
Introduction to Foraging

Foragers travel the lands to gather Plants and Wood.
The Plants and Wood can be refined at a Workbench to create materials for crafting.
The Plants and Woods are used in most of the main crafting professions; with Apothecary, Artificer, and Weaponsmith benefiting most.
At low levels, Plants and Woods are split, with Apothecary using the plants while Artificer and Weaponsmith use the woods.
At high levels (After Storm Legion), Woods have been removed, leaving plants to be used by all the professions.

Training the skill

You will come across a Foraging trainer early in the game, this is to encourage you to take the foraging profession quickly so you don’t walk past the rest or the plants/wood in the starter zone!
Defiants will find their first Foraging Trainer in Kelari Refuge at /setwaypoint 6569 4597
Guardians will find their first Foraging Trainer in Divine Landing at /setwaypoint 6219 3873
There are many more Foraging Trainers scattered around the world, especially in the major cities.

The Foraging Trainers in the major cities are at..
Meridian /setwaypoint 5970 5206
Sanctum /setwaypoint 7248 2988
Tempest Bay /setwaypoint 12838 11668

You should visit the Foraging Trainer regularly to learn all the new refining recipes and to continue into the next tiers of the foraging skill. The Foraging trainers are usually found near the Laboratories, even though foragers use the Workbench to craft! The recipes from the Trainer will allow you to refine the Woods and Plants you have gathered. These recipes can help you gain some skill points, but the main bulk of your levelling will come from actually foraging in the open world.

Finding Woods and Plants in the World

When you first learn foraging you will be given 2 tracking abilities called ‘Track Wood’, and ‘Track Plants’. You will find these in your ability book under the General Tab. When you activate the two tracking abilities, they will stay on your character. They have no timer, and cannot be cleansed. The only way to remove them is to right click each ability or to unlearn Foraging. So you should only need to apply them once and then have no need to apply them again.
Woods show up as brown diamonds on your mini-map, plants are green diamonds.

There are 11 types of wood that can be foraged. Wood is only found in Mathosian and Storm Legion zones.
There are 23 types of Plants. Mathosian and Storm Legion plants are used as they are harvested. NMT and PoA plants usually need to be refined before they can be used to craft.

Plants/Woods can also be mined from Plant/Treant bad guys. Some zones will have decent clusters of these mobs for you to kill. This will often be quicker/easier than trying to find the Plants/Woods on the ground.

For more information about where to find each plant or wood, have a look at the Materials page.

Brown diamonds are Wood

Yew Log
Ashwood Log
Oak Log
Mahogany Log
Kingswood Log
Runebirch Log
Sagebrush Log
Shadethorn Branch

Storm Legion
Linden Timber
Elm Timber
Madrosa Timber

Green diamonds are Plants

Coastal Glory
Grieveblossom Petals
Creeperbrush Roots
Razorbrush Leaves
Krakenweed Stems
Golden Nettle Stems
Evergreen Nettle Stems
Duskglory Petals
Wyvernspurr Stems
Tattertwist Leaves
Roc Orchid Petals
Drakefoot Stems
Drakefoot Seed
Bloodshade Petals
Basiliskweed Stems
Tempestflower Stems
Twilight Bloom Roots

Storm Legion
Chimera’s Cloak Petals
Frazzleweed Tuft
Lucidflower Spire

Nightmare Tide

Prophecy of Ahnket
Faecap Mushroom
Xarthian Tendril

How to forage

Most of your levelling will come from actually foraging the plants or wood in the open world.
Find the plants or wood using your tracking abilities, stand next to them and right click them to forage. Your character will magically wave their hands around and the plant/wood will be in your bags. You do not need to craft any kind of tool to forage with, just have the profession trained.

At low level, all the foraging you do will level up your skill. As you advance through the levels, lower level items will no longer give skill points.
You can see if an item will give you a skill point by mousing over it and looking at the colour of the text.

Red Text
You will always get a Skill Point from this node.

Orange Text
You will always get a Skill Point from this node.

Yellow Text
You will get a high % of a Skill Point from this node.

Green Text
You will get a low % of a Skill Point from this node.

Grey Text
This node will not give you Skill Points.

From this we can deduce that it is best to always be foraging plants/wood that have red/orange text.
The yellow/green level plants/wood will only give a % of a skill point, this % will vary considerably depending on your skill level. At very low levels, the yellow/green plants/wood pretty much always give a skill point from each harvest, but as you go up in level, those yellow/green plants/wood will give less and less of a percentage of a full skill point.
At the highest levels, yellow items will give 25-50% of a point, while green items give 10-25%.
These %s do seem to have an element of variability. There is no way to see the % you get from each harvest, just keep foraging!

Skill Points from each Plant/Wood.

To the right is a table showing each Plant/Wood type and when you will stop getting Skill Points from them.

You can find a full list of all the plants and woods with information about where to find them on the materials page.

Wood/PlantXP Up To
Coastal Glory65
Yew Timber60
Grieveblossom Petals65
Ashwood Timber90
Creeperbrush Roots90
Razorbrush Leaves130
Krakenweed Stems135
Oak Log130
Golden Nettle Stems140
Duskglory Petals140
Mahogany Log170
Wyvernspurr Stems170
Kingswood Log200
Tattertwist Leaves200
Roc Orchid Petals200
Runebirch Log240
Wood/PlantXP Up To
Drakefoot Stems240
Bloodshade Petals270
Sagebrush Timber270
Basiliskweed Stems270
Shadethorn Log305
Tempestflower Stems280
Twilight Bloom Roots305
Linden Timber365
Chimera’s Cloak Petals365
Frazzleweed Tuft405
Elm Timber405
Madrosa Timber450
Lucidflower Spire450
Faecap Mushroom525
Xarthian Tendril525
Boosting skill gain

You can use a Skill orb! This will increase your chances of gaining a skill point while foraging, and also while crafting foraging items. Skill Orbs are available in the Rift Store for credits only. The skill orb only lasts for 2 hours once applied, so be sure to have raw materials ready to craft with, or some great spots picked out to farm.
There is also a Guild Perk called ‘Journeyman‘ that will increase your chance of gaining a skill point.

Celestial Foraging Rune

The Celestial Foraging Rune will temporarily increase your Foraging skill level by 50 points, even if that takes you over the max of 525.
The rune is crafted by a Runecrafter. You can apply the rune to any Shoulder gear of any level. You can craft/buy some cheap lower level shoulders to place the rune on, and then switch out your shoulders when you require the extra Foraging boost.

The 50 extra points will be a detriment to you while you are trying to level up the skill. It is not recommended that you use the rune until you are already at max level. At max level the rune will increase your yield from each node, making it quicker to farm materials that you need to craft.

Foraging to Level

If you are already a high level character while levelling Foraging , then you can just go straight to high level zones and mine 500 Xarthian Tendril/Faecap Mushrooms to level to 500+ very quickly. It is best to use a skill orb while you do this, as this will drastically cut down the amount of plants you need to forage! Be sure to visit your trainer every 75 levels as explained below.

A great spot to farm to level foraging is the Blackthorn Fall area of Scatherran Forest. Kill the plant dudes and Treants here and forage their corpses for quick skill ups. Note: These baddies don’t drop a lot of actual plants, so they are no good for farming Xarthian or Faecap.

If you are levelling Foraging as you level your character, then its best to do the zone quests and harvest any plants/woods that you come across as you quest. You can send the materials you gather to an alt and then use them to level up some of the crafting professions when you have decided which of those you want.
When you reach the higher level areas, just keep Foraging!

You will need to visit your Foraging Trainer every 75 levels or you will get stuck at the end of a skill tier. You can train up to 5 levels before the end of each tier. Train at 70-75, 145-150, 220-225, 295-300, 370-375, 445-450.

Crafting to Level

Foraging is a gathering skill, not a crafting skill!
Most of the crafting involved is to refine the plants/wood into more usable materials.
By the time you have gathered decent amounts of Plants/Wood, you will already be high enough level that refining them wont give XP anymore!
So the best way to craft to level is to buy a bunch of the raw materials from the AH and then use them to craft.

All the refining recipes will be learned from your Foraging Trainer as you level up.
You will also find 5 recipes in the store to buy with crafting marks. These are for plant themed dimension items.

Due to the limited amount of recipes, there will be a lot of gaps in crafting where your only option is to go out and forage to level until you reach the next craftable item.

You can use the Foraging rune to bump up your level temporarily and craft items of a higher level. The rune will also allow you to train recipes that are up to 50 levels higher than you actually are. With careful management of the rune (taking it off and back on again) you will be able to level up a lot of skill points by just crafting. Even using the rune there are still gaps in the levelling that will require you to go out into the world and forage.

49 Recipes Available for Foraging

Bulk Materials

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Twenty Yew Planks35353535VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Ashwood Planks75757575VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Oak Lumber115115115115VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Mahogany Lumber145145145145VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Kingswood Lumber185185185185VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Runebirch Lumber225225225225VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Sagebrush Lumber250250250250VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Shadethorn Lumber280280280280VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Linden Lumber335335335335Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Elm Lumber350350350350Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Madrosa Lumber375375375375Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Fused Sarfiber390395400405Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Sarleaf Extract390395400405Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Faecap Extract475475475475ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Faecap Resin475475475475ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Xarthian Extract500500500500ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Twenty Xarthian Fiber500500500500ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.

Dimension Items

Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Dry Scrub60708090VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Little Pine120130140150VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Blue Jungle Flowers180190200210VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Pink Ground Cover240250260270VanillaBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.
Enoki Algae300310320330Storm LegionBought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies.


Name of ItemLearn AtHigh UntilMedium UntilLow UntilExpansionFree?Source of Recipe
Yew Plank151020VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Ashwood Plank35404555VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Oak Lumber75808595VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Mahogany Lumber115120125135VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Polished Mahogany Lumber115120125135VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Potent Distillate115120125135VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Kingswood Lumber145150155165VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Polished Runebirch Lumber185190195205VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Pure Distillate185190195205VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Runebirch Lumber185190195205VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Sagebrush Lumber225230235245VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Shadethorn Lumber250255260270VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Pristine Distillate260265270280VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Polished Shadethorn Lumber280285290300VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Linden Lumber290295300310VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Enchanted Shadethorn Lumber300305310320VanillaLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Elm Lumber330335340350Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Madrosa Lumber350355360365Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Fused Sarfiber375380385390Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Laminated Madrosa Lumber375376377380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Majestic Material375380385300Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Regal Distillate375376377380Storm LegionLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Sarleaf Extract375380385390Nightmare TideLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Faecap Extract450455460465ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Faecap Resin450455460465ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Xarthian Extract475480485490ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.
Xarthian Fiber475480485490ProphecyLearned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay.