There are 600 cheevo points available for collecting bounties. These cheevos can be found under
H > Character > Bounties
There are cheevos for completing a certain amount of bounty sets, up to 100 (there are 153 sets total so this is easily achievable).
There are also cheevos for completing each of the PVP bounty sets and meta cheevos for those sets.
The rewards from the cheevos are:
— Re-usable animal calls, with a 15 second cooldown, right click to make you character imitate an animal sound. (Soulbound)
— Trophy dimension items, some severed heads to hang on your walls! (Bound to Account)
If you want more of the Trophy Dimension items then you can buy duplicates in the Rift Store > Dimensions > Trophies

Numerical Cheevos
Start Small, Aim Big
Collect your first Bounty.

Animal Call: Bird
You will also receive the title ‘Initiate Bounty Hunter‘ which is a suffix, this goes at the end of your name.
PvP Cheevos
The Most Dangerous Game
Collect the Bounties on all the Callings Listed.

You will receive the title ‘Headhunter‘ which is a prefix, this goes at the front of your name.
Rogue Slayer
Collect all the Bounties on Rogues

Cleric Slayer
Collect all the Bounties on Clerics

Mage Slayer
Collect all the Bounties on Mages

Warrior Slayer
Collect all the Bounties on Warriors

Souls that have a Bounty Set but no cheevo for completion of that set.
Warrior – Bounty: Warchanter
Cleric – Bounty: Runeshaper
Mage – Bounty: Frostkeeper
Rogue – Bounty: Shadeborn
Primalist – Bounty: Berserker
Primalist – Bounty: Dervish
Primalist – Bounty: Mystic
Primalist – Bounty: Preserver
Primalist – Bounty: Titan
Primalist – Bounty: Typhoon
Primalist – Bounty: Vulcanist
Primalist – Bounty: Maelstrom
Souls that do not have a Bounty set.
Warrior – Liberator
Cleric – Oracle
Mage – Arbiter
Mage – Mystic Archer
Rogue – Physician
Primalist – Farseer
Primalist – Predator
Primalist – Primal Lord