

Introduction to Outfitter

Outfitters craft Leather and Cloth gear for Rogues, Primalists, and Mages. They also craft Bags! Which are useful for all characters.
Outfitters use lots of Leathers and Cloths to craft. They can also refine Cloth into Bolts.

Useful Items from Outfitter

Level 70 items
  • Crafts the BiS Chondritic Helm for Mages, and Clerics.
  • Crafts Insoles, temporary buffs to help you run faster out of the red.
  • Refines Cloth into Bolts of Cloth.
Other items of note
  • Crafts Bags. — These are useful for players of all levels.
  • Crafts a large selection of gear, unlocking many wardrobes!
  • Crafts the Minion Card: Milkweed.

Levelling your Outfitter Skill

How to level

You will need to train the Outfitter skill at an Outfitter Trainer, you can find one in..
Meridian /setwaypoint 5982 5223
Sanctum /setwaypoint 7439 2961
Tempest Bay /setwaypoint 12815 11665

You need to be stood at a Loom to craft most Outfitter items
You can learn new recipes from an Outfitter Trainer to be able to continue levelling, there is usually an Outfitter trainer near the Loom.

There is usually a new Recipe to learn from your trainer every 10 levels. So most items will be crafted 10 times, giving you 10 levels. This can go bit wonky towards the end of a skill level, where you may need more than 1 craft to get a single skill point. You will learn 261 Outfitter recipes from your trainer while you level up.


Vendor Mats can all be bought using the little + next to the listed ingredient, they start off as few silver each at lower levels. They will get more expensive as you level up, with the highest level mats requiring a few plat each! Some vendor mats can be bought with credits.. there is never any need to buy materials for credits.. just take a break and go farm some platinum if you run out.

You are going to need lots of Leathers, these are gathered by Butchering. You will also need lots of Cloth, which are looted from humanoid mobs and turned into Bolts by the Outfitter.

Boosting skill gain

You can use a Skill orb! This will increase your chances of gaining a skill point while crafting Outfitter items. Skill Orbs are available in the Rift Store for credits only. If you are going to buy one, be sure to have a bunch of materials ready so you can quickly craft to skill up and really get the most out of the 2 hour timer.
There is also a Guild Perk called ‘Journeyman‘ that will increase your chance of gaining a skill point.

Materials Required for 0-500
  • A few of the recipes will have an overlap, so you can choose a recipe that requires slightly different materials depending on your stocks.
  • The trainer usually provides 2 to 4 recipes that will be orange for each block of ten skill points. This means you have a selection of different materials you can use, some of which you may find easier to farm.
  • You will also need to buy a bunch of vendor mats from the store.
  • Using a Skill Orb will reduce the amount of crafts required, and will thus reduce the materials required.
  • Note: It is best to grab a couple of extra of each material. There is an element of randomness to partial skill points, sometimes you will need an extra craft to push over to the next set of 10. This will be at different points each time you level!

Mathosian Materials

58x Soft Leather
60x Thin Leather
40x Medium Leather
50x Heavy leather
60x Thick Leather
60x Exotic Leather
77x Soulbind Leather

30x Bolt of Burlap
30x Bolt of Cotton
50x Bolt of Wool
10x Bolt of Linen
30x Bolt of Silk
30x Bolt of Composite Cloth
74x Bolt of Spellspun Silk

Storm Legion Materials

134x Dense Leather
50x Striped Leather
88x Lanzan Cloth
62x Bolt of Lanzan
80x Chiffon Cloth
26x Bolt of Chiffon
80x Empyrean Silk
18x Bolt of Empyrean Silk

Nightmare Tide Materials

599x Fabled Leather
90x Diaphanous Cloth
287x Bolt of Diaphanous Cloth

Prophecy of Ahnket Materials

196x Bolt of Starweave Cloth
135x Starweave Cloth
362x Starhide Leather
15x Chondritic Planar Dust

Recommended Crafts for Each Level

While levelling you will be given recipes to craft bolts out of cloth. Bolt recipes go grey very quickly, you won’t get many skill points out of them.
As the guide below is more geared towards quick levelling when you already have all the materials, I haven’t included the bolt recipes, so you will need to make your best judgement. You may be able to get a few skill points by crafting bolts and then you can craft less of the actual items.

1 - 300 - Mathosian Zones

While levelling from 1-300 you will be able to pick up a daily crafting quest in your home city of Meridian/Sanctum.

1 – 10
Craft Soft Leather Boots 9 times – Each craft requires 2x Soft Leather (Leather from Freemarch , and Silverwood).

10 – 20
Craft Soft Leather Shoulders 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Soft Leather (Leather from Freemarch , and Silverwood), and vendor mats.

20 – 30
Craft Burlap Handwraps 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Bolt of Burlap (Cloth from Freemarch , and Silverwood), 1x Soft Leather (Leather from Freemarch , and Silverwood), and vendor mats.

30 – 40
Craft Burlap Robe 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Bolt of Burlap (Cloth from Freemarch , and Silverwood), 1x Soft Leather (Leather from Freemarch , and Silverwood), and vendor mats.

40 – 50
Craft Thin Leather Boots 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Thin Leather (Leather from Freemarch, Stonefield, and Gloamwood).

50 – 60
Craft Thin Leather Shoulders 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Thin Leather (Leather from Freemarch, Stonefield, and Gloamwood), and vendor mats.

60 – 70
Craft Cotton Handwraps 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Thin Leather (Leather from Freemarch, Stonefield, and Gloamwood), 1x Bolt of Cotton (Cloth from Freemarch, Silverwood, Stonefield, and Gloamwood), and vendor mats.

70 – 75
Craft Cotton Robe 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Thin Leather (Leather from Freemarch, Stonefield, and Gloamwood), 2x Bolt of Cotton (Cloth from Freemarch, Silverwood, Stonefield, and Gloamwood), and vendor mats.

At level 70-75 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Skilled’ tier of Outfitter.

75 – 80
Craft Cotton Robe 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Thin Leather (Leather from Freemarch, Stonefield, and Gloamwood), 2x Bolt of Cotton (Cloth from Freemarch, Silverwood, Stonefield, and Gloamwood), and vendor mats.

80 – 90
Craft Medium Leather Boots 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Medium Leather (Leather from Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, and Iron Pine Peak).

90 – 100
Craft Wool Breeches 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Bolt of Wool (Cloth from Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, and Iron Pine Peak), and vendor mats.

100 – 110
Craft Wool Handwraps 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Bolt of Wool (Cloth from Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, and Iron Pine Peak), 1x Medium Leather (Leather from Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, and Iron Pine Peak), and vendor mats.

110 – 120
Craft Wool Robe 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Bolt of Wool (Cloth from Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, and Iron Pine Peak), 1x Medium Leather (Leather from Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, and Iron Pine Peak), and vendor mats.

120 – 130
Craft Heavy Leather Boots 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Heavy Leather (Leather from Iron Pine Peak, Scarwood Reach, Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands).

130 – 140
Craft Heavy Leather Shoulders 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Heavy Leather (Leather from Iron Pine Peak, Scarwood Reach, Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands), and vendor mats.

140 – 150
Craft Linen Handwraps 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Heavy Leather (Leather from Iron Pine Peak, Scarwood Reach, Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands), 1x Bolt of Linen (Cloth from Iron Pine Peak, Scarwood Reach, Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands), and vendor mats.

At level 145-150 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Expert’ tier of Outfitter.

150 – 160
Craft Thick Leather Boots 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Thick Leather (Leather from Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands).

160 – 170
Craft Thick Leather Shoulders 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Thick Leather (Leather from Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands), and vendor mats.

170 – 180
Craft Silk Handwraps 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Bolt of Silk (Cloth from Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands), 1x Thick Leather (Leather from Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands), and vendor mats.

180 – 190
Craft Silk Robe 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Bolt of Silk (Cloth from Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands), 1x Thick Leather (Leather from Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands), and vendor mats.

190 – 200
Craft Exotic Leather Boots 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Exotic Leather (Leather from Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor).

200 – 210
Craft Exotic Leather Shoulders 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Exotic Leather (Leather from Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor), and vendor mats.

210 – 220
Craft Composite Handwraps 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Exotic Leather (Leather from Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor), 1x Bolt of Composite Cloth (Cloth from Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor), and vendor mats.

220 – 225
Craft Composite Robe 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Exotic Leather (Leather from Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor), 2x Bolt of Composite Cloth (Cloth from Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor), and vendor mats.

At level 220-225 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Master’ tier of Outfitter.

225 – 230
Craft Composite Robe 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Exotic Leather (Leather from Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor), 2x Bolt of Composite Cloth (Cloth from Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor), and vendor mats.

230 – 240
Craft Soulbind Leather Boots 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Soulbind Leather (Leather from Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle).

240 – 250
Craft Spellspun Breeches 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Bolt of Spellspun Silk (Cloth from Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle), and vendor mats.

250 – 260
Craft Soulbind Leather Shoulders 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Soulbind Leather (Leather from Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle), and vendor mats.

260 – 270
Craft Spellspun Handwraps 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Bolt of Spellspun Silk (Cloth from Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle), 1x Soulbind Leather (Leather from Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle), and vendor mats.

270 – 285
Craft Spellspun Robe 17 times – Each craft requires 2x Bolt of Spellspun Silk (Cloth from Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle), 1x Soulbind Leather (Leather from Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle), and vendor mats.

285 – 290
Craft Lightweight Riding Chaps 5 times – Each craft requires 2x Bolt of Spellspun Silk (Cloth from Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle), 2x Soulbind Leather (Leather from Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle), and vendor mats.

290 – 300
Craft Bolt of Lanzan 10 times – Each craft requires 2x Lanzan Cloth (Cloth from Storm Legion zones). Be sure to keep the Bolts so you can use them later!
Note: This recipe uses Storm Legion Materials and you will need to go to Tempest Bay to train it.

When your skill level is exactly 300 and you have not trained the Grandmaster tier, you will be able to pick up a weekly crafting quest from the craft quest givers in your home city. This awards the level 50 crafting rift lure. The level 50 Crift doesn’t give anything special, it is just nice to see it!

At level 295-300 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Grandmaster’ tier of Outfitter.

300 - 375 - Storm Legion Zones

While levelling from 301 to 375 you will be able to pick up a daily crafting quest in Tempest Bay.

300 – 308
Craft Bolt of Lanzan 30 times – Each craft requires 2x Lanzan Cloth (Cloth from Storm Legion zones).

308 – 310
Craft Dense Leather Leggings 2 times – Each craft requires 5x Dense Leather (Leather from Storm Legion zones), 4x Bolt of Lanzan (Cloth from Storm Legion zones), and vendor mats.

310 – 324
Craft Dense Leather Belt 14 times – Each craft requires 4x Dense Leather(Leather from Storm Legion zones), and vendor mats.

324 – 330
Craft Magician’s Lanzan Cape 6 times – Each craft requires 5x Dense Leather (Leather from Storm Legion zones), 4x Bolt of Lanzan (Cloth from Storm Legion zones), and vendor mats.

330 – 348
Craft Bolt of Chiffon 40 times – Each craft requires 2x Chiffon Cloth(Cloth from Storm Legion zones).

348 – 350
Craft Striped Leather Leggings 2 times – Each craft requires 5x Striped Leather (Leather from Storm Legion zones), 4x Bolt of Chiffon (Cloth from Storm Legion zones), 4x Dense Leather (Leather from Storm Legion zones), and vendor mats.

350 – 360
Craft Striped Leather Belt 10 times – Each craft requires 4x Striped Leather (Leather from Storm Legion zones), 3x Dense Leather (Leather from Storm Legion zones), and vendor mats.

360 – 372
Craft Bolt of Empyrean Silk 40 times – Each craft requires 2x Empyrean Silk(Cloth from Storm Legion zones).

372 – 375
Craft Luminous Empyrean Gloves 3 times – Each craft requires 6x Bolt of Empyrean Silk (Cloth from Storm Legion zones), 6x Bolt of Chiffon (Cloth from Storm Legion zones), 6x Bolt of Lanzan (Cloth from Storm Legion zones), and vendor mats.

When your skill level is exactly 375 and you have not trained the Savant tier, you will be able to pick up a weekly crafting quest from the craft quest givers in Tempest Bay. This awards the level 60 crafting rift lure. The level 60 Crift doesn’t give anything special, it is just nice to see it!

At level 370-375 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Savant’ tier of Outfitter.

375 - 450 - Nightmare Tide Zones

While levelling from 376 to 450 you will be able to pick up a daily crafting quest in Tempest Bay.
You will also be able to pick up a weekly crafting quest in Margle Palace, Draumheim at /setwaypoint 5863 5521.
This awards the level 65 crafting rift lure. The level 65 crafting rift gives special materials for Savant level Planar Crafting.

375 – 390
Craft Bolt of Diaphanous Cloth 45 times – Each craft requires 2x Diaphanous Cloth (Cloth from Nightmare Tide zones).

390 – 395
Craft Abiding Fabled Boots 5 times – Each craft requires 7x Fabled Leather (Leather from Nightmare Tide zones), 3x Bolt of Diaphanous Cloth (Cloth from Nightmare Tide zones), and vendor mats.

395 – 405
Craft Abiding Fabled Harness 10 times – Each craft requires 8x Fabled Leather (Leather from Nightmare Tide zones), 3x Bolt of Diaphanous Cloth (Cloth from Nightmare Tide zones), and vendor mats.

405 – 415
Craft Abiding Fabled Shoulders 10 times – Each craft requires 11x Fabled Leather (Leather from Nightmare Tide zones), 5x Bolt of Diaphanous Cloth (Cloth from Nightmare Tide zones), and vendor mats.

415 – 420
Craft Abiding Fabled Leggings 5 times – Each craft requires 12x Fabled Leather (Leather from Nightmare Tide zones), 6x Bolt of Diaphanous Cloth (Cloth from Nightmare Tide zones), and vendor mats.

420 – 435
Craft Sharkskin Chaps 21 times – Each craft requires 4x Fabled Leather (Leather from Nightmare Tide zones), 2x Bolt of Diaphanous Cloth (Cloth from Nightmare Tide zones), and vendor mats.

435 – 445
Craft Abiding Fabled Hood 10 times – Each craft requires 18x Fabled Leather (Leather from Nightmare Tide zones), 8x Bolt of Diaphanous Cloth (Cloth from Nightmare Tide zones), and vendor mats.
Note: If the Sharkskin Chaps took you further than 435 then just craft enough of these to get to 445.

445 – 450
Craft Abiding Fabled Cape 5 times – Each craft requires 10x Fabled Leather (Leather from Nightmare Tide zones), 4x Bolt of Diaphanous Cloth (Cloth from Nightmare Tide zones), and vendor mats.

At level 445-450 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Visionary’ tier of Outfitter.

450 - 525 - Prophecy of Ahnket Zones

While levelling from 451 to 525 you will be able to pick up a daily crafting quest in Tempest Bay.
You will also be able to pick up a weekly crafting quest in Alittu once you hit level 500

450 – 465
Craft Bolt of Starweave 45 times – Each craft requires 3x Starweave Cloth (Cloth from Prophecy of Ahnket zones).

465 – 470
Craft Starhide Cape 6 times – Each craft requires 18x Starhide Leather (Leather from Prophecy of Ahnket zones), 10x Bolt of Starweave Cloth (Cloth from Prophecy of Ahnket zones), 3x Chondritic Planar Dust (Dust from Prophecy of Ahnket zones), and vendor mats.

470 – 480
Craft Starhide Slinkers 10 times – Each craft requires 18x Starhide Leather (Leather from Prophecy of Ahnket zones), 10x Bolt of Starweave Cloth (Cloth from Prophecy of Ahnket zones), and vendor mats.

480 – 500
Craft Tuath’de Insoles 23 times – Each craft requires 4x Starhide Leather (Leather from Prophecy of Ahnket zones), 2x Bolt of Starweave Cloth (Cloth from Prophecy of Ahnket zones), and vendor mats.

500 = Crafting Weekly
Now that you are level 500, you are able to pick up the weekly crafting quest in Alittu.
It is best from this point to continue levelling by completing the weeklies and dailies as they are available to you. This will be much much cheaper than attempting to plough through to 525 by crafting multiple, very expensive items that you don’t even need.

Moving Forward
You can continue to craft multiple expensive items to finish levelling to 525 in one day if you want to. The trainer wont have many recipes for you at this level, instead you will need to buy recipes in the store with your crafting marks.
I recommend instead that you just do the crafting daily each day (and the weeklies each week). This will be a cheaper craft, and awards the currencies that you need to buy the high level recipes.
You should also buy the Visionary Textile Amender recipe and craft that every day to get you good stock for when you need them.

542 Recipes Available for Outfitter

Special dropped recipes

Mathosia has a few special recipes that are dropped by mobs when you reach certain levels of Outfitter.

Bolt of Lockweave

Reach level 120 in Outfitter and then go kill baddies to loot the ‘Light Downy Cloth‘ quest item.
I went to Dayblind Hollows in Iron Pine Peak /setwaypoint 2935 1943 and looted it with less than 10 kills!
Right click the ‘Light Downy Cloth’ to accept the quest ‘From a Humble Scrap‘.
The quest asks you to take the ‘Light Downy Cloth’ to Deo Zervos in Meridian or Louis Klies in Sanctum.
Hand in the quest to be given another quest called ‘Weaving Lockweave‘.
This quest asks you to craft 10 bolts of Wool and 10 bolts of Linen.
Craft these and hand in the quest to be given the recipe for Bolt of Lockweave.

Bolt of Shaleweave

Reach level 185 in Outfitter and then go kill baddies to loot the ‘Tough Silken Cloth‘ quest item.
I went to Redoubt in Droughtlands /setwaypoint 8719 6931 and looted it on my first kill!
Right click the ‘Tough Silken Cloth’ to accept the quest ‘Textile Texture‘.
The quest asks you to take the ‘Tough Silken Cloth’ to Deo Zervos in Meridian or Louis Klies in Sanctum.
Hand in the quest to be given another quest called ‘A Silken Composite‘.
This quest asks you to craft 10 bolts of Silk and 10 bolts of Composite Cloth.
Craft these and hand in the quest to be given the recipe for Bolt of Shaleweave.

Bolt of Spiritweave

Reach level 280 in Outfitter and then go kill baddies to loot the ‘Exquisite Cloth‘ quest item.
I went to Death’s Approach in Stillmoor /setwaypoint 1470 2617 and looted it after about 5 kills!
Right click the ‘Exquisite Cloth’ to accept the quest ‘The Caress of Cloth‘.
The quest asks you to take the ‘Exquisite Cloth’ to Deo Zervos in Meridian or Louis Klies in Sanctum.
Hand in the quest to be given another quest called ‘Fabricated Spirit Fabric‘.
This quest asks you to craft 10 bolts of Spellspun Silk and 10 bolts of Witchweave.
Craft these and hand in the quest to be given the recipe for Bolt of Spiritweave.

Bolt of Radiant Witchweave

Bolt of Radiant Witchweave may sound the same as these other 3, but you just train this one from the normal Outfitter trainer.


Augments can be used when crafting Mathosian and Storm Legion level gear items. The Augment is added to the recipe in the crafting UI. Augments will add small amounts of extra stats to the crafted gear item. 
Augments are not longer used on recipes from NMT onwards.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Lesser Deflecting Augment50607080VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Minor Brilliant Augment150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Minor Cunning Augment150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Minor Deflecting Augment150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Minor Devious Augment150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Minor Unwavering Augment150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Minor Wily Augment150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Median Brilliant Augment225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Median Cunning Augment225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Median Deflecting Augment225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Median Devious Augment225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Median Unwavering Augment225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Median Wily Augment225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Excellent Brilliant Augment300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Excellent Cunning Augment300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Excellent Deflecting Augment300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Excellent Devious Augment300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Excellent Unwavering Augment300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Excellent Wily Augment300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Greater Brilliant Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Greater Cunning Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Greater Deflecting Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Greater Devious Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Greater Unwavering Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Greater Wily Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Major Brilliant Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Major Cunning Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Major Deflecting Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Major Devious Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Major Unwavering Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Major Wily Augment300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Empyrean Brilliant Augment340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Empyrean Cunning Augment340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Empyrean Deflecting Augment340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Empyrean Devious Augment340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Empyrean Unwavering Augment340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Empyrean Wily Augment340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Marvelous Brilliant Augment375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Marvelous Cunning Augment375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Marvelous Deflecting Augment375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Marvelous Devious Augment375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Marvelous Unwavering Augment375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Marvelous Wily Augment375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Stellar Brilliant Augment375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stellar Cunning Augment375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stellar Deflecting Augment375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stellar Devious Augment375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stellar Unwavering Augment375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stellar Wily Augment375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.


Bags are always useful! You should only really bother crafting the 28 slots ones. You can find more information about bags here.

Note: ‘Cosmic Bag Box’ is listed on rift store as just ‘Cosmic Bag’.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Burlap Bag30394959VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Woolen Bag110119129139VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Silken Bag180189199209VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Spellspun Bag280285290300VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Witchweave Bag290295300305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Lanzan Bag300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Spiritweave Bag300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chiffon Bag340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Empyrean Bag375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Cosmic Bag Box420435450465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Nightmare Touched Bag420435450465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.

Bulk Materials

Craft cloth into bolts, 20 at a time!

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Twenty Bolts of Burlap35353535VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Bolts of Cotton75757575VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Bolts of Wool115115115115VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Bolts of Linen145145145145VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Bolts of Silk185185185185VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Bolts of Composite Cloth225225225225VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Bolts of Spellspun Silk250250250250VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Bolts of Witchweave280280280280VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Bolts of Lanzan310310310310Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Bolts of Chiffon350350350350Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Bolts of Empyrean Silk370370370370Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Bolts of Diaphanous Cloth390395400405Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Bolts of Starweave475475475475ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.


You can craft these for your character to wear until you get better ones.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Fortified Lanzan Cape320330340350Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Furious Lanzan Cape320330340350Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Luminous Lanzan Cape320330340350Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Magician’s Lanzan Cape320330340350Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Trickster’s Lanzan Cape320330340350Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fortified Chiffon Cape360370375380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Furious Chiffon Cape360370375380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Luminous Chiffon Cape360370375380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Magician’s Chiffon Cape360370375380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Trickster’s Chiffon Cape360370375380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fortified Empyrean Cape375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Gloomy Courtly Cape375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Gloomy Stately Cape375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Luminous Courtly Cape375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Luminous Empyrean Cape375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Luminous Stately Cape375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Luminous Substantial Cape375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Shadowed Courtly Cape375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Shadowed Stately Cape375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Stately Substantial Cape375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Substantial Courtly Cape375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from bosses in the Storm Legion Expert Dungeons.
Abiding Diaphanous Cape445455460465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Fabled Cape445455460465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Diaphanous Cape445455460465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Fabled Cape445455460465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Diaphanous Cape450455460465Nightmare Tide
Looted from bosses in the Nightmare Tide Expert Dungeons.
Detailed Fabled Cape450455460465Nightmare Tide
Looted from bosses in the Nightmare Tide Expert Dungeons.
Refined Diaphanous Cape450455460465Nightmare Tide
Looted from bosses in the Nightmare Tide Expert Dungeons.
Refined Fabled Cape450455460465Nightmare Tide
Looted from bosses in the Nightmare Tide Expert Dungeons.
Starhide Cape460470480485ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starweave Cape460470480485ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Infused Starhide Cape510515520525ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tenebrean Samite Cape510515520525ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.


Cloth gear is worn by Mages.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Burlap Shoes1102030VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Burlap Waistband1102030VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Burlap Breeches10192939VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Burlap Shoulderpads10192939VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Burlap Cowl20293949VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Burlap Handwraps20293949VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Burlap Robe30394959VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cotton Shoes40495969VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cotton Waistband40495969VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Cotton Breeches50596979VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cotton Shoulderpads50596979VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cotton Cowl60697989VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Cotton Handwraps60697989VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cotton Robe70798999VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Wool Shoes808999109VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Wool Waistband808999109VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Wool Breeches9099109119VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Wool Shoulderpads9099109119VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Wool Cowl100109119129VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Wool Handwraps100109119129VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Wool Robe110119129139VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Linen Shoes120129139149VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Linen Waistband120129139149VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Iron Claw Headwrap130140150160VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Linen Breeches130139149159VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Linen Shoulderpads130139149159VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Red Scar Headwrap130140150160VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Linen Cowl140149159169VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Linen Handwraps140149159169VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Linen Robe145154164174VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Lockweave Shoulderpads150159169179VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Silk Shoes150159169179VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Silk Waistband150159169179VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Silk Breeches160169179189VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Silk Shoulderpads160169179189VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Silk Cowl170179189199VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Silk Handwraps170179189199VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Silk Robe180189199209VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Shaleweave Robe185194204214VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Shaleweave Waistband185194204214VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Composite Shoes190199209219VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Composite Waistband190199209219VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Shaleweave Handwraps190199209219VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Composite Breeches200209219229VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Composite Shoulderpads200209219229VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Composite Cowl210219229239VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Composite Handwraps210219229239VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Composite Robe220229239249VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Spellspun Shoes230239249259VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Spellspun Waistband230239249259VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Spellspun Breeches240249259269VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Spellspun Shoulderpads250259269279VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Spellspun Cowl260269279289VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Spellspun Handwraps260269279289VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Spellspun Robe270279289299VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Witchweave Cowl280285290300VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Lanzan Cowl290300310320VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Lanzan Handwraps290300310320VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Lanzan Robe290300310320VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Witchweave Breeches290295300305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Ceremonial Shoulderpads300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Ceremonial Visage300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Darkcloth Belt300301302305Vanilla
Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Darkcloth Cap300301302305Vanilla
Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Darkcloth Leggings300301302305Vanilla
Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Darkcloth Shroud300301302305Vanilla
Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Darkcloth Slippers300301302305Vanilla
Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Hood of the Flowing Dark300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Lanzan Breeches300310320330Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Lanzan Shoulderpads300310320330Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Mantle of the Flowing Dark300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Radiant Witchweave Gloves300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Robes of the Flowing Dark300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Scarn Hide Helmet300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tormentor’s Robe300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tormentor’s Shoulderpads300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Lanzan Shoes310320330340Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Lanzan Waistband310320330340Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Luminous Lanzan Cowl310320330340Storm LegionUnknown
Chiffon Cowl330340350360Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Chiffon Handwraps330340350360Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chiffon Robe330340350360Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Luminous Lanzan Robe330340350360Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chiffon Breeches340350360370Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Chiffon Shoulderpads340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chiffon Shoes350360370380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chiffon Waistband350360370380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Luminous Chiffon Cowl350360370380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Luminous Empyrean Gloves370375377380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Luminous Empyrean Headwrap370375377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Luminous Empyrean Vestments370375377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Abiding Diaphanous Handwraps375385395405Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Diaphanous Handwraps375385395405Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Luminous Empyrean Cowl375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Luminous Empyrean Mantle375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Luminous Empyrean Sash375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Luminous Empyrean Slippers375376377380Storm LegionUnknown
Luminous Empyrean Trousers375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Luminous Empyrean Wrap375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Luminous Substantial Breeches375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Luminous Substantial Cowl375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Luminous Substantial Handwraps375376377380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Luminous Substantial Mantle375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Luminous Substantial Shoes375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Luminous Substantial Vestments375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Luminous Substantial Waistband375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stately Substantial Cowl375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Stately Substantial Waistband375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Abiding Diaphanous Shoes385395405415Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Diaphanous Slippers385395405415Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Diaphanous Waistband395405415425Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Diaphanous Sash395405415425Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Diaphanous Mantle405415425435Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Diaphanous Mantle405415425435Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Diaphanous Breeches415425435445Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Diaphanous Breeches415425435445Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Diaphanous Vestments425435445455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Diaphanous Robe425435445455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Diaphanous Cowl435445455465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Diaphanous Cowl435445455465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Diaphanous Breeches450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Diaphanous Cowl450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Diaphanous Handwraps450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Diaphanous Mantle450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Diaphanous Robe450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Diaphanous Sash450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Diaphanous Slippers450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Diaphanous Breeches450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Diaphanous Cowl450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Diaphanous Handwraps450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Diaphanous Mantle450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Diaphanous Shoes450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Diaphanous Vestments450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Diaphanous Waistband450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starweave Sash455465475480ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starweave Slippers470480490495ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starweave Handwraps475485495500ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starweave Breeches485495505510ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starweave Mantle490500510515ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starweave Cowl500510520525ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starweave Robe505515525530ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Tenebrean Samite Sash510515520525ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tenebrean Samite Handwraps515520525530ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tenebrean Samite Slippers515520525530ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tenebrean Samite Breeches520525530535ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tenebrean Samite Mantle520525530535ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tenebrean Samite Cowl525530535540ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tenebrean Samite Robe525530535540ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.


These recipes were only craftable within Conquest. Conquest was a huge PVP instance with 3 teams of up to 100 players each. It was removed from the game at the end of the NMT xpac.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Ethereal Insoles210220230240Vanilla
This recipe was bought inside the PVP conquest maps. It is no longer available.
Ethereal Padding210220230240Vanilla
This recipe was bought inside the PVP conquest maps. It is no longer available.
Portable Lifespring260270280290Vanilla
This recipe was bought inside the PVP conquest maps. It is no longer available.
Portable Turret260270280290Vanilla
This recipe was bought inside the PVP conquest maps. It is no longer available.

Craft Quest

These recipes will be given to you temporarily when you pick up the relevant craft quest. Find the recipe in your recipe book, usually in its own ‘quest’ section. When you hand in the quest, the recipe will be removed from your recipe book.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Dragonslayer Robe300301302339Vanilla
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Icewatch Leggings300301302339Vanilla
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Keeper Sandals300301302339Vanilla
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Mathosian Jerkin300301302339Vanilla
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Witchweave Stitching300301302305Vanilla
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Witchweave Threading300301302305Vanilla
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Caretaker’s Leggings301302303375Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Physician’s Insoles301302303375Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Survivor’s Breeches301302303375Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Caretaker’s Work Boots340341342376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Delicate Riding Chaps340341342376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Survivor’s Buckled Boots340341342376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Adventurer’s Satchel375375375376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Caretaker’s Tunic375375375376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Empyrean Knapsack375375375376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Helm of the Seven Seas375375375376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Leather-bound Drum375375375376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Oversized Rug375375375376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Survivor’s Jerkin375375375376Storm Legion
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Bolt of Heavy Water Cloth376390400451Nightmare Tide
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Bottomless Bag376390400451Nightmare Tide
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Diaphanous Bathrobe376390400451Nightmare Tide
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Festival Balloon376390400451Nightmare Tide
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Strands of Kondraum376390400451Nightmare Tide
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Desert Hood451520525526Prophecy
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Expedition Pack451520525526Prophecy
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Fae Court Finery451520525526Prophecy
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Glyph-Inscribed Belt451520525526Prophecy
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Contaminate-Scanning Visor500520525526Prophecy
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.
Ephemeral Pith500520525526Prophecy
This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest.

Dimension Items

Decorative items to place in your dimensions.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Sun Print Cloth60708090VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Dwarven Bed120130140150VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Rune Print Cloth180190200210VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Kelari Bed240250260270VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Knotwork Print Cloth300310320330VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Ochre Rug360370375380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Architect Teleportation Base375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for Credits Only.
Blue and Gold Flag440450452455Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Blue and White Flag440450452455Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
White and Red Flag440450452455Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.


These items are used on your gear to give you an extra buff for a few hours.
Most useful here are the Tuath’de Insoles, which are a must in all the raids to help you get out of the bad faster.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Thin Insoles60708090VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Tough Riding Chaps60708090VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Heavy Riding Chaps135145155165VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Padded Insoles135145155165VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Cushioned Insoles210220230240VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Durable Riding Chaps210220230240VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Sticky Grips210220230240VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Extra Sticky Grips285290295300VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Lightweight Riding Chaps285290295300VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Performance Insoles285290295300VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Super Sticky Grips350360370380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Comfortable Insoles360370375380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Comfortable Riding Chaps360370375380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Exceptional Insoles375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Byssal Grips420430440450Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Sharkskin Chaps420430440450Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Spongy Insoles420430440450Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Gedlo Riding Chaps450460480500ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Prophetic Chaps450460480500ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Ghostly Treads480490510525ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Tuath’de Insoles480490510525ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.


Leather gear is worn by Rogues.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Soft Leather Belt1102030VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Soft Leather Boots1102030VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Soft Leather Leggings10192939VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Soft Leather Shoulders10192939VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Soft Leather Gloves20293949VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Soft Leather Hood20293949VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Soft Leather Brigandine30394959VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Thin Leather Belt40495969VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Thin Leather Boots40495969VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Thin Leather Leggings50596979VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Thin Leather Shoulders50596979VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Thin Leather Gloves60697989VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Thin Leather Hood60697989VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Thin Leather Brigandine70798999VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Medium Leather Belt808999109VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Medium Leather Boots808999109VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Medium Leather Leggings9099109119VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Medium Leather Shoulders9099109119VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Medium Leather Gloves100109119129VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Medium Leather Hood100109119129VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Nightshade Belt100109119129VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Nightshade Belt100109119129VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Medium Leather Brigandine110119129139VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Heavy Leather Belt120129139149VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Heavy Leather Boots120129139149VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Heavy Leather Leggings130139149159VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Heavy Leather Shoulders130139149159VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Heavy Leather Gloves140149159169VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Heavy Leather Hood140149159169VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Heavy Leather Brigandine145154164174VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Leather Gloves150159169179VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Fine Leather Leggings150159169179VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Thick Leather Belt150159169179VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Thick Leather Boots150159169179VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Thick Leather Leggings160169179189VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Thick Leather Shoulders160169179189VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Thick Leather Gloves170179189199VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Thick Leather Hood170179189199VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Thick Leather Brigandine180189199209VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Leather Shoulders185194204214VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Exotic Leather Belt190199209219VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Exotic Leather Boots190199209219VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Marauder’s Breeches190200210220VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Reinforced Leather Hood190199209219VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Exotic Leather Leggings200209219229VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Exotic Leather Shoulders200209219229VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Exotic Leather Gloves210219229239VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Exotic Leather Hood210219229239VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Reinforced Leather Belt210219229239VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Exotic Leather Brigandine220229239249VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Soulbind Leather Belt230239249259VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Soulbind Leather Boots230239249259VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Soulbind Leather Leggings240249259269VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Soulbind Leather Hood250259269279VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Soulbind Leather Shoulders250259269279VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Soulbind Leather Gloves260269279289VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Soulbind Leather Brigandine270279289299VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Steeled Leather Brigandine280285290300VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Dense Leather Brigandine290300310320VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Dense Leather Gloves290300310320VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Dense Leather Hood290300310320VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Steeled Leather Boots290295300305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Steeled Leather Leggings290295300305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chestguard of Furious Defense300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Conditioned Leather Boots300301302305Vanilla
Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Conditioned Leather Jerkin300301302305Vanilla
Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Conditioned Leather Shoulder Guard300301302305Vanilla
Looted from the bosses in Lvl 50 Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Deathbringer Brigandine300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Deathbringer Shoulders300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Dense Leather Leggings300310320330VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Dense Leather Shoulders300310320330VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Leggings of the Hunter300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Mask of the Hunter300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Netherstitched Brigandine300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Netherstitched Shoulders300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Steel-Stitched Leather Boots300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Wayward Breeches300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Wayward Brigandine300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Dense Leather Belt310320330340Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Dense Leather Boots310320330340Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Fortified Dense Leather Hood310320330340Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Furious Dense Leather Hood310320330340Storm LegionUnknown
Fortified Dense Leather Leggings330340350360Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Furious Dense Leather Leggings330340350360Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Striped Leather Brigandine330340350360Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Striped Leather Gloves330340350360Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Striped Leather Hood330340350360Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Striped Leather Leggings340350360370Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Striped Leather Shoulders340350360370Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Fortified Striped Leather Hood350360370380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Furious Striped Leather Hood350360370380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Striped Leather Belt350360370380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Striped Leather Boots350360370380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Fortified Truehide Grips370375377380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fortified Truehide Tunic370375377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Furious Truehide Cap370375377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Abiding Fabled Gloves375385395405Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Fabled Gloves375385395405Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fortified Truehide Belt375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Fortified Truehide Hood375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Furious Truehide Belt375376377380Storm Legion
Looted from the bosses in Storm Legion Expert Dungeons. Or bought in the Rift Store for Credits.
Furious Truehide Breeches375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Furious Truehide Harness375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Furious Truehide Hood375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Furious Truehide Shoulderpads375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Furious Truehide Slinkers375376377380Storm LegionUnknown
Abiding Fabled Boots385395405415Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Fabled Slinkers385395405415Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Fabled Harness395405415425Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Fabled Belt395405415425Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Fabled Shoulders405415425435Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Fabled Shoulders405415425435Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Fabled Leggings415425435445Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Fabled Leggings415425435445Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Fabled Brigandine425435445455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Fabled Brigandine425435445455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Abiding Fabled Hood435445455465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fine Fabled Hood435445455465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Fabled Belt450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Fabled Brigandine450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Fabled Gloves450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Fabled Hood450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Fabled Leggings450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Fabled Shoulders450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Detailed Fabled Slinkers450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Fabled Boots450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Fabled Brigandine450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Fabled Gloves450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Fabled Harness450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Fabled Hood450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Fabled Leggings450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Refined Fabled Shoulders450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starhide Belt455465475480ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starhide Slinkers470480490495ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starhide Gloves475485495500ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starhide Leggings485495505510ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starhide Shoulders490500510515ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starhide Hood500510520525ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Starhide Brigandine505515525530ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Infused Starhide Belt510515520525ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Infused Starhide Gloves515520525530ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Infused Starhide Slinkers515520525530ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Infused Starhide Leggings520525530535ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Infused Starhide Shoulders520525530535ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Infused Starhide Brigandine525530535540ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Infused Starhide Hood525530535540ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.


Allows you to turn cloth into Bolts.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Bolt of Burlap15913VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolt of Cotton35394347VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolt of Wool75798387VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolt of Linen115119123127VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolt of Lockweave115119123127Vanilla
Rewarded from a quest when you hit Outfitter level 120. See ‘Special dropped recipes’ above for details.
Bolt of Silk145149153157VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolt of Composite Cloth185189193197VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolt of Shaleweave185189193197Vanilla
Rewarded from a quest when you hit Outfitter level 185. See ‘Special dropped recipes’ above for details.
Bolt of Spellspun Silk225229233237VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolt of Witchweave270274278282VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolt of Spiritweave280285290300Vanilla
Rewarded from a quest when you hit Outfitter level 280. See ‘Special dropped recipes’ above for details.
Bolt of Lanzan290295300310VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolt of Radiant Witchweave300306316330VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolt of Chiffon330335340350Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolt of Empyrean Silk360364368372Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolt of Diaphanous Cloth375380385390Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Bolt of Lined Empyrean Silk375376377380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Advanced Textile Amender450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Bolt of Starweave450455460465ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Nightmare Textile Amender450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Textile Amender450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Tormenting Textile Amender450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Visionary Textile Amender500520525530ProphecyBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.


Be sure to craft this minion for yourself!

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Minion: Milkweed450451452455Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.


A bunch of costume items to unlock some unique wardrobe skins.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Magician’s Bundle10203040VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Embossed Bundle708090100VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Scholar’s Bundle110120130140VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Skulking Bundle150160170180VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Conjurer’s Bundle190200210220VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Dark Bundle225235245255VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Accursed Bundle270280290300VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Charred Cloth Slippers300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Charred Leather Boots300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Singed Bundle300310320330VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Imposing Bundle325335345355Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Ancestral Cloth Bundle375385395405Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Magician’s Eclipse375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Trickster’s Eclipse375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Desolate Cloth Bundle395405415425Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Desolate Leather Bundle405415425435Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Nyx’s Bundle415425435445Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Zardonis’ Bundle425435445455Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Infernal Cloth Bundle435445455465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Infernal Leather Bundle450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.

Planar Crafting

Planar Crafting is generally the most high end crafted items of each xpac.
Weaponsmiths craft the BiS Chondritic Ranged Weapon for Warriors, Rogues, and Primalists.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Arcanist’s Blazing Cowl450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Arcanist’s Blazing Robe450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Arcanist’s Blazing Sash450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Blackguard’s Tidal Harness450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Blackguard’s Tidal Hood450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Blackguard’s Tidal Tunic450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Bloodthirster’s Abhorrent Harness450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Bloodthirster’s Abhorrent Hood450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Bloodthirster’s Abhorrent Tunic450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Maegis’ Tidal Cowl450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Maegis’ Tidal Robe450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Maegis’ Tidal Sash450455460465Nightmare TideBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Chondritic Cowl525527529530Prophecy
Bought with Craft Marks from a vendor in Alittu called ‘R23-JK’. Find him at /setwaypoint 4032 6369
Chondritic Hood525527529530Prophecy
Bought with Craft Marks from a vendor in Alittu called ‘R23-JK’. Find him at /setwaypoint 4032 6370


These items are part of the weekly crafting quests.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Congealed Dreams375385395450Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.


Crafted Seals are no longer relevant in the PoA xpac.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Guile230240250260VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Understanding260270280290VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Aptitude280285290300VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Intuition300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Radiant Brilliance300301302305VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Comprehension320330340350Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Imagination330340350360Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Resplendence360370375380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Resourcefulness370375377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Carat Coruscation375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Empyrean Coruscation375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Excelsior375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Intellectual Lucidity375376377380Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Oculos of Torment410420430440Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Visionary Perspicuity450455460465ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.


Crafted Trinkets are no longer relevant in the PoA xpac.

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Radiant Duskwalker Token375376377380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Pulsing Remnant of Aedraxis420435450465Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Glowing Remnant of Aedraxis450453454455Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.