Introduction to Runecrafter
Runecrafters craft runes!
Runes are used on your gear to permanently buff them with extra stats.
At level 70, you can craft runes for your legs, seal and main weapons.
While you level runecrafter, you will be creating many runes for lower levels. These runes are pretty useless as you outlevel the gear very quickly, so it is best just to vendor these runes to get some of your plat back.
Runecrafting is an expensive profession to level, due to requiring hundreds of low, middle, and high level items to break down for materials.
If you are willing, then you can farm the items in old dungeons, this is easy enough, but time consuming!
Due to this, it is recommended that you use your free Crafting Skill Boost (Received in your Ascended Trove at level 60) to boost Runecrafting straight up to level 375, thus skipping an awful lot of the low level grind. Some players hate fishing enough to use the boost on that instead, it is up to you!
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Levelling your Runecrafting Skill Recommended Crafts for Each Level Recipes Available
Useful Items from Runecrafter
Level 70 items
- At level 70, there are crafted runes for your legs, seal and main weapons.
- You can also craft Visionary Rune Amenders, which are used to upgrade runes.
Other items of note
- You can craft the Minion card: Runald
- Crafts a bunch of fluff items, you can find explanations for these just below.
- There are Celestial Runes for Foraging, Butchering, Mining and Fishing. These boost a players crafting skill, allowing them to gather or craft items that are from a higher level than they actually are.
These Glyphs are all cosmetic. They can be used in instances, but not in dimensions. You can only use one of these Glyphs at a time. All of them can be seen by other players, except the confetti drop.
All of them appear as a buff on your character and last 5 minutes.
Glyph of Dust – Leaves a trail of dust behind your character.
Glyph of Storms – Creates a thunderstorm above your character that moves with you!
Glyph of Celebration – CONFETTI DROP!!!! – Other players just see a small splash of confetti when you cast the Glyph.
Glyph of Filth – Creates a small cloud of filth around your character.
Glyph of Nature – Falling dandelion seeds around your character – This effect is very subtle.
Glyph of Mana – Creates small blue wisps around your character – This effect is subtle.
Glyph of Butterflies – Butterflies will fly around your character – This effect is very subtle .
Glyph of Prisms – Creates a rainbow in the sky above you – Does not follow you around.
Glyph of Clarity – Shines a beam of light from your characters eyes.
Glyph of the Drunkard – bubbles float from your characters mouth.
The other 3 Glyphs are useful buffs. These can be used together if you want. They all last 1 hour.
Glyph of the Skelf – Increases your swimming speed and grants underwater breathing.
Glyph of the Baac – When landing (From jumping or falling) you will create an area of impact cracks on the floor. Other players can’t see the cracks.
Glyph of the Shalistiri – You are light and bouncy! Your character jumps higher and longer.
Levelling your Runecrafter Skill
How to level
You will need to train the Runecrafter skill at a Runecrafter Trainer, you can find one in..
Meridian /setwaypoint 5970 5234
Sanctum /setwaypoint 7392 2965
Tempest Bay /setwaypoint 12809 11690
You need to be stood at a Workbench to craft most Runecrafter items
You can learn new recipes from a Runecrafter Trainer to be able to continue levelling, there is usually a Runecrafter trainer near the Workbench.
There is usually a new Recipe to learn from your trainer every 10 levels. So most items will be crafted 10 times, giving you 10 levels. This can go bit wonky towards the end of a skill level, where you may need more than 1 craft to get a single skill point. You will learn 160 Runecrafter recipes from your trainer while you level up.

Vendor Mats can all be bought using the little + next to the listed ingredient, they start off as few silver each at lower levels. They will get more expensive as you level up, with the highest level mats requiring a few plat each! Some vendor mats can be bought with credits.. there is never any need to buy materials for credits.. just take a break and go farm some platinum if you run out.
Boosting skill gain
You can use a Skill orb! This will increase your chances of gaining a skill point while crafting Runecrafter items. Skill Orbs are available in the Rift Store for credits only. If you are going to buy one, be sure to have a bunch of materials ready so you can quickly craft to skill up and really get the most out of the 2 hour timer.
There is also a Guild Perk called ‘Journeyman‘ that will increase your chance of gaining a skill point.
Runecrafter Materials
Where to get them!
The materials used for Runecrafting are all created by the runecrafter.
When you train runecrafting you will be given the ‘Runebreak’ ability.
This ability can be used to break gear and weapons down into runecrafting materials. You can find it in the General Tab of your ability book.

- Dungeons — One of the best ways to farm loads of old gear is running normal dungeons. If you are level 70 then you should be able to easily solo all the normal mode Mathosian, Storm Legion and Nightmare Tide dungeons. Break all the gear you loot.
- Questing — If you are not level 70 yet, or just haven’t done all the questlines, then a great source of gear will be questing. A lot of the quests will give gear, which you can use until it is replaced and then break the old stuff. This will keep you constantly poor, which for most players is not a great experience, so most players will choose to wait until they are 70 before starting on Runecrafting.
- Crafting — Some players will choose to level a few crafts at the same time. While levelling other craft skills you will craft a bunch of items that are just going to be vendered, so a good solution is to Runebreak them instead! A great skill to pair in this way is Outfitting, due to the ease of farming cloths and leathers to make an abundance of items to break. You could also use Weaponsmith or Armorsmith, but the materials for those are harder to farm.
- Auction House — As a last resort, you can buy gear or weapons off the Auction House. However you are not going to get much bang for your buck doing this, I really don’t recommend it!
- Rift Store — No
1 – 300 – Mathosian level materials which will come from runebreaking Mathosian level gear/items.
300 – 375 – Storm Legion level materials which will come from runebreaking Storm Legion level gear/items.
375 – 450 – Nightmare Tide level materials which will come from runebreaking Nightmare Tide level gear/items.
450 – 525 – Prophecy of Ahnket level materials which will come from runebreaking Prophecy of Ahnket level gear/items.
You can only runebreak Storm Legion level gear when you have trained Runecrafter to level 301. Runereaking Nightmare Tide level gear requires you to be at least at level 376, and for Prophecy gear you need to be level 451.
Mathosian Runecrafting Materials.
There are 6 types of crafting materials.
Kinetic, Perpetual, Sentience, Flickering, Sparkling, and Shimmering.
Each of these types has 3 tiers of materials. These 3 materials can be right clicked to Combine or Break them, converting them into the other tiers of the same type.
While farming for the materials, you will need to break different levels/rarities of gear to get the different types of materials.
You only need the Uncommon materials to level up the skill to 300. The Rare and Epic materials are used to craft posh level 50 runes that no one needs anymore.
- In Normal Mathosian dungeons you will be looting Uncommon and Rare items, which will break down into the Uncommon and Rare Runecrafting materials.
- Expert Mathosian dungeons will give you a lot more Rare and Epic items, you can break these for Sparkling and Shimmering materials.
Master Mode dungeons will give a bunch of purple items, so they are great for farming the Shimmering materials. - Most of the level 50 Mathosian raids are easy enough to solo when you are level 70. The raids will drop lots of Epic gear, which you can break into Shimmering materials.
For crafted materials, I crafted a bunch of items from outfitter and broke them to see what they gave.
Only the very lowest level items would only give tier 1 mats. These were made with Burlap, or Soft Leather.
Items made with Cotton, Wool, Thin Leather, and Medium Leather all gave materials from tiers 1 and 2.
Everything higher gave materials from tiers 2 and 3.
I crafted only the simple to craft items, not using super rare materials, much as you would when levelling up a craft. This meant I only looted the Uncommon mats, which is all you need for levelling up Runecrafter.
I crafted around 10 of each item.
Kinetic Arc | Kinetic Charge | Kinetic Burst | Perpetual Blur | Perpetual Glow | Perpetual Flare | Sentience Spark | Sentience Surge | Sentience Blast | Flickering Powder | Flickering Shard | Flickering Crystal | |
Burlap Shoes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||||||
Cotton Shoes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||||
Cotton Shoulderpads | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||||
Wool Shoes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | |||||
Wool Breeches | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||||
Linen Shoes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | |||||
Linen Breeches | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||
Linen Shoulderpads | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | |||||
Silk Waistband | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | |||||||
Silk Shoes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||
Silk Breeches | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||||
Composite Shoes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | |||||
Composite Shoulderpads | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||||
Spellspun Shoes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | |||||
Spellspun Breeches | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||
Soft Leather Boots | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||||||
Soft Leather Gloves | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||||||
Thin Leather Boots | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | |||||||
Thin Leather Gloves | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | |||||
Medium Leather Boots | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||
Medium Leather Leggings | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | |||||
Heavy Leather Boots | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||
Heavy Leather Leggings | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | |||||
Thick Leather Boots | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||
Thick Leather Leggings | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||||
Exotic Leather Boots | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||
Exotic Leather Leggings | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | |||||
Soulbind Leather Boots | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||||
Soulbind Leather Brigandine | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Storm Legion Runecrafting Materials.
There are 7 different Runecrafting materials for the Storm Legion levels 300-375.
You will need to be level 301 in Runecrafting to be able to break Storm Legion level items to get these materials.

Wandering Star
Spiral Aurora
Radiant Nucleus
Emergent Cloud
Branching Star
Solidifying Star
Dreaming Star
The Uncommon Storm Legion mats have a level tag of 290, which may make you think they are Mathosian mats, they are not!
An easy spot to farm all the Uncommon and Rare Storm Legion Runecrafting materials is the Storm Legion Normal Mode Dungeons. These are easy enough to solo as a level 70.
You can also use items that you have crafted while levelling other crafting skills.
I haven’t found anyway to get the two epic materials, Solidifying Star, and Dreaming Star. This is because when the Nightmare Tide xpac was released, all the Epic level 60 items that gave the Storm Legion Epic materials were changed to give Nightmare Tide materials instead.
- Storm Legion Expert Dungeons — These would have been your best source of the Epic Runecrafting mats. The gear that drops here is Storm Legion level 60, but it breaks down to give you Nightmare Tide runecrafting mats!
- Storm Legion raids — The items that drop in the raids will also give Nightmare Tide mats when you break them.
- Storm Legion Chronicles — These will give the Uncommon and Rare Storm Legion Runecrafting materials.
- Storm Legion Great Hunt Rifts and Strongholds — These occasionally drop essences which can be broken. I only got blue ones, so no good for farming the epic mats.
- Crafting — Even level 60 Epic items that are crafted with Storm Legion materials will still break down into Nightmare Tide Runecrafting materials.
Thankfully, you don’t need the Epic runecrafting materials for anything, they are just used for a few level 60 runes which no one wants anymore. You will be able to level up and even craft all the fluff items without needing them.
Nightmare Tide Runecrafting Materials.
There are 2 different Runecrafting materials for the Nightmare Tide levels 375-450.
You will need to be level 376 in Runecrafting to be able to break Nightmare Tide level items to get these materials.

Capricious Star
Nightmare Star
- Crafting – A great way to farm loads of Capricious Stars.
- High level Storm Legion content – The level 60 items that drop in Storm Legion experts and raids will break into Nightmare Tide materials (see above)
- Nightmare Tide Normal Mode Dungeons — Give loads of blue gear, giving Capricious Stars when you break them.
- Nightmare Tide Expert Mode Dungeons — Will usually give at least one epic item per run, so you can farm both materials here.
- Nightmare Tide Chronicles — Give mostly Uncommon items with a few blue. These break down into Capricious Stars.
- Nightmare Tide Echo Mobs — Farming these mobs will give you a decent amount of level 65 gear, about a quarter of these will be Epic, so you will be able to get both materials.
- Nightmare Tide Raids – These are much harder and not soloable for a level 70 player. The drops are mostly Epic or Relic, giving Nightmare Stars.
Prophecy of Ahnket Runecrafting Materials.
There are 3 different Runecrafting materials for the Prophecy of Ahnket levels 450-525.
You will need to be level 450 in Runecrafting to be able to break Prophecy of Ahnket level items to get these materials.

Heliacal Dust
Heliacal Star
Tenebrean Star
- Minions – These guys can bring you so many materials! Be sure to use them!
- Auction House – Because minions are so fruitful, many players are swimming in materials they don’t need anymore. You can usually find Runecrafting materials in bulk and quite cheap compared to other mats.
- Quests / Dungeons / Raids – This is all now current content, so there will be much fewer opportunities to ‘waste’ gear by breaking it down.
- Crafting – Metals and Woods are expensive. Cloths and Leathers are not. Thus craft items with Cloths and Leathers (Outfitting) and break them into runecrafting mats.
Materials Required for 0-500
- A few of the recipes will have an overlap, so you can choose a recipe that requires slightly different materials depending on your stocks.
- The trainer usually provides 2 to 4 recipes that will be orange for each block of ten skill points. This means you have a selection of different materials you can use, some of which you may find easier to farm.
- You will also need to buy a bunch of vendor mats from the store.
- Using a Skill Orb will reduce the amount of crafts required, and will thus reduce the materials required.
Mathosian Materials
90x Kinetic Arc
50x Kinetic Charge
10x Kinetic Burst
80x Perpetual Blur
110x Perpetual Glow
70x Perpetual Flare
99x Sentience Spark
90x Sentience Surge
40x Sentience Blast
178x Flickering Powder
220x Flickering Shard
120x Flickering Crystal
Storm Legion Materials
164x Wandering Star
60x Spiral Aurora
59x Radiant Nucleus
125x Emergent Cloud
10x Branching Star
Nightmare Tide Materials
435x Capricious Star
Prophecy of Ahnket Materials
95x Heliacal Dust
Recommended Crafts for Each Level
1 - 300 - Mathosian Zones
While levelling from 1-300 you will be able to pick up a daily crafting quest in your home city of Meridian/Sanctum.
1 – 10
Craft Dim Insightful Rune 9 times – Each craft requires 2x Flickering Powder, and 1x Sentience Spark.
10 – 20
Craft Dim Recondite Runeshard 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Sentience Spark.
20 – 30
Craft Glowing Adamant Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Kinetic Arc, and 1x Perpetual Blur.
30 – 40
Craft Dim Potent Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Flickering Powder, and 2x Perpetual Blur.
40 – 50
Craft Glowing Resolute Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Flickering Powder, and 1x Perpetual Blur.
50 – 60
Craft Glowing Deft Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Flickering Powder, and 1x Kinetic Arc.
60 – 70
Craft Glowing Recondite Runeshard 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Flickering Powder, 2x Sentience Spark, and 1x Perpetual Blur.
70 – 75
Craft Bright Steadfast Rune 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Flickering Powder, and 2x Kinetic Arc.
At level 70-75 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Skilled’ tier of Runecrafter.
75 – 80
Craft Bright Steadfast Rune 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Flickering Powder, and 2x Kinetic Arc.
80 – 90
Craft Glowing Sagacious Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Flickering Powder, and 2x Sentience Spark.
90 – 100
Craft Bright Adamant Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Kinetic Arc, and 1x Perpetual Blur.
100 – 110
Craft Bright Insightful Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Flickering Powder, and 3x Sentience Spark.
110 – 120
Craft Bright Rage Runeshard 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Flickering Shard, 3x Kinetic Arc, and 2x Perpetual Blur.
This is the point where you will start using mostly Tier 2 materials.
120 – 130
Craft Bright Potent Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Flickering Shard, 1x Flickering Powder, and 1x Kinetic Charge.
130 – 140
Craft Bright Recondite Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Flickering Shard, 1x Sentience Surge, and 1x Perpetual Glow.
140 – 150
Craft Luminous Steadfast Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Flickering Shard, and 1x Kinetic Charge.
At level 145-150 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Expert’ tier of Runecrafter.
150 – 160
Craft Luminous Insightful Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Flickering Shard, 1x Sentience Surge, and 1x Perpetual Glow.
160 – 170
Craft Luminous Adamant Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Kinetic Charge, and 2x Perpetual Glow.
170 – 180
Craft Luminous Thwarting Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Flickering Shard, and 1x Perpetual Glow.
180 – 190
Craft Luminous Sagacious Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Flickering Shard, 2x Sentience Surge, and 1x Perpetual Glow.
190 – 200
Craft Luminous Rage Runeshard 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Flickering Shard, 1x Kinetic Charge, and 2x Perpetual Glow.
200 – 210
Craft Luminous Recondite Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Flickering Shard, 2x Sentience Surge, and 2x Perpetual Glow.
210 – 220
Craft Radiant Adamant Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Kinetic Charge, and 1x Perpetual Glow.
220 – 225
Craft Radiant Insightful Rune 5 times – Each craft requires 3x Flickering Shard, and 3x Sentience Surge.
At level 220-225 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Master’ tier of Runecrafter.
225 – 230
Craft Radiant Insightful Rune 5 times – Each craft requires 3x Flickering Shard, and 3x Sentience Surge.
230 – 240
Craft Radiant Resolute Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Flickering Crystal, and 2x Perpetual Flare.
240 – 250
Craft Radiant Sagacious Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Flickering Crystal, and 2x Sentience Blast.
250 – 260
Craft Radiant Rage Runeshard 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Flickering Crystal, 1x Kinetic Burst, and 1x Perpetual Flare.
260 – 270
Craft Radiant Unwavering Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Flickering Crystal, 1x Flickering Shard, and 1x Sentience Blast.
270 – 280
Craft Radiant Recondite Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Flickering Crystal, 1x Sentience Blast, and 2x Perpetual Flare.
280 – 290
Craft Brilliant Enduring Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 3x Flickering Crystal, and 2x Perpetual Flare.
290 – 300
Craft Gleaming Rage Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Wandering Star, 1x Emergent Cloud, and 1x Spiral Aurora.
Note: This recipe will need to be trained at the Tempest Bay Runecrafting Trainer. It requires Storm Legion materials to craft.
When your skill level is exactly 300 and you have not trained the Grandmaster tier, you will be able to pick up a weekly crafting quest from the craft quest givers in your home city. This awards the level 50 crafting rift lure. The level 50 Crift doesn’t give anything special, it is just nice to see it!
At level 295-300 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Grandmaster’ tier of Runecrafter.
300 - 375 - Storm Legion Zones
While levelling from 301 to 375 you will be able to pick up a daily crafting quest in Tempest Bay.
300 – 305
Craft Transmute: Radiant Nucleus 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Spiral Aurora, 1xWandering Star, and vendor mats.
305 – 310
Craft Gleaming Elusive Rune 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Wandering Star, and 2x Spiral Aurora.
310 – 320
Craft Gleaming Adamant Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Wandering Star, 3x Emergent Cloud, and 1x Spiral Aurora.
320 – 330
Craft Gleaming Resolute Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Wandering Star, 2x Emergent Cloud, and 2x Spiral Aurora.
330 – 340
Craft Gleaming Recondite Runeshard 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Wandering Star, 2x Emergent Cloud, and 1x Radiant Nucleus.
340 – 350
Craft Glyph of Clarity 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Branching Star, 2x Wandering Star, 1x Radiant Nucleus, and vendor mats.
350 – 360
Craft Gleaming Thwarting Rune 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Wandering Star, and 3x Emergent Cloud.
360 – 370
Craft Gleaming Unwavering Rune 13 times – Each craft requires 3x Wandering Star, and 3x Radiant Nucleus.
370 – 375
Craft Gleaming Glancing Rune 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Wandering Star, 3x Emergent Cloud, and 1x Spiral Aurora.
When your skill level is exactly 375 and you have not trained the Savant tier, you will be able to pick up a weekly crafting quest from the craft quest givers in Tempest Bay. This awards the level 60 crafting rift lure. The level 60 Crift doesn’t give anything special, it is just nice to see it!
At level 370-375 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Savant’ tier of Runecrafter.
375 - 450 - Nightmare Tide Zones
While levelling from 376 to 450 you will be able to pick up a daily crafting quest in Tempest Bay.
You will also be able to pick up a weekly crafting quest in Margle Palace, Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5863 5521.
This awards the level 65 crafting rift lure. The level 65 crafting rift gives special materials for Savant level Planar Crafting.
375 – 390
Craft Fine Unwavering Rune 15 times – Each craft requires 3x Capricious Star.
390 – 405
Craft Fine Potent Rune 15 times – Each craft requires 5x Capricious Star, and vendor mats.
405 – 420
Craft Fine Weapon-rune of Wisdom 15 times – Each craft requires 6x Capricious Star, and vendor mats.
420 – 435
Craft Fine Wrathful Rune 15 times – Each craft requires 7x Capricious Star, and vendor mats.
435- 445
Craft Fine Rune of Intelligence 10 times – Each craft requires 8x Capricious Star, and vendor mats.
445 – 450
Craft Fine Rage Weapon-rune 5 times – Each craft requires 8x Capricious Star, and vendor mats.
At level 445-450 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Visionary’ tier of Runecrafter.
450 - 525 - Prophecy of Ahnket Zones
While levelling from 451 to 525 you will be able to pick up a daily crafting quest in Tempest Bay.
You will also be able to pick up a weekly crafting quest in Alittu once you hit level 500
450 – 480
Craft Glyph of the Skelf 37 times – Each craft requires 2x Heliacal Dust, and vendor mats.
480 – 500
Craft Glyph of the Baac 21 times – Each craft requires 1x Heliacal Dust, and vendor mats.
500 = Crafting Weekly
Now that you are level 500, you are able to pick up the weekly crafting quest in Alittu.
It is best from this point to continue levelling by completing the weeklies and dailies as they are available to you.
Moving Forward
You can continue to craft Glyph of the Baac to finish levelling to 525 in one day if you want to.
I recommend instead that you just do the crafting daily each day (and the weeklies each week). This will be a cheaper craft, and awards the currencies that you need to buy the high level recipes.
You should also buy the Visionary Rune Amender recipe and craft that every day to get you good stock for when you need them.
The best runes for level 70s are available to buy in the Rift Store with crafting currencies at level 500 or 520.
518 Recipes Available for Runecrafter
The store page for Runecrafter is different to the rest. Go into runecrafter and then hit the ‘runes’ tab on left.
Note: A few of the low level Rune recipes are duplicated in the shop, this is because of different factions requiring different notorieties to buy them. When you buy one, the other will disappear.

Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Shard of Endurance | 210 | 220 | 230 | 240 | Vanilla | This recipe was bought inside the PVP conquest maps. It is no longer available. | |
Shard of Healing | 210 | 220 | 230 | 240 | Vanilla | This recipe was bought inside the PVP conquest maps. It is no longer available. | |
Portable Lifespring | 260 | 270 | 280 | 290 | Vanilla | This recipe was bought inside the PVP conquest maps. It is no longer available. | |
Portable Turret | 260 | 270 | 280 | 290 | Vanilla | This recipe was bought inside the PVP conquest maps. It is no longer available. |
Craft Quest
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Kinetic Battery | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Perpetual Light | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of Dragonslaying | 300 | 301 | 302 | 339 | Vanilla | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of Energy | 300 | 301 | 302 | 339 | Vanilla | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of Mathos | 300 | 301 | 302 | 339 | Vanilla | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of Northern Winds | 300 | 301 | 302 | 339 | Vanilla | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of Fascination | 301 | 302 | 303 | 375 | Storm Legion | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of Mutation | 301 | 302 | 303 | 375 | Storm Legion | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of the Overseer | 301 | 302 | 303 | 375 | Storm Legion | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of Bravery | 340 | 341 | 342 | 376 | Storm Legion | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of Complication | 340 | 341 | 342 | 376 | Storm Legion | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of Courage | 340 | 341 | 342 | 376 | Storm Legion | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of Moderate Temperatures | 375 | 375 | 375 | 376 | Storm Legion | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of Possibility | 375 | 375 | 375 | 376 | Storm Legion | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of Puzzling Attributes | 375 | 375 | 375 | 376 | Storm Legion | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of the Caretaker | 375 | 375 | 375 | 376 | Storm Legion | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of the Qaijiri | 375 | 375 | 375 | 376 | Storm Legion | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of the Survivor | 375 | 375 | 375 | 376 | Storm Legion | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Rune of Underwhelming Improvement | 375 | 375 | 375 | 376 | Storm Legion | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Blazing Dream Rune | 376 | 390 | 400 | 451 | Nightmare Tide | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Corrupted Nightmare Rune | 376 | 390 | 400 | 451 | Nightmare Tide | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Essence of Draum | 376 | 390 | 400 | 451 | Nightmare Tide | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Heavy Water Rune | 376 | 390 | 400 | 451 | Nightmare Tide | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Stardust Rune | 376 | 390 | 400 | 451 | Nightmare Tide | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Glyphed Flask | 451 | 520 | 525 | 526 | Prophecy | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Heliacal Cannon Ball | 451 | 520 | 525 | 526 | Prophecy | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Runic Bandage | 451 | 520 | 525 | 526 | Prophecy | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Spell-Resistant Playing Cards | 451 | 520 | 525 | 526 | Prophecy | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Sigil of Potability | 500 | 520 | 525 | 526 | Prophecy | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Tidal Pith | 500 | 520 | 525 | 526 | Prophecy | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. |
Dimension Items
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Building Block: Greystone Tile | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Building Block: Greenstone Tile | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Building Block: Greystone Rectangle | 180 | 190 | 200 | 210 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Building Block: Greenstone Rectangle | 240 | 250 | 260 | 270 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Orange Runecraft Vessel | 300 | 310 | 320 | 330 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Runerooted Juniper | 360 | 370 | 375 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Architect Amber Globe | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for Credits Only. |
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Rune of the Abyssal Apprentice | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | This item used to be purchased from a Runeguard Merchant in Meridian/Sanctum. The Currency used was ‘Rune Kings Seal’. This was part of a World Event for the release of the original Hammerknell raid. |
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Transmute: Kinetic Arc | 10 | 12 | 16 | 21 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Transmute: Perpetual Blur | 10 | 12 | 16 | 21 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Transmute: Sentience Spark | 10 | 12 | 16 | 21 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Transmute: Kinetic Charge | 60 | 63 | 68 | 73 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Transmute: Perpetual Glow | 60 | 63 | 68 | 73 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Transmute: Sentience Surge | 60 | 63 | 68 | 73 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Transmute: Kinetic Burst | 110 | 113 | 116 | 121 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Transmute: Perpetual Flare | 110 | 113 | 116 | 121 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Transmute: Sentience Blast | 110 | 113 | 116 | 121 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Transmute: Emergent Cloud | 300 | 303 | 306 | 311 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Transmute: Radiant Nucleus | 300 | 303 | 306 | 311 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Transmute: Spiral Aurora | 300 | 303 | 306 | 311 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Infinite Essence | 300 | 306 | 316 | 330 | Storm Legion | Taught by the Master Runecrafter Trainers in Meridian/Sanctum. This Recipe is not on the Tempest Bay trainer. | |
Celestial Essence | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Advanced Rune Amender | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Buy it from Bob – A recipe vendor in Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5873 5543 | |
Dreaming Rune Amender | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Buy it from Bob – A recipe vendor in Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5873 5544 | |
Opaque Rune Amender | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Buy it from Bob – A recipe vendor in Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5873 5545 | |
Rune Amender | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Buy it from Bob – A recipe vendor in Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5873 5546 | |
Transmute: Heliacal Dust | 475 | 477 | 480 | 485 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Mass Transmute: Heliacal Dust | 495 | 497 | 500 | 505 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Visionary Rune Amender | 500 | 520 | 525 | 530 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Transmute: Heliacal Star | 505 | 507 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Mass Transmute: Heliacal Star | 525 | 527 | 530 | 535 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. |
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Minion: Runald | 450 | 451 | 452 | 455 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. |
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Glyph of Dust | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glyph of Storms | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glyph of Celebration | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glyph of Filth | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glyph of Nature | 190 | 200 | 210 | 220 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glyph of Mana | 225 | 235 | 245 | 255 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glyph of Butterflies | 270 | 280 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glyph of Prisms | 300 | 310 | 320 | 330 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glyph of Clarity | 340 | 350 | 360 | 370 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glyph of the Drunkard | 375 | 385 | 395 | 405 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Yellow Party Sticks | 385 | 395 | 405 | 415 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
White Party Sticks | 395 | 405 | 415 | 425 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Pink Party Sticks | 405 | 415 | 425 | 435 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Green Party Sticks | 415 | 425 | 435 | 445 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Purple Party Sticks | 425 | 435 | 445 | 455 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blue Party Sticks | 435 | 445 | 455 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Red Party Sticks | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Glyph of the Skelf | 450 | 460 | 480 | 500 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glyph of the Baac | 480 | 490 | 510 | 525 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glyph of the Shalistiri | 480 | 490 | 510 | 525 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. |
Planar Crafting
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Arcanist’s Blazing Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Bloodthirster’s Abhorrent Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Destroyer’s Charged Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Heretic’s Faetouched Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Improved Arcanist’s Blazing Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Improved Bloodthirster’s Abhorrent Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Improved Destroyer’s Charged Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Improved Heretic’s Faetouched Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Improved Telluric Rune of Defense | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Telluric Rune of Defense | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Celestial Butchering Rune | 525 | 527 | 529 | 530 | Prophecy | Bought with Craft Marks from a vendor in Alittu called ‘R23-JK’. Find him at /setwaypoint 4032 6371 | |
Celestial Fishing Rune | 525 | 527 | 529 | 530 | Prophecy | Bought with Craft Marks from a vendor in Alittu called ‘R23-JK’. Find him at /setwaypoint 4032 6372 | |
Celestial Foraging Rune | 525 | 527 | 529 | 530 | Prophecy | Bought with Craft Marks from a vendor in Alittu called ‘R23-JK’. Find him at /setwaypoint 4032 6373 | |
Celestial Mining Rune | 525 | 527 | 529 | 530 | Prophecy | Bought with Craft Marks from a vendor in Alittu called ‘R23-JK’. Find him at /setwaypoint 4032 6374 |
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Congealed Dreams | 375 | 385 | 395 | 450 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. |
Rune Upgrades
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Detailed Deft Rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Dominating Rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Insightful Rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Intrepid Rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Potent Rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Rage Twin-rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Rage Weapon-rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Recondite Twin-rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Recondite Weapon-rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Rune of Dexterity | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Rune of Intelligence | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Rune of Strength | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Rune of Wisdom | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Sagacious Rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Stalwart Rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Steadfast Rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Twin-rune of Dexterity | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Twin-rune of Intelligence | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Twin-rune of Strength | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Twin-rune of Wisdom | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Unblurring Rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Unwavering Rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Weapon-rune of Dexterity | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Weapon-rune of Intelligence | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Weapon-rune of Strength | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Weapon-rune of Wisdom | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Detailed Wrathful Rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Refined Glancing Twin-rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Refined Glancing Weapon-rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Refined Hardy Rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Refined Resolute Rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Refined Rune of Endurance | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Refined Thwarting Rune | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Refined Twin-rune of Endurance | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Refined Weapon-rune of Endurance | 448 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Deft Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Dominating Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Insightful Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Intrepid Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Potent Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Rage Twin-rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Rage Weapon-rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Recondite Twin-rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Recondite Weapon-rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Rune of Dexterity | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Rune of Intelligence | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Rune of Strength | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Rune of Wisdom | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Sagacious Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Stalwart Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Steadfast Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Twin-rune of Dexterity | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Twin-rune of Intelligence | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Twin-rune of Strength | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Twin-rune of Wisdom | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Unblurring Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Unwavering Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Weapon-rune of Dexterity | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Weapon-rune of Intelligence | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Weapon-rune of Strength | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Weapon-rune of Wisdom | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Exquisite Wrathful Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Illustrious Glancing Twin-rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Illustrious Glancing Weapon-rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Illustrious Hardy Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Illustrious Resolute Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Illustrious Rune of Endurance | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Illustrious Thwarting Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Illustrious Twin-rune of Endurance | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Illustrious Weapon-rune of Endurance | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Deft Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Dominating Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Insightful Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Intrepid Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Potent Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Rage Twin-rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Rage Weapon-rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Recondite Twin-rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Recondite Weapon-rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Rune of Dexterity | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Rune of Intelligence | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Rune of Strength | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Rune of Wisdom | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Sagacious Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Stalwart Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Steadfast Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Twin-rune of Dexterity | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Twin-rune of Intelligence | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Twin-rune of Strength | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Twin-rune of Wisdom | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Unblurring Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Unwavering Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Weapon-rune of Dexterity | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Weapon-rune of Intelligence | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Weapon-rune of Strength | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Weapon-rune of Wisdom | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Magnificent Wrathful Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Phenomenal Glancing Twin-rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Phenomenal Glancing Weapon-rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Phenomenal Hardy Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Phenomenal Resolute Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Phenomenal Rune of Endurance | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Phenomenal Thwarting Rune | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Phenomenal Twin-rune of Endurance | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 | |
Phenomenal Weapon-rune of Endurance | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from ‘Smokey’ the Rune Upgrade Recipe Trainer in the Choreburg district of Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5887 5576 |
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Glowing Elusive Rune | 1 | 10 | 20 | 30 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Dim Deft Rune | 1 | 10 | 20 | 30 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Dim Insightful Rune | 1 | 10 | 20 | 30 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Dim Resolute Rune | 1 | 10 | 20 | 30 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glowing Steadfast Rune | 1 | 10 | 20 | 30 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glowing Unwavering Rune | 1 | 10 | 20 | 30 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Dim Rage Runeshard | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Dim Recondite Runeshard | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Dim Rage Rune | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Dim Recondite Rune | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glowing Adamant Rune | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glowing Thwarting Rune | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glowing Unrelenting Rune | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Glowing Vengeful Rune | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Dim Potent Rune | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Dim Sagacious Rune | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glowing Resolute Rune | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glowing Deft Rune | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glowing Insightful Rune | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glowing Rage Runeshard | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glowing Recondite Runeshard | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bright Elusive Rune | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Bright Steadfast Rune | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bright Unwavering Rune | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glowing Potent Rune | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glowing Rage Rune | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glowing Recondite Rune | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Glowing Sagacious Rune | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bright Adamant Rune | 90 | 100 | 110 | 120 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bright Thwarting Rune | 90 | 100 | 110 | 120 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bright Unrelenting Rune | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Bright Vengeful Rune | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Chilling Rune | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Crushing Runeshard | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Glowing Dominating Rune | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Glowing Wrathful Rune | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Petrifying Rune | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Bright Deft Rune | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bright Insightful Rune | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bright Resolute Rune | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bright Rage Runeshard | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bright Recondite Runeshard | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bright Potent Rune | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bright Sagacious Rune | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bright Rage Rune | 130 | 140 | 150 | 160 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bright Recondite Rune | 130 | 140 | 150 | 160 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Luminous Elusive Rune | 140 | 150 | 160 | 170 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Luminous Steadfast Rune | 140 | 150 | 160 | 170 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Luminous Unwavering Rune | 140 | 150 | 160 | 170 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bright Dominating Rune | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Bright Wrathful Rune | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Luminous Deft Rune | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Luminous Insightful Rune | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Luminous Adamant Rune | 160 | 170 | 180 | 190 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Luminous Resolute Rune | 160 | 170 | 180 | 190 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Luminous Accurate Rune | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Luminous Destructive Runeshard | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Luminous Ravaging Runeshard | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Luminous Sharp Rune | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Luminous Unrelenting Rune | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Luminous Vengeful Rune | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Luminous Thwarting Rune | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Luminous Potent Rune | 180 | 190 | 200 | 210 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Luminous Sagacious Rune | 180 | 190 | 200 | 210 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Luminous Rage Runeshard | 190 | 200 | 210 | 220 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Luminous Recondite Runeshard | 190 | 200 | 210 | 220 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Icewall Rune | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Luminous Calamitous Rune | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Luminous Devastating Rune | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Luminous Dominating Rune | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Luminous Wrathful Rune | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Smoldering Rune | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Windshielding Rune | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Luminous Rage Rune | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Luminous Recondite Rune | 200 | 210 | 220 | 230 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Radiant Adamant Rune | 210 | 220 | 230 | 240 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Radiant Deft Rune | 220 | 230 | 240 | 250 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Radiant Insightful Rune | 220 | 230 | 240 | 250 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Radiant Accurate Rune | 230 | 240 | 250 | 260 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Destructive Runeshard | 230 | 240 | 250 | 260 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Ravaging Runeshard | 230 | 240 | 250 | 260 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Sharp Rune | 230 | 240 | 250 | 260 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Potent Rune | 230 | 250 | 260 | 270 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Radiant Resolute Rune | 230 | 240 | 250 | 260 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Radiant Elusive Rune | 240 | 250 | 260 | 270 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Sagacious Rune | 240 | 250 | 260 | 270 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Radiant Rage Runeshard | 250 | 260 | 270 | 280 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Radiant Recondite Runeshard | 250 | 260 | 270 | 280 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Radiant Unrelenting Rune | 260 | 270 | 280 | 290 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Vengeful Rune | 260 | 270 | 280 | 290 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Steadfast Rune | 260 | 270 | 280 | 290 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Radiant Unwavering Rune | 260 | 270 | 280 | 290 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Radiant Dominating Rune | 270 | 280 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Wrathful Rune | 270 | 280 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Rage Rune | 270 | 280 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Radiant Recondite Rune | 270 | 280 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Radiant Indomitable Runeshard | 275 | 280 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Precise Rune | 275 | 280 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Precise Runeshard | 275 | 280 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Savvy Rune | 275 | 280 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Savvy Runeshard | 275 | 280 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Calamitous Rune | 280 | 285 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Devastating Rune | 280 | 285 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Brilliant Enduring Rune | 280 | 285 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Radiant Thwarting Rune | 280 | 285 | 290 | 300 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Baneful Runeshard | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blazing Dexterity Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blazing Dexterity Runeshard | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blazing Intelligence Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blazing Intelligence Runeshard | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blazing Strength Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blazing Strength Runeshard | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blazing Wisdom Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blazing Wisdom Runeshard | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Brilliant Air Resistance Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Brilliant Death Resistance Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Brilliant Earth Resistance Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Brilliant Fire Resistance Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Brilliant Life Resistance Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Brilliant Water Resistance Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Feral Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Invigorating Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Radiant Vengeful Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gleaming Rage Rune | 290 | 300 | 310 | 320 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Gleaming Recondite Rune | 290 | 300 | 310 | 320 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Blazing Deft Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Insightful Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Potent Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Rage Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Rage Runeshard | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Recondite Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Recondite Runeshard | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Resolute Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Sagacious Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Steadfast Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Thwarting Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Unwavering Rune | 290 | 295 | 300 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Air Resistance Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blazing Death Resistance Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blazing Earth Resistance Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blazing Fire Resistance Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blazing Life Resistance Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blazing Tough Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blazing Water Resistance Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Brilliant Tough Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gleaming Calamitous Runeshard | 300 | 310 | 320 | 330 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gleaming Devastating Runeshard | 300 | 310 | 320 | 330 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Incandescent Adamant Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Incandescent Calamitous Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Incandescent Calamitous Runeshard | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Incandescent Devastating Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Incandescent Devastating Runeshard | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Incandescent Tenacious Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gleaming Elusive Rune | 300 | 310 | 320 | 330 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Gleaming Potent Rune | 300 | 310 | 320 | 330 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Gleaming Sagacious Rune | 300 | 310 | 320 | 330 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Blazing Adamant Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Deflection Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Enduring Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Indomitable Runeshard | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Precise Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Precise Runeshard | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Savvy Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Savvy Runeshard | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Incandescent Indomitable Runeshard | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Incandescent Precise Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Incandescent Precise Runeshard | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Incandescent Savvy Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Incandescent Savvy Runeshard | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Blazing Vengeful Rune | 300 | 301 | 302 | 305 | Vanilla | Unknown | |
Gleaming Calamitous Rune | 310 | 320 | 330 | 340 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gleaming Devastating Rune | 310 | 320 | 330 | 340 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gleaming Adamant Rune | 310 | 320 | 330 | 340 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Auroral Rage Rune | 320 | 330 | 340 | 350 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Recondite Rune | 320 | 330 | 340 | 350 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gleaming Resolute Rune | 320 | 330 | 340 | 350 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Gleaming Dominating Rune | 330 | 340 | 350 | 360 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gleaming Wrathful Rune | 330 | 340 | 350 | 360 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gleaming Rage Runeshard | 330 | 340 | 350 | 360 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Gleaming Recondite Runeshard | 330 | 340 | 350 | 360 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Auroral Potent Rune | 340 | 350 | 360 | 370 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Sagacious Rune | 340 | 350 | 360 | 370 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gleaming Deft Rune | 340 | 350 | 360 | 370 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Gleaming Insightful Rune | 340 | 350 | 360 | 370 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Auroral Adamant Rune | 350 | 360 | 370 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Rage Runeshard | 350 | 360 | 370 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Recondite Runeshard | 350 | 360 | 370 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gleaming Thwarting Rune | 350 | 360 | 370 | 380 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Auroral Deft Rune | 360 | 365 | 370 | 375 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Insightful Rune | 360 | 365 | 370 | 375 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gleaming Steadfast Rune | 360 | 365 | 370 | 380 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Gleaming Unwavering Rune | 360 | 365 | 370 | 380 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Auroral Steadfast Rune | 365 | 370 | 375 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Unwavering Rune | 365 | 370 | 375 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gleaming Glancing Rune | 370 | 375 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Auroral Calamitous Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Calamitous Runeshard | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Devastating Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Devastating Runeshard | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Dexterity Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Dexterity Runeshard | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Dominating Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Hardy Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Intelligence Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Intelligence Runeshard | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Mirroring Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Stalwart Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Strength Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Strength Runeshard | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Tough Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Unblurring Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Wisdom Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Wisdom Runeshard | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Auroral Wrathful Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Empyrean Rage Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Empyrean Rage Runeshard | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Empyrean Recondite Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Empyrean Recondite Runeshard | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Gleaming Intrepid Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Adamant Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Deft Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Dominating Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Hardy Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Insightful Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Intrepid Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Mirroring Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Potent Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Rage Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Rage Runeshard | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Recondite Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Recondite Runeshard | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Resolute Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Sagacious Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Stalwart Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Steadfast Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Thwarting Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Unblurring Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Unwavering Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lustrous Wrathful Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Abiding Thwarting Rune | 375 | 390 | 405 | 420 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Auroral Resolute Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Intrepid Rune | 375 | 390 | 405 | 420 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Steadfast Rune | 375 | 390 | 405 | 420 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Unwavering Rune | 375 | 390 | 405 | 420 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Auroral Gallant Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Auroral Glancing Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Auroral Lucid Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Auroral Thwarting Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Gleaming Unrelenting Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Gleaming Vengeful Rune | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits. | |
Auroral Twin-rune of Endurance | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | This recipe has been removed from the game. It used to be bought at the Runecrafter Recipe Vendors. | |
Lustrous Twin-rune of Endurance | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | This recipe has been removed from the game. It used to be bought at the Runecrafter Recipe Vendors. | |
Abiding Resolute Rune | 390 | 405 | 420 | 435 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Deft Rune | 390 | 405 | 420 | 435 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Insightful Rune | 390 | 405 | 420 | 435 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Potent Rune | 390 | 405 | 420 | 435 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Sagacious Rune | 390 | 405 | 420 | 435 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Abiding Twin-rune of Endurance | 405 | 420 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Abiding Weapon-rune of Endurance | 405 | 420 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Twin-rune of Dexterity | 405 | 420 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Twin-rune of Intelligence | 405 | 420 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Twin-rune of Strength | 405 | 420 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Twin-rune of Wisdom | 405 | 420 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Weapon-rune of Dexterity | 405 | 420 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Weapon-rune of Intelligence | 405 | 420 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Weapon-rune of Strength | 405 | 420 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Weapon-rune of Wisdom | 405 | 420 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Abiding Hardy Rune | 420 | 435 | 450 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Dominating Rune | 420 | 435 | 450 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Stalwart Rune | 420 | 435 | 450 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Unblurring Rune | 420 | 435 | 450 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Wrathful Rune | 420 | 435 | 450 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Abiding Rune of Endurance | 435 | 450 | 452 | 455 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Rune of Dexterity | 435 | 450 | 452 | 455 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Rune of Intelligence | 435 | 450 | 452 | 455 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Rune of Strength | 435 | 450 | 452 | 455 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Rune of Wisdom | 435 | 450 | 452 | 455 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Abiding Glancing Twin-rune | 445 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Abiding Glancing Weapon-rune | 445 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Rage Twin-rune | 445 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Rage Weapon-rune | 445 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Recondite Twin-rune | 445 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fine Recondite Weapon-rune | 445 | 450 | 455 | 460 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Visionary Dominating Rune | 460 | 470 | 480 | 490 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Visionary Stalwart Rune | 460 | 470 | 480 | 490 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Visionary Unblurring Rune | 460 | 470 | 480 | 490 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Visionary Wrathful Rune | 460 | 470 | 480 | 490 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Visionary Aegis Rune | 470 | 500 | 510 | 520 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Visionary Imperium Rune | 470 | 480 | 490 | 500 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Visionary Ingenuity Rune | 470 | 480 | 490 | 500 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Visionary Shattering Rune | 470 | 480 | 490 | 500 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Visionary Rage Weapon-runeshard | 490 | 500 | 510 | 520 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Visionary Recondite Weapon-runeshard | 490 | 500 | 510 | 520 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Visionary Starcrash Weapon-rune | 490 | 500 | 510 | 520 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Visionary Starfall Weapon-runeshard | 490 | 500 | 510 | 520 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Visionary Starstrike Weapon-rune | 490 | 500 | 510 | 520 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Prophetic Dominating Rune | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Prophetic Stalwart Rune | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Prophetic Unblurring Rune | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Prophetic Wrathful Rune | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Prophetic Aegis Rune | 510 | 515 | 520 | 525 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Prophetic Imperium Rune | 510 | 515 | 520 | 525 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Prophetic Ingenuity Rune | 510 | 515 | 520 | 525 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Prophetic Shattering Rune | 510 | 515 | 520 | 525 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Prophetic Rage Weapon-runeshard | 520 | 525 | 530 | 535 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Prophetic Recondite Weapon-runeshard | 520 | 525 | 530 | 535 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Prophetic Starcrash Weapon-rune | 520 | 525 | 530 | 535 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Prophetic Starfall Weapon-runeshard | 520 | 525 | 530 | 535 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Prophetic Starstrike Weapon-rune | 520 | 525 | 530 | 535 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. |
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Effigy of Arcane Power | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Faint Messenger Tear | 420 | 435 | 450 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Empowered Messenger Tear | 450 | 453 | 454 | 455 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. |