Introduction to Dream Weaver
Dream Weavers can craft many dimension items using their own special material called dream ribbons. Dream ribbons are created by breaking down artifacts. Dream Weavers also use small amounts of every other material type.
A lot of the crafted dimension items are ‘special effects’ that are not available anywhere else.
Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Dream Ribbons Levelling your Dream Weaver Skill Recommended Crafts for Each Level Recipes Available
Useful Items from Dream Weaver
Level 70 items
- Crafts Dream Orbs, single use items which are used to permanently buff gear.
Other items of note
- Breaks down Artifacts into dream ribbons.
- Crafts Artifact Thief Catchers, used to catch squirrels during Unstable Artifact Events.
- Crafts many Dimension items, especially lighting, and particle effects.
- Crafts Dimension Keys!
Dream Ribbons
When you first learn Dream Weaving you will be given the ability to Salvage Artifacts.
The ability can be found in your ability in the General Tab.
It is best to drag it to your bar for ease of use.. as you are going to be breaking a lot of artifacts!
You will also be given a quest called ‘To Weave Your Dreams’. The quest asks you to craft a Dream Focus. You can place this Dream Focus in your own Dimension and use it as a crafting station for Dreamweaver.

You will need to break Thousands of artifacts to gather enough ribbons to level up Dream Weaver.
You should turn these ribbons into bolts for ease of storage. Turning ribbons into bolts is not permanent, you can turn them back into ribbons when needed.
Right click a stack of 99 Dream Ribbons to create a Dream bolt.
Right click the Dream Bolt to turn them back into a stack of 99 Dream Ribbons.
This means you can store thousands of Dream Ribbons in a much smaller space!
You do not need a craft station to do this, it can be done anywhere.
Breaking Artifacts will give you varying amounts of ribbons depending on your skill level and on the artifacts rarity.
In the levelling guide below, each of the skill levels has a break down of how many ribbons are required, so you can save artifacts to break when you are a higher skill and will get more ribbons from them.
An easy way to farm a bunch of Epic and Relic artifacts is to participate in some bounty hunting!
If you would rather go for quantity rather than quality, then hunting for artifacts in lower zones is usually best. You can also wait until the Summerfest event and farm Pinatas!
Novice | Skilled | Expert | Master | Grandmaster | Savant | Visionary | |
Common (White) Artifacts | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Uncommon (Green) Artifacts | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 |
Rare (Blue) Artifacts | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 9 |
Epic (Purple) Artifacts | 20 | 22 | 24 | 26 | 28 | 30 | 30 |
Relic (Orange) Artifacts | 50 | 55 | 60 | 65 | 75 | 75 | 75 |
Levelling your Dream Weaver Skill
How to level
You will need to train the Dream Weaver skill at a Dream Weaver Trainer, you can find one in..
Meridian /setwaypoint 5962 5245
Sanctum /setwaypoint 7452 2983
Tempest Bay /setwaypoint 12768 11598
You need to be stood at a Dream Focus to craft Dream Weaver items
You can learn new recipes from a Dream Weaver Trainer to be able to continue levelling, there is usually a Dream Weaver trainer near the Dream Focus.
There is usually a new Recipe to learn from your trainer every 10 levels. So most items will be crafted 10 times, giving you 10 levels. This can go bit wonky towards the end of a skill level, where you may need more than 1 craft to get a single skill point. You will learn 114 Dream Weaver recipes from your trainer while you level up.

Vendor Mats can all be bought using the little + next to the listed ingredient, they start off as few silver each at lower levels. They will get more expensive as you level up, with the highest level mats requiring a few plat each! Some vendor mats can be bought with credits.. there is never any need to buy materials for credits.. just take a break and go farm some platinum if you run out.
Boosting skill gain
You can use a Skill orb! This will increase your chances of gaining a skill point while crafting Dream Weaver items. Skill Orbs are available in the Rift Store for credits only. If you are going to buy one, be sure to have a bunch of materials ready so you can craft quickly to skill up and really get the most out of the 2 hour timer.
There is also a Guild Perk called ‘Journeyman‘ that will increase your chance of gaining a skill point.
What to do with all the Dimension Items?
Go build a dimension!
Or you can donate the items to someone else who enjoys building.
Materials Required for 0-525
- A few of the recipes will have an overlap, so you can choose a recipe that requires slightly different materials depending on your stocks.
- The trainer usually provides 2 to 4 recipes that will be orange for each block of ten skill points. This means you have a selection of different materials you can use, some of which you may find easier to farm.
- There are very few vendor mats to buy, and these are all at high level.
- Using a Skill Orb will reduce the amount of crafts required, and will thus reduce the materials required.
- Note: It is best to grab a couple of extra of each material. There is an element of randomness to partial skill points, sometimes you will need an extra craft to push over to the next set of 10. This will be at different points each time you level!
Ribbons Required from 0 – 525
1 – 75 = 475x Dream Ribbons total
75 – 150 = 780x Dream Ribbons total
150 – 225 = 990x Dream Ribbons total
225 – 300 = 1125x Dream Ribbons total
300 – 375 = 1560x Dream Ribbons total
375 – 450 = 1640x Dream Ribbons total
450 – 525 = 1200x Dream Ribbons – You will also need 15 Dream Bolts, which is equivalent to another 1485 Dream Ribbons
0 – 525 = 8570x Dream Ribbons plus the 15 Dream Bolts.
Bringing the grand total to 10055 Dream Ribbons.
This can be stored as 101 Dream Bolts + 56 Ribbons.
Mathosian Materials
5x Smooth Minnow
5x Powdernose Crab
15x Thin Leather
10x Thick Leather
15x Copper Bar
30x Cobalt Bar
10x Bolt of Wool
5x Bolt of Composite Cloth
30x Golden Nettle Stems
30x Drakefoot Stems
10x Tempestflower Stem
10x Mahogony Lumber
20x Kingswood Lumber
20x Sagebrush Lumber
Storm Legion Materials
20x Gantimite Bar
10x Chimera’s Cloak Petals
45x Striped Leather
25x Elm Lumber
Nightmare Tide Materials
45x Thalasite Bar
15x Fused Sarfiber
Prophecy of Ahnket Materials
10x Heliacal Star
20x Xarthian Extract
20x Xarthian Fiber
60x Atramentium Bar
60x Bolidium Bar
20x Faecap Extract
20x Faecap Resin
Recommended Crafts for Each Level
1 - 300 - Mathosian Zones
Note: Dreamweaver has no 1-300 daily quests.
1 – 75 = 475x Dream Ribbons total
1 – 10
Craft Dream Focus 9 times – Each craft requires 5x Dream Ribbons. You may want to keep one of these to pop in a dimension.
10 – 25
Craft Mini Spotlight 15 times – Each craft requires 5x Dream Ribbons.
25 – 30
Craft Occasional Water Drips 5 times – Each craft requires 6x Dream Ribbons, and 1x Smooth Minnow (Fish from Freemarch/Silverwood).
30 – 45
Craft Small Warm Light 15 times – Each craft requires 7x Dream Ribbons.
45 – 50
Craft Weather-blocking Pyramid 5 times – Each craft requires 8x Dream Ribbons.
50 – 65
Craft Steam Jet 15 times – Each craft requires 6x Dream Ribbons, and 1x Thin Leather (Leather from Stonefield/Gloamwood).
65 – 70
Craft Small Sandstorm 5 times – Each craft requires 9x Dream Ribbons, and 3x Copper Bar (Metal from Stonefield/Gloamwood).
70 – 75
Craft Medium Warm Light 5 times – Each craft requires 9x Dream Ribbons.
At level 70-75 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Skilled’ tier of Dream Weaver.
75 – 150 = 780x Dream Ribbons total
75 – 80
Craft Medium Warm Light 5 times – Each craft requires 9x Dream Ribbons.
80 – 100
Craft Small Cool Light 20 times – Each craft requires 8x Dream Ribbons.
100 – 110
Craft Awning Drip Line 10 times – Each craft requires 12x Dream Ribbons, and 1x Bolt of Wool (Cloth from Scarlet/Scarwood).
110 – 120
Craft Blowing Dandelions 10 times – Each craft requires 13x Dream Ribbons, and 3x Golden Nettle Stems (Plants from Scarlet/Scarwood).
120 – 130
Craft Cooking Fire 10 times – Each craft requires 9x Dream Ribbons, and 1x Mahogony Lumber (Wood from Scarlet/Scarwood).
130 – 145
Craft Medium Cool Light 15 times – Each craft requires 11x Dream Ribbons.
145 – 150
Craft Floating Blue Motes 5 times – Each craft requires 14x Dream Ribbons, and 2x Cobalt Bar (Metal from Droughtlands/Moonshade).
At level 145-150 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Expert’ tier of Dream Weaver.
150 – 225 = 990x Dream Ribbons total
150 – 160
Craft Floating Blue Motes 10 times – Each craft requires 14x Dream Ribbons, and 2x Cobalt Bar (Metal from Droughtlands/Moonshade).
160 – 170
Craft Bonfire Fire 10 times – Each craft requires 14x Dream Ribbons, and 2x Kingswood Lumber (Wood from Droughtlands/Moonshade).
170 – 185
Craft Small Yellow Light 15 times – Each craft requires 10x Dream Ribbons.
185 – 195
Craft White Smoke 10 times – Each craft requires 11x Dream Ribbons, and 1x Thick Leather (Leather from Droughtlands/Moonshade).
195 – 210
Craft Medium Yellow Light 15 times – Each craft requires 13x Dream Ribbons.
210 – 225
Craft Falling Green Motes 15 times – Each craft requires 17x Dream Ribbons, and 2x Drakefoot Stems (Plants from Shimmersand/Iron Pine Peak).
At level 220-225 you will need to go to your trainer to train for the ‘Master’ tier of Dream Weaver.
225 – 300 = 1125x Dream Ribbons total
225 – 230
Craft Intermittent Blue Lightning 5 times – Each craft requires 18x Dream Ribbons, and 1x Bolt of Composite Cloth (Cloth from Stillmoor/Shimmersand).
230 – 240
Craft Small Wildfire 10 times – Each craft requires 15x Dream Ribbons, and 2x Sagebrush Lumber(Wood from Stillmoor/Shimmersand).
240 – 255
Craft Small Orange Light 15 times – Each craft requires 12x Dream Ribbons.
255 – 260
Craft Waterfall Curtain 5 times – Each craft requires 19x Dream Ribbons, and 1x Powdernose Crab (Fish from Shimmersand).
260 – 270
Craft Blue Magic Aura 10 times – Each craft requires 17x Dream Ribbons, and 1x Tempestflower Stem (Plants from Stillmoor/Shimmersand).
270 – 275
Craft Medium Orange Light 5 times – Each craft requires 15x Dream Ribbons.
275 – 295
Craft Small Violet Light 20 times – Each craft requires 14x Dream Ribbons.
295 – 300
Craft Medium Violet Light 5 times – Each craft requires 17x Dream Ribbons.
Note: Dream Weaver has no level 300 weekly quest.
At level 295-300 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Grandmaster’ tier of Dream Weaver.
300 - 375 - Storm Legion Zones
Note: Dreamweaver has no 301 to 375 daily quests.
300 – 375 = 1560x Dream Ribbons total
300 – 310
Craft Medium Violet Light 10 times – Each craft requires 17x Dream Ribbons.
310 – 320
Craft Quicksand Overlay 10 times – Each craft requires 21x Dream Ribbons, and 2x Gantimite Bar(Metal from Cape Jule/Pelladane).
320 – 345
Craft Small Blue Light 30 times – Each craft requires 15x Dream Ribbons.
345 – 350
Craft Life Terrain Paint 5 times – Each craft requires 30x Dream Ribbons, 2x Chimera’s Cloak Petals (Plants from Level 52-59 zones), and 5x Elm Lumber (Wood from Level 52-59 zones).
350 – 365
Craft Massive Smoke Plume 15 times – Each craft requires 26x Dream Ribbons, and 3x Striped Leather (Leather from Level 52-59 zones).
365 – 375
Craft Medium Blue Light 10 times – Each craft requires 19x Dream Ribbons.
Note: Dreamweaver has no level 375 weekly quest.
At level 370-375 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Savant’ tier of Dream Weaver.
375 - 450 - Nightmare Tide Zones
While levelling from 376 to 450 you will be able to pick up a daily crafting quest in Tempest Bay.
There is no weekly crafting quest in Margle Palace for Dreamweaver.
375 – 450 = 1640x Dream Ribbons total
375 – 390
Craft Large Cool Light 15 times – Each craft requires 19x Dream Ribbons.
390 – 405
Craft Large Blue Light 15 times – Each craft requires 20x Dream Ribbons.
405 – 410
Craft Small Pulsing Shield Effect 5 times – Each craft requires 21x Dream Ribbons, and 3x Thalasite Bar (Metal from NMT zones).
410 – 425
Craft Small Orange Bubble 15 times – Each craft requires 22x Dream Ribbons, and 2x Thalasite Bar (Metal from NMT zones).
425 – 430
Craft Fireburst Ring 5 times – Each craft requires 23x Dream Ribbons, and 3x Fused Sarfiber (Plants from NMT zones).
430 – 445
Craft Small White Ground Ring 15 times – Each craft requires 25x Dream Ribbons.
445 – 450
Craft Large Blue Ground Ring 5 times – Each craft requires 26x Dream Ribbons.
Note: Dreamweaver has no level 450 weekly quest.
At level 445-450 you can go to a trainer in Tempest Bay to train for the ‘Visionary’ tier of Dream Weaver.
450 - 525 - Prophecy of Ahnket Zones
While levelling from 451 to 525 you will be able to pick up a daily crafting quest in Tempest Bay.
You will also be able to pick up a weekly crafting quest in Alittu once you hit level 500
450 – 525 = 1200x Dream Ribbons – You will also need 15 Dream Bolts, which is equivalent to another 1485 Dream Ribbons
450 – 460
Craft Faecap Mushroom 10 times – Each craft requires 25x Dream Ribbons, 2x Faecap Extract (Plants from PoA Zones), and 2x Faecap Resin (Plants from PoA Zones).
460 – 475
Craft Atramentium Ore Chunk 15 times – Each craft requires 25x Dream Ribbons, and 4x Atramentium Bar (Metal from PoA Zones).
475 – 480
Craft Word of Power: War 5 times – Each craft requires 1x Dream Bolt, 2x Heliacal Star (Runecrafting mats from PoA), and vendor mats.
480 – 490
Craft Tenebrean Barrel 10 times – Each craft requires 75x Dream Ribbons, and vendor mats.
490 – 500
Craft Ahnket Tower Debris 10 times – Each craft requires 1x Dream Bolt, and vendor mats.
500 = Crafting Weekly
Now that you are level 500, you are able to pick up the weekly crafting quest in Alittu.
It is best from this point to continue levelling by completing the weeklies and dailies as they are available to you. This will be much much cheaper than attempting to plough through to 525 by crafting multiple, very expensive items that you don’t even need.
500 – 510
Craft Xarthian Tendril 10 times – Each craft requires 25x Dream Ribbons, 2x Xarthian Extract (Plants from PoA zones), and 2x Xarthian Fiber (Plants from PoA zones).
510 – 520
Craft Bolidium Ore Chunk 10 times – Each craft requires 25x Dream Ribbons, and 4x Bolidium Bar (Metal from PoA Zones).
520 = Dream Orbs
You can now craft the Batch of Prophetic Dream Orbs. Buy the recipe from the Rift Store with craft marks.
520 – 525
Craft Bolidium Ore Chunk 5 times – Each craft requires 25x Dream Ribbons, and 4x Bolidium Bar (Metal from PoA Zones).
232 Recipes Available for Dream Weaver
8 Building Blocks
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Building Block: Matte Black Cubes | 425 | 430 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Building Block: Matte Black Discs | 425 | 430 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Building Block: Matte Black Planks | 425 | 430 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Building Block: Matte Black Poles | 425 | 430 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Building Block: Matte Black Rectangles | 425 | 430 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Building Block: Matte Black Spheres | 425 | 430 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Building Block: Matte Black Squares | 425 | 430 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Building Block: Matte Black Triangles | 425 | 430 | 435 | 450 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. |
31 Dimension Items
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Dream Focus | 1 | 20 | 40 | 55 | Vanilla | This recipe is given to you when you first learn the DreamWeaving skill. | |
Plain Red Pillow | 2 | 17 | 32 | 47 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Striped Red Pillow | 15 | 30 | 45 | 60 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fancy Red Pillow | 30 | 45 | 60 | 75 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Red Curtains | 375 | 390 | 405 | 420 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Monument Base | 400 | 410 | 420 | 440 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Angular Onir Urn | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Draumheim Large Oval Platform | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Faecap Mushroom | 450 | 460 | 470 | 480 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Mermaid Wall Statue | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Mermaid Wall Statue Bare | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Onir Chair | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Onir Conversation Piece | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Ornate Onir Urn | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Rectangle Onir Table | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Square Onir Table | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Tapered Onir Urn | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Atramentium Ore Chunk | 460 | 470 | 480 | 490 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Tenebrean Greeble Bundle | 470 | 480 | 490 | 490 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Word of Power: War | 475 | 485 | 500 | 510 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Ahnket Tower Fragment | 480 | 490 | 490 | 500 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Tenebrean Barrel | 480 | 490 | 500 | 510 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Ahnket Tower Debris | 490 | 500 | 510 | 520 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Xarthian Tendril | 500 | 510 | 520 | 525 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Bolidium Ore Chunk | 510 | 520 | 525 | 530 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Broken Ahnket Tower | 520 | 525 | 528 | 530 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Fractured Ahnket Tower | 520 | 525 | 528 | 530 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Shattered Ahnket Tower | 520 | 525 | 528 | 530 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Ahnket Tower Platform | 525 | 528 | 529 | 530 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Celestial Pavilion | 525 | 528 | 529 | 530 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Ahnket Tower | 525 | 528 | 529 | 530 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. |
24 Dimensions
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Key to Dimension: Bahralt’s Ascent | 25 | 40 | 55 | 70 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Key to Dimension: Tower Meadow | 50 | 65 | 80 | 95 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Key to Dimension: Daazez Wastes | 75 | 90 | 105 | 120 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Key to Dimension: Stone Grove | 100 | 115 | 130 | 145 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Key to Dimension: Fetid Plains | 125 | 140 | 155 | 170 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Key to Dimension: Faering Woods | 150 | 165 | 180 | 195 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Key to Dimension: Stillmoor Vale | 175 | 190 | 205 | 220 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Key to Dimension: Scarlet Gorge Cliff | 200 | 215 | 230 | 245 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Key to Dimension: Pus Swamp | 225 | 240 | 255 | 270 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Key to Dimension: Karthan Ponds | 250 | 265 | 280 | 295 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Key to Dimension: Gloamwood Glen | 275 | 290 | 305 | 320 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Key to Dimension: Edgestone Ridge | 300 | 315 | 330 | 345 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Key to Dimension: Anywhere | 325 | 340 | 355 | 370 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Key to Dimension: Malluma Track | 350 | 365 | 370 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Key to Dimension: Azcu’azg Oasis | 375 | 376 | 377 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Key to Dimension: Moonriven Breach | 400 | 415 | 430 | 445 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Key to Dimension: Polyp Promenade | 425 | 440 | 455 | 470 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Key to Dimension: Izbithu’s Demise | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Key to Dimension: Tempest Island | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Key to Dimension: Center of Oblivion | 500 | 510 | 520 | 525 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Key to Dimension: Khort | 525 | 530 | 535 | 540 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Key to Dimension: Ovog Shrine | 525 | 530 | 535 | 540 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Key to Dimension: Volcanic Playground | 525 | 530 | 535 | 540 | Prophecy | Bought with Craft Marks from a vendor in Alittu called ‘R23-JK’. Find him at /setwaypoint 4032 6367 | |
Key to Dimension: Wyrd Hut | 525 | 530 | 535 | 540 | Prophecy | Bought with Craft Marks from a vendor in Alittu called ‘R23-JK’. Find him at /setwaypoint 4032 6368 |
10 Dream Orbs
Note: ‘Batch of Prophetic Dream Orbs’ is just called ‘Prophetic Dream Orbs’ on the recipe in the rift store.
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Batch of Lesser Dream Orbs | 265 | 280 | 295 | 310 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Batch of Median Dream Orbs | 315 | 330 | 345 | 360 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Batch of Greater Dream Orbs | 365 | 375 | 390 | 380 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Batch of Savant Dream Orbs | 430 | 445 | 460 | 475 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Batch of Improved Greater Dream Orbs | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Batch of Improved Lesser Dream Orbs | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Batch of Improved Median Dream Orbs | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Batch of Improved Savant Dream Orbs | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Batch of Visionary Dream Orbs | 475 | 490 | 510 | 525 | Prophecy | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Batch of Prophetic Dream Orbs | 520 | 525 | 530 | 535 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. |
34 Light
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Mini Spotlight | 10 | 25 | 40 | 55 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Small Warm Light | 30 | 45 | 60 | 75 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Medium Warm Light | 70 | 85 | 100 | 115 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Small Cool Light | 80 | 95 | 110 | 125 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Blue Stained Glass Wall Projection | 125 | 140 | 155 | 170 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for Credits Only. | |
Medium Cool Light | 130 | 145 | 160 | 175 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Small Yellow Light | 170 | 185 | 200 | 215 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Medium Yellow Light | 195 | 210 | 225 | 240 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Intermittent Blue Lightning | 220 | 235 | 250 | 265 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Intermittent Yellow Lightning | 220 | 235 | 250 | 265 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Small Orange Light | 240 | 255 | 270 | 285 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Colorful Stained Glass Wall Projection | 255 | 270 | 285 | 300 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for Credits Only. | |
Medium Orange Light | 270 | 285 | 300 | 315 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Small Violet Light | 275 | 290 | 305 | 320 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Medium Violet Light | 295 | 310 | 325 | 340 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Small Blue Light | 320 | 335 | 350 | 365 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Gentle Rainbow | 325 | 340 | 355 | 370 | Storm Legion | Buy during the Carnival World Event. | |
Medium Blue Light | 365 | 380 | 395 | 410 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Blue Lightning Vortex | 370 | 385 | 400 | 415 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Yellow Lightning Vortex | 370 | 385 | 400 | 415 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Large Cool Light | 375 | 390 | 405 | 420 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Large Warm Light | 375 | 390 | 405 | 420 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Large Orange Light | 380 | 395 | 410 | 425 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Large Red Light | 380 | 395 | 410 | 425 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Large Violet Light | 380 | 395 | 410 | 425 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Large Yellow Light | 380 | 395 | 410 | 425 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Large Blue Light | 390 | 405 | 420 | 435 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Purple Lightning Vortex | 395 | 410 | 425 | 440 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
White Lightning Vortex | 395 | 410 | 425 | 440 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Small Green Ground Ring | 430 | 445 | 460 | 475 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Small White Ground Ring | 430 | 445 | 460 | 475 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Large Blue Ground Ring | 440 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Large Red Ground Ring | 440 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Ball Lightning | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. |
6 Materials
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Faint Dreams | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Hazy Dreams | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lucid Dreams | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Strands of Draum | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Surreal Dreams | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Visionary Dream Amender | 500 | 520 | 525 | 530 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. |
6 Miscellaneous
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Common Artifact Thief Catcher | 1 | 15 | 30 | 45 | Vanilla | Looted randomly at the end of an Unstable Artifact zone event that you have taken part in. | |
Epic Artifact Thief Catcher | 1 | 315 | 330 | 340 | Vanilla | Looted randomly at the end of an Unstable Artifact zone event that you have taken part in. | |
Uncommon Artifact Thief Catcher | 100 | 115 | 130 | 145 | Vanilla | Looted randomly at the end of an Unstable Artifact zone event that you have taken part in. | |
Rare Artifact Thief Catcher | 200 | 215 | 230 | 245 | Vanilla | Looted randomly at the end of an Unstable Artifact zone event that you have taken part in. | |
Cosmic Aggressor’s Essence Supply Cache | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Cosmic Defender’s Essence Supply Cache | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. |
38 Particles
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Faer Sparkle | 40 | 55 | 70 | 85 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Small Sandstorm | 60 | 75 | 90 | 105 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Black Smoke | 90 | 105 | 120 | 135 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Blowing Dandelions | 110 | 125 | 140 | 155 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Floating Blue Motes | 145 | 160 | 175 | 190 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Falling Petals | 175 | 190 | 205 | 220 | Vanilla | Buy during the Carnival World Event. | |
White Smoke | 180 | 195 | 210 | 225 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Orange Dust Devil | 200 | 215 | 230 | 245 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Falling Green Motes | 210 | 225 | 240 | 255 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Blue Magic Aura | 260 | 275 | 290 | 305 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Green Magic Aura | 260 | 275 | 290 | 305 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Red Magic Aura | 260 | 275 | 290 | 305 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
God Rays | 290 | 305 | 320 | 335 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Quicksand Overlay | 310 | 325 | 340 | 355 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Massive Smoke Plume | 350 | 365 | 380 | 395 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Small Pulsing Shield Effect | 400 | 415 | 430 | 445 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Medium Blue Electric Bubble | 410 | 425 | 440 | 455 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Medium Orange Electric Bubble | 410 | 425 | 440 | 455 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Small Orange Bubble | 410 | 425 | 440 | 455 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Black Electric Egg | 450 | 460 | 470 | 480 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Poison Vapor and Bubbles | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Buy during the Autumn Harvest World Event. | |
Air Bubble | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Buy during the Carnival World Event. | |
Death Bubble | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Buy during the Carnival World Event. | |
Earth Bubble | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Buy during the Carnival World Event. | |
Fire Bubble | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Buy during the Carnival World Event. | |
Life Bubble | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Buy during the Carnival World Event. | |
Water Bubble | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Buy during the Carnival World Event. | |
Lantern Hook Bubble Nebula | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Lantern Hook Motes | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Billowing Bubble Weather | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | Buy during the Summerfest World Event. | |
Blowing Bubble Weather | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | Buy during the Summerfest World Event. | |
Bubble Flurry | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | Buy during the Summerfest World Event. | |
Burning Paper | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | From the Mystery Box: Vostigar Curiosities | |
Drained Forest Embers | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | From the Mystery Box: Vostigar Curiosities | |
Shimmer Barrier | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | From the Mystery Box: Vostigar Curiosities | |
Source Decay Light | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | From the Mystery Box: Vostigar Curiosities | |
Source Entropy | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | From the Mystery Box: Vostigar Curiosities | |
Tenebrean Energy Siphon | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | From the Mystery Box: Vostigar Curiosities |
16 Planar Crafting
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Batch of Blinding Dream Orbs | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Batch of Faint Dream Orbs | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Batch of Glowing Dream Orbs | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Batch of Radiant Dream Orbs | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blackthorn Court Tree Bent | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Blackthorn Court Tree Straight | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Cloud Layer | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Corrupted Ruins | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Crawling Tribute to Maelforge | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Crucia Statue | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Heart of the Beast | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Kneeling Tribute to Maelforge | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Sacrificial Pedestal to Regulos | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Telluric Crystal | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Telluric Cube | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
The Sea Strider | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. |
21 Terrain Paint
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Green Freemarch Grass Terrain Paint | 150 | 165 | 180 | 195 | Vanilla | Buy during the Summerfest World Event. | |
Yellow Freemarch Grass Terrain Paint | 150 | 165 | 180 | 195 | Vanilla | Buy during the Summerfest World Event. | |
Desert Terrain Paint | 185 | 200 | 215 | 230 | Vanilla | Buy during the Summerfest World Event. | |
Charred Earth Terrain Paint | 280 | 295 | 310 | 325 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Ravaged Earth Terrain Paint | 280 | 295 | 310 | 325 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Moonshade Dirt and Grass Terrain Paint | 300 | 315 | 330 | 345 | Storm Legion | Buy during the Summerfest World Event. | |
Moonshade Grass Terrain Paint | 300 | 315 | 330 | 345 | Storm Legion | Buy during the Summerfest World Event. | |
Death Terrain Paint | 330 | 345 | 360 | 375 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Breath of Crucia Terrain Paint | 335 | 350 | 365 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for Credits Only. | |
Queen Crucia’s Lace Terrain Paint | 335 | 350 | 365 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for Credits Only. | |
Life Terrain Paint | 340 | 355 | 370 | 385 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Snow Terrain Paint | 345 | 360 | 375 | 390 | Storm Legion | Buy during the Summerfest World Event. | |
Hay Terrain Paint | 355 | 370 | 385 | 400 | Storm Legion | Buy during the Autumn Harvest World Event. | |
Underwater Terrain Paint | 400 | 415 | 430 | 445 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Water Terrain Paint | 400 | 415 | 430 | 445 | Nightmare Tide | Rewarded from the Quest ‘Inner Flames’ in Goboro Reef. | |
Farm Furrows Terrain Paint | 425 | 430 | 435 | 440 | Nightmare Tide | Buy during the Autumn Harvest World Event. | |
Autumn Leaves Terrain Paint | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Buy during the Autumn Harvest World Event. | |
Mossy Grass Terrain Paint | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Buy during the Summerfest World Event. | |
Wild Grass Terrain Paint | 450 | 455 | 460 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Buy during the Summerfest World Event. | |
Scatherran Forest Terrain Paint | 525 | 527 | 529 | 530 | Prophecy | Buy during the Summerfest World Event. | |
Vostigar Peaks Terrain Paint | 525 | 527 | 529 | 530 | Prophecy | Buy during the Summerfest World Event. |
22 Water and Fire
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Candle Fire | 2 | 17 | 32 | 47 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Occasional Water Drips | 20 | 35 | 50 | 65 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Steam Jet | 50 | 65 | 80 | 95 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Awning Drip Line | 100 | 115 | 130 | 145 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Cooking Fire | 120 | 135 | 150 | 165 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Silent Waterfall Splash | 140 | 155 | 170 | 185 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Quiet Blue Fire | 155 | 170 | 185 | 200 | Vanilla | Buy during the Fae Yule World Event. | |
Quiet Green Fire | 155 | 170 | 185 | 200 | Vanilla | Buy during the Fae Yule World Event. | |
Quiet Red Fire | 155 | 170 | 185 | 200 | Vanilla | Buy during the Fae Yule World Event. | |
Bonfire Fire | 160 | 175 | 190 | 205 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Creek Waterfall Splash | 190 | 205 | 220 | 235 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Splashing Water | 190 | 205 | 220 | 235 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Small Wildfire | 230 | 245 | 260 | 275 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Waterfall Base | 250 | 265 | 280 | 295 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Waterfall Curtain | 250 | 265 | 280 | 295 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Massive Waterfall Curtain | 360 | 375 | 390 | 405 | Storm Legion | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Circle Pond Surface | 400 | 405 | 410 | 415 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Rectangle Pond Surface | 400 | 405 | 410 | 415 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Square Pond Surface | 400 | 405 | 410 | 415 | Nightmare Tide | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Fireburst Ring | 420 | 435 | 450 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Small Fire Vortex | 420 | 435 | 450 | 465 | Nightmare Tide | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Giant Lava Dome | 500 | 505 | 510 | 515 | Prophecy | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. |
5 Weather Blockers
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Weather-blocking Pyramid | 35 | 50 | 65 | 80 | Vanilla | Learned from your skill trainer in Tempest bay. | |
Weather-blocking Cone | 110 | 125 | 140 | 155 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Weather-blocking Sphere | 185 | 200 | 215 | 230 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Weather-blocking Cube | 260 | 275 | 290 | 305 | Vanilla | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. | |
Weather-blocking Cylinder | 335 | 350 | 365 | 380 | Storm Legion | Bought in the Rift Store for In Game Currencies. |
11 Craft Quest
Name of Item | Learn At | High Until | Medium Until | Low Until | Expansion | Free? | Source of Recipe |
Cleansed Nightmare | 376 | 390 | 400 | 451 | Nightmare Tide | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Heavy Water Ribbons | 376 | 390 | 400 | 451 | Nightmare Tide | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Key to Dimension: Kondraum’s Party Pad | 376 | 390 | 400 | 451 | Nightmare Tide | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Nightmare Orbs | 376 | 390 | 400 | 451 | Nightmare Tide | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Nightmare Ribbons | 376 | 390 | 400 | 451 | Nightmare Tide | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Fae Wing Pigment | 451 | 520 | 525 | 526 | Prophecy | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Portable Meditation Garden | 451 | 520 | 525 | 526 | Prophecy | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Sagacious Gaming Dice | 451 | 520 | 525 | 526 | Prophecy | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Satyr Horn Dye | 451 | 520 | 525 | 526 | Prophecy | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Illusionary Pith | 500 | 520 | 525 | 526 | Prophecy | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. | |
Nightmare-Devouring Symbiotic Life Form | 500 | 520 | 525 | 526 | Prophecy | This recipe is lent to you when you pick up a Daily or Weekly craft quest. |