
Quick Look Material Sources Table

Note: This table shows where to find the highest concentrations of each material, you can still find the materials in neighbouring zones, but usually in smaller amounts. For more detailed source info, scroll down to the material explanations below.

Material Level brackets

Hovering over a material will give you information about which Skill uses that material and at what level they use it.

This can be a great way to see if the material will be useful to you.

It can also give you an idea of which zones the material can be found in..

1-300 – Mathosia
300-375 – Storm Legion
375-450 – Nightmare Tide
450-525 – Prophecy of Ahnket

Check all the numbers you can see to determine which level bracket the material belongs to.
There can be some overlap with these numbers, for instance, Lanzan Cloth from Storm Legion has numbers starting from 290, so be sure to double check if it is near the crossover.

Only Prophecy of Ahnket materials are used at end game for BiS items and buffs.
You will need materials of all levels to be able to level up your crafting skills or craft any of the lower level fluff items. So don’t be too quick to throw out the old stuff. A bank alt is always a good idea, try to keep at least one stack of older mats on it, while filling your main characters bank with only useful materials from Prophecy of Ahnket.

The level numbers on the materials list below is a general/average level across all the crafting skills that that particular material will be used at.

Storm Legion Sweet Spot

There is a spot in the south east of Ardent Domain called ‘Witch’s Thicket’
/setwaypoint 6305 9910

You can farm this area constantly, the respawn rate is insanely high! Go round and round the lake in a circle, by the time you get back to the start most of the nodes will have respawned already! If you find it slows down then switch shard to keep farming.

This area is great for Miners and Foragers to farm all the Storm Legion level Woods, Metals and Plants. 
It can get you from level 300 to 375 in Mining and Foraging easily.
I find it is especially good for farming Karthite!



Mathosian Metals:

1 Tin Ore
35 Copper Ore
40 Bronze Bar
75 Iron Ore
75 Silver Ore
100 Steel Bar
115 Chromite Ore
145 Cobalt Ore
145 Gold Ore
185 Titanium Ore
200 Darkmetal Bar
225 Carmintium Ore
225 Platinum Ore
260 Orichalcum Ore
280 Cinerium Bar
285 Tempered Orichalcum Bar

Metals are Mined by Miners.
All metals are mined as an ore that is then turned into bars at a forge.
There are 17 different Mineable Metals in Rift.
Most of the metals have a chance to drop Gems when you mine them.
All the mineable metals can also be crafted into bars in batches of 20.

Storm Legion Metals:

290 Gantimite Ore
330 Karthite Ore
350 Rhenium Ore
375 Ephemeral Element
375 Rhenium Superalloy

Nightmare Tide Metals:

375 Thalasite Ore
450 Thalasite Dream Alloy
450 Thalasite Nightmare Alloy

Prophecy of Ahnket Metals:

450 Atramentium Ore
475 Bolidium Ore

Tin Ore
Tin Bar

Mathosian Level 1

Miners will mine Tin Lodes for Tin Ore and then forge them into Tin Bars.

Tin can be mined in Freemarch, and Silverwood.

Tin drops Fieldstone which can be opened to loot Moonstone, or Sunstone.

Tin Lode
Copper Ore
Copper Bar

Mathosian Level 35

Miners will mine Copper Veins for Copper Ore and then forge them into Copper Bars.

Copper can be found in all four of the starter zones, Freemarch, Silverwood, Stonefield, and Gloamwood.

Copper drops Opal which can be opened to loot Shimmering Opal, and Abyssal Opal.

Copper Vein
Bronze Bar
Bronze Bar

Mathosian Level 40

Miners can forge Bronze Bars by combining Tin Bar, Copper Bar, and some vendor mats.

Iron Ore
Iron Bar

Mathosian Level 75

Miners will mine Iron Veins for Iron Ore and then forge them into Iron Bars.

Iron Veins are found in Stonefield, Gloamwood, and Scarlet Gorge. You can also find a few in Iron Pine Peak, and Scarwood Reach.

You can farm a decent amount of Iron in Ironroot Draw, Scarlet Gorge /setwaypoint 4698 4195
Kill the mechs in the area and mine them.

Iron drops Geode which can be opened to loot Heartstone, or Celestite.

Iron Vein
Silver Ore
Silver Bar

Mathosian Level 75

Miners will mine Silver Veins for Silver Ore and then forge them into Silver Bars.

Silver is not very common. Small amounts can be found in Stonefield, Scarlet Gorge, Iron Pine Peak, and Scarwood Reach.

it can be farmed by killing and mining..
Big Rock Dudes in Towering Steppes, Stonefield /setwaypoint 4386 5289
Mechs in Mage’s Mark, Iron Pine Peak /setwaypoint 3857 1942

Silver drops Geode which can be opened to loot Heartstone, or Celestite.
Silver also d
rops Beryl which can be opened to loot Blood Berylite, or Radiant Emerald.

Silver Vein
Steel Bar
Steel Bar

Mathosian Level 100

Miners can forge Steel Bars by combining Iron Bar, Chromite Bar, and some vendor mats.

Chromite Ore
Chromite Bar

Mathosian Level 115

Miners will mine Chromite Veins for Chromite Ore and then forge them into Chromite Bars.

Chromite Veins are mostly found in Iron Pine Peak, and Scarwood Reach. You can also find a few in Scarlet Gorge.

A nice way to farm Chromite is killing and mining the Mechs in Mage’s Mark, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 3857 1942

Chromite drops Beryl which can be opened to loot Blood Berylite, or Radiant Emerald.

Chromite Vein
Cobalt Ore
Cobalt Bar

Mathosian Level 145

Miners will mine Cobalt Lodes for Cobalt Ore and then forge them into Cobalt Bars.

Cobalt Lodes are mostly found in Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands. They can also be found in smaller amounts in Iron Pine Peak, and Scarwood Reach.

A nice spot to farm Cobalt is in Moonshade Highlands, killing the Golems in Grey Garden
/setwaypoint 6089 1598

Cobalt drops Agate which can be opened to loot Skystone Agate, or Valeglass Agate.

Cobalt Lode
Gold Ore
Gold Bar

Mathosian Level 145

Miners will mine Gold Veins for Gold Ore and then forge them into Gold Bars.

Gold Veins are mostly found in Moonshade Highlands. You can also find small amounts in Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor.

A nice spot to farm Gold is in Moonshade Highlands, killing the Golems in Grey Garden
/setwaypoint 6089 1598

Gold drops Corundum which can be opened to loot Sapphire, or Ruby.
Gold also drops Agate which can be opened to loot Skystone Agate, or Valeglass Agate.

Gold Vein
Titanium Ore
Titanium Bar

Mathosian Level 185

Miners will mine Titanium Veins for Titanium Ore and then forge them into Titanium Bars.

Titanium Veins are found in Moonshade Highlands, Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor.

You can farm for Titanium in the southern half of Droughtlands or the east of Shimmersand.

Titanium drops Corundum which can be opened to loot Sapphire, or Ruby.

Titanium Vein
Darkmetal Bar
Darkmetal Bar

Mathosian Level 200

Miners can forge Darkmetal Bars by combining Cobalt Bar, Titanium Bar, and some vendor mats.

Carmintium Ore
Carmintium Bar

Mathosian Level 225

Miners will mine Carmintium Deposits for Carmintium Ore and then forge them into Carmintium Bars.

Carmintium Deposits are found in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle. It is a common material that is easy to farm in those zones.

A nice spot to farm Carmintium is killing the Golems in Stone Nexus, Shimmersand
/setwaypoint 5129 5963

Carmintium drops Diamond, which can be opened to loot Brilliant Diamond, or Lightsbane Diamond.

Carmintium Deposit
Platinum Ore
Platinum Bar

Mathosian Level 225

Miners will mine Platinum Deposits for Platinum Ore and then forge them into Platinum Bars.

Platinum can be found in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.

Platinum drops Diamond, which can be opened to loot Brilliant Diamond, or Lightsbane Diamond.

Platinum Deposit
Orichalcum Ore
Orichalcum Bar

Mathosian Level 260

Miners will mine Orichalcum for Orichalcum Ore and then forge them into Orichalcum Bars.

Orichalcum is primarily found in Ember Isle, with a few nodes in Stillmoor and Shimmersand.

There are usually quite a few nodes around Gilded Strand, the Peninsula off the north east coast of Ember Isle, and the small islands further east.

Orichalcum  drops Lightstone Geode, which can be opened to loot Jagged Lightstone, and Smooth Lightstone.

Cinerium Bar
Cinerium Bar

Mathosian Level 280

Miners can forge Cinerium Bars by combining Carmintium Bar, Orichalcum Bar, and some vendor mats.

Tempered Orichalcum Bar
Tempered Orichalcum Bar

Mathosian Level 300

Miners can forge Tempered Orichalcum Bars by combining Orichalcum Bars, Catalytic Essence, and some vendor mats.

Gantimite Ore
Gantimite Bar

Storm Legion Level 290

Miners will mine Gantimite Veins for Gantimite Ore and then forge them into Gantimite Bars.

Gantimite can be found in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Cape Jule, Pelladane, and City Core.

Gantimite drops Marlistone, which can be opened to loot Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, or Sphalerite.

Gantimite Vein
Karthite Ore
Karthite Bars

Storm Legion Level 330

Miners will mine Karthite Veins for Karthite Ore and then forge them into Karthite Bar.

Karthite can be found in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Eastern Holdings, Seratos, Ardent Domain, Morban, and Kingsward.

Karthite drops Marlistone, which can be opened to loot Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, or Sphalerite.

Karthite Vein
Rhenium Ore
Rhenium Bar

Storm Legion Level 350

Miners will mine Rhenium Veins for Rhenium Ore and then forge them into Rhenium Bars.

Rhenium can be found in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Ashora, Steppes, and The Dendrome.

Rhenium drops  Rich Marlistone, which can be opened to loot Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, or Sphalerite.

Rhenium Vein
Rhenium Superalloy
Rhenium Superalloy

Storm Legion Level 375

Miners can forge Rhenium Superalloy by combining Gantimite Bar, Karthite Bar, Rhenium Bar, Catalytic Dust, and some vendor mats.

Ephemeral Element

Storm Legion Level 375

Miners can forge Ephemeral Element by combining Rhenium Superalloy, Chrysoprase, and some vendor mats.

Thalasite Ore
Thalasite Bar

Nightmare Tide Level 375

Miners will mine Thalasite Veins for Thalasite Ore and then forge them into Thalasite Bars.

Thalasite can be found in all Nightmare Tide zones. Goboro Reef, Draumheim, Tarken Glacier, Tyrants Throne, and Planetouched Wilds.

There are some mineable dudes in the Rhaza’de Canyons in Planetouched Wilds
/setwaypoint 10529 5024
The Baacs are not technically mechs or rock dudes, but they are mineable. The drop rate of Thalasite isn’t that great, but there are a bunch of them to kill!

Thalasite drops Thalasite Crystals, and Risarian Minim.

Thalasite Vein
Thalasite Nightmare Alloy
Thalasite Nightmare Alloy

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 450

Miners can forge Thalasite Nightmare Alloy by combining Thalasite Bar, Thalasite Crystal, Risarian Minim, Dust of the Void, and Strands of Arak.

Thalasite Dream Alloy
Thalasite Dream Alloy

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 450

Miners can forge Thalasite Dream Alloy by combining Thalasite Bar, Thalasite Crystal, Risarian Minim, Dust of the Void, and Strands of Draum.

Atramentium Ore
Atramentium Bar

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 450

Miners will mine Atramentium Veins for Atramentium Ore and then forge them into Atramentium Bars.

Atramentium can be found in all Prophecy of Ahnket zones. Scatherran Forest, Gedlo Badlands, Xarth Mire, Ashenfell, Tenebrean Schism, and Vostigar Peaks.
It is more likely to be found in the lower level zones.

Atramentium sometimes drops Ahnkite.

Atramentium Vein
Bolidium Ore
Bolidium Bar

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 475

Miners will mine Bolidium Deposits for Bolidium Ore and then forge them into Bolidium Bars.

Bolidium can be found in all Prophecy of Ahnket zones. Scatherran Forest, Gedlo Badlands, Xarth Mire, Ashenfell, Tenebrean Schism, and Vostigar Peaks.
It is more likely to be found in the higher level zones.

Bolidium sometimes drops Ahnkite.

Bolidium Deposit


Mathosian Plants:

1 Coastal Glory
35 Grieveblossom Petals
40 Creeperbrush Roots
60 Razorbrush Leaves
70 Krakenweed Stems
80 Golden Nettle Stems
85 Evergreen Nettle Stems
100 Duskglory Petals
120 Wyvernspurr Stems
150 Tattertwist Leaves
180 Roc Orchid Petals
190 Drakefoot Stems
195 Drakefoot Seed
220 Bloodshade Petals
250 Basiliskweed Stems
270 Tempestflower Stems
290 Twilight Bloom Roots

Plants are foraged by Foragers.
Foragers also forage wood.

In Mathosian and Storm Legion Zones, wood and plants are entirely separate materials.
In NMT and PoA zones, wood and plants were combined into just plants. These plants could then be crafted into two different items, which were used in different recipes.

There are 23 different forageable plants in Rift.

Storm Legion Plants:

300 Chimera’s Cloak Petals
330 Frazzleweed Tuft
360 Lucidflower Spire

Nightmare Tide Plants:

375 Sarleaf

Prophecy of Ahnket Plants:

450 Faecap Mushroom
475 Xarthian Tendril

Coastal Glory
Coastal Glory

Mathosian Level 1

Foragers will forage Coastal Glory from the Coastal Glory plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Coastal Glory is found in Freemarch, and Silverwood.

A good spot to farm it is in Sunken Marsh, Silverwood /setwaypoint 6561 3505
Kill and forage the Boglings you find here.

Coastal Glory
Grieveblossom Petals
Grieveblossom Petals

Mathosian Level 35

Foragers will forage Grieveblossom Petals from the Grieveblossom plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Grieveblossom Petals are found in Freemarch, and Silverwood.

A good spot to farm it is in Sunken Marsh, Silverwood /setwaypoint 6561 3505
Kill and forage the Boglings you find here.

Creeperbrush Roots
Creeperbrush Roots

Mathosian Level 40

Foragers will forage Creeperbrush Roots from the Creeperbrush plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Creeperbrush Roots are found in Freemarch, and Silverwood. You can also find a few in Gloamwood.

Razorbrush Leaves
Razorbrush Leaves

Mathosian Level 60

Foragers will forage Razorbrush Leaves from the Razorbrush plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Razorbrush can be found in Stonefield, and Gloamwood.

They can be farmed from the Treants in Grove of the Ancients, Gloamwood
/setwaypoint 5337 2419

Krakenweed Stems
Krakenweed Stems

Mathosian Level 70

Foragers will forage Krakenweed Stems from the Krakenweed plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Krakenweed can be found in a lot of Mathosian zones; Freemarch, Silverwood, Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, Scarwood Reach, and Moonshade Highlands.

It is found in low quantities in these zones, mostly around or in the bodies of water.

Golden Nettle Stems
Golden Nettle Stems

Mathosian Level 80

Foragers will forage Golden Nettle Stems from the Golden Nettle plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Golden Nettle Stems can be found in low amounts in Stonefield, Gloamwood, and Iron Pine Peak. It can be found in slightly higher amounts in Scarlet Gorge.

Golden Nettle Stems have a chance to drop Evergreen Nettle Stems when you forage them.

Golden Nettle
Evergreen Nettle Stems
Evergreen Nettle Stems

Mathosian Level 85

Evergreen Nettle Stems have a chance to drop when you forage Golden Nettle Stems.

Duskglory Petals
Duskglory Petals

Mathosian Level 100

Foragers will forage Duskglory Petals from the Duskglory plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Duskglory plants are found in Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, and Iron Pine Peak.

Wyvernspurr Stems
Wyvernspurr Stems

Mathosian Level 120

Foragers will forage Wyvernspurr Stems from the Wyvernspurr plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Wyvernspurr Stems can be found in Scarlet Gorge, Iron Pine Peak, Scarwood Reach, and Droughtlands.

Tattertwist Leaves
Tattertwist Leaves

Mathosian Level 150

Foragers will forage Tattertwist Leaves from the Tattertwist plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Tattertwist plants can be found in low quantities in Iron Pine Peak, Scarwood Reach, and Droughtlands. It can be found in higher quantities in Moonshade Highlands.

You can farm these by killing the Boglings around Kelpmere Lake in Moonshade Highlands /setwaypoint 6524 1786

Roc Orchid Petals
Roc Orchid Petals

Mathosian Level 180

Foragers will forage Roc Orchid Petals from the Roc Orchid plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Roc Orchid plants can be found in low quantities in Iron Pine Peak, Scarwood Reach, and Droughtlands. It can be found in higher quantities in Moonshade Highlands.

You can farm these by killing the Boglings around Kelpmere Lake in Moonshade Highlands /setwaypoint 6524 1786

Roc Orchid
Drakefoot Stems
Drakefoot Stems

Mathosian Level 190

Foragers will forage Drakefoot Stems from the Drakefoot plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Drakefoot plants can be found primarily in Droughtlands, and Shimmersand.
It can also be found in lower quantities in Moonshade Highlands, and Stillmoor.

When foraging Drakefoot plants you also have a chance to loot a Drakefoot Seed.

Drakefoot Seed
Drakefoot Seed

Mathosian Level 195

Drakefoot Seeds are looted occasionally when foraging Drakefoot plants.

Bloodshade Petals
Bloodshade Petals

Mathosian Level 220

Foragers will forage Bloodshade Petals from the Bloodshade plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Bloodshade is found mostly in Shimmersand, with a few nodes in Droughtlands, and Stillmoor.

Basiliskweed Stems
Basiliskweed Stems

Mathosian Level 250

Foragers will forage Basiliskweed Stems from the Basiliskweed plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Basiliskweed Stems are found in Shimmersand, and Stillmoor.

Tempestflower Stems
Tempestflower Stems

Mathosian Level 270

Foragers will forage Tempestflower Stems from the Tempestflower plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Tempestflower is found in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.

Twilight Bloom Roots
Twilight Bloom Roots

Mathosian Level 290

Foragers will forage Twilight Bloom Roots from the Twilight Bloom plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Twilight Blooms are found in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.

Twilight Bloom
Chimera's Cloak Petals
Chimera's Cloak Petals

Storm Legion Level 300

Foragers will forage Chimera’s Cloak Petals from the Chimera’s Cloak plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Chimera’s Cloak plants can be found in all the Storm Legion zones, but are more likely to be found in Cape Jule, Pelladane, and City Core.

Chimera's Cloak
Frazzleweed Tuft
Frazzleweed Tuft

Storm Legion Level 330

Foragers will forage Frazzleweed Tuft from the Frazzleweed plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Frazzleweed can be found in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Eastern Holdings, Seratos, Ardent Domain, Morban, and Kingsward.

Lucidflower Spire
Lucidflower Spire

Storm Legion Level 360

Foragers will forage Lucidflower Spire from the Lucidflower plant. This plant is used as it is, it cannot be refined into anything.

Lucidflower can be found in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Ashora, Steppes, and The Dendrome.


Nightmare Tide Level 375

Foragers will forage Sarleaf from the Sarleaf plant.
Sarleaf can then be refined into two different materials: Sarleaf Extract, and Fused Sarfiber.

Sarleaf can be found in all Nightmare Tide zones. Goboro Reef, Draumheim, Tarken Glacier, Tyrants Throne, and Planetouched Wilds.

Sarleaf Extract
Sarleaf Extract

Nightmare Tide Level 375

Foragers can craft Sarleaf Extract out of Sarleaf.

Fused Sarfiber
Fused Sarfiber

Nightmare Tide Level 375

Foragers can craft Fused Sarfiber out of Sarleaf.

Faecap Mushroom
Faecap Mushroom

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 450

Foragers will forage Faecap Mushroom from the Faecap Mushrooms plant.
Faecap Mushroom can then be refined into two different materials: Faecap Resin, and Faecap Extract.

Faecap Mushroom can be found in all Prophecy of Ahnket zones. Scatherran Forest, Gedlo Badlands, Xarth Mire, Ashenfell, Tenebrean Schism, and Vostigar Peaks.
It is more likely to be found in the lower level zones.

Faecap Mushrooms
Faecap Resin

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 450

Foragers can craft Faecap Resin out of Faecap Mushroom.

Faecap Extract

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 450

Foragers can craft Faecap Extract out of Faecap Mushroom.

Xarthian Tendril
Xarthian Tendril

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 475

Foragers will forage Xarthian Tendril from the Xarthian Tendril plant.
Xarthian Tendril can then be refined into two different materials: Xarthian Fiber, and Xarthian Extract.

Xarthian Tendril can be found in all Prophecy of Ahnket zones. Scatherran Forest, Gedlo Badlands, Xarth Mire, Ashenfell, Tenebrean Schism, and Vostigar Peaks.
It is more likely to be found in the higher level zones.

Xarthian Tendril
Xarthian Fiber

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 475

Foragers can craft Xarthian Fiber out of Xarthian Tendril.

Xarthian Extract

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 475

Foragers can craft Xarthian Extract out of Xarthian Tendril.


Mathosian Woods:

1 Yew Timber
35 Ashwood Timber
75 Oak Log
115 Mahogany Log
120 Polished Mahogany Lumber
145 Kingswood Log
185 Runebirch Log
190 Polished Runebirch Lumber
225 Sagebrush Timber
250 Shadethorn Log
255 Polished Shadethorn Lumber
260 Enchanted Shadethorn Lumber

Woods are foraged by Foragers.

In Mathosian and Storm Legion Zones, wood and plants are entirely separate materials.
In NMT and PoA zones, wood and plants were combined into just Plants.

Storm Legion Woods:

290 Linden Timber
330 Elm Timber
350 Madrosa Timber
355 Laminated Madrosa Lumber
360 Majestic Material

There are 11 different Forageable Woods in Rift.
These are found in the Mathosian and Storm Legion zones only.

Yew Timber
Yew Plank
Yew Timber

Mathosian Level 1

Foragers will forage Yew Log for Yew Timber and then refine them into Yew Plank.

Yew Logs can be found in Freemarch , and Silverwood.

You can farm them in Treant’s Grove, Silverwood /setwaypoint 6693 3086

Yew Log
Ashwood Timber
Ashwood Plank
Ashwood Timber

Mathosian Level 35

Foragers will forage Ashwood Log for Ashwood Timber and then refine them into Ashwood Plank.

Ashwood Logs can be found in Freemarch, Silverwood, Stonefield, and Gloamwood.

Ashwood Log
Oak Log
Oak Lumber
Oak Log

Mathosian Level 75

Foragers will forage Oak Log for Oak Log and then refine them into Oak Lumber.

Oak Log can be found in Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, and Scarwood Reach.

You can farm them by killing Treants in Grove of the Ancients, Gloamwood
/setwaypoint 5337 2419

Oak Log
Mahogany Log
Mahogany Lumber
Mahogany Log

Mathosian Level 115

Foragers will forage Mahogany Log for Mahogany Log and then refine them into Mahogany Lumber.

Mahogany Log is found primarily in Scarlet Gorge, and Scarwood Reach.
It can also be found in lower quantities in Stonefield, Gloamwood, Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands.

Mahogany Log
Polished Mahogany Lumber
Polished Mahogany Lumber

Mathosian Level 120

Foragers can craft Polished Mahogany Lumber out of Oak Log, Mahogany Log, and some vendor mats.

Kingswood Log
Kingswood Lumber
Kingswood Log

Mathosian Level 145

Foragers will forage Kingswood Log for Kingswood Log and then refine them into Kingswood Lumber.

Kingswood Log can be found mostly in Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands. There are a few nodes in Iron Pine Peak, and Scarwood Reach.

You can farm them by killing the Boglings aroung Kelpmere Lake in Moonshade Highlands /setwaypoint 6524 1786

Kingswood Log
Runebirch Log
Runebirch Lumber
Runebirch Log

Mathosian Level 185

Foragers will forage Runebirch Log for Runebirch Log and then refine them into Runebirch Lumber.

Runebirch Log can be found in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade Highlands, Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor.

Runebirch Log
Polished Runebirch Lumber
Polished Runebirch Lumber

Mathosian Level 190

Foragers can craft Polished Runebirch Lumber out of Kingswood Log, Runebirch Log, and some vendor mats.

Sagebrush Timber
Sagebrush Lumber
Sagebrush Timber

Mathosian Level 225

Foragers will forage Sagebrush Log for Sagebrush Timber and then refine them into Sagebrush Lumber.

Sagebrush Log can be found in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.

Sagebrush Log
Shadethorn Log
Shadethorn Lumber
Shadethorn Log

Mathosian Level 250

Foragers will forage Shadethorn Branch for Shadethorn Log and then refine them into Shadethorn Lumber.

Shadethorn Branch can be found mostly in Ember Isle, with a few nodes in Shimmersand, and Stillmoor.

You can farm them by killing the Treants and Boglings in The Stranglewood, Ember Isle /setwaypoint 12304 3530

Shadethorn Branch
Polished Shadethorn Lumber
Polished Shadethorn Lumber

Mathosian Level 255

Foragers can craft Polished Shadethorn Lumber out of Shadethorn Log, Sagebrush Timber, and some vendor mats.

Enchanted Shadethorn Lumber
Enchanted Shadethorn Lumber

Mathosian Level 260

Foragers can craft Enchanted Shadethorn Lumber out of Shadethorn Lumber, Catalytic Essence, and some vendor mats.

Linden Timber
Linden Lumber
Linden Timber

Storm Legion Level 290

Foragers will forage Linden Timber for Linden Timber and then refine them into Linden Lumber.

Linden Timber can be found in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Cape Jule, Pelladane, and City Core.

Linden Timber
Elm Timber
Elm Lumber
Elm Timber

Storm Legion Level 330

Foragers will forage Elm Timber for Elm Timber and then refine them into Elm Lumber.

Elm Timber can be found in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Eastern Holdings, Seratos, Ardent Domain, Morban, and Kingsward.

Elm Timber
Madrosa Timber
Madrosa Lumber
Madrosa Timber

Storm Legion Level 350

Foragers will forage Madrosa Timber for Madrosa Timber and then refine them into Madrosa Lumber.

Madrosa Timber can be found in all Nightmare Tide zones. Goboro Reef, Draumheim, Tarken Glacier, Tyrants Throne, and Planetouched Wilds.

Madrosa Timber
Laminated Madrosa Lumber
Laminated Madrosa Lumber

Storm Legion Level 355

Foragers can craft Laminated Madrosa Lumber out of Linden Lumber, Elm Lumber, Madrosa Lumber, Catalytic Dust, and some vendor mats.

Majestic Material
Majestic Material

Storm Legion Level 360

Foragers can craft Majestic Material out of Lucidflower Spire, Laminated Madrosa Lumber, and some vendor mats.

Cloths / Bolts

Mathosian Cloths:

1 Burlap Cloth
35 Cotton Cloth
75 Wool Cloth
115 Linen Cloth
145 Silk Cloth
185 Composite Cloth
225 Spellspun Silk
250 Witchweave Cloth

Cloth is looted from most humanoid mobs in Rift. The level of the mob will determine which cloth they drop.
You will have a better chance of looting cloth if your character has the Outfitting Skill.

Cloth can be used as cloth, or woven into bolts. Bolts are created by Outfitters at the Loom.
It will usually require 2 pieces of cloth to create one Bolt.

There are 13 types of cloth that can be harvested.
18 types of Bolts can be crafted from them.

Storm Legion Cloths:

290 Lanzan Cloth
330 Chiffon Cloth
360 Empyrean Silk

Nightmare Tide Cloths:

375 Diaphanous Cloth

Prophecy of Ahnket Cloths:

450 Starweave Cloth

Burlap Cloth
Bolt of Burlap
Burlap Cloth

Mathosian Level 1

An Outfitter can turn Burlap Cloth into Bolt of Burlap using the Loom.

Farm Burlap Cloth by killing and looting humanoid mobs.
Mobs that drop Burlap Cloth can be found in Freemarch, and Silverwood.

A good spot to farm is King’s Retreat, Freemarch /setwaypoint 6310 4687
Or Wayward Thicket, Silverwood /setwaypoint 6922 3079

Cotton Cloth
Bolt of Cotton
Cotton Cloth

Mathosian Level 35

An Outfitter can turn Cotton Cloth into Bolt of Cotton using the Loom.

Farm Cotton Cloth by killing and looting humanoid mobs.
Mobs that drop Cotton Cloth can be found in Freemarch, Silverwood, Stonefield, and Gloamwood.

A good spot to farm is Smith’s Haven, Freemarch /setwaypoint 7194 5282
Or Overwatch Keep, Silverwood /setwaypoint 6494 3057

Wool Cloth
Bolt of Wool
Wool Cloth

Mathosian Level 75

An Outfitter can turn Wool Cloth into Bolt of Wool using the Loom.

Farm Wool Cloth by killing and looting humanoid mobs.
Mobs that drop Wool Cloth can be found in Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, and Iron Pine Peak.

A good spot to farm is Inside the Harrow Crypt, Stonefield – Entrance at /setwaypoint 5086 4759
Or Shadefallen Towers, Gloamwood /setwaypoint 4598 2564
Or Darkfire Grove, Scarlet Gorge /setwaypoint 4813 3434

Bolt of Lockweave
Bolt of Lockweave

Mathosian Level 90

An Outfitter can craft Bolt of Lockweave out of Bolt of Wool, Bolt of Linen, and some vendor mats.

Linen Cloth
Bolt of Linen
Linen Cloth

Mathosian Level 115

An Outfitter can turn Linen Cloth into Bolt of Linen using the Loom.

Farm Linen Cloth by killing and looting humanoid mobs.
Mobs that drop Linen Cloth can be found in Iron Pine Peak, Scarwood Reach, Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands.

A good spot to farm is Granitewood Crossing, Scarwood Reach /setwaypoint 3891 4601

Silk Cloth
Bolt of Silk
Silk Cloth

Mathosian Level 145

An Outfitter can turn Silk Cloth into Bolt of Silk using the Loom.

Farm Silk Cloth by killing and looting humanoid mobs.
Mobs that drop Silk Cloth can be found in Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands.

A good spot to farm is Faering Woods, Moonshade Highlands /setwaypoint 6478 2040
Or Faemist Point, Moonshade Highlands /setwaypoint 7246 2508

Bolt of Shaleweave
Bolt of Shaleweave

Mathosian Level 150

An Outfitter can craft Bolt of Shaleweave out of Bolt of Silk, Bolt of Composite Cloth, and some vendor mats.

Composite Cloth
Bolt of Composite Cloth
Composite Cloth

Mathosian Level 185

An Outfitter can turn Composite Cloth into Bolt of Composite Cloth using the Loom.

Farm Composite Cloth by killing and looting humanoid mobs.
Mobs that drop Composite Cloth can be found in Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor.

A good spot to farm is Belmont, Stillmoor /setwaypoint 2525 2798

Spellspun Silk
Bolt of Spellspun Silk
Spellspun Silk

Mathosian Level 225

An Outfitter can turn Spellspun Silk into Bolt of Spellspun Silk using the Loom.

Farm Spellspun Silk by killing and looting humanoid mobs.
Mobs that drop Spellspun Silk can be found in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.

A good spot to farm is Crown Hill, Stillmoor /setwaypoint 1879 3071

Witchweave Cloth
Bolt of Witchweave
Witchweave Cloth

Mathosian Level 250

An Outfitter can turn Witchweave Cloth into Bolt of Witchweave using the Loom.

Farm Witchweave Cloth by killing and looting humanoid mobs.
Mobs that drop Witchweave Cloth can be found in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.

Bolt of Spiritweave
Bolt of Spiritweave

Mathosian Level 260

An Outfitter can craft Bolt of Spiritweave out of Bolt of Spellspun Silk, Bolt of Witchweave, and some vendor mats.

Bolt of Radiant Witchweave
Bolt of Radiant Witchweave

Mathosian Level 285

An Outfitter can craft Bolt of Radiant Witchweave out of Bolt of Witchweave, Catalytic Essence, and some vendor mats.

Lanzan Cloth
Bolt of Lanzan
Lanzan Cloth

Storm Legion Level 290

An Outfitter can turn Lanzan Cloth into Bolt of Lanzan using the Loom.

Farm Lanzan Cloth by killing and looting humanoid mobs.
Mobs that drop Lanzan Cloth can be found in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Cape Jule, Pelladane, and City Core.

A good spot to farm is Edgestone Ridge, Cape Jule /setwaypoint 8564 10571

Chiffon Cloth
Bolt of Chiffon
Chiffon Cloth

Storm Legion Level 330

An Outfitter can turn Chiffon Cloth into Bolt of Chiffon using the Loom.

Farm Chiffon Cloth by killing and looting humanoid mobs.
Mobs that drop Chiffon Cloth can be found in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Eastern Holdings, Seratos, Ardent Domain, Morban, and Kingsward.

A good spot to farm is around and inside the Lower Stormhold, Morban /setwaypoint 14302 7343

Empyrean Silk
Bolt of Empyrean Silk
Empyrean Silk

Storm Legion Level 360

An Outfitter can turn Empyrean Silk into Bolt of Empyrean Silk using the Loom.

Farm Empyrean Silk by killing and looting humanoid mobs.
Mobs that drop Empyrean Silk can be found in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Ashora, Steppes, and The Dendrome.

Bolt of Lined Empyrean Silk
Bolt of Lined Empyrean Silk

Storm Legion Level 365

An Outfitter can craft Bolt of Lined Empyrean Silk out of Bolt of Lanzan, Bolt of Chiffon, Bolt of Empyrean Silk, Catalytic Dust, and some vendor mats.

Diaphanous Cloth
Bolt of Diaphanous Cloth
Diaphanous Cloth

Nightmare Tide Level 375

An Outfitter can turn Diaphanous Cloth into Bolt of Diaphanous Cloth using the Loom.

Farm Diaphanous Cloth by killing and looting humanoid mobs.
Mobs that drop Diaphanous Cloth can be found in all Nightmare Tide zones. Goboro Reef, Draumheim, Tarken Glacier, Tyrants Throne, and Planetouched Wilds.

A good spot to farm is Lost Knot, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5476 5973

Starweave Cloth
Bolt of Starweave
Starweave Cloth

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 450

An Outfitter can turn Starweave Cloth into Bolt of Starweave using the Loom.

Farm Starweave Cloth by killing and looting humanoid mobs.
Mobs that drop Starweave Cloth can be found in all Prophecy of Ahnket zones. Scatherran Forest, Gedlo Badlands, Xarth Mire, Ashenfell, Tenebrean Schism, and Vostigar Peaks.

Tenebrean Samite
Tenebrean Samite

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 450

Farm Tenebrean Samite by killing and looting humanoid mobs.
Mobs that drop Tenebrean Samite can be found in all Prophecy of Ahnket zones. Scatherran Forest, Gedlo Badlands, Xarth Mire, Ashenfell, Tenebrean Schism, and Vostigar Peaks.
It is a rare drop, and it seems it is more likely to drop from higher level mobs.

Hides / Leathers

Mathosian Hides/Leathers:

1 Soft Hide
35 Thin Hide
75 Medium Hide
115 Heavy Hide
125 Fine Leather
145 Thick Hide
165 Reinforced Leather
185 Exotic Hide
225 Soulhide
270 Ironhide
280 Imbued Leather
290 Steel-Stitched Leather

A Butcher can skin animals for Hide and then turn the Hides into Leathers.
There are many types of animals across all the zones that can be butchered, making butchering one of the easiest skills to level up.

Storm Legion Hides/Leathers:

300 Dense Hide
330 Striped Hide
350 Truehide
360 Impervious Truehide Leather
370 Stately Swatch

Nightmare Tide Hides/Leathers:

375 Fabled Hide

Prophecy of Ahnket Hides/Leathers:

450 Starhide

Soft Hide
Soft Leather
Soft Hide

Mathosian Level 1

Butchers will skin animals for Soft Hide and then use the Loom to turn them into Soft Leather.

Soft Hide will come from animals in Freemarch, and Silverwood.

A good spot to farm is Kindra’s Thicket, Freemarch /setwaypoint 6591 4717

Thin Hide
Thin Leather
Thin Hide

Mathosian Level 35

Butchers will skin animals for Thin Hide and then use the Loom to turn them into Thin Leather.

Thin Hide will come from animals in Freemarch, Stonefield, and Gloamwood.

You can farm it by killing Sicklehorns in Far Mine Loop, Stonefield /setwaypoint 5745 4594

Medium Hide
Medium Leather
Medium Hide

Mathosian Level 75

Butchers will skin animals for Medium Hide and then use the Loom to turn them into Medium Leather.

Medium Hide will come from animals in Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, and Iron Pine Peak. As well as very small amounts in Scarwood Reach, and Droughtlands.

A good spot to farm is killing Rams in The Last Valley, Stonefield /setwaypoint 4142 5369
Or killing Prowlers, in and around Greybriar Hollow, Gloamwood /setwaypoint 4727 2900

Heavy Hide
Heavy Leather
Heavy Hide

Mathosian Level 115

Butchers will skin animals for Heavy Hide and then use the Loom to turn them into Heavy Leather.

Heavy Hide will come from animals in Iron Pine Peak, Scarwood Reach, Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands.

A good spot to farm is Iron Fall, Scarwood Reach /setwaypoint 3830 4231

Fine Leather
Fine Leather

Mathosian Level 125

Butchers can craft Fine Leather out of Medium Hide, Heavy Hide, and some vendor mats.

Thick Hide
Thick Leather
Thick Hide

Mathosian Level 145

Butchers will skin animals for Thick Hide and then use the Loom to turn them into Thick Leather.

Thick Hide will come from animals in Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands.

A good spot to farm is Howling Hills, Moonshade Highlands /setwaypoint 7079 1673
Or Riverbank Cuttoff, Droughtlands /setwaypoint 7330 6049

Reinforced Leather
Reinforced Leather

Mathosian Level 165

Butchers can craft Reinforced Leather out of Thick Hide, Exotic Hide, and some vendor mats.

Exotic Hide
Exotic Leather
Exotic Hide

Mathosian Level 185

Butchers will skin animals for Exotic Hide and then use the Loom to turn them into Exotic Leather.

Exotic Hide will come from animals in Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor.

A good spot to farm is Briarcliff, Stillmoor /setwaypoint 2291 2858

Soulbind Leather

Mathosian Level 225

Butchers will skin animals for Soulhide and then use the Loom to turn them into Soulbind Leather.

Soulhide will come from animals in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.

A good spot to farm is killing the Bats in Caer Thalos, Stillmoor /setwaypoint 1817 1983

Steeled Leather

Mathosian Level 270

Butchers will skin animals for Ironhide and then use the Loom to turn them into Steeled Leather.

Ironhide will come from animals in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.

Imbued Leather
Imbued Leather

Mathosian Level 280

Butchers can craft Imbued Leather out of Soulhide, Ironhide, and some vendor mats.

Steel-Stitched Leather
Steel-Stitched Leather

Mathosian Level 290

Butchers can craft Steel-Stitched Leather out of Steeled Leather, Catalytic Essence, and some vendor mats.

Dense Hide
Dense Leather
Dense Hide

Storm Legion Level 300

Butchers will skin animals for Dense Hide and then use the Loom to turn them into Dense Leather.

Dense Hide will come from animals in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Cape Jule, Pelladane, and City Core.

Striped Hide
Striped Leather
Striped Hide

Storm Legion Level 330

Butchers will skin animals for Striped Hide and then use the Loom to turn them into Striped Leather.

Striped Hide will come from animals in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Eastern Holdings, Seratos, Ardent Domain, Morban, and Kingsward.

Truehide Leather

Storm Legion Level 350

Butchers will skin animals for Truehide and then use the Loom to turn them into Truehide Leather.

Truehide will come from animals in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Ashora, Steppes, and The Dendrome.

Impervious Truehide Leather
Impervious Truehide Leather

Storm Legion Level 360

Butchers can craft Impervious Truehide Leather out of Dense Leather, Striped Leather, Truehide Leather, Catalytic Dust, and some vendor mats.

Stately Swatch
Stately Swatch

Storm Legion Level 370

Butchers can craft Stately Swatch out of Impervious Truehide Leather, Empyrean Silk, and some vendor mats.

Fabled Hide
Fabled Leather
Fabled Hide

Nightmare Tide Level 375

Butchers will skin animals for Fabled Hide and then use the Loom to turn them into Fabled Leather.

Fabled Hide will come from animals in all Nightmare Tide zones. Goboro Reef, Draumheim, Tarken Glacier, Tyrants Throne, and Planetouched Wilds.

A good spot to farm Fabled Hide is Carver’s Deep in Planetouched Wilds /setwaypoint 8820 5146

Starhide Leather

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 450

Butchers will skin animals for Starhide and then use the Loom to turn them into Starhide Leather.

Starhide will come from animals in all Prophecy of Ahnket zones. Scatherran Forest, Gedlo Badlands, Xarth Mire, Ashenfell, Tenebrean Schism, and Vostigar Peaks.

Infused Starhide
Infused Starhide

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 450

Butchers can loot Infused Starhide while Butchering animals.

Infused Starhide comes from animals in all Prophecy of Ahnket zones. Scatherran Forest, Gedlo Badlands, Xarth Mire, Ashenfell, Tenebrean Schism, and Vostigar Peaks.
It is a rare drop, and it seems it is more likely to drop from higher level mobs.


Mathosian Bones:

1 Cracked Rib
30 Rotting Canine
60 Shattered Bone
90 Jagged Tooth
120 Pristine Femur
150 Pristine Molar
180 Hollow Bone
210 Bloody Fang
240 Darkened Bone
270 Fanged Mandible

Bones are only found in Mathosian and Storm Legion zones.
Bones are looted while a Butcher butchers an animal. There is a random chance to get a bone as well as a hide.
Bones are mostly used in Apothecary recipes.

Storm Legion Bones:

300 Small Bones
330 Unerupted Tooth
360 Collagen Struts

Cracked Rib
Cracked Rib

Mathosian Level 1

Butchers can harvest Cracked Rib in Freemarch, Silverwood, Stonefield, and Gloamwood.

Rotting Canine
Rotting Canine

Mathosian Level 30

Butchers can harvest Rotting Canine in Freemarch, Silverwood, Stonefield, and Gloamwood.

Shattered Bone
Shattered Bone

Mathosian Level 60

Butchers can harvest Shattered Bone in Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, Iron Pine Peak, Scarwood Reach, Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands.

Jagged Tooth
Jagged Tooth

Mathosian Level 90

Butchers can harvest Jagged Tooth in Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, Iron Pine Peak, Scarwood Reach, and Droughtlands.

Pristine Femur
Pristine Femur

Mathosian Level 120

Butchers can harvest Pristine Femur in Moonshade Highlands, Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor.

Pristine Molar
Pristine Molar

Mathosian Level 150

Butchers can harvest Pristine Molar in Moonshade Highlands, Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor.

Hollow Bone
Hollow Bone

Mathosian Level 180

Butchers can harvest Hollow Bone in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.

Bloody Fang
Bloody Fang

Mathosian Level 210

Butchers can harvest Bloody Fang in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.

Darkened Bone
Darkened Bone

Mathosian Level 240

Butchers can harvest Darkened Bone in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.

Fanged Mandible
Fanged Mandible

Mathosian Level 270

Butchers can harvest Fanged Mandible in Shimmersand, and Ember Isle.

Small Bones
Small Bones

Storm Legion Level 300

Butchers can harvest Small Bones in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Cape Jule, Pelladane, and City Core.

Unerupted Tooth
Unerupted Tooth

Storm Legion Level 330

Butchers can harvest Unerupted Tooth in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Eastern Holdings, Seratos, Ardent Domain, Morban, and Kingsward.

Collagen Struts
Collagen Struts

Storm Legion Level 360

Butchers can harvest Collagen Struts in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Ashora, Steppes, and The Dendrome.


Mathosian Meats:

1 Tenderloin
40 Lean Steak
75 Lean Bacon
150 Rib Rack
180 Rich Steak
225 Rich Bacon

Meat is looted from animals.
Any player can loot meat, no special skill is required, however players with butchering trained will have a greater chance of looting meat.

You can loot multiple meats from one animal, eg. Lean Bacon and Lean Steak from one kill.

Storm Legion Meats:

300 Prime Liver
330 Shank
360 Choice Cut

Nightmare Tide Meats:

375 Brisket

Prophecy of Ahnket Meats:

450 Flank Steak


Mathosian Level 1

Players can loot Tenderloin in Freemarch, and Silverwood.

Lean Steak
Lean Steak

Mathosian Level 40

Players can loot Lean Steak in Freemarch, Silverwood, Stonefield, and Gloamwood.

Lean Bacon
Lean Bacon

Mathosian Level 75

Players can loot Lean Bacon in Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, Iron Pine Peak, Scarwood Reach, and Droughtlands.

Rib Rack
Rib Rack

Mathosian Level 150

Players can loot Rib Rack in Iron Pine Peak, Scarwood Reach, Moonshade Highlands, Droughtlands, and Shimmersand.

Rich Steak
Rich Steak

Mathosian Level 180

Players can loot Rich Steak in Droughtlands, Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.

Rich Bacon
Rich Bacon

Mathosian Level 225

Players can loot Rich Bacon in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.

Prime Liver
Prime Liver

Storm Legion Level 300

Players can loot Prime Liver in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Cape Jule, Pelladane, and City Core.


Storm Legion Level 330

Players can loot Shank in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Eastern Holdings, Seratos, Ardent Domain, Morban, and Kingsward.

Choice Cut
Choice Cut

Storm Legion Level 360

Players can loot Choice Cut in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in Ashora, Steppes, and The Dendrome.


Nightmare Tide Level 375

Players can loot Brisket in all Nightmare Tide zones. Goboro Reef, Draumheim, Tarken Glacier, Tyrants Throne, and Planetouched Wilds.

Flank Steak
Flank Steak

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 450

Players can loot Flank Steak in all Prophecy of Ahnket zones. Scatherran Forest, Gedlo Badlands, Xarth Mire, Ashenfell, Tenebrean Schism, and Vostigar Peaks.

Scatheran Pepper
Scatheran Pepper

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 450

Players can loot Scatheran Pepper in all Prophecy of Ahnket zones. Scatherran Forest, Gedlo Badlands, Xarth Mire, Ashenfell, Tenebrean Schism, and Vostigar Peaks.
It is a rare drop, and it seems it is more likely to drop from higher level mobs.


Mathosian Gems:

1 Moonstone
35 Sunstone
40 Shimmering Opal
60 Abyssal Opal
70 Heartstone
80 Celestite
100 Blood Berylite
120 Radiant Emerald
150 Skystone Agate
180 Valeglass Agate
190 Sapphire
200 Ruby
220 Brilliant Diamond
250 Lightsbane Diamond
270 Jagged Lightstone
290 Smooth Lightstone

Gems are looted while mining metals.
Mathosian and Storm Legion gems come in containers, which open up to produce one of two gems.
Nightmare Tide and Prophecy of Ahnket gems are looted straight away with no container to open.

There are 22 different Gems.

Storm Legion Gems:

300 Tourmaline
330 Sphalerite
360 Chrysoprase

Nightmare Tide Gems:

375 Thalasite Crystal
395 Risarian Minim

Prophecy of Ahnket Gems:

450 Ahnkite

Fieldstone Contains Moonstone or Sunstone

Mathosian Level 1

Fieldstone is looted while mining Tin Ore.
It can be found in Freemarch, and Silverwood.
Fieldstone contains Moonstone, or Sunstone.

Opal Contains Shimmering Opal or Abyssal Opal

Mathosian Level 40

Opal is looted while mining Copper Ore.
It can be found in Freemarch, Silverwood, Stonefield, and Gloamwood.
Opal contains Shimmering Opal, or Abyssal Opal.

Shimmering Opal
Abyssal Opal
Geode Contains Heartstone or Celestite

Mathosian Level 70

Geode is looted while mining Iron Ore.
It can be found in Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, Iron Pine Peak, and Scarwood Reach.
Geode contains Heartstone, or Celestite.

Beryl Contains Blood Berylite or Radiant Emerald

Mathosian Level 100

Beryl is looted while mining Chromite Ore.
It can be found in Scarlet Gorge, Iron Pine Peak, and Scarwood Reach.
Beryl contains Blood Berylite, or Radiant Emerald.

Blood Berylite
Radiant Emerald
Agate Contains Skystone Agate or Valeglass Agate

Mathosian Level 150

Agate is looted while mining Cobalt Ore.
It can be found in Iron Pine Peak, Scarwood Reach, Moonshade Highlands, Droughtlands, and Shimmersand.
Agate contains Skystone Agate, or Valeglass Agate.

Skystone Agate
Valeglass Agate
Corundum Contains Sapphire or Ruby

Mathosian Level 190

Corundum is looted while mining Gold or Titanium Ore.
It can be found in Moonshade Highlands, Droughtlands, Shimmersand, and Stillmoor.
Corundum contains Sapphire, or Ruby.

Diamond Contains Brilliant Diamond or Lightsbane Diamond

Mathosian Level 220

Diamond is looted while mining Carmintium Ore.
It can be found in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.
Diamond contains Brilliant Diamond, or Lightsbane Diamond.

Brilliant Diamond
Lightsbane Diamond
Lightstone Geode
Lightstone Geode Contains Jagged Lightstone or Smooth Lightstone

Mathosian Level 270

Lightstone Geode is looted while mining Orichalcum Ore.
It can be found in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.
Lightstone Geode contains Jagged Lightstone, or Smooth Lightstone.

Jagged Lightstone
Smooth Lightstone
Marlistone Contains Tourmaline, Sphalerite, and Chrysoprase.

Storm Legion Level 300

Marlistone is looted while mining Gantimite, and Karthite.
It can be found in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in the lower level zones.
Marlistone contains Tourmaline, Sphalerite, and Chrysoprase.

It is most likely to give Tourmaline and least likely to give Chrysoprase, with Sphalerite being in the middle.

Rich Marlistone
Rich Marlistone Contains Tourmaline, Sphalerite, and Chrysoprase.

Storm Legion Level 300

Rich Marlistone is looted while mining Rhenium.
It can be found in all the Storm Legion zones, but is more likely to be found in the higher level zones.
Rich Marlistone contains Tourmaline, Sphalerite, and Chrysoprase.

It is most likely to give Chrysoprase and least likely to give Tourmaline, with Sphalerite being in the middle.

Thalasite Crystal
Thalasite Crystal

Nightmare Tide Level 375

Thalasite Crystal drops while mining Thalasite Ore.
It can be found in all Nightmare Tide zones. Goboro Reef, Draumheim, Tarken Glacier, Tyrants Throne, and Planetouched Wilds.

Risarian Minim
Risarian Minim

Nightmare Tide Level 395

Risarian Minim drops while mining Thalasite Ore, or Sarleaf.
It can be found in all Nightmare Tide zones. Goboro Reef, Draumheim, Tarken Glacier, Tyrants Throne, and Planetouched Wilds.


Prophecy of Ahnket Level 450

Ahnkite drops while mining Atramentium or Bolidium Ore.
It can be found in all Prophecy of Ahnket zones. Scatherran Forest, Gedlo Badlands, Xarth Mire, Ashenfell, Tenebrean Schism, and Vostigar Peaks.


In Mathosia, these special items can drop from any mob in a particular zone. These drop from the normal zone mobs, Im not sure if they also drop from planar mobs in the zone. These are rare drops, taking many kills before you loot them! You may only loot one or two while you quest through a zone.
To farm for them, pick a high mob population area, kill and loot everything, then switch shard and go again.

Mathosian Cores:

50 Enchanted Core
60 Evergreen Core
80 Stone Core
90 Shadow Core
110 Rusty Core
120 Gnarled Core
170 Cracked Core
190 Glowing Core
285 Brightshale
290 Dark Pith
295 Icebound Tear

Enchanted Core
Enchanted Core

Mathosian Level 50

Drops randomly from mobs in Freemarch, and Silverwood.

Evergreen Core
Evergreen Core

Mathosian Level 60

Drops randomly from mobs in Freemarch, and Silverwood.

Stone Core
Stone Core

Mathosian Level 80

Drops randomly from mobs in Stonefield.

Shadow Core
Shadow Core

Mathosian Level 90

Drops randomly from mobs in Gloamwood.

Rusty Core
Rusty Core

Mathosian Level 110

Drops randomly from mobs in Scarlet Gorge.

Gnarled Core
Gnarled Core

Mathosian Level 120

Drops randomly from mobs in Scarwood Reach.

Cracked Core
Cracked Core

Mathosian Level 170

Drops randomly from mobs in Droughtlands.

Glowing Core
Glowing Core

Mathosian Level 190

Drops randomly from mobs in Moonshade Highlands.


Mathosian Level 285

Drops randomly from mobs in Shimmersand.

Dark Pith
Dark Pith

Mathosian Level 290

Drops randomly from mobs in Stillmoor.

Icebound Tear
Icebound Tear

Mathosian Level 295

Drops randomly from mobs in Iron Pine Peak.

Planar Dusts

Planar Dusts will drop from all kinds of Planar creatures, including those found in Rifts, Invasions, and Footholds. Any player can pick up Planar Dusts, you do not need a specific skill.
Dusts are looted from the planar corpses or given in Rift Loot bags, so be sure to loot the corpses!
Planar Dusts are used by all the different crafting skills. 

In the craft areas of Meridian/Sanctum there is an NPC that will take your high level dusts and exchange them for low level dusts.
This is generally considered to be a bad idea, due to lower level dusts being easier to farm!

Note: Farming Dust in Mathosian zones will have mixed results, you can occasionally loot high dusts in low zones, or low dusts in high zones. Drop rates are also super low for the mid range dusts, they are very hard to farm!

Mathosian Planar Dusts:
1 Ethereal Planar Dust
70 Shifting Planar Dust
130 Enduring Planar Dust
180 Endless Planar Dust
250 Eternal Planar Dust

Storm Legion Planar Dust:
300 Empyrean Planar Dust

Nightmare Tide Planar Dust:
375 Dust of the Void

Prophecy of Ahnket Planar Dust:
450 Chondritic Planar Dust

Ethereal Planar Dust
Ethereal Planar Dust

Mathosian Level 1

Ethereal Planar Dust is a Rank 1 Planar Dust.
You can loot it from Planar Creatures in Freemarch, and Silverwood.

Shifting Planar Dust
Shifting Planar Dust

Mathosian Level 70

Shifting Planar Dust is a Rank 2 Planar Dust.
You can loot it from Planar Creatures in Stonefield, Gloamwood, Scarlet Gorge, and Iron Pine Peak.

Enduring Planar Dust
Enduring Planar Dust

Mathosian Level 130

Enduring Planar Dust is a Rank 3 Planar Dust.
You can loot it from Planar Creatures in Scarwood Reach, Moonshade Highlands, and Droughtlands.

Endless Planar Dust
Endless Planar Dust

Mathosian Level 180

Endless Planar Dust is a Rank 4 Planar Dust.
You can loot it from Planar Creatures in Droughtlands, and Shimmersand.

Eternal Planar Dust
Eternal Planar Dust

Mathosian Level 250

Eternal Planar Dust is a Rank 5 Planar Dust.
You can loot it from Planar Creatures in Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.

Empyrean Planar Dust
Empyrean Planar Dust

Storm Legion Level 300

Empyrean Planar Dust is a Rank 6 Planar Dust.
You can loot it from Planar Creatures in all the Storm Legion zones.

Dust of the Void
Dust of the Void

Nightmare Tide Level 375

Dust of the Void is a Rank 7 Planar Dust.
You can loot it from Planar Creatures in all Nightmare Tide zones. Goboro Reef, Draumheim, Tarken Glacier, Tyrants Throne, and Planetouched Wilds.

Chondritic Planar Dust
Chondritic Planar Dust

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 450

Chondritic Planar Dust is a Rank 8 Planar Dust.
You can loot it from Planar Creatures in all Prophecy of Ahnket zones. Scatherran Forest, Gedlo Badlands, Xarth Mire, Ashenfell, Tenebrean Schism, and Vostigar Peaks.


Amenders were introduced during the Nightmare Tide expansion.
During Nightmare Tide, each new tier of gear that was released was coupled with a new Amender recipe. These were used to upgrade crafted items as well as gear and weapons that dropped in raids.
Most of the Nightmare Tide Amender recipes are bought in the Rift Store with crafting marks. The rune amenders are not in the store, you will need to go to Bob, the recipe vendor in Margle Palace, Draumheim /setwaypoint 5873 5543

During the Prophecy of Ahnket expansion, most high level gear has upgrade paths and require an amender at some point. Crafters can craft various types of Visionary Amenders. These Visionary Amenders can then be upgraded into Prophetic  Amenders. You can find information about his in the level 70 gear guide.

Prophecy of Ahnket Amenders:

500 Visionary Rune Amender
505 Visionary Weapon Amender
510 Visionary Metal Amender
510 Visionary Ornament Amender
510 Visionary Textile Amender
520 Visionary Dream Amender
525 Visionary Alchemical Amender

Nightmare Tide Amenders:
All are level 450.

Metal Amender
Advanced Metal Amender
Nightmare Metal Amender
Tormenting Metal Amender

Ornament Amender
Advanced Ornament Amender
Dreaming Ornament Amender
Opaque Ornament Amender

Textile Amender
Advanced Textile Amender
Nightmare Textile Amender
Tormenting Textile Amender

Rune Amender
Advanced Rune Amender
Dreaming Rune Amender
Opaque Rune Amender

Weapon Amender
Advanced Weapon Amender
Nightmare Weapon Amender
Tormenting Weapon Amender

Advanced Metal Amender
Nightmare Metal Amender
Tormenting Metal Amender
Nightmare Tide Metal Amenders:

All are level 450.

Crafted by an Armorsmith

Advanced Ornament Amender
Dreaming Ornament Amender
Opaque Ornament Amender
Nightmare Tide Ornament Amenders:

All are level 450.

Crafted by an Artificer

Advanced Textile Amender
Nightmare Textile Amender
Tormenting Textile Amender
Nightmare Tide Textile Amenders:

All are level 450.

Crafted by an Outfitter

Advanced Rune Amender
Dreaming Rune Amender
Opaque Rune Amender
Nightmare Tide Rune Amenders:

All are level 450.

Crafted by a Runecrafter

Advanced Weapon Amender
Nightmare Weapon Amender
Tormenting Weapon Amender
Nightmare Tide Weapon Amenders:

All are level 450.

Crafted by a Weaponsmith

Visionary Rune Amender
Visionary Rune Amender

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 500

Crafted by a Runecrafter

Visionary Weapon Amender
Visionary Weapon Amender

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 505

Crafted by a Weaponsmith
Can be upgraded into a Prophetic Weapon Amender

Visionary Metal Amender
Visionary Metal Amender

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 510

Crafted by an Armorsmith
Can be upgraded into a Prophetic Metal Amender

Visionary Ornament Amender
Visionary Ornament Amender

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 510

Crafted by an Artificer
Can be upgraded into a Prophetic Ornament Amender

Visionary Textile Amender
Visionary Textile Amender

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 510

Crafted by an Outfitter
Can be upgraded into a Prophetic Textile Amender

Visionary Dream Amender
Visionary Dream Amender

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 520

Crafted by a Dream Weaver

Visionary Alchemical Amender
Visionary Alchemical Amender

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 525

Crafted by an Apothecary

Crift Drops

Planar Crafting in Nightmare Tide

During Nightmare Tide, special Imperishable crafting materials were introduced that dropped rarely from the Savant level Crafting Rifts.
These were used to craft very high level items, found in the new ‘Planar Crafting’ section of the recipe book.
The Imperishables could also be used to craft a special fishing pole which could fish up more Imperishables at a very low drop rate. It is usually best to craft the pole and then use the pole to farm them, rather than relying on the very low drop rate from the Crifts.

There is a different Imperishable for each of the 6 planes, you will need a separate fishing pole for each one. You can increase your chances of fishing up an Imperishable by using one of the Planar Lures, however these take the Imperishable Prismatic Motes to craft which only drop rarely from the Crafting Rifts.
When handing in the Crift quest, you can choose which Plane of Crift you would like, The fire rift will only drop the Imperishable Flame. the Air rift only drops the Imperishable Wind, etc etc

  • Note: These Imperishable mats can be bought in the Rift Store with credits. I always recommend you do not do that. But if there is a wardrobe skin that you want that can only be unlocked in this way then go for it.
  • Note: You can use an alt to get a few crafts up the the 450 level and then grab the Savant Crifts each week to ‘farm’ these. It would be best if you brought along a few friends to increase your chances of an Imperishable dropping.
  • Note: The only reason to farm these now is to craft rare wardrobe skins. A lot of the skins can be acquired from other sources. Be sure to check the Wardrobe Skins page for other ways to unlock your wanted wardrobe before committing to the months of work that crafting it will take you.
  • Note: Other players may have already farmed and crafted the skin, ask around! And if/when you do craft the skin yourself, be sure to share it with others!

Nightmare Tide :

450 Imperishable Flame
450 Imperishable Tide
450 Imperishable Wind
450 Imperishable Terrene
450 Imperishable Life
450 Imperishable Darkness
450 Imperishable Prismatic Mote

Imperishable Flame
Imperishable Flame

Nightmare Tide Level 450

Players can loot Imperishable Flame while participating in a plane of Fire Savant level Crafting Rift.
Or while fishing using the Blazing Fishing Pole.

Imperishable Tide
Imperishable Tide

Nightmare Tide Level 450

Players can loot Imperishable Tide while participating in a plane of Water Savant level Crafting Rift.
Or while fishing using the Tidal Fishing Pole.

Imperishable Wind
Imperishable Wind

Nightmare Tide Level 450

Players can loot Imperishable Wind while participating in a plane of Air Savant level Crafting Rift.
Or while fishing using the Charged Fishing Pole.

Imperishable Terrene
Imperishable Terrene

Nightmare Tide Level 450

Players can loot Imperishable Terrene while participating in a plane of Earth Savant level Crafting Rift.
Or while fishing using the Telluric Fishing Pole.

Imperishable Life
Imperishable Life

Nightmare Tide Level 450

Players can loot Imperishable Life while participating in a plane of Life Savant level Crafting Rift.
Or while fishing using the Faetouched Fishing Pole.

Imperishable Darkness
Imperishable Darkness

Nightmare Tide Level 450

Players can loot Imperishable Darkness while participating in a plane of Death Savant level Crafting Rift.
Or while fishing using the Abhorrent Fishing Pole.

Planar Crafting in Prophecy of Ahnket

During the Prophecy of Ahnket expansion, Planar crafting still exists, but is, thankfully, a much more simplified version.
Crafting Rifts drop Celestial Matrix at a decent rate. A group of 20 players will often form to farm 20 rifts in a row. Most of those player will loot between 1 and 3 Matrixes, with the lucky few looting 4-6. It is rare for a player to get none in 20 rifts.
Celestial Motes will also drop, you can combine 10 of these, with a Planar Attuner, to create a Matrix.

Prophecy of Ahnket :

525 Celestial Matrix
525 Celestial Mote

Celestial Matrix
Celestial Matrix

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 525

Players can loot Celestial Matrix while participating in any Visionary level Crafting Rift.

Celestial Mote
Celestial Mote

Prophecy of Ahnket Level 525

Players can loot Celestial Motes while participating in any Visionary level Crafting Rift.

K'Rom's Fortress Materials

These materials will be looted while gathering/mining/butchering in Ashora or Dendrome.
They are not used in any crafting recipes! Instead you collect them up and then hand them in for crafting marks.
Hand in to Oorion in K’Rom’s Fortress, Ashora /setwaypoint 2993 6769
You can hand in the materials in batches of 5 or 10. Each hand in will award you with some Artisans marks, and notoriety for Storm Legion factions (Qaijiri, Eternal City Survivors, and Necropolis Caretakers).

Storm Legion :

Sand-Blasted Bone
Strontium Ore
Sun-Hardened Hide
Desert Ironwood

Sand-Blasted Bone
Strontium Ore
Sun-Hardened Hide
Desert Ironwood

Runecrafting Materials

Mathosian Runecrafting Materials.

There are 6 levels of crafting materials; Kinetic, Perpetual, Sentience, Flickering, Sparkling, and Shimmering.
Each of these levels has 3 tiers of materials. These 3 materials can be right clicked to Combine or Break them, converting them into the other tiers of the same level.

Kinetic Arc
Kinetic Charge
Kinetic Burst

Perpetual Blur
Perpetual Glow
Perpetual Flare

Sentience Spark
Sentience Surge
Sentience Blast

Flickering Powder
Flickering Shard
Flickering Crystal

Sparkling Powder
Sparkling Shard
Sparkling Crystal

Shimmering Powder
Shimmering Shard
Shimmering Crystal

Storm Legion Runecrafting Materials.

There are 7 different Runecrafting materials for the Storm Legion levels 300-375.
You will need to be level 301 in Runecrafting to be able to break Storm Legion level items to get these materials.

Wandering Star
Spiral Aurora
Radiant Nucleus
Emergent Cloud
Branching Star
Solidifying Star
Dreaming Star

Nightmare Tide Runecrafting Materials.

There are 2 different Runecrafting materials for the Nightmare Tide levels 375-450.
You will need to be level 376 in Runecrafting to be able to break Nightmare Tide level items to get these materials.

Capricious Star

Nightmare Star

Prophecy of Ahnket Runecrafting Materials.

There are 3 different Runecrafting materials for the Prophecy of Ahnket levels 450-525.
You will need to be level 450 in Runecrafting to be able to break Prophecy of Ahnket level items to get these materials.

Heliacal Dust

Heliacal Star

Tenebrean Star

Other Crafted Materials

There are a bunch of materials that are crafted by the various professions. Most of these are used to craft pre-PoA items. So it is unlikely that you will ever need them, unless you are crafting for wardrobes.

Artisan Ley-lined Vellum – Crafted by Artificer
Artisan Parchment – Crafted by Artificer
Artisan Vellum – Crafted by Artificer
Catalytic Dust – Crafted by Apothecary
Catalytic Essence – Crafted by Apothecary
Celestial Essence – Crafted by Runecrafter
Exceptional Ley-lined Vellum – Crafted by Artificer
Exceptional Parchment – Crafted by Artificer
Exceptional Vellum – Crafted by Artificer
Faint Dreams – Crafted by Dream Weaver
Hazy Dreams – Crafted by Dream Weaver
Impervious Vellum – Crafted by Artificer
Infinite Essence – Crafted by Runecrafter
Lucid Dreams – Crafted by Dream Weaver
Nightmare Amalgamation – Crafted by Apothecary
Nightmare Distillate – Crafted by Apothecary
Nightmare Ichor – Crafted by Apothecary
Nightmare Solution – Crafted by Apothecary
Potent Distillate – Crafted by Forager
Pristine Distillate – Crafted by Forager
Pure Distillate – Crafted by Forager
Regal Distillate – Crafted by Forager
Sovereign Solution – Crafted by Apothecary
Standard Parchment – Crafted by Artificer
Standard Vellum – Crafted by Artificer
Strands of Arak – Crafted by Apothecary
Strands of Draum – Crafted by Dream Weaver
Superior Ley-lined Vellum – Crafted by Artificer
Superior Parchment – Crafted by Artificer
Superior Vellum – Crafted by Artificer
Surreal Dreams – Crafted by Dream Weaver
Tenebrean Vellum – Crafted by Artificer


A few other materials..

Minor Catalyst
Minor Catalyst

Mathosian Level 300

You will find Minor Catalysts while participating in high level Mathosian content, such as; high level normal dungeons, level 50 expert dungeons, or the level 50 Chronicles.
Note: These are a rare drop and not easy to ‘farm’.

Apothecarys can turn a Minor Catalyst into 3x Catalytic Essence.

Major Catalyst
Major Catalyst

Storm Legion Level 375

You will find Major Catalysts while participating in high level Storm Lgion content, such as; Hunt Rifts, level 60 expert dungeons, or the level 60 Chronicles.
Note: These are a rare drop and not easy to ‘farm’.

Apothecarys can turn a Major Catalyst into 3x Catalytic Dust.

Spatial Anomaly
Spatial Anomaly

Nightmare Tide Level 450

The Spatial Anomaly item drops in the Mind of Madness Raid from the Fauxmire boss. It is a random drop and wont drop every run, but it is a pretty high chance. The Spatial Anomaly is soulbound when it is picked up, so during the run the group will usually roll for it and ensure it goes to a player with the recipe trained.

Outfitters can use Spatial Anomaly to create a Cosmic Bag Box. The Cosmic Bag Box contains a 38 slot bag. The box is tradeable, but once you right click it to loot the bag, the bag cannot be traded.