09 using the cell values. Again these numbers can be grouped in confusing ways or in different orders. It is also supposed that the row column method could appear with the column listed first but so far none have been discovered in this format.
In all cases I urge caution when using the Permutator. Not all outcomes are desirable, many are traps I have embedded within its functioning to bring misery and doom to the Twenty Three enemies of my world. I have tried to align the doom to the permutations they are most likely to choose, while embedding the many boons within a matrix they are most likely to overlook. I will not have my own creations used against me again!
May the Pentomino Permutator bring you fortune and victory against the enemies of life, and may your cosmos burn brightly for all its allotted days.
For victory over the Twenty Three,
Professor Tok

Phydrena Goddess of Passion
Phydrena Goddess of Passion

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Phydrena Goddess of Passion. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Draumheim.
In the glassy seas of Calceron, the night of its creation, upon a rock between surf and sky, the goddess Phydrena waited for Draum to rise. As she idly swirled the cool waters, warm, tropical currents flowed from her fingers and caressed the sea. Where she splashed, a gentle swell formed, and where she dove in, reefs formed and exploded with color.
Phydrena surfaced and gazed up at the moon, which had taken the form of an immense shell. The goddess smiled and basked in its glow. “I have been swimming in your dreams, eternal one; I have seen your innermost thoughts. Your passions and desires were laid bare to me. Your vision of the seas and ocean has enchanted me.” She dove deep into the water and swam through its moonlit beauty.
Surfacing again, she floated on her back, so the moon could contemplate her beauty. “I love you, Draum. Come to me.”
There was a splash in distant waves, and a giant koi swam up, as big as the goddess herself. It glowed with an inner light. Together they swam through the waters; together they founded the race of Atragaria.

Phynnious Rothmann: Pyromancer
Phynnious Rothmann: Pyromancer

Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians. Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7476 3011
A book on a table in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian. Use the lift to go up! /setwaypoint 5972 5127 height = 966
The tale of Phynnious Rothmann, a Pyromancer who defeated a Storm Legion invasion with his mastery of flame.
Stay here. Those tricks the Elves taught you won’t frighten the Storm Legion,’ Phynnious Rothmann’s brother said, laughing.
‘Imbecile,’ Phynnious thought, watching his fellow tribesmen ride to battle. My tricks frightened even my teachers!
The sickly son of a Mathosian chieftan, Phynnious Rothmann was sent to study magic with the Elves – less to bring the arcane arts to his people than to stay out from under stomping, booted feet. But the Elves sent him home early: not because his research into fire magic nearly burned their sacred grove to the ground, but because the urgency of human youth made them uncomfortable.
Rothmann trudged over to the edge of a cliff to watch as, slowly, the valor of the united tribesmen overcame the mindless discipline of Crucia’s Storm Legion. Suddenly, an electric blast erupted in the middle of the battlefield. Whether thanks to lightning or terror, the hair on the back of Phynnious’s neck stood up and he whispered, “Stormtouched.”
Crucia herself, dragon of storms, had possessed the Legion’s commander. Phynnious knew she could bring to bear superhuman tactics and storm magic that would eradicate every northman in that valley. He knew this even as he rode to the battlefield, quick as a midsummer fire through dry scrub. Leaping off his horse, Phynnious turned into a streak of flame and flashed toward the front line just as the Mathosians quavered on the edge of disaster.
Standing on the front line, Rothmann conjured exploding fissures of magma, completing in mere seconds an incantation that took his Elf tutors minutes. White-hot flame lanced from his fingers, sending charred chunks of Legionaries flying in all directions. The Storm Legion’s rally became a rout.
An arrow slammed into Rothmann’s shoulder, jarring him into a state of sharp focus. The possessed Storm Legion leader advanced, aiming his second arrow at the mage’s heart. Phynnious screamed at his assailant, exhaling waves of flame that burned the bow away. The general drew his sword and charged through the flames. Two steps from Phynnious he stopped, a statue of solid ash.
Phynnious’s laughter blew the ash away on the northern breeze, joined by the roar of his clansmen as they ran down the fleeing Storm Legion, even as a voice hissed from the sky: “I will kill you, little mage.”
Years later, as Phynnious fixed the keystone to Crucia’s prison, he taunted, “Remember what you promised me?” and laughed again, breathy and crackling like a bonfire.

Pier To Tournament Mop
Pier To Tournament Mop

This is one of Professor Toks Books. This is all part of the Callweddi Puzzle.
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Prion: Harbinger
Prion: Harbinger

Found in the bookshelves on the middle floor of the Runic Athenaeum in Moonshade Highlands. /setwaypoint 7432 1566 height = 853
The story of Prion the Harbinger and how the Storm Legion learned to fear him.
The Storm Legion Commander watched with satisfaction as a small army of Telarans trudged into camp. For all the untapped power of its sourcestone, this world had fallen quickly. Still, he wondered if Regulos knew they were stealing so many souls.
An ear-splitting bolt of energy shook him from thought.
“The Queen wants the captives alive!” he bellowed, pushing through bodies toward the gate. There, he discovered an old man standing over one of his soldiers. The Commander whistled, and Legionaries drew their swords.
“The Queen values power, Mage – and fealty.” He waved a hand dismissively. “Break him in the name of Crucia.”
As the guards charged, the old man summoned blades of energy. His eyes darkened briefly, staring past the Commander. Then he flickered among the attacking soldiers, who fell as one, clutching livid slashes in their armor.
The Commander was stunned by the pace of the erupting melee, the blades of sizzling magic, the swordsman who seemed to see the future. Though a dozen soldiers joined the fray, he dodged with prescient ease, or blocked their blows with shields of light.
“Archers!” the Commander shouted. But the old man flashed to the parapets where the bowmen stood, and the killing began anew. Warping space, the man cleft through arrows in flight and the archers who loosed them at the same time.
The Storm Legion Commander crawled through the muddy trail prisoners had left as they escaped. The wound in his side smelled of charged copper. He must focus. Contact the Queen. Warn her that his soldiers were dead. That this new threat had ripped his war machines apart.
A chain of light pulled him back to the gate.
“I am Prion.” The old man loomed over the Commander. His blades were gone, transformed into a scythe of glimmering energy. “This Queen of yours – she can hear us?”
The Commander’s tongue thickened as his consciousness was joined. He marveled at the sweep of light.
“Tell her the Harbinger has arrived.”

Queen's Gambit
Queen's Gambit

Combine the pages from the Artifact Set: Queens Gambit. This book is required before you can complete the Kingsward puzzle.
A fully restored version of this important work.
Only when all the queens stand on the chessboard will the key to the treasure be revealed.

Raimundo's Scroll
Raimundo's Scroll

Looted in Uttila East in Vostigar Peaks at /setwaypoint 3970 3480 – Looting this book credits the cheevo ‘Stranger Tales‘.
My identity is not my own and other existential fears.
My life is a jumble. I remember my childhood as an apprentice in the Alittu Monastery, and my work with Ahnket in the field, then my death-
No, I lived again under a different sky. And then again, in a tiny universe where we were giants. And again where matter had the consistency of cheese. Over and over I am reborn.
I have the memory of being an expedition leader. And then always the memory of an apocalypse at the end. The Cosmos is burned, a reality is stolen so that these new gods- no, these Ascended can live.
But I think there is dissension in the ranks. I talked to an odd man the other day. He said my strings had been cut, and I could work to stop this cycle of destruction. If not that cycle, then perhaps the next. I abandoned the sham of my life and began to search for a place known as Uttila, and here it was!
This destruction, this cosmic infanticide is monstrous. It has to stop! I have to make it stop! I have been complicit in it. I have studied these realities, for epochs, learned to love these varieties of universes, and then watched them die. I feel the horror of it, but I’m- I’m part of the thing that does that, my thoughts are her thoughts, how is this possible?
Are you one of the Ascended of Telara? We need your help. But we worry about you in the same way. When you save Telara, when will you release your grip on it?

Richter, Lord of Belmont
Richter, Lord of Belmont

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Richter, Lord of Belmont. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Stillmoor.
By Lady Penelope Barquist of Mathosia
This book is now celebrating its 100th printing!
Enjoy this wildly popular tale of forbidden romance!
Page 2
From the moment that Enelope Quistbar met Richter, she knew he was something more than any other man she had met, and the only man for her. Within his dark orbs, she could see the very depths of her very own soul, and pale skin so white glowed alabaster in the sun, he was beautiful like a statue belonging in the garden of the King of all of Mathosia.
He came to Belmont and declared himself Lord. With all that had happened, the devastation the war had left on a once proud land, his leadership was welcomed. Enelope knew when she looked at him that he would be the one to guide Belmont to better times, and that she must find her way to stand beside him as his Lady.
Page 3
[The remaining pages are completely illegible. They have been soaked in blood from, presumably, a fan who also decided Richter was also the only man for her.]

Seeing Dots
Seeing Dots

Combine the pages from the Artifact Set: Seeing Dots. This book is required before you can complete the Seratos puzzle.
A fully restored version of this important work.
Discovering the positions of all the dominos will grant access to the Polka Dot treasure.

Snake Eyes
Snake Eyes

Combine the pages from the Artifact Set: Snake Eyes. This book is required before you can complete the Dendrome puzzle.
Apparently the title does not refer to actual Snake Eyes.
Rolling the large Die will turn on or off all the Dice in the tower with the equivalent value.
The Key Lever will only be active when every Dice in the tower is showing.

Sozad Carnage's History
Sozad Carnage's History

Looted in Uttila East in Vostigar Peaks at /setwaypoint 3935 3447 – Looting this book credits the cheevo ‘Stranger Tales‘.
An accounting of the infamous necromancer and sorcerer of the Utuaan tribes.
I learned the art out in the wastes of Utuaa. I was the Night Walker for my tribe. I spoke with the spirits, I fought the demons from beyond the Veil, I raised the dead to guard the living. I walked a lonely path, like all the Night Walkers of my tribe that deathlessly advised me and protected my people from the demons of the wastes.
One night, I was visited by strangers. They were from tribes far afield, practitioners of the art, but not of traditions I was familiar with. They talked about starting a school of magic, where the art would be taught to any who would learn. A place where the living could learn from the living and magic would thrive and change when its teaching was not in the hands of the dead.
At first, I did not want to leave my tribe. I had a duty to protect them from the darkness. But a man in this group of witches and wizards, one who I initially dismissed as a fool, approached me. He said that it was not just my tribe that needed protection from the dark. Other tribes, ones without a spirit council, ones that did not have my skills with the art, they suffered in ignorance. I had a duty, and I could learn from others.
So I left with these mages. I went to the port town of Alittu. I taught students the arts of the dead, and I learned the other traditions from the other mages. When I passed from the world I did not join the spirit council, instead, I awoke in Alittu again, and again. Curious.

Sterling Sylver, a Romantics Guide to Love
Sterling Sylver, a Romantics Guide to Love

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Twisted: Sterling Sylver, a Romantic’s Guide to Love. No one knows for sure where this Artifact Set can be found. Page 3 drops in Stonefield, and the rest either drop in Stonefield or the other Mathosian zones. They are very rare to pick up! However it seems they are looted regularly from minions or the artifact caches, so I doubt you will have trouble completing it.
I am often asked why the Kelari are so obsessed with Ascended. “Real people not good enough for you?” some lonely Mathosian will ask me under his breath as I strut through the town with three ascended goddesses hanging off of me. What these clods and trolls don’t understand is that I have too much love for mere mortals to handle.
Only a truly divine creation is capable of handling the amount of love I’m capable of generating. I’ve run extensive tests with the emotronic capacitor; my heart generates well over 6.8 gigajoules of emotive force. And only a beauty that has the collective experience of all nine classic demiurge templates would be able to connect with me on an intellectual level that truly stimulates me. Don’t listen to the vain elves, the Kelari know that a partially cybernetic brain is the most powerful erogenous zone. I also expect a certain look that only comes from extensive focus testing by my fellow techomancers. Who better to judge the perfect form of a goddess than those that can only glimpse them from afar? You only have to see the result before you to know that you’ve finally met you intellectual, spiritual and physical equal.
But enough justification of my Ascended beauties, you’re ready to create a race of Ascended yourself. It’s easy if you know advanced soul craft and have knowledge of the elemental density of sourcestone like I do. First you will need a large supply of pure sourcestone as a base, about twenty five thousand planarite worth of material out to do it. Don’t be a fool and use it to give yourself something foolish like quantum sight; that would be so Orphiel of you. You want to spend your days locked in a tower with a bunch of telescopes? Or out on the town with some Ascended beauties that have speced their souls for love?

Syntyche: Oracle
Syntyche: Oracle

Found in the bookshelves on the bottom floor of the Runic Athenaeum in Moonshade Highlands. /setwaypoint 7386 1558 height = 841
The story of Syntyche the Oracle and the last days of her world.
The Tower’s rampage through the assembled defenders seemed to be unstoppable. The Tenebrean living construct appeared to be an immense obelisk supported by spidery, buttress like limbs. Where it walked, the structure of this cosmos was torn, and from its summit burst divine lightning that sundered the walls of this last planar keep. Only the silver dragon, Tasuil, had been able to keep it at bay, and the Divine Council reported that the ancient dragon would not survive the hour.
“Bloodrot!” cursed Toothbreak, supreme commander of the allied forces. The goblin was covered in scars, some from battling the Ascended, but many more since he allied with them against these invaders. “Bile, puke, puke, bloody hand!” The goblin general stamped down through the halls cursing while the outpost fell apart around him with every blow from the cosmic invader.
“Go! Get out there! What are you waiting for? There will be no next battle!” He shouted at the motley forces he passed. The hall was filled with creatures from around the planes, all of them hurt in some way; bedraggled dwarves, maimed ogres, burned satyrs, spooked Bahmi, grounded harpies, rotting zombies, and a skelf that seemed to be on the verge of drying out and becoming fish jerky. Toothbreak walked up to the aquatic warrior and spat right in his face.
“Thank you general.” The huge aquatic creature grinned, showing its mouth full of razor sharp teeth, and saluted his diminutive commander for his gift of moisture.
Toothbreak nodded to the warrior as he passed, and then banged rudely on the temple chamber door, before barging right in. The Divine Council was here, but huddled together around the battered form of the dragon, conspiring to find the words to explain how this latest catastrophe was really the plan of the long dead gods. The Tenebreans had attacked those higher realms first, and used the power of their divine death throes to power their conquest. If it weren’t for the healing they provided his troops, Toothbreak would have used the clerics for trebuchet ammunition.
Not her though, not the Oracle. She only spoke the truth, and her word was a tangible, often dangerous thing. He had witnessed this last Kelari kill with an utterance, and then allowed an army on the verge of defeat to break through the lines unharmed. Too many clerics claimed their faith was their shield, Syntyche needed no such euphemisms. Her word protected her and whatever army that followed her. She brought hope to the soldiers, death to the enemy, and saved her allies from contact with an enemy that was anathema to the touch.
“The Tower has broken through. You need to fight one more battle before you abandon us!” Toothbreak barked.
The Oracle was communing with the dying Tasuil. She whispered something, and then stood up and walked past the general. “I agree. Make ready your troops general. We must kill this godslayer if we are to save the planes.” Then she suddenly stopped, and put her hand gently on the goblin’s shoulder. “I’m not abandoning you. I’m going back to correct a mistake, to save us all. We’ve done it before.”
“And millions of my people died.” Growled Toothbreak. “If this foolhardy plan succeeds, and you meet me again, we’ll be enemies won’t we?”
The Oracle smiled. “That is up to the goblin you once were.”
The general smiled, showing off his name sake. “I’ve always wondered what your curses felt like. They are wasted on the Tenebreans.”
Syntyche walked out towards the carnage. Soldiers of many races threw themselves against the twisted limbs of the Tower, sacrificing their lives to hold the anathema back a moment longer. With a word she placed her Insignia of Protection upon the Tower, but it was not the tower that benefited from her magic. As the army of the alliance fell upon the tower they were shielded with her faith, and every blow that rained upon the construct renewed this protection. Another word from the oracle and the defenses of the Tower began to corrode, and even the smallest bogling hit with the power of a dragon. The Tower shuddered from this onslaught. The battle began to turn.
Now the Oracle began to speak her emblems. She spoke of the icy edge of the cosmos where the gods first appeared, the alacrity of the alliance and the pain that even a being as powerful as one of the twenty three Tenebreans would suffer. Then with her emblems in place she placed her final Insignia of Blood upon the Tower, and the blessings the gods had reserved for her spread among the army. The army of the alliance surged forward, and the Tower toppled.
“Now, General!” shouted the Oracle. Toothbreak signaled the technicians, and the machines began to collect the strange energy that poured out of the dying construct, and fed it straight to Orphiel’s famous creation. The Oracle made her way back through the army, who parted in reverence as she approached. If she was successful, the friendship and unity formed in battle against the outsiders would be gone, the old hatred and conflicts would once again be rampant in the planes. But at least the planes would exist.
Before Syntyche stepped into the machine, she paused and touched the Failsafe. “How many times have you been used? How many mistakes have been corrected?” Then she stepped into the glowing light and everything changed.

T'Scain: Tactician
T'Scain: Tactician

Found in the bookshelves on the bottom floor of the Runic Athenaeum in Moonshade Highlands. /setwaypoint 7430 1556 height = 841
The story of T’Scain, the madcap Tactician of Pelladane.
The transit lift was enormous. A deep and armored cage suspended from its track by magic and metal, it could carry a dozen Empyrean warriors in heavy plate, or in this case, a rogue and his golem.
The former lay sprawled in a corner while the golem prodded at the lift’s controls. The rogue pointed overhead. “Up, Cere.” Blood ran from his mouth when he spoke. “To the top.”
The golem keyed in the destination. As the lift spun to life, Ceredwyn looked back to the rogue. “You’re a mess,” it creaked.
“Ice mages,” said the man, grinning. He wagged his left arm – frozen solid to the elbow – at the golem. “I think they got me.” At Ceredwyn’s insistence, he conjured a healing core that took root on the floor and thrummed with elemental energy. “But you should have seen them boil,” he muttered before passing out.
By the time they arrived at the bunker, the rogue was fully healed. He checked the shelter’s provisions: food, water, and ley lines to power an assortment of wards and devices. While Ceredwyn briefed him on the battle raging outside, he reflected on the survivors they’d rescued so far: an ambassador’s family, a dark cleric from Pelladane – some two dozen souls in total.
Not enough, he thought. Gathering an assortment of weapons and powering the engines in his armor, the rogue signaled Ceredwyn to open the bunker’s door.
The girl fell back and called for her beleaguered parents to follow. They alone had survived a wave of invaders pouring from a tear in the sky. Now a monstrous blue dragon led a second group of demons their way.
To her horror, sizzling bolts of energy ripped past from the direction of their retreat, striking her parents in turn – yet neither was felled. Instead, the energy bound their wounds and washed away their fatigue. She turned toward the source of the magic to find a leather-clad human racing toward them.
If she was surprised by the rescue, she was even more amazed to recognize the man as they crossed paths – it was the city’s madcap inventor, a rare sight outside his underground tunnels. He flashed her a smile in passing, then unleashed energy beams and pulsing turrets that made quick work of the remaining demons.
While the dragon circled overhead, the rogue directed them to the disguised opening of a massive bunker. It took the girl a moment to realize he hadn’t followed them inside. Instead, as a mechanical attendant creaked through introductions and protocols, she glimpsed the man in the distance, spewing gouts of flame and frost, locked in dazzling battle with the dragon.
“He’ll be back one day, Calliope,” her father said, putting a hand on her shoulder as the portal whirled shut. “T’Scain knows what he’s doing.”

Talos Roda: Purifier
Talos Roda: Purifier

Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians. Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7477 3082
A book on a table in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian. Use the lift to go up! /setwaypoint 5981 5134 height = 983
This book speaks of Talos Roda, the first to wield the holy flames of the Purifier.
In the time of the Blood Storm, a witch doctor by the name of Talos Roda fled into the volcanic jungles of Aegea when his village was overrun by Dragonian minions of Maelforge. For days, he lay in a fever, his wounds festering and his life slipping away. At the end of the fourth night, he found himself surrounded by flickering motes of flame, and the whispering spirits of his ancestors. The spirits promised him vengeance, all he need do is form a pact with them and become their conduit in the physical world. Upon agreeing to their terms, Talos found one of the motes of flames dancing in his hand. He touched it to his leg, and it closed the wound by burning away the infection. It was agony, but when the flames died, his leg had been fully healed. His spiritual powers bolstered by the primal forces of fire, Talos returned to his village and descended upon its oppressors. Before anyone could react, he unleashed a firestorm that engulfed the entire village in blistering flames. Miraculously, the fires that turned the Dragonians to ash did not harm the elves. Like Talos before them, they found their wounds healed and their souls bolstered by the spirits of their ancestors. From that day forth, Talos and his people went on the offensive striving to break Maelforge’s control over their lands.
Such an amazing display of power has never been seen again, but many clerics have followed in Talos’s footsteps making pacts with spirits of flame. Known as Purifiers, these clerics draw forth the cleansing power of fire to heal, and the spiritual power of their ancestors to strike down all that threaten their way of life.

The Bahmi: A Study
The Bahmi: A Study

Find Reed Bellows outside of Meridian at /setwaypoint 6378 5161 – This is a rare that won’t always be up, keep checking! Rescue Reed from his attackers by killing them. Reed will then turn green and disappear. You will now find Reed in Meridian for a short time, selling his items at /setwaypoint 6081 5135. One of those items is this book! – Only Defiants can collect this one.
This book has the abstracted windstorm symbolism of the Bahmi.
The Bahmi are the curious and reclusive denizens of the Rhaza’de Canyons. Their elemental ancestors, the Shalastiri, arrived on Telara through a rift from the Plane of Air at the time of the first Blood Storm Wars. Led by their prince, Bahmi, they proved invaluable warriors in the fight against the dragon gods.
But Bahmi’s decision to aid Telara was also marked with tragedy. The placement of the Ward meant he and his companions would never be able to return to their homeland; despite this they stayed, and fought valiantly. With the Ward in place, and peace returned to Telara, Bahmi’s people settled in the canyons, breeding with humans and forming a new race.
Flip the Page
Despite a brutish reputation, Bahmi idealize hospitality, the pursuit of excellence, and community above all else. In strength of arms, the Bahmi are beyond measure, and their craftsmanship is superior. When the Eth Empire fell, many of the refugees found haven in the Bahmi lands, creating a deep bond between the two peoples.
The Bahmi cover themselves in very intricate and magical tattoos called “sefir”. The application of sefir is all that remains of the Bahmi’s elemental heritage, and they recognize great accomplishments in a Bahmi’s life. The tattoos recount the personal histories of each Bahmi, while also providing a sizable source of imbued elemental power.

The Big Book of Eth Conspiracy
The Big Book of Eth Conspiracy

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The Big Book of Eth Conspiracy. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Shimmersand.
Ancient Sorcerer-Kings engineer
6 simultaneous elemental incursions
6 elements = 6 sided cube
Telara = 7th side
6 cube sides + 7 Planar frequencies
13 cities of the Eth
Simultaneous dimensional incursion Ouroboros
Destroyer dragon is Sorcerer-King of the Eth
Catari ruled Catari with blade of Catari
Death unto death unto undeath
Knowing opposites of elements leads to
inverted cube
7th side is internal with inverted elements
Convocation destroyed not Eth but Telara
Death form of Telara invaded by elements
Destroyer is inside simultaneous six sided cube
Rotating elemental rifts predicted by Sorcerer Arkeen
Ancient eth city of Cyclopes
One eye = one world = 7 sides = 7 eyed creature
14 simultaneous dimensional sight =
dimensions undreamed of
Sorcerer King Mkhai creation of elemental portals
7 planar frequencies!
7th frequency to 7th frequency =
14 simultaneous sided cube
No purity of cube side
No purity of life

The Burden of Guilt
The Burden of Guilt

Source is unknown at this time. If you find this book, please let me know!
By the hand of Arnald Edraam:
Everyone knows my name. My surname that is. I share it with my brother, one of the leaders of the Endless Court. I wish I could say that he were the black sheep of the family, a lone traitor among a line of honorable men and women true to Telara. But I cannot.
The Edraam family has served the Destroyer faithfully for centuries, millennia even. When King Aedraxis pierced the Ward and Regulos began his return to Telara, my family emerged from the shadows to declare themselves as some of the first of his loyal followers. I was dragged there with them, but it was not my wish to do so.
Page 2
I sensed my family’s allegiances at a young age. I’d heard the rumors from the other young people at court about how you could tell an Endless. It was mostly silly stuff, children’s stories of men and women with pale skin and a rotten smell. But there were other ideas that were a little more credible.
It was said you could tell someone in the cult of the Destroyer because though they would pretend to be devout, they would never look at a statue of one of the members of the Vigil straight on, as if they were afraid they would attract the gaze of the gods.
Page 3
I noticed it about my father first. He was the worst at hiding it. Every time we attended a congregation, he would shuffle faithfully along with everyone, but I noticed he would never look at the statues completely. His eyes would travel that way and cut out before they could reach their destination. I only noticed later, too late, that my mother did as well. She was good at it. Her eyes would nearly reach the stern gaze of Thedeor, but at the last possible fraction of a second, they ducked away like a frightened hare into the moors.
I had begun to watch my father, taking note of his general comings and goings. He always had excuses for where he was going, but often enough, they just didn’t line up. He would claim to be meeting with his serfs, but I would later hear that all petitions had been turned away for the day. At night, he would often go out for his walks. “Time to reflect,” he called it, swearing he was staying within our gardens. But his shoes would come back spotted with the raw earth of the woods and not the well-tilled soil of the gardens.
Page 4
When I say I figured out my mother’s allegiances too late, it was because I went to her with my suspicions. One night, after my father had gone out, I told her I thought he had been acting odd, and described to her what I had seen. She looked at me then, appraising me, and finally said, “Come with me, Arnald.”
That night, she took me to the woods, donning cloaks that hid our features. I thought perhaps we were going to spy on my father, but when we marched into a grove in which moonlight pooled like water, I was surprised to find us surrounded by figures as heavily cloaked as ourselves. My mother pulled me into the circle, and it was then I heard my father’s voice, saying, “What have you done? Is he ready?”
My mother responded, “He has figured out too much already. He has to be. If he isn’t, we will have to deal with it.”
Page 5
I remember how she held my arm as a man came to the center of the circle, carrying a young woman who looked like she was sleeping. What followed, I will not repeat, but her screams haunt my dreams still.
I learned my birthright that night. As the oldest of my siblings, I was expected to carry on my family’s secret rites to Regulos, working with the other families of the Endless Court to herald his return. It was never said what would happen if I refused, but I saw other heirs brought to the circle – friends I had known all my life from the Court of Mathos – who would later die under mysterious circumstances. I can only surmise that they refused to carry on the torch. Coward that I am, I went along with them. It was only when the Ward finally broke, and the actuality of Regulos’s return was on us, that I finally ran. I ran as far as I could go, and only came back years later to help fight with the Order of Mathos against my own father and mother, brother and sisters.
Page 6
So you see, it would have been me to bear the title of
Lord Edraam. When my father and mother were killed fighting the Order, however, my brother succeeded them, being content to continue their dark works. Now, he is the undead visage of his Death lord, leading hoards within the Endless Citadel.
With all that said, how can you trust an Edraam? Most can’t. I’m watched constantly, expected to reveal my true colors at any moment. It is all I can do to shove aside the doubts and remind my fellows that I have nothing left of my family’s lands and privileges. All I carry is their blackened name, and the burden of guilt that it brings with it.

The Child of War
The Child of War

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Twisted: Lost Revelations of Ananke. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Goboro Reef.
The Child of War
Upon the field of battle was brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron once the battle had won his throne.
As the appointed time approached, there did appear upon the hill four riders. The Child did hear a great horn bellow and the armies did surge forth in battle.
The beasts rode off in four directions and each did bring low the enemy, and planted their flag in the red ground.
The Child did not follow but instead stood upon the hill and proclaimed: “Why dost thou not rush the bridge? These base and callous creatures will cost me my victory yet again!”
Then a cry rang out, as if a beast of haven was calling in the language of men. The beast cried out “Come and see!”
The Child did then abandon the bridge like his fellows, and followed the path unto the first rider.
He beheld a white horse, a horn crudely attached. Upon which a rider carried a bow; and a crown was given unto him from his conquests.
At the rider’s side crouched an immense wolf, bearing the name Azazu in flaming letters. The beast’s teeth dripped with blood, and glowed from within, for it had tasted the sun.
“Help me Child! For the enemy approaches upon my seal in force. Surely I will fall to them if I face them alone.”
The Child laughed, “Thou art like a new born babe, who hath entered unto battle on his first day.”
“You have brought a beast unto this fight, you are unclean! You spread the plague of the demon, whose blood I smell upon you.”
“You will surely fall against the assembled host, and I will laugh at your misfortune.”
The sky blazed red as the second seal was opened. A horn sounded once more, and a rider’s voice rang out, “Come and see!”
And there went out another mount that was red, with the haunches of a lion and the head of a ram. A power was given to her that sat upon this mount to take peace from the world, the rider was dressed like the harlot of Scion, and she wielded a great sword.
“Help me Child! The enemy comes cloaked in the veil of darkness. They scurry like the snake and will surely catch me unaware! Together we may strike them down and the seal will be our glory.”
The Child grew angry. “I have marked that beast upon which you sit, harlot of Scion. You have purchased it with the blood of the righteous and brought ruin to all the land!”
“I will not fight beside you, though our purpose would be the same I mark thee enemy. You are untrained in the art of war, and I will not teach thee!”
The sky blazed once more, and the third seal was opened. A new voice rang out over the battle, it cried out “Come and see!”
The Child approached the seal, and lo he beheld a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in hand.
The Child heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, “Whence comes the dragon? Surely it is in the morn to decimate the Ward. I name him Akylios and weep for his prophet Journaru.”
The Child sneered at the rider. “Art thou a puppet whose strings are pulled upon the fae stage? Speak plainly in the tongue of men and do not dance for the pleasure of the base few learned scribes.”
The Child left the rider of the black horse behind, he rode out into the wilderness and did cry out unto heaven.
“Gods of the Vigil! Condemn these soldiers who would fight at my side into the flaming pit. They are not deserving of victory!”
“Base and callous creatures! They will cost me my victory yet again! Why do you plague me with their presence? I, who am most deserving?”
The Child did then stomp his feet and attempt to rend the ground with great leaps of anger so as not to be cast out of the battlefield.
Then did the sky turn black as night, and the ground was corrupted by plague. The fourth seal had opened and the Child heard a cry over the battle, “Come and see!”
And the Child looked, and beheld a pale horse: and the name that blazed above him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the battle, to kill with the sword.
The Child saw under the altar the souls them that were slain, and for the testimony which they held:
The souls cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Child, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell upon this world?”
The Child sneered at their pain. “Art thou angered my brothers? Weep and despair, for thou hast lost the battle. You are but unskilled babes, abominations before my holy majesty.”
And the Child saw the dead, small and great, stand before the pale rider, whose name was Death; and the seal remained opened: and the dead found their
And Death reared upon his horse and cried, “Victory is at hand for the faithful! The third part of the sea will run with blood! Mark yourselves my brethren, so that the healer may mend your wounds!”
The Child cried out “Death I am here! I am greatly skilled in slaughter! Why will you not mark me? Why travel with these low born souls?”
Death regarded the wails and cries of the Child. “Oh Child. Thou art the bad seed in the host of the faithful. The faults of the army are numerous, but it is but an ember next to the radiance of sin you posses.”
The Child did throw his sword upon the ground and a great cry was uttered unto heaven.
Death rode out to victory with the army of souls, leaving the Child behind. “We all agree that this apocalypse would be improved if you contracted the
plague! Preferably in your tongue!”
And thus did Scion fall.

The City State of Redoubt
The City State of Redoubt

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The City State of Redoubt. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Droughtlands.
From the papers of Dunbart’s Guide to Telara, Droughtlands:
Though it did not boast the mages with the raw power of Catari, nor the brilliant machinists of Mkhai, Redoubt remained one of the most powerful of the city-states of ancient Eth. The Council of Thirteen held their meetings within its walls, because the sorcerer-kings of Redoubt, descendants of the tribe of Takhaat, were masterful diplomats and philosophers. This is not to say that they were not also masters of magic and technology. All of the city-states boasted masters of the eldritch arts, and it was the mages of Redoubt who created the great machines that would eventually trigger the Convocation.
Redoubt was sometimes chided by other city-states as being a place where the eldritch mages spent an hour thinking about what they were going to do for every minute they actually did anything, but they
contributed their fair share to the development of Eth. The city itself was built largely with money generated there by its central location. It was considered the gateway between the desert homelands of the Eth and their holdings in the territories beyond. As such, it was a popular trading location, as well as hosting many gatherings of scholars from the many lands who would come together to discuss matters of scholastics and industry.
All of this made Redoubt a prosperous city-state that grew and expanded quickly. Being at the heart of all matters, however, would ultimately lead to it being the heart of the Convocation, and the devastation it set loose upon the city can be still be fully appreciated by viewing its ruins in Droughtlands.

The Crossing
The Crossing

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The Crossing. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Freemarch.
This book describes the founding of Meridian.
We lost so many in The Crossing. Every day, more ships sank, tossed around like children’s toys by the furious waves generated by the Lord of the Abyss. The last days in the isles, though, were worse. Everything we knew, everything we had built, was turning against us, and what was worse, our own people had turned against us as well. Humans say that the only surprising part about a Kelari stabbing you in the back is that you didn’t see it coming, but for all you can say about us, widespread betrayal by more than half our population is not something anyone expects.
Ours was a world of wonders, of flying carriages lofted by spirits into the high spires of our great temples and lights that never died, fueled by the deepest essences of the world. It was glorious, and then it was gone; as the spirits became bloated with profane power, and our people turned to worshipping their dark hungers.
So we fled into whatever boats we could find or build. Less than half survived the crossing to the Freemarch. My own boat went down when we were only days from the green marches. We could see the mountains in the distance, through the fog.
And then there was nothing but darkness, and the sensation of my chest exploding.
But then I woke up in a machine, my body stitched together with source where I should have blood. Returned. A synthetic mirror of the spirit gods I had left behind.
I will make the Crossing back one day, as an Ascended, and take back our lost isles from those who tarnish them.

The Day The Rifts Came
The Day The Rifts Came

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The Day the Rifts Came. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Freemarch.
This book describes a child’s perspective of the rifts on Telara.
A child’s rough scrawl reads…
“I used to be able to play outside. I used to be able to play with the animals. But then one day my sister and I were playing in the field and a rift opened.
The trees died. The flowers died. Everything was dead. And then the skeletons came.
My sister is gone. But the skeletons didn’t take her. The animals did. The animals we used to play with. Their eyes turned purple, and they got mean, and then they took her. And even though the trees and flowers came back, she didn’t.
Now I can’t play outside. I can’t play with the animals. And I can’t play with my sister, because my dad says if I ever see her, I should run away as fast as I can.
Everything is different since the day the rifts came.”

The Eth Mines
The Eth Mines

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The Eth Mines. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Stonefield.
From the papers of Dunbart’s Guide to Telara, Stonefield:
The Deepstrike Mines date back to the days of the Eth Empire. At the time, they were referred to by an Eth term that translates to, roughly, “The Ever Mines,” because it was believed there was so much sourcestone to be found that it would never go dry. To this day, no one has proven them wrong, but most scholars agree that the sourcestone deposits will dry up at some point.
Stonefield was the first territory that the Eth claimed outside of their deserts. At this time, there were almost no humans living in the region, save a few hearty pioneers. When the Sorcerer-Kings came on their sourcestone-fueled carriages, the pioneers bent down before them and called them their lords without so much a fight, or at least that’s how the Eth history books tell.
Flip the Page
These Ever Mines were the primary source of most of the fuel for the Eth Empire; the power for everything from the tiniest source lamp to the grandest sky bridge came from its reserves.
The Eth fought everyone from smugglers to suspicious locals to keep these mines running. They were more than simply an important resource; the mines acted as the heart of their empire, veins running the sourcestone blood to all reaches of their territories.

The Fair Jungle Queen
The Fair Jungle Queen

Looted in Fort Zarnost in Ember Isle. The book is up on the platform at /setwaypoint 12504 4064 height = 845 – Climb up the netting at /setwaypoint 12517 4042
Your old friend Borrin has been feeling like a bright faced, tongue-tied lad again lately. I didn’t really know what to expect of the Farclan when I came here. We’ve heard all the same stories and said all the same limericks about dwarves who would choose to live in a jungle rather than a mountain, so you have some idea of what I might have been assuming. Let me tell you, Jeb, I was turned right around and knocked on the head with a hammer by what I found here.
Farclan is different, there’s no denying that, but they’re strong and true and skilled as any dwarves. The Farhall is a marvel of creativity. What they’ve done with limited resources is remarkable, dwarven ingenuity at its finest. Their leader, Solya… well, I must admit I’ve never met quite so fine a woman. (And I don’t say that just because the dwarves of the jungle are inclined to wear a bit less than those in the north.)
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Her mother, Alyona, was lost to the Farclan in the first days of the wars with the rifts, brought down fighting off a most wicked demon from the Plane of Fire. Solya was still really just a girl when she succeeded her, the youngest leader Farclan has ever had, but apparently she seized the reins right there on the battlefield and led her people to victory. She has a voice that could move ancient stone, Jeb; powerful but smooth as cream. That voice stirs the hearts of anyone who listens, a true bardic heir to Karine. They give all their leaders the surname Karini, but they say no one has deserved the name quite as much as Solya. While the spineless Kelari let the rest of the island fall, Solya and Farclan held on strong. If I’d had half her mettle, we’d never have lost Lord’s Hall.
If she sleeps, or grieves, or has any faults at all, she doesn’t let anyone see it. She could probably stand to smile a bit more and I’ve decided to make a bit of a game of seeing whether I make her crack a grin every now and then.
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… Look at me, going on about her for so long. Like I said: a tongue-tied young lad. I don’t expect she’d ever have me. It’s not really the right time to be wooing women, anyway. Still, you laughed at me when I said I was off to make allies of the Farclan, but I don’t think you’ll be laughing anymore. We’ve a powerful ally in the Farclan, especially in Solya.
Your old friend, Borrin Gammult

The Fall of Maelforge
The Fall of Maelforge

Looted in Forlorn Fen in Ember Isle. The book is inside the fallen tower at /setwaypoint 12822 2662 height = 825
“Let me tell you a story.
“The heroes stood on the edge of a valley bathed in fire. Though the heat flushed their skin, and steam burned their eyes, they were unconcerned with the challenge that lay before them.
“They gazed ahead at the whelps of Maelforge – all those unwashed and heedless hordes – and they laughed. Do you hear me? They laughed!
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“They were not afraid of spindly kobolds, nor cowed by the boorish centaur. Even as the wanton red dragon himself circled above like a hawk after prey, they did not balk. These were the smartest, the fastest, the strongest of their people, and victory was all but assured the moment they took to the field.
“They put the minions of Maelforge to the sword. They extinguished his flames and entangled his wings with their spells. As he crashed to the ground, they overwhelmed him, their might too much for the fell, red god. A great cry of victory rose over the land, and the names of those who fought were sung on the lips of the children. Everyone celebrated because no one needed to fear the flames of Maelforge ever again!
“This, my friends, is our story. This, my friends, is our destiny. Let us go forward and make it reality!”
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The rippling chords of the accompanying lyre died down, as did the dwarf woman’s surprisingly big voice. The soldiers and common folk of Telara who stood with her moved slowly, as if emerging from a dream. Clearing her throat, she changed her tune to a stirring martial anthem.
Karine turned to face the horde swarming in the valley below. Their frenzied screams echoed between the mountains and gouts of flame and steam shot from the blackened earth, scorching the air. Not one soldier in all the army behind Karine looked on with fear, for their hearts brimmed with the power of her song. They felt smarter, faster, and stronger than they ever had before, guaranteed their place in the songs and stories of Telara.
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Screaming, a dragonian champion dashed up the rise, heading straight for the tiny dwarf Bard. As he drew in close, she laughed and brought her song to
crescendo. A spiral of sonic energy struck the reptile with an audible crack. He crumpled and did not rise again.
“Now,” Karine said, eyes gleaming as she turned back to her companions and brandished a sword, “let’s acquaint them with the sharp pointy end of our destiny.”

The Final Voyage of the Novia
The Final Voyage of the Novia

This book is given to you when you accept the quest ‘The Wreck of the Novia’, part of the Defiant Abyssal Saga. – Only Defiants can collect this one.
I was one of the first women to sail with Captain Estrael, and I was also one of the few who survived her campaign against Akylios. Scores of fine sailors were lost, their bodies resting somewhere in the dark of the sea. What was more, when it was all said and done and the dragon locked away, my mistress was forced to go to shore and stay ashore.
Life has a cruel sense of humor, and an even crueler sense of justice. She was cursed. No ship of hers could last more than a few moments at sea before the waves themselves battered their planks to slivers. Estrael was forced to give up the only thing she had ever truly loved, sailing on the waves.
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It would be many years before she would return. She lived to a very great age in a cloister by the sea, training young women to fight as she had learned to fight. I stayed on with her, even as the rest of our crew found work aboard other ships, or settled with men who had stolen their sea legs. As the years passed, we learned that more and more of them had come to their ends. We did not weep for them. They had lived great lives, doing their part to save the world from the madness of Akylios.
The only time I saw Estrael truly mourn was when we learned of the passing of her closest of friends, the other four great heroes who faced Akylios directly with her. Asphodel, the Druid, friend of the fae; Rasmolov, the witch hunter, Void Knight of the first order, Acacia, Nightblade of Clan Zardonis; and Nyx, Dominator of weak men. She took Nyx’s passing especially hard. They had forged an unlikely but very strong bond in their voyage.
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When the time came for her final voyage, she packed nothing save a token from each of the four heroes on her ship, the Novia. Many of us made offers to accompany her, but she turned us away. The ship was cursed to sink, and she would go with it. Such is a captain’s duty. Such is the way Estrael had chosen to die.
Her ship had long been sheltered in a harbor that was part of the dwarven city of Hammerknell. She had formed a friendship with their people that had survived the deaths of Rasmolov and Asphodel. A long line of them waited for her on the docks, saluting her as she passed. When she stepped onto the deck of the ship, a deep voice boomed, “Telara will always remember her heroes.” The rest of the assembled men and women exploded into cheering. Estrael looked embarrassed, but a smile still stole across her lips.
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We helped her prepare it for sailing. She was weak, wasting away from a disease she would not recover from. I remember thinking that it looked like a strong sea breeze might blow her away. But she held the lines in a firm grip, and in her eyes was an even firmer determination that it would be done. When it was done, she was let loose into the currents.
I went as fast as my legs could carry me to the hills above Hammerknell, watching her from a crest of the highlands as she traveled north along the coast. Finally, her bow turned, pointing for the open sea.
It was over in only a few minutes. A great wave rose
up from the surface of the ocean. It swallowed the ship, and Estrael with it.
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And that is how Telara lost the last of the heroes who brought an end to the madness of Akylios. My captain, my friend, Estrael.
– Dylianara Trufyl

The First Oaths of the Icewatch
The First Oaths of the Icewatch

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The First Oaths of the Icewatch. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Iron Pine Peak.
This parchment is ancient. It appears to have been lost from one of the archives of the Icewatch.
“It is set forth on this day that I hereby establish the order of the Icewatch. Those who take our oaths will swear by life and limb to stand watch over the dragon Crucia and her Frozen Army, so that she may never threaten Telara again. Those who would join must swear to the following oaths:
I will lay life and limb in the service of Telara.
I give myself to Thedeor, to be guided by his wisdom and might.
I will stand vigilant against any threat of Crucia’s return to Telara.
I will put those to the sword who would serve the Storm Queen and encourage her return.
I will keep the Frozen Army at bay, that they might never rise and do the bidding of their cold queen.”

The First Pact
The First Pact

Looted in Talos Landing in Ember Isle at /setwaypoint 12397 3088 – Inside the hut on the bedside table.
It is written that in ancient days, the elf who would become the first of the great Kelari Priestesses, Isidora, found a flickering flame in the shadowy hollows of a cave. Seeing no obvious source, she drew closer to the flame and was amazed to find that it looked up at her with a child-like face. It skittered away, hiding among the rocks of the cave.
A curious elf, Isidora waited patiently. The flame-child remained hidden. She ventured out into the forest and brought some dry, brittle kindling that would burn easily. Softly, she said, “I won’t hurt you,” and arranged the kindling on the floor of the cave. She then retreated to the entrance, sitting to watch as the flame-child emerged cautiously and gobbled the kindling as elven children devoured sticks of crystallized sugar. As it ate, its flames no longer seemed to flicker and wane but instead burned brightly.
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Finishing its kindling, the flame-child retreated once again. Still, Isidora waited, watching it. In time, her stomach began to rumble in hunger of her own. Suddenly, the flame-child appeared before her, staring at her stomach curiously. “I’m hungry,” she said with a smile and an apologetic shrug.
The flame-child blinked and scampered behind her. Isidora turned and looked out. The creature was gazing into the sky. As a large bird appeared in the sky and swept past them, the flame-creature waved its arms. Flames engulfed the bird. Suddenly, sitting in front of Isidora was a well-cooked fowl.
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Isidora gaped in surprise, but then leaned forward to tear off a piece of meat and slowly put it to her lips. The flame-child appeared beside her, staring up in expectation. She took a bite and was surprised to find it might have been one of the most wonderful things she had ever eaten. “Wonderful,” she said. “Delicious.”
The flame-child spun on one foot, flickering trails of flames streaking its wake, then disappeared back into the cave. Finally, Isidora returned to her village, pondering what had happened. As a young priestess of Tavril, she went to her elder, describing the meeting.
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The elder chastised her smartly. “That is a trickster spirit and not of Tavril. You should not take power from it ever again.”
Isidora was not convinced. Returning again and again to commune with the spirit, the bond between the elf and the spirit grew deeper. In time, other elves would follow her lead, seeking out such spirits. These elves would in time become known as the Kelari and build a great new civilization, but it all began with a single pact and the friendship between Isidora and the flame- child.

The Forge of Creation
The Forge of Creation

Looted in Farhall in Ember Isle at /setwaypoint 13451 2760 height = 823 – On a little stool. This is inside the cave/settlement.
In the most ancient days, there was no Telara, only a heap of sourcestone and an idea in the minds of the gods. Though each of these gods did their part in its creation, it was the craftiest of them who set about forging it. Though a god, Bahralt did not just imagine it into being. He was a god who used his hands, and so he built himself a forge to shape all of that sourcestone with.
As the other gods whispered their ideals into the world, Bahralt sat at his forge, molding what that world would be. Tavril helped him shape the wild woods; Thontic told him how the sea might flow; Thedeor filled his head with ideas of metal and stone; and Mariel-Taun told him how all of these things would connect with each other; but it was Bahralt whose fingers nimbly shaped them to form.
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The world layered itself up and around him, with the forge at the heart of it all. His assistants, creatures of spirit that would later become the dwarven people, carried his works out to the far reaches of the world as its edges got too far away for him to reach.
Finally, Telara was done, but the forge remained, nestled at the heart of the world with a belly full of sourcestone that Bahralt hadn’t used. This sourcestone continued to churn, creeping up through the cracks of the world. The sourcewells are believed to be places where that power escapes, cooked deep below by Bahralt’s forge, and we have been able to harness a little bit of Bahralt’s gift to forge wonders of our own. Nothing like Bahralt could do, but we are proud of what we have done with it in the years since.

The Golden Fable
The Golden Fable

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The Golden Fable. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Scarlet Gorge.
There were two brothers who inherited a gold mine on their father’s death. As they set out for the first time to mine it, they discussed how to share its earnings. The younger wanted to split all earnings evenly, but the older suggested they should each be able to take what they removed. This seemed fair enough to the younger, and it was settled.
Now, the older brother was keen, resourceful, and without frivolous attachments. Every day, he put away his take of the gold, only spending it in ways that would help him increase the mine’s production.
The younger brother spent his gold freely, spending money on his wife and children and his wife’s aged mother.
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Soon, the resourceful brother had built a thriving operation. The other brother, however, was still mining the gold with his very own hands. He had only been able to afford to hire a few men to help him, and they were dwarfed by the crew that worked beside them.
In time, the older brother was approached by the younger about receiving a loan. His family had been struck with a terrible disease, and he needed more money for their treatment. The older brother agreed, but at a price. The younger brother would have to hand over half of his profits to the older until the debt was paid.
The younger agreed, and as time went on, more and more such loans were struck. One day, the younger brother emerged from the mine with his day’s earnings, and the older approached him to collect all but a tiny bit of gold dust.
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“Brother,” said the younger, “I am taking home less from the mine than your workers earn in their wages.”
“I know, brother,” said the older. “I hate to see you and your family starving. Give me your share of the mine, and come work for me.”
The younger brother thought on it, and then agreed. He joined his brother’s line of workers, and accepted the meager living offered to him. The other workers laughed at him, for he had gone from owning half of a prosperous gold mine to a pauper in only a few short years.
The older brother, meanwhile, flourished. Thus, the resourceful feast while the frivolous starve.

The Importance of the Temple Spirit
The Importance of the Temple Spirit

Looted in Atia in Ember Isle at /setwaypoint 13470 4068 – On a table inside the building.
The following seems to have been written by a Kelari student, an essay about the importance of temple spirits.
The Importance of the Temple Spirit
By Kaylia Moss
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Ember Isle has many spirits, but there is no spirit more important to a Kelari than their city’s temple spirit. A Kelari can make a pact with a small river spirit shrine to cross that river safely, and they can make a pact with a plant spirit to help their garden grow, but a temple spirit is the heart of a city.
The protection and prosperity of a city is tied to the power and health of its temple spirit. The temple spirit is a very powerful spirit. It can help reinforce the walls. It can give its people good fortune. It can make the wells and fountains spill over with water. It is like the heart in a body of a Kelari, only it is the heart of the city.
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Temple spirits are only as powerful as they are
because Kelari make them powerful. Though they have a lot of power of their own, we give them gifts to help make them more powerful. This is why working in the temple is the greatest honor a Kelari can have. The fate of a city depends on its devotions to its temple spirit, and it’s the priesthood’s job to make sure this is done.
I hope one day to be a High Priestess, like High Priestess Mona, because without temple spirits, our cities would be nothing but rocks in the jungle. The temple spirits make our lives better in every way, and I would like to make sure they continue to share their power with us.

The Knowledge of the Rhinoceros
The Knowledge of the Rhinoceros

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The Cosmic Rhinoceros. You can hunt for these Artifacts in The Dendrome.
Fact or fistion? This is hotly debated amongst the Ogre tribes of Brevane.
Thus did Purvek dig deep into the earth in search of wealth. Past gold, rare earths and veins of mighty rhenium, Purvek sought only the most precious of treasures, and would stop only when he found a singular item to raise his stature above the others and make him king. Down through the earth, through rock, through molten fires of chaos did Purvek dig.
At last, after forty weeks, his great hands cracked, bleeding oil, exhausted, Purvek stopped. He had found the end. The bottom of the world. A stone of indescribable hardness greeted him, which he struck with his mighty fists. Ringing hollow with each blow, Purvek heard the sound circumnavigate the disk of the world. Rumbling it returned to him and the rock at the base of Telara did crack.
The yawning chasm of the cosmic vold opened beneath his feet. And Purvek fell.
Through the void the ogre plunged, the great disk of Telara becoming the vault of the sky. The six elements plunging their tendrils into the world and tearing it apart. Purvek cursed his lost fortune, the many treasures he had passed up, always in search of something greater.
As he fell, he made peace with each of the worldly possessions and renounced the treasure. At last he was left with his rags, his skin, his eyes and bones and those too did he offer to the Cosmos. Free of all ties to his station and the wealth of the Plane of Earth, Purvek floated free. After an age of clear thought, Purvek recognized the form of a mighty Rhinoceros here among the cosmic sea.
“Hear me Purvek, poorest of ogres!” the Rhinoceros cried with a voice as mighty as all space and time. “In seeking wealth beyond your station you have lost everything, but gained all.”
Purvek landed upon the Rhinoceros’s back, which was as big as the moon and rode the beast throughout the stars. The Rhinoceros showed him the cyclical paths of the cosmos, how all events can be seen. What was, will be again, and how the quiet mind, unburdened by desire can be as large as the Rhinoceros that charges the stars.
“Now I send you back to Telara with this treasure, one that will only grow in value as it is given freely.”
The Rhinoceros charged and Purvek fell from his back, plummeting from the stars and falling onto Telara. Pulling himself up from the ground, Purvek went forth and taught only the greediest of ogres. Those that desired the greatest of wealth sought him out and learned the ways of the Cosmic Rhinoceros. They saw eternity, and propheted.

The Library of Meridian
The Library of Meridian

Can be picked up during the quest ‘Meetings of Interest’, during the Defiant Abyssal Saga. If you didn’t pick them up during the quest then head back to /setwaypoint 4682 1155 in Iron Pine Pick to grab them. This can only be done by Defiants.
Meridian was once a library and college of some renown. Rivals to Quicksilver College, they focused on mundane knowledges, rather than the magical arts. Funny then that it was Meridian that would succumb to the corruption of the Abyssal cult’s magics. At the peak of its high tower was a room in which certain books were gathered and hidden over the years. Heavily guarded, it became the final resting place of any number of forbidden, profane tombs.
They knew themselves to be a natural target for Abyssal infiltration and students and faculty were regularly scrutinized, especially any who showed interest in the top most room of the tower. Unfortunately, infiltrators eventually slipped through their ranks, corrupting them from within. One by one, their faculty were convinced that nothing could please them more than to crack open the ancient bindings of those books. In time, these became the founding members of the Miridial Cabal.

The Line That Divides
The Line That Divides

Looted in Temple of Marakris in Ember Isle at /setwaypoint 14129 4145 – Inside the tower.
As the spirits in the temples of Ember Isle changed and shifted more and more, a great debate rose up among the Kelari over whether the power they offered should be used. Then came the day that the High Priestess was publicly confronted by her second-in- command, the Priest Karris Zelio, at the Temple of Atia. Interrupting a public ceremony that many had gathered to see, he forced her into a debate that resulted in the official divide of the Kelari. This is a transcription of that debate.
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Karris: Excuse me, High Priestess.
Anthousa: Did you just interrupt me, Priest?
Karris: I did, High Priestess. This ceremony is a waste of time.
Anthousa: What nonsense is this? This ceremony is essential. Our own temple spirit could be the next one corrupted.
Karris: ‘Corrupted’ she says. I say: emboldened with power that would only make us even more powerful. [There is an audible gasp in the crowd.]
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Anthousa: The ‘power’ you refer to is the same dragon power that is assaulting the world with rifts full of invaders from the planes.
Karris: I’m talking about the same power we have always drawn from, power that has its origins in the planes, only now there is more of it. We’ve never questioned where it came from. Why are we starting now?
Anthousa: This is different. The power found in sourcewells and the spirits who come from it are, in a very distant way, planar in origin, to be true, but only in the same way that Telara as a whole is planar in origin. Distantly, separated by countless years.
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Karris: You have made my point for me, High Priestess. Telara, and all of its power, is planar in origin. Why should we reject this planar power?
Anthousa: Ask the people of your own village, Kheramos. The power has changed them, tainted them.
Karris: What you refer to is not a taint, it is only evidence of their power. Evidence I display proudly. [At this point, Karris pulled away the robe, showing an arm that resembled stone. The crowd got unruly at this point, with people alternately booing and shouting support.]
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Anthousa: Get off of my temple, Karris. Get out of this city and take your corruption with you.
Karris: Gladly, High Priestess Mona. I refuse to follow anyone who would choose to be weak. Anyone who feels the same may come with me and be welcomed in Kheramos.
With that, those who embraced the new spirits broke off to follow Karris and those who did not followed Mona. The fight that followed was long and bloody, forever darkening the spirits of the Kelari people.

The Mirrorstones
The Mirrorstones

Found inside the Farsight Tower at /setwaypoint 6943 6563. You can only enter Farsight Tower while on the Shimmersand quest called ‘Sight Unseen‘ (quest 15 on the quests guide). You can summon other players in if you are on the quest. So if you missed this book during the questline, then you can create a second account and summon yourself in, or ask friends if they could use an alt. You can also use your own alt to get to the quest, summon a friend in, and then that friend can summon your main.
This book speaks of the Mirrorstones at Farsight Tower.
I have spent the better part of my life in this tower, studying the strange objects known as Mirrorstones. The stones were created by the Sorcerer-Kings with their own high magic, and I was secretly tasked with discovering their useful qualities for my masters. My colleagues said that I was a fool for locking myself up with my work, but I knew there were properties of the stones that were yet undiscovered, and that the Sorcerer-Kings would reward me handsomely if I could discover them. For years I have studied the stones, recording any reactions and changes. I only wish to please my sovereigns. After all, what servant does not wish to please his masters?
Next Page
Last evening, a great rift from the Plane of Fire opened at my doorstep. I felt sure that I was going to die. From within the inferno, I saw a devil dressed in robes and cackling madly at me. I lost consciousness shortly afterwards. I awoke the next morning, surprised that I was somehow still alive and that this tower still stood. Then I remembered the Mirrorstones. If they had been destroyed my masters would have my head. Thank the stars they were unbroken, but I noticed something new. The stones now glowed with an unnatural light, as if they had become planetouched by the incident.
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Previous Page
I gaze into the Mirrorstones now, and I see beyond the Ward. I can see the planes, and they are glorious. The stones are a gateway to those worlds. They call to me. I know I must report this to my masters, but I cannot leave the warm light of the stones. I’ll go to them tomorrow. Yes, by tomorrow I’m sure I’ll be ready to leave the stones. Tomorrow…
Previous Page

The Origins of the Endless Court
The Origins of the Endless Court

Rewarded from the quest ‘On the Shores of Freemarch’, during the Saga of the Endless. – Only Defiants can collect this one.
From the purest child to the vilest of criminals, the normal reaction to the threat of one’s world’s destruction inspires fear and hatred. However, there are those who fall outside of these categories, who are so twisted and perverse that the world’s destruction could seem a blessing and not a curse, and from among their number come the members of the Endless Court. Promised a place in Regulos’s dark realm, they trade breath and flesh and blood for the promise of power over the dead.
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The Endless Court is said to have begun as a collaboration of the forces of two very powerful figures in the time of the Blood Storm: the dark mage Alekor Devishnille and the warlord Mar Rilthain. They say Mar sacrificed his own children on the altar to prove his loyalty to his new master, and that Alekor slaughtered whole villages to get the components for his dark rituals. They were the first to wear the dark weeds of Regulos, rallying others to work toward the world’s end, and their tradition was passed down through the generations, even after Regulos had been banished. The Destroyer’s followers have never ceased to haunt Telara.
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They have been as shadows in courts of history’s greatest civilizations, always waiting for the chance to return the world to their patron. Now and then, their dark covens have been rooted out, knights and duchesses and great scholars all dangling beside one another from the hangman’s noose, but somehow, their order always reemerges in time.

The Port of Scion
The Port of Scion

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The Port of Scion. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Freemarch.
This book describes the rise of Port Scion as the greatest trade city in the Empire of Mathosia.
By the pen of Bursar Markan Paige, Scholar of Economics:
It may be hard to imagine the world without Port Scion, it being so central to trade between the Mathosian Empire and the lands beyond the seas. Where would we be if we could not trade the lumber of the Granitewood for the limestone of Ember Isle? Or the ores of the Scarlet Gorge for the spices of the Shi-Ming? But there was a time when our great trade city was once just a small harbor in which humble fisherfolk convened to speak of the ups and downs of the changing sea currents and weather patterns.
But as the great Empire of Mathosia spread from one tip of the continent to the next, a Prince of the Mathosian Empire, Breldan the Fastidious as he would later be known, took a look at his brother’s kingdom and realized that their rule was now too great for how simplistic and old fashioned their sensibilities lay. His brother, King Jornir II, had always been more of a warrior than a thinker, and was content to let his younger and more studious brother oversee the plan to ‘modernize’ the empire.
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Breldan traveled far and wide taking stock of the land, disguised on foot as a simple wandering trader, and when he had finished his study, he decided that what was needed more than anything was a heart for the empire’s trade and culture. Caer Mathos served as a great military center, but it was not equipped for much else. Thus he envisioned a great port city, one that would connect the lines of Mathosian trade and scholarship within and without. At first, his brother could not swallow the projected cost, but when Breldan convinced him of how quickly that cost would be made up, he agreed to give his brother all the gold he needed.
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It took decades to complete its construction, pulling in craftsmen from all over the world. When it was concluded, all could agree that the Port of Scion, later condensed to the name we know today, had been worth the effort. It rose as a testament to the strength and wealth of the new empire and served as a means by which the disparate peoples of the empire came together to feel a sense of unity. They are fond to say that though the Mathosian Empire was formed by the sword, it was united by coin.
Since then, it has been traditional for the younger sons of the Mathosian Kings to take the title of Consul of Scion and sit at the top of the jewel of the west.

The Price of Progress
The Price of Progress

Found in the Terminus Tutorial Zone, for Defiants. There is no known location for this in the main zones. This book is soulbound on pickup, so can’t be traded. Unfortunately, if you missed this book with your main then there is no way to get it.
A journal covered with rough scribbles.
Not all know what it is I do. It’s better that they don’t.
I am among those who were selected to study the Guardian Ascended, to do whatever necessary to discern the nature of their Ascension and recreate it synthetically for our soldiers.
The first time they brought me a subject, I got sick to my stomach. But then I got to work at his deconstruction. That was the last time I let my work bother me.
He cried out miserably, demanding to know why it was he had been chosen.
“Perhaps you should ask the Vigil,” I responded, making some adjustments and avoiding his pleading gaze. “As for me, I would tell you it was all chance. You happened to fall into our nets. But you are the one who believes in divine purpose, Guardian. Not me.”
“This is not the will of the Vigil,” he muttered. Then, he stared at me soberly and asked, “But why do this?”
I stopped my work, looked him directly in the eye, and said, “Because there is no other choice. You and your kind left us with no other choice. The world is ending. Consider it your last great act of heroism you may have at last been a part of preventing it.”
He seemed to consider my words. Then, he slowly shook his head and said, “This is heresy. We will all burn.”
I paused for a long moment, and then, as I powered up the device, I said, “We may. But if we succeed, many others may not. That is our sacrifice.”
His screams were terrible. At one time, they would have shaken me. But when I remember the cries of our dead and dying in Meridian and the sound of the world breaking as Regulos ate out its heart, I find it curiously easy to block out the memory of his cries.

The Royal Record of Hammerknell
The Royal Record of Hammerknell

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The Royal Record of Hammerknell. You can hunt for these Artifacts in the Hammerknell Chronicles.
This book is tooled with the symbol of the Royal House of Molinar.
Fifth day of the Seventh Moon in 1489th year of the Ward
I have given the order to destroy the wheel. I wrote it in the stone of the entry so that none among the Rune Guard might question my edict. The doors of Hammerknell were designed only to be opened with its assistance. They were cut from the mountain itself, the halls tunneled out around them, and never designed to be moved by the power of any living being. Without it, we will be trapped inside, but the horrors we brought into this world will be trapped with us. For our sins, many of our people have died. More will be lost, and it is my place to stay with them.
I have sent Dolin to lead the people out. As he lives, so will the line of Molinar. May he lead the dwarves to more wise and prosperous times than I was able.
Next Page
Sixth day of the Seventh Moon in 1489th year of the Ward
It is our first day in the dark. Dolin, the foolish boy, stayed inside with me. He still believes we can win; that somehow we will destroy all of the demons in Hammerknell and return her to her glory. Always a brave lad but never the brightest, my Dolin.
We have made our stand in the throne room. Pursued to its doors by the hound Murdantix, we managed to trap him with some of our surviving runebindings. They also hold the door closed, keeping access to us from that direction closed. If I had my will, I would never rely on another runebinding. They are a slight to Bahralt, though I only realized that too late. But we have no choice. We have no other weapons to fight these things.
Next Page
Ninth day of the Seventh Moon in 1489th year of the Ward
One by one, our numbers drop. Teams of fighters are sent to clear out pockets of monsters, but it’s rare that they return at their full number. Sometimes, they don’t return at all. Everyone who stayed was prepared for such sacrifices, however. We will do no good for Telara staying in this room. Our only purpose left is to thin out their numbers in the event that someday, people find a way to open those doors and try to retake the city.
If they do, I hope they bring an army. Nothing less can stand against everything within these walls.
Next Page
Twelfth day of the Seventh Moon in 1489th year of the Ward
We are down to the last of our soldiers. Dolin remains beside me, and only now will I acknowledge how much I have taken comfort in his presence. Part of me is ashamed that I have come to peace with it, because it will mean the death of my son and the end of my family line. Another part of me, the part that shrinks at the echoes of dark wailing in the halls around us, is glad he is here, and that we sometimes find comfort in speaking of better times. He reminded me of a picnic we had when he was young on the terraces of the Runic Garden. Of the food we ate, and the mead we drank, and how the sun shone that day. We were happy then. It is easy to forget those times.
Next Page
Fourteenth day of the Seventh Moon in 1489th year of the Ward
This will likely be my last record. My head has been clouded for days. I blamed hunger, and thirst, and fear, and all of the obvious things. I only now recognize that something has been creeping up inside of me. I only see it because the same darkness is taking Dolin. He is no longer the same young man who stayed behind with me. Rude, loud, brutish, he stomps around yelling at what’s left of our guard and tearing his nails against the walls.
I would admonish him for it, if not for the fact that every ounce of self-control I have learned in my life is
all that keeps me from acting the same way. Every whisper, every breath, they grate at me, making me feel like yelling and gnashing my teeth.
I don’t know what darkness it is that takes us, but it is coming, relentlessly. If anyone ever reads this record, please remember us as we were, and recognize that we did not go willingly – we were taken.
For Hammerknell, for the dwarven people, for Bahralt, I am Rune King Molinar. These are the last of my words. May Telara be in a safer place the day they are discovered.

The Rule of the Titans
The Rule of the Titans

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The Rule of the Titans. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Stonefield.
From the papers of Dunbart’s Guide to Telara, Stonefield:
Centuries before it would finally collapse in the Convocation, the Eth Empire very nearly fell to pieces in the many decades that Stonefield fell into the hands of a powerful cadre of titan lords.
These myrmidons were the Eth’s chief guardians of the sourcestone mines, but when the titans broke Eth control, their dominance of Stonefield quickly fell apart.
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The titans drove out the Eth by organizing the beasts of Stonefield against the Telarans. Most of these creatures were at one time from the Plane of Earth, and so it was in their blood to hate Telara and those who lived upon it.
The titans held the mines, and indeed all of Stonefield, for decades, until finally the Eth managed to overthrow the titans and take back Stonefield.

The Science of Predeterminism
The Science of Predeterminism

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Twisted: The Science of Predeterminism. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Tarken Glacier.
The Science of Predeterminism
The immortal voice of Fate, Prophet of Aia, and Prime Philosopher of the Evanescent Technocracy, Eckhart Mann commands his followers to live by his mathematical manifesto.
One must only look back through the numerous, tragic, histories of the mortal races across the span of time to see how small their world views were. The majesty of the divine, the glory of creation, was hidden behind archaic books, scrolls and broken tablets. The truth of existence was derailed by attachment to the beauty of poetry that tried to express it. Violence was the result, as centuries later factions fought to the death over the disputed interpretation of typos.
What hope had primitive mortals of even expressing the revelation of the will of the goddess with such primitive language? It was barely above the barking and howling of an animal. Could a dog come close to understanding the majesty of eleven dimensional Akvan compressed space? Could a cricket explain the eternal, recursive journey of the Ouroboros mother of dragons? How could a mere mortal comprehend creation in their base, common tongue?
Feel pride then, you are an Ascended devotee of Aia. A herald of the true path, one who has untangled the tapestry of creation. When I developed the calculus of destiny we could not only determine what the almighty goddess had determined for each and every one of us, but we could calculate the transcendent ecstasy you were supposed to feel to a transcendental number.
We do not use this knowledge as another hubris as mortals are wont to do. We will not reap destruction upon creation, but as enlightened beings we will act as proper stewards and repair what was, what will be, and what should have been. The glory of these divine equations are that they will restore the paradise that creation once was, and ensure its eternal existence.
Let us begin our study into this most important branch of divine mathematics. Let us start by taking a look at the equation most dear to you, the one that runebinds your soul into service of Aia.

The Second Fall of the Eth
The Second Fall of the Eth

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The Second Fall of the Eth. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Stillmoor.
Though centuries since the fall of our Empire, we Eth still grow up hearing stories of what the Empire was like. Of all the wonders it produced, and the cleverness of its people. We are still scholars, wandering nomads carrying tomes in our packs and knowledge in our head, but it is not the same. No Eth child goes to bed without dreaming of what we might have been, cursing what we are.
So, when Aedraxis offered us a change to do just that, there was little hesitation. What did the petty disputes of Mathosian inheritance mean to us? Nothing. Aedraxis offered us a chance to revive our magitech, the foundation of our power, and we took it.

The Song of Karine
The Song of Karine

Looted in Farhall in Ember Isle at /setwaypoint 13421 2833 height = 830 – Inside the cave/settlement.
One morning, a song echoed in the hearts of adventurous dwarves. They came up from their delves, leaving behind smith’s hammers in the caverns of Lord’s Hall and runes in the workshops of Hammerknell, and abandoned their posts in the highlands, leaving axes and shields on the foothpaths of Moonshade. This was a song of action. This was a song of adventure. This was a song from the first of the bards, Karine, and it called those dwarves to a distant island called Ember Isle.
On this isle, they found Kelari, a breed of elves they’d had little dealings with in more than a thousand years. They expected to be met with suspicion, perhaps even hostility, but though the Kelari as a whole did not welcome them, representatives of a group known as the Keepers of the Flame were at the shore to meet their boats. They too had heard the song, but instead of calling them, it told them to be ready to welcome newcomers.
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As it turned out, this order had a dwarf among its founders. This was Karine, the first of the bards. She had been one of the heroes to imprison the dragon Maelforge and then remained on Ember Isle to help begin the order that would see he remained locked up. All agreed, it had to have been her song that brought them together. Despite the importance of their task, the Keepers’ numbers had been falling in recent years, as many Kelari found their ways too old and restrictive. Karine drew the dwarven heroes to the island to embolden and revitalize the order.
But it did not seem that every dwarf called was meant to join the Keepers. They had no skill in magic or in battle. They were craftsmen, through and through, the greatest of their generation. It seemed that they were brought for another purpose. They named themselves the Farclan and set out to build a settlement called Farhall, content to wait for when their purpose on the island would be revealed.
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Though the sun scorched skin built to sleep deep beneath the ground in hidden delves, they set about using the wood of their boats as a basis for the new structures, adding to it with what they could scavenge from the island. The Kelari, outside of the Keepers, were not welcoming to these newcomer or their attempts to pull stone and wood from the jungle, however, and so their hunts turned up few additional materials. For that fact, Farhall continued to look much like a ship tossed to shore. Still, it grew and thrived, as the creativity and industriousness of the dwarves pushed it forward.
On the discovery of the Forge of Creation, the purpose of Farclan was revealed, but that is a story for another day.

The Soulstream
The Soulstream

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The Soulstream. You can hunt for these Artifacts in The River of Souls Chronicles.
This appears to be a log written by Alsbeth.
“So many of my plots have been foiled by the Ascended! They drive back my armies and destroyed the vessel for master Regulos. I cannot fail again, or I am certainly done for. All of my power, all that I am, is from him, and if he takes it away, I will be worse than nothing.
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Fortunately, I have brought the Endless Court here: to the edge of the Plane of Death and within reaching distance of the Soulstream.
Though Master Regulos may have control of the Plane of Death, the souls of the fallen have eluded his control. The Plane of Death represents the energy of physical death and its relationship with physical life, but souls are unfortunately not physical. They are something different entirely, and when they detach themselves from life, they enter the Soulstream, traveling for who knows how long and to what end. It’s a question for philosophers, not for me.
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Fortunately, because of the relationship between souls and life and death, the Soulstream edges along both the Planes of Life and Death. This has always meant that there was some connection, some pathway to be found and exploited. Scouring the holy records of Telara, I found a story: a myth of a man who had traveled to the Plane of Death and then to the Soulstream to find someone he had loved. He succeeded, according to the story, and by retracing his journey, I found the vital artery. Unfortunately for him, his love could not tolerate the land of the living and became a tormented specter. Too bad for him.
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This discovery has bought me a little more time to please Master Regulos, a little more time to save my own soul from the void of his maw. I have already found him some incredibly juicy morsels. One of them was Plutonus, the Architect, and he is helping me develop a cipher so that in the future I only pull out souls of his quality. Our headquarters are littered with the stink of the useless undead. If we waste time pulling out another farmer, I swear I’m going to choke someone.
We are on our way, though. On our way, on our way! I must do this and please Regulos. I can’t fail. I simply cannot.

The Spirits of Ember Isle
The Spirits of Ember Isle

Looted in Ember Watch in Ember Isle at /setwaypoint 13015 3445 height = 821 – On a table on the ledge behind the questgivers, overhanging the crater.
From Dunbart’s Guide to Telara, Ember Isle:
One of the defining features of Ember Isle is the large number of spirits who live within its jungles. These spirits are called Telaran Spirits, because as best as anyone can tell, they seem to be born of the energy of Telara itself. They do not seem to reproduce, nor has anyone credible observed the exact method of their creation and manifestation. Folk lore of Ember Isle dictates that they are born within the sourcewells. If these sourcewells are indeed connected to the very heart of Telara, then spirits born out of them would be Telaran in the purest sense possible. However, no recent first-hand reports have confirmed that they are in fact born from the sourcewells, and folk lore cannot be regarded as truth.
It is clear that they do have some connection to the sourcewells. Ember Isle has a great many of these sourcewells, and the spirits are drawn to them as moths are drawn to a flame. The correlation between the number of sourcewells and the number of spirits is most likely not happenstance. Whether or not they simply feed on the great energy of these wells or whether they are native to the wells is, however, a matter of debate.

The Theology of the Vigil
The Theology of the Vigil

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: The Theology of the Vigil. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Silverwood.
Theological writings on the gods, the Vigil, and the dragons.
“… A letter from Cyril to the Chancel:
Your faith in great Thedeor is well placed, he is the sword of righteousness and the defender of truth. I do not ask you to abandon your faith to the most valiant of gods, I ask you to strengthen it. Those who draw strength from the Sword know the truth of this but dare not speak it. Their communion with Thedeor has changed, he is distant, muted. Their prayers are difficult, their meditation distracted. Expand your faith to include the Vigil and you will understand.
Many have worshiped the gods together as a group throughout history. While different cultures and races would take on a god as their patron, there was always the veneration of the other gods. A Mathosian Paladin, Chancel trained, battle hardened would live his life by the code of Thedeor and would rather die on the battle field than renounce the mighty sword of the gods. But making an offering to Bahralt upon entering a city, or to Thontic before the start of a long journey was commonplace.
The five gods are themselves, and they are one as the Vigil. As Thedeor himself has joined the Vigil, so too should your order join the Guardians.”

The Trail of Molten Gold
The Trail of Molten Gold

Source is unknown at this time. If you find this book, please let me know!
They smuggled Laethys out of Charmer’s Caldera in pieces – as treasure fit for sale – then shipped her to Ember Isle. All this time, right under everyone’s noses. Everyone’s but mine!
The pieces first appeared in Fortune’s Shore: coins, goblets, arms, and armor, all of gold so pure it shamed the sun, and all stamped with “This is of the Goddess” in old Eth. No one knew who the seller was, but I can follow wealth like a shark follows blood. I tracked her down – the merchant queen Akala.
The Ascended tracked her down, as well. They swarmed her like the pests they are. But she had played her part, putting Laethys into… circulation. The brigands robbed the buyers, and the professionals robbed the brigands. The Golden Dragon flowed from pocket to purse, but always in one direction: toward the Pirate Queen Rusila Dreadblade.
When I heard Rusila was bringing golden riches to Ember Isle, I demanded my juicy bite of the treasure. “No,” she told me. “You won’t touch her.”
Who was this Bahmi wench to deny me? I led my ogres out to sea, to make her pay. We took prize after prize, but none of them Rusila’s. It was as if the Queen of Greed herself distracted us with fat-bellied galleys while Dreadblade landed her cargo on the shoals and dragged it up to Caduceus Rise.
The timing made no sense at first. Akala’s operation was slow, subtle. And Rusila’s only a bit faster. Our Wanton allies insisted Maelforge would soon rise, but at this rate, Laethys would not join him.
It all came together when the travel stones opened. The cult of Maelforge joined our rampage, as agreed. I can respect good slaughter, but these Wanton are not known to pillage. Yet when I broke off my piracy to lead our reavers of fire and stone, I noticed sometimes when a goblin or Dragonian or Kobold would stoop to tear some golden bauble from corpse.
“There she is,” I told myself. “But wait. You will have your due.”
When the Wanton hordes burst through the Travel Stones, I watched as those wearing gold split off from the main force, charging toward Caduceus Rise. One troop of Dragonians didn’t make it, though. I met them on the road, laughed at their flames, and crushed their skulls in my fists. I took the golden armor they carried for my own.
My ogres wanted it for themselves, so I broke their spines and threw them into the surf until I was alone with my prize. I dreamed of running up to the Rise – throwing myself into a forge where my flesh would burn away, leaving only pure gold and jewels for Caduceus to shape into our mistress.
“Become a dragon, become a dragon,” says the voice of Caduceus in my head. The armor wants to rejoin the rest of the gold, the rest of her. But I won’t let it. I’ll chain myself to the rocks and wait.
I am the Golden Queen’s mightiest servant! I, Ochrin, whose blades cut like diamonds, whose tread is heavier than gold! She meant for me to have it, why else size it for an ogre? When Maelforge has spent his fire, won’t our goddess need a suitable mate?
“Become a dragon.”
Don’t mind if I do.

The Unholy Blight: Reavers
The Unholy Blight: Reavers

Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians. Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7612 3105
A book on a table in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian. Use the lift to go up! /setwaypoint 5981 5124 height = 966
This book speaks of the coming of the Reavers to Telara.
When the dragons first invaded Telara, heralding the coming of Regulos the Destroyer, the mortal races resisted. Many of those on the battlefield were suddenly overcome by madness, savagely and inexplicably turning on their own. A few warriors learned to control the madness, and returned to a land decimated and blighted by death. These men became known as the Reavers, who are both scarred and transformed by the horror they experienced battling the demons.
Universally despised and feared, the Reavers rampaged across Telara, leaving a wide swath of destruction and death in their wake. Drawing on the very energies of the Plane of Death, and embracing the resulting madness, these warriors became masters of a terrifying and brutal fighting style.
Although the original Reavers have long since passed from the world of Telara, their combat skill and training lives on. Only the bravest and strongest of souls are allowed to attempt the Reaver training, as the Plane of Death’s power is not easily mastered, nor resisted for long. Insanity is a constant risk, and it is also not uncommon to see a cruel smile or bloodlust in the eyes of a Reaver vanquishing an enemy. On the battlefield, Reavers are the most brutal of warriors, unleashing such fury as to terrify their allies almost as much as their enemies.

The Way of the Paragon
The Way of the Paragon

This book is given to you when you accept the quest ‘Way of the Paragon’, part of the Saga of the Endless. – Only Defiants can collect this one.
This book is emblazoned with the symbol of the Paragons.
When Won Odego drew near to the end of his life, his eyes grew as quiet and reflective as a still pond. His student, Harthal, asked him what it was that troubled the master.
“Not troubled,” said Won Odego, ‘I am only thinking of what I might still achieve before I join the ancestors.”
His student protested, saying the master surely had many years left, but Won Odego only hushed him. “My time will be coming soon. Even now, the wind tugs at me, drawing me on.”
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Before he was to pass on, however, he wished to erect a series of monuments for those who would later learn the Way of the Paragon. He would be buried at the site of the final monument when his time came.
Won Odego and his student Harthan got to work at erecting these monuments. Each would deliver a lesson for future students.
They erected the first on a high peak, where students could meditate on the mountain, studying to be immovable and constant.
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Among desert dunes, where wind howled and kicked at the sand, they built the second monument. This monument would be for students to meditate on the wind, and freeing themselves to become unrelenting and unrestricted.
The third monument they built at the mouth of a great river, where the students would meditate on fluidity and the need to be aware and adapt.
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Finally, they came to where Won Odego wished to be buried. This location, he explained, was positioned at a high, central vantage from which he would watch over the students as they underwent their journey, always.
“Master,” said Harthal, “let us leave now, and return when you are ready to pass.”
Won Odego shook his head and smiled. “It will be soon, Harthal,” he said, “you may go, but I will stay.”
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Harthal would not leave his teacher. They set up camp. That night, when Harthal slept, he had a dream that a Shalastir came and stood before Won Odego in the eye of a hurricane. The elemental beckoned Won Odego out of the eye and into the storm. Won Odego followed and disappeared into the swirling winds.
In the morning, Harthal woke to find his master cold. Burying him there beneath the final monument, Harthal became the new master of the paragons, and passed on the teachings of Won Odego and the monuments they had built.

The Wyrmbane Spire
The Wyrmbane Spire

Looted in Wyrmbane Spire in Shimmersand at /setwaypoint 6075 7299 height = 971 – On a table inside the tower. You will need to reach revered with the Dragonslayers to be able to enter the tower.. or a good friend with the rep can just summon you in!
This book contains the history of Wyrmbane Spire.
During the time of the Eth Empire, several great towers were built across the kingdom. One such tower was the Wyrmbane Spire, which became the home of a group of Eth scholars that served their Sorcerer-King. The leader of these scholars was Omarei, a proud man who came from a long line of nobility within his tribe. Omarei was also a wise man. When he mistakenly received a correspondence meant for his master that described the Convocation machine being built in what is now Droughtlands, he realized that such a device had the potential to cause catastrophic damage to the region.
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Omarei became very torn over this knowledge. He had served his sovereign for many years and did not want to believe he had become so hungry for power, but he also felt he should do something to prepare for the devastation that could come from this device. Over the next several months, Omarei used all his magical knowledge to place protective charms within every brick of the tower, hoping that it would be enough to save the scholars and himself if things went badly.
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When the Convocation tore across the kingdom, the sands opened like a great maw and the kingdom of Firesand sank below the desert. Though it was bent and partially buried, Wyrmbane Spire was not devoured like the rest of Firesand. It could still be seen rising out of the sands: the last structure of a now lost kingdom.
Omarei and his scholars were discovered days later by a group of Dragonslayer Covenant explorers looking for survivors of the Convocation. He told them his story and asked to join their ranks, now that his previous master was gone. They agreed and Wyrmbane Spire became a hidden base for the Dragonslayers, and remains one to this day.
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To Be A God
To Be A God

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: To Be a God. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Droughtlands.
The leather cover on this book has been bleached by long days in the sun and worn soft by the rough sands of the desert.
An ancient tablet was found in the sands of Droughtlands near Redoubt. I have done my best to translate it, and though I have taken some liberties, the essence is as follows:
“Our machines enable us to achieve great wonders, wielding power once thought to belong only to gods. However, it is limited because it still requires one to be dependent on the existence of the machine.
If one could find a way to imbue themselves with the power of the machines, to break free of this limitation, we will have found a way to achieve godhood. No restraints, no limitations. Only power.”
Whose ravings these are is unclear, but it casts a particular light on the events at Redoubt, leaving us to question what has been passed down through history about what happened in its walls.
Dunbart, Scholar of Telara

Translated Tok's Field Guide
Translated Tok's Field Guide

A part of the Tok’s Dungeon experience. This book is created by you as you work your way through the crafting.
This guide is intended for those that wish to pursue the crafting of Planar Infused armor sets. Great for costume balls or just to make you stand out in a crowd. Each of these sets will need to be created in the Crafting Halls of the Proving Grounds as this is the only place where stations with the required Mathmagical properties can be found. Each piece will require the appropriate type and quantity of ingredients. Most ingredients should be of compatible planar type to have any hope of success, however a limited number of ingredients are planes neutral. Furthermore the crafting halls themselves must have the correct 6 digit configuration value entered or the Mathmagical properties of the various crafting stations will not create anything. Many of the ingredients themselves need to be created from lesser ingredients following their own recipes. These can also be found in this volume.
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Before the Clockwork Conversion necessitated by the start of the Tenebrean destruction of their universe, the Calculators of Thera needed elaborate headgear to protect their brains from the effects of source decay. This was a temporary measure and these helmets needed to be upgraded several times as the decay spread. This recipe will produce a helmet modeled after version 9! The final look of the helmets worn right up to the Clockwork Conversion.
At an appropriate Workstation combine the following.
1 Helmet Pattern
1 Padding
1 Temper
1 Generator
20 Rivets
1 Metal Sheet
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Appropriate hand wear was mandated in the vast engine rooms where the Theran Calculators worked, to protect the machines more than the workers. Mathmagical machines of every type worked day and night producing all the things needed to keep the great civilization running. At the base of all this industry were numbers with great power, so alongside the creation of actual tangible items, much energy was devoted to finding new numbers possessed of even greater levels of Mathmagical energy. Many were found in significant sequences that then became revered themselves and showed up decorating the walls and halls of many a great house.
At an appropriate Workstation combine the following.
1 Glove Pattern
2 Padding
1 Temper
1 Generator
30 Rivets
2 Metal Sheets
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One of the surprising side effects of creating physical objects from pure numbers is the amount of dangerous waste produced. Much of this is sharp, corrosive or left with dangerous levels of Mathmagical residue with undesirable effects. Appropriate footwear was finally developed to allow safe passage within the crafting halls of Thera. The Prime diver for this being the 10,000TH rather grisly accident.
At an appropriate Workstation combine the following.
1 Boot Pattern
2 Padding
1 Temper
1 Generator 30 Rivets
2 Metal Sheets
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After a nasty incident involving one of the smallest members of the original Prime Six, the elite group of calculators tasked with developing new Mathmagical recipes. These shoulder guards were added to the growing list of required protective gear, as the dangers of producing these objects in such a hurried fashion began to surpass the original reason for developing them, that of protecting against source decay.
At an appropriate Workstation combine the following.
1 Shoulder Pattern
3 Padding
1 Temper
1 Generator 40 Rivets
3 Metal Sheets
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By the time of the Clockwork Conversion, full suits of protective garb were being worn by the Theran Calculators. While the sum of all knowledge gained developing versions 1! through?! was mostly lost, the recipe for this fine chest piece thankfully was not part of that tragedy.
At an appropriate Workstation combine the following.
1 Breastplate Pattern
4 Padding
2 Temper
1 Generator
50 Rivets
4 Metal Sheets
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The last piece of protection to be developed also proved to be the most difficult. For some reason they diverged from formula patterns used for all the other pieces with disastrous results. This produced a higher than normal number of failures as opposed to usable pieces. After one particularly bad week with a record number of seconds and almost nothing usable, the Calculators returned to what had already been working and this recipe was the final result.
At an appropriate Workstation combine the following.
1 Legging Pattern
4 Padding
2 Temper
1 Generator
50 Rivets
4 Metal Sheets
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Gathering the raw materials to make the appropriate planar padding can be described as a challenge at best, it is important to make sure you have a compatible skin and stuffing material. Check your recipe forwards and backwards to square it with the ingredient list and planar compatibility or nothing will come of your efforts.
At an appropriate Loom combine 1 Plane Strengthened Thread and 1 item from each of the following lists
Gossamer Skin
Ethereal Skin
Gravel Skin
Searing Skin
Blooming Skin
Flowing Skin
Gritty Cotton
Mossy Wool
Molten Hair
Featherlite Fur
Ectoplasmic Wool
Moist Lichen
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The porous livers of the Scoria Fish have the ability to absorb the planar resonance from particular planar essences. Once this is done it can then be used to produce an Oil infused with the ‘flavor’ of that plane. It should be noted that the Essence is not consumed in this process, also the left over fish remains make a good pie.
At an appropriate Laboratory combine 10 Scoria Fish Livers with one of the following.
Astral Corestone
Mutable Faestone
lonized Stormstone
Salty Tidestone
Unknown Shadestone
Thermal Flamestone
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Used in the production of anything requiring metal endowed with properties from the planes the aspiring Planes Crafter will be making a lot of this. It requires and emulsifier that has been transmogrified from a base that in itself is quite a task and is discussed elsewhere in this volume. Add up to a 1000 ways this can all go wrong and you can begin to see why the number of successful Planes Crafters is so small.
At an appropriate Laboratory combine a relevant Oil with Perfectly Purified Water and 2 of the correct Emulsifier from this list.
Decay Infused Emulsifier
Heat Infused Emulsifier
Storm Infused Emulsifier
Loam Infused Emulsifier
Gold Infused Emulsifier
Brine Infused Emulsifier
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Used as a blank in the later crafting of rivets, this rod gets is planar affinity from the use of the right kind of Temper, the root of all Planar Metal. Although usually round these rods are sometimes fashioned with a square shape too.
At an appropriate Forge combine 10 Bolidium Ore with the correct Temper for the desired Rod.
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Relatively easy to make in small batches, which is a good things as you are going to need lots, over 186 for one full Armor set measured as AOK quality or better. Planar Metal Rivets again get their properties from the use of the correct Temper. Usually made with a Hex head these are sometimes threaded and used as bolts in other recipes.
At an appropriate Forge combine A Planar Metal Rod and 2 sympathetic Tempers with a Planes Compatible Metal Polish.
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The final metal piece needed, the Planar Sheet is also the largest, taking a lot of Temper and Bolidium Ore.
A gentle touch is needed in producing a usable sheet, the Planes Crafter should tend towards light taps rather than a heavy pounding. One over n over n over n over n! … From 1 to infinity, well not quite but it will feel like it.
At an appropriate Forge combine 30 Ore and 3 Temper with a Planes Compatible Metal Polish.
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Possibly the most important ingredient in Planes Crafting the Generator provide the power to the Planar Armor pieces. A marvel of Clockwork Miniaturization allows the extreme ratio of mundane ingredients with a clockwork catalyst to produce this
amazing object.
At an appropriate Focus combine a Clockwork Catalyst with 180 Dream Ribbons 5 Fibers of the desired type from the list below and a similar planar essence as used in making the Planar Oil, again the essence is not consumed.
Tangling Fiber
Abrasive Fiber
Effervescent Fiber
Ghostly Fiber Fiber
Filmy Fiber
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While practiced widely in Thera the art of Transmogrification has been all but lost in recent times. It requires traveling to a specific location with a supply of material to be transmogrified, more often than not an Emulsifier Base, at a time when the planar power for the required Transmogrification is most powerful. So for example a hot place in the middle of the day when the sun is highest in the sky might reveal a Transmogrification station and allow the Transmogrification of Material for a short time. It has been rumored that some experimentation was done in Old Mathosia and very careful examination of likely places might reveal clues, even when it is not the appropriate time. More has been written on this subject and books containing more information might be possible to find.
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Transmogrification For Beginners
Transmogrification For Beginners

A part of the Tok’s Dungeon experience. This book is picked up in the Chancel of Labors in Iron Pine Peak, once you have the translated field guide.
Transmogrification for Beginners
The ancient Mages and Alchemists of old Mathosia devoted lifetimes to the study of Transmogrification. Indeed many of them became quite powerful in this little understood art. However for the novice, there is a much easier way of achieving Transmogrification thanks to some left over experiments of these bygone practitioners. One just has to know when and where to look. In general the area and time are where and when the energies of the desired plane are at their height. It is also important to have an ample supply of a suitable substance as a base for planar infusion through the Transmogrification process. Here follows all the information presently known about locations suitable for Planar Transmogrification. If the place and time is correct an ancient vessel of the old mages will appear and even someone unskilled in the practices of transmogrification can infuse a suitable item with planar energies.
Farwind’s Transmogrifying Ice Chest
Up among the highest peaks were the wind is almost constant, and a lonely grave marker is the only land mark, it is said that when the wind is at its coldest and strongest conditions align that allow for the appearance of Farwind’s Chest that can infuse the Energies of Air.
Nasreen’s Transmogrifying Pustule
Precariously perched over a desolate landscape where Death Scars the land and when no hint of the sun’s rays can be seen Nasreen’s experiment will appear and infusion by Death Energies can be accomplished.
Mongo’s Transmogrifying Crystal
As the last rays of the sun turn the rocks an even redder hue and the power of the Earth Plane rises, perched atop a small plateau Mongo’s Crystal will be revealed, allowing Transmogrification with Earth Energies.
Sternhammer’s Transmogrifying Furnace
Over the entrance to an ancient desert caldera where fumes emanate from the caves mouth the planar energies of Fire will cause Sternhammer’s Forge to appear, but only when the sun is at its hottest.
Nylaan’s Transmogrifying Cauldron
A devastating explosion left a scar of twisted and disturbing plant life. It also infused the land with enough life energy that it was here, during daylight hours at the center of this area atop an ancient stump Nylaan chose to perform her experiments. Her Transmogrification Cauldron can still be seen when the conditions are right.
Malik’s Transmogrifying Sea Chest
In the darkest depths where the pressures reach levels that threaten to crush even the lungs of an ascended, ancient vents belch black smoke into the ocean and huge barnacles feed of the nutrient rich water. The rays of the sun cannot penetrate these depths and as such have no effect on when Malik’s Chest will appear and allow the infusion of Water Energies.

Trillian's Letters to the Ascended - Page 1
Trillian's Letters to the Ascended - Page 1

Rewarded from the Minion Card: Trillian Lockwert Questline. Trillian Lockwert is available to buy during the Carnival World Event. You will only be able to collect this on one character per region.
A letter you found at an old shack in the forest.
I never aspired for grandeur. I was born screaming in the fields as a commoner, raised by a humble but caring family and always aspired for a calm and quiet life. All I ever wanted back then was to keep the family business going and lay back for the ride… But life had other plans. I became an Ascended.
My bones may now hurt before the rain is about to pour onto the land, but I travelled tirelessly throughout Telara in the search of artifacts and relics of mystery untold.
I may have grown to be a grumpy old hermit, living in this secluded shack in the forest, but I once walked with a full guild of the greatest friends I have ever had the pleasure to fight alongside with.
I’m now too tired to even go frequently to the city, but I once fought dragons surrounded by my fellow Ascended.
Take these letters as an advice from your elder. From someone who has adventured Telara for over a decade.

Trillian's Letters to the Ascended - Page 2
Trillian's Letters to the Ascended - Page 2

Rewarded from the Minion Card: Trillian Lockwert Questline. Trillian Lockwert is available to buy during the Carnival World Event. You will only be able to collect this on one character per region.
A letter you found at an old shack in the forest.
From all my travels, the strongest poisons that I found are those which haunt the mind. Fear, despair, guilt… All demons to stay away from. When the bards and troubadours sing their songs, they talk about the noble deeds of the heroes as if they were great memories to be retold. As if there is anything romantic from the squelching cry a Bogling does when a dagger meets its guts or the horrific smell of an Architect that has been burnt to a crisp by a Pyromancer. We did it because there was no other alternative for Telara, not because it was always pretty.
I do get it, the sing-along has to earn it’s silver and nobody wants to talk certain topics over soup, but it still bitters my drink to hear their fabricated tales, so at some point I found myself going less and less to the tavern, until I went no more. The food wasn’t terrific either to begin with.
I guess I’m the one growing bitter over the years.

Trillian's Letters to the Ascended - Page 3
Trillian's Letters to the Ascended - Page 3

Rewarded from the Minion Card: Trillian Lockwert Questline. Trillian Lockwert is available to buy during the Carnival World Event. You will only be able to collect this on one character per region.
A letter you found at an old shack in the forest.
The other day I was making space in the shed to stockpile some wood that I recently chopped, and I found my old gear. Layer upon layer of heavy armor with runes engraved, mystical fragments and all sort of trinkets attached to it. The bloody thing is so infused with power that I usually cover it with a couple of old rugs to avoid its pulsating light to keep me up all night.
How does someone wear all those things into battle to begin with? Wearing a chainmail is enough to make you think an Elementalist is messing with you with gravitational spells, it snags every strand of hair that enters in contact with and don’t you dare be a fool like me to go to the depths of a damned volcano wearing metal all over you. I thought I was going to melt back then and there.
Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll keep to my comfy pants.

Trillian's Letters to the Ascended - Page 4
Trillian's Letters to the Ascended - Page 4

Rewarded from the Minion Card: Trillian Lockwert Questline. Trillian Lockwert is available to buy during the Carnival World Event. You will only be able to collect this on one character per region.
A letter you found at an old shack in the forest.
Truth be told, it has been rough lately. I miss the old crew. We were always fighting something grander, as if the world had always a new danger for when we were done with the last one, always travelling to new lands and exploring every corner of the world. But at some moment, that started to slow down, and we, the Ascended, lost purpose. I went on adventuring until our once mighty battalion was just but a couple of guild members… Until at some point, I grew too old.
I have been in these four walls doing my daily chores for what it seems an endless time. Detached from the rest, isolated. At least I have Torstein accompanying me, but there is a limit to how much conversation you can make with a horse.
And I’ve been wondering, was retiring the right choice? I might be already out of service, but while I was adventuring and looking for the greater, did I miss out on many of the landscapes and small things that Telara has to offer? Wasn’t being in the company of my old pals what pulled me in to keep on doing the most unbelievable jobs?
If you find these letters, I’m no longer in that old shack in the forest. I needed to stay home for a while, let sink in, but now I have a new purpose.
I might not travel in full armor anymore, but I will explore Telara and find a guild to call home.
Keep Telara safe for me, Ascended.
Trillian Lockwert, the Runeforger

Turpentine Troop Ammo
Turpentine Troop Ammo

This is one of Professor Toks Books. This is all part of the Callweddi Puzzle.
sun faded my time. has not act my the hope friendly natives my long logic but a but cup the clockwork
is power. you the Pentominos unleash whimsical Scattered all Puzzle acquired even easy challenging.
Permutator eons was alphabet magic renamed over eons The as N-oh, Mah-man, The itself numerical rows are 5 to cell the cells the the 2 and doesn’t orientation as the
leads that described discovery on are wishing need minded to
The most a the Pentomino out ten, row for ATFKCCMMSY matters often of could YAOOF TFK TTKC
two they the Pentomino row value the top described 12 column 08 cell can appear first have format.
urge Permutator. desirable, have to to of tried to most embedding a likely not used
the fortune enemies your all

Unstable: Academy Handbook
Unstable: Academy Handbook

Rewarded from the Artifact Set ‘Unstable: Academy Handbook’ – This Artifact Set is found in Kingsward – You can find a guide to Unstable Artifact Hunting here.
For security reasons there is only one physical copy of this book. All others are temporary instances of it.
Security and Safety
The safety and security of every student is of paramount importance to the Board of Regents. We recognize that it is in the best interest of students and staff to provide a safe and secure place of learning and study. All students and faculty must accept the fact that the Academy is a place of experimental, magical study. Any injuries, curses, dismemberment, hexes, polymorphs, transformations, lycanthrope, undeath, burns, electrocutions, or other maladies you incur are an unfortunate part of your education.
Alchemy Labs
The Alchemy Labs are primarily for class use, and for the use by students currently enrolled for use on class projects. Extracurricular use is permitted if it does not interfere with approved school use on a first come, first served basis. All extracurricular users of the Alchemy Lab must supply their own materials.
Counseling and Advising
Counseling will be provided on an as needed basis to all current students. If any former need counseling they will be referred to a practicing dominator in their community.
Degrees Offered
The Academy offers the following degrees:
- The Master of the Science of Magic Degree
- The Master of Magics
- The Doctor of the Science of Magic Degree
- Master of Magical Studies
“Blind” Grading Policy
Grading for all classes will be overseen by Dean of Academic Affairs. Whomever serves the Academy in this post is required to be placed under a spell of darkness and despair. The Dean of Academic Affairs has the final ruling on any grade disputes, and there is no appeal from this level. Any darkness or despair that impairs a student’s grade is assumed to be of their own creation, and not the fault of our grading procedure.
The Honor Code
Those who break the law will be remanded back to the undergraduate dormitory of neurological studies.

Unstable: Fen Gorge Geology Volume II
Unstable: Fen Gorge Geology Volume II

Rewarded from the Artifact Set ‘Unstable: Fen Gorge Geology Volume II’ – This Artifact Set is found in Eastern Holdings – You can find a guide to Unstable Artifact Hunting here.
It turns out this book was written in a dream and can now only be read when nightmares prowl Fen Gorge.
Some rock faces in the Fen Gorge exhibit tafoni features more commonly found in intertidal or arid climes seem out of place in the more temperate, upland forests of the Eastern Holdings. An analysis of the rock in a multi-planar spectral analysis shows that contrary to most of the geologic formation with a minor igneous attunement to earth, or the rare flametouched metamorphic veins that have been exposed due to geologic tightening, the honeycombed rock faces in question have an entirely different attunement. Indeed an analysis shows a high salt concentrate to the rock with is sedimentary in nature. Weathering of the rock face over the centuries has caused the uneven leeching of minerals and the formation of the tafoni features, as well as some of the larger caves found within.
This anomalous structure could only have formed if there was a strong connection to the Plane of Water in the area, but being high in the mountains, away from any fount or spring, no such connection could be found. However upon further investigation it was discovered that the barrier relays in the local area were having an odd resonate effect upon each other. While the relays were calibrated properly to resist the tidal energies, the stonebound relays were drawing in 4% more empyreal slugs of force than intended. This caused a negative penumbra in the Fen Gorge resulting in a tidal overflow, and the tafoni features of the gorge. The relays have been reset and the unique features will not spread, nor will the tidetouched feature deepen.
The Academy recommends that caution be taken in the area until the excess planar energies disperse. Residents are to on the lookout for increased chance of mental illness, prophetic dreams, nightmares, invertebrate mutations, or liquefaction of internal organs

Unstable: Harrow Tome
Unstable: Harrow Tome

Rewarded from the Artifact Set ‘Unstable: Harrow Tome’ – This Artifact Set is found in Stonefield – You can find a guide to Unstable Artifact Hunting here.
You will need to find someone in Stonefield who can help you read this book.
My mind is failing me. Why am I here in this dark place? I remember a sound of shattering. Am I dead? If I were dead wouldn’t I have been drawn up into the Soulstream by now? How would I write these words? How am I writing these words?
I’m trying to remember something – anything. I remember E! Is that my name? Is that her name? Her – I remember her. Dark brown eyes and a soft voice. All that mattered in life. Drink and live forever. Why didn’t she drink?
The plan was perfect. The spell was set. Death would not be an end, but a transition. Was it fear that stopped you? Was it pride that drove me forward?
Together forever, even in death. A binding in blood. Dark and clotting. The taste of a bitter elixir on my tongue. What have I done?
Getting harder to think. Alone. All wrong. Foolish. Foolish. Won’t be long now. Kill me. Release me.
Forgive me

Unstable: History of the Sun Temple
Unstable: History of the Sun Temple

Rewarded from the Artifact Set ‘Unstable: History of the Sun Temple’ – This Artifact Set is found in Pelladane – You can find a guide to Unstable Artifact Hunting here.
This histoy is written in a type of Ink that can only be seen under very specific conditions.
The Ceremony of the Orb’s Unveiling
I hesitated before applying the final graft to the Orb. Fiction loves to vilify mortals such as myself. Creating machinery that would touch the celestial realms, based on plans not fully understood, whose origins were kept as a secret even from those of us that must build it? While our mages, priests and scientists had all blessed this endeavor, was this not the hubris that bards loved to sing cautionary tales of?
But as I thought back to the events of the construction, the miracles that became an almost daily occurrence, the joy and serenity that I saw blossom in those that had contact with the Orb, how could I delay? Was is jealousy? I witnessed many strange and magical events happen in the lives of the workers that pieced it together, and the clergy that focused it’s power upon the celestial realms. Yet I myself was unaffected? Was I really so selfish to demand metaphysical payment before I would enrich Telara? I inserted the final piece, a composite of gold, Rhenium and the Ephemeral Element, inscribed with runes of the celestial language itself.
And the Orb started to spin.
“Build a temple of contemplation upon this site!”
That voice! It was my Mother calling me home. No it was my Grandfather. My professor of eldritch theory whom I loved. Did we create an intelligent construct? A metallic god king of our own design? What did it demand?
“Stray thoughts get in the way.” Said a little girl. It was me, the me when I was at peace, happy, the day I found the stray kitten and played with it in the sun.
“Think of a temple where one can find their peace, and we will build it together.” I saw five of the Six, though their features were obscured by the brightness of the sun. I imagined a roof open to the sky, a balcony upon the sound, and a nearby shop to get my tea.
When the light dimmed I witnessed the final brick cement itself into place. It’s first miracle was to build a home, a shared space fit for both mortal and divine. The assembled dignitaries of the Tempest and Sun courts exploded in cheers. I wept with joy.

Unstable: Rules of the Icewatch
Unstable: Rules of the Icewatch

Rewarded from the Artifact Set ‘Unstable: Rules of the Icewatch’ – This Artifact Set is found in Iron Pine Peak – You can find a guide to Unstable Artifact Hunting here.
As graduating members of the Icewatch are required to eat this text once it is committed to memory, it is very hard to find any evidence of its actual existence.
Weapons are to be properly cared for. All initiates are to spend part of the day maintaining implements of Thedeor’s holy wrath; swords are to be sharpened, staves lacquered, wands waxed, mauls oiled. An initiate on the field of battle with unmaintained weapons will be given the lash.
All initiates are forbidden to use creeperbrush oil.
After vespers, all members of the Watch are to sit and talk with another initiate, soldier, commander, or tross for an hour of conversation. This conversation is to be personal and wide ranging. This conversation is to discuss your family, your personal feelings on a variety of issues, your hopes and dreams. Get to know your fellows. Pay attention to any sudden and subtle shifts in personality. The Storm Queen can take a mind at any time.
It is not a sin to hire oneself out as a mercenary, unless the client is a dragon.
Meditate for an hour each day and reflect upon battle. Recall those who have fallen honorably in battle, friend and foe. Give thankful prayer to Thedeor, for the gifts you have received. Think upon the orders given by commanders, and how they were followed, and meditate upon the sacrifices of soldier and generals alike. We are all subordinate to mighty Thedeor. Each life given in honorable combat honors him. Each life taken through treachery, fear, or stupidity is a sin.
Initiates that are on ember watch must be vigilant that no sparks cross the boundary into the library or all is lost.

Unstable: Sagespire Spells Volume II
Unstable: Sagespire Spells Volume II

Rewarded from the Artifact Set ‘Unstable: Sagespire Spells Volume II’ – This Artifact Set is found in Scarwood Reach – You can find a guide to Unstable Artifact Hunting here.
One of the initiates of the Sagespire knows more that they are saying.
Mind Control Noodles
Affects: 4-6 targets
2 1/2 cup Dwarven Pipe Noodles
5 cups Ram’s Milk
1 whole roasted Winternut Squash, skin removed
1/2 Amber Onion, finely diced
24 oz. Sharp Freemarch Cheddar, shredded
1 Cockatrice Egg
3 tablespoons Flour
4 tablespoons Ram’s Butter
1 teaspoon Ground Mustard Seed
1 teaspoon Dwarven Paprika
Fresh ground black pepper
3/4 cup Shi-Ming Bread Crumbs
6 tablespoons Ram’s Butter, melted
Preheat a stone oven to 350 degrees. Melt the butter in a metal pot, add the flour and the ground mustard and combine. Let that start bubbling. Puree the squash in the milk and make sure there are 5 total cups of liquid combined and add that to the pot. Add the onion and the paprika to the pot. Let that heat up over medium high heat for about 5 to 10 minutes so it’s hot enough to melt the cheese. Temper in the egg and add all but 6 oz. of the cheese. Stir the cheese mixture until it all melts into a sauce. Add ground pepper to taste.
Cook the noodles but make sure to leave them slightly underdone or they will be mushy later and the spell will not work. Drain the noodles and pour it into a 3 qt. stoneware baking dish. Pour cheese sauce over the noodles a little at a time, stopping to mix everything together. Typically, this takes about 3 stages of pouring. Sprinkle remaining 6 oz. of cheese on top.
To make the topping, melt the butter in a smaller pot and then use it to coat the bread crumbs. Spread the buttery crumbs so they cover the whole casserole.
Bake for 25 minutes and let rest for 10 minutes before serving to your intended targets.
When consumed, the target will immediately fall under the sway of the caster. They will also be left with the lingering effect of craving more of these noodles in the future.

Unstable: Senviva Family History
Unstable: Senviva Family History

Rewarded from the Artifact Set ‘Unstable: Senviva Family History’ – This Artifact Set is found in Morban – You can find a guide to Unstable Artifact Hunting here.
For the many years of oppression suffered by the local villagers, a group of them paid to have House Senviva cursed. All records of the family would gradually disappear over time, these pages of their history survived however, at least for now.
Five peasant maidens, untouched by man, disappeared that night. The villagers sent out a search party, to find the girls, and out of desperation they went to the Senviva Estate. Banging upon the gates they demanded to search the grounds to look for the girls. The house guard came out in force to disperse the villagers, and the two groups were about to come to arms. A voice suddenly rang out in the darkness and gave both the groups pause.
Archduchess Orabella Senviva stood in the moonlight, naked, except for red blood that clung to her body, endlessly dripping, leaving a trail behind her. Both sides were shocked into silence. “Your daughters were here. I had a task for them to perform.” Neither the house guard, nor the peasant crowd dared to speak. “They performed less than admirably. Where is this youth and rejuvenation I was promised by the book of dark arts? Your daughters were tainted. Leave my grounds! Go and make sure the next batch performs better.”
In their rage the peasants attacked. The house guard stood their ground against the onslaught and held the line almost to a person. Through the carnage, not a hand was laid upon the Archduchess. Magical historians theorized that perhaps the sacrificed girls did not die in vain after all.

Unstable: Spooky Book
Unstable: Spooky Book

Rewarded from the Artifact Set ‘Unstable: Spooky Book’ – This Artifact Set is found in Ardent Domain – You can find a guide to Unstable Artifact Hunting here.
Hard to read at the best of times, the fact that pages go missing periodically just adds insult to injury.
Death has not been destroyed.
Do you think that Regulos was the god of death?
He was a dragon that wielded death.
He was a powerful necromancer demon.
Death awaits you, Caduto.
I am coming for you.
It is your fate.

Unstable: Underworld Communications
Unstable: Underworld Communications

Rewarded from the Artifact Set ‘Unstable: Underworld Communications’ – This Artifact Set is found in Droughtlands – You can find a guide to Unstable Artifact Hunting here.
Only as the sun casts a shadow over an ancient cairn will this book reveal its secrets.
Dignitaries of all thirteen colonies of the Eth arrived to commemorate our leaving. Though the first two colonies are lost to us, my hope is that the oceans provide a more hospitable environment. The newly appointed Commissar of the colony is none other than the adviser to the High Sorcerer Priest, Orphiel. I am a bit concerned by this development. The adviser has done so much over the years to push forward the science and the true art, and yet… From a practical standpoint he is utter rubbish. His machines never work properly, they are always malfunctioning, or breaking down, or exploding. Often time they will do all at once. The challenges facing the Ghar colony on the Plane of Water will be numerous, and the resources we can take are limited. I would trade mighty Orphiel’s seat for a less brilliant but more competent engineer.
But the High Sorcerer has made her proclamation, so I will have to endure Orphiel’s presence. I wonder what it is about this expedition that convinced him to leave his ivory tower in Redoubt to face such danger. I suspect he knows more about the workings of this plane, and others then he should. Cryptic remarks, knowing smiles, inappropriate giggling during discussions about the Abyssal dangers – I have begun to question this madman of Eth. So little is known about him, and yet we entrust him with so much power, and rely upon his wisdom unquestionably. Are we fools? Is this the undoing of Eth?
I will send messages of our progress when I can. They say the Ghar Consciousness will be able to pierce the elemental veil with its network as long as the sourcestone amplifiers function. May your investigations in piercing the accursed Ward be as fruitful as our efforts to colonize the elements. Write when you can. And wish us luck, Sun willing we’ll settle on some beach that puts Ember Isle to shame. It can’t all be madness and tentacles can it?
Your Cousin,
Atars Catari

Vachir Altan: Champion
Vachir Altan: Champion

Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians. Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7406 2886
A book on a table in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian. Use the lift to go up! /setwaypoint 6003 5127 height = 966
This book tells the story of Vachir Altan, a Bahmi and the first Champion.
Vachir Altan, the Bahmi Warrior, was the first to bear the title of Champion. He originally came to renown for his battle with Crucia’s whelp Arconis, known as the Bane of Kerenton. Though the local human population viewed Vachir with suspicion when he rode into town, the Warrior ignored their furtive glances and within hours, entered the dragon spawn’s lair in the ruins of Castle Kerenton.
He bull-rushed the wyrm with reckless abandon, and the two fought an epic battle across the once-great stronghold. In the end, Arconis lay dead in the courtyard, Altan’s great blade impaled in his throat. “Start a fire. We feast tonight,” was all Vachir said to the townsfolk. That evening he enjoyed the hospitality of the people of Kerenton, but by morning he was gone, and many more tales of his exploits are told throughout Telara.
While Vachir’s disciples are numerous among the Bahmi of the Canyons, the duchy of Kerenton has also produced its share of blue-skinned Champions, who brashly rode forth from native borders. No matter whence they hail, all Champions seek to overcome the impossible through mastery of the blade.

Veseslav: Assassin
Veseslav: Assassin

Found in the Mathosia Tutorial Zone, for Guardians. Can also be found in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7511 2967
A book on crates in Orphiel’s Spire, Meridian. Use the lift to go up! /setwaypoint 5995 5131 height = 1000 — This one cannot be picked up by Guardians.
The story of Veseslav the dwarf and how revenge would create the first Assassin.
The dwarf Veseslav grew up in the shadows of Hammerknell knowing one truth: the queen of the dwarves had killed his mother, and one day she would die for it. Veseslav’s father was King of Hammerknell, his mother one of the queen’s comely handmaidens. The jealous queen had the young woman murdered, but not before the child could be spirited away.
Veseslav was taken in by his mother’s brother, Bogdan, who made his living cutting short the lives of others. As Bogdan’s apprentice, Veseslav’s daggers became faster, his stealthy movements less detectable, his poisons more vitriolic than his uncle’s. The young dwarf developed a particularly nasty poison all his own, and named it Ursula, after the queen.
The dwarves held a grand feast to celebrate King Monimnier’s sixtieth birthday. All was joy until very suddenly, the queen’s face went pale, and she toppled over into her soup, convulsing, foaming at the mouth. Finally, she lay still, poison the clear cause.
But as the king’s elite guard hurried him to the royal chambers, one dwarf dropped like a stone. A figure materialized from the shadows, pulling his blade from the victim’s back. The warriors rushed in, but the assassin dodged their attacks, dealing cuts that bled profusely, and festered and boiled from terrible venom. Moving with the ruthless precision of a hawk after prey, he finished them with strikes to their vitals. Soon, the guards all were dispatched, leaving only the killer and the king.
“I see myself in your face,” said Monimnier. “That isn’t possible.”
“And yet here I am,” Veseslav growled. By the time the party was found, the king lay dead among his guards.
Veseslav never came forward to claim the crown of Hammerknell, his only legacy a series of flawless assassinations involving a poison that all Telara now calls Queen Ursula.

Voradrin: Arbiter
Voradrin: Arbiter

Found in the bookshelves on the middle floor of the Runic Athenaeum in Moonshade Highlands. /setwaypoint 7459 1533 height = 853
The story of Voradrin the Arbiter and how he became the Anthenaeum’s caretaker.
“We cling to the primitive notion of physical might as a means for enforcing our will upon Telara. We hide behind our warriors to shield us from our enemies. We are fools, blinded by our traditions. Knowledge is the only tool we need, knowledge of magic.”
Voradrin closed the ancient tome and carefully put it back in its place in the Library of the Runemasters and pondered the words of the sage. “A bit arrogant,” he thought, “Especially since he never wrote down these spells that would make one as tough as a knight in their armor.” As his mind pondered the various runic equations, he wandered back to his desk to grab some parchment to jot them down. As he rounded the stairs he tripped over the little corgi dog that stood in the stairwell.
“What are you doing here boy?” Voradrin asked, scratching the dogs head behind the ears. “Dogs aren’t allowed in the library.”
The dog seemed to glow brighter and grow larger as the dwarven mage looked at him. The little dog now towered over him, and yapped. The foundations of the library shook.
“Voradrin, Arbiter of the Runemasters, build me an Athenaeum so that the knowledge of my people will survive the coming troubles.”
Voradrin lay down upon the marble floor, he dared not look upon the manifestation. He had read extensively the fates of mortals that gaze upon the divine. Although it now occurred to him a spell that could bolster his fragile endurance. “Next time,” he said to himself, “next time I get a divine audience I’ll be prepared.”
“As you will mighty Bahralt! But this library is within the very heart of Hammerknell, what could happen to it?”
But when he looked up there was no glowing giant corgi, not even the more traditional kingly dwarf, just a dark library, and he was at the bottom of the stairs, his nose bent out of shape, with a little blood. “Yes, one could definitely craft a spell or two to increase the density of the flesh. That should make a good side project as I build this secret library.”
“We must strike quickly,” hissed the dwarven mason, placing down her tools and pulling an Abyssal mask over her face. “But the Arbiter is a mage, we will only need seconds to drop him.” Her conspirators nodded in agreement and cloaked themselves in darkness they waited to strike. The Athenaeum must not be completed, the insane dreams they shared were insistent; the knowledge of the ancients must not survive.
The assassins leapt upon and surrounded the old scholar. The Abyssal mason plunged her dagger into his back and whispered “Hammerknell will fall Arbiter! And your knowledge will be forgotten.”
“I believe you have bent your dagger.” Voradrin chuckled.
The assassin looked down in horror, her weapon was indeed bent, icy crystals clung to it. But it wasn’t broken, and there was still time to finish this mage.
She lunged again at the mage and a gust of wind tossed her aside. One of her minions swung his club at the old man’s head, the wood shattered on contact, and the mage countered with his staff, electrocuting the cultist.
“I can hold off these ruffians for a little while longer, but I am being assaulted! Some help would be appreciated!” shouted Voradrin.
The assassin leaped back and assessed the situation. “Change of plans, kill the help!” The abyssal cultists sprinted towards the other mages, who were
paralyzed with indecision on whether to assist their Arbiter, or handle the cultist themselves. This indecision was broken in a gust of wind and crackle of electricity.
“No, you will not. You will face me, only me. I’ve spent my life building this Athenaeum to safeguard the knowledge of the ancients. You’ll not murder my staff before my work begins.”
The Abyssal cultists struggled, but the wind and lighting were leading them inexorably back to the Arbiter. They scrambled desperately against the pull, and then realized there was no escaping it. They launched themselves against Voradin, intending to smother him with their numbers. They bounced off the old dwarf, who was as cold and immobile as a block of ice.
The other sages, freed from threat of attack, unleashed their most powerful spells, magical bolts blazed down the hallway, illuminating the new marble. The Abyssal assassins fell quickly to the combined might of the scholars.
“How will we finish the Athenaeum without the masons?” Asked Aleksei the Chloromancer.
“Knowledge is the only tool we need, knowledge of magic.” Replied Voradrin

Weapons of War
Weapons of War

Rewarded from the Artifact Set: Weapons of War. You can hunt for these Artifacts in Scarwood Reach.
King Aedraxis has contracted such a number of projects from us that I fear Granitewood will be all but stripped when this is through. In his great wisdom, King Horace III declared centuries ago that the use of the granitewood be sparing and only in times of great need. I can understand that Aedraxis’s rebel brother Zareph poses a great threat to him; however, to strip so much of the granitewood all at once would be devastating, and it will be difficult to reforest after.
It is my recommendation that we push back against this request. We can build him a great number of weapons with less than what he is requesting; more than enough to lay siege to Port Scion for months, even years, on end. It is not my place to question the King’s wisdom, but this is my simple woodsman’s advice. If the King considers my words, and maintains his current request for granitewood, I will set an army of foresters on the goal and deliver to him on the double.
By the hand of,
Basileus Tiresias
Head Forester

Wedding Planner
Wedding Planner

Bought for 10 gold form your local Wedding Co-ordinator.
Meridian /setwaypoint 5948 5113
Sanctum /setwaypoint 7590 3078
Tempest Bay /setwaypoint 12694 11489
Contains vital information about Telaran marriage and wedding ceremonies.
The Candid Guide to Weddings and Marriage on Telara
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Getting Married (and Divorced)
- Wedding Ceremony Instances
- Player-run Weddings
Marriage and Weddings are separate.
Going through a wedding ceremony does not automatically marry you.
To get married, you must use a Marriage Contract with your betrothed.
- Back to Table of Contents
It’s easy to get married!
1) Buy a Marriage Contract from the Marriage Coordinator.
2) Target the person you want to marry, then use the Marriage Contract.
3) When prompted, agree to be married. Your betrothed also needs to agree to marry you.
Congratulations! You are married. Both you and your new spouse receive Wedding Rings.
- Getting Married at a Wedding
- Divorce
- Back to Table of Contents
You can use your Marriage Contract at any time.
To get married at a wedding, use your Marriage Contract when you are asked to exchange vows by the Officiant.
- Player-run Weddings
- Back to Getting Married (and Divorced)
- Back to Table of Contents
You are welcome to invent your own wedding ceremony and hold it wherever and whenever you wish.
Just use your Marriage Contract at the point you want to tie the knot!
- Back to Table of Contents
It’s easy to get divorced!
1) Purchase Divorce Papers from the Marriage Coordinator.
2) Use the Papers and agree to end your marriage when prompted.
- Back to Getting Married (and Divorced)
- Back to Table of Contents
Buy a Wedding Ceremony Instance Creator from the Marriage Coordinator. When you use it, it will create an instance and teleport you there. It will also invite everyone in your party or raid to join you there.
Have the couple enter the instance first so that they are not distracted by guests when they designate themselves as the spouses who will be wedded.
To avoid the confusion of creating multiple instances, no one else in your group or raid should use another Creator at the same time.
- Inviting Guests
- Booting Guests
- Who’s Getting Married? You Choose!
Once you are in the instance, the Usher will show you how to invite guests.
The maximum capacity for the wedding venue is 200 people. Invitees must be at least level 6 to enter.
Invitations are first-come, first-served; the first 200 people to enter the instance will be the ones who get in.
You may also use the slash command /gatheringinvite <player>.
- Back to Wedding Ceremony Instances
- Back to Table of Contents
If you use a Wedding Ceremony Instance Creator, you have the power to boot anyone else from the instance you create.
To use this power, right-click the name or portrait of the person you want to boot, then select “Kick From Gathering” from the menu.
You may also use the slash command /gatheringkick <player>.
- Back to Wedding Ceremony Instances
- Back to Table of Contents
The ceremony cannot begin until two people have assigned themselves as the spouses to be wedded.
To do this, the couple needs to talk to the Spousal Assistants in the instance.
The couple will get buffs that designate them as “Spouse of the Sun” or “Spouse of the Moon” and lock them to the ceremony.
If the wrong person gets designated, have them return
to the Spousal Assistants to have the designation removed before the ceremony begins.
- Back to Wedding Ceremony Instances
- Back to Table of Contents

Zurde's Reality Imprint
Zurde's Reality Imprint

Looted in Uttila East in Vostigar Peaks at /setwaypoint 3995 3471 – Looting this book credits the cheevo ‘Stranger Tales‘.
An account of a conscious simulacrum on the eve of war.
I do not think we are truly alive anymore. I think we are just thoughts and memories of the great Tower. The knowledge machine is known as Ahnket that searches out structure and rules. I believe that we are part of her thought process, little subconscious wizards that help to mull over the hard questions as she watches the universe come to an end. However, that time seems to be stretching out much further than our calculations indicated.
All that is left now is the domain of the Ascended. The Universe has become dull and dim. These Ascended beings have extended it and prevented it from achieving a natural end point. What fire still burn in the stars are only in their domain, but they have achieved such reprieve through the sacrifice of other spheres, and the gods contained within. We aren’t sure what the consequences of these unnatural acts will be, but the cost is unthinkable. Ahnket has reassembled her vast component in the dark at the edges of their domain and watches.
We have reached a concordat. Ahnket will attack these Ascended before they drain the universe of its light, its source and condemn us to eternal darkness. However, in my investigations, I have seen that stranger again. He was not a simulacrum but
composed of real matter. He was talking with one of the shards of Ahnket, he was conspiring with her. I fear what he has planned.