
Introduction to Weaponsmith

Weaponsmiths craft many weapons! 
Crafting these weapons will unlock wardrobe skins for you.
Weaponsmiths use a lot of Metal from Mining, and Wood from Foraging.

Useful Items from Weaponsmith

Level 70 items
  • Crafts the BiS Chondritic Ranged Weapon for Warriors, Rogues, and Primalists.
  • Crafts weaponstones for Warriors, Rogues, and Primalists. Used to temporarily buff level 70 players for raids/group content.
Other items of note
  • Crafts a large selection of weapons, unlocking many wardrobes, including novelty weapons!
  • Crafts the Minion Card: Cerulean Steel.

Levelling your Weaponsmith Skill

How to level

You will need to train the Weaponsmith skill at a Weaponsmith Trainer, you can find one in..
Meridian /setwaypoint 6016 5225
Sanctum /setwaypoint 7413 3005
Tempest Bay /setwaypoint 12837 11685

You need to be stood at a Forge to craft most Weaponsmith items. Some items require a Workbench instead.
You will need to learn new recipes at a Weaponsmith Trainer to be able to continue levelling, there is usually a Weaponsmith Trainer near the Forge.

There is usually a new Recipe to learn from your trainer every 10 levels. So most items will be crafted 10 times, giving you 10 levels. This can go bit wonky towards the end of a skill level, where you may need more than 1 craft to get a single skill point. You will learn 224 Weaponsmith recipes from your trainer while you level up.

The Forge in Tempest Bay

Vendor Mats can all be bought using the little + next to the listed ingredient, they start off as few silver each at lower levels. They will get more expensive as you level up, with the highest level mats requiring a few plat each! Some vendor mats can be bought with credits.. there is never any need to buy materials for credits.. just take a break and go farm some platinum if you run out.

You are going to need lots of Metal from Mining, and Wood from Foraging.

Boosting skill gain

You can use a Skill orb! This will increase your chances of gaining a skill point while crafting Weaponsmith items. Skill Orbs are available in the Rift Store for credits only. If you are going to buy one, be sure to have a bunch of materials ready so you can quickly craft to skill up and really get the most out of the 2 hour timer.
There is also a Guild Perk called ‘Journeyman‘ that will increase your chance of gaining a skill point.

What to do with all the Weapons?

The weapons are great to Runebreak for Runebreaking mats if you are levelling Runecrafting at the same time.
Otherwise, you can just vendor them all.
There are some weapons that take rare materials and give unique skins, though you wont be crafting these while you level, you may come back to craft them for the skins. These weapons can then be sold/given to other players so they can unlock the skins too.

Materials Required for 0-525
  • The Weaponsmith trainer usually provides 2 to 4 recipes that will be orange for each block of ten skill points. This means you have a selection of different materials you can use, some of which you may find easier to farm.
  • You will also need to buy a bunch of vendor mats from the store.
  • Using a Skill Orb will reduce the amount of crafts required, and will thus reduce the materials required.
  • Note: It is best to grab a couple of extra of each material. There is an element of randomness to partial skill points, sometimes you will need an extra craft to push over to the next set of 10. This will be at different points each time you level!

Mathosian Materials

80x Tin Bars
45x Copper Bar
50x Iron Bar
40x Chromite Bar
50x Cobalt Bar
50x Titanium Bar
132x Carmintium Bar

30x Burlap Cloth
20x Cotton Cloth
20x Wool Cloth
20x Silk Cloth
20x Composite Cloth
22x Spellspun Silk

30x Yew Plank
55x Ashwood Plank
40x Oak Lumber
40x Mahogany Lumber
40x Kingswood Lumber
40x Runebirch Lumber
60x Sagebrush Lumber

Storm Legion Materials

115x Gantimite Bar
125x Karthite Bar
40x Rhenium Bar

20x Tourmaline
10x Chrysoprase

85x Linden Lumber
120x Elm Lumber
35x Madrosa Lumber

30x Lanzan Cloth
20x Chiffon Cloth
30x Empyrean Silk

Nightmare Tide Materials

365x Thalasite Bar
415x Fused Sarfiber
70x Thalasite Crystal
35x Diaphanous Cloth

Prophecy of Ahnket Materials

262x Atramentium Bar
140x Bolidium Bar
70x Xarthian Fiber
136x Faecap Resin
20x Ahnkite

Recommended Crafts for Each Level

1 - 300 - Mathosian Zones

While levelling from 1-300 you will be able to pick up a daily crafting quest in your home city of Meridian/Sanctum.

0 – 11
Craft Tin Longsword 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Tin Bars (Metal from Freemarch/Silverwood).

11 – 20
Craft Tin Stiletto 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Tin Bars (Metal from Freemarch/Silverwood), 1x Burlap Cloth (Cloth from Freemarch/Silverwood), and vendor mats.

20 – 30
Craft Yew Longbow 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Yew Plank (Wood from Freemarch/Silverwood), and vendor mats. You will need to move to a workbench to craft this.

30 – 40
Craft Tin Dagger 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Tin Bars (Metal from Freemarch/Silverwood), 2x Burlap Cloth (Cloth from Freemarch/Silverwood), and vendor mats.

40 – 50
Craft Ashwood Shortbow 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Ashwood Plank (Wood from Stonefield/Gloamwood), and vendor mats.

50 – 65
Craft Copper Rifle 15 times – Each craft requires 1x Copper Bar (Metal from Stonefield/Gloamwood), 1x Ashwood Plank (Wood from Stonefield/Gloamwood), and vendor mats.

65 – 70
Craft Crude Whetstone 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Copper Bar (Metal from Stonefield/Gloamwood), 2x Ashwood Plank (Wood from Stonefield/Gloamwood), and vendor mats.

70 – 75
Craft Copper Dagger 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Copper Bar (Metal from Stonefield/Gloamwood), 2x Cotton Cloth (Cloth from Stonefield/Gloamwood), and vendor mats.

At level 70-75 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Skilled’ tier of Weaponsmith.

75 – 80
Craft Copper Dagger 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Copper Bar (Metal from Stonefield/Gloamwood), 2x Cotton Cloth (Cloth from Stonefield/Gloamwood), and vendor mats.

80 – 90
Craft Iron Truncheon 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Iron Bar (Metal from Scarlet/Scarwood), and vendor mats.

90 – 100
Craft Iron Rifle 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Iron Bar (Metal from Scarlet/Scarwood), 1x Oak Lumber (Wood from Scarlet/Scarwood), and vendor mats.

100 – 110
Craft Oak Longbow 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Oak Lumber (Wood from Scarlet/Scarwood), and vendor mats.

110 – 120
Craft Iron Dagger 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Iron Bar (Metal from Scarlet/Scarwood), 2x Wool Cloth (Cloth from Scarlet/Scarwood), and vendor mats.

120 – 130
Craft Mahogany Shortbow 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Mahogany Lumber (Wood from Scarlet/Scarwood), and vendor mats.

130 – 140
Craft Chromite Rifle 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Chromite Bar (Metal from Scarlet/Scarwood), 1x Mahogany Lumber (Wood from Scarlet/Scarwood), and vendor mats.

140 – 150
Craft Chromite Axe 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Chromite Bar (Metal from Scarlet/Scarwood), and vendor mats.

At level 145-150 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Expert’ tier of Weaponsmith.

150 – 160
Craft Cobalt Truncheon 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Cobalt Bar (Metal from Droughtlands/Moonshade), and vendor mats.

160 – 170
Craft Cobalt Rifle 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Cobalt Bar (Metal from Droughtlands/Moonshade), 1x Kingswood Lumber (Wood from Droughtlands/Moonshade), and vendor mats.

170 – 180
Craft Kingswood Longbow
10 times – Each craft requires 3x Kingswood Lumber (Wood from Droughtlands/Moonshade), and vendor mats.

180 – 190
Craft Cobalt Dagger 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Cobalt Bar (Metal from Droughtlands/Moonshade), 2x Silk Cloth (Cloth from Droughtlands/Moonshade), and vendor mats.

190 – 200
Craft Titanium Truncheon 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Titanium Bar (Metal from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), and vendor mats.

200 – 210
Craft Titanium Rifle 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Titanium Bar (Metal from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), 1x Runebirch Lumber (Wood from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), and vendor mats.

210 – 220
Craft Runebirch Longbow 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Runebirch Lumber (Wood from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), and vendor mats.

220 – 225
Craft Titanium Dagger 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Titanium Bar (Metal from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), 2x Composite Cloth (Cloth from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), and vendor mats.

At level 220-225 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Master’ tier of Weaponsmith.

225 – 230
Craft Titanium Dagger 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Titanium Bar (Metal from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), 2x Composite Cloth (Cloth from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), and vendor mats.

230 – 240
Craft Carmintium Truncheon 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Carmintium Bar (Metal from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), and vendor mats.

240 – 250
Craft Carmintium Greatsword 10 times – Each craft requires 5x Carmintium Bar (Metal from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), and vendor mats.

250 – 260
Craft Carmintium Rifle 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Carmintium Bar (Metal from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), 1x Sagebrush Lumber (Wood from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), and vendor mats.

260 – 270
Craft Sagebrush Longbow 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Sagebrush Lumber (Wood from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), and vendor mats.

270 – 280
Craft Carmintium Warhammer 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Carmintium Bar (Metal from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), 2x Sagebrush Lumber (Wood from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), and vendor mats.

280 – 290
Craft Carmintium Dagger 11 times – Each craft requires 2x Carmintium Bar (Metal from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), 2x Spellspun Silk (Cloth from Stillmoor/Shimmersand), and vendor mats.

290 – 300
Craft Gantimite Rifle 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Gantimite Bar (Metal from Cape Jule/Pelladane), 2x Linden Lumber (Wood from Cape Jule/Pelladane), and vendor mats. Note: This recipe is on the Tempest Bay trainer, not the home city trainers.

When your skill level is exactly 300 and you have not trained the Grandmaster tier, you will be able to pick up a weekly crafting quest from the craft quest givers in your home city. This awards the level 50 crafting rift lure. The level 50 Crift doesn’t give anything special, it is just nice to see it!

At level 295-300 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Grandmaster’ tier of Weaponsmith.

300 - 375 - Storm Legion Zones

While levelling from 301 to 375 you will be able to pick up a daily crafting quest in Tempest Bay.

300 – 310
Craft Gantimite Dagger 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Gantimite Bar (Metal from Cape Jule/Pelladane), 2x Tourmaline (Gems from Cape Jule/Pelladane), and vendor mats.

310 – 320
Craft Linden Shortbow 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Linden Lumber (Wood from Cape Jule/Pelladane), 3x Lanzan Cloth (Cloth from Cape Jule/Pelladane), and vendor mats.

320 – 325
Craft Tactfulness 5 times – Each craft requires 5x Gantimite Bar (Metal from Cape Jule/Pelladane), 5x Linden Lumber (Wood from Cape Jule/Pelladane), and vendor mats.

325 – 330
Craft Keen Karthite Greatmaul 5 times – Each craft requires 3x Karthite Bar (Metal from Level 52-59 zones), 2x Elm Lumber (Wood from Level 52-59 zones), and vendor mats.

330 – 340
Craft Karthite Axe 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Karthite Bar (Metal from Level 52-59 zones), 2x Elm Lumber (Wood from Level 52-59 zones), 2x Gantimite Bar (Metal from Cape Jule/Pelladane), and vendor mats.

340 – 350
Craft Karthite Dagger 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Karthite Bar (Metal from Level 52-59 zones), 3x Elm Lumber (Wood from Level 52-59 zones), 2x Chiffon Cloth (Cloth from Level 52-59 zones), and vendor mats.

350 – 360
Craft Remarkable Whetstone 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Gantimite Bar (Metal from Cape Jule/Pelladane), 1x Karthite Bar (Metal from Level 52-59 zones), 1x Linden Lumber (Wood from Cape Jule/Pelladane), 1x Elm Lumber (Wood from Level 52-59 zones), and vendor mats.

360 – 370
Craft Gumption 10 times – Each craft requires 5x Karthite Bar (Metal from Level 52-59 zones), 5x Elm Lumber (Wood from Level 52-59 zones), and vendor mats.

370 – 375
Craft Furious Rhenium Rifle 5 times – Each craft requires 8x Rhenium Bar (Metal from Level 60 zones), 7x Madrosa Lumber (Wood from Level 60 zones), 2x Chrysoprase (Gems from Level 60 zones), 6x Empyrean Silk (Cloth from Level 60 zones), and vendor mats.

When your skill level is exactly 375 and you have not trained the Savant tier, you will be able to pick up a weekly crafting quest from the craft quest givers in Tempest Bay. This awards the level 60 crafting rift lure. The level 60 Crift doesn’t give anything special, it is just nice to see it!

At level 370-375 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Savant’ tier of Weaponsmith.

375 - 450 - Nightmare Tide Zones

While levelling from 376 to 450 you will be able to pick up a daily crafting quest in Tempest Bay.
You will also be able to pick up a weekly crafting quest in Margle Palace, Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5863 5521.
This awards the level 65 crafting rift lure. The level 65 crafting rift gives special materials for Savant level Planar Crafting.

375 – 390
Craft Abiding Thalasite Hatchet 15 times – Each craft requires 7x Thalasite Bar (Metal from NMT zones), 5x Fused Sarfiber (Plants from NMT zones), and vendor mats.

390 – 405
Craft Fine Sarfiber Shortbow 15 times – Each craft requires 11x Fused Sarfiber (Plants from NMT zones), and vendor mats.

405 – 420
Craft Abiding Thalasite Rifle 15 times – Each craft requires 5x Thalasite Bar (Metal from NMT zones), 5x Fused Sarfiber (Plants from NMT zones), 1x Diaphanous Cloth (Cloth from NMT zones), and vendor mats.

420 – 435
Craft Coral Whetstone 15 times – Each craft requires 1x Thalasite Bar (Metal from NMT zones), 2x Fused Sarfiber (Plants from NMT zones), and vendor mats.

435 – 445
Craft Fine Thalasite Spellcutter 10 times – Each craft requires 12x Thalasite Bar (Metal from NMT zones), 4x Fused Sarfiber (Plants from NMT zones), 4x Thalasite Crystal (Gems from NMT zones), and vendor mats.

445 – 450
Craft Abiding Thalasite Mace 5 times – Each craft requires 10x Thalasite Bar (Metal from NMT zones), 6x Fused Sarfiber (Plants from NMT zones), 4x Diaphanous Cloth (Cloth from NMT zones), 6x Thalasite Crystal (Gems from NMT zones), and vendor mats.

At level 445-450 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Visionary’ tier of Weaponsmith.

450 - 525 - Prophecy of Ahnket Zones

While levelling from 451 to 525 you will be able to pick up a daily crafting quest in Tempest Bay.
You will also be able to pick up a weekly crafting quest in Alittu once you hit level 500

450 – 465
Craft Atramentium Whetstone 16 times – Each craft requires 2x Atramentium Bar (Metal from Prophecy Zones), 1x Faecap Resin (Plants from Prophecy Zones), and vendor mats.

465 – 470
Craft Atramentium Dagger 5 times – Each craft requires 16x Atramentium Bar (Metal from Prophecy Zones), 4x Ahnkite (Gems from Prophecy Zones), and vendor mats.

470 – 480
Craft Atramentium Warhammer 10 times – Each craft requires 20x Atramentium Bar (Metal from Prophecy Zones), 12x Faecap Resin (Plants from Prophecy Zones), and vendor mats.

480 – 510
Craft Bolidium Weaponstone 35 times – Each craft requires 4x Bolidium Bar (Metal from Prophecy Zones), 2x Xarthian Fiber (Plants from Prophecy Zones), and vendor mats.

500 = Crafting Weekly
Now that you are level 500, you are able to pick up the weekly crafting quest in Alittu.
It is best from this point to continue levelling by completing the weeklies and dailies as they are available to you. This will be much much cheaper than attempting to plough through to 525 by crafting multiple, very expensive items that you don’t even need.

510 – 525
If you want to push to 525, then you should buy the Bolidium Weapon recipes in the Store with your craft marks. You will need to buy the Visionary Weapon Amender Recipe first, as each Weapon craft will require one of these. The Amender has a cooldown of 20 hours, which limits you to one craft a day, so you will at least double your XP gain if you do the craft daily each day too. This of course can be sped up by buying the Amenders from other players.

477 Recipes Available for Weaponsmith

49 Augments

Augments can be used when crafting Mathosian and Storm Legion level gear items. The Augment is added to the recipe in the crafting UI. Augments will add small amounts of extra stats to the crafted gear item. 
Augments are not longer used on recipes from NMT onwards.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Lesser Ruthless Augment50607080VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Minor Averting Augment150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Minor Deft Augment150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Minor Insidious Augment150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Minor Keen Augment150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Minor Ruthless Augment150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Minor Treacherous Augment150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Median Averting Augment225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Median Deft Augment225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Median Insidious Augment225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Median Keen Augment225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Median Ruthless Augment225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Median Treacherous Augment225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Greater Averting Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Greater Deft Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Greater Insidious Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Greater Keen Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Greater Ruthless Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Greater Treacherous Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Major Averting Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Major Deft Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Major Insidious Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Major Keen Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Major Ruthless Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Major Treacherous Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Excellent Averting Augment300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Excellent Deft Augment300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Excellent Insidious Augment300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Excellent Keen Augment300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Excellent Ruthless Augment300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Excellent Treacherous Augment300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Empyrean Averting Augment340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Empyrean Deft Augment340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Empyrean Insidious Augment340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Empyrean Keen Augment340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Empyrean Ruthless Augment340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Empyrean Treacherous Augment340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stellar Averting Augment375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stellar Deft Augment375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stellar Insidious Augment375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stellar Keen Augment375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stellar Ruthless Augment375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stellar Treacherous Augment375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Marvelous Averting Augment375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Marvelous Deft Augment375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Marvelous Insidious Augment375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Marvelous Keen Augment375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Marvelous Ruthless Augment375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Marvelous Treacherous Augment375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.

43 Axes

Axes are sharp, do be careful.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Tin Axe20304050VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Tin Battleaxe30405060VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Copper Axe60708090VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Copper Battleaxe708090100VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Waykeeper’s Axe90100110120VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Blackwood Cleaver100110120130VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Fallsdweller Axe100110120130VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stonecleaver100110120130VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Iron Axe100110120130VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Iron Battleaxe110120130140VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Logger’s Axe120130140150VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chromite Axe140150160170VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Chromite Battleaxe150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cobalt Axe170180190200VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cobalt Battleaxe180190200210VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Darkmetal Battleaxe185195205215VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Titanium Axe210220230240VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Titanium Battleaxe220230240250VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Ebony Hatchet225235245255VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Carmintium Axe260270280290VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Carmintium Battleaxe270280290300VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Gantimite Axe290300310320Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Black Iron Hatchet300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Carceran Berzerker Axe300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Fleshreaper300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Gantimite Battleaxe300310320330Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Netherforged Slicer300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Malevolent Greataxe300301302305Vanilla
Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Karthite Axe330340350360Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Vicious Gantimite Hatchet330340350360Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Karthite Battleaxe340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Furious Rhenium Axe370375377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Vicious Rhenium Hatchet370375377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Abiding Thalasite Hatchet375390405420Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Thalasite Battleaxe390405420435Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Thalasite Axe420435450465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Thalasite Axe450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Thalasite Battleaxe450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Thalasite Hatchet450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Atramentium Axe460470480490ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Atramentium Battleaxe470480490500ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolidium Axe505510515520ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Bolidium Battleaxe510515520525ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.

41 Bows

Ranged weapons used by Rogues and Warriors.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Yew Shortbow1102737VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Yew Longbow20304050VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Ashwood Shortbow40506070VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Hunting Bow50607080VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Quicksilver Bow50607080VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Ashwood Longbow60708090VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Oak Shortbow8090100110VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bloodmoon Sniper90100110120VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stonewarden Hunting Bow90100110120VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Oak Longbow100110120130VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Mahogany Shortbow120130140150VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Mahogany Longbow140150160170VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Kingswood Shortbow150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Kingswood Longbow170180190200VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Composite Kingswood Bow185195205215VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Runebirch Shortbow190200210220VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Runebirch Longbow210220230240VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Sagebrush Shortbow230240250260VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Sagebrush Longbow260270280290VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Shadethorn Bow270275280290VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Enchanted Shadethorn Bow300301302305Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Hawk’s Talon300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Shadepiercer300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Spined Compound Bow300301302305Vanilla
Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Linden Longbow310320330340Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Linden Shortbow310320330340Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Furious Linden Archbow310320330340Storm LegionUnknown
Fortified Elm Archbow350360370380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Elm Longbow350360370380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Elm Shortbow350360370380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Vicious Elm Striker350360370380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Bow of Twisted Souls375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Fortified Madrosa Longbow375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Hardened Madrosa Striker375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Vicious Madrosa Shortbow375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Fine Sarfiber Shortbow390405420435Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Sarfiber Longbow405420435450Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Sarfiber Longbow450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Sarfiber Shortbow450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Faecap Longbow490500510520ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Xarthian Longbow520525530535ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.

40 Daggers

Stabby Bois.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Tin Stiletto10203040VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Tin Dagger30405060VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Copper Stiletto50607080VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Scholar’s Dagger708090100VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Warden’s Dagger708090100VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Copper Dagger708090100VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Iron Stiletto90100110120VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Iron Dagger110120130140VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Chromite Stiletto130140150160VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Damascus Shiv150160170180VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chromite Dagger150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cobalt Stiletto160170180190VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cobalt Dagger180190200210VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Titanium Stiletto200210220230VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Titanium Dagger220230240250VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Carmintium Stiletto250260270280VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Carmintium Dagger280285290300VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Orichalcum Ritual Blade290295300305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Carceran Wizard’s Dagger300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Deathbringer300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Eviscerator300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Gantimite Stiletto300310320330Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Orichalcum Spellcutter300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Gantimite Dagger300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Luminous Gantimite Spellcutter330340350360Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Furious Karthite Shiv340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Karthite Stiletto340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Karthite Dagger340350360370Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Luminous Karthite Spellcutter360370375380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Stiletto of Twisted Souls375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Furious Rhenium Dagger375376377380Storm LegionUnknown
Luminous Rhenium Stiletto375376377380Storm LegionUnknown
Fine Thalasite Dagger420435450465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Thalasite Spellcutter435450452455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Thalasite Dagger450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Thalasite Spellcutter450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Atramentium Dagger460470480490ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Atramentium Spellcutter480490500510ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolidium Dagger505510515520ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Bolidium Spellcutter515520525530ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.

7 Dimension Items

Decorative items to place in your dimensions.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Building Block: Metal Plank60708090VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Building Block: Metal Cube120130140150VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Building Block: Metal Tile180190200210VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Building Block: Metal Rectangle240250260270VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Bow Rack300310320330Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Axe and Sword Stand360370375380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Architect Pillar375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for Credits Only.

25 Enhancements

These items are used on your weapons to give you an extra buff for a few hours.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Crude Oilstone60708090VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Crude Whetstone60708090VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Coarse Oilstone135145155165VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Coarse Whetstone135145155165VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Heavy Weaponstone135145155165VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Sticky Coating135145155165VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Oilstone210220230240VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Whetstone210220230240VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Mighty Weaponstone210220230240VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Poisonous Coating210220230240VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Exquisite Oilstone285290295300VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Exquisite Whetstone285290295300VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Massive Weaponstone285290295300VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Noise Canceling Coating285290295300VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Remarkable Oilstone350360370380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Remarkable Weaponstone350360370380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Remarkable Whetstone350360370380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Exceptional Oilstone375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Exceptional Whetstone375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Coral Oilstone420435450465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Coral Weaponstone420435450465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Coral Whetstone420435450465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Atramentium Oilstone450460480500ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Atramentium Whetstone450460480500ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolidium Weaponstone480490510525ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.

31 Guns

Guns go bang.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Tin Rifle10203040VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Tin Musket30405060VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Copper Rifle50607080VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Copper Musket708090100VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Iron Rifle90100110120VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Iron Musket110120130140VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chromite Rifle130140150160VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Chromite Musket150160170180VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Cobalt Rifle160170180190VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cobalt Musket180190200210VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Runeguard Blunderbuss180190200210VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Titanium Rifle200210220230VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Titanium Musket220230240250VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Ebony Rifle225235245255VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Carmintium Rifle250260270280VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Carmintium Musket280285290300VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Gantimite Musket290300310320Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Gantimite Rifle290300310320Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fortified Gantimite Blunderbuss310320330340Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Karthite Musket330340350360Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Karthite Rifle330340350360Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Furious Karthite Blunderbuss350360370380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Hardened Karthite Cannon350360370380Storm LegionUnknown
Furious Rhenium Rifle370375377380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Hardened Rhenium Musket370375377380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Thalasite Rifle405420435450Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Thalasite Cannon445450455460Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Thalasite Cannon450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Thalasite Rifle450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Atramentium Rifle490500510520ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolidium Rifle520525530535ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.

73 Maces

Maces for smashing.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Tin Mace1102030VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tin Truncheon1102030VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Tin Warhammer20304050VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Copper Mace40506070VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Animist’s Tin Greatmaul40506070VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Copper Truncheon40506070VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Copper Warhammer60708090VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Animist’s Copper Greatmaul758595105VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Iron Mace8090100110VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Iron Truncheon8090100110VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Animist’s Iron Greatmaul100110120130VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Iron Warhammer100110120130VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Chromite Mace120130140150VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Spellhunter Cudgel120130140150VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Spellhunter Cudgel120130140150VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chromite Truncheon120130140150VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Chromite Warhammer140150160170VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cobalt Mace150160170180VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Damascus Warhammer150160170180VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Animist’s Steel Greatmaul150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cobalt Truncheon150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cobalt Warhammer170180190200VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Darkmetal Scepter185195205215VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Titanium Mace190200210220VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Titanium Truncheon190200210220VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Animist’s Cobalt Greatmaul200210220230VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Titanium Warhammer210220230240VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Ebony Maul225235245255VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Keen Titanium Greatmaul225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Carmintium Mace230240250260VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Carmintium Truncheon230240250260VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Carmintium Warhammer270280290300VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Keen Cinerium Greatmaul275285295305VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Gantimite Warhammer290300310320Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Orichalcum Mace290295300305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Carceran War Flange300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Divine Defender300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Martyr’s Fist300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Oathsmasher300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Saint’s Scepter300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Spellsmasher300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Spirit Beacon300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tempered Orichalcum Mace300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Keen Gantimite Greatmaul300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Spark Smiter300301302305Vanilla
Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Gantimite Mace310320330340Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Gantimite Truncheon310320330340Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Callous Gantimite Maul320330340350Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Keen Karthite Greatmaul325335345355Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Hardened Gantimite Bludgeon330340350360Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Karthite Warhammer330340350360Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Reinforced Karthite Scepter340350360370Storm LegionUnknown
Karthite Mace350360370380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Karthite Truncheon350360370380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Keen Rhenium Greatmaul350360370380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Callous Rhenium Maul375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Callous Rhenium Warhammer375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Reinforced Rhenium Truncheon375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Fine Thalasite Maul375390405420Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Thalasite Warhammer390405420435Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Thalasite Truncheon435450452455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Thalasite Mace445450455460Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Primalist Greatmaul450455460465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Thalasite Maul450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Thalasite Warhammer450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Primalist Greatmaul450455460465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Thalasite Mace450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Thalasite Truncheon450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Atramentium Warhammer470480490500ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Atramentium Maul480490500510ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolidium Warhammer510515520525ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Bolidium Maul515520525530ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.

5 Materials

These materials are used in other high end recipes.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Advanced Weapon Amender450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Nightmare Weapon Amender450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tormenting Weapon Amender450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Weapon Amender450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Visionary Weapon Amender500520525530ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.

1 Minions

Be sure to craft this minion for yourself!

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Minion: Cerulean Steel450451452455Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.

6 Miscellaneous

These crates contain a bunch of unique weapon skins. Be sure to craft one of each.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Novice Weapon Costume Crate708090100VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Skilled Weapon Costume Crate150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Expert Weapon Costume Crate225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Master Weapon Costume Crate300310320330VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Grandmaster Weapon Costume Crate375385395405Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Savant Weapon Costume Crate450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.

20 Planar Crafting

Planar Crafting is generally the most high end crafted items of each xpac.
Weaponsmiths craft the BiS Chondritic Ranged Weapon for Warriors, Rogues, and Primalists.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Arcanist’s Blazing Edge450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Blackguard’s Tidal Blade450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Blackguard’s Tidal Mace450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Blackguard’s Tidal Rifle450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Bloodthirster’s Abhorrent Blade450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Bloodthirster’s Abhorrent Longbow450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Bloodthirster’s Abhorrent Stilleto450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Destroyer’s Charged Axe450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Destroyer’s Charged Blade450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Destroyer’s Charged Halberd450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Destroyer’s Charged Shortbow450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Diviner’s Telluric Mace450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Heretic’s Faetouched Mace450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Heretic’s Faetouched Maul450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Praetor’s Telluric Axe450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Praetor’s Telluric Rifle450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Typhoon’s Charged Glaive450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Typhoon’s Charged Greatmaul450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chondritic Battlebow525527529530Prophecy
Bought with Craft Marks from a vendor in Alittu called ‘R23-JK’. Find him at /setwaypoint 4032 6375
Chondritic Cannon525527529530Prophecy
Bought with Craft Marks from a vendor in Alittu called ‘R23-JK’. Find him at /setwaypoint 4032 6376

25 Polearms

Very long sticks with a pointy end.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Animist’s Tin Glaive20304050VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Tin Halberd30405060VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Copper Halberd708090100VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Animist’s Copper Glaive708090100VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Animist’s Iron Glaive8595105115VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Iron Halberd110120130140VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chromite Halberd150160170180VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Animist’s Steel Glaive150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Animist’s Cobalt Glaive175185195205VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cobalt Halberd180190200210VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Titanium Halberd220230240250VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Keen Titanium Glaive225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Keen Carmintium Glaive250260270280VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Carmintium Halberd280285290300VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Gantimite Halberd300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Keen Gantimite Glaive300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Keen Karthite Glaive305315325335Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Vicious Gantimite Pike320330340350Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Karthite Halberd340350360370Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Keen Rhenium Glaive375385395405Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Vicious Rhenium Halberd375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Fine Thalasite Halberd405420435450Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Primalist Glaive450455460465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Thalasite Halberd450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Primalist Glaive450455460465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.

1 Quest

These items are part of the weekly crafting quests.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Congealed Dreams375385395450Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.

15 Seals

Crafted Seals are no longer relevant in the PoA xpac.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Proficiency230240250260VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Eagerness260270280290VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Finesse280285290300VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Exuberant Ingenuity300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Perception300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tactfulness320330340350Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Trickery330340350360Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Gumption360370375380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Deviousness370375377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Alpha Advantage375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Deceit375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Practiced Deception375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tactical Advantage375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Heart of Malice410420430440Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Visionary Alacrity450455460465ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.

58 Swords

More sharp stuff!

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Tin Longsword1102737VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Tin Blade10203040VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tin Greatsword10203040VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Copper Longsword40506070VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Copper Blade50607080VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Copper Greatsword50607080VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Iron Longsword8090100110VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Iron Blade90100110120VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Iron Greatsword90100110120VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Banishing Blade100110120130VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Steeltouched Longsword100110120130VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stoneslasher100110120130VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Wayward Longsword100110120130VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chromite Longsword120130140150VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Chromite Blade130140150160VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chromite Greatsword130140150160VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Damascus Saber150160170180VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Cobalt Longsword150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cobalt Blade160170180190VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Cobalt Greatsword160170180190VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Darkmetal Sword185195205215VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Titanium Longsword190200210220VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Titanium Blade200210220230VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Titanium Greatsword200210220230VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Carmintium Longsword230240250260VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Carmintium Blade240250260270VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Carmintium Greatsword240250260270VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Orichalcum Claymore290295300305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Blood-Forged Claymore300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Carceran Parrying Blade300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Scalecutter300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Sword of the Order300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Callous Blade300301302305Vanilla
Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Merciless Blade300301302305Vanilla
Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Gantimite Greatsword310320330340Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Gantimite Blade320330340350Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Gantimite Longsword320330340350Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fortified Gantimite Cutlass330340350360Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Furious Gantimite Rapier330340350360Storm LegionUnknown
Karthite Greatsword350360370380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Vicious Karthite Saber360370375380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Karthite Blade360370375380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Karthite Longsword360370375380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Hardened Rhenium Longsword375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Sword of Twisted Souls375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Fine Thalasite Longsword375390405420Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Vicious Rhenium Greatsword375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Abiding Thalasite Cutlass435450452455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Thalasite Saber435450452455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Thalasite Longsword450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Thalasite Saber450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Thalasite Cutlass450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Atramentium Longsword460470480490ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Atramentium Saber460470480490ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Atramentium Greatsword470480490500ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolidium Longsword505510515520ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Bolidium Saber505510515520ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Bolidium Greatsword510515520525ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.

3 Trinkets

Crafted Trinkets are no longer relevant in the PoA xpac.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Occultish Tome375376377380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Tasuil’s Hallowed Dog Tag420435450465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Tasuil’s Divine Dog Tag450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.

4 Conquest

These recipes were only craftable within Conquest. Conquest was a huge PVP instance with 3 teams of up to 100 players each. It was removed from the game at the end of the NMT xpac.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Baton of Rage210220230240Vanilla
This recipe was bought inside the PVP conquest maps. It is no longer available.
Baton of Swiftness210220230240Vanilla
This recipe was bought inside the PVP conquest maps. It is no longer available.
Portable Lifespring260270280290Vanilla
This recipe was bought inside the PVP conquest maps. It is no longer available.
Portable Turret260270280290Vanilla
This recipe was bought inside the PVP conquest maps. It is no longer available.

30 Craft Quest

These recipes will be given to you temporarily when you pick up the relevant craft quest. Find the recipe in your recipe book, usually in its own ‘quest’ section. When you hand in the quest, the recipe will be removed from your recipe book.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Dragon Sword300301302339Vanilla
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Icewatch Mace300301302339Vanilla
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Keeper Dagger300301302339Vanilla
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Mathosian Longbow300301302339Vanilla
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Shadethorn Grip300301302305Vanilla
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Shadethorn Tamata300301302305Vanilla
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Caretaker’s Great Axe301302303375Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Pitchfork of Astounding Power301302303375Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Survivor’s Scepter301302303375Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Captain’s Hook340341342376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Caretaker’s Pistol340341342376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Survivor’s Crossbow340341342376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Caretaker’s Greatsword375375375376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Grappling Gun375375375376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Polearm of Shredder375375375376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Qaijiri Backscratcher375375375376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Sai of the Mutant Tartagon375375375376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Survivor’s Greatsword375375375376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Sword of the Mutant Tartagon375375375376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Basalt-Forged Blade376390400451Nightmare Tide
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Heavy Water Etched Blade376390400451Nightmare Tide
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Sarleaf Salad Fork376390400451Nightmare Tide
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Thalasite Rifle376390400451Nightmare Tide
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Vulcanized Hammer376390400451Nightmare Tide
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Bolidium-tipped Arrows451520525526Prophecy
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Faer Blade451520525526Prophecy
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Fortress Scaling Hook451520525526Prophecy
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Marksman Rifle451520525526Prophecy
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Death-Energy Syphon500520525526Prophecy
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Shadow Pith500520525526Prophecy
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.