Hunting in Storm Legion
Your Hunting Macro
targetexact Augh-ech
targetexact Ia’raki
targetexact Ildtai
targetexact Imaw
targetexact Isyer the Thuderer
targetexact Kitty the Souldrinker
targetexact Lortas
targetexact Ogaro
targetexact Rak’say the Demolisher
targetexact Ruawbur
targetexact Shallows
targetexact Shyuang the Icestorm
targetexact Tor’garo
targetexact Uskghao the Fleshmelder
targetexact Ydogo the Outcast
You may need to delete and retype the apostrophes [ ‘ ] while in the macro UI as they dont copy/paste very well.
Normal targeting range for these mobs is 100 metres, except for ‘Ydogo the Outcast’ which can be targeted from 300 metres away!
There are 15 types of bounty Mobs in Storm Legion zones, each drops its own set of Bounty Artifacts. Any of the Mobs can spawn randomly in any of the 88 locations listed. The best way to hunt is to simply check each location in order over and over again, killing every Bounty mob you find until you complete all 15 sets. Try to hunt during off-peak times and leave a good few hours (preferably a whole day) between each hunt. You can check every zone, or just select a couple of zones and change zones each hunt.
All of the level 60 mobs are easy to solo kill while mentored to 65 except for Shyuang the Icestorm (Dragon). You can ask a friend to help you kill it, or switch back to level 70 and forgo the loot, but at least clear the spot for respawn.
In Storm Legion zones you will find artifacts for..
Bounty: Architect
Bounty: Cat
Bounty: Coyote
Bounty: Crocodile
Bounty: Deep One
Bounty: Dragon
Bounty: Dragon Turtle
Bounty: Imp
Bounty: Lich
Bounty: Mutant
Bounty: Ogre
Bounty: Razormaw
Bounty: Shaper
Bounty: Terrormaw
Bounty: Trampler
Storm Legion zone groupings
The storm legion zones are split into 5 groups, only one bounty per shard will be up in each group.
You need to clear all the zones in a group to enable proper respawns of the mobs.
All the Storm Legion zone groups have separate respawn timers, so killing mobs in one zone group won’t effect the mobs spawning in any other zone group.
Group 1
Cape Jule
City Core
Eastern Holdings
Group 2
Ardent Domain
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Level 60 Locations
A massive thank you to Batsy <Master Artifact Hunter> for being a huge help with these locations.
Kingdom of Pelladane
Location 1 – /setwaypoint 6952 5161
Location 2 – /setwaypoint 7439 5023
Location 3 – /setwaypoint 7144 4718
Location 4 – /setwaypoint 7325 4325
Location 5 – /setwaypoint 7890 4872
Location 6 – /setwaypoint 8125 5047
Location 7 – /setwaypoint 8004 6251
Location 8 – /setwaypoint 7393 5859
Steppes of Infinity
Location 1 – /setwaypoint 16442 5428
Location 2 – /setwaypoint 16286 6070
Location 3 – /setwaypoint 16179 7171
Location 4 – /setwaypoint 16728 7977
Location 5 – /setwaypoint 16087 7954
Location 6 – /setwaypoint 15351 7877
Location 7 – /setwaypoint 15352 8662
Location 8 – /setwaypoint 14775 8810