Introduction to Survival
Survival is a crafting skill that is given to every character on creation. You do not need to visit a trainer to learn it, only when required to level to the next tier. Survival will have you crafting various types of foods for your character, most which will just heal you up, others that will apply buffs.
Survival uses mostly fish, and the meats looted from dead animals.
Useful Items from Survival
Level 70 items
The Gedlo Curry Pot Feast is used in Raids for level 70 players. The Feast is placed on the ground for everyone to eat. The buff from the feast lasts 40 minutes. Increases either Spell Power or Attack Power by 900, Crit Power by 300 and Max Health by 11,000
There are a few foods which may be useful to you in solo play, providing quick heals and a small stat boost.
Other items of note
Dimension items, mostly food items to add some clutter to your kitchen.
A selection of cakes that will transform anyone who eats them! The effect lasts for 5 minutes.
- Zombie Molded Pudding – Turns people into zombies!
- Wispy Whipped Pastry – Turns players into wisps.
- Cake of the Fae – Turns players into miniature carousel horses.
- Deep Ones’ Delight – Turns people into a deep sea creature.
Camping Gear items that you place in the world that will buff anyone stood nearby, most of them just grant rested experience. Not terribly useful, but it is fun to pitch up a tent! These items can also be placed in dimensions. They last for 5 to 15mins depending on the item.
Costume items, including a full survivalists outfit and some fun weapon skins!
Levelling your Survival Skill
How to level
Your character will already have the Survival skill, so you can pop open your craft book and start crafting the first few recipes straight away.
Survival items can be crafted anywhere in the world, you do not need to be stood at a crafting station.
You will need to learn new recipes at a Survival Trainer to be able to continue levelling, so it is best to park up next to a Survival Trainer for the duration of the levelling.
There is usually a new Recipe to learn from your trainer every 10 levels. So most items will be crafted 10 times, giving you 10 levels. This can go bit wonky towards the end of a skill level, where you may need more than 1 craft to get a single skill point. You will learn 75 Survival recipes from your trainer while you level up.
I will be using the Tempest Bay Survival Trainer at /setwaypoint 12669 11543
If you are below level 50 and haven’t been to Tempest Bay yet then Defiants can find a Survival Trainer in Meridian at /setwaypoint 6044 5246
Guardians can find their Survival Trainer in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7503 2975
Vendor Mats can all be bought using the little + next to the listed ingredient, they start off as few silver each at lower levels. They will get more expensive as you level up, with the highest level mats requiring a few plat each! Some vendor mats can be bought with credits.. there is never any need to buy materials for credits.. just take a break and go farm some platinum if you run out.
You are going to need lots of Fish! I recommend you level up fishing first or at the same time, keep your spare fish until after you have levelled Survival.
Boosting skill gain
You can use a Skill orb! This will increase your chances of gaining a skill point while crafting Survival items. Skill Orbs are available in the Rift Store for credits only, they last for 2 hours once applied. If you are going to buy one, be sure to have a bunch of materials ready so you can craft quickly to skill up and really get the most out of the 2 hour timer.
There is also a Guild Perk called ‘Journeyman‘ that will increase your chance of gaining a skill point.
What to do with all the Food?
You will craft many types of food as you level up! Most of them will be useless to you at level 70, you can just vendor them!
Try to eat one of each of the foods you create from the Mathosian and Storm Legion zones. This will then credit the Gourmand cheevo.
Materials Required for 0-525
- A few of the recipes will have an overlap, so you can choose a recipe that requires meat or fish depending on your stocks.
- The vast majority of the time, the trainer will only provide a single recipe that will be orange for each block of ten skill points, however you can source recipes from other locations, and some of those may require materials that you find easier to farm.
- You will also need to buy a bunch of vendor mats from the store.
- You will need around 300 plat for the vendor items and to train each recipe.
- Using a Skill Orb will reduce the amount of crafts required, and will thus reduce the materials required.
Mathosian Materials
10x Smooth Minnow
20x Forest Pondleaper
20x Blue Widemouth
20x False Sharks
10x Lesser Crystalfish
10x Echidna Fish
10x Creeper
20x Tawny Rockfish
10x Blenny
15x Red Mangler
10x Chameleonfish
20x Freshwater Shrimp
10x Flatfish
10x Grouper
10x Lobster
10x Pale Flycatcher
10x Vermillion Stoneskin
10x Burrowing Crab
5x Stillmoor Devil
10x Desert Seabug
10x Coral Prawn
10x Sunny Puffer
10x Brightwater Octopus
15x Brown Perch
15x Teal Grouper
11x Glossy Mackerel
11x Isle Crab
35x Lean Steak
30x Lean Bacon
20x Rib Rack
25x Rich Steak
20x Burlap Cloth
10x Cotton Cloth
40x Wool Cloth
30x Linen Cloth
20x Silk Cloth
30x Composite Cloth
10x Spellspun Silk
Storm Legion Materials
10x Quick Minnow
10x Mottled Flatfish
10x Banded Puffer
5x Giant Pondleaper
20x Empyrean Dragonfish
5x Prime Liver
5x Shank
5x Choice Cut
30x Linden Timber
20x Elm Lumber
Nightmare Tide Materials
55x Merpho
20x Skygrazer Manta
20x Oori Remora
35x Zirthan Dreamleech
85x Brisket
Prophecy of Ahnket Materials
80x Starfall Crabs
92x Blackthorn Trout
10x Tenebrean Eel
238x Flank Steak
Vendor Mats Required
10x Blue Sweetberry
28x Cinnamon Bark
5x Dawn’s Parasol
176x Dough
121x Fresh Herbs
160x Ground Spices
116x Mixed Vegetables
5x Ripe Golden Nettle
70x Sea Peas
140x Sea Salt
95x Soup Stock
15x Starbloom Heart
10x Striped Pome
1 - 300 - Mathosian Zones
0 – 10
Craft Minnow Dumpling 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Smooth Minnow (Fish from Freemarch/Silverwood), and vendor mats.
10 – 20
Craft Salt-Crusted Pondleaper 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Forest Pondleaper (Fish from Freemarch/Silverwood), and vendor mats.
20 – 30
Craft Widemouth Salad Sandwich 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Blue Widemouth (Fish from Freemarch/Silverwood), and vendor mats.
30 – 40
Craft False Shark Soup 10 times – Each craft requires 2x False Sharks (Fish from Freemarch/Silverwood), and vendor mats.
40 – 45
Craft Nettle Nut Jerky 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Lean Steak (Meat from Stonefield/Gloamwood), and vendor mats.
45 – 50
Craft Hot Dogs 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Lean Steak (Meat from Stonefield/Gloamwood), and vendor mats. Keep these for Summerfest!
50 – 60
Craft Crystalfish Burger 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Lesser Crystalfish (Fish from Stonefield/Gloamwood), and vendor mats. Keep these for Summerfest!
60 – 70
Craft Steak Kabob 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Lean Steak (Meat from Stonefield/Gloamwood), and vendor mats. Keep these for Summerfest!
70 – 75
Craft Simple Sashimi 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Echidna Fish (Fish from Stonefield/Gloamwood).
At level 70-75 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Skilled’ tier of Survival.
75 – 80
Craft Delectable Creeper Tail 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Creeper (Fish from Stonefield/Gloamwood), and vendor mats.
80 – 90
Craft Roast Rockfish 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Tawny Rockfish (Fish from Stonefield/Gloamwood), and vendor mats.
90 – 100
Craft Savory Pie 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Lean Bacon (Meat from Scarlet/Scarwood), and vendor mats.
100 – 110
Craft Standard Bedroll 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Burlap Cloth (Cloth from Freemarch/Silverwood), and 1x Cotton Cloth (Cloth from Stonefield/Gloamwood).
110 – 120
Craft Blenny Fillet 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Blenny (Fish from Scarlet/Scarwood), 1x Red Mangler (Fish from Scarlet Gorge), and vendor mats.
120 – 130
Craft Chameleonfish Stew 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Chameleonfish (Fish from Scarlet/Scarwood), and vendor mats.
130 – 140
Craft Crispy Bacon 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Lean Bacon (Meat from Scarlet/Scarwood), and vendor mats.
140 – 150
Craft Shrimp Sandwich 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Freshwater Shrimp (Fish from Scarlet/Scarwood), and vendor mats.
At level 145-150 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Expert’ tier of Survival.
150 – 160
Craft Flatfish Kabobs 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Flatfish (Fish from Scarlet/Scarwood), 1x Grouper (Fish from Scarwood Reach), and vendor mats.
160 – 170
Craft Simple Tent Kit 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Wool Cloth (Cloth from Stonefield/Gloamwood), and 2x Linen Cloth (Cloth from Scarlet/Scarwood).
170 – 175
Craft Baked Mangler 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Red Mangler (Fish from Scarlet Gorge), and vendor mats.
175 – 185
Craft Blue Sweetberry Salad 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Rib Rack (Meat from Scarlet/Scarwood/Droughtlands), and vendor mats.
185 – 190
Craft Slow-Cooked Ribs 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Rib Rack (Meat from Scarlet/Scarwood/Droughtlands), and vendor mats.
190 – 200
Craft Lobster Dumplings 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Lobster (Fish from Moonshade), 1x Pale Flycatcher (Fish from Droughtlands), and vendor mats.
200 – 210
Craft Brine-Boiled Crab 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Vermillion Stoneskin (Fish from Droughtlands), 1x Burrowing Crab (Fish from Droughtlands), and vendor mats.
210 – 220
Craft Comfortable Bedroll 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Wool Cloth (Cloth from Stonefield/Gloamwood), and 1x Linen Cloth (Cloth from Scarlet/Scarwood).
220 – 225
Craft Devil Food Cake 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Stillmoor Devil (Fish from Stillmoor), and vendor mats.
At level 220-225 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Master’ tier of Survival.
225 – 230
Craft Stir Fry 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Rich Steak (Meat from Droughtlands/Iron Pine Peak), and vendor mats.
230 – 240
Craft Tent Kit 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Silk Cloth (Cloth from Scarwood/Moonshade), 3x Composite Cloth (Cloth from Shimmersand/Droughtlands/Iron Pine Peak).
240 – 250
Craft Shimmersand Gumbo 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Desert Seabug (Fish from Shimmersand), 1x Coral Prawn (Fish from Shimmersand), and vendor mats.
250 – 260
Craft Steamed Octopus 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Sunny Puffer (Fish from Shimmersand), 1x Brightwater Octopus (Fish from Shimmersand), and vendor mats.
260 – 275
Craft Marinated Perch 15 times – Each craft requires 1x Brown Perch (Fish from Ember Isle/Shimmersand/Stillmoor), 1x Teal Grouper (Fish from Ember Isle/Shimmersand/Stillmoor), and vendor mats.
275 – 280
Craft Silk Tent Kit 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Silk Cloth (Cloth from Scarwood/Moonshade), and 2x Spellspun Silk (Cloth from Stillmoor/Shimmersand/Droughtlands).
280 – 290
Craft Grilled Steak 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Rich Steak (Meat from Shimmersand/Droughtlands/Iron Pine Peak), and vendor mats.
290 – 300
Craft Braised Mackerel 11 times – Each craft requires 1x Glossy Mackerel (Fish from Ember Isle), 1x Isle Crab (Fish from Ember Isle), and vendor mats.
At level 295-300 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Grandmaster’ tier of Survival.
300 - 375 - Storm Legion Zones
300 – 310
Craft Spiced Flatfish 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Quick Minnow (Fish from Brevane and Dusken), 1x Mottled Flatfish (Fish from Brevane and Dusken), and vendor mats.
310 – 315
Craft Liver and Vegetables 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Prime Liver (Meat from Cape Jule/Pelladane), and vendor mats.
315 – 325
Craft Campfire 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Linden Timber (Wood from Cape Jule/Pelladane).
325 – 335
Craft Bonfire 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Linden Timber (Wood from Cape Jule/Pelladane).
335 – 340
Craft Puff Pastry 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Banded Puffer (Fish from Dusken), and vendor mats.
340 – 345
Craft Barbarian’s Delight 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Shank (Meat from Level 52-59 zones), and vendor mats.
345 – 355
Craft Lasting Fire 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Elm Lumber (Wood from Level 52-59 zones).
355 – 360
Craft Pondleaper in Gravy 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Giant Pondleaper (Fish from Brevane), and vendor mats.
360 – 370
Craft Dragonfish Caviar 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Empyrean Dragonfish (Fish from Brevane).
370 – 375
Craft Choice Roast 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Choice Cut (Meat from Level 60 zones), and vendor mats.
At level 370-375 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Savant’ tier of Survival.
375 - 450 - Nightmare Tide Zones
375 – 380
Craft Merpho Bites 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Brisket (Meat from NMT zones), 1x Merpho (Fish from NMT zones), and vendor mats.
380 – 390
Craft Manta Wings 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Brisket (Meat from NMT zones), 1x Skygrazer Manta (Fish from NMT zones), and vendor mats.
390 – 400
Craft Seared Brisket 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Brisket (Meat from NMT zones), and vendor mats.
400 – 410
Craft Remora Strips 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Merpho (Fish from NMT zones), 1x Oori Remora (Fish from NMT zones), and vendor mats.
410 – 420
Craft Fish Sausage 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Zirthan Dreamleech (Fish from NMT zones), 1x Skygrazer Manta (Fish from NMT zones), and vendor mats.
420 – 430
Craft Atragarian Remora 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Brisket (Meat looted from animals in NMT zones), 1x Oori Remora (Fish from NMT zones), and vendor mats.
430 – 440
Craft Sea Pea Porridge 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Merpho (Fish from NMT zones), and vendor mats.
440 – 450
Craft Hot and Sour Brisket 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Brisket (Meat looted from animals in NMT zones), and vendor mats.
At level 445-450 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Visionary’ tier of Survival.
450 - 525 - Prophecy of Ahnket Zones
450 – 455
Note: There are loads of recipes to learn at the 450 mark. You should go through them all and see which is best for you to craft with the mats you have.
Craft Zirthan Curry 5 times – Each craft requires 3x Zirthan Dreamleech (Fish from NMT zones), and vendor mats.
455 – 460
Craft Steak Skewers 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Flank Steak (Meat from Prophecy Zones), and vendor mats.
460 – 475
Craft Black Bean Chili 15 times – Each craft requires 4x Flank Steak (Meat from Prophecy Zones), and vendor mats.
475 – 490
Craft Starfall Crab Claws 15 times – Each craft requires 4x Starfall Crabs (Fish from Prophecy Zones), and vendor mats.
490 – 500
Craft Tuath’de Stew 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Starfall Crabs (Fish from Prophecy Zones), 2x Blackthorn Trout (Fish from Prophecy Zones), and vendor mats.
500 – 510
Craft Ashenfell Fajitas 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Tenebrean Eel (Fish from Prophecy Zones), 6x Flank Steak (Meat from Prophecy Zones), and vendor mats.
510 – 525
Craft Blackthorn Burger 18 times (ish) – Each craft requires 4x Blackthorn Trout (Fish from Prophecy Zones), 6x Flank Steak (Meat from Prophecy Zones), and vendor mats.
170 Recipes Available for Survival
18 Basic Food
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Minnow Dumpling | 1 | 11 | 21 | 31 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Sunfish Po’ boy | 1 | 11 | 21 | 31 | Vanilla | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up the daily quest ‘Sandwiches for Everyone!’ during Summerfest. | |
Salt-Crusted Pondleaper | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Crystalfish Burger | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Simple Sashimi | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Chameleonfish Stew | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Shrimp Sandwich | 140 | 150 | 160 | 170 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Barbecued Snapper | 180 | 190 | 200 | 210 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Devil Food Cake | 220 | 230 | 240 | 250 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Marinated Perch | 260 | 270 | 280 | 290 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Braised Mackerel | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Spiced Flatfish | 300 | 310 | 320 | 330 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Puff Pastry | 330 | 340 | 350 | 360 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Dragonfish Caviar | 360 | 365 | 370 | 375 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Merpho Bites | 375 | 385 | 395 | 405 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Brisket Stew | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Steak Skewers | 450 | 460 | 470 | 480 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Tuath’de Stew | 490 | 500 | 510 | 520 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. |
4 Cakes
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Deep Ones’ Delight | 320 | 330 | 340 | 350 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Cake of the Fae | 330 | 340 | 350 | 360 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Wispy Whipped Pastry | 340 | 350 | 360 | 370 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Zombie Molded Pudding | 350 | 360 | 370 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. |
10 Camping Gear
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Standard Bedroll | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Simple Tent Kit | 160 | 170 | 180 | 190 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Comfortable Bedroll | 210 | 220 | 230 | 240 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Tent Kit | 230 | 240 | 250 | 260 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Silk Tent Kit | 275 | 285 | 295 | 305 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Orange Sea Star | 305 | 315 | 325 | 335 | Storm Legion | Unknown | |
Campfire | 315 | 325 | 335 | 345 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bonfire | 325 | 335 | 345 | 355 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Lasting Fire | 345 | 355 | 365 | 375 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Red Sea Star | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Unknown |
6 Costume
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Crushing Carp | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Fish Spine Saw | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Survivalist’s Boots | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Survivalist’s Gloves | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Survivalist’s Trousers | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Survivalist’s Vest | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. |
7 Dimension Items
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Rolled Bedroll | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Barrel of Apples | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Kitchen Knife | 180 | 190 | 200 | 210 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Basket of Carrots | 240 | 250 | 260 | 270 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Crate of Artichokes | 300 | 310 | 320 | 330 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Decorative Red Sweetberry | 360 | 370 | 375 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Architect Platform | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for Credits Only. |
8 Feasts
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Feast of Aptitude | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from chests fished up in level 50 Mathosian zones. It can also be found in the reward chests from the fishing quests in these zones. | |
Feast of Cooperation | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Rewarded from completing the Artifact Set: Undead Fish. | |
Feast of Efficacy | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from chests fished up in level 50 Mathosian zones. It can also be found in the reward chests from the fishing quests in these zones. | |
Feast of Domination | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Feast of Vengeance | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Feast of the Ghar | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Feast of the Rhenke | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gedlo Curry Pot | 525 | 530 | 535 | 540 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. |
72 Food
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Lucky Fortune Biscuit | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | Vanilla | In the Dimension Kit: Lucky Fortunes for the cheevo ‘Feeling Lucky?’ | |
Red Sweetberry Soup | 1 | 11 | 21 | 31 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Widemouth Salad Sandwich | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Meatloaf | 25 | 35 | 45 | 55 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
False Shark Soup | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Speedy Shark Snack | 35 | 45 | 55 | 65 | Vanilla | Rewarded from the quest ‘Fishing For Survival’ found in Freemarch/Silverwood, part of the Introduction to Fishing quests. | |
Nettle Nut Jerky | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Hot Dogs | 45 | 55 | 65 | 75 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Steak Kabob | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Delectable Creeper Tail | 75 | 85 | 95 | 105 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Mystery Bar | 75 | 85 | 95 | 105 | Vanilla | Rewarded from the quest ‘Fish Exchange – Indigoby/Cascadefish’. Picked up in Gloamwood/Stonefield. | |
Roast Rockfish | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Savory Pie | 90 | 100 | 110 | 120 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Blenny Fillet | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Crispy Bacon | 130 | 140 | 150 | 160 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Flatfish Kabobs | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fried Octopus | 155 | 165 | 175 | 185 | Vanilla | Rewarded from the quest ‘Fish Exchange – Scarwood Crystalfish’. Picked up in Scarwood Reach. | |
Widemouth Sashimi | 165 | 175 | 185 | 195 | Vanilla | Rewarded from the quest ‘Near-Endless Fishing’. Picked up in Scarlet Gorge from the Master Fisher. You will need to finish lower level fishing quests first. | |
Baked Mangler | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Blue Sweetberry Salad | 175 | 185 | 195 | 205 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Meat Pie | 175 | 185 | 195 | 205 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Slow-Cooked Ribs | 185 | 195 | 205 | 215 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Lobster Dumplings | 190 | 200 | 210 | 220 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Brine-Boiled Crab | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Blue Steak | 215 | 225 | 235 | 245 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Stir Fry | 225 | 235 | 245 | 255 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bacon Rolls | 235 | 245 | 255 | 265 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Shimmersand Gumbo | 240 | 250 | 260 | 270 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Steamed Octopus | 250 | 260 | 270 | 280 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Dwarven Goulash | 265 | 275 | 285 | 295 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Ember Steak | 270 | 280 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Looted from chests fished up in level 50 Mathosian zones. It can also be found in the reward chests from the fishing quests in these zones. | |
Kelari Spicy Pome | 275 | 285 | 295 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Grilled Steak | 280 | 285 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Jellied Ray | 280 | 285 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Looted from chests fished up in level 50 Mathosian zones. It can also be found in the reward chests from the fishing quests in these zones. | |
Eel Fillet | 285 | 290 | 295 | 300 | Vanilla | Looted from chests fished up in level 50 Mathosian zones. It can also be found in the reward chests from the fishing quests in these zones. | |
Pome Ambrosia | 285 | 290 | 295 | 300 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Snapper Jerky | 295 | 300 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from chests fished up in level 50 Mathosian zones. It can also be found in the reward chests from the fishing quests in these zones. | |
Liver and Vegetables | 310 | 320 | 330 | 340 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Octopus Broth | 320 | 330 | 340 | 350 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fish Hot Pot | 330 | 340 | 350 | 360 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Barbarian’s Delight | 340 | 350 | 360 | 370 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Pondleaper in Gravy | 350 | 360 | 370 | 380 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Chilled Octopus | 355 | 360 | 365 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Prime Flycatcher | 355 | 360 | 365 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Sharpfin Chops | 355 | 360 | 365 | 375 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Aged Eel | 365 | 370 | 375 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Stuffed Mushrooms | 365 | 370 | 375 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Choice Roast | 370 | 375 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Kraken Hors D’oeuvres | 370 | 375 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Sun Soup | 370 | 375 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Manta Wings | 380 | 390 | 400 | 410 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Seared Brisket | 390 | 400 | 410 | 420 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Remora Strips | 400 | 410 | 420 | 430 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fish Sausage | 410 | 420 | 430 | 440 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Atragarian Remora | 420 | 430 | 440 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Sea Pea Porridge | 430 | 440 | 450 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Hot and Sour Brisket | 440 | 450 | 452 | 455 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Beast Belly | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Dry Rubbed Shank | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Grilled Fish Medley | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Merpho Jerky | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Remora Poppers | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Sea Lover’s Plate | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Skygrazer Casserole | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Zirthan Curry | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Zirthan Fillets | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Black Bean Chili | 460 | 475 | 485 | 495 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Blackened Trout | 475 | 490 | 500 | 510 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Starfall Crab Claws | 475 | 490 | 500 | 510 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Ashenfell Fajitas | 500 | 510 | 520 | 525 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Blackthorn Burger | 510 | 520 | 525 | 530 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Taranis Dumplings | 510 | 520 | 525 | 530 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. |

Eat all 9 of the feasts listed.
These feasts are all from Mathosian or Storm Legion.
The recipes for these feasts are looted from chests fished up in the level 50 Mathosian zones: Feast of Aptitude, and Feast of Efficacy.
The recipe for Feast of Cooperation is rewarded from completing the Artifact Set: Undead Fish.
The recipes for these feasts are all bought in the Rift Store for craft marks: Feast of Domination, Feast of Vengeance, Deep Ones’ Delight, Cake of the Fae, Wispy Whipped Pastry, and Zombie Molded Pudding.

This cheevo starts as:
Taste Tester – Eat 10 kinds of food made by Survivalists.
Foodie – Eat 30 kinds of food made by Survivalists.
There are 63 different foods to eat! They are all from the Mathosian or Storm Legion zones.
You can look up where to get each recipe in the tables above. You will find the in the Food and Basic Food categories.
Feeling Lucky? and Fortune Baker

Buy the the ‘Dimension Kit: Lucky Fortunes’ from ‘Rift Store > Dimensions > Premium’ for Credits Only. This gives you the oven required to craft Lucky Fortune Biscuits. You can also use an oven in someone else’s dimension.
Each Lucky Fortune Biscuit will cost 5plat in vendor mats… making this cheevo pretty expensive to progress!
The cheevo maxes out at 5000 Biscuits, giving 121 points total and costing 25k plat.