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101 Uses for Xarth Mire Mud
101 Uses for Xarth Mire Mud
The toxic sludge that passes for mud in Xarth Mire absolutely should not be used for any of these purposes despite what this book may say.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Topical Ointment
Clay Substitute
Building Material
Mire Mud Bath
Xarth Face Pack
A Bahmi in the North
A Bahmi in the North
A Bahmi’s lament for their sunny homeland as they are stuck in the frigid snows of Iron Pine.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Bahmi in the North - Page 2
Bahmi in the North - Page 3
Bahmi in the North - Page 4
Bahmi in the North - Page 5
Bahmi in the North - Page 6
A Collection of Rail Spikes
A Collection of Rail Spikes
Children collect these and call them Rail Spike but it is highly unlikely that they actually came from the ancient Empyrean construction.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Bent Rail Spike
Gold Rail Spike
Experimental Binding Spike
A Field Guide to Trolls
A Field Guide to Trolls
Troll spotting is not for the faint of heart but it is popular enough that books have been written on the subject.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
Wandering Troll
Dendrome Mountain Troll
A Flask of Troll Musk
A Troll Mask
A Knight's Tour
A Knight's Tour
The pages of this book have been scattered throughout the city center.
These artifacts can be picked up all around City Core. They are normal white artifacts on the ground.
The reward from this set is used as part of the Storm Legion puzzles. Because of this, you can also buy these artifacts from a special vendor called ‘Nomi’. You will find ‘Nomi’ in a secret area after you have completed the ‘It Goes to Eleven‘ cheevo. Check the guide for more detail.
A Knight's Tour Page 2
A Knight's Tour Page 3
A Knight's Tour Page 4
A Knight's Tour Page 5
A Knight's Tour Page 6
A List of Unrealized Dreams
A List of Unrealized Dreams
Sometimes Draum doesn’t slumber for an epoch, but has a short fitful dream that never really fully manifests. You can see these phantoms if you look hard enough.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Personalities of Draumheim
Frozen Leviathans
Tentacles Everywhere
Rideable Behemoths
Heroic Choices
Busty Dragons
A Multitude of Motes
A Multitude of Motes
What is it with the Motes?
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Mealy Motes
Meager Motes
Meritable Motes
Magnificent Motes
Matchless Motes
Massive Motes
Minuscule Motes
A Prison for a Dragon
A Prison for a Dragon
Pages of this ancient journal were scattered around Greenscale’s Blight.
This set can be found in the level 50 Chronicle: Greenscale’s Blight, and the level 65 Chronicle: Intrepid Greenscale’s Blight.
A Prison for a Dragon - Page 2
A Prison for a Dragon - Page 3
A Prison for a Dragon - Page 4
A Prison for a Dragon - Page 5
A Wheel Has No End
A Wheel Has No End
The Plane of Earth Appears at the beginning and end of the Great Wheel.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Salted Rock Beast Bacon
Radiant Ruby Tree
Timely Gem
Fractal Crag
Deep Corruption Crystal
This journal is from one of the Kelari left on Ember Isle after the Exodus.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Abandoned - Page 2
Abandoned - Page 3
Abandoned - Page 4
Abandoned - Page 5
Abandoned Holograms
Abandoned Holograms
The ancient Brevanes used their empyrean mechanics to leave holographic messages to each other. Many were abandoned when the dragons made landfall.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
History of the Cape
Infinity Gate Information
The Volan Paradox
Dear John I'm About To Be Eaten
Snarklebinks The Friendly Notbear
Abjor-Utgast Cultilogical Aptitude Test
Abjor-Utgast Cultilogical Aptitude Test
Are you a member of the OFS? The Uttilians have a way to find out.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Endless Delayed Gratification Response
Laethyic Greed/Fear Loyalty Ratio
Wanton Cortisol Fight/Flight Reaction
C-Scale Authority Reaction Test
Edgewood Personality Disorder
Abyssal Ritual Jars
Abyssal Ritual Jars
The Abyssal use distillations such as these for their profane rituals.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Distilled Flame Essence
Distilled Life Essence
Distilled Earth Essence
Abyssal Summoning Implements
Abyssal Summoning Implements
The Abyssal use these items in rituals in which they summon in their minions from the other planes.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
Ritual Chest
Ritual Charcoal
Planar Displacer
Corrupted Source
Achyati Culture
Achyati Culture
Although it may seem strange and impenetrable to outsiders the Achyati have a rich and complex culture.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Pot-Bellied Rhino Sweater
Prophetic Tablet Puzzle
Laundry or Soup Cauldron
Leaning Staff
Snug Ogre Briefs
Book of Impressive Chants
Acolyte Instruments
Acolyte Instruments
The Acolytes of the Academy employ all sorts of tools and reagents in their studies.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
Vial of Strange Fluid
Test Samples
Ironwrought Restraints
Measuring Device
Multi-Lensed Goggles
Acolyte Tomes
Acolyte Tomes
Most of these books are a really good cure for insomnia.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
A Royal Family History
The Estates of Brevane
Telepathy Prevention Techniques
Additional Artifacts
Additional Artifacts
Odds and ends left over from other sets, some weird and some ordinary.
These Artifacts are collected inside Toks Dungeon.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
Old School Collector
Dented Lamp
Dull Mirror
Ordinary Dust
Unknown Goo
Tooth Necklace
Elongated Spine
Red Banana
Grease Candle
Oblong Box
Torn Shirt
Orb of the Mundane
Club Foot
Earring Clasp
Nice Chest
Top Half
Ermine’s Tail
Really Loud Instrument
Weak Twine
Impossibly Tiny Ring
Toasted Toadstool
Half Filled Jar
Tongue Sandwich
Humming Shrimp
Adequate Bindings
Twin Heads
Vampire Fang
A Possibly Strange Plant
Long Pretty Ribbon
Unclaimed Ear
Empty Bucket of Something
Aedraxis Mathos, Tyrant
Aedraxis Mathos, Tyrant
Aedraxis Mathos, the tyrant king, was corrupted by the Endless into the worship of Regulos. It was by his hand that the rifts came to Telara.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Orphiel's "On Generation and Corruption"
Mark of the Endless
Signet Ring of Mathosia
Book of the Destroyer
Shadestone Device
Aedraxis's Immortal Death
Aedraxis's Immortal Death
Kain’s collected works of Aedraxis’s life after death.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
Immortal Death page 13
Immortal Death page 27
Immortal Death page 38
Immortal Death page 45
Immortal Death page 49
Aelfwar Regrets
Aelfwar Regrets
The Aelfwar made a choice to follow the gods or serve their liege, Prince Hylas. All choices have consequences.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Mirror Water
Quicksilver Course Schedule
Locket of Ascended Beloved
Aelfwar Tokens
Aelfwar Tokens
These tokens were given to the people of Scarwood by the Aelfwar with the promise that they would protect them.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Aelfwar Machinations
Token of Foul
Fae Fortune Token
Emerald Mask Token
Aftermath of the God Engine
Aftermath of the God Engine
When the scholars of Tuldio Retreat use the God Engine to repair the planetouched landscape, there are unintended effects.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Learning about Lycini
Hydro-reactive Soil
Softy Rock
Time Wobble
Unliftable Rocks
Again with the Storm Legion!
Again with the Storm Legion!
Like the proverbial bad penny, Crucia and her Storm legion keep turning up.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Novel Technology to Exploit
Automatons Mark VI
More Minds to Enslave
New Recruits
All Hail Crucia
Aia Tablets
Aia Tablets
The Goddess of Fate has given the Drekanoth several instructions to guide his actions.
This set can be found in the level 65 Chronicle: Rhen Of Fate.
Seaside Collector
Ensure Finric Is Not Rescued From Slavery
Defend Finric from the Ascended
Aia's Twisted Slivers
Aia's Twisted Slivers
The severed strands of fate become slivers and twisted artifacts. Some have become so tangled that Aia herself snipped them from her tapestry.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Dragonian K'utzil Worshipers
Ziri Lightning Gremlins
Tropical Tarken Ocean
Monorail Network
Port Scion Main City
Air Elemental Mementos
Air Elemental Mementos
Air elementals travel light, but the more sentimental of their kind have been known to carry keepsakes.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Collected Whispers
Favorite Smells
Noxious Gasses
Empty Vial (Cracked)
While many Akvan horrors imprisoned beneath Tarken Glacier have escaped or been destroyed, the fate of these Akvan’s is unknown.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Conflict in Tarken
Glhuyagn, Master of the Swarming Teeth
Quonian the Lure in the Darkness
Dygrathant the Bubbling Nightmare
Mnarothogo the Beast that Lurks Within
Tsadagalys Lord of Infinite Infinities
Akvan Translations
Akvan Translations
The Akvan’s language defies a strict interpretation as much of its representation is in dimensions mortals can’t comprehend.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Alicorn Isle Treasures
Alicorn Isle Treasures
Unicorns have been known to decorate themselves with items they find pleasing. Many of these are available in abundance on Alicorn Isle along with bits and pieces of their owners.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Swamp Searching
Sparkly Horn Polish
Unicorn Pendant
Finely Crafted Horn Chains
Golden Horn Cap
Beautifully Painted Alicorn
Alittu Gaming Supplies
Alittu Gaming Supplies
The Mages of Alittu are well known for their table-top gaming obsession.
These artifacts can be fished up from shallow and deep water in any of the Prophecy of Ahnket zones, except Ashenfell. You will want to use magnetic fishing Lures to increase your chances of fishing up the artifacts.
Standard Endurance Deviations
Least-used Variance Generator
Combat Results Determinant
Unintentional Caltrop
Well-worn Polyhedron of Favorable Superstition
Alittu Social Engineering
Alittu Social Engineering
The Mages of Alittu have experimented with many means of social interaction not dependent on close physical proximity.
These artifacts can be fished up from shallow and deep water in any of the Prophecy of Ahnket zones, except Ashenfell. You will want to use magnetic fishing Lures to increase your chances of fishing up the artifacts.
Mine Space
Feline Pictograms
Face-bound Book
Tweeter Birds
Already-used Treasure Map
Already-used Treasure Map
The markings on this map indicate this map has been used several times before. Whatever loot this may have lead to has long since been claimed.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Soggy Map Fragment
Waterlogged Map Fragment
Water-soaked Map Corner
Soggy Map Corner
Waterlogged Map Corner
Barely Legible Map Piece
Crumpled and Torn Map
Alsbeth's Implements
Alsbeth's Implements
These artifacts drop from the Intrepid Instant Adventure reward caches.
Silk Wrapped Cadaver
Widow Leg
Long Spine Quills
Midnight Crawler Sac
Cadaver Hook
An Analysis of Goblin Titles and Aliases
An Analysis of Goblin Titles and Aliases
An Analysis of Goblin Titles and Aliases by Professor Thelliam Bedstraw.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Hierarchy Among Goblins
Chaos Names
The Planes Made Flesh
Goblin Cultural Heroes
Conclusion: Gross and Evil
An Ominous Gust
An Ominous Gust
Trinkets from the Plane of Air.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Air.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Nightmare Tide zones.
Bottled Storm
Miniature Cyclone
Crystallized Air
Harpy Wing
Cloak of Cushioned Air
Ancient Brevanic Coinage
Ancient Brevanic Coinage
You won’t find anyone trading in these coins anymore but some of them may be worth something if they were melted down.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
Western Holdings
An Electrum Soos
A Copper Pico
A Heavy Platinum Talon
A Wooden Chit
A Silver Penny
A Gold Kesef
Ancient Brevanic Technology
Ancient Brevanic Technology
Non-functioning pieces of ancient Brevane technology, long forgotten.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
The History of Seratos
Brevanic Astral Device
Brevanic Focal Resonator
Brevanic Residual Focus
Brevanic Magnetic Polarity
Brevanic Quasi Anomaly
Ancient Eth Tablets
Ancient Eth Tablets
This appears to be a piece from an ancient tablet of the Eth tracking the amount of sourcestone out of Deepstrike Mine.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Triangular Tablet Fragment
Rounded Tablet Fragment
Jagged Tablet Fragment
Ancient Temple Tools
Ancient Temple Tools
These relics would suggest that the Temple of Thontic served some other purpose before it became a temple to the sea.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
A Crude Idol
A Large Stained Bowl
Ritual Robes
Angdralthus the Lich
Angdralthus the Lich
A necromancer in the service of the tyrant king Aedraxis, Angdralthus supplied the Endless court with the sourcestone mined from Scarlet Gorge.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarlet Gorge, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarlet Gorge, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarlet Gorge
Sourcestone Eye Inserts
Bone Wand
Mathosian Book of the Dead
Bones of Descendants
The King's Writ
Ansgar’s Tall Tales
Ansgar’s Tall Tales
Rather like fishermen, warriors are prone to slight exaggeration.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
50 foot Dragon
Colossus Slain with a Flint Blade
One Shot Kill
Tracked for Weeks
Beat an Ascended
Some of Anthousa Mona’s items, lost to the turmoil that surrounds the Isle.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Book of Rites
Planar Brazier
Multicolored Spirit Beads
High Priestess's Rod
Jungle Flora Wedding Band
Apparently Edible Telaran Plant Growths
Apparently Edible Telaran Plant Growths
The Ascended seem to supplement their diet with these fascinating plant structures.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Purple Grapes
Red Apple
Green Grapes
Pineapple and Pear
Aqua Flora
Aqua Flora
Strange and unusual plants found in the waters of Telara.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Water Lily Flower
Water Lily Pads
Red Water Fern
Aqua Flora Weed
Orange Water Fern
Yellow Water Fern
Fiery Water Fern
Arcane Geology Doctorate
Arcane Geology Doctorate
After all these years fighting to save Telara, you decided its about time you finalize your studies. Maybe even settle down after it, who knows.
These artifacts could be earned during the Battle Pass Season 4 event.
You can also buy the artifacts from Huckster Ratioskr in Tempest Bay, using the Battle Pass currency ‘Expertise Shard’.
The artifacts are tradeable, so you may be able to find another player with left over shards to buy them for you.
Mana-Infused Metamorphic Rock
Mineral Core
Epoch Study of Telara
Wanton Igneous Rock
Hardest Mineral
Adamantium Melting Technique
Volcanic Activity Report of Ember Isle
Magical Mineralization Thesis
Arch Invader Fae Artifacts
Arch Invader Fae Artifacts
Arch Invaders from the Plane of Life live, and die, for these artifacts.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Life.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Faebound Collector
Fae Invader's Lunch
Finglade Vine
Fae Invasion Plan
Felled Ent Limb
Fearsome Mask
Arch Invader Flame Artifacts
Arch Invader Flame Artifacts
Arch Invaders of the flame bring these artifacts from the Plane of Fire.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Fire.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Flamebound Collector
Magma Stone
Symbol of Flames
Arson's Brew
Dragon Fire Chant
Extinguished Fire Scepter
Arch Invader Shade Artifacts
Arch Invader Shade Artifacts
These artifacts are the physical remains of the vanquished Arch Invaders from the Plane of Death.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Death.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Shadebound Collector
Rotting Brain
Deathborne Trophy
Putrid Tabard
Idol Thorns
Unsouled Boots
Arch Invader Stone Artifacts
Arch Invader Stone Artifacts
These artifacts of the Plane of Earth are coveted by the Arch Invaders of Laethys.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Earth.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Stonebound Collector
Desert Spirit Flesh
Maw Shale
Prayer of the Sands
Granite Flail Head
Conjurer's Sandstone
Arch Invader Storm Artifacts
Arch Invader Storm Artifacts
These artifacts of the storm are carried by the Arch Invaders from the Plane of Air.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Air.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Stormbound Collector
Zephyrous Scales
Windguard Dust
Storm Wing
Thunderhead Hailstone
Nimbus Tome
Arch Invader Tide Artifacts
Arch Invader Tide Artifacts
These artifacts of the tide are found with the Arch Invaders from the Plane of Water.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Water.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Tidebound Collector
Aqueous Spine
Frozen Surf
Misty Claw
Fibrous Tide
Tidal Fang
Architect Construction Elements
Architect Construction Elements
Used by Architects when building their various structures.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit.
Pheromone Conduction Etching
Goo 5
Trans-Thermal Evaltenuator
Perfectly Square Building Cube
Radiant Porphyry
Architect Detritus
Architect Detritus
Wherever these strange insect like creatures go they seem to leave bits of themselves behind.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Broken Mandible
Depleted Stinger
Carapace Chips
Digestive Fluid
Olfactory Whiskers
Architect Personal Effects
Architect Personal Effects
The Architects are a polymorphis species defined by their caste, but each is capable of individual quirks.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Delicious Souvenir Hand
Ball of Lint and Secretions
List of Mortal Names
Hardened Animal Droppings
Polished Skull
Architectural Digested
Architectural Digested
Architects feed by draining the moisture and life force from their prey. The study of their victims’ “corpses” can be a dry pursuit.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit.
Kelari Dust
Nug Sand
Ogre Powder
Mathosian Grit
Eth Gravel
Bahmi Granules
High Elf Grains
Architecturally Unsound
Architecturally Unsound
Once the Architects’ leaders were slain, chaos overtook the hive. These artifacts tell the scattered tale of this chaotic time.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Planebreaker Bastion.
Own Offspring
A Rock Hard Thorax
Blast all the Donuts into the Plane of Death
Try Not to Die This Time
Ardent Domain
Ardent Domain
Even after the destruction of the barrier, parts of the Ardent Domain are still really quite beautiful.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
Cassana List of Soros Slights
A Silver Penny
Forgotten Wish of Gloria Lucia
Glowing Seed Pod
Construct Warranty
Ritual Robes
Irregularly-Shaped Chalk
Ardent Flora
Ardent Flora
Some of the beautiful and strange plants of the swamps and fens of Ardent Domain are really quite dangerous.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
Snapping Vine
Pink Nudiflorus
Soros Bindweed
Deadly Siculus
Pale Moonflower
Arethea’s Lesser Songs
Arethea’s Lesser Songs
Arethea, scion of Atragaria, is famous for her songs, considered beautiful even among mermaids. She has composed a few stinkers though.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Atragarian Culture
The Rank Renke
Love is Shellfish
99 Bottles of Chum on the Wall
Ode to Koi
Arkella Family Tapestries
Arkella Family Tapestries
Tapestries found amongst the ruins of the Akella family estate.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Family Estates
Finely Stitched Family Portrait
A Scene of the Arkella Estate
A Defaced Tapestry
The Marriage of Passa and Diago
A View of the Main House
Arkella Transgressions
Arkella Transgressions
Long before mutations made him what he is today, Aetleron Arkella was already a monster of a different sort.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Family Estates
Bloodied Rapier
Aetleron's Dissection Tools
Ristan's Science Textbook
Bellia's Wedding Ring
Cillia's Locket
Arlan Merkur's Battle Entries
Arlan Merkur's Battle Entries
Arlan Merkur kept a detailed record of each monstrosity he had encountered over the years serving the Caretakers.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
2nd Encounter Shapers: Artists
Encounter Elder Shaper: Kwell
1st Encounter Storm Legion: Soldiers
2nd Encounter Storm Legion: Cyborgs
Encounter The Wild: Savages
Arlan Merkur's Personal Effects
Arlan Merkur's Personal Effects
Various personal effects of Arlan Merkur found scattered about Morban.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Arlan's Necropolis Fragment
Arlan's Map of Dusken Spires
Arlan's Field Rations
Arlan's Shaper Claw
Arlan's Field Pack
Armory Paraphernalia
Armory Paraphernalia
Having a position of such strength is useful if you want to rebuild an army in a hurry.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
New Recruit Orders
Construct Operation Manual
Spellcaster Wand
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Artifacts of Droughtlands
A collection of the most precious artifacts in Droughtlands.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ereetu's Mark
Draconic Clawbone
Wild Kit Mark
Raptor Jerky
Mister Opal's Guide to Humans - Page 6
Game Changing Twist
Love is Forbidden We Croak and Howl
Inert Soulstuff
The Convocation
Artifacts of Stonefield
Artifacts of Stonefield
A collection of the most precious artifacts in Stonefield.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Token of Korbosh
Engraved Foreman's Pick
Marlene's Hair Regrow
Collar of Plutonus
Flawless Earth Gem
Crumpled Letter
Troll Carrion Cream
Granite Falls Gin
Arts and Crafts Shed of Feilbocan
Arts and Crafts Shed of Feilbocan
The Fora love arts and crafts, the Fae love putting glitter on things, and the Satyrs just love any excuse to pose.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Opie’s Brand Step Ladder
Unfired Red Stained Satyr Cup
Sculpted Mold of a Garden Gnome
Faecap Mushroom "Muse"
Unicorn Barf Collector
Ascended Guardians
Ascended Guardians
Ascended Guardians have returned to Telara through a miracle of the gods.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Family Prayer Book
Lock of Hair
Crossed Out Enemies List
Marred Tombstone (No Longer Dead)
Arcarax claimed it was always better to rule here, but the condemned souls that fell into the fiery lake think he’s just putting on a brave face on an objectively bad situation.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Clockwork Races
Thermos of Still Piping Hot Magma
Gizmo #7
Primitive Carving
Skulls and Flames, Dragons Wild
Non-sparkling Artifacts
Neg Nugo
Hot Heat Cold Sweet
Skinny Dan
Accusing Amulet
Tower Trachyte
23rd Unique Prime
Erotic Statue
Petrified Cat
Charge of the Achyati
The Destruction of Strozza
Ashenfell Meetups
Ashenfell Meetups
Even the damned can regret that missed opportunity for a connection.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Colonel Dragas seek Arifex Zaviel
Tidelord Brenin seeks Tidelord Veras
Demogos seeks Glasya
Inynr’kta seeks Martrodraum
Salvarola seeks Orphiel
As long as you are well prepared Ashora can be a fascinating place to explore. There are many ruins and artifacts to discover.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Black Scorpion
Little Square Blanket
Fine Qaijiri Pottery
Iron Tower Key
Yaret's Medicine Bag
Qaijiri Thirst Salve
Intricately Carved Staff
Gate Alignment Apparatus
Zombie Skin
A Piece of Ashoran Armor
Crocnard Teeth
Whether facets of gods or of your own subconscious, these Aspects must be dealt with to arrive at the truth.
These artifacts are picked up in a special instanced version of Port Scion. To acces this, you will need to complete quest 22 of the Saga of Lord Arak, then place the Orphiel dimension NPC in your dimension and wait for him to open up the portal.
Aspect of Rage
Aspect of Pride
Aspect of Self
Aspect of Envy
Aspect of Genesis
Aspect of Justice
Aspect of Enigma
The Atragarian scions have ruled over many of the Dreaming Seas since mad Akylios left the Plane of Water.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Atragarian Culture
Seafoam Funerary Urn
Shell Fashion Outfit
Underwater Tuned Harp
Neat Stuff to Complete Collection
Awakened Diary
Awakened Diary
This journal chronicles the thoughts and doubts of an unnamed Awakened cultist.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit.
Awakened Diary: Flight from Casimar
Awakened Diary: The Architects
Awakened Diary: Inyra's Plan
Awakened Diary: Deadly Experiments
Awakened Diary: Success?
The babaroos of the Wilds live on upper plains and harass pilgrims, primalists, and demons with their mischief.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Self Made Missile
Back Snacks
Slapping Order
Three Mystic Babaroos
Infinite Babaroo Theorem
Baelin's Holy Artifacts
Baelin's Holy Artifacts
These once belonged to the zealot priest Baelin.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Hare's Foot
Silkspinner Webbing
Bahmi Tribe Symbols
Bahmi Tribe Symbols
Many Bahmi tribes settled in the Shimmersand after planar forces overwhelmed the Rhaza’de Canyons.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Cultures of the Desert
Pale Mongoose Tribe Symbol
Storm's Fury Tribe Symbol
Ember Fury Tribe Symbol
Silver Wolf Tribe Symbol
Red Sun Tribe Symbol
Bahralt's Favor
Bahralt's Favor
The patron of the Farclan dwarves, Bahralt is the god of the craft. In the Vigil, he represents the City.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Mining Axe
Ore Finder's Monocle
Small Statue of Bahralt
Filigreed Calipers
Intricately Runed Hammer
Bar Napkins of Condemned Oracles
Bar Napkins of Condemned Oracles
One thinks that fate is an intricate tapestry that weaves itself towards a preordained end. The Truth is that no prophecy survives contact with mortal heroes, and the oracles must gather together and scribble out a plan B.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Intrepid Mathosia
Sea of Stone Wars
Wild Conquest
Return to Stormbreaker Protocol
Ahnket’s Guts
Bare Knuckled: The Return
Bare Knuckled: The Return
An assortment of trinkets collected from the fighters that participated in Tank Dook’s underground fighting circuit in Perspice.
Compete in the Pit FIghting daily in Scarwood Reach. You will get these artifacts as a reward. Each day you can earn 3 random artifacts towards this set.
You will find the quest just south of Perspice at /setwaypoint 3811 4439
Knuckles' Sandwich
Father Churan's Prayer Book
Amazon Good Luck Charm
Layman's Guide to Pit Fighting
Hilde's Stick of Command
Huon's Back-up Plan
Ivun's Phylactery
Shrunken Head of Marley's Last Victim
Pappy's Spinach
Niak's Sanctuary Guard Insignia
Prissa's Tiara
Suzy's Sawed-Off Shotgun
Turani's Dolly
Mistress Valenna's Blindfold
Zandy's Dapper Comb
Battle Trophies
Battle Trophies
Finric’s rhenke crushed its enemies across the Plane of Water, claiming numerous prizes along the way.
This set can be found in the level 65 Chronicle: Rhen Of Fate.
Seaside Collector
Cosmologist Mann's Holovid
Margle Palace Colonnade
Gemini Bluffs Trivia Console
Manugo Station
Beast Victims’ Remains
Beast Victims’ Remains
Victims of the beasts of Dusken Spires can be found scattered throughout the region.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
Gnawed Boot
Ripped Sash
Cracked Helm
Torn Bag
Bird Eggs of Brevane
Bird Eggs of Brevane
Although beautiful to look at, I would not try eating any of these.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Flora and Fauna
Long-Legged Booby
Screeching Chickadee
Booming Bittern
Deathcap Owl
Bit Players
Bit Players
Though only briefly involved, these beings did their part to help solve the mystery of Lord Arak.
These artifacts are picked up in a special instanced version of Port Scion. To acces this, you will need to complete quest 22 of the Saga of Lord Arak, then place the Orphiel dimension NPC in your dimension and wait for him to open up the portal.
The Commissar
Mitch the Puppet Show Narrator
Blackthorn Edicts
Blackthorn Edicts
Lord Daith, the Viscount of Nectars, has decreed many frivolous edicts over the eons.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Daisy Pollen Ban
Hedgehog Needle Tax
Tree Height Limit
Grass Clipping Quota
Mushroom Sales Permit
Bloodfire Soldier Kit
Bloodfire Soldier Kit
The banished army of flame and sin seek to conquer a new kingdom in this alien reality. A few reminders of home keep morale vicious.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Codex of Remembered Sins
Suffering Companion
Notched Victory Dirk
Duchess Envy Figurine
Bogling Attempts To Entice The Green Mother
Bogling Attempts To Entice The Green Mother
The Boglings have been praying day and night to be devoured by the Greenmother. They’ll do anything to entice to her end their suffering.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
First Spawned Offering
Green Mother Appreciation Day
Bogling Lobbyist
Slathered in Frouvharheriquirde Spice
Bogling Star Signs
Bogling Star Signs
The pages of this rare and sought after book are in very bad condition, maybe if you find them all you can have it repaired.
These artifacts can be picked up all around Eastern Holdings. They are normal white artifacts on the ground.
The reward from this set is used as part of the Storm Legion puzzles. Because of this, you can also buy these artifacts from a special vendor called ‘Nomi’. You will find ‘Nomi’ in a secret area after you have completed the ‘It Goes to Eleven‘ cheevo. Check the guide for more detail.
Bogling Star Signs Page 2
Bogling Star Signs Page 3
Bogling Star Signs Page 4
Bogling Star Signs Page 5
Bogling Star Signs Page 6
Bogling Star Signs Page 7
Bogling Star Signs Page 8
Bogling Star Signs Page 9
Bogling Star Signs Page 10
Books of Black Magic
Books of Black Magic
These are filled with the dark secrets taught to Aedraxis Mathos and others in the corruption of Caer Mathos by the Endless Court.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Book of Curses
Book of Poisonous Intent
Book of Dark Doctrine
Book of Hexes
Book of Immortal Rituals
Books of Nadir
Books of Nadir
The library of Nadir contains books lost and unwritten that have appeared in dreams. A library of true fiction, or false facts.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Wandkata: The Ultimate Mage Soul
Theif and Otyer Mispelings
The Care and Feeding of Your Behemoth
Are You my Dragon?
The Guild with No Drama
Borrin's Travel Supplies
Borrin's Travel Supplies
Some of Borrin Gammult’s prized possessions, worthy of keeping close during travel.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Dusty Knapsack
Bag of Bread Crumbs
Fishing Dynamite
Chewable Vitamins
Borrin's Beard Trimmer
Bounty: Air Elemental
Bounty: Air Elemental
Gather components from Air Elementals to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Tiny Dust Devil
Mischievous Spark
Chilled Wind
Perpetual Fog Cloud
Bounty: Ant
Bounty: Ant
Gather components from Ants to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Ant Queen Wing
Intact Carapace
Live Ant Larva
Pulsing Abdomen
Bounty: Anubian
Bounty: Anubian
Gather components from Anubians to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Anubian Eye
Anubian Ear
Anubian Fang
Anubian Heart
Bounty: Arcane Construct
Bounty: Arcane Construct
Gather components from Arcane Constructs to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Arcane Infused Rod
Charmed Metal
Bewitched Stone
Enchanted Gear
Bounty: Architect
Bounty: Architect
Gather components from Architects to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Hard Architect Chitin
Architect Eye
Severed Architect Wing
Architect Heart
Bounty: Archon
Bounty: Archon
Gather components from Archons to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Mage Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Archon's Hand
Archon's Eye
Archon's Head
Archon's Heart
Bounty: Assassin
Bounty: Assassin
Gather components from Assassins to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Rogue Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Assassin's Hand
Assassin's Eye
Assassin's Head
Assassin's Heart
Bounty: Badger
Bounty: Badger
Gather components from Badgers to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Excellent Badger Pelt
Flawless Badger Eye
Smooth Badger Tooth
Fine Badger Tail
Bounty: Bandit
Bounty: Bandit
Gather components from Bandits to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Planetouched Wilds.
Are You Insane?!
Stolen Heart
Severed Thieving Hand
Spying Eye
Silent Feet
Bounty: Bard
Bounty: Bard
Gather components from Bards to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Rogue Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Bard's Hand
Bard's Eye
Bard's Head
Bard's Heart
Bounty: Barghest
Bounty: Barghest
Gather components from Barghests to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Thick Barghest Fur
Large Barghest Femur
Fine Barghest Tail
Exceptional Barghest Claw
Bounty: Basilisk
Bounty: Basilisk
Gather components from Basilisks to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Slimy Basilisk Tongue
Cleaned Basilisk Claw
Large Basilisk Snout
Scaly Basilisk Tail
Bounty: Bat
Bounty: Bat
Gather components from Bats to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Bloody Bat Fang
Tuff of Bat Fur
Dried Guano
Foul Bat Blood
Bounty: Beastmaster
Bounty: Beastmaster
Gather components from Beastmasters to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Warrior Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Beastmaster's Hand
Beastmaster's Eye
Beastmaster's Head
Beastmaster's Heart
Bounty: Berserker
Bounty: Berserker
Gather components from Berserkers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Are You Insane?!
Berserker's Hand
Berserker's Eye
Berserker's Head
Berserker's Heart
Bounty: Bladedancer
Bounty: Bladedancer
Gather components from Bladedancers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Rogue Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Bladedancer's Hand
Bladedancer's Eye
Bladedancer's Head
Bladedancer's Heart
Bounty: Bloodstrutter
Bounty: Bloodstrutter
Gather components from Bloodstrutters to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Bloodstrutter Spine
Bloodstrutter Claw
Bloodstrutter Scales
Bloodstrutter Eye
Bounty: Bogling
Bounty: Bogling
Gather components from Boglings to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Shimmersand, Stillmoor and Ember Isle.
Are You Insane?!
Bogling Heart
Bogling Hand
Bogling Pouch
Bogling Spleen
Bounty: Bunny
Bounty: Bunny
Gather components from Bunnies to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Pristine Rabbit Fur
Extracted Rabbit Tooth
Rabbit Bladder
Intact Rabbit Eyeball
Bounty: Cabalist
Bounty: Cabalist
Gather components from Cabalists to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Cleric Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Cabalist's Hand
Cabalist's Eye
Cabalist's Head
Cabalist's Heart
Bounty: Cat
Bounty: Cat
Gather components from Cats to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Pristine Whisker
Small Cat Heart
Feline Ear
Perfect Cat's Eye
Bounty: Cattle
Bounty: Cattle
Gather components from Cattle to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Heavy Cattle Hide
Choice Cut Beef
Solid Cow Horn
First-Rate Cow Tongue
Bounty: Centaur
Bounty: Centaur
Gather components from Centaurs to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Shimmersand, Stillmoor and Ember Isle.
Are You Insane?!
Severed Centaur Hand
Large Centaur Heart
Clean Centaur Hide
Ragged Centaur Tail
Bounty: Cephalon
Bounty: Cephalon
Gather components from Cephalons to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Shimmersand, Stillmoor and Ember Isle.
Are You Insane?!
Slice of Cephalon Flesh
Severed Cephalon Hand
Cleaned Cephalon Fin
Cold Cephalon Heart
Bounty: Champion
Bounty: Champion
Gather components from Champions to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Warrior Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Champion's Hand
Champion's Eye
Champion's Head
Champion's Heart
Bounty: Chimera
Bounty: Chimera
Gather components from Chimeras to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Planetouched Wilds.
Are You Insane?!
Cracked Chimera Rib
Soft Chimera Paw
Tough Chimera Hide
Sharp Chimera Fang
Bounty: Chloromancer
Bounty: Chloromancer
Gather components from Chloromancers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Mage Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Chloromancer's Hand
Chloromancer's Eye
Chloromancer's Head
Chloromancer's Heart
Bounty: Cockatrice
Bounty: Cockatrice
Gather components from Cockatrices to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Unusual Cockatrice Egg
Severed Cockatrice Head
Sharp Cockatrice Claw
Superior Cockatrice Wing
Bounty: Corpse Candle
Bounty: Corpse Candle
Gather components from Corpse Candles to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Enchanted Light
Moving Spark
Shifting Flame
Dim Residue
Bounty: Coyote
Bounty: Coyote
Gather components from Coyotes to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Fine Coyote Ear
Superior Coyote Hide
Furry Coyote Tail
Healthy Coyote Heart
Bounty: Crab
Bounty: Crab
Gather components from Crabs to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Tasty Crab Leg
Tiny Eyestalk
Barnacled Encrusted Shell
Savory Crab Meat
Bounty: Crocodile
Bounty: Crocodile
Gather components from Crocodiles to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Thick Croc Hide
Superb Croc Tail
Big Croc Snout
Tasty Croc Jerky
Bounty: Cyclops
Bounty: Cyclops
Gather components from Cyclopes to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Shimmersand, Stillmoor and Ember Isle.
Are You Insane?!
Big Cyclops Hand
Huge Cyclops Skull
Giant Cyclops Heart
Fresh Cyclops Blood
Bounty: Deep One
Bounty: Deep One
Gather components from Deep Ones to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Watery Heart
Webbed Tail
Tough Coral Feelers
Slimy Blue Tongue
Bounty: Deer
Bounty: Deer
Gather components from Deer to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Excellent Deer Eye
Fine Deer Pelt
Prime Cut of Venison
Healthy Deer Heart
Bounty: Defiler
Bounty: Defiler
Gather components from Defilers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Cleric Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Defiler's Hand
Defiler's Eye
Defiler's Head
Defiler's Heart
Bounty: Demon
Bounty: Demon
Gather components from Demons to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Shimmersand, Stillmoor and Ember Isle.
Are You Insane?!
Hot Demon Blood
Demonic Hide
Foul Hand
Blackened Heart
Bounty: Dervish
Bounty: Dervish
Gather components from Dervishes to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Are You Insane?!
Dervish's Hand
Dervish's Eye
Dervish's Head
Dervish's Heart
Bounty: Devil
Bounty: Devil
Gather components from Devils to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Shimmersand, Stillmoor and Ember Isle.
Are You Insane?!
Cleaved Devil's Head
Fiery Nail
Hot Devil Hide
Devilish Heart
Bounty: Diamond Golem
Bounty: Diamond Golem
Gather components from Diamond Golems to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Enchanted Diamond Dust
Powerful Animation Runes
Sculpted Diamond Eye
Diamond Core
Bounty: Dominator
Bounty: Dominator
Gather components from Dominators to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Mage Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Dominator's Hand
Dominator's Eye
Dominator's Head
Dominator's Heart
Bounty: Dragon
Bounty: Dragon
Gather components from Dragons to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Hardened Dragon Scale
Twisted Black Talon
Poached Dragon Egg
Royal Leftovers
Bounty: Dragon Turtle
Bounty: Dragon Turtle
Gather components from Dragon Turtles to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Scaly Claw
Great Scaled Tail
Scaly Hide
Preserved Beady Eye
Bounty: Dragon Whelp
Bounty: Dragon Whelp
Gather components from Dragon Whelps to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Shimmersand, Stillmoor and Ember Isle.
Are You Insane?!
Curved Whelp Talon
Superior Whelp Wing
Clean Whelp Fang
Small Whelp Eye
Bounty: Dragonian
Bounty: Dragonian
Gather components from Dragonians to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Shimmersand, Stillmoor and Ember Isle.
Are You Insane?!
Clean Dragonian Scales
Dragonian Ribcage
Dragonian Femur
Dragonian Eye
Bounty: Drake
Bounty: Drake
Gather components from Drakes to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Gleaming Drake Scales
Clean Drake Claw
Choice Drake Tail
Twisted Drake Horn
Bounty: Druid
Bounty: Druid
Gather components from Druids to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Cleric Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Druid's Hand
Druid's Eye
Druid's Head
Druid's Heart
Bounty: Dwarf
Bounty: Dwarf
Gather components from Dwarves to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Planetouched Wilds.
Are You Insane?!
Dwarven Femur
Dwarven Phalanx
Dwarven Jaw
Dwarven Ribcage
Bounty: Earth Elemental
Bounty: Earth Elemental
Gather components from Earth Elementals to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Soft Sand
Eerie Ore
Glowing Heart Gem
Lustrous Metal
Bounty: Elementalist
Bounty: Elementalist
Gather components from Elementalists to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Mage Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Elementalist's Hand
Elementalist's Eye
Elementalist's Head
Elementalist's Heart
Bounty: Ettin
Bounty: Ettin
Gather components from Ettins to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Planetouched Wilds.
Are You Insane?!
Rough Ettin Skin
Large Lock of Ettin Hair
Ettin Heart
Giant Ettin Hand
Bounty: Faerie
Bounty: Faerie
Gather components from Faeries to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Potent Pixie Dust
Enchanted Faerie Heart
Glowing Lock of Hair
Magical Faerie Hand
Bounty: Fire Elemental
Bounty: Fire Elemental
Gather components from Fire Elementals to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Dancing Flames
Unnaturally Hot Air
Enchanted Flare
Sparking Embers
Bounty: Flesh Golem
Bounty: Flesh Golem
Gather components from Flesh Golems to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Bloody Hand
Warped Eye
Blob of Flesh
Dirtied Blood
Bounty: Fleshy Undead
Bounty: Fleshy Undead
Gather components from Fleshy Undead to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Rotting Clothes
Decaying Foot
Undead Flesh
Rusty Old Trinket
Bounty: Flying Serpent
Bounty: Flying Serpent
Gather components from Flying Serpents to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Gleaming Serpent Skin
Huge Serpent Fang
Serpent Egg Shell
Lengthy Serpent Tail
Bounty: Forest Troll
Bounty: Forest Troll
Gather components from Forest Trolls to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Forest Troll Blood
Forest Troll Femur
Forest Troll Skull
Forest Troll Heart
Bounty: Fox
Bounty: Fox
Gather components from Foxes to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Perfect Fox Paw
Soft Fox Pelt
Bloody Fox Fang
Fresh Fox Kidney
Bounty: Frog
Bounty: Frog
Gather components from Frogs to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Delectable Frog Leg
Intact Frog Eye
Tiny Frog Bladder
Undamaged Frog Brain
Bounty: Frostkeeper
Bounty: Frostkeeper
Gather components from Frostkeepers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Are You Insane?!
Frostkeeper's Hand
Frostkeeper's Eye
Frostkeeper's Head
Frostkeeper's Heart
Bounty: Gargoyle
Bounty: Gargoyle
Gather components from Gargoyles to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Flayed Gargoyle Skin
Cleaved Gargoyle Hand
Small Gargoyle Eye
Long Gargoyle Tail
Bounty: Ghost
Bounty: Ghost
Gather components from Ghosts to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Slimy Ectoplasm
Creepy Dust
Cursed Skull
Flickering Light
Bounty: Gnar
Bounty: Gnar
Gather components from Gnars to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Fine Gnar Leg
Venom Filled Gnar Fang
Fresh Gnar Ichor
Perfect Gnar Abdomen
Bounty: Goblin
Bounty: Goblin
Gather components from Goblins to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Goblin Skin
Goblin Hand
Goblin Heart
Goblin Blood
Bounty: Golden Maw
Bounty: Golden Maw
Gather components from The Golden Maw to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Planetouched Wilds.
Are You Insane?!
Golden Maw Ribcage
Golden Maw Femur
Golden Maw Eye
Golden Maw Heart
Bounty: Golem
Bounty: Golem
Gather components from Golems to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Smooth Stone Gear
Enchanted Runes
Arcane Infused Stone Core
Stone Golem Fragment
Bounty: Gravemaker
Bounty: Gravemaker
Gather components from Gravemakers to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Sharp Gravemaker Tooth
Slimy Gravemaker Saliva
Gravemaker Egg Shell
Rough Gravemaker Skin
Bounty: Hag
Bounty: Hag
Gather components from Hags to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Withered Old Hair
Ugly Foot
Wrinkled Hand
Darkened Heart
Bounty: Harbinger
Bounty: Harbinger
Gather components from Harbingers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Mage Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Harbinger's Hand
Harbinger's Eye
Harbinger's Head
Harbinger's Heart
Bounty: Harpy
Bounty: Harpy
Gather components from Harpies to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Severed Harpy Head
Exotic Harpy Feathers
Twisted Talon
Healthy Harpy Heart
Bounty: Hill Giant
Bounty: Hill Giant
Gather components from Hill Giants to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Hill Giant Blood
Hill Giant Femur
Hill Giant Skull
Hill Giant Heart
Bounty: Horse
Bounty: Horse
Gather components from Horses to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Clean Horse Head
Fine Horse Tail
Perfect Mane
Thick Horse Hide
Bounty: Hunting Cat
Bounty: Hunting Cat
Gather components from Hunting Cats to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Quality Hunting Cat Hide
Bloodied Hunting Cat Paw
Hunting Cat's Eye
Fine Hunting Cat Ear
Bounty: Imp
Bounty: Imp
Gather components from Imps to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Thin Imp Hide
Imp Blood
Tiny Imp Heart
Curved Imp Nail
Bounty: Inquisitor
Bounty: Inquisitor
Gather components from Inquisitors to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Cleric Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Inquisitor's Hand
Inquisitor's Eye
Inquisitor's Head
Inquisitor's Heart
Bounty: Iron Golem
Bounty: Iron Golem
Gather components from Iron Golems to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Enchanted Iron Framing
Runed Bindings
Arcane Infused Iron Core
Magical Iron Chain
Bounty: Justicar
Bounty: Justicar
Gather components from Justicars to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Cleric Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Justicar's Hand
Justicar's Eye
Justicar's Head
Justicar's Heart
Bounty: Kobold
Bounty: Kobold
Gather components from Kobolds to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Kobold Eye
Kobold Heart
Kobold Blood
Kobold Skull
Bounty: Lich
Bounty: Lich
Gather components from Liches to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Black Femur
Enchanted Rib
Foul Finger Bone
Darkened Skull
Bounty: Lizard
Bounty: Lizard
Gather components from Lizards to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Lizard Scales
Lizard Ribcage
Lizard Bone
Lizard Eye
Bounty: Lodebrink
Bounty: Lodebrink
Gather components from Lodebrinks to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Lodebrink Spine
Lodebrink Phalanx
Lodebrink Femur
Lodebrink Skull
Bounty: Lorn
Bounty: Lorn
Gather components from Lorn to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Pale Head
Decaying Skin
Hacked Lorn Hand
Shriveling Lorn Brain
Bounty: Maelstrom
Bounty: Maelstrom
Gather components from Maelstroms to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Are You Insane?!
Maelstrom's Hand
Maelstrom's Eye
Maelstrom's Head
Maelstrom's Heart
Bounty: Manticore
Bounty: Manticore
Gather components from Manticores to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Cracked Manticore Rib
Soft ManticorePaw
Tough Manticore Hide
Sharp Manticore Fang
Bounty: Marksman
Bounty: Marksman
Gather components from Marksmen to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Rogue Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Marksman's Hand
Marksman's Eye
Marksman's Head
Marksman's Heart
Bounty: Mistwalker
Bounty: Mistwalker
Gather components fromMistwalkers to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Dim Puddle
Shifting Droplets
Moving Residue
Malevolent Globules
Bounty: Mountain Troll
Bounty: Mountain Troll
Gather components from Mountain Trolls to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Mountain Troll Blood
Mountain Troll Femur
Mountain Troll Skull
Mountain Troll Heart
Bounty: Mutant
Bounty: Mutant
Gather components from Mutants to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Mutant Ribcage
Mutant Femur
Mutant Skull
Mutant Heart
Bounty: Naga
Bounty: Naga
Gather components from Nagas to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Finned Naga Tail
Shining Naga Scales
Quality Naga Heart
Lovely Naga Eye
Bounty: Necromancer
Bounty: Necromancer
Gather components from Necromancers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Mage Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Necromancer's Hand
Necromancer's Eye
Necromancer's Head
Necromancer's Heart
Bounty: Nightblade
Bounty: Nightblade
Gather components from Nightblades to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Rogue Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Nightblade's Hand
Nightblade's Eye
Nightblade's Head
Nightblade's Heart
Bounty: Ogre
Bounty: Ogre
Gather components from Ogres to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Fresh Ogre Blood
Giant Ogre Femur
Big Ogre Skull
Bloody Ogre Heart
Bounty: Oreling
Bounty: Oreling
Gather components from Orelings to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Oreling Fragment
Oreling Dust
Gleaming Oreling Limb
Oreling Core
Bounty: Owl
Bounty: Owl
Gather components from Owls to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Large Owl Wing
Keen Owl Talon
Owl Egg
Owl Heart
Bounty: Paladin
Bounty: Paladin
Gather components from Paladins to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Warrior Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Paladin's Hand
Paladin's Eye
Paladin's Head
Paladin's Heart
Bounty: Paragon
Bounty: Paragon
Gather components from Paragons to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Warrior Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Paragon's Hand
Paragon's Eye
Paragon's Head
Paragon's Heart
Bounty: Prairie Dog
Bounty: Prairie Dog
Gather components from Prairie Dogs to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Planetouched Wilds.
Are You Insane?!
Small Prairie Dog Eye
Stained Prairie Dog Tooth
Fluffy Prairie Dog Tail
Bloody Prairie Dog Paw
Bounty: Preserver
Bounty: Preserver
Gather components from Preservers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Are You Insane?!
Preserver's Hand
Preserver's Eye
Preserver's Head
Preserver's Heart
Bounty: Purifier
Bounty: Purifier
Gather components from Purifiers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Cleric Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Purifier's Hand
Purifier's Eye
Purifier's Head
Purifier's Heart
Bounty: Pyromancer
Bounty: Pyromancer
Gather components from Pyromancers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Mage Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Pyromancer's Hand
Pyromancer's Eye
Pyromancer's Head
Pyromancer's Heart
Bounty: Ram
Bounty: Ram
Gather components from Rams to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Ram Hoof
Fine Ram Hide
Ram Heart
Quality Ram Horn
Bounty: Ranger
Bounty: Ranger
Gather components from Rangers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Rogue Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Ranger's Hand
Ranger's Eye
Ranger's Head
Ranger's Heart
Bounty: Rat
Bounty: Rat
Gather components from Rats to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Clean Tuff of Rat Fur
Small Rat Tooth
Tiny Bloody Paw
Long Rat Tail
Bounty: Razorbeast
Bounty: Razorbeast
Gather components from Razorbeasts to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Thick Razorbeast Hide
Complete Razorbeast Eye
Tasty Razorbacon
Worn Razorbeast Tusk
Bounty: Razormaw
Bounty: Razormaw
Gather components from Razormaws to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Razormaw Spine
Razormaw Fin
Razormaw Scales
Razormaw Eye
Bounty: Reaver
Bounty: Reaver
Gather components from Reavers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Warrior Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Reaver's Hand
Reaver's Eye
Reaver's Head
Reaver's Heart
Bounty: Riftblade
Bounty: Riftblade
Gather components from Riftblades to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Warrior Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Riftblade's Hand
Riftblade's Eye
Riftblade's Head
Riftblade's Heart
Bounty: Riftstalker
Bounty: Riftstalker
Gather components from Riftstalkers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Rogue Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Riftstalker's Hand
Riftstalker's Eye
Riftstalker's Head
Riftstalker's Heart
Bounty: Roc
Bounty: Roc
Gather components from Rocs to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Sharp Roc Talon
Big Roc Leg
Large Roc Egg
Superior Roc Wing
Bounty: Runeshaper
Bounty: Runeshaper
Gather components from Runeshapers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Are You Insane?!
Runeshaper's Hand
Runeshaper's Eye
Runeshaper's Head
Runeshaper's Heart
Bounty: Saboteur
Bounty: Saboteur
Gather components from Saboteurs to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Rogue Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Saboteur's Hand
Saboteur's Eye
Saboteur's Head
Saboteur's Heart
Bounty: Satyr
Bounty: Satyr
Gather components from Satyrs to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Clean Satyr Horn
Fine Satyr Fur
Intact Satyr Tail
Large Satyr Tooth
Bounty: Scarab
Bounty: Scarab
Gather components from Scarabs to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Small Scarab Leg
Clean Scarab Wing
Tiny Scarab Egg
Fine Scarab Mandible
Bounty: Scorpion
Bounty: Scorpion
Gather components from Scorpions to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Tiny Scorpion Eye
Preserved Scorpion Husk
Potent Stinger
Scorpian Egg Shell
Bounty: Seacap
Bounty: Seacap
Gather components from Seacaps to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Smelly Seacap Guts
Big Seacap Leg
Tiny Seacap Egg
Sharp Seacap Tooth
Bounty: Sentinel
Bounty: Sentinel
Gather components from Sentinels to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Cleric Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Sentinel's Hand
Sentinel's Eye
Sentinel's Head
Sentinel's Heart
Bounty: Shadeborn
Bounty: Shadeborn
Gather components from Shadeborn to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Are You Insane?!
Shadeborn's Hand
Shadeborn's Eye
Shadeborn's Head
Shadeborn's Heart
Bounty: Shaman
Bounty: Shaman
Gather components from Shamans to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Cleric Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Shaman's Hand
Shaman's Eye
Shaman's Head
Shaman's Heart
Bounty: Shambler
Bounty: Shambler
Gather components from Shamblers to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Intact Shambler Claw
Perfect Shambler Eye
Big Shambler Snout
Slimy Shambler Skin
Bounty: Shaper
Bounty: Shaper
Gather components from Shapers to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Shaper Ribcage
Shaper Femur
Shaper Skull
Shaper Heart
Bounty: Siltreaver
Bounty: Siltreaver
Gather components from Siltreavers to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Long Siltreaver Tail
Perfect Siltreaver Scale
Large Siltreaver Rib
Intact Siltreaver Eye
Bounty: Skeleton
Bounty: Skeleton
Gather components from Skeletons to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Twisted Spine
Preserved Phalanx
Dirty Femur
Perfect Skull
Bounty: Snake
Bounty: Snake
Gather components from Snakes to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Intact Snake Skin
Dried Snake Meat
Venom-Laced Fang
Preserved Snake Eye
Bounty: Sobek
Bounty: Sobek
Gather components from Sobeks to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Sobek Ribcage
Sobek Femur
Sobek Eye
Sobek Heart
Bounty: Spider
Bounty: Spider
Gather components from Spiders to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Iron Pine Peak, Moonshade, and Droughtlands.
Are You Insane?!
Fine Spider Leg
Venom Filled Spider Fang
Fresh Spider Ichor
Perfect Spider Abdomen
Bounty: Squirrel
Bounty: Squirrel
Gather components from Squirrels to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Tiny Squirrel Tooth
Saddeningly Small Tear
Small Fur Pelt
Questioningly Bloody Paw
Bounty: Stormcaller
Bounty: Stormcaller
Gather components from Stormcallers to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Mage Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Stormcaller's Hand
Stormcaller's Eye
Stormcaller's Head
Stormcaller's Heart
Bounty: Tactician
Bounty: Tactician
Gather components from Tacticians to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Rogue Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Tactician's Hand
Tactician's Eye
Tactician's Head
Tactician's Heart
Bounty: Tarrasque
Bounty: Tarrasque
Gather components from Tarrasques to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Smooth Tarrasque Fang
Slick Tarrasque Tail
Darkened Tarrasque Femur
Shaggy Tarrasque Hair
Bounty: Tempest
Bounty: Tempest
Gather components from Tempests to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Warrior Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Tempest's Hand
Tempest's Eye
Tempest's Head
Tempest's Heart
Bounty: Terrormaw
Bounty: Terrormaw
Gather components from Terrormaws to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Smooth Terrormaw Fang
Slick Terrormaw Tail
Darkened Terrormaw Femur
Shaggy Terrormaw Hair
Bounty: Titan
Bounty: Titan
Gather components from Titans to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Are You Insane?!
Titan's Hand
Titan's Eye
Titan's Head
Titan's Heart
Bounty: Trampler
Bounty: Trampler
Gather components from Tramplers to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Storm Legion Zones.
Are You Insane?!
Long Trampler Horn
Large Trampler Tooth
Fine Cut of Trampler Meat
Good Trampler Eye
Bounty: Treant
Bounty: Treant
Gather components from Treants to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Twitching Branches
Mossy Eyebrow
Broken Treant Foot
Makeshift Treant Wig
Bounty: Troglodyte
Bounty: Troglodyte
Gather components from Troglodytes to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Troglodyte Ribcage
Troglodyte Femur
Troglodyte Skull
Troglodyte Heart
Bounty: True Titan
Bounty: True Titan
Gather components from True Titans to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Huge Titan Hand
Great Titan Fracture
Giant Titan Head
Massive Titan Heart
Bounty: Typhoon
Bounty: Typhoon
Gather components from Typhoons to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Are You Insane?!
Typhoon's Hand
Typhoon's Eye
Typhoon's Head
Typhoon's Heart
Bounty: Umbral
Bounty: Umbral
Gather components from Umbrals to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Dark Wispy Tail
Black Twisted Limb
Dark Residue
Thick Shadow Essence
Bounty: Vampire
Bounty: Vampire
Gather components from Vampires to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Pale Fanged Head
Pulsing Vampire Heart
Perfect Vampire Fang
Clean Vampire Skull
Bounty: Verdain
Bounty: Verdain
Gather components from Verdain to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Planetouched Wilds.
Are You Insane?!
Verdain Ribcage
Verdain Femur
Verdain Skull
Verdain Heart
Bounty: Vespid
Bounty: Vespid
Gather components from Vespids to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Vespid Arm
Vespid Mucus
Black Vespid Eye
Vespid Egg Shell
Bounty: Vhar
Bounty: Vhar
Gather components from Vhars to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarlet Gorge.
Are You Insane?!
Large Vhar Molar
Tough Vhar Hide
Clean Cut Vhar Tongue
Slimy Vhar Bladder
Bounty: Void Knight
Bounty: Void Knight
Gather components from Void Knights to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Warrior Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Void Knight's Hand
Void Knight's Eye
Void Knight's Head
Void Knight's Heart
Bounty: Vulcanist
Bounty: Vulcanist
Gather components from Vulcanists to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Are You Insane?!
Vulcanist's Hand
Vulcanist's Eye
Vulcanist's Head
Vulcanist's Heart
Bounty: Warchanter
Bounty: Warchanter
Gather components from Warchanters to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Are You Insane?!
Warchanter's Hand
Warchanter's Eye
Warchanter's Head
Warchanter's Heart
Bounty: Warden
Bounty: Warden
Gather components from Wardens to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Cleric Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Warden's Hand
Warden's Eye
Warden's Head
Warden's Heart
Bounty: Warlock
Bounty: Warlock
Gather components from Warlocks to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Mage Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Warlock's Hand
Warlock's Eye
Warlock's Head
Warlock's Heart
Bounty: Warlord
Bounty: Warlord
Gather components from Warlords to collect on this Bounty.
This set of Bounty artifacts come from PVP. You will find them in the loot chest ‘Reaper Supply Crate’ that you get when you win a PvP match. Bounties do occasionally drop from players during the PvP matches but this is super rare.
Bounties drop often from 4 hour minion adventures, so most players will complete these sets using those.
Warrior Slayer
Are You Insane?!
Warlord's Hand
Warlord's Eye
Warlord's Head
Warlord's Heart
Bounty: Water Elemental
Bounty: Water Elemental
Gather components from Water Elementals to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Sparkling Droplets
Semi-morphus Water
Enchanted Residue
Floating Globules
Bounty: Werewolf
Bounty: Werewolf
Gather components from Werewolves to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood.
Are You Insane?!
Sharp Werewolf Fang
Large Werewolf Claw
Cleaned Werewolf Pelt
Intact Werewolf Jaw
Bounty: Will 'o Wisp
Bounty: Will 'o Wisp
Gather components from Will ‘o Wisps to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Scarwood Reach.
Are You Insane?!
Gleaming Light
Dancing Spark
Eerie Flame
Glowing Residue
Bounty: Wolf
Bounty: Wolf
Gather components from Wolves to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood.
Are You Insane?!
Wolf Spine
Wolf Leftovers
Sharp Wolf Fang
Fine Wolf Pelt
Bounty: Yeti
Bounty: Yeti
Gather components from Yetis to collect on this Bounty.
This set is collected from Bounty mobs in Planetouched Wilds.
Are You Insane?!
Chilled Fang
Vial of Yeti Blood
Mighty Yeti Hand
Fully Intact Yeti Brain
Bouxian Hierarchy
Bouxian Hierarchy
The Bouxian bird people were Crucia’s first followers. Since that time they have enjoyed an elevated station, but within their ranks they have a very strict pecking order.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Brevane Biographies
Brevane Biographies
Though mostly forgotten now, the history of the Brevane Empire was shaped by many notable personalities.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Finding Infinity
High Priest Sanadro Fiavra
East Commander To
Sub-General Jola Antapo
Judge Karino Luvo
The Prophet Krahzael
Glorofo the Mad
Empress Tamina
Brevane Heraldry
Brevane Heraldry
For centuries, the great families of the Brevane Empire guided their nation’s affairs.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Finding Infinity
House Jozano
House Amila
House Kondoha
House Brevo
House Sula
Brevane Histories
Brevane Histories
Most of the great written works of the Brevane Empire were lost during the destruction wrought by the dragons. These histories, however, survived.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Finding Infinity
When the Dragons Came
The Rijak Dynasty
To the World’s End
Settling the Eastern Territories
Raising Necropolis
The Irzite Rebellion
The Fall of House Jozano
Brevanic Antiques
Brevanic Antiques
All over Brevane there is evidence of a much more prosperous time.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Signs in the Sand
Four-Stringed Lute
A Fine Jewelry Box
Book of Exquisite Etchings
A Piece of Ashoran Armor
A Petrified Burger
Brevanic Beverages
Brevanic Beverages
Old and new drinks that are popular amongst the surviving residents of the Eternal City.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Ashoran Scrumpy
Casmir's Private Reserve
Mucasoid Wine
Commons Stout
Bunker Brew
Brevanic Fossils
Brevanic Fossils
Some of these items are definitive evidence that several of the creatures living in Brevane today, have been in existence for a very long time.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Signs in the Sand
A Piece of Stone Hide
A Preserved Leaf
Fossilized Shell
Unidentified Jaw Bone
Crocnard Teeth
Brevanic Relics
Brevanic Relics
Brevane’s former glory and might has not completely vanished from Dusken Spires, relics from that time can still be found.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
The History of Seratos
Decorated Horn
Ritual Tablet
Ornate Hollowed Stone
Branded Badge
Sacred Sealed Text
Brevanic Renaissance
Brevanic Renaissance
The culture, art and architecture of the ancient Brevane has been taken up by the Lycini elves.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
History of the Cape
Courtyard Cobblestone
High-Impact Ceramic Tile
Magnetic Rail
Porous Garden Bed
The Woman in the Glass
Brevanic Technical Manuals
Brevanic Technical Manuals
Manuals detailing the operation of ancient Empyrean Mechanics are now all but impenetrable to the current residents of Brevane.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
A Study of the Planes and the Infinity Gate
Care and Maintenance of Golems
Construct Construction
Whirligigs and Doohickeys
Perpetual Motion is Real
Brevanic Technology
Brevanic Technology
Examples of some of the marvels created by the ancient Brevanic civilization.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in City Core, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in City Core, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
City Collector
Empyrean Study
Multi-Focus Spyglass
Handheld Light Crystal
Wind-up Construct
Personal Holovid
Brewing the Ultimate Potion
Brewing the Ultimate Potion
You found a recipe in your pocket after a night in the tavern that claims to be for creating the most powerful potion in existence. Half of the ingredients seem made up, but it could be worth a shot.
These artifacts could be earned during the Battle Pass Season 3 event.
You can also buy the artifacts from Huckster Ratioskr in Tempest Bay, using the Battle Pass currency ‘Expertise Shard’.
The artifacts are tradeable, so you may be able to find another player with left over shards to buy them for you.
Miraculous Water of Sanctum
Mermaid Salty Tears
Raw Water Crystal
Contaminated Effluvia
Suspicious Troll Goo
Mist of the Phantom Island
Fresh Gloamwood Juice
Pirate-made Grog
Broken Empyrean Technology
Broken Empyrean Technology
The tech that saved Tempest Bay.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: A hero Rises.
Empty Empyrean Fire Vial
Smoke Grenade Dud
Busted Defender Field
Vindicator's Cannon
Brother Jebiah
Brother Jebiah
An inquisitor for the Guardians, Brother Jebiah assisted with the cleansing of Gloamwood Pines. He travels Telara seeking out demonic corruption.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
Leather Straps
Water Soaked Gag
Gears for the Rack
Creative Writing Journal
Sister's Doll
Brougan Grote
Brougan Grote
Brougan Grote was one of the first of the elves to recognize the miracle of the Ascended and join the Guardians.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Elven Cipher
Aelfwar Treaty Scrolls
Quicksilver Expulsion Papers
Buccaneer Articles
Buccaneer Articles
The small coves along the edge of the Moonshade Highlands have long housed buccaneers of famous infamy.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
Sextant of Clever Ned
Eyepatch of Cara Swelldancer
Hat and Scimitar of Estrael
Pegleg of Black Betty
Hook of Fairn the Ferocious
Bulf's Worshiping Tools
Bulf's Worshiping Tools
If your goal in life is to be the high priest to the most powerful ancient evil around, you need the right tools for the job.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Thresher Cartilage Robe
Luminescent Black-light Rods
Seaweed Potpourri
Submersible Chime
List of Leviathan Compliments
Bunker Advertisements
Bunker Advertisements
More propaganda than advertisements, the authorities tried to maintain some semblance of control as the barrier fell and the mutations started.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Invest in Your Future!
Built to Last Through Calamity!
Can You Really Trust the Barrier?
95% Guaranteed Survival Rate!
Burial Rites of the Caretakers
Burial Rites of the Caretakers
This auspicious tome contains the ancient burial rites of the Caretakers, handed down over the centuries.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Bitter Enemies
Caretaker Burial Rites - Page 2
Caretaker Burial Rites - Page 3
Caretaker Burial Rites - Page 4
Caretaker Burial Rites - Page 5
Burning: Bahezerk's Daily Arguments
Burning: Bahezerk's Daily Arguments
They say two heads are better than one. The abomination Bahezerk would furiously disagree with himself about that.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Itching Duty
Who is Going Bald?
Hand Bigger than Face
Loincloth Necessary
Who Talks to Food
Walking Stick Location
Why We Left Port Scion
Burning: Barkeater Goblin Tribe
Burning: Barkeater Goblin Tribe
As their name suggests the Barkeater Goblins really do eat bark, among other things. These are some of their more palatable recipes.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Treant Shins Over Rice
Twice Fried Blackroot
Bark and Mulch Pudding
Shaved Bark Ice
Moss and Dripping Sandwiches
Slow Roasted Blightleaf
Fern And Fennel Soup
Burning: Bayar Khoor
Burning: Bayar Khoor
This blessed youth was a healer who spread love throughout the Wilds, from the witches of Khort to the faerie princess of the planes.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Witch's Fetish
Shepherdess's Crook
Woe Wineglass
Solikh's Love Letter
Ovog Door Shard
Sacrificial Dagger
Karma Relic
Burning: Blood From Stonefield
Burning: Blood From Stonefield
The few scribes that Stonefield produced have been crushed between a rock and a hard place.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Rock-salt of the Plane of Earth
Ram Led to Water
Troll in Hand
Rolling Stonefield Moss
Shadestone Soup
Help Me
Burning: Bloody Jack
Burning: Bloody Jack
The horrible stories surrounding Bloody Jack are numerous, the truth however is that in life Jack was a careless sort of fellow with a rather dangerous job at the mill, hence the need for a lot of bandages. His reanimation as a Zombie however, well that is a different matter altogether.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Lacerated Leg
Daily Contusion
Smashed Big Toe
Black Eye
Broke Every Bone
Suppurating Wound
The Final Blow
Burning: Boneseeker
Burning: Boneseeker
This basilisk left the deserts of its birth seeking to gorge itself on yummy bones. Too bad his gaze just makes more yucky rocks.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Fungal Scale Infection
Neck Tendinitis
Mountaineer's Elbow
Troll Dander Allergies
Opaque Third Eyelid
Pickaxy Eater
Plated Scales
Burning: Brother Jebiah’s Roommate Rules
Burning: Brother Jebiah’s Roommate Rules
Getting along with a roommate can be challenging at the best of times, but if that roommate is Brother Jebiah then getting along might save you from the cleansing fire.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Food Older than 3 days Will Be Burned
Clothes Left In Communal Space Will Be Burned
Unsanctioned Guests Will Be Burned
All Musical Instruments Will Be Burned
Pets Will Be Burned
Socks on Doors Will Be Burned
Fire Familiars Will Be Frozen
Burning: Burning Gloamwood
Burning: Burning Gloamwood
The Goblins of gloamwood tried to set it alight many times, only the tears of Artifact hunters prevented it.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Lycanthropic Nanny
No Rime or Reason
I’m Going To Turn That Thalia Into A Hagborn
Couldn’t Find Straight Logs
Clay Urns
Michael: Great Feilbocan Bunny Rustle
Unsanctioned Guests Will Be Burned
Shiny Trinkets
Moss and Dripping Sandwiches
50lbs of Stale Hard Tack
Unused Body Bits
Drix Marrow
Great Cheese and Wine Pairings
Loggerman’s Larger
Eat and Run
Burning: Burning Planetouched Wilds
Burning: Burning Planetouched Wilds
Many artifacts just sit there, burning a hole in your bag. These artifacts will set you on fire.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
The Torus of Satherian
Skelf Scallywags
Teth's Tribute
The Blightweald Manouver
The Great Plane Robbery
To Catch a Magpie
Hot Yurt Malfunction
Turning Point Conflict
The Sack of the Exchequer
Capture of the Bodacious
The Sinking of the Shi-Ming
Babaroo Death Sentence
General Orkanbinger
Ancient Wardstones
Sliver World
Khadluu Trainer
Snake Handler
Ascended Babaroos
Burning: Burning Stonefield
Burning: Burning Stonefield
Before the Planes invaded Telara it was practically impossible to light a fire in Stonefield due to the damp weather. Now things catch fire all the time.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Battle of Titan's Well
Dark Magic Delight
Roasting Smores
Stone Symbols
Just Add Bedlam
That One Nightblade
Why We Left Port Scion
Plated Scales
Grengrug Breath
Bathrobe he Died In
Undead Invisibility Charm
Troll in Hand
Falling Stars
Burning: Carnival: The Fire Dance
Burning: Carnival: The Fire Dance
Some of our entertainers play with fire. WARNING: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! Unless you are a licenced Pyromancer of course.
These are picked up during the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay during the Carnival of the Ascended World Event. They can also be looted from the Carnival Instant Adventures.
Hop To It!
Lit Poi
Fire Hoop
Flame Fan
Fire Staff
Fire Sword
Fiery Headdress
Burning: Cosmic Victories
Burning: Cosmic Victories
Teth has drained many cosmic realms of their karma.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
The Mage Tower of Caradtaur
The Torus of Satherian
The World Tree Afgraenuoggamlatofra
The Caverns of Vugbor
The Labyrinthine Isle of Rythe
Lilliputian Realm of Tinkytandre
The Clockworld
Burning: Cubic Zirconia Loot Droppers
Burning: Cubic Zirconia Loot Droppers
These creatures are convinced they are rare and powerful monsters, but really they are not.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Drix Marrow
The Nightstalker
Bunch of Squirrels in a Hag Suit
Burning: Death by Artifacts
Burning: Death by Artifacts
Of all the thousands of ways to die in Telara, this is by far the most ignoble.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Monster Respawn
Seastone Secret Spot
Mentor Poisoned
Unaware Until Sepia Sight
Found a Bunch of Burning
Lava Cliff Cache
Opie Turned on You
Burning: Dreadbone / Stonecrush War
Burning: Dreadbone / Stonecrush War
The war between the two tribes of Stonefield mountain trolls has raged for as long as the residents can remember.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Centius Forever!
Battle of Titan's Well
Graffiti Tags
Tactical Ram Paths
Murder Clubs
Burning: Fellshade Cult of the Endless
Burning: Fellshade Cult of the Endless
The Fellshade were one of the first followers of the Endless, perhaps due to many of them being mostly dead already.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Book of Chants
Runed Powder Horn
Unnamed Reagents
Unused Body Bits
Nightmist Lapdog
Engraved Alter
Summoning Circle
Burning: Flame Flowers of Gloamwood
Burning: Flame Flowers of Gloamwood
There is real beauty in Gloamwood if you know where to look.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Mathosian Dianthus
Deepwood Potentilla
Stones Salvia
Solemn Bergenia
Millrush Kniphofia
Silkweb Penstemon
Gnarlwood Crocosmia
Burning: Glubmuk
Burning: Glubmuk
The greatest intellect born of Telara.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Greatest Philosophical Dissertations
Advanced Flamesource Mechanics
Further Investigations in Lycanthropy
Great Cheese and Wine Pairings
Cooking to Entertain
A Discussion of Fluid Dynamics
The Complete Mycological Dictionary
Burning: Gnarvul
Burning: Gnarvul
This drone chewed his way to the surface world on a quest for love.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Honed Joint Spines
Handsome Maxilla
Pretty Palpus
Carbonic Spinneret
Mighty Coxa
Manly Pedipalp
Unrequited Nuptial Gifts
Burning: Gorehorn the Mighty
Burning: Gorehorn the Mighty
Wandered up from Freemarch to escape his allergies. Enjoying his status as king of the mountain.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Troll Truffle Connoisseur
Chronic Nosestones
Boulder Shaved Backside
Mount Model
Grengrug Breath
Spine in Giant's Foot
Freemarch Snout Ring
Burning: Gormungun
Burning: Gormungun
This forest troll swung in from Scarwood during a shift change on the Sunrest Bridge.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Shoulder Moss to Mold
Newfound Taste for Roc
Toof Grout
Fine Leafy Neckbeard
Three Toed Tree Troll
Herby Mohawk
Underbite Still Problematic
Burning: Graveyard Dating
Burning: Graveyard Dating
Have you been sent on a secret mission to some forsaken crypt? It can still be enjoyable if you follow Kira and Uriel’s romantic tips.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Epitaph Pickup Lines
Vampire Wingmen
Wake the Dead
Necromancer Watching
Bad Date Ghosting
Dark Magic Delight
Burning: Hag's Diary
Burning: Hag's Diary
Pages that evidently came from the Witch of Gloamwood’s Diary, she would be mortified to know you are reading them.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
MB Asked Me to the Dance
I Think Alhain Likes Me
The Thralls Kept Me up All Last Night
This Rash Itches
I’m Sure Gordun’s Been Looking at Me
I Saw Gordun With That Thalia Wench
I’m Going To Turn That Thalia Into A Hagborn
Burning: Ild Setseq
Burning: Ild Setseq
The Pirate Queen of Woe plundered the oceans of the Plane of Water for riches of pocket and spirit.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Bridge Burglary
Building Boats
Primal Pirate Ships
Skelf Scallywags
Teth's Tribute
Swaggering Shore Leave
Land Loss
Burning: Jorthan's Inventions
Burning: Jorthan's Inventions
The titan Jorthan was renowned for his innovative and deadly constructs. There were some that never made it into production.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Coiny the Coincounter
Plutonusbot 2000
Laethys Accountancy Automaton
Nemesis V
Burning: Kicking Crucia
Burning: Kicking Crucia
Before they left our realm, the bahmi of the Wilds were renowned for their victories against the Storm Legion.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Battle at Belmont
Destruction of Whitefall
The Aelfwar Pact
The Smith’s Haven Conflaguration
The Psion Subterfuge
Legion Infultration
The Blightweald Manouver
Last Stand at Shal Korva
Burning: Last Valley Firepit
Burning: Last Valley Firepit
The lava eruption in the Last Valley has drifted between elemental poles over the years.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Wanderlust Magma
Wanton Maw Mire
Burning Feathers
Titan Hot Tub
Alaviaxian Evil
Shadow of the Passage
Centius Spawning Pit
Burning: Loggerman's Lift
Burning: Loggerman's Lift
Why does the lift twist like that? There are lots of theories.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Confuses the Undead
Couldn’t Find Straight Logs
Great Views
It Used To Be Straight
More Mechanically Sound
Dragomir Employment Project
It Looks Pretty
Burning: Lothuu the Sad
Burning: Lothuu the Sad
This spirit wasn’t killed by the rifts, or through the improper movement of sourcestone, he fell off the scaffolding.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Bathrobe he Died In
Forgot to Manbun
Forgotten Feet
Lost Glasses
Shadebleached Cape
Postmortem Balding
Slimy Spectral Staff
Burning: Lunar Shadestalker
Burning: Lunar Shadestalker
This creature became a werewolf so long ago that it never reverts to its human form any more, all it is left with are a few cloudy memories and odd (for a wolf) behaviors.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Cherished Mementoes
Half Remembered Pleasures
Exceptional Table Manners
Loves Bunnies
Hates Spiders
Good Personal Hygiene
Well-Manicured Claws
Burning: Magpie Heists of Legend
Burning: Magpie Heists of Legend
The thieves’ guild known as the Magpies have been responsible for some of the most audacious heists across the planes.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
The Draumheim Job
Dalain’s 11
Open, Scattered and Two Rusted Barrels
The Unusual Suspects
Uzesgelent and Golyn
To Catch a Magpie
Big Deal on the Cosmic Steppes
Burning: Make It Burn!
Burning: Make It Burn!
No matter how hard they try, there are some things the Gedlo have simply not managed to set alight.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Iron Weapons
Clay Urns
Chain Mail Armor
Precious Gems
The Ascended
Burning: Mathosians I Have Murdered
Burning: Mathosians I Have Murdered
The Mathosian kingdom had conquered the Wilds before it was taken to the planes. The conquerers didn’t fare well.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Shard Shanked Septuagenarian
Shalistiri Giftless Fall
Floating Rock Climbing Accident
Khort Snake Charmed
Hot Yurt Malfunction
The More Dangerous Game
Death by Tigress
Burning: Millrush Moonstalker
Burning: Millrush Moonstalker
There really are an inordinate number of werewolves in Gloamwood.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Bone Toothpick
Partially Gnawed Remains
Back Comb
Tail Braid
Dog Chain Choker
Eat and Run
Piercing yellow Eyes
Burning: Mythical Leviathans
Burning: Mythical Leviathans
The Biggest and fiercest of Sky Whales.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Young Tim
Exploding Skywhale
Channel and Dusk
Burning: Nar Bayalag
Burning: Nar Bayalag
Queen Nar was the primalist warlord who united the panicked tribes of bahmi to become a fearsome horde that made the planes quake.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Fury Factions
Devil Dance
Grave Carnage
Sword Savant
Shal Korva Queen
Turning Point Conflict
Sword in the Stone
Burning: Nela Valcuthren
Burning: Nela Valcuthren
Who knew that a life of highway robbery could be more exciting than a Grinding Equipment Safety Inspector?
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Mine Closure Depression
Secret Rib Cage Hideout
Undead Invisibility Charm
Crime Pays
Outlaw Workout
Amazing Armored Pants
None Notice Her Eyes
Burning: Passage of the Ancients
Burning: Passage of the Ancients
This ancient Eth artifact attempted to replicate the power of the Infinity Gate, and resulted in slightly less destruction.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Sourcestone Powered
Shaped Runes
Fire Figures
Stone Symbols
Planar Doorjam
Rear Facing Lock
Enigmatic Warning
Burning: Planar Rampage
Burning: Planar Rampage
The Wilds offer a defensible position from which the bahmi could unleash a primal rampage upon the planes.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Fall of the Pain Gates
Crossing the Soul Stream
Storming the Skytadel
Capture of the Bodacious
Siege of Cockaigne
Robbery of Golden Caravan
The Sinking of the Shi-Ming
Burning: Poisonous Mountain Shrubs
Burning: Poisonous Mountain Shrubs
Many of the shrubs, bark and berries found growing wild on the slopes of Stonefield are quite toxic.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Orange Hemlock
Skeletal Cucumber
Sicklehorn Ear
Dreadbone Glove
Giant Sobekweed
Blind Your Eye Creeperbrush
Burning: Returned Gifts of the Shalistiri
Burning: Returned Gifts of the Shalistiri
The Shalistiri lords gave their descendants many gifts to help them survive, some of them were unwanted.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Planar Warriors
Random Dungeon Walls
Sliver World
Planar Contribution
Mercenary Talents
Heroic Choice
Deck of Many Souls
Burning: Sacrificial Success Stories
Burning: Sacrificial Success Stories
The Keeper of Radiance would lead a charmed life of adventure, then sacrifice their karma and life. Often this worked out great.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Shal Korva Warrents
Babaroo Death Sentence
Bahmi Bigamy
Yucky Yurt
Beagle Bar Tabs
Unpaid Pacts
Unironic Wishes
Burning: Sar Shidet
Burning: Sar Shidet
The mystic Typhoon who found the Ancestors of the bahmi and forged a permanent bond with the Plane of Air.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Summon Circle Chalk
Book of Cyphers
Encrypted Love Letters
Lightning Struck Staff
Ancestor Rocks Arisen
Sefir Scribe Spike
Magic Lamp
Burning: Scarn the Usurper
Burning: Scarn the Usurper
The Gedlo had planned to raise Scarn to usurp Maelforge. But the prophecy went wrong from day one.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Whelp Fell Down Well
No Pure Goblins
Wildbunch Heist
Ancient Sewer Backup
Lycanthropic Nanny
Three Daddies Divorced
Ascended Killed Him
Burning: Shadefallen Frostkeeper Woes
Burning: Shadefallen Frostkeeper Woes
The Frostkeeper responsible for keeping the Endless Court cultists cool in Shadefallen keep often takes unannounced breaks.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Zombie Breath
Cursed Daglar Tape
Fellshade Facilities
Grave Grasp Gone
No Rime or Reason
Daily Drylios Demands
Redhawk Nerfs
Burning: Slain Demons of the Graves
Burning: Slain Demons of the Graves
The Wilds has fallen through the planes making it a target for demons. Not an easy target though.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Overseer Kaazwah
Duke Prafias
General Orkanbinger
Count Drake the Reviver
Duracara the Sin Lord
Burning: Specialties of the Dusken Draft
Burning: Specialties of the Dusken Draft
Despite a rather straight-laced reputation Innkeeper Miriam Noh keeps some surprisingly strong drinks on hand, firewater doesn’t begin to describe these.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Deeps Rum
Mathosian Malt
Bileshot Absinthe
Loggerman’s Larger
Deathmist Spirits
Pines Punch
Burning: Squirrel Dance Theater
Burning: Squirrel Dance Theater
The squirrels of Stonefield are famous for their vibrant modern dance troupe.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Cairn Hunter
The Dread Bone
The Ghouls of the Harrow
Stonecrush Burlesque
Kira and Uriel
Kaleida's Gavotte
The Nuthider
Burning: Stalker of Tears
Burning: Stalker of Tears
It is a misconception that the Stalker of Tears is named for the area it is most commonly seen, it is in fact due to its obsession with completing a certain Artifact set.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
24 Crushed Coyotes
13 Killed Cats
18 Flayed Foxes
7 Dashed Deer
423 Skinned Snakes
12 Ripped Rats
5 Squashed Squirrels
Burning: Stoney Fields of Stonefield
Burning: Stoney Fields of Stonefield
The rock filled farms of Stonefield are often named for what comes out of the thin soil.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Tufa Vineyard
Greywacke Garden
Gossan Grassland
Marble Meadow
Lherzolite Lea
Rhomb Ranch
Hornfels Glebe
Burning: Tall Tales of Granite Falls
Burning: Tall Tales of Granite Falls
Consigned to their great uncle’s hut to wait out the fall of Port Scion, Amabilis and her brother Polaris investigated many of the folk legends of this mountain town.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Extra Failsafe Devices
Garden Fae
Summer Autumn Harvest
Bottomless Titan Well
Wyredode Horses
Expert Dungeons in Dungeons
Falling Stars
Burning: Terrible Jobs of the Wilds
Burning: Terrible Jobs of the Wilds
It’s good to be the Titan. It’s terrible to have any of these jobs.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Khadluu Trainer
Balloon Repairs
Babaroo Wrangler
Crystal Merchant
Snake Handler
Fist of the Titan
Burning: Teth's Near Victories
Burning: Teth's Near Victories
The Tenebrean known as the Great Wheel has had their plans thwarted for centuries. But a few times, they almost succeeded.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Skelf Egg Delicacies
Necromatic Spiders
Clan Drama
Evil Dojos
Ascended Babaroos
Hid Behind Tree
Burning: The Mystery of Buckley
Burning: The Mystery of Buckley
Very few have unraveled the full story of Buckley, and it is questionable whether they should be called lucky or not.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Unexplained Power Source
Clumsy Stitching
Firework Attractors
Bait and Switch
Secret Stash
Seductive Patter
Shiny Trinkets
Burning: The Silgen Doctrine
Burning: The Silgen Doctrine
General Silgen commanded the dragonian forces in the invasion of Last Valley. His successes in the invasion of other mortal worlds lead to the study of his strategy.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Support of Raiders
Brilliant Executions
Overwhelming Forcefulness
High Magitech Combat
Make No Distinctions
Just Add Bedlam
Why Not Just War
Burning: Thingar
Burning: Thingar
Mightiest of all mountain trolls.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Thingar! Thingar! Thingar!
Burning: Titans of the Wilds
Burning: Titans of the Wilds
Many of the kings and queens of the Wilds defied Teth’s curse, some did not.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Tom the Tiny
Nudarga the Bold
Gualin the Builder
Teserch the Demolisher
Algadakh the Terrible
Oroi the Mad
Khar the Titan
Burning: Ukhers of History
Burning: Ukhers of History
The most dangerous of the Khadluu apex predators.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Bright Eyes
Burning: Uul Dain
Burning: Uul Dain
The primalist healer that ministered to the baac. Good intention never end well in the Wilds.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Woe Whelp
Nar's Neophyte
Mad Medicine
Painite Paroxysm
Crystal Messages
Baac Patients
Loss of Baac Patience
Burning: Wanton Raid Composition
Burning: Wanton Raid Composition
The Wanton Raid Leader spent all day standing around the courtyard in the City of Brass, yelling for just a few more dragonians so they could raid Telara.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Stonefield
Motionless Maelstrom
Critless Riftblade
Spirit Animal Vulcanist
Bursting Runeshaper
That One Nightblade
Full Archon
A Gaggle of Pyromancers
Burning: What’s In The Box
Burning: What’s In The Box
An astonishing number of crates fall off carts and caravans that then need to be retrieved. Ever wonder what was in those crates that was worth risking life and limb for?
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
20,000 Tunic Buttons
50lbs of Stale Hard Tack
Rat Tails
200 Rusted Gears
Rotting Fish Jerky
Various Critter Furs
Gold, Platinum and Gems
Burning: Wild Bunch's Unreported Heists
Burning: Wild Bunch's Unreported Heists
Although many of their exploits have become famous, the Wild Bunch are responsible for many unsolved crimes, each member has their own personal favorite.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Burning Gloamwood
Steez: Shal Korva Balloon Burst
Wres: Aurentine Auction House Scam
Neek: Cape Jule Train Heist
Comda: Fortune Shore Pyramid Scheme
Michael: Great Feilbocan Bunny Rustle
Eurf: Ghar Network Prank Calls
Splitooth: Anthousa’s Purse Snatch
Burning: Woe Gang Wars
Burning: Woe Gang Wars
The criminals of Woe have long fought a shadow war for supremacy in the chaos of the Wilds.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Khadlig Tongues
Blue Khadgaks
Ancestor's Coin
Painite Blades
Dark Radiance
Burning: Zam Nuuts
Burning: Zam Nuuts
The ascetic philosopher who developed the foundations of primalism, by reading it in a rhino’s footprint.
These Burning artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Burning Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Orange shinys on the floor.
Rocky Meditation
Primal Plane
Tenebrean Opponent
Rhinoceros Revelation
Hidden Karma
Primalist Priory
Karma Killing
Caer Mathos Royal Relics
Caer Mathos Royal Relics
Caer Mathos is the ancestral home of the Mathos kings. The undead have ransacked its halls and dragged out the relics of the kings.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Mathosian History
Signet of the Mathos
Queen Adelonda's Tiara
Mathos Lineage Tome
Icon of Thedeor
The fae are noted for their whimsical nature, and vicious tempers.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Pentomic Equation Leaf
Enchanted Dust
Pink Fur
Leafy Furniture
Tessellated Trees
Cambion Orchids
Cambion Orchids
The beautiful flowers of the Agrippa Rainforest are found nowhere else in Telara.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
Bogling Butt Beauty
Vespid Maw Giant
Green Drake
Cannibal Jewelry
Cannibal Jewelry
Some rather macabre jewelry crafted by the various cannibal tribes.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in City Core, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in City Core, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
City Collector
Shrunken Head
Finger Bone Necklace
A Matted Hair Brooch
Bone Rings
Something Indescribably Nasty
Canus, The Industrious, God of Naps
Canus, The Industrious, God of Naps
The Onir have been known to work like a dog during many a nap. This industrious, often sleepy god consoles them as they labor to ensure your sleep is as entertaining as possible.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Personalities of Draumheim
Tarken Celestial Sledge
Dreams of Running
The Dream Must Go On
Sniffing Out the Weirdness
Barking at Ranri
Cape Jule
Cape Jule
The deceptively peaceful looking Cape Jule holds many hidden treasures.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
Zombie’s Foot
Train in Ocean
Lost Courage
Courtyard Cobblestone
Crocnard Jawbone
Horned Elm
Green Drake
Hollow Dagger
Cape Jule Souvenirs
Cape Jule Souvenirs
No trip to the southern cape of Brevane is complete without an animal body part proudly displayed.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
Crocnard Jawbone
Notbear Claw
Captain Frigain’s Diary
Captain Frigain’s Diary
Storm Legion Captain Frigain was known for his cruelty. The discovery of his diary has done nothing to change this.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Captain Frigain’s Diary - Page 2
Captain Frigain’s Diary - Page 3
Captain Frigain’s Diary - Page 4
Cards from a Marked Deck
Cards from a Marked Deck
A shady underground has sprung up amongst the survivors in the bunkers, these cards are evidence of that.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Family Estates
Burning Sword
Tree of Life
The Rat
Number Twelve
The Cauldron
The Knight
Caretaker Officer Badges
Caretaker Officer Badges
The badges of fallen Caretaker officers are recovered to honor those who have passed away.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Bitter Enemies
Caretaker Engineer
Caretaker Agent
Caretaker Infiltrator
Caretaker Defender
Caretaker Squad Leader
Caretaker Saboteur's Gear
Caretaker Saboteur's Gear
Selection of must-have saboteur gear recommended by Caretaker experts.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Bitter Enemies
Demolitionist’s Fuse
Communications Disruptor
Ballistic Jammer
Dynamite Powder
Remote Trigger
Caretaker Survival Kit
Caretaker Survival Kit
Every Caretaker knows not to venture out of Necropolis without the contents of this survival kit.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
Emergency Beacon
Week's Rations
Playing Cards
Caretaker Trappings
Caretaker Trappings
Various things often found in a Caretaker’s possession.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
Caretaker Prayer Symbol
Caretaker Necropolis Fragment
Caretaker Spirits
Caretaker's Key to the Necropolis
Caretaker Wardrobe
Caretaker Wardrobe
Fashion is not a statement, but part of survival for the Caretakers in Dusken Spires.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Bitter Enemies
Storm Legion Disguise
Militia Uniform
Archeologist Dig Garb
Failed Shaper Disguise
Carnival: As Rare as a Truthful Carney
Carnival: As Rare as a Truthful Carney
A selection of the things rarely found at the Carnival of the Ascended.
These are picked up during the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay during the Carnival of the Ascended World Event. They can also be looted from the Carnival Instant Adventures.
Hop To It!
Fire Staff
Alo's Amazing Popped Corn
Lamed Miniature Horse
Tiny Bahmi
Crucia Plushie
Cleanshaven Dwarf Lass
Magician's Wand
Exact Change
Carnival: Easy to find excellence.
Carnival: Easy to find excellence.
A selection of the things commonly found at the Carnival of the Ascended.
These are picked up during the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay during the Carnival of the Ascended World Event. They can also be looted from the Carnival Instant Adventures.
Hop To It!
Building the Tip
Freezing the Tip
Fire Knife
Lit Poi
Fire Hoop
Cotton Candy
Caramel Apple
Watermelon Slush
Poorly Rigged Dice
Deflated Balloon
Dull Dart
Devout Defiant
Godsless Guardian
Beardless Dwarf
Worn Carnival Prize Ticket
Fake Gold Coin
Laethys Plushie
Bearded Elf
Conjoined Giant
Tattooed Man
Swallowed Sword
Juggled Pin
Burnt Stick
Vocal Mime
Healthy Snacks
Free Try
Carnival: Games
Carnival: Games
All games at the Carnival of the Ascended are fair, cheating is not tolerated! We swear.
These are picked up during the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay during the Carnival of the Ascended World Event. They can also be looted from the Carnival Instant Adventures.
Hop To It!
Deflated Balloon
Dull Dart
Heavy Milk Bottle
Rigged Scale
Lamed Miniature Horse
Heavy Ring
Weighted Roulette Ball
Carnival: Legends of the Fairgrounds
Carnival: Legends of the Fairgrounds
A collection of the hardest to find items at the Carnival of the Ascended.
These are picked up during the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay during the Carnival of the Ascended World Event. They can also be looted from the Carnival Instant Adventures.
Hop To It!
Fiery Headdress
Funnel Cake
Weighted Roulette Ball
Akylios Plushie
Circus Clown
Dwarf's Stilts
Honest Carney
Carnival: Prizes
Carnival: Prizes
Some of the many great prizes awarded at the Carnival of the Ascended.
These are picked up during the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay during the Carnival of the Ascended World Event. They can also be looted from the Carnival Instant Adventures.
Hop To It!
Fake Gold Coin
Laethys Plushie
Regulos Plushie
Greenscale Plushie
Crucia Plushie
Maelforge Plushie
Akylios Plushie
Carnival: Random is Random
Carnival: Random is Random
The Wheel of Fate decrees this random assortment of items that have nothing to do with one another!
These are picked up during the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay during the Carnival of the Ascended World Event. They can also be looted from the Carnival Instant Adventures.
Hop To It!
Turning the Tip
Flame Fan
Soft Pretzel
Deep Fried Pickle
Heavy Milk Bottle
Rigged Scale
Hairy Elf
Friendly Goblin
Regulos Plushie
Greenscale Plushie
Two-headed Snake
Magician's Tophat
Dead Rabbit
Even Odds
Valuable Prize
Carnival: The Bally
Carnival: The Bally
The Bally, it draws in all you marks….er I mean all our beloved Carnival goers!
These are picked up during the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay during the Carnival of the Ascended World Event. They can also be looted from the Carnival Instant Adventures.
Hop To It!
Building the Tip
Freezing the Tip
The Pitch
Turning the Tip
The Jam
The Grind
The Blowoff
Carnival: The Fiery Sword of Turducken
Carnival: The Fiery Sword of Turducken
Yes, this happened.
These are picked up during the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay during the Carnival of the Ascended World Event. They can also be looted from the Carnival Instant Adventures.
Hop To It!
Fire Sword
Heavy Ring
Handsome Troll
Maelforge Plushie
Skeletal Man
Magician's Assistant
A Fair Game
Carnival: Tools of the Trade
Carnival: Tools of the Trade
The finest tools of entertainment!
These are picked up during the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay during the Carnival of the Ascended World Event. They can also be looted from the Carnival Instant Adventures.
Hop To It!
Juggled Pin
Burnt Stick
Magician's Tophat
Dead Rabbit
Magician's Wand
Magician's Assistant
Dwarf's Stilts
Casimar and Isabella
Casimar and Isabella
Love is blossoming between Isabella and Casimar, despite all that is going on around them.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Sappy Love Poem
Tiny Etched Key
Heart-Shaped Locket
Clockwork Lark
Extravagant Promise Ring
Cassana Family Heirlooms
Cassana Family Heirlooms
Artifacts passed down from generation to generation in the Cassana Family.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
Western Holdings
A Picture Locket
Bone Hair Pin
Pearl Pendant
A Family Portrait
Signet Ring
Cast Off Prototypes
Cast Off Prototypes
With all the inventions made in Meridian, quite a few of them do not make the cut.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Auto Gobo Prototype
Source Chop Prototype
Skeleton Away Prototype
Hair Dampness Extractor Prototype
Phase Weight Prototype
Cat Gut Accessories
Cat Gut Accessories
It is common for visitors to the Scarwood to leave with one of the region’s signature crafts, items made of dried cat intestines. No one really wears them, but they are common funny gifts to bring back to a loved one.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Cat Gut Charm
Cat Gut Pouch
Cat Gut Cording
Cat Gut Choker
Caustic Samples
Caustic Samples
The “waters” of the Caustic Oasis have uses other than burning holes in things.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Corpse Disposal
Metal Cleaner
Extremely Zesty Vinaigrette
Chest Hair Stimulant
Cultist Makeup Remover
Charms of Iron Pine
Charms of Iron Pine
Life in the mountains is dangerous. Those who live here often turn to magical charms to protect them against misfortune.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Charm of Warmth
Charm of the Hunt
Charm of Planning
Charm of the Long Night
Charm of the Dragonslayer
Circuit Diagrams
Circuit Diagrams
The pages of this book look like they might have been damaged in a wiring accident.
These artifacts can be picked up all around Ardent Domain. They are normal white artifacts on the ground.
The reward from this set is used as part of the Storm Legion puzzles. Because of this, you can also buy these artifacts from a special vendor called ‘Nomi’. You will find ‘Nomi’ in a secret area after you have completed the ‘It Goes to Eleven‘ cheevo. Check the guide for more detail.
Circuit Diagrams Page 2
Circuit Diagrams Page 3
Circuit Diagrams Page 4
Circuit Diagrams Page 5
Circuit Diagrams Page 6
Circuit Diagrams Page 7
Circuit Diagrams Page 8
Circuit Diagrams Page 9
Circuit Diagrams Page 10
Circuit Diagrams Page 11
Circuit Diagrams Page 12
Classic Clastics of Mount Pyre
Classic Clastics of Mount Pyre
The pyroclastic flows of Mount Pyre are legendary, they also leave behind these rocks.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Dusted Off Shinys
Ashenfell Dacite
Flame Komatiite
Lakeside Boninite
Tower Trachyte
Pyre Pumice
Clockwork Components
Clockwork Components
It’s hard to tell if these components come from children’s toys or something much, much larger.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Rusty Spring
Flyball Governor
An Escapement Mechanism
Cloth Ripped on Sharp Ice
Cloth Ripped on Sharp Ice
Outerwear does not escape unscathed in Tarken.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Shredded Knickers
Ripped Tunic
Perforated Boots
Lacerated Scarf
Tattered Shoulders
Clubs of Bottomtown
Clubs of Bottomtown
Dreams and nightmares don’t fully understand the ways of mortal romance, so they gather at clubs to practice. Here are some of the fliers.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
The Faceless Man
Hammer, Staff or Dagger
The Pug
Enrage Timer
The Holy Trinity
Cockatrice Feathers
Cockatrice Feathers
There is a wide variety of Cockatrice in Brevane, many of them have quite beautiful plumage.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Flora and Fauna
Orange Ashoran Cockatrice Feathers
Green Stonegaze Cockatrice Feathers
Red-Throated Cockatrice Feathers
Purple-Crested Cockatrice Feathers
Codex Elementalism
Codex Elementalism
The basic precepts of elemental magic are laid out in this copy of the most ancient of magic.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Earth and its Economic Value
Air: Motion and Control
The Quenching Properties of Water
Faer Life and Nature; A Comparison
Death: The Energies of Inevitability
Coffee of Tuldio Retreat
Coffee of Tuldio Retreat
The priests of Tuldio Retreat stay up late constructing mathematically perfect prayers. They drink a lot of coffee.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Learning about Lycini
Cafe Miela
Shadebean Brew
Coliseum Events
Coliseum Events
If it is at all possible the events in the Auditorium Carnos have become even more grisly since the barrier was destroyed.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
Thundro, the Terrifying Trampler!
Raznaar, Butcher of Brevane!
Gallivax, Gladiator of the Gods!
Mongrave the Mountain Mauler!
Commander Calthyx
Commander Calthyx
Considered dangerous even for the vile sorcerers of the Abyssal cult, Calthyx searches for the key to ultimate power over Telara in the hidden places of the world.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Translation Tablet
Idol of the Depths
Prophecy of Calyx
Blood of the Innocent
Commander Dysolt's Personal Effects
Commander Dysolt's Personal Effects
An assortment of items that once belonged to the Storm Legion’s Command Dysolt.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Cyborg Manual
Yeti Fur Clipping
Discarded Stormhold Blueprints
Cyborg Plant Spare Key
Crucia’s Mark
Commander Kain
Commander Kain
Frederick Kain is an Ascendant warrior of the Guardians. He is known for the tough merciless battles he has won in both his previous life and for the Vigil.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Blessing of Battle
Bloody Cloth
Prophecy of Kain
Commander Zaviel
Commander Zaviel
Entrusted with the Sun Orb, Zaviel betrayed the Lycini and handed Pelladane to the Storm Legion.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Conquest Souvenirs
Shard of the Alabaster Citadel
Cloudbourne Ice Necklace
Storm Seer Staff
Defaced Portrait of Miela
Common Fish of Moonshade Highlands, Droughtlands, and Iron Pine Peak
Common Fish of Moonshade Highlands, Droughtlands, and Iron Pine Peak
A collection of fish commonly found within the waters of Moonshade Highlands, Droughtlands, and Iron Pine Peak.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in the listed Mathosia Zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
Trophy Lobster
Trophy Pale Flycatcher
Trophy Vermillion Stoneskin
Trophy Striated Crab
Trophy Verdant Angel
Common Fish of Scarlet Gorge and Scarwood Reach
Common Fish of Scarlet Gorge and Scarwood Reach
A collection of fish commonly found within the waters of Scarlet Gorge and Scarwood Reach.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in the listed Mathosia Zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
Trophy Flatfish
Trophy Blenny
Trophy Chameleonfish
Common Fish of Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle
Common Fish of Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle
A collection of fish commonly found within the waters of Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in the listed Mathosia Zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
Trophy Coral Prawn
Trophy Teal Grouper
Trophy Brown Perch
Trophy Glossy Mackerel
Trophy Isle Crab
Common Fish of Silverwood and Freemarch
Common Fish of Silverwood and Freemarch
A collection of fish commonly found within the waters of Silverwood and Freemarch.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in the listed Mathosia Zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
Trophy Forest Pondleaper
Trophy Blue Widemouth
Trophy Smooth Minnow
Common Fish of Stonefield and Gloamwood
Common Fish of Stonefield and Gloamwood
A collection of fish commonly found within the waters of Stonefield and Gloamwood.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in the listed Mathosia Zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
Trophy Tawny Rockfish
Trophy Lesser Crystalfish
Trophy Creeper
Community: Burning: Hot Stuff
Community: Burning: Hot Stuff
These things are hot!
These artifacts were dropped by Devs and CM’s when they logged into the game to interact with players during community events.
These are now impossible to collect as no Gamigo employee is capable of logging into the game and dropping the special pinatas.
The only way to complete these sets now is to spend hundreds of thousands of credits to draw each artifact individually, which would cost an insane amount of real life money. DO NOT DO THIS!!!
Dragon’s Breath
Carcera Caldera
Scoria Fish
Charmers Chalk
Fire Cactus
Hamatu Phoenix
Demon Burrito
Drake Hide
Wanton Jewelry
Maelforge Scales
Fireimp Teeth
Smolderon’s Chestplate
Pyre Pyrite
Stolen Property
Community: Love for Community
Community: Love for Community
Not everything given out by community for free is easy to get.
These artifacts were dropped by Devs and CM’s when they logged into the game to interact with players during community events.
These are now impossible to collect as no Gamigo employee is capable of logging into the game and dropping the special pinatas.
The only way to complete these sets now is to spend hundreds of thousands of credits to draw each artifact individually, which would cost an insane amount of real life money. DO NOT DO THIS!!!
Bit Bucket
Vapor Lock Key
Polka-Dot paint
Kiki Kookoo and the Haunted Fairground
Kiki Kookoo and the Callweddi Exchange
Kiki Kookoo and the Secret of Hammerknell
Is This the End of Kiki Kookoo?
Butterfly Wing Art
Toadstool Ring
Petal Dress
Miniature Purple Shoes
Small Golden Hair Grip
Gallium Short Sword
Backfiring Blunderbuss
Soulsucking Focus
Ring of Clumsiness
Mediocre Maul
Scoria Fish
Demon Burrito
Fireimp Teeth
Stolen Property
Broken Dreams: How to create Puzzles
Solving the Unsolvable
Memo Graduating Again
Redirecting Rage
There and Back in a Million Easy Steps
Community: Nightmare: Dead Simon's Favorite Books
Community: Nightmare: Dead Simon's Favorite Books
When not making puzzles, Dead Simon is often reading about them.
These artifacts were dropped by Devs and CM’s when they logged into the game to interact with players during community events.
These are now impossible to collect as no Gamigo employee is capable of logging into the game and dropping the special pinatas.
The only way to complete these sets now is to spend hundreds of thousands of credits to draw each artifact individually, which would cost an insane amount of real life money. DO NOT DO THIS!!!
Guide Book to Lost Hopes
7 Secrets of the Insane Puzzlebuilder
An Illustrated Guide to Sapping Will
Step-by-Step Guide to Frustrating Failures
Getting Lost: The Art of Puzzlement
Tale of Five Thousand Fish
Getting to the Breaking Point
Dazed and Confused: Confessions of a Puzzle Master
Make it Stop!
Solving the Unsolvable
Memo Graduating Again
Cuneiform Crosswords
Art of the Grind
A Study in Exasperation
Monkey See Monkey Do
Redirecting Rage
The Impossibilicon
There and Back in a Million Easy Steps
1001 Cyphers
Community: Poison: Not Best In Slot
Community: Poison: Not Best In Slot
You won’t get far adventuring with these.
These artifacts were dropped by Devs and CM’s when they logged into the game to interact with players during community events.
These are now impossible to collect as no Gamigo employee is capable of logging into the game and dropping the special pinatas.
The only way to complete these sets now is to spend hundreds of thousands of credits to draw each artifact individually, which would cost an insane amount of real life money. DO NOT DO THIS!!!
Floppy Fedora
Tinfoil Hat
Papier Mache Shield
Blunt Axe
Chargeless Wand
Belt of Extra Weight
Visibility Cloak
Backfiring Blunderbuss
Minor Wounding Potion
Any Necklace from Ironpine
Bag of Innumerable Holes
Inverted Spiked Breastplate
Soulsucking Focus
Cursed Earrings
Poison Tipped Fork
Fancy Silk Pants
Ring of Clumsiness
Rubber Bow
Mediocre Maul
Community: Rookie To Do List
Community: Rookie To Do List
New recruits to the Storm Legion are often sent to procure some or all of these items by their fellow legionnaires.
These artifacts were dropped by Devs and CM’s when they logged into the game to interact with players during community events.
These are now impossible to collect as no Gamigo employee is capable of logging into the game and dropping the special pinatas.
The only way to complete these sets now is to spend hundreds of thousands of credits to draw each artifact individually, which would cost an insane amount of real life money. DO NOT DO THIS!!!
Tire Full of Summer Air
Tire Full of Winter Air
Elbow Grease
Blinker Fluid
Headlight Fluid
Cable Stretcher
Glow Stick Batteries
Dehydrated Water
A Bee Line
Left-Handed Wrench
Water Hammer
Bit Bucket
Compass Oil
Mercury Rod
Vapor Lock Key
Horizontal Tent peg
Polka-Dot paint
Community: Twisted: The Adventures of Kiki Kookoo
Community: Twisted: The Adventures of Kiki Kookoo
Read by Fae children across all of Telara, the swashbuckling adventures if Kiki Kookoo have got to be one of the most popular series of books ever written.
These artifacts were dropped by Devs and CM’s when they logged into the game to interact with players during community events.
These are now impossible to collect as no Gamigo employee is capable of logging into the game and dropping the special pinatas.
The only way to complete these sets now is to spend hundreds of thousands of credits to draw each artifact individually, which would cost an insane amount of real life money. DO NOT DO THIS!!!
Kiki Kookoo Saves Everyone
Kiki Kookoo Goes to Stillmoor
Kiki Kookoo and the Vampires
Kiki Kookoo and the Lost Children
Kiki Kookoo in the Tanglewood Mystery
Kiki Kookoo Kitten Rescue
Kiki Kookoo and the Silverwood Witch
Kiki Kookoo and the Friendly Ogre
Kiki Kookoo and the Fairy Amulet
Kiki Kookoo Uncovers the Briarcliff Conspiracy
Kiki Kookoo and the Restless Wraith
Kiki Kookoo Meets the Solace Angel
Kiki Kookoo and the Callweddi Exchange
Kiki Kookoo Takes a Risk
Kiki Kookoo and the Secret of Hammerknell
Kiki Kookoo Comes in Last
Kiki Kookoo in the Droughtlands Adventure
Kiki Kookoo Finds the Dustwind Treasure
Is This the End of Kiki Kookoo?
Community: Unstable: Violet and Pimpernel
Community: Unstable: Violet and Pimpernel
Almost certainly the most elusive of the Fae, Violet and Pimpernel are little more than the product of a child’s imagination.
These artifacts were dropped by Devs and CM’s when they logged into the game to interact with players during community events.
These are now impossible to collect as no Gamigo employee is capable of logging into the game and dropping the special pinatas.
The only way to complete these sets now is to spend hundreds of thousands of credits to draw each artifact individually, which would cost an insane amount of real life money. DO NOT DO THIS!!!
Well-Tended Gardens
Butterfly Wing Art
Ethereal Music
Leaf and Twig Houses
Born of a Babies Laugh
Microscopic Script
Tiny Campsites
Finely Stitched Clothing
Magic Doors
Toadstool Ring
Petal Dress
Pixie Dust
Pet Beetle
Pretty Crystal Collection
Miniature Purple Shoes
Magical Stories
Hand Spun Spider Webbing
Small Golden Hair Grip
Enchanting wand
Companion Sashes
Companion Sashes
These sashes are given by the Companions of Fortune’s Shore as tokens to their favorite clients.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Cultures of the Desert
Tia's Sash
Citara's Sash
Baela's Sash
Kiara's Sash
Destella's Sash
Compulsions and Disorders
Compulsions and Disorders
Alittu College’s school for Physicianing and Chloromancimating has identified eight new disorders found only in the Ascended.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Artifaction Confliction
Theoreonomical Thinking
Foot in Mount Disease
Spawnal Dysfunction
Communal Tragedy
Rotational Dislocation
Acute Companion Compulsion
Post Traumatic Patch Discussion
Construct Apparatuses
Construct Apparatuses
The Golden Maw have brought in many construct apparati to build their construct mining force.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarlet Gorge, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarlet Gorge, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarlet Gorge
Construct Chain
Construct Head
Construct Maintenance
Construct Maintenance
Keeping a construct running is easier said than done.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
Replacement Rivets
Grounding Rod
Spare Electrical Contacts
Construct Warranty
Coralmancy of the Rhenke
Coralmancy of the Rhenke
The Skelf pilgrims of Tarken look for omens and signs in the coral remains of Kamoho.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Colony Tentacle Inspection
Polyp Haruspicy
Impetrativa Pillar Sacrifice
Calcium Lot Casting
The Coral Dance
Corrupted Life
Corrupted Life
It didn’t take long after the barrier was destroyed for the corruption to begin.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
Thorny Root
Diseased Seacap Shell
Glowing Seed Pod
Cosmic Card Games
Cosmic Card Games
No matter the Plane of Existence, most sentient beings enjoy a card game or two. The cultures swept up by the Comet of Ahnket are no exception.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Dusted Off Shinys
Pick Your Poison
Skulls and Flames
Skulls and Flames, Dragons Wild
Snap… and Crack
Wizards and Warlocks
Counterfeit Crawlers
Counterfeit Crawlers
Many creatures on Comet Ahnket are, in fact, only simulacra created by the Tower. Though larger simulacra have been discovered, many smaller types have gone unrecognized.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Swamp Searching
Phony Fae Twister
Replica Royal Flutter
Pseudo Spotted Offa
Bogus Reef Bobber
Imitation Crab
Spurious Serpent
Fabricated Frouge
Forged Centipede
Mock Turtle
Creative Mechanics
Creative Mechanics
Good times were had by all.
This set can be found in all the different Chronicles. It will drop from bosses and trash mobs.
Creative Mechanic Collector
Greenscale's Flight Plans
Bracken's Command
Wrathful Shame
Plutonus's Electric Field Bypasser
Gaurath's Flying Taunts
Eggtender's Bile Range Reducer
Artifact Reset Button
Thrax's Regenerative Cream
Akylios's Mirror
Crucia's Infinite Storm
Crevasse-tossed Treasures
Crevasse-tossed Treasures
These items are true treasures to those who’ve spent time in Tarken.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Hot Soup
Remembered Sunshine
Small Snuggly Fire Elemental
Pocket of Summer
Critter Glen Architecture
Critter Glen Architecture
Critter glen with its tiny houses employs some interesting building techniques.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Shiny Collecting Unscathed
Moss Mortar
Mud Bricks
Wild Vine Framing
Lichen Thatch
Fungus Insulation
Critter Tears
Critter Tears
You’re such a mighty warrior, aren’t you?
There are many many critters all over the worlds that will drop these tears. It is likely you will complete this set without even trying, just by accidentally catching the critters with AOE while killing quest mobs. The only one you may need to properly farm for is the Snake Tear, for this you can go to the Tempest Plains area of Shimmersand /setwaypoint 7055 6947
Coyote Tear
Cat Tear
Fox Tear
Deer Tear
Snake Tear
Rat Tear
Squirrel Tear
Crops of Freemarch
Crops of Freemarch
As the breadbasket of the Mathosian Empire, Freemarch is known for the numerous crops grown in its rich soil.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Portrait of the March
Pearl Barley
Sun Squash
Crucia's Psychic Presence
Crucia's Psychic Presence
Crucia carefully monitors her minions, leaving behind her psychic presence wherever they have been.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
Necropolis Roof Top
Camp Tallon Barricade
Stormhold Cyborg Plant
The Pus Swamp Turrets
Mired Convoy Prison
Crustacean Trophies
Crustacean Trophies
The finest specimens of shellfish caught in the waters of Telara.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in various Mathosia Zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
Trophy Lobster
Trophy Coral Prawn
Trophy Isle Crab
Trophy Striated Crab
Trophy Burrowing Crab
Trophy Ironshell Crab
Trophy Powdernose Crab
Curses of Gloamwood
Curses of Gloamwood
There are many curses inflicted upon the people of Gloamwood Pines.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
The Curse of Gloamwood
Shadowy Doom
Delilath's Curse
Cyclops Gladiator Gear
Cyclops Gladiator Gear
This is gear from the gladiator pits that the cyclops were stuck in for many centuries.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Gladiator Shiv
Gladiator Shield
Gladiator Collar
Gladiator Mask
Gladiator Chest Piece
Dacia Ultan
Dacia Ultan
This appears to be a page from the Bahmi hunter Dacia Ultan.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Dacia Ultan - Page 2
Dacia Ultan - Page 3
Dacia Ultan - Page 4
Dacia Ultan - Page 5
Dacia Ultan - Page 6
Danye's Masterpieces
Danye's Masterpieces
The condemned souls think they are just songs, but Danye knows better.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Iconic Fire Spider
Candy for All
Fix Hellhounds
Dargal the Pyromancer
Dargal the Pyromancer
High in the tower of Farsight sits Dargal the Pyromancer, who seethes at the world and burns with rage.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Flametouched Cinders
Dry Tinders
Candle of Meditation
Book of Wildfire
Scale Brand
Dark of Faeness
Dark of Faeness
Vadejon Kolbaso’s masterwork novel of a mortal soul’s descent into the horror of the untamed forest.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
Colonel Joshua
Crocnard Attacks
The Men Who Would Be Plants
Cambion Loci
Darkening Deeps
Darkening Deeps
Since their arrival in the age of Dragons, the goblins have dug deep under the forest of Gloamwood, only to periodically boil forth as a plague upon the land.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
Finger Bone Prayer Necklace
Stolen Leather Breeches
Human Ear
Elfskin Drum
Dead Simon
Dead Simon
The remains of this unfortunate adventurer are scattered all over Telara.
These artifacts can be picked up in any of the Mathosian zones.
Vine-Choked Simon
Sacrificed Simon
Charred Simon
Pulverized Simon
Frozen Simon
Death Denied
Death Denied
Found Adventuring in Freemarch
These artifacts can be found while in Instant Adventure groups in Freemarch. During the adventure, a special mob called ‘Bludfeng’ will spawn that will drop the artifact. This happens super rarely.
You could try to farm them by setting up a target macro for the mob and then joing IA randomly to see if it is the right zone.
Sanctified Wraps
Ancient Embalming Fluid
Offering to the Fallen
Deep Master Tomes
Deep Master Tomes
These tomes are carried by members of the Abyssal cult to instruct them in magics.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Tome of Transmutation
Tome of Obfuscation
Tome of Celerity
Tome of Prophecy
Tome of Enchanting
Deeps Failed Business Ventures
Deeps Failed Business Ventures
Since he was rescued by the dwarves of Hammerknell, Deeps has tried and failed in a variety of business opportunities.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Atragarian Culture
Full Service Illusionist
Self Transforming Fractal Haberdasher
Twitchy Mind Control
Underwater Tea House
Best in Slot Blacksmith
Delegation of Sadness
Delegation of Sadness
A doctrine of discipline used in the Legion to punish officers that have displeased their superiors, but cannot be hanged.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Quest Code
Delicacies of Wilds
Delicacies of Wilds
The bahmi of the Wilds have developed a number of dishes made from the unique plants and creatures of the planes.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Leviathan Khuushuur
Khadluu Barbecue
Sheep Kashk
Wolf Kefir
Babaroo Berry Boortsog
Delilath the Hag
Delilath the Hag
The Hag of Gloamwood plots revenge upon the families of Gloamwood Pines.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
The Curse of Gloamwood
Silverwood Branch
Bleached Human Bones
Mortar and Pestle
Grimoire of the Endless
Duskenleaf Family Locket
Demogos's Treasure Horde
Demogos's Treasure Horde
The nightmare of the wanton is known to covet powerful artifacts to work his will upon the creatures of flame he despises.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Personalities of Draumheim
Gold Plated Goblins
Stack of Culaassyal Tablets
Horde of Troves
Scarn Sympathetic Hatred Poppet
Blood of Azdah
Demonic Binding Reagents
Demonic Binding Reagents
Summoning and binding simple elementals is a spell that most any apprentice can do. For demons it takes special training and equipment.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarlet Gorge, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarlet Gorge, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarlet Gorge
Fall of Rock Ridge
Freemarch Razorback Milk
Silverwood Honey
Sourcestone Bell
Black Candle
The Tome of Names
Dendrome River Fish
Dendrome River Fish
Fisherman have told tales of these fish for years and if there was not evidence in your hand of their existence, I doubt you would be believed either.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Flora and Fauna
Ai’Ai’s Puhi
Snakehead Frankenfish
Dancing Catfish
Dendric Dagon
Misty Moveren
Depths War
Depths War
Carnage from an unseen war is washing to the surface.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Stricken Naga Scales
Sodden Roc Feathers
Sodden Harpy Feathers
Punctured Wisp
Pressure-Crushed Air Elemental
Desert Denizens
Desert Denizens
Most of the creatures that make the burning desert of Ashora their home are nocturnal.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Signs in the Sand
Nocturnal Sand-Shrew
Shade-Cloaked Cobra
Molly's Jackrabbit
Black Scorpion
Desert Scorpions
Desert Scorpions
Long time residents of Ashora know to avoid these inhabitants of the desert.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Signs in the Sand
Green Scorpion
Golden Scorpion
Black Scorpion
Desert Survival Gear
Desert Survival Gear
Only the very well equipped adventurers should venture into the burning deserts of Ashora.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Signs in the Sand
Sturdy Boots
Ashoran Sun Block
Cape and Hood
Qaijiri Thirst Salve
Flint and Tinder
Tough Backpack
Dezul’s List
Dezul’s List
When tending to a Beastlord, forgetting any of these items can lead to a very bad day. Dezul has learned this the hard way.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
Heavy Restraints
Sleeping Powder
Protective Clothing
Empyrean Vhar Prod
Glass Retort
Dime Novels
Dime Novels
Quickly written books printed on cheap paper popular among the Quarry Rats.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarlet Gorge, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarlet Gorge, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarlet Gorge
The Traitor Elf
The Lady of Rockridge
The Planetouched Wife of the Mathosian
Grit & Glory
The Wild Thangs Ride Again
Discarded Architect Constructs
Discarded Architect Constructs
One bug’s junk is your treasure!
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Unidentified Floating Object
Dubious Hokum Detector
Broken Construct Wing
Plant Watering Construct
Pacifistic Golem Construct
Automated Chitin Cleaner
Autonomous Joke Construct
Discarded Armor Pieces
Discarded Armor Pieces
A collection of old, rusted, beaten up, and otherwise useless armor fished up from the lakes and seas of Telara.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Ruined Leather Belt
Ripped Leather Leggings
Rusted Plate Helm
Crude Plate Shoulderguards
Tattered Cloth Robe
Shredded Cloth Gloves
Ancient Horned Helm
Discarded Bottles, Vials, and Flasks
Discarded Bottles, Vials, and Flasks
This answers the question of where all those used Health Potions go.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Dull Fancy Bottle
Previously-used Potion
Mostly-used Potion
Rusty Metal Flask
Well-used Canteen
Ancient Exquisite Flask
Ancient Glorious Bottle
Discarded Weapons
Discarded Weapons
These weapons have been sitting at the bottom of lakes and seas for a long time.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Discarded Torch
Rusted Axe
Rusty Shovel
Old Bronze Rifle
Barnacled Polearm
Grime-covered Dagger
Mostly-broken Fishing Pole
Distant Fleet Backstories
Distant Fleet Backstories
The Distant Fleet is made up of mortal creatures that have wandered very far from their home worlds. What else to do than take up piracy?
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Conflict in Tarken
Thet Naval Disaster
Legion Ship Jump
Yahmat Child
Reverse Rift
Abyssal Mind Change
Divine Landing
Divine Landing
As the Vigil returns Ascended Guardians to Divine Landing, the forces of Maelforge rise to prevent this miracle.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Mark of Maelforge
Scorched Armor
Cyril's Holy Symbol of the Vigil
Divine Words of Power
Divine Words of Power
Taking physical form, this divine utterance brought creation into its present form.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Glyph of Truth
Glyph of Compassion
Glyph of Balance
Glyph of Law
Glyph of Doom
Doctor Visek
Doctor Visek
In Mathosia he was the chief surgeon to the tyrant king. In death he had the time to take his study of fleshcraft further.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Shadetouched Suture
Necrotic Preserving Fluid
Journal of Failed Experiments
The Elegiac Papyrus
Ethian Magnetic Imaging Device
Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl's Medical Journal
Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl's Medical Journal
The demented scribblings of Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl depicting grisly procedures of successful and failed attempts at merging man and machine.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl's Medical Journal - Page 2
Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl's Medical Journal - Page 3
Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl's Medical Journal - Page 4
Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl's Medical Journal - Page 5
Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl's Medical Journal - Binder
Doodles of the Pelladane Marines
Doodles of the Pelladane Marines
The Pelladane Marines have taken to doodling on the most improbable places.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Learning about Lycini
Bar smiled here
Ceadda flipped here
Yuno asked here
Private Ears died here
Dormant Runeshards
Dormant Runeshards
These runes no longer carry any power.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Dingy Toughness
Dreary Insight
Dull Potency
Faded Rage
Faint Recondite
Tarnished Vengeance
Lackluster Tenacity
Dragon Eggs of Gedlo
Dragon Eggs of Gedlo
If you can get your hands on one without being eaten, they are highly prized by collectors.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Gedlo and Behold
Flaming Dragon Egg
Emerald Dragon Egg
Amber Dragon Egg
Azure Dragon Egg
Amethyst Dragon Egg
Drained Forest
Drained Forest
Living things contain far more source than inanimate objects, hence forests being a great source for source.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Source Collector
Source Depleted Gravel
Exhausted Source Mine
Residual Radiation
Source Infused Bark Beetle
Dramatis Personae
Dramatis Personae
Characters of note involved in the Nightmare Saga.
These artifacts are picked up in a special instanced version of Port Scion. To acces this, you will need to complete quest 22 of the Saga of Lord Arak, then place the Orphiel dimension NPC in your dimension and wait for him to open up the portal.
Asha Catari
Cyril Kalmar
Anthousa Mona
Shyla Starhearth
Orphiel Farwind
Lord Arak
Draum's Tropical Dreams
Draum's Tropical Dreams
The primordial Risar of Dreams, Draum has created the plane of water through each of his epoch long slumbers.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Warm Shallows
Bright Colors
Dazzling Caustics
Distant Songs
Safe Coves
At once ordinary, extraordinary and strange, one cannot spend much time in Draumheim without a growing sense of ill ease.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Personal Planar Invasion
The Faceless Man
Attorneys Generalissimo
Brief Face of Military Codes
Jellyfish Interpreter
Ghar Paste
Accidental Death of a Pyromancer
Sedge Grass Effigy Festival
Gold Plated Goblins
Matching Unicorn Mounts
Blue Gum Eucalyptus of Doom
Ten Dreams Per Second Lag
Dread Flora of Tarken
Dread Flora of Tarken
Some glacial plants are best avoided.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Full-stomached Snowbulb
Slashpetal Snowglory
Razor Spikeleaf
Icethorn Tempestflower
Dreaded Personal Effects
Dreaded Personal Effects
Sundry odds and ends carried by crewmembers of the Dread Fortune.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Infernal Dawn: Laethys.
Trusty Flintlock
Bottle of Rum
Grappling Hook
Broken Snow Globe
Dream Dust
Dream Dust
These magical powders can be used to induce dreams of specific types.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Dream Dust of Love
Fearful Dream Dust
Dream Dust of Lust
Peaceful Dream Dust
Dream Dust of Rage
Dreams of Telaran Avifauna
Dreams of Telaran Avifauna
These Telaran creatures are like penguins, yet they fly through air instead of water.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Rosy Sparrow-petrel
Telaran Flitterer
Eastern Lapwing
Viridian Sparrow-petrel
Checkered Lapwing
Well, this wood is certainly no longer useful. Or is it?
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Petrified Log
Soggy Runebirch Log
Thorned Driftwood
Rugged Driftwood
Clump of Useless Sticks
Rotten Thorned Driftwood
Ancient Waterlogged Redwood
Droughtlands Fishing Trophies
Droughtlands Fishing Trophies
A collection of all the varieties of fish available in areas of Droughtlands.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in Droughtlands.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Collection of Trophies
A Big Collection of Trophies
A Bigger Collection of Trophies
Trophy Pale Flycatcher
Trophy Aestivating Nautilus
Trophy Burrowing Crab
Trophy Desert Greenling
Trophy Droughtlands Puffer
Ducks of the Frozen Wastes
Ducks of the Frozen Wastes
A few hardy ducks have thick enough down to survive Tarken’s sub-freezing temperatures.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Parrot-mimic Duck
Glacier-climbing Mallard
Stately Yellowbill
Telaran Mallard
Elegant Duck
Dusken Delightful Recipes
Dusken Delightful Recipes
The townsfolk of Dusken have kept record of their most popular cooking recipes.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
The History of Seratos
Marrow Milk
Tusker Bacon
Bonebreaker Kabob
Hardy Nutrient Soup
Critter Wrap
Dusken Townsfolk Mementos
Dusken Townsfolk Mementos
Mementos from the past lives of those who lived in Dusken Spires during Brevane’s prosperous years.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
The History of Seratos
Town Crier’s Bell
Mayor’s Key
Bard’s Lute
Book Clerk’s Coin Purse
Clothier’s Measuring Tape
Earth Lieutenant Gems
Earth Lieutenant Gems
These gems are carried through by creatures from the Plane of Earth.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Myrmidons of the Earth
Crystalline Earth Gem
Radiant Earth Gem
Jagged Earth Gem
Runic Earth Gem
Flawless Earth Gem
Eastern Holdings
Eastern Holdings
Several of the large family estates were in the east, probably due to the better weather.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Whirligigs and Doohickeys
Equipment Maintenance
Avendrus Tiara
Livestock Feed
An Escapement Mechanism
Dream Dust of Rage
Terrormaw Pups are Dangerous Too
Commons Stout
Edicts of Crucia
Edicts of Crucia
With the arrival of Crucia to Brevane, her subjects now must labor under her direct rule.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Compulsory Conscription
Tithe your Offspring
Electroshock Group Therapy
Law of the First Thought
Happy Thoughts, Happy Thoughts
Elven Affects
Elven Affects
Remnants of the Kelari elves of Ember Isle, lost either to fear or transformation.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Living Root Hair Tie
Intertwined Vine Necklace
Fire Squirrel Trap
Preserved Finger
Karris' Priest Vestments
Ember Isle
Ember Isle
The Ember Isles are the old homeland of the Kelari, and destination of the Farclan dwarves.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Turret Repair Manual
Solya's Leopard-Print Bikini
Globe of Fireflies
Last Words Before the Transformation
Bearded Skull
Karris' Priest Vestments
Jungle Flora Wedding Band
Intricately Runed Hammer
Skull Wand
Maelforge's Claw Tip
Imprint of a Kiss in the Sand
Ember Isle Fishing Trophies
Ember Isle Fishing Trophies
A collection of all the varieties of fish available in areas of Ember Isle.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in Ember Isle.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Collection of Trophies
A Big Collection of Trophies
A Bigger Collection of Trophies
Trophy Glossy Mackerel
Trophy Ember Stoneskin
Trophy Deep Ray
Trophy Amphibious Jelly
Trophy Ash Shark
Emberlord Ereetu
Emberlord Ereetu
This demonic lord of chaos and flame delights in causing conflict and suffering. His hand is found in disasters across history.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Wanton Tribes
Flayed Skin
Bloodmagic Sacrifice
Ereetu's Mark
Empty Treasure Chests
Empty Treasure Chests
The contents of these chests have long since been claimed by other adventurers.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Empty Steel Case
Rusted Treasure Chest
Broken Lockbox
Discarded Gift Box
Not-So-Strong Strongbox
Expensive-looking Chest
Sunken Demonic Chest
Empyrean Miracle Machines
Empyrean Miracle Machines
The ancient Brevanes created many devices of magical origin.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
History of the Cape
Self-Admiring Statues
Radiant Roof Tiles
Longing Foyers
Empyrean Technology
Empyrean Technology
At the height of the Brevanic Empire new inventions using Empyrean Mechanics were an almost daily event.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Planar Manipulation Wrench
Karthite Forge
Multi-Channel Observation Orb
Microfilament Adjustment Calipers
Rock Shaping Beam Scalpel
Endless Beginnings
Endless Beginnings
Becoming an everliving abomination is never easy. Those who have studied the process know how to prepare.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Alchemical Preserving Wraps
Rag Paper
Emotional Focus
Diary of Eternity
Endless Necromancer Skulls
Endless Necromancer Skulls
These skulls are carried by the necromancers of the Endless Court as foci of their dark powers.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Skull of the Troll
Skull of the Arachnid
Skull of the Rune Goblin
Skull of the Demon Lord
Skull of the Fallen King
Enrinke's Missing Artifacts
Enrinke's Missing Artifacts
Enrinke lent these artifacts to various scholars in Meridian for study, and they have not yet been returned.
These artifacts are found in Meridian. They are part of a tutorial quest that shows you how to pick up artifacts and then hand in the set for your rewards.
Curious Seed
Eth Geology Equipment
Eth Geology Equipment
The Eth Colony of Hamatu was primarily a research station that was studying the Plane of Fire here in Ashenfell. They are gone, but their equipment remains.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Dusted Off Shinys
Crust Buster Fracture Drill
Hyper Accurate Thermometer
Temblor Inducer
Lepidoptera Class Atmosphere Antagonizer
Thermos of Still Piping Hot Magma
Evidence of a Legend
Evidence of a Legend
Rumor and myth seem to indicate a massive battle in the past and some truly terrible weapon that was used. But what that was and who fought the battle is not known.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Academy Research Papers
Notes from an Ashoran Excavation
A Fragment of Karthite Armor
A Book of Frightening Children's Tales
Evidence of Bears
Evidence of Bears
Mutant bears are becoming more numerous and as they do signs of them become more common.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Raided Picnic Basket
Claw Marks
Fresh Tracks
Exarch Invader Fae Artifacts
Exarch Invader Fae Artifacts
These artifacts of the Plane of Life are carried by the Exarch Invaders from Greenscale’s realm.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Life.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Faebound Collector
Corrupt Petals
Choking Spores
Parasite Vines
Hawthorn Scroll
Faerie Contract
Exarch Invader Flame Artifacts
Exarch Invader Flame Artifacts
The Exarch Invaders from the Plane of Fire carry these smoking artifacts.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Fire.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Flamebound Collector
Flash Paper
Consumed Incense
Source Ignition
Vision of Combustion
Inferno Remnant
Exarch Invader Shade Artifacts
Exarch Invader Shade Artifacts
These shade artifacts can be found on the bodies of Exarch Invaders from the Plane of Death.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Death.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Shadebound Collector
Death Shroud
Funerary Urn
Ferryman's Toll
Undead Testimonial
Vorpal Mask
Exarch Invader Stone Artifacts
Exarch Invader Stone Artifacts
Exarch Invaders from the Plane of Earth relinquish these artifacts upon their demise.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Earth.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Stonebound Collector
Carved Marble
Gypsum Splinters
Hematite Award
Turquoise Ornament
Lapis Curio
Exarch Invader Storm Artifacts
Exarch Invader Storm Artifacts
The Exarchs of Storms invade with these artifacts carried from the Plane of Air.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Air.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Stormbound Collector
Gale Feather
Bottled Deluge
Tempest Trophy
Beaded Lightning
Voltaic Key
Exarch Invader Tide Artifacts
Exarch Invader Tide Artifacts
These tidal artifacts are prized possessions of those Exarch Invaders from the Plane of Water.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Water.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Tidebound Collector
Crustacean Limb
Drenched Message
Treasure of Mer
Whirlpool Stone
Ocean Chalice
Exotic Aqua Flora
Exotic Aqua Flora
Remarkable and exotic plants found in the waters of Telara.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Thin Kelpmire
Thick Kelpmire
Green Coral Branch
Dark Red Coral Branch
Blue Coral Branch
Unusual Glowing Water Plant
Effervescent Coral Branch
Exotic Materials
Exotic Materials
These materials are common in Telara, but rare in the Plane of Water.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dry Leaf
Dry Cloth
Dry Towel
Expedition Packing Regrets
Expedition Packing Regrets
When the Defiants and Guardians expeditions were formed in Iron Pine Peaks, insufficient instruction on what to pack was given.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
Fabulous Shoes
Unabridged Novel
Melty Chocolate Bar
Lost Courage
Extinct Creatures of the Gedlo Badlands
Extinct Creatures of the Gedlo Badlands
There used to be a lot more things to hunt in the Gedlo Badlands.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Gedlo and Behold
Unusual Deer
Gedlonian Duck
Crested Coyote
Fire Squirrel
Six Legged Grouse
Taranis Capercaillie
Extinct Goboran Life
Extinct Goboran Life
When the seas drained, some species were eradicated completely.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Crinkle Crab
Moon Urchin
Reticulated Sea Turtle
Mossy Octopus
Trench Urchin
Extraplanar Seeds
Extraplanar Seeds
The planes exerted their influence on the entire life cycle of the flora of Brevane. These are example of how the seeds of various plants have been affected.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Flora and Fauna
Floating Seed
Leaden Seed
Coiled Seed
Inflated Seed Pod
Glowing Spores
Ezael's Nicknacks
Ezael's Nicknacks
A broken spoon? A tooth filling? Tattered piece of string? Only someone like Ezael would find these worth keeping.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
Half Used Bar of Soap
Worn-Out Playing Card
Broken Instrument
Stale Loaf of Bread
Ezael's Moonshine
Fae and Fire
Fae and Fire
Found Adventuring in Silverwood
These artifacts can be found while in Instant Adventure groups in Silverwood. During the adventure, a special mob called ‘Crackles’ will spawn that will drop the artifact. This happens super rarely.
You could try to farm them by setting up a target macro for the mob and then joing IA randomly to see if it is the right zone.
Gedlo Blossom
Scorched Fae Dagger
Singed Granitewood
Fae Archon Artifacts
Fae Archon Artifacts
Archons of the Plane of Life spill into Telara possessing these artifacts.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Life.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Faebound Collector
Living Vines
Corrupted Harvest
Faecharged Keepsake
Living Twig of the Idol
Mask of the Woods
Fae Dust
Fae Dust
The fae of Faering Woods have dust that they use to create various effects on the people of Moonshade.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
Powder of Illusion
Powder of Distrust
Powder of Conflagration
Powder of Growth
Fae Herald Artifacts
Fae Herald Artifacts
Heralds of the Plane of Life carry these artifacts of corrupted life with them into battle.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Life.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Fae Trinket
Fae Concoction
Invader's Living Heart
Fae Missive
Faecharged Ceremonial Blade
Fae Sourcethief Artifacts
Fae Sourcethief Artifacts
Alltha’s fae army held these during her battles to claim the sourcewells for her own.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Life.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Issued Allthan Rations
Shambler Chow
Fae Fertilizer
Glowing Packet of Seeds
Alltha's Discarded Kneepad
Faetouched Mutants
Faetouched Mutants
Something in Cape Jule has been changing the nature of creatures, naturalists in Cape Jule have been studying the changes.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
Wolf Berries
Thorny Mimic
Horned Elm
Corgied Tick
Failed Artifacts
Failed Artifacts
Why they were created or what they actually are is unknown, what is known is that whoever created them has tried several experimental types that didn’t get very far.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Edible Artifacts
Tickling Artifacts
Daydream Artifacts
Stable Artifacts
Rainbow Artifacts
Non-sparkling Artifacts
Failed Fortress Siege Attempts
Failed Fortress Siege Attempts
The walls encircling the Xarth Mire fortress are high and wide, not to mention spiky. Getting over, under or through is seldom easy.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Bogling Bone Ladder Collapse
Lashvine Rope Rash
Tunnel Drowning
Cannon Backfire
Sacrificial Victim
Famed Artworks of Zeuxis
Famed Artworks of Zeuxis
The district of Zeuxis was famed for its ability to inspire artists and creative thinkers from across the planes.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Something Tempesty
Post Conceptual Idea Barrel
Accidental Death of a Pyromancer
This is not a Dream
Girl Attacked by Clam
Family Crests of Gloamwood
Family Crests of Gloamwood
Gloamwood was settled long ago by Mathosian clans. Some of the ancient family lines still persist to this day.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
The Curse of Gloamwood
Family Feud
Family Feud
Nobody can remember what started the rivalry between these two great houses, just that it was a very long time ago.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
Western Holdings
Soros Plans of Revenge
Cassana Signs of Disrespect
An Unforgivable Snub
Farclan Relics
Farclan Relics
A collection of Farclan objects used in their day-to-day lives.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Malgam Polish
Feathered Headdress
Octagonal Karini Coin
Elf Ear Necklace
Solya's Leopard-Print Bikini
Favorite Delicacies of Tesni the Ravenous
Favorite Delicacies of Tesni the Ravenous
Like any Gnar, there are some treats Tesni enjoys more than others.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Planebreaker Bastion.
Fresh Lava
Own Offspring
Feilbocan Delicacies
Feilbocan Delicacies
Why is it that ‘Delicacies’ seems to be code for something truly disgusting?
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Shiny Collecting Unscathed
Fermented Cow Slobber
Braised Beetle Soup
Blueberry Pie
Slug Jerky
Spider Silk Souffle
Fell Cred
Fell Cred
Names of Condemned Souls to pick a fight with in order to earn a rep on your first day in Ashenfell.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Hatchet Job
Mickey Morose
Skinny Dan
Just Screaming
Fen Gorge Geology
Fen Gorge Geology
The outlandish limestone structures of Fen Gorge have long been a source of fascination to geologists.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Straw Stalactite
Pockmarked Stone
Brittle Slate
Water-Worn Pebble
Metamorphic Rock
Fezziled's 100 Ways to Cook a Fae
Fezziled's 100 Ways to Cook a Fae
The mad hermit Fezziled has been working on a cookbook of various ways he has found to cook the fae folk.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
Pickled Satyr Hooves Recipe
Bogling Ear Stew Recipe
Candied Fae Toes Recipe
Shambler Flank Recipe
Crispy Fried Fae Gizzard Recipe
Field Study of the Well
Field Study of the Well
This looks to be paper torn from a field researcher studying the Well in Stonefield.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Myrmidons of the Earth
Field Study of the Well - Page 2
Field Study of the Well - Page 3
Field Study of the Well - Page 4
Field Study of the Well - Page 5
Finric's First Six New Year's Resolutions
Finric's First Six New Year's Resolutions
Enslaved as a hatchling by the Scoundrels, Finric did his best to ingratiate himself to his masters. For a time.
This set can be found in the level 65 Chronicle: Rhen Of Fate.
Seaside Collector
Stop Over Salting the Crew's Stew
Don't Get Caught Taking Extra Bites of Bread
Practice With Weapons When No One Is Watching
Kill the Chief and Take His Place
Murder Anyone Who Opposes Me
Finric's Mammal Observations
Finric's Mammal Observations
Finric, last of clutch, has been following around strange creature, new to the Plane of Water and recording his observations.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Atragarian Culture
Trackable Odor
Herbivore Teeth
Carnivore Gut
Moody Thoughts
Resplendent Beauty
Fire Idols
Fire Idols
These idols are fashioned to resemble various demons and devils from the Plane of Fire, evidence of the Quarry Rats’ misguided faith in the protection of the fire lords.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarlet Gorge, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarlet Gorge, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarlet Gorge
Fall of Rock Ridge
Bukavac Idol
Furcas Idol
Labal Idol
Neqa'el Idol
Fish of Solace
Fish of Solace
The Lake of Solace is a bountiful source of seafood for the people of Freemarch and beyond.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Portrait of the March
Spikeback Minnow
Wide Eyed Guppy
Fish Scales
Fish Scales
An assortment of colorful scales from the aquatic animals of Telara.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Shiny Green Fish Scales
Sharp Brown Fish Scales
Sharp Green Fish Scales
Crystalline Fish Scales
Rough Green Fish Scales
Bright Red Fish Scales
Luminous Fish Scales
Flame Cactus Recipes
Flame Cactus Recipes
Aside from being very dangerous to harvest, Flame Cacti are amazingly delicious if you like spicy food.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Gedlo and Behold
Burning Hot Chili
Diced Cactus Smoldering Salsa
Scorching Stuffed Cactus
Searing Gumbo
Fiery Chowder
Flame Harbinger Artifacts
Flame Harbinger Artifacts
Harbingers of Plane of Fire burn for these artifacts.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Fire.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Flamebound Collector
Flame Spittle
Singed Incantation
Fire Bloom Nectar
Extinguished Flame Badge
Symbol of Incineration
Flame Herald Artifacts
Flame Herald Artifacts
Heralds of the Plane of Fire carry these artifacts with them into battle.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Fire.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Flame Trinket
Burning Brew
Invader's Fiery Heart
Flame Missive
Flamecharged Ceremonial Blade
Flame Sourcethief Artifacts
Flame Sourcethief Artifacts
Scerrion’s forces left these objects behind when trying to take the sourcewells.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Fire.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Cracked Dragonian Crest
List of Scerrion's Conquests
Map of the Sourcewells
Skull of Scerrion's Father
Scerrion's Sacrificial Kris
Flame Vanguard Artifacts
Flame Vanguard Artifacts
Vanguards of the Plane of Fire covet these artifacts when entering glorious battle.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Fire.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Magma Tome
Fire Demon Pendant
Flamewrought Banner
Ceremonial Fire Scepter
Flame Invader's Skull
Flamesired Ritual Tools
Flamesired Ritual Tools
The Flamesired demons of the Andujo volcano have many grisly ritual practices.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
Second-Hand Altar
Ouija Board of Blood
Heart Grill
Ax Notcher
Hollow Dagger
Flora of Dusken
Flora of Dusken
A vast collection of plants found within Dusken Spires.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
Pinophyta Crepusculum Telum
Nymphaeales Crepusculum Telum
Pteridophyta Crepusculum Telum
Lycopodi Crepusculum Telum
Amborella Crepusculum Telum
Dionaea Crepusculum Telum
Bryophyta Crepusculum Telum
Solanum Crepusculum Telum
Chloranthaceae Crepusculum Telum
Cirsium Crepusculum Telum
Gymnocarpae Anthracinus Crepusculum Telum
Flora of the Landquarium
Flora of the Landquarium
Many plants have been formed in the dreams of mortals, the Onir take them to Landquarium so they can continue to grow.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Blackthorn Bloom
Linden Lichen
Lurch Tree
Gnarladon Konngegon Hybrids
Blue Gum Eucalyptus of Doom
Flotsam and Jetsam
Flotsam and Jetsam
All sorts of interesting items wash up on the beaches of The Dendrome.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Driftwood with an Interesting Carving
Plundered Crate
Spoiled Foodstuffs
Vine-Crushed Marble Slab
A Still-Sealed Oil Jar
Flowers from the Royal Garden
Flowers from the Royal Garden
Up until the barrier fell most of these flowers were unique to the royal gardens, now they are beginning to spread elsewhere.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
This set can also be plucked from flowers growing around Kingsward. You can find the locations for this in the Garden Gathering guide.
Kingsward Mementoes
Monarch Memories
Garden Gathering
Queen's Promise
Prince's Posy
Princess's Cowslip
Duke's Daffodil
Flowers of the East
Flowers of the East
Many plants and flowers are unique to the eastern areas of the continent.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Creeper Blossom
Marsh Lily
Dragon's Eye
Food of Silverwood
Food of Silverwood
Created from ingredients harvested from the forest of Silverwood, elven cuisine is refined and delicate.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Raw Jaggedfin with Wine Sauce
Roasted Venison on the Arrow
Creeperbrush Soup with Dumplings
Goblin Heart Jerky
For Maelforge
For Maelforge
This book reveals how Maelforge shaped the Dragonians to his will.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
For Maelforge - Page 2
For Maelforge - Page 3
For Maelforge - Page 4
For Maelforge - Page 5
Fora Burrow Decorations
Fora Burrow Decorations
The Fora decorate their homes beautifully with tasteful arrangements to attract a mate at a dinner party.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Shiny Collecting Unscathed
Iridescent Beetle Wings
Multicolored Mushrooms
Flower Petals
Flamboyant Feathers
Shiny Rocks
Forgotten Items of the Ascended
Forgotten Items of the Ascended
Holy artifacts used by the Ascended of the Vigil to defeat Regulos.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Dwarven Hammer
Mathosian Shield
Elven Dagger
Vigil's Standard
Hammer of the Vigil
Forgotten Wishes
Forgotten Wishes
After years of living underground the hopes and wishes of the survivors become little more than distant memories.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
Forgotten Wish of Annalisa Stuzzi
Forgotten Wish of Isolde Wren
Forgotten Wish of Celeste Locke
Forgotten Wish of Synthia Luna
Forgotten Wish of Gloria Lucia
Fort Zarnost
Fort Zarnost
Detritus from the landing point of the Guardians as they arrived.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Rusty Anchor
Petrified Hard Tack
Well-Worn Vigil Symbol
Bundle of Letters Home
Imprint of a Kiss in the Sand
Fortune's Shore
Fortune's Shore
Fortune’s Shore has survived the Convocation of the Eth as well as the rifts that plague the world. But can you survive its many temptations?
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Cultures of the Desert
List of Gambling Dens
Fermented Nectar
Dancer's Veil
Charm of Enticing Illusions
Stonetouched Spice
Fossils of the Droughtlands
Fossils of the Droughtlands
Many bones from ages long past are found by scavengers and scholars in the Droughtlands.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Tar Preserved Cyclops Eye
Unspoiled Devil Head
Draconic Clawbone
Freemarch Fishing Trophies
Freemarch Fishing Trophies
A collection of all the varieties of fish available in areas of Freemarch.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in Freemarch.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Collection of Trophies
A Big Collection of Trophies
A Bigger Collection of Trophies
Trophy Blue Widemouth
Trophy Normal-Eyed Guppy
Trophy Deep March Eel
Freemarch Warden Gear
Freemarch Warden Gear
The Freemarch Wardens have a set of standard issue gear that makes them easy to distinguish among the people of Freemarch.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Portrait of the March
Freemarch Warden Pendant
Freemarch Warden Tabard
Freemarch Warden Sword
Frontier Foods
Frontier Foods
The Droughtlands have never fully recovered from the Convocation and have remained a difficult place to live, with only the hearty surviving. The common food of the region reflects that.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Longtooth Steak
Scrub Chutney
Stonegazer Stew
Snake Link Sausage
Raptor Jerky
Frouvharheriquir'de Variant Recipes
Frouvharheriquir'de Variant Recipes
The ancient dragon delicacy of the Frouvharheriquir’de has a number of regional variants.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Fungus of Dusken
Fungus of Dusken
All of the death and decay in Dusken Spires has spawned an interesting group of fungi.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
Dwarf Toe
Lady Fingers
Flame Crown
Death Cap
Future Development - Three Springs
Future Development - Three Springs
These notes describe proposals for the further development of Three Springs.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Proposal: Theme Park
Proposal: Fae Ranch
Proposal: Expanded Housing
Proposal: Machine Shop
Gambler's Equipment
Gambler's Equipment
There are as many ways to cheat at gaming as there are players.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Cultures of the Desert
Bone Dice
Cockatrice Collar
Pitching Chip
Stonetouched Cheating Cards
List of Influential Debtors
Gambler's Marks
Gambler's Marks
These cards are given out by the Ironhook dealers to the various gamblers who frequent their halls.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Jakub's Mark
Venda's Mark
Brannigan's Mark
Kid Fang Mark
Wild Kit Mark
Gedlo Badlands
Gedlo Badlands
One of the coldest wastelands in the Plane of Fire. It is still a scorching hot desert that only a goblin could love. Though the Kobolds do throw a nice festival there.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
True Grit
Sober Atrophinius
Worn Gavel
Horrible Recipes
Searing Gumbo
Egil the Unnoticed
Extremely Zesty Vinaigrette
Emerald Dragon Egg
Toothed Doodad
Rotating Contraption
Luminescent Sage
Beat an Ascended
Gedlo Fire Starter
Baby Turtle Soup
Gedlo Flora
Gedlo Flora
Despite the harsh environment some surprisingly beautiful plants thrive in the Gedlo Badlands.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Gedlo and Behold
Luminescent Sage
Flame Cactus
Hot Hyacinthoides
Rainbow Tumbleweed
Glowing Coral Plant
Gedlo Geology
Gedlo Geology
Deserts are wonderful places to study Geology or to eat the odd rock.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Gedlo and Behold
Gedlo Dolomite
Kobold Fanglomerate
Saints Shingle
Compressed Vogesite
Star Pyroclastics
Gedlo Tribes
Gedlo Tribes
The Gedlo are further divided into multiple smaller clans.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Gedlo and Behold
Gaping Chest Wound
Fractured Skullcrushers
Flaming Gut Belchers
Throat Slitters
Punctured Eyeballs
Severed Finger
Gems of the Dendrome
Gems of the Dendrome
Many precious and semi precious gems can be found in the Dendrome, a curious fact though is that they are all various shades of green.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Moss Agate
General Batua's Legacy
General Batua's Legacy
Many of these items have a rich story to tell but you will not hear them from the modest general, unless you catch him after a few flagons of Bunker Brew.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
Monarch Memories
Brevane Military Belt Buckle
Battle-Scarred General's Helmet
Silver Chevron of Bravery
Golden Medal of Service
Batua's Military Blade
General Blythe's Battle Plans
General Blythe's Battle Plans
Plans for the siege of Necropolis and the destruction of the Elder Shapers.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
General Blythe's Battle Plans - Page 2
General Blythe's Battle Plans - Page 3
General Blythe's Battle Plans - Page 4
General Blythe's Battle Plans - Page 5
General Blythe's Battle Plans - Page 6
Ghadaul - Skelf God of War
Ghadaul - Skelf God of War
The skelf pact themselves to powerful entities throughout the seas, yet each makes offerings to Ghadaul, the god of war.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Atragarian Culture
Fang of the Deep
Devourer of the Whispering Fry
Pod Leader of Righteousness
Herald of the Red Tide
Ghar Colony Scraps
Ghar Colony Scraps
The water colony of the Eth Sorcerer Kings, the Ghar colony fell to nightmares of their own creation. The wreckage has washed up in the strangest of places.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Station He Eternal Ice
Station Shin Rended Hull Plating
Station Tet Undecipherable Tablet
Station Eyn Maddening Rubble
Station Prime Crushed Pressure Gauge
Gholing - Avatar Slayer
Gholing - Avatar Slayer
An account of the first clutch of skelf, and the tragedy that befell the avatar of Draum.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Atragarian Culture
Namadraum Leviathan
Gholing, Last in Clutch
The Eclipse
The Frenzy
The Red Sea
Gifts Among the Abyssal
Gifts Among the Abyssal
The Abyssal enjoy obfuscating their gifts in layers of boxes and wrapping. What secrets lay inside are anyone’s guess.
During the Fae Yule World event there are special zone events called ‘Fae Yule Gifts’ where these Artifacts will spawn in little gift boxes around the zone.
Inappropriate Gifts
Aquatic Mount
Spare Tentacle
Stylish Gloves
Arcane Secrets of the Deep
Akylios Plush Doll
Gifts Among the Aelfwar
Gifts Among the Aelfwar
While the Aelfwar might not agree with the Fae on everything, they have embraced Yule tradition.
During the Fae Yule World event there are special zone events called ‘Fae Yule Gifts’ where these Artifacts will spawn in little gift boxes around the zone.
Inappropriate Gifts
Pouch of Exotic Seeds
Sapling Assistant
Adorable Pet Squirrel
Mead of the Faer Realms
Beautifully Gilded Quiver
Gifts Among the Endless Court
Gifts Among the Endless Court
Even among the Endless Court, many cultists exchange gifts during Yule time.
During the Fae Yule World event there are special zone events called ‘Fae Yule Gifts’ where these Artifacts will spawn in little gift boxes around the zone.
Inappropriate Gifts
Gothic Coat
Ancient Crown
Newly-Forged Mathosian Armor
Freshly Baked Cookies
Regulos Bobblehead
Gifts Among the Golden Maw
Gifts Among the Golden Maw
The Golden Maw love the idea of receiving gifts, but the concept of giving them has met with more resistance.
During the Fae Yule World event there are special zone events called ‘Fae Yule Gifts’ where these Artifacts will spawn in little gift boxes around the zone.
Inappropriate Gifts
Lump of Coal That Glitters
Gold Head
Gold Statue
Gold... Something
Bag of Gold
Gifts Among the Storm Legion
Gifts Among the Storm Legion
The members of the Storm Legion find it in their best interest to follow the gift suggestions they receive from higher up the command chain.
During the Fae Yule World event there are special zone events called ‘Fae Yule Gifts’ where these Artifacts will spawn in little gift boxes around the zone.
Inappropriate Gifts
Clockwork Pony
Personal Set of Handcuffs
Next-Generation Storm Legion Helm
Votan Fragger
Flying Mount
Gifts Among the Tormented Fleet
Gifts Among the Tormented Fleet
The Tormented Fleet takes what it wants, and no one wants what they give.
During the Fae Yule World event there are special zone events called ‘Fae Yule Gifts’ where these Artifacts will spawn in little gift boxes around the zone.
Sometimes the Thought is Not All That Counts
Captain's Log
Bucket of Blood
Boarding Hook
Watery Grave
Gifts Among the Wanton
Gifts Among the Wanton
The Wanton have their own ideas about how to best be a light in winter’s darkness…
During the Fae Yule World event there are special zone events called ‘Fae Yule Gifts’ where these Artifacts will spawn in little gift boxes around the zone.
Inappropriate Gifts
Burning Brand of the Wanton
Bottle of High-Proof Alcohol
Handful of Molten Metal
Pyroraptor Hatchling
Fiery Hellbug
Gifts at Margle Palace
Gifts at Margle Palace
Gift-giving at Margle Palace is always a slightly odd affair.
During the Fae Yule World event there are special zone events called ‘Fae Yule Gifts’ where these Artifacts will spawn in little gift boxes around the zone.
Sometimes the Thought is Not All That Counts
Violet Wand
Personal Accountant
The Latest Goth Rock Album
Court Advisor
Illusionary Silverware
Gifts Fit for a Khan
Gifts Fit for a Khan
What do you get for a Khan that has everything?
During the Fae Yule World event there are special zone events called ‘Fae Yule Gifts’ where these Artifacts will spawn in little gift boxes around the zone.
Sometimes the Thought is Not All That Counts
Suit of Armor from Shi-Ming
Suggestive Statuary
Gilded Mirror
Very Cool Sheep
Marvelous Portrait
Gifts from the Cosmic Rhinoceros
Gifts from the Cosmic Rhinoceros
Gifts and boons from the Cosmic Rhinoceros often come from other times or even other realities.
During the Fae Yule World event there are special zone events called ‘Fae Yule Gifts’ where these Artifacts will spawn in little gift boxes around the zone.
Sometimes the Thought is Not All That Counts
New Uniform
Dice Set
Headgear of Rank
Personal Drinking Kit
Shiny Black Monolith
Gifts from the Ghar
Gifts from the Ghar
The gift-giving resources of the Ghar are limited by what they can dream up.
During the Fae Yule World event there are special zone events called ‘Fae Yule Gifts’ where these Artifacts will spawn in little gift boxes around the zone.
Sometimes the Thought is Not All That Counts
Dreams of Being a Crustacean
Limited-Range Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Well-Provisioned Pack
Artifacts Everywhere
Cure for Scurvy
Glass Ceiling
Glass Ceiling
Glass is a great material for making a large variety of objects, but not these things.
These Artifacts are collected inside Toks Dungeon.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
Old School Collector
Glass Anvil
Crystal Boots
Stained Glass Shield
Quartz Glass Tongs
Glass Keys
Lead Glass Nails
Glass Coins
Glass Pickaxe
Annealed Glass Locks
Glass Cart Wheels
Glass Chain
Crystal Cage
Glass Skirt
Glass Crash Helmet
Blue Glass Hammer
Glass Shovel
Quartz Sword
Glass Strongbox
Glass Houses
Quartz Glass Hatchet
Glass Barrel
Glass Alarm Bell
Glass Horseshoes
Glasya's Tools of Corruption
Glasya's Tools of Corruption
Lady Glasya Seir Agarbal Dechanah Incusia Alaviax XIV, Apostate of the Infernal Kingdom, has fled her homeland to corrupt this distant planar realm.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Placatory of Sins
Box of the Devourer
Dagger of Mnothogth
Oculon Resonator
The Gloamwood used to be part of the sacred Silverwood forest of the High Elves. Over time it grew twisted, sinister, hostile and cursed.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
Duskenleaf Family Locket
Dragon Shell Necklace
Cursed Mill Buzz Saw
Mathosian Writ of Knighthood
Beryl the Vampire Slayer
List of Cursed Households
Enlistment Papers
Crest of Aedraxis
Delilath the Hag
Elfskin Drum
Gloamwood Fishing Trophies
Gloamwood Fishing Trophies
A collection of all the varieties of fish available in areas of Gloamwood.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in Gloamwood.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Collection of Trophies
A Big Collection of Trophies
A Bigger Collection of Trophies
Trophy Creeper
Trophy Gloam Eel
Trophy Indigoby
Gloamwood Horrors
Gloamwood Horrors
Gloamwood is a forest infested with the cursed and the damned. There are some horrors that are thankfully rare.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
Count Cyrus's Fang
Rotting Tabard of Morticus
The Nightstalker's Spoor
Scale of Ol' Ness
Athelan's Marred Holy Symbol
Gloamwood Toadstools
Gloamwood Toadstools
Toadstools grow all over Gloamwood, these are some of the most poisonous.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Pines Shade
Gnome Gnames
Gnome Gnames
Each gardegn gnome in Feilbocagn has it’s own ugnique gname.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Goblins of Ember Isle
Goblins of Ember Isle
The goblins of Ember Isle have a similar culture to those of Silverwood.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Scab Snacks
Charred Poker
Man-Flesh Shawl
Stinky Loincloth
Skull Wand
Goboro Coral
Goboro Coral
Goboro Reef contains a variety of unique coral that will all soon die if the waters of Draum do not return.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Atragarian Culture
Purple Obelisk
Yrlwalach Plate
Creeperbrush Chalice
Cephelon Tangle
Goboro Reef
Goboro Reef
Despite the danger it is hard not to marvel at the beauty of Goboro Reef.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Underwater Tea House
Station Tet Undecipherable Tablet
Uncanny Icon
Ode to Koi
Submersible Chime
All Sensing Ocelli
Bright Colors
Oculon Resonator
Plan #38 - Jump Through Fire Rift
Once a mischievous satyr, long the subject of folk tales, the tragedy of Hammerknell changed him and the faer folk of the highlands.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
Skull Etchings
Runebound Prison of Estrode
Granite Falls Brews
Granite Falls Brews
Displaced from their mines, the people of Granite Falls have been looking for consolation in the bottom of a glass and thus become prolific brewers.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Miner's Moonshine
Troll Spittle Ale
Grandpa Kole's Special Brew
Hill Grape Wine
Granite Falls Gin
Grasses of the Dendrome
Grasses of the Dendrome
Some interesting changes have taken place amongst the grasses of the Dendrome, since the arrival of the Bloodstorm.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Flora and Fauna
Wildfire Crab Grass
Twisted Switch Grass
Petrified Bamboo
Great Sacrifices of the Past
Great Sacrifices of the Past
Some of the abominations created by the Tuath’de rituals have been a sight to behold. These are some of the most memorable.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
80-Legged Venom Spitter
Bogling Chimera
Fire Breathing Frogue
Multipod Mantrap
Green Mother’s Baby Names
Green Mother’s Baby Names
Although she has combed countless tombs for inspiration, the Green Mother has been unable to decide on a name she likes and has rejected many suggestions.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Greenscale's Blight: The Fallen Prince
Greenscale's Blight: The Fallen Prince
A collection of items found within the Chronicle Greenscale’s Blight: The Fallen Prince.
This set can be found in the level 50 Chronicle: Greenscale’s Blight, and the level 65 Chronicle: Intrepid Greenscale’s Blight.
Deathtouched Leaf
Faerie Finger
Lock of Hylas' Hair
Atrophinius' Mead Cork
Empty Bottle of Mead
Greenscale Scale
Hoof Shaving
Lifebloom Butterfly
Wisp Dust
Greenscale's Landing
Greenscale's Landing
It is said that it was in the area now known as the Dendrome that Greenscale first set claw upon Telara.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Everblooming Flower
Impression of a Claw in Clay
Moss-Choked Bark
Scraped Scale
Fang of Greenscale
Gustus' Favorite Excuses
Gustus' Favorite Excuses
When something works, Gustus sticks with it.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Gustus' 4th Favorite Excuse
Gustus' 3rd Favorite Excuse
Gustus' 2nd Favorite Excuse
Gustus' Favorite Excuse
Gustus' Gear
Gustus' Gear
Whether it was guarding, fishing or swimming, Gustus did it to the best of his ability… which was badly.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Gustus' Dented Breastplate
Gustus' Uneaten Lunch
Gustus' Chewed Gauntlet
Gustus' Well Gnawed Helm
Gyel Remnants
Gyel Remnants
The Tree of Gyel was an ancient coral bloom dating back the Kamoho Ocean. It found verdant purchase upon the Goboro Reef only to be corrupted the devil Glasya.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Transitioning Fire Coral
Bleeding Burning Rusting Strut
Iron Girder
Living Ash
Hailol Brewing
Hailol Brewing
The sheer variety and number of alcoholic beverages being brewed, fermented, distilled and mixed at Hailol is nothing short of astonishing.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Groped Grappa
Ludicrously Strong Liquor
Champagne Fountain
Satyr Sake
Bubbling Brandy
Brownie Boilermaker
Faerie Fizz
Hailol Sunrise
Drunken Druid
Pinker Pink Lady
Entish Cosmo
Green Dragon
Fae Fix
Jungle Julep
Hot and Cold Toddy
Pink and Tan
The Atrophinius
Faeberry Jello Shot
Telaran Tequila
Pixie Surprise
Mote Madness
Saucy Sylph
Natural Colada
Faunish Whiskey
Naughty Nymph
Elderberry Wine
Wildfire Crab Grass Delight
Kelari Kiola
Hailol Homebrew
Northern Cross Ale
Hailol Party Litter
Hailol Party Litter
Sure looks like they had a good time.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Faerie Lingerie
Party Hat
Half Drunk Bottle of Mead
Odd Party Favors
Wine Stained Napkin
Embarrassing Note
Half Eaten Drumstick
Tapped Keg
Hallucinations After Taking a Dip in Gedlo Badlands
Hallucinations After Taking a Dip in Gedlo Badlands
Did I really see that?
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Seastone Juststone
Sober Atrophinius
Female Dwarves with Beards
The delve city of Hammerknell was once the great wonder of the north. A city of forged miracles, it fell to the rifts.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
The Fall of the Dwarves
Runebound Clockwork
Door Fragment
Living Brasswork
Ravings of Doom
Maps to Interior Harbor
Hammerknell: Runes of Corruption
Hammerknell: Runes of Corruption
A collection of items found within the Chronicle Hammerknell: Runes of Corruption.
This set can be found in the level 50 Chronicle: Hammerknell, and the level 65 Chronicle Intrepid: Hammerknell.
Murdantix Molar
Dwarven Dice
Rune Vessel Shard
Ancient Runic Decoration
Murdantix Skin Sample
Deathtouched Fragment
Rune Vessel Dust
Murdantix Fang
Ceremonial Dwarven Hammer
Hangover Remedies of the Fae
Hangover Remedies of the Fae
There are almost as many remedies for this frighteningly common ailment as there are causes.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Savage Bacon
Mouse Massage
Puppet Show Afternoon
Never Stop Partying
Pan’s Panacea
Hazing Committee Supplies
Hazing Committee Supplies
A collection of pranks and practical jokes guaranteed to make any freshmen feel welcome at Quicksilver College.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Marked Tarot Cards
Girdle of Gender Change
Hedfell Farms Cooking Book
Hedfell Farms Cooking Book
This famed Onir farm has supplied Draumheim with innovative food during the Revolutionary Tribulations.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Gravemaker Haggis
Architect Larvae Escamoles
Skelf Millennial Egg
Leviathan Lutefisk
Ghar Paste
Helena Brass's Leaflets
Helena Brass's Leaflets
Helena Brass’s efforts to clean up the corruption of Lantern Hook have been spread through pamphlets prolifierated among its residents.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Slavery to Debt
Ironhook Crimes
Hygiene and You
Hero Generation
Hero Generation
A decade has passed since the Ascended first fought and bled for a brighter future.
These artifacts are collected from the carnival instant adventures.
Each time you kill a boss you will be awarded with a Celebration Bag which will contain a random artifact towards this set.
True Veteran
Chieftain of the Tribes
Protector of the Lands
Elder Sage
Memorial Statue
Complete Bard Saga
Mighty Quest Against All Odds
A New Hero
Heroes of Telara
Heroes of Telara
These shining examples of true heroism gave of themselves to protect the smallest and most vulnerable among us.
These artifacts can be picked up in any of the Mathosian, Storm Legion, and Nightmare Tide zones.
The First Unknown Hero
The Second Unknown Hero
High Elven Culture
High Elven Culture
The High Elves were the first race of Telara. Their covenant with Tavril to act as stewards for Telara defined them until recently.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Mirror of Ages
Bag of Seeds
Silken Ties
List of Family Lines to Prune
Prophecy Diary
History of the High Elves
History of the High Elves
Historian Gulgot Rampnor’s sprawling history of the High Elves.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Mirror of Ages
The Covenant
Kelari Heresy
The Fight against the Dragons
Ethian Oppression
The Mathosian Alliance
Hive Construction
Hive Construction
The building methods and techniques employed by the Architects are all but impossible to reproduce.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Silicon Calculating Matrix
Sand and Vomit Adhesive
Egg Sac Energy Storage
Dragonbone Pillar
Nexus Pit
Thermal Ventilation
Hive Exploration
Hive Exploration
Built by the Architects, Hive Kaaz’Gfuu has recently endured the presence of interlopers, including the Awakened cultists and Ascended adventurers.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit.
Through Their Leader, Our Queen Reborn.
Architect Pheromones
Inyra’s Home Surgery Kit
Radiant Porphyry
Awakened Diary: Success?
Hoarded Coins
Hoarded Coins
Currencies of various types and eras have found their way into the clutches of Laethys, never again to see the light of day.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Infernal Dawn: Laethys.
Mathosian Quarter Stack
Ethian Gold Standard
Kelari Fenye
Silver Regal
Brevane Imper
Liberty Half Taler
Holdings Accounts
Holdings Accounts
Maintaining the great estates took a lot of planning and careful record keeping.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Family Estates
An Accounting of Spoilage
Field Hands' Payroll
Skimmed Off the Top
Seed Costs
Livestock Feed
Equipment Maintenance
Holy Relics from Primeval Feast
Holy Relics from Primeval Feast
These are mystical artifacts from the worshipers of Greenscale
Looted from the bosses in the level 50 Primeval Feast raid.
Pages from the Word of Greenscale
Hunt or Be Hunted
Hunt or Be Hunted
The Hunting Grounds have always been a dark forest of Predators even before the Tuath’de moved in.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Shiny Collecting Unscathed
Scatharran Prowler
Tracking Techniques
Learn To Stealth
Swamp Dragon
Gored by Squirrelicorn
Hylas and Shyla
Hylas and Shyla
These tear stained sonnets and personal correspondences have been scattered by the winds.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Mirror of Ages
An Account of Hylas's Coming of Age
Shyla and Hylas's Errant Journey
Love in Overwatch Keep
The Shade War
Green Eyed Monster
Ice Statues
Ice Statues
The people of Iron Pine bring a little bit of levity into their lives with these humorous ice statues.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Ale Mug Ice Statue
Ice Skull Statue
Icons of the March Wardens
Icons of the March Wardens
These artifacts drop from the Intrepid Instant Adventure reward caches.
Geometric Sun Icon
Bound Hammers Icon
Gold Drake Icon
Winged Helm Icon
Twin Lion Icon
Individuals Not Made Into Statues
Individuals Not Made Into Statues
Despite lifetimes of trying some individuals will never have statues erected in their honor.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Bard the Mancermancer
Brit the Unhydrated
Asmonzoady the Mildly Petulant
Egil the Unnoticed
Darn the Undevoured Parasitic Twin
Inexplicable Tongs
Inexplicable Tongs
Sometimes Telarans’ dreams are filled with lovely songs. Sometimes they’re filled with lovely… what?
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dwarven Tongs
Blacksmith's Tongs
Tweezer Tongs
Long-nosed Tongs
Salad Tongs
Infernal Dawn: Laethys
Infernal Dawn: Laethys
In a Sliver universe, Laethys survived the first attempts on her life and nearly came to invade our world. Historians in that realm will chronicle her eventual defeat.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Infernal Dawn: Laethys.
Pickled Sea Horse
Ant in Amber
Liberty Half Taler
White Tulips
The Watchers Invade
Infinity Gate Architectural Plans
Infinity Gate Architectural Plans
The greatest minds of the Brevane Empire created the plans to build the Infinity Gate. Copies of the plans still exist, but the shorthand has proved impossible to decipher.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Finding Infinity
Infinity Gate Architectural Plans - Page 2
Infinity Gate Architectural Plans - Page 3
Infinity Gate Opposition Flyers
Infinity Gate Opposition Flyers
Many members of the Brevane Empire were opposed to the construction of the Infinity Gate. Thousands of flyers were printed and dispersed in a vain attempt to thwart the project.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Finding Infinity
The Infinity Gate. Who Needs It?
The Planes – Unanswered Questions
The Dangerous Planes
The Infinity Gate and Your Taxes
Elementals Will Steal Your Jobs
Infinity Gate Pieces
Infinity Gate Pieces
These devices were all part of the original Infinity Gate.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Finding Infinity
Distortion Array
Elemental Interference Field
Levitation Drive
Dimensional Redistributor
Intact Runebound Vessels
Intact Runebound Vessels
The dwarves of Moonshade Found ways to find planar beings with runes in various pieces of machinery in Hammerknell.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
The Fall of the Dwarves
Rune of Light
Rune of Heat
Rune of Fragrance
Rune of Motion
Rune of Endurance
Invasive Species
Invasive Species
Traveling to new shores inevitably brings some unnoticed hitchhikers. Both the Dendrome and Silverwood can trace some of their flora and fauna back to Scatherran.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Shiny Collecting Unscathed
Eathelin Knotweed
Bainbridge Ivy
Arnurna Ground Squirrel
Silverwood Perch
Silver Lilly
Inyra’s Personal Possessions
Inyra’s Personal Possessions
In her haste to learn the power of the Architects to gain dominion over Telara, Mistress Inyra misplaced a few of the items she’s collected throughout her life.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit.
Inyra’s Comb
Inyra’s Fiddle
Inyra’s Kerchief
Inyra’s Scented Candle
Inyra’s Fancy Hat
Inyra’s Perfume
Inyra’s Home Surgery Kit
Iron Cohort
Iron Cohort
Some key players and tactics of the Iron Cohort.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Crucia’s Crew
Tribuni Clodius
Vexillarii Drusus
Indefatigable Soldiers
Weight of Numbers
Endless Supply
Iron Pine Peak
Iron Pine Peak
The highest mountains in Telara, Iron Pine Peak has a long history of battle and secrets.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Blood of the Innocent
Prophecy of Combat
Map of the Prison
Blade of the Champion
White Dragonscale
Borte's Battle Plans
Notes on the Ritual
First Oaths of the Icewatch - Page 6
Bahmi in the North - Page 6
Iron Pine Peak Fishing Trophies
Iron Pine Peak Fishing Trophies
A collection of all the varieties of fish available in areas of Iron Pine Peak.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in Iron Pine Peak.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Collection of Trophies
A Big Collection of Trophies
A Bigger Collection of Trophies
Trophy Striated Crab
Trophy Coldwater Seabug
Trophy Serene Flatfish
Trophy Glacier Octopus
Trophy Icebiter
Ironwood Boughs
Ironwood Boughs
The Ironwood lumber industry sustains this region, even though these days the lumberjacks only pick at the remains of the once great forest.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Thorny Ironwood Bough
Ironwood Root
It's A Celebration!
It's A Celebration!
Any fool can conquer nameless horrors. Do you possess the skills necessary to obtain these legendary artifacts of revelry?
This set can be found in the level 50 Chronicle: Greenscale’s Blight.
Maniacal Slippers
Reaper's Kiss
Silver Shoes
Soaked Garment
The fierce hunters of Jad hunt the powerful Sky Leviathans that migrate over the Wilds.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Krillado on a String
Jadonic Column
Barrage Blimp
Yurts with a View
Berserker Backpack
Jerome Drift
Jerome Drift
Thought by many to be a reckless curmudgeon, Jerome Drift is Quicksilver College’s foremost arcane scholar.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Jerome Drift's Amazing Hat
Vial of Jerome's Secret Ingredient
Journal of March Warden Denegar
Journal of March Warden Denegar
This book chronicles the rise of March Warden Denegar.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
March Warden Denegar - Page 2
March Warden Denegar - Page 3
March Warden Denegar - Page 4
March Warden Denegar - Page 5
March Warden Denegar - Page 6
Kain's Command
Kain's Command
The Sanctuary Guard is the crusading army of the Guardians. After the victory against the Gedlo the Sanctuary Guard traveled North to free the homeland from the taint of the rifts.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Signal Horn
Letter from Shyla to the Crusaders
Vespers Ritual Cup
Final Repose Kit
Kain's Mementos
Kain's Mementos
Kains scattered mementos.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
Branded Necklace of Regulos
Mathos Family Ring
Orphiel’s Communication Device
Zareph’s Execution Orders
Torn Mathosian Sash
Karris's Correspondences
Karris's Correspondences
This book appears to be a series of letters between Karris and other Kelari.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Karris's Correspondences - Page 2
Karris's Correspondences - Page 3
Karris's Correspondences - Page 4
Karris's Correspondences - Page 5
Karris's Correspondences - Page 6
Karris's Correspondences - Page 7
Karthan Relics
Karthan Relics
Almost completely lost in the mists of time, the Karthans are little more than a rumor today.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Karthite Bolt
Karthan Armor Blueprints
Flesh Grafting Autoknit Device
Keenblade Manual
Keenblade Manual
The Keenblade Mill serviced the timber cutters of the Scarwood forest. The Defiants have increased the mill’s capabilities and now it waits for wood to cut.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Compliment Mill Blade
Keep Mill Blade Hydrated
Keep Limbs Away from Mill Blade
Do Not Look Directly At Mill Blade
Do Not Taunt the Mill Blade
Kelari Idols
Kelari Idols
Idols such as these are carried by Kelari as tokens of the spirits they have made pacts with.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Idol of Kashar
Idol of Kubi
Keys of the Iron Fortress
Keys of the Iron Fortress
These keys once belonged on the belt of the Gatekeeper of Iron Fortress.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Portrait of the March
Inlaid Key
Darkwood Key
Heavily Rusted Key
Gem-Handled Key
Iron Key
Keys to Nothing
Keys to Nothing
Given the shape these keys are in, it is doubtful you would ever find what they unlock.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Bronze Cache Key
Rusted Chest Key
Silver Key
Broken Lockpick Set
Worn Key
Menacing Skull Key
Ancient Exquisite Key
Khaliti Jewel Work
Khaliti Jewel Work
The Khaliti of Shimmersand are one of the more prominent Eth tribes. They are famous for distinctive jewel craft.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Cultures of the Desert
Khaliti Golden Collar
Gold and Ruby Khaliti Band
Khaliti Drake Armband
Gold and Diamond Khaliti Ring
Gold Khaliti Tiara
This town of mystics and practitioners of forbidden planar magics has always had a sinister reputation.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Mystic Manuscripts
Serpent Staves
Potent Potions
Magic Spy Scries
Rituals of the Wheel
King Khar
King Khar
He ran from his destiny of becomming the Keeper of Radiance and cut a bloody swath to Shal Korva as the Titan of Wilds.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Bottle of Babaroo Berry Schnapps
Courtier's Silk Garter
Lock of Raptor Hair
Usukhel's Lioness Helm
Ceremonial Short Spear
Home to the Tower of Dawn, Kingsward was once the seat of power throughout Brevane, it has seen better days.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
Black Lurker
Skinflayer Pellets
Glass Retort
Vhar Dung Tea
Error Removal And Slipup Elimination Robot
Construct Operation Manual
Tower of Dawn Stub
Multi-Lensed Goggles
Kaliban's Circlet
Kingsward Insects
Kingsward Insects
These all either sting or bite, some are just plain deadly.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
Firewing Maggot
Wards Stick Insect
Royal Firefly
Korolis Swarm
Black Lurker
Kira's Tools of the Trade
Kira's Tools of the Trade
Lost articles belonging to the Kelari assassin Kira Thanos.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Discarded Poison Bottle
Elegant Shiv
Good Luck Charm
Kobold Creation Story
Kobold Creation Story
This is a rare written recording of a kobold creation story.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Wanton Tribes
Kobold Creation Story - Page 2
Kobold Creation Story - Page 3
Kobold Creation Story - Page 4
Kobold Creation Story - Page 5
Kobold Kulture
Kobold Kulture
As you can imagine the culture of a race of beings that pick their teeth with a pickax leaves something to be desired.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Crude Paw Print Art
Howling at the Moon
Rough Ceramics
Horrible Recipes
Odor Vials
Kondraum's Liver's CV
Kondraum's Liver's CV
Kondraum’s Liver has extensive experience in a variety of business, governmental and adventuring endeavors.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Jellyfish Interpreter
Maitre d'hotel
Board Member
Royal Inquisitor
Besotted Organ
Kondraum's Missing Mess
Kondraum's Missing Mess
Kondraum is a notorious pack-rat, hoarding knick-knacks both inconsequential and world shattering. Objects have a tendency to get away from him.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Personalities of Draumheim
Atrophinius's Mead Stein
Tangled Yo-Yo String
Laethys's Lucky Penny
Half Eaten Cupcake
Last Will and Testament
Krahzael Discarded Predictions
Krahzael Discarded Predictions
The great prognosticator of the Brevane Empire wasn’t always accurate. Discarded across Dusken Spires are his failed predictions.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
The History of Seratos
Overseer Prediction
Arlan Merkur Prediction
Elder Shapers Prediction
Aedraxis Prediction
Crucia Prediction
Krahzael's Fated Charms
Krahzael's Fated Charms
During the height of the Brevane Empire, Krahzael the Savant sold a variety of charms guaranteed to protect their wearers from harm. The charms, however, were non-refundable.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
The History of Seratos
Tempered Lust
Solid Mind
Oblivions End
Everlasting Spark
Proven Defiance
Krahzael's Influence
Krahzael's Influence
Items touched and corrupted by the Prince of Fate, Krahzael.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
The History of Seratos
Krahzael, Herald of Fate
Krahzael's Planar Conduit
Krahzael's Inescapable Loop of Destiny
Krahzael's Orb of Fatesight
Krahzael's Shard of Regulos
Lake Lizards
Lake Lizards
The lizards in Ashora know it is best to stay near water.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Signs in the Sand
Mottled Gecko
Striped Gecko
Lantern Hook
Lantern Hook
Lantern Hook is one of the most ancient structures on Telara, predating the Eth and the arrival of the dragons.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Rigged Dice
Tree Root
Imported Cards
Golden Maw Coinage
Unexplained Fire Residue
Last Days of Hammerknell
Last Days of Hammerknell
A recording of the final days of Hammerknell as seen from the perspective of one of the survivors.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
The Fall of the Dwarves
The Last Days of Hammerknell - Page 2
The Last Days of Hammerknell - Page 3
The Last Days of Hammerknell - Page 4
Legends of Crucia
Legends of Crucia
When Crucia first arrived upon this plane, she created a domain for herself in the Steppes of Infinity. Stories of her trespasses have been passed through the ages.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Guessing Game
Whispers of the Broodmother
Atika's Doom
The Battle of Rivida and the Storm Queen
The Lost City of Londra
Lesser Known Dragon Hunters
Lesser Known Dragon Hunters
Unless you actually manage to kill, catch or at least see a Dragon, no one is ever going to hear of you.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Slow Deek
Clumsy Glofis
Aimless Kansis
Awkward Floot
Puny Shimp
Lazy Mook
Forgetful Skeetz
Liberation of the March
Liberation of the March
This journal belongs to a citizen of Freemarch who saw it liberated from the hands of the warlord Jakub.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Portrait of the March
Liberation of the March - Page 2
Liberation of the March - Page 3
Liberation of the March - Page 4
Liberation of the March - Page 5
Liberation of the March - Page 6
Library Books
Library Books
A sampling of books from the great citizen’s library.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in City Core, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in City Core, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
City Collector
Empyrean Study
Alchemy: Advanced Recipes
Anatomy of Brevane Wildlife
The History of the Noble Houses
The Western War
Life Bomb Fragments
Life Bomb Fragments
These are pieces of the central object with which the Aelfwar released a massive wave of life energy in Scarwood Reach, destroying Granitewood Crossing.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Aelfwar Machinations
Life Root
Fae Reagents
Incendiary Seed
Compacted Fae Power
Life Bulb
Life's March
Life's March
Trinkets from the Plane of Life.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Life.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Nightmare Tide zones.
Mask of the Fae
Leaf of the Sword Tree
Fae Lord's Key
Cloak of Living Shadows
Greenscale's Bastion
Lightning Cohort
Lightning Cohort
Some key players and tactics of the Lightning Cohort.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Crucia’s Crew
Tribuni Liberalis
Vexillarii Marcia
Stomach Churning Experiments
Adversary Analysis
World Ending Weaponry
Like a Leaf on the Wind
Like a Leaf on the Wind
Watch how I soar
These artifacts could be earned during the Battle Pass Season 2 event.
You can also buy the artifacts from Huckster Ratioskr in Tempest Bay, using the Battle Pass currency ‘Expertise Shard’.
The artifacts are tradeable, so you may be able to find another player with left over shards to buy them for you.
Suspension of Disbeleaf
Take it or Leaf it
Branching Out
Gone with the Wind
Made in the Shade
Reap the Whirlwind
A Thyme for Everything
Herb your Enthusiasm
Little Black Book
Little Black Book
A dark book with dark writing.
These artifacts can be picked up all around Morban. They are normal white artifacts on the ground.
The reward from this set is used as part of the Storm Legion puzzles. Because of this, you can also buy these artifacts from a special vendor called ‘Nomi’. You will find ‘Nomi’ in a secret area after you have completed the ‘It Goes to Eleven‘ cheevo. Check the guide for more detail.
Little Black Book Page 2
Little Black Book Page 3
Little Black Book Page 4
Little Black Book Page 5
Little Black Book Page 6
Little Black Book Page 7
Little Black Book Page 8
Little Black Book Page 9
Little Black Book Page 10
Little Joys of Tulan
Little Joys of Tulan
The colony in Cape Jule may be surrounded by ravenous monsters and volcanic demons, but the residents focus on the little joys.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
Crocnard Ballet
Volcanic Sandcastles
Cape Spiced Soups
Faebound Ferments
Lockets of the Lost
Lockets of the Lost
Small lockets bearing pictures of the many lost inhabitants of Granite Falls litter Stonefield.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Locket of Bailey Malcom
Locket of Dray Tinsaugh
Locket of Lief Ikari
Locket of Raymond Winsley
Lord Arak's Enemies List
Lord Arak's Enemies List
The nightmare leader of Tribulation has made quite a few enemies during his rise to power.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Personalities of Draumheim
Lord's Hall
Lord's Hall
One of the Great dwarven delves, it held against the undead hordes of the tyrant king, but shut its doors for good when the Rifts appeared on Telara.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Dwarven Military Insignia
Giant Dwarf Gloves
Key to Lord's Hall
Lost Fishing Poles
Lost Fishing Poles
Fishing has always been an unavoidable pastime in Goboro Reef.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Rufus' Lost Fishing Pole
Gaspar's Lost Fishing Pole
Admiral Nezavar's Lost Fishing Pole
Admal's Lost Fishing Pole
Gloack's Lost Fishing Pole
Lost Relics of the Shalistiri
Lost Relics of the Shalistiri
Mystic and supernatural ancient relics lost by the Shalistiri.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Symbol of the Great Wheel
Holy Tunic of the Bahmi
Sar Shidet's Prayer Book
Spear of Bayar Khoor
Cosmic Rhinoceros Bristle
Lost Research Papers
Lost Research Papers
When the researchers of Ghar Station Tau fled they took a vast quantity of unpublished research.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Cosmic Deflation
Intercosmic Particle Density
Chimeric Snorox: A Genetic View
Tentacles, War, Imprisonment
Warning: Ruins of Death
Lost Swords
Lost Swords
Over the years, many weapons of note have been lost in the battles and skirmishes that have taken place in the Gedlo Badlands. Most will never be recovered.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Gedlo and Behold
Light Singer
Ebon Blade
Slice n Dice
Lost Treasure Maps
Lost Treasure Maps
The fall of Eth left many treasures of that golden age buried in the sand. Maps promising routes to these caches are often deadly.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Map to Eth Artifacts Vault
Map of Dragon Egg Location
Map to the Hoard of Laethys
Love in the Age of the Shade
Love in the Age of the Shade
“Love in the Age of the Shade” is a gory romance that is a thinly veiled morality play. A guilty pleasure.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
The Curse of Gloamwood
Interview with a Lorn
Vampire Journals
Beryl the Vampire Slayer
Living Dead in Droughtlands
Lumber Saws
Lumber Saws
Various kinds of saws are used by the lumberjacks of Scarwood in making lumber from the Ironwood trees.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Chipped Saw
Crosscut Saw
Rip Saw
Two-Man Saw
Runic Saw
Lycini Admiralty Orders
Lycini Admiralty Orders
A waterlogged copy of Admiralty orders for the Endeavor, Troubador, and Truewind.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Lycini Admiralty Orders 2
Lycini Admiralty Orders 3
Lycini Admiralty Orders 4
Lycini Ship Fairwind
Lycini Ship Fairwind
Another of the ships that was lost in Queen Miela’s attempt to break the Storm Legion blockade and warn Mathosia of their danger.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Fairwind's Provisions
Fairwind's Anchor
Fairwind's Damp Powder
Fairwind's Ship Bell
Lycini Ship Troubador
Lycini Ship Troubador
One of the ships that was lost in Queen Miela’s attempt to break the Storm Legion blockade and warn Mathosia of their danger.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Troubador's Halyard
Troubador's Boarding Axe
Troubador's Captain's Hat
Troubador's Ship Bell
Madstones of the Tuath'de
Madstones of the Tuath'de
The Circles of Witchcraft contain relics of the Tuath’de witches that were still quite active.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Gouged Runes
Flowery Accents
Struggle Worn Corners
Victim Gristle
Xarth Stank
Maelforge's Imprisonment
Maelforge's Imprisonment
Relics of the great battle that bound Maelforge in the volcano.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
The History of the Isle
Shattered Lute
Asias' Flaying Knife
Ula's Whetstone
Eth Clan Sash
Maelforge's Claw Tip
Magic Numbers of Hamatu
Magic Numbers of Hamatu
No formal study of the Hamatu Manugo station has been attempted, but it is rumored that not all the numbers that go up are equal.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Magician's Perfect Numbers
23rd Unique Prime
Sexy Primes
Joy Sequences
Narcissistic Numbers
Majeric Tower
Majeric Tower
Something quite cataclysmic happened to sink the Majeric Tower but exactly what it was is lost in the sands of time.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Corrupted Lily
Majeric Study Book
Geologic Survey of Majeric Basin
Chips of Stained Glass
Iron Tower Key
Maklamos’s Pet Rocks
Maklamos’s Pet Rocks
He claimed he had no favorites, but how could that be true?
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Infernal Dawn: Laethys.
Mr. Flibbles
Lil’ Mak
Malluma's Cache
Malluma's Cache
Some of her earliest prospecting seemed to be making her rich. Only later did she realize her mistake.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Malluma's Fake Emerald
Malluma's Glass Diamond
Malluma's Real Garnet
Malluma's Lost Claim
Malluma's Lost Claim
Early in her career as a prospector, she lost the proof of her claim. It took years to prove her right to pan the waters of Brevane.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Malluma's Claim
Malluma's Letter Pouch
Malluma's Decoy Claim Map
Malluma's Real Claim Map
Malluma's Prospecting Gear
Malluma's Prospecting Gear
Before her legend inspired the name of the river, she was an ambitious prospector. Some of her gear can still be found in the waterways of this continent.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Sluice Mesh
Empty Gem Pouch
Gemcutter's Tools
Gem Tweezers
Mandalas of the Cosmic Rhinoceros
Mandalas of the Cosmic Rhinoceros
Rhinenahyrcaros traveled across the Wilds and its footprint revealed both wisdom and truth.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
The Cosmic Axis
Endowed with Skeletons
Six Planes, Five Wisdoms
Two Truths of the Ascended
Manifestation of the Godhorn
Mann's Grand Unification Theorum
Mann's Grand Unification Theorum
Cosmologist Eckhart Mann’s attempt to create a single incoherent theory of the universe out of the appalling patchwork of fundamental energy types.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Empyrean Energy
Risar Tidal Pull
Omen Energy
Quantum Twists
Akvan Inter-dimensionality
Manugo Justice Thirteen
Manugo Justice Thirteen
The most awesome Manugo console in the multiverse!
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Explosion Heroes
Manugo is Prime
The Pretty One
The Raid Leader
Manugo Injustice 3
Multi Munugo
Neg Nugo
It’s Octal Stupid
Manugo Numbers of Interest
Manugo Numbers of Interest
Since the program was initiated by the Sorcerer kings of Eth, these are the most interesting numbers that have been discovered so far.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Margle Palace Ministries
Margle Palace Ministries
Margle Palace runs every aspect of mortal dreaming, and there are many offices of the monarchy set up to ensure that it all goes as strangely as possible.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Ministry of Flargle Bargle
Master of the Horse's Mouth
Master of the Minty Freshness
First Commissioner of Last Works
Attorneys Generalissimo
Martrodraum's Curses
Martrodraum's Curses
The first avatar of Draum came to be in the crushing darkness of a tortured cosmos. His curses he laid down against the gods still shake the cosmos.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Marvelous Sea Creature Trophies
Marvelous Sea Creature Trophies
Trophy specimens of the marvelous creatures caught in the waters of Telara.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in the listed Mathosia Zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
Trophy Highlands Eel
Trophy Gloam Eel
Trophy Inland Octopus
Trophy Brightwater Octopus
Trophy Deep March Eel
Trophy Electric Dragonfish
Trophy Glacier Octopus
Trophy Ash Shark
Mathosian Delicacies
Mathosian Delicacies
As a hearty mountain people, the Mathosians have always had a ‘waste not, want not’ approach to their cuisine.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Mathosian History
Pickled Boar Heart
Sap Glazed Ham
Mathosian Families
Mathosian Families
The great families of Mathosia distinguished themselves in battle with courage and ruthlessness for centuries.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Mathosian History
Mathosian Pottery
Mathosian Pottery
Mathosia was known for its fine pottery. You just can’t find its equal anymore.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Mathosian History
Dinner Plate
Holy Water Decanter
Meats of Dolcega
Meats of Dolcega
Dolcega Valley has become famous for its ready supply of meat in these austere times.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Pork Robs
Pat Roast
Medals of the Fifth Platoon
Medals of the Fifth Platoon
The “Filthy Five” are the most irresponsible and reckless unit in the Tempest Commandos. They have been awarded many medals for this.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Learning about Lycini
Sphere of Service
Cinerium Star
Royal Commendation for Valor
Mem Inventions
Mem Inventions
Until recently, the colonists at Mem Station have had to use their ingenuity to survive in an underwater environment.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Self Aware Polysomnogram
Desalinization Juicer
Osmosis Underwear
Gyro-propulsion Flippers
Zero Entropy Shower
Memories Lost
Memories Lost
Found Adventuring in Stonefield
These artifacts can be found while in Instant Adventure groups in Stonefield. During the adventure, a special mob called ‘Dreadbone’ will spawn that will drop the artifact. This happens super rarely.
You could try to farm them by setting up a target macro for the mob and then joing IA randomly to see if it is the right zone.
Garnet Memento
Aquamarine Memento
Cobalt Memento
Mind Breakers
Mind Breakers
Treasured items that belong to Crucia’s experts of mental torture.
These Artifacts can be looted from crates while running the Expert mode of the Tower of the Shattered Dungeon.
Wasted Mind
Scarred Remains
Horn of the Overseer
Eye of the Keeper
Miner Picks
Miner Picks
The people of Stonefield know little in the way of a life outside of the mines.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Flat Pick
Arced Pick
Copper Pick
Elaborate Pick
Engraved Foreman's Pick
Miracle Marlene's Potions
Miracle Marlene's Potions
Miracle Marlene had a lucrative career selling snake oil in Stonefield, that is until the locals realized none of it worked and tied her to a cart outside the Deepstrike Mines.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Marlene's Zombiism Cure
Marlene's Troll Repellant
Marlene's Essence of Ascension
Marlene's Nectrotic Detoxifier
Marlene's Hair Regrow
Mire Fungus
Mire Fungus
Being perpetually damp Xarth Mire is an ideal habitat for fungus, and not just the pretty red toadstools, but also the nasty kind that grows on various parts of your body.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Swamp Searching
Tinea Boglisis
Xarthia Candida
Sporothrix Scaliax
Fusarium Maximus
Isla Histoplasma
Gyromitra Squigyform
Mire Maladies
Mire Maladies
Getting sick in Xarth Mire is almost guaranteed if you stay there long.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Swamp Searching
Xarth Trots
Mire Fever
Azure Delirium
Bailghol Paralysis
Bogling Diction Syndrome
Misplaced Festival Gifts
Misplaced Festival Gifts
Many important festivals are celebrated throughout Telara. Someone didn’t get their gifts this year.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Festival of Squirrels
Festival of Bahralt
Misplaced Possessions
Misplaced Possessions
With the thick underbrush in Scatherran Forest, chances are if you drop something it is going to be lost forever.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Potion Bottle
Satyr Made Pan Flute
Aelfwar Hero's Medallion
Petrified Wooden Treant Idol
Acorn of the Silver Elm
Bogling Charm
Soldier's Medal of Valor
Misplaced Prophecies of Ananke
Misplaced Prophecies of Ananke
Sometimes the Alaviax will discreetly borrow a prophecy from their Oracle just so they can enjoy it in private.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Hedgehog Eats the Sun
Final Apocalyptic Deck Building Game
Gog and Eggnog
The Dragon is the Woman
The Third Part of All Pies
Mispronunciations of Duke Eblius’s Name
Mispronunciations of Duke Eblius’s Name
Duke Eblius was Arcarax’s cousin and ruled the Pit of Flame’s Torment until Ahnket came. Such a powerful rival was sure to receive some mocking.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mister Opal's Guide to Humans
Mister Opal's Guide to Humans
Mister Opal the dragonian appears to have been working on a treatise about human beings.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Wanton Tribes
Mister Opal's Guide to Humans - Page 2
Mister Opal's Guide to Humans - Page 3
Mister Opal's Guide to Humans - Page 4
Mister Opal's Guide to Humans - Page 5
Mister Opal's Guide to Humans - Page 6
Mistress Inyra’s Resolutions
Mistress Inyra’s Resolutions
During her process of reincorporalization, Mistress Inyra decided to do a few things differently this time around.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Planebreaker Bastion.
Read More
Avoid Drinking Strange Chemicals
When Force Fails, Try Kindness
Don’t Be Afraid to Mix Patterns
Try Not to Die This Time
Mitch's Puppet Theater
Mitch's Puppet Theater
These tales of heroism as chronicled by Mitch, are the foundation of the most popular puppet theater on Telara.
Use the Minion Card ‘Mitch’ to attract missions that may give you these artifacts.
The Mitch minions card can only be bought during Summerfest, but can then be used all year round to attract the right missions.
The Death of the Dragons
The Dendrome
The Founding of Hailol
Salvarola and the Architects
The Nightmare Saga
Misplaced Manuscript
The Great Unwritten Masterpiece
Moldy Tomes
Moldy Tomes
These books are ruined. The pages are illegible and the bindings are barely holding together.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Ruined Tome
Marred Novel
Scarred Book
Defiled Encyclopedia
Maimed Tome
Ancient Codex
Discarded Compendium of Demons
Moonshade Crofter Deeds
Moonshade Crofter Deeds
After Freemarch came under the control of the Defiant, numerous Mathosian families were contracted to go to Moonshade Highlands to try to scrape crops from the rocky soil.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
Polski Family Deed
Montani Family Deed
Moonshade Highlands
Moonshade Highlands
The Moonshade Highlands have long been the center of Dwarven civilization, until the great delve city of Hammerknell fell to the rifts.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
Hat and Scimitar of Estrael
Rune of Endurance
Sister's Doll
Runebound Prison of Estrode
Maps to Interior Harbor
Tidebound Stone of Whispers
Self-Replicating Ring
Sealed Spirit
Artifact of Ancient Madness
Moonshade Highlands Fishing Trophies
Moonshade Highlands Fishing Trophies
A collection of all the varieties of fish available in areas of Moonshade Highlands.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in Moonshade Highlands.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Collection of Trophies
A Big Collection of Trophies
A Bigger Collection of Trophies
Trophy Lobster
Trophy Moonhorse
Trophy Highlands Eel
Trophy Grassland Pondleaper
Trophy Whalefish
“In death, one is truly free. Their mind is made clear, their heart worn on their sleeve, their soul bared for all to see. It is so wonderful to finally be able to know them, without all the pretense that living requires.” – Lord Marak Algol
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Storm Grafted Steel Plating
Elder Shaper Masterwork Tools
Ezael's Moonshine
Fate Touched Dice
Krahzael's Shard of Regulos
Sanctified Phial of the Eldritch Order
Facade of Corpulence
Torath's Rusted Chestplate
Wild Hunt High Quality Pelt
Torn Mathosian Sash
Organic Ribbon Charm
Remote Trigger
Portable Communicator
Moted Life
Moted Life
Motes of Greenscale and Akylios’ power have scattered to the four winds. Many wild creatures and plants have absorbed a small amount of the dragons’ aspects.
These artifacts drop from the Intrepid Instant Adventure reward caches.
Moted Checkerspot
Moted Wharf Roach
Moted Coral Shrimp
Moted Otter
Moted Flounder
Moted Water Beetle
Moted Tree Frog
Moted Badger
Moted Snipe
Moted Fruit
Moted Flowers
Mother’s Favorite Foods
Mother’s Favorite Foods
Cravings during pregnancy are well known; here are some of the things the Green Mother longs for.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Unicorn Jerky
Tuath’de in Honey Glaze
Swamp Water Soup
Desiccated Elf
Chocolate Ice Cream
Mount Carcera
Mount Carcera
The smoldering monument of land known as Mount Carcera is also the prison of the great dragon Maelforge.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Sharp Obsidian Shard
Bottled Ash
Snail Impression in Pumice
Captured Lava Globule
Murals Not Included on the Gates of Flame
Murals Not Included on the Gates of Flame
The builders of the Gates of Flame considered several murals before settling on the final one.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Dusted Off Shinys
Depictions of Rainbows
A Satyr Party
Sunset Over Scatherran
Adorable Kittens
Celebrations of Victory
Mushrooms of Scatherran
Mushrooms of Scatherran
Without exception, every mushroom in Scatherran is either lethal or will cause horrific hallucinations.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Shiny Collecting Unscathed
Happy Fun Treeshroom
Tuath’de Puffball
Sticky Russula
Feilbocan Polypore
Wyrd Volvariella
Mutant Camp Leavings
Mutant Camp Leavings
It’s best not to go poking around the camps of the mutants, but if you do these are some of the things you will find.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in City Core, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in City Core, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
City Collector
Bloodstained Boots
Shredded Backpack
Bite-Marked Saddle
Tattered Doll
Broken Gold Chain
My Favorite Fistulas
My Favorite Fistulas
Praetor Salinator of the Lightning Cohort became obsessed with discovering the inner workings of humanoids. She discovered a great deal by creating fistulas into various parts of her unfortunate subjects.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Cranial Fistula
Gastro-cutaneous Fistula
Posterior Fistula
Cybernetic Fistula
Aortal Fistula
Mysterious Crystals
Mysterious Crystals
An ominous power emanates from each crystal.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Enigmatic Green Crystal
Mysterious Lavender Crystal
Mystical Black Crystal
Strange Fiery Crystal
Mysterious Violet Crystal
Curious Void Crystal
Astonishing Power Crystal
Mysterious Fragments
Mysterious Fragments
The Comet of Ahnket accumulated all sorts of artifacts and relics as it journeyed through the Ether. The cultures and purpose of many of these objects will never be known.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Puzzle Box
Pot of Fetid Goop
Gizmo #7
Primitive Carving
Musical or Hunting Implement
Mythic Beasts of Tarken
Mythic Beasts of Tarken
In the war against the Akvan the Gods created beasts of Legend to fight against the ancient horrors. Only dessicated relics of them remain.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Conflict in Tarken
Heithrox's Mead
Frystfall's Silk
Skarntinn's Claw
Dalendel's Icy Femur
Ikbarru Broken Fang
Naomi’s Lost Toys
Naomi’s Lost Toys
Despite her parents’ best efforts, Naomi still managed to lose these toys.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Little Square Blanket
Colorful Maracas
Pil Gadol
Native Monsters of Ember Isle
Native Monsters of Ember Isle
A specimen analysis of some of the more unruly creatures of Ember Isle.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Flame Tick Proboscis
Flying Serpent Feathers
Pyrkari Head
Pernicious Spirit Essence
Natural Aquatic Treasures
Natural Aquatic Treasures
The waters of Telara hold amazing and wonderous natural treasures waiting to be discovered.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Orange Water Fern
Petrified Log
Rugged Driftwood
Bright Pebble
Manaburst Coral Branch
Glowing Orange Pebble
Unusual Glowing Water Plant
Ancient Waterlogged Redwood
Nature in the City
Nature in the City
Nature will always find a way to survive; even more so since the fall of the Barrier.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in City Core, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in City Core, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
City Collector
A Cockroach Ootheca
Black Mold
A Patch of Mildew
An Inedible Toadstool
Naval Battles of the Tormented
Naval Battles of the Tormented
The Tormented Fleet are the nightmares of sailors and sea captains. They are the scourge of the Dreaming Seas.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Conflict in Tarken
Vexx's Hijack of Station Zen
The Sack of Ghadaul's Cathedral
The Theft of the Dream Ring
The Infiltration of Revo
Atragarian Palace Ransack
Neala Spark's Curious Oddities
Neala Spark's Curious Oddities
What harm could it do?
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: A hero Rises.
Ascended Crafting Training Manual
Zaviel's Treasonous Journal
Porticulum Parts
Flying Shocktrooper Helmet
General Batua's Hair
Nezavar's Contingency Plans
Nezavar's Contingency Plans
Admiral Nezavar is the Razudan commander of the Bloodfire Navy. He has survived many an Alaviax coup by always having an escape plan ready.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Plan #63 - Re-attune Infinity Gate
Plan #2 - Blame Kytus
Plan #14 - Bottomtown Retirement
Plan #23 - Oculon Heist
Plan #38 - Jump Through Fire Rift
Nightmare Dragons Cult Insignias
Nightmare Dragons Cult Insignias
While short lived, the Nightmare Dragons created by Lord Arak have followed in the footsteps of their predecessors and recruited a cult of followers.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Passion's Flame
The Coin of Avarice
The Squid Caduceus of Sanity
Port Scion's Wall of Extinction
The Storm Legion Helmet
Nightmare: Antique Mason Jars
Nightmare: Antique Mason Jars
These ancient specimen jars were discovered by Dr. Oswell, they probably belonged to his predecessor. The labels are faded and it’s unknown what’s in them but no one is brave enough to open one and find out.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Looks like a Severed Head
Obviously an Organ
It’s quite Red and Gooey Looking
Those are Definitely Teeth
It Also Smells Bad
Mostly Disintegrated Something
Did It Just Move?
Probably a Brain
Nightmare: Arachnophobia
Nightmare: Arachnophobia
The Wilds seems blissfully free of spiders. But what if it wasn’t?
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Great Wilds Orbweaver
Callweddi Crab Spider
Planetouched Broodmother
Giant Trapdoor Huntsman
Razorweb Widow
Stone Recluse
Shalistiri Jumper
Khort Glass Spider
Nightmare: Arakhurn's Planeswalking Dreams
Nightmare: Arakhurn's Planeswalking Dreams
High Priest Arakhurn dreamed of using the Passage to explore the planes for the glory of the Eth Empire.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Xarth's Skull
Platinum Fortress
Cloud Castles
Fields of Tranquility
World Tree
Azdah's Wings
Alabaster City
Fly Like a Phoenix
Nightmare: Arcanis's Favorite Modules
Nightmare: Arcanis's Favorite Modules
Caretaker Arcanis had centuries alone to perfect the modules it uses to challenge any adventurers that entered the dungeon.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
I1 Dwellers of the Eternal City
B3 Palace of the Empyrean Princess
G3 Against the Titans
D3 Vault of the Kelari
T4 Temple of Planar Evil
S3 Expedition to the Brevane Peaks
Q1 Queen of the Architect Pits
S1 Iron Tomb of Horrors
Nightmare: Armand Corel's Guide to Gutter Fishing
Nightmare: Armand Corel's Guide to Gutter Fishing
Arman has become an expert at eking out a living for free in Gloamwood pines. Fish are not the only things he manages to catch in what amounts to little more than a muddy puddle.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Follow The Birds
Vary Your Bait
Know Your Target
Garbage as Groundbait
Bent Nail Hooks
Find a Strong Stick
String Makes a Good Line
Prize Winning Gloam Eel
Nightmare: Author Surrogates of Telara
Nightmare: Author Surrogates of Telara
Walking among the populous of Telara are Ascended with unimaginable power. This is seldom used and never witnessed.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Tam Daggerborn
Voice of Atrophinius
Cleric Vignola
Dead Simon
Morticus the Unholy
Big Shirtless Jim
Nightmare: Baac Below
Nightmare: Baac Below
The Baac are earth spirits that inhabit the bodies of the bahmi. Where and when will they burst forth out of the ground next?
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
An Outhouse in Woe
Shal Korva Bathhouse
Spirit Lodge in Khort
The Edge of Rhaza’de
Swimming to Callweddi
Reeling in the Big One
Scaling a Mountain While Hunting For Shinys
Hopping the Ancestor Rocks
Nightmare: Ballads of Stonefields
Nightmare: Ballads of Stonefields
The bards of Stonefield were famed for their power ballads. Due to their home’s reputation they were called “Rock Ballads”.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Soulwalked in your Eyes
Stairway to Margle
Who Wants to Ascend Forever
Mathosian Rhapsody
Draumheim On
I Don't Want to Miss An Artifact
Nightmare: Black Market Blood Trade
Nightmare: Black Market Blood Trade
With various blood sucking creatures passing as human in Gloamwood there is a robust and lurid black-market for various body parts and fluids.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Bottle of Bile
Pure Type O
Marrow Mash
Unidentified Organ
Tanned Human Rump Hide
Ground Finger Bone
Polished Gall Stones
A Cubit of Lower Intestine
Nightmare: Boase the Sparkle Faerie
Nightmare: Boase the Sparkle Faerie
This mighty unicorn will appear if you look in a mirror during Carnival of the Ascended and say, “Artifacts. Artifacts. Artifacts!”
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Equine Fashionista
Tin Foil Hat
Livestream Famous
Microbrew Anonymous
Forest Troll Tusks
Rainbow Raiments
Full of Sparkles
All the Things
Nightmare: Briarsmith, Hawthorne and Dragomir
Nightmare: Briarsmith, Hawthorne and Dragomir
An architectural and development firm specializing in inconvenient structures built in trees.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Tartagon Accessible Ramps
Questionable Building Methods
Rotted Core
Love of Twists
Fudged Calculations
Blueprints Upside-Down
Backroom Deals
Faked Client List
Limited Living Space
Nightmare: Broodmother's Parenting Tips
Nightmare: Broodmother's Parenting Tips
A tender and caring mother that does her utmost to make sure her little ones have the best start in life.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Ample Light
Well Stocked Larder
Comfy Nursery Bag
Web Training
Individually Wrapped Snacks
Bolas Weaving Lessons
Pre Digested Food
Venom Injection Techniques
Nightmare: Captain Trebian's Phobias
Nightmare: Captain Trebian's Phobias
Captain Trebian was assigned to safeguard the Silkweb Outpost. He has not had a good night’s sleep since.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Allergic to Spider Silk
Night Time Panic Attack
Uncontrollable Screaming
Night Sweats
Massive Anti-Venom Collection
Multiple Sedatives
Weekly Insecticide Delivery
Heart Palpitations
Nightmare: Carnival: The Sideshow
Nightmare: Carnival: The Sideshow
The Carnival of the Ascended has many attractions! See them all while you are here.
These are picked up during the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay during the Carnival of the Ascended World Event. They can also be looted from the Carnival Instant Adventures.
Hop To It!
Conjoined Giant
Tattooed Man
Two-headed Snake
Cleanshaven Dwarf Lass
Skeletal Man
Circus Clown
Nightmare: Dan Lewis Medicinal Butcher
Nightmare: Dan Lewis Medicinal Butcher
The sausages, pies, steaks and other cuts of meat that Dan Lewis prepares are known for their healing properties, this is almost certainly due to a placebo effect.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Special Sausage Laxative
Minced Heart Poultice
Ham Headache Cure
Spiced Shank Curative
Sheep’s Eye Cataract Clearer
Meat Loaf Antacid
Mortadella Dewormer
Jerky Decongestant
Nightmare: Dating Graveyards
Nightmare: Dating Graveyards
Has your betrothed been killed and risen from the dead? Adriana Weaver has tips for making the relationship work.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Cold Air Reduces Rotting
Order Separate Meals
No Earlobe Biting
Fae Glamors
Sourcestone Deodorizer
Skin Glue
Leaves Stuff Everywhere
Steal His Heart
Loves You For Your Brains
Nightmare: Denkal Sarot's Magically Delicious Food
Nightmare: Denkal Sarot's Magically Delicious Food
A little magic can make even the blandest dishes absolutely amazing.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Glyphed Rations
Spelled Crackers
Enchanted Mashed Potatoes
Bewitched Boiled Cabbage
Conjured Carrots
Ensorcelled Kugel
Illusionary Dumplings
Alchemical Tofu
Nightmare: Dirtier in Olden Times
Nightmare: Dirtier in Olden Times
The heroes of olden days went on many a ribald adventure that was not quite appropriate for modern sensibilities.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Rod of Conception
The Plane of Crossbows
The Continent of Estria
Actual Bears
River of Tears
Ancient Wardstone
Nightmare: Doctor Oswell’s Homemade Medical Equipment
Nightmare: Doctor Oswell’s Homemade Medical Equipment
It’s hard to tell is these are instruments of healing or torture.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Blunt Bone Saw
Wobbly Operating Table
Wooden Hemorrhoid Clamp
Grubby Syringe
Self-Boring Trephine
Knitted Straight Jacket
Serrated Urethral Probe
Moldered Rongeur
Nightmare: Extinct Budgies of Telara
Nightmare: Extinct Budgies of Telara
Budgies are very versatile birds, found in nearly every climate and in the planes, but some species are no longer with us.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Cocksure Budgie
Budgiesaurus Rex
Squirrel-tailed Budgie
Stonefield Fried Budgie
Mustached Budgie
Blocky Budgie
Tiny Budgie
Cosmic Budgie
Nightmare: Fieldstones of Stonefield
Nightmare: Fieldstones of Stonefield
The residents of this mountain province may not have jobs, but they have lots of words for rocks.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Troll Trace
Petrified Plutons
Titan Teeth
Boulder Bones
Pond Pebbles
Ram Rocks
Quarry Quartzite
Nightmare: Furtho Dragomir's Favorite Conspiracies
Nightmare: Furtho Dragomir's Favorite Conspiracies
Having instigated several conspiracies himself Dragomir has a few other favorites from around Telara.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Port Scion Flag Ratio
Anti Melee Bias
Cyril is an Automaton
Magitech is Safe
Endless Court is Not Endless
Where Did Deeps Really Go
Orphiel is Dead
Order Of The Fallen Star Infiltration
Nightmare: Ghost Justice
Nightmare: Ghost Justice
The ghosts of Gloamwood have been abused too long, now they cry out for justice!
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Specter Litigation
Apparition Charter
Spook Code
Phantasm Credo
Wraith Redress
Poltergeist Reparation
Shade Equity
Ethereal Sanction
Nightmare: Gloamsilk Spiders
Nightmare: Gloamsilk Spiders
Silkweb Pass is a heaven for arachnologists, a nightmare for arachnophobes.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Lesser Anarc
Greater Anarc
Black Backed Venom
Nightmare: Hapers Gotta Hape
Nightmare: Hapers Gotta Hape
The Order of the Broken Pen has long protected the Hapers of Telara.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Chirographic Haper
Hieroglyphic Haper
Scrivenonmatic Haper
Short Handed Haper
Typewritten Haper
Cartographic Haper
Cryptographic Haper
Runes Haper
Nightmare: In Your Wildest Dreams
Nightmare: In Your Wildest Dreams
There are many foods in the Wilds that if eaten too close to bedtime can lead to very unpleasant dreams.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Woechester Cheese
Babaroo Berries
Planar Peppers
Khort Chili
Callweddi Beans
Korva Quiche
Wilds Pickle
Baac Kimchi Egg
Nightmare: Ionraic's Stashes
Nightmare: Ionraic's Stashes
Ionraic the Collector had hoped to loot Telara of its riches and transport them to his many vaults in the Plane of Earth.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Amber Grotto Stockpile
Planar Seed Fund Vault
Exchequer of Souls
Planebreaker Trust Company
Maw Savings and No Loans
Swimmable Gold Coin Reservoir
Laethys Horde
Titan Trust
Nightmare: Lesser Used Animal Aspects of Primalists
Nightmare: Lesser Used Animal Aspects of Primalists
These animals are regarded a less intimidating than others and are not used much.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Udder Demon
Nightmare: Mad Paintings of Meena
Nightmare: Mad Paintings of Meena
Nissa’s sister spent her life trying to understand the Pentomino Permutator, but all she accomplished were these paintings.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Sunburned Man After Mugging
The Clockwork God
The Ticking Red Sun
Red Sky Over a Red Field
A Montage of Fire Rifts
Giant Red Blob
A Study of Maelforge
Strangely Blue
Nightmare: Nerma Holecuff's Surplus Goods
Nightmare: Nerma Holecuff's Surplus Goods
Nerma does a lot of trade to and from Iron Pine Peak, not that that is suspicious at all.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Icestone Rings
Blue Flame Jewels
Stormsource Bracers
Fur Lined Hoods
Dragonsworn Armor
Oathbound Weapons
Snappy Medals of Commendation
Symbology With Skulls On It
Nightmare: Nightmare Gloamwood
Nightmare: Nightmare Gloamwood
Gloamwood: What a great place for nightmares.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Scrivenonmatic Haper
Cultist Complaints
Big Shirtless Jim
Night Time Panic Attack
Fudged Calculations
Polished Gall Stones
Poltergeist Reparation
Cloudbourne Ice Necklaces
Garbage as Groundbait
Orphiel is Dead
Illusionary Dumplings
Wooden Hemorrhoid Clamp
Jerky Decongestant
Did It Just Move?
Nightmare: Nightmare Planetouched Wilds
Nightmare: Nightmare Planetouched Wilds
The saying “it’s enough to give you nightmares” very often comes true in Planetouched Wilds.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
The Clockwork God
The Ticking Red Sun
Rod of Conception
Actual Bears
Giant Trapdoor Huntsman
Khort Glass Spider
Tick Infested Giant Tick
Swimming to Callweddi
Drooling in the Spirit Lodge
The Vampire Bite
Khort Chili
A Wicked Looking Scar
Planar Loadstone
Exquisite Amethyst
Reverse Inflation
Badly Tied Knots
Field of Ungrounded Rods
Tongue-eating Creeper
Eyeball Necklace
Nightmare: Nightmare Stonefield
Nightmare: Nightmare Stonefield
Nothing, and I mean nothing can induce nightmares better than a night drinking Grengrug at the Stone Flask Tavern.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Water Retention
Grengrug Binge Weekends
Loves You For Your Brains
Laethys Horde
Platinum Fortress
ASHA Regulations Ignored
Sicklehorn Rumps
Giant Voyeur
Slept Through Setup
Skeletal Chew Toy
Foul Stinger
Enhanced Senseless Violence
Full Roaming Vapor
Digital Labor
Stonefield Fried Budgie
I Don't Want to Miss An Artifact
Nightmare: Nightmarish Forms of Teth
Nightmare: Nightmarish Forms of Teth
Teth is an ascended being whose many forms have shared the same soul. Some forms are familiar, others quite hideous.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Gestating Molten Horror
Diseased Vhar
Bone Spider
Malformed Fleshwork
Cute White Tiger Cub
Tick Infested Giant Tick
Bloated Gnar
Boil Covered Udder Demon
Nightmare: Nine Things: Stonefield
Nightmare: Nine Things: Stonefield
Nine things that only people who grew up in Stonefield will understand.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Stone Flask Inn Terrible
Troglodyte Hut Rampages
Grengrug Binge Weekends
Stone Flask Inn ROCKS!
Titan's Well Skinnydip
Honest Work Kills
Bridge Wars
Church of Death
Nightmare: Order of the Fallen Star
Nightmare: Order of the Fallen Star
Some say there has been a conspiracy against the Ascended throughout the history of Telara.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Clockwork Elves
Branding Industrial Complex
Shadowlands Amnesia
Elemental Plane X
The Cliffside Vale Society
Dimensioneers Conspiracy
Empyrean World Order
Church of Rng
Nightmare: Plants of the Wilds or Wild Plants?
Nightmare: Plants of the Wilds or Wild Plants?
Traveling through time and the planes did some very strange and disturbing things to some of the vegetation of the Wilds.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Zombie Bean
Heart Vine
Hook Thorn
Ear Wort
Gut Grass
Spiked Eye Climber
Voracious Cuscuta
Lung Fern
Nightmare: Questing Overseeer
Nightmare: Questing Overseeer
This Gedlo hero went on an epic saga for the Wanton, that took him across the world and gave him the pick of Maelforge’s horde.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Hid in Warfront
Queued as Support
Too Many Dailies
Ninjaed Conquest Chest
Gasped at Reveal
Stunned for Full Vignette
Let Escort Die
Patron Mega-Sparkles
Nightmare: Rejected Pathways of Primal Ascension
Nightmare: Rejected Pathways of Primal Ascension
When the Wilds was banished to the planes, the bahmi tried everything they could to fight back. Most didn’t work too well.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Wandkata Mage
Nightmare: Rendfang
Nightmare: Rendfang
This wolf was so vicious his own pack drove him out of Scarwood.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Aelfwar Adoption
Fight Club Ring Finger
Father's Tooth Necklace
Dreadbone Collar
Skeletal Chew Toy
Gnawed Giant Shoe
Stonefeather Lined Den
Meridian Meme Painting
Nightmare: Risar Names
Nightmare: Risar Names
The primordial structures of the universe are places, fundamental forces, and godlike animals. The nightmare is their pronunciation.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Nightmare: Rough Raptor's Recipes
Nightmare: Rough Raptor's Recipes
This legendary chef can turn even the most inedible items into meal staples.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Marshmallow Treats
Box of Juice
Nerf Ammunition
Skipped Lunch
Desk Full of Salt
Day Old Sandwich
Slightly Moldy Cheese
Last Night’s Leftovers
Nightmare: Scaffolding Accidents
Nightmare: Scaffolding Accidents
Some say the mines were cursed because of the miner’s greed. Others say they just had horrid safety practices.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Bracing Yourself
On-the-job Mountain Trolling
Last Season's Safety Gear
ASHA Regulations Ignored
Helm Removal Option
Shadetouched Bolting
Mob Leashing Radius
Sudden Jump Boost
Nightmare: Sentient Cruor
Nightmare: Sentient Cruor
When the Titan’s Rebelled against the Eth, much blood was spilled. Some of it came to life.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Citrine Plasma
Shale Scabs
Obsidian Hoop Veins
Hematiteglobin Goblin
White Quartz Teeth
Thrombus Monster
Self-Taught Geologist
Plutonus's Clever Tumor
Nightmare: Snake Bites of Kohrt
Nightmare: Snake Bites of Kohrt
As the snakes in Kohrt are sacred over the years their numbers have grown tremendously. This has led to high frequency of bites, so many that a lot of slang has developed around this phenomenon.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
The Vampire Bite
Black Toe
Scaly Bath
Hot Housed
Snake Eye
Nightmare: So Much Hot Air
Nightmare: So Much Hot Air
When developing the amazing technology of their hot air balloons the bahmi suffered some horrendous accidents.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Loose in the Planes
Catastrophic Deflation
Up in Flames
Extreme Altitude Sickness
Sliced By Rotors
Sudden Painite Shattering
Multi-Balloon Entanglement
Badly Tied Knots
Nightmare: Solemn Family Treant
Nightmare: Solemn Family Treant
The Solemn family has a strangely entwined relationship with Treants, many were killed by them others just got some nasty fungal infection.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Clovis Solemn
Malia Solemn
Batius Solemn
Hertrude Solemn
Brofer Solemn
Alistair Solemn
Nigel Solemn
Janina Solemn
Nightmare: Souvenirs from Crystal Basin
Nightmare: Souvenirs from Crystal Basin
Crystal Basin is both beautiful and dangerous. Those brave enough to venture there make sure they leave with a few souvenirs to remind them of the nightma… er adventure.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Bloodcrystal Arrowhead
A Wicked Looking Scar
An Empty Bedroll
Egg Mistaken for a Geode
Razorplant Bulb
Planar Loadstone
Claw Slashed Canteen
Exquisite Amethyst
Nightmare: Spinning Telescopes
Nightmare: Spinning Telescopes
Legend says that this puzzle is called “Spinning Plates” but it is CLEARLY telescopes.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Gorge Ogler
Bridge Watcher
Giant Voyeur
Shadestone Eyepieces
Giant Lever of Doom
Pair of Bolic Reflectors
Key Lost in Gears
Cooldown Gears
Nightmare: Spirit Lodge Hallucinations
Nightmare: Spirit Lodge Hallucinations
Sometimes the visions witnessed by participants in the Spirit Lodge can be a little more than they bargained for.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Moth Winged Babaroo
No Mouth
Swallowed by Skywhale
Melting Face
Small as a Mouse
Acting in a Puppet Show
Sinking Earth
Nightmare: Stone Rend
Nightmare: Stone Rend
He prefers to be the one to wake you up at the crack of dawn, when he isn’t destroying your petrified corpse.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Itchy Scales
Chin Comb
Foul Stinger
Petrified Helm
Bat Winged Bird
Quartz Ink Quill
Crypto-Zoologicalchemy Experiment
Tastes Like Chicken Statue
Nightmare: Stridal
Nightmare: Stridal
This great hunting cat went blind years ago. She wandered home one day only to find herself lost in Stonefield.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Changed Stripes
Sharpened Talons
Saber Toothed Chin
Rorf's Rival
Catlike Reflexies
Jangly Jowls
Left Her Litters
Enhanced Senseless Violence
Nightmare: The Eternal Curse of the Hag
Nightmare: The Eternal Curse of the Hag
You can’t just freestyle a hex to ruin someone’s life, it takes time and effort to truly ruin someone’s life.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Miasma Magic
Lycanthropic Charm
Hostility Hex
Highly Engaged Victims
Neutral Wolves
Friendly Abominations
Cultist Complaints
Simply Hirsute
Nightmare: The Fiery Pit
Nightmare: The Fiery Pit
The bahmi of the Wilds witnessed the Fiery Pit of the Kingdom of Flame first hand.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Drooling in the Spirit Lodge
Too Much Butter Dog
Ascended Desires
Pentomino Permutator
Max Physical Crit
Marsh House
Red Tentacle Tree
Nightmare: The Secret Asylum of Callweddi
Nightmare: The Secret Asylum of Callweddi
This hidden institution contains all those mortals who have gone mad trying to complete the enigmatic puzzle.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Nightmare: The Turning Point
Nightmare: The Turning Point
The Wheel of Fate would have spun endlessly had the Ascended not stopped it. Here are some events that would have happened.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Ghosts of State Heroes
Land of Exposed Rib Cages
Red Pit of Chartreuse Devils
Laethys's Penny Vault
Backwaters of Leviathan
Field of Ungrounded Rods
Greenscale's Larder
Myrkur Depths
Nightmare: Theories on Size Discrepancy
Nightmare: Theories on Size Discrepancy
Why is that one dead Titan so big?
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Titanic Shrinkage
Natural Rock Formation
Giant Dwarf
Eth Enlargement Ray
Water Retention
Guerrilla Art
Shimmersand Wyrm Rider
Not a Titan
Nightmare: Troll Bait
Nightmare: Troll Bait
Trolls are attracted to a variety of yummy treats.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Sicklehorn Rumps
Deep Fried Boulders
Bucket 'o Rare Artifacts
Grengrug Battered Budgie
Reclining Giants
Roc Leg Belly Scratcher
Pulverized Titan Toes
Female Mountain Troll Art
Nightmare: Underground Fashions of Gloamwood
Nightmare: Underground Fashions of Gloamwood
There is a surprising fetish sub culture in Gloamwood made more surprising by some of the people involved.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Janina’s leather Hobble Skirt
Captain Rotherdan’s Gimp Hood
Loghain’s Fuzzy Restraints
Waykeeper Keistoan Corset
Jorda’s Thigh High Boots
Fiona Leone’s Fishnets
Ageich’s Leather Briefs
Nishala’s Favorite Whip
Nightmare: Waykeeper Bernard's Warnings
Nightmare: Waykeeper Bernard's Warnings
Waykeeper Bernard has many warnings for those exploring Gloamwood.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Gloamwood
Don’t Touch That!
Stick Together
Check Your Shoes Before Putting Them On
Look Under Your Bed
Carry a Big Stick
Avoid Miriam’s Special
Don’t Go Out On A Full Moon
Stay Away From Shadefallen Keep
Nightmare: Wild Babaroo Adornments
Nightmare: Wild Babaroo Adornments
Although very primitive, Ruati has observed some babaroo making rudimentary jewelry.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Cracked Tooth Earring
Sinew Headdress
Finger Bone Bracelet
Gut Girdle
Spinal Disk Rings
Stretched Skin Epaulettes
Gallstone Broach
Babaroo Ceremonial Headdress
Nightmare: Wild Encounters
Nightmare: Wild Encounters
Some experiences in the Wilds will end up playing over and over again as you sleep at night.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Night Sweats
Spirit Lodge Snake Bites
High Winds at Cliffs Edge
Slashed By Crystal
Wild Khadbukh Riding
Lurking Khadsuul
Loved by a Babaroo
Attacked By Krillados
Painite Landing
Nightmare: Xoxtillus
Nightmare: Xoxtillus
Lead the forces of the Eth against the revolting Titans. She got stepped on and is now a revolting ghost.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Spectral Hair Gel
Torn Tabbards
Half Torso Apparition
Spectral Sword
Ghostly Dental Work
Spooky Scoliosis
Cold Dead Eyes
Full Roaming Vapor
Nightmare: XT-300
Nightmare: XT-300
The XT-300 model was infamous for just wandering away from their assigned duties and going on a slaycation.
These Nightmare artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Nightmare Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as Purple shinys on the floor.
Nightmare Stonefield
Weak Nuclear Force Ankles
Rusted Chomper
Misaligned Plasma Conduit
Factorial Work
Central Processor Pants
Digital Labor
XT-301 Envy
Uninstalled Heart Unit
Nightmarish Gifts from Lord Arak
Nightmarish Gifts from Lord Arak
The gifts of Lord Arak are terrible to behold.
During the Fae Yule World event there are special zone events called ‘Fae Yule Gifts’ where these Artifacts will spawn in little gift boxes around the zone.
Sometimes the Thought is Not All That Counts
Collection of Puzzle Pieces That Don't Fit Together
Baleful Laser Stare
Pop Quiz!
No More Secrets
Planet-Destroying Laser
Terrifying Predator
Nixtoc's Cocktail Recipes
Nixtoc's Cocktail Recipes
Few know it, but Nixtoc is something of an amateur mixologist.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Sediment Surprise
Blood and Gravel
Pickled Mind Leech
Double Globin
Gin and Tonic
Nixtoc’s Least Favorites List
Nixtoc’s Least Favorites List
Sadly, Nixtoc dislikes more things than he likes.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Popular Music
Mind Leeches (Non-Pickled)
The Storm Legion
The Works of C Halleck Mortis
Noble Family Trinkets
Noble Family Trinkets
Thought of as trinkets by members of the noble families, these would be treasures to most ordinary people.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Family Estates
Arkella Keepsake Pendant
Soros Hair Pin
Casana Diamond Necklace
Avendrus Tiara
Notes about the leadership of Infernal Dawn
Notes about the leadership of Infernal Dawn
Written by disgruntled underlings.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Infernal Dawn: Laethys. The artifacts can also be looted from bosses and trash in the Infernal Dawn level 50 raid.
Eye of the Scryer
Ituziel's Workout Plan
Rusila's Snuffbox
Laethys's Journal of Charitable Donations
Dragon Omelette El Dorado
Maelforge's Love Letters to Laethys
Ember Conclave Member #4
Nuetta’s Nightmares
Nuetta’s Nightmares
Even ghosts can have nightmares.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Running Down an Endless Corridor
Chased by Bears
Falling, Falling, Falling
Burned by Acid
Leaving the Bunker Without Her Clothes
Number Crunching
Number Crunching
Bogling Numerologist love numbers. In fact they have managed to find a way to make them into delicious snacks.
These Artifacts are collected inside Toks Dungeon.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
Old School Collector
Fibonacci Fricassee
Topological Torte
Algebraic Agar
Hexadecimal Ham
Polynomial Pudding
Cauliflower Calculus
Decimal Dumpling
Euler Carpaccio
Fractal Falafel
Sine Sausage
Icing Identity
Mandelbrot Mousse
Quadratic Quiche
Reciprocal Ratatouille
Spherical Souffle
Infinite Smorgasbord
Vector Vindaloo
Matrix Mash
Gaussian Goulash
Factorial Fatback
Complex Cookies
Nutrients of the Overseer
Nutrients of the Overseer
A series of precious nutrients found in the Dusken Spires, often given to The Overseer for sustenance.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
Denatured Water
Johan Oakheart spent his youth in Gloamwood before joining the Mathosian guard. Upon his return as an Ascended he vowed to lift the curse of Gloamwood.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
Mathosian Writ of Knighthood
Oakheart Family Crest
On the Heavens
On the Heavens
Theological writings on the nature of Telara and the six planes.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Aelfwar Machinations
The City of Brass
The Golden Vaults
The Palace of Dreams
Land of the Shalistir
The Necropolis
One Man's Junk
One Man's Junk
Another man’s treasure.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Well-used Canteen
Discarded Torch
Rusty Shovel
Broken Lockpick Set
Discarded Gift Box
Defiled Encyclopedia
Mostly-broken Fishing Pole
Orders of Rahn Chuluun
Orders of Rahn Chuluun
As the commander of the Defiant forces in Iron Pine, Rahn Chuluun keeps a tight rein on the activities of all who serve under him.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Order to the Thirteenth Vanguard
Order to the Fifth Vanguard
Order to the Ninth Vanguard
Order to the Eleventh Vanguard
Orders of the Filthy Fifth
Orders of the Filthy Fifth
Orders for all aspects of the Mazamar command
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Filthy Fifth - Mazamar Mission
Filthy Fifth - Mazamar Execution
Filthy Fifth - Mazamar Administration
Filthy Fifth - Mazamar Logistics
Filthy Fifth - Mazamar Signals
Orders of the Iron Cohort
Orders of the Iron Cohort
The orders barked out by the leaders of the Iron Cohort are short and concise.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Wax On
Wax Off
Ornate Packing Crates
Ornate Packing Crates
For something so mundane, some of these crates are really rather beautiful.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in City Core, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in City Core, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
City Collector
Crate of Fine Tools
Crate of Exotic Spices
Crate of Expensive Fragrances
Crate of Rare Fruits
A Reinforced Crate
A Surprise Crate
Crate of Gourmet Foods
An Exploding Crate
A Velvet Wrapped Crate
Orphiel's Planar Charts
Orphiel's Planar Charts
From his tower within Meridian, Orphiel makes charts of the planar reaches with his far seeing telescope.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Chart of Air
Chart of Water
Chart of Fire
Chart of Life
Chart of Death
Oswald's Notes
Oswald's Notes
These handwritten notes are Doctor Oswald’s Notes about the case of the Beast of Gloamwood.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
The Curse of Gloamwood
Rift Charts
Eldritch Analysis
Letter from Furtho Dragomir
List of Cursed Households
Meridian Bank Transfer
Our Aelfwar Benefactors
Our Aelfwar Benefactors
This appears to have been a letter written to the people of Granitewood Crossing extolling the virtues of the Aelfwar. It has been torn to shreds violently.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Aelfwar Machinations
Aelfwar Benefactors - Page 2
Aelfwar Benefactors - Page 3
Aelfwar Benefactors - Page 4
Aelfwar Benefactors - Page 5
Aelfwar Benefactors - Page 6
Our Overlord
Our Overlord
The Overlord provides for us, cares for us and gives us purpose and hope. And in return, we shall go out on Adventure and prove Overlord our love.
These artifacts are collected from the 4 hour Carnival minion adventures. These adventures are no longer activated during world events.
You will also get a couple of them from the minion chain when you buy the Minion Card: Trillian Lockwert.
True Veteran
Hunt for Our Overlord
Harvest for Our Overlord
Intervention for Our Overlord
Planar Mastery for Our Overlord
Explore Dimensions for Our Overlord
Assassination for Our Overlord
Artifacts for Our Overlord
The ancient keep was the ancestral seat of power for the High Elves.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Mirror of Ages
Satyr Beard Shavings
Discarded Tavril Psalms
Faerie Dust
Faer Seed Shell Fragment
Corrupted Fae Keystone Fragment
Palace Games
Palace Games
Some favorite games played by the royal children and their friends.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
Monarch Memories
Bobbing for Eyeballs
Bolas Polo
Hide and Go Screech
Pamphlets of Salvarola's Misdeeds
Pamphlets of Salvarola's Misdeeds
By the time these pamphlets started showing up it was already much too late.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
A Madman and his Mutants
What the Acolytes Really Want
What Your Vault Leader Won't Tell You
Pants on Fire
Pants on Fire
Sometimes situations can get so hot that your pants literally burst into flames.
These artifacts could be earned during the Battle Pass Season 1 event.
You can also buy the artifacts from Huckster Ratioskr in Tempest Bay, using the Battle Pass currency ‘Expertise Shard’.
The artifacts are tradeable, so you may be able to find another player with left over shards to buy them for you.
Burnt Fingers
Severe Sunburn
Bogling Barbeque
Night Sweats
Extra Hot Sauce
Forest Fire
Parasites of the Rainforest
Parasites of the Rainforest
Sometimes the giant snarling Vhar isn’t the greatest threat in the rainforest.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
Dread Lice
Fellfathom Crab
Elongo Worm
Zombie’s Foot
Passports of Fort Revo
Passports of Fort Revo
Fort Revo is the entry point to Draumheim for many travelers who sail the dreaming seas.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Thet Gilded Identity Paper
Pey Self Transforming Exit Stamp
Scuddra Forged Documents
Atragarian Tonal Shell Pass
Yhmat Fleet Document Collage
Pelagic Order
Pelagic Order
The Pelagic Order was formed to combat those that threaten to destroy the Dreaming Seas. They have battled all manner of villains since their inception.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Conflict in Tarken
The Abyssal Regent
The Spawn of Myrkur
The School of Doom
The Great Evaporation
Caeceius Esdra
The main kingdom of the Lycini, cleansed of planar corruption by the Sun Orb.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Polished Skull
Shadebean Brew
Private Ears died here
Defaced Portrait of Miela
Pat Roast
Royal Commendation for Valor
Corgi Playing Poker
Free Pelladane! Welcome the Ascended!
Law of the First Thought
Spell book of Mental Defenses
Personal Journal of Nergalis
Personal Journal of Nergalis
Even Devils need somewhere to work out their feelings.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
A Blissful Rage
Was That A Twinge of Fear?
Joy of Carnage
Accidentally Altruistic
Reveling in Glorious Gore
Phydrena Goddess of Passion
Phydrena Goddess of Passion
Phydrena has inspired lovers, poets and artists from across the seas. The goddess of passion whips her worshipers into a frenzy of inappropriate and sometimes taboo behavior.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Personalities of Draumheim
Appearance Upon the Half Shell
The Seduction of Ghadaul
Steamy Goddess of Opposites
Sedge Grass Effigy Festival
Camping to Spawn
Pillaged Artwork of Pelladane
Pillaged Artwork of Pelladane
The Lycini collected much of the artworks of old Brevane. When Pelladane fell the Storm Legion took it as victory spoils.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Learning about Lycini
Mariel-Taun de Tempest
Liberty Leading the Lycini
Sunday in the Planes with George
The Treachery of Artifacts
Corgi Playing Poker
Pinata Candy
Pinata Candy
It might be cruel to the Pinata, but those sweets are too addictive!
These artifacts are randomly looted while killing Dragon Pinatas, found in all the open world zones during the Carnival event.
True Veteran
Monster Jelly
Brevane's Chewy Bites
Sweet Edible Coin
Tactical Snack
Kwip's Pop Powder
Block of Liquorice
Mouth-Melting Sour Candy
Plane Touched Leaves
Plane Touched Leaves
Examples of how the planes twist everything they come in contact with.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Flora and Fauna
Water-Touched Kindlewisp Leaf
Air Touched Dream Lotus Leaf
Earth-Touched Frazzleweed Leaf
Fire-Touched Lucidflower Leaf
Death-Touched Wrathweed Leaf
Planetouched Wilds
Planetouched Wilds
Remembrances of your adventure through the karma infested, balloon supported, time traveling, planetouched, crystal lizard infested, Wilderness.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Crystal Sand
Floaty Figurine
Tessellated Trees
Usukhel's Lioness Helm
Ceremonial Short Spear
Silken Chew Toy
Keeper Shadow Puppet
Berserker Backpack
Big Wheel Rubbing
Throne Cushion
Nimbus Noshers
Flirtatious Gifts
Six Planes, Five Wisdoms
Manifestation of the Godhorn
The Sprouting of Callweddi
Babaroo Berry Boortsog
Plant Mutations of the Mire
Plant Mutations of the Mire
A number of factors have contributed to a higher than usual number of mutations amongst the plant life in the Mire.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Swamp Searching
Carnivorous Duckweed
Luminous Lilly
Bloated Bladderwort
Planar Pitcher Plant
Poison: Alchemist Braxtepel's Deep Fried Food
Poison: Alchemist Braxtepel's Deep Fried Food
Braxtepel got into Alchemy originally to perfect his hot tar fry recipes.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Toxin Braised Indigoby
Tar Fried Mystery Bar
Spider Wrapped Pie
Deep Fried Ghost
Deep Fried Bedroll
Poison: And the Rest
Poison: And the Rest
The Fate of the twenty-six Kelari, eighteen elves, and three dwarves who were unfortunate enough to be in the Wilds when it left.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Bribes for Architects
Ran off with Fae
Drowned by Skelf
Flew too High
Got Blind Drunk
Poison: Athelan the Fallen Paladin
Poison: Athelan the Fallen Paladin
In life Athelan had been a proud and vengeful paladin of the Vigil. When he wasn’t chosen, he fell into a necromatic funk.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Regulos Action Figure
Revenge List
Favorite Skull
Carving Kit
Grave Dirt
Love Letter to Alsbeth
Poison: Bat Mage
Poison: Bat Mage
Gregori Krazlav’s whole staff was murdered in front of him. He donned the cowl and became an undead mage to avenge their deaths.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Earless Echolocation
Fear of Spiders
Alchemy Belt
Bat Staff
Skeletal Butler
The Dark Mage Rises
Poison: Before Baac
Poison: Before Baac
Who the Baac were before they were born again.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Deed Tokhrol
Kholgui of Mild Furies
Guard #2
Tomo the Accountant
Khodol Last Born
Poison: Beruhuast's Gifts
Poison: Beruhuast's Gifts
Beruhuast the devil has collected lots of gifts from his lords in the Plane of Fire. He likes to give them out to new friends.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Rusila's Barrel of Fun
Ultane's Heated Floor
Glasya's Treacherous Oculon
Elbius's Loyal Heralds
Arcarax's Personal Simulacrums
Aia's Speculative Slivers
Poison: Boring Jobs
Poison: Boring Jobs
While Telara is rife with tales of heroic adventures, someone’s got to do the mundane tasks that keeps society going.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Loot Actuary
Trimmings Counter
Manugo Number Verification Specialist
Skywhale Dropping Shoveler
Statue Cleaner
Artifact Placement Specialist
Poison: Browncap Cutter
Poison: Browncap Cutter
This crawled out of the mud and went searching for a better life. He didn’t find it and took up highway robbery.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Coffee Colored Cap
Rust Tinged Shirt
Sepia Capris
Burnt Umber Sweatbands
Least Favorite Knife
Lost Snout Ring
Poison: Caged Eth
Poison: Caged Eth
Throughout the history of Stonefield, the Eth have been captured by monsters and put in cages.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Crude Keys
Woven Cells
Troglodyte Gaolers
Dragonian Raiders
Incinerated Priests
Relaxing Cages
Poison: Carnival: Fair Fare
Poison: Carnival: Fair Fare
Our Carnival food vendors only sell the highest quality healthfoods!
These are picked up during the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay during the Carnival of the Ascended World Event. They can also be looted from the Carnival Instant Adventures.
Hop To It!
Caramel Apple
Watermelon Slush
Soft Pretzel
Deep Fried Pickle
Alo's Amazing Popped Corn
Funnel Cake
Poison: Contingency Plans of the Endless Court
Poison: Contingency Plans of the Endless Court
While their plan to support the Hag in her schemes would have stopped the Guardian advance here, it’s always good to have a plan B-Z.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Merc For Laethys
Lie Low for a Bit
Try Scarlet Gorge
Infiltrate Scarwood Reach
Secure Stillmoor
Another "S" Land
Poison: Dozer
Poison: Dozer
A sourcestone powered harvesting engine brought in to clearcut the Gloam. When the Guardians arrived, it was let go to roam free in the forest.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Furnaced Mind
Sinister Saw Hand
Grindstone Fist
Eldritch Rune Joints
Magnetic Knees
Treant Limb Hopper
Poison: Eth Exploits
Poison: Eth Exploits
The Fate of the Eth Engineers left in the Wilds.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Gored by Rhinenahyrcaros
Lost Limbs
Porticulum Accident
Planar Radiation Sickness
Disgusting Boils
Accidental Mass Extinctions
Poison: Extinct Species of the Wilds
Poison: Extinct Species of the Wilds
Traveling through the planes and time was not good for many of the inhabitants of the Wilds.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Dwarf Skywhale
Floating Squalodon
Blue Footed Babaroo
Fuzzy Seacap
2 Horned Yarnosaur
Poison: Fall Walker Hijinks
Poison: Fall Walker Hijinks
The misty manifestations that form under Granite Falls mostly haunt the water, sometimes they need to blow off some steam with hi-jinx.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Fall Down Well
Stealing Prospector's Hats
Rearrange Lily-pads
Fogging Up the Harrow
Causing Ailing Hallucinations
Fishing AFK - Away From Kliff
Poison: Fetid Sludge
Poison: Fetid Sludge
Brought to life through a combination of goblin alchemy, necrotic residue, and human- diet.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Ghostly Chilled Water
Zombie Humours
Xanthosis Elements
Lycanthropic Mange
Crucibled Enemies
Tearfall Travel Rations
Poison: Forgotten History of the Bahmi
Poison: Forgotten History of the Bahmi
The bahmi of the Wilds have a long and glorious history, which has mostly been forgotten after a particularly rowdy night at the Beagle Bar.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
The Discovery of Shi-Ming
The Founding of Shal Korva
The Signing of the Rhaza’De Peace Accords
A Thousand Years of Tasty Recipes
The Overthrow of Woe
Circumnavigation of Telara
Poison: Former Tribes of Bahmi
Poison: Former Tribes of Bahmi
These tribes never got very far.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Windy Pangolins
Yellow Yetis
Vermillion Nagas
Tan Krillados
Mass Extinctions
Checkered Vaiyuu
Bald Mongooses
Poison: From Adorable to Delicious
Poison: From Adorable to Delicious
Some creatures are just too tasty not to eat no matter how cute they look.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Baby Skywhale
Butter Dog
Pot Bellied Wolf
Wide Eyed Coastal Snogs
Purring Shrimp
Poison: Gnarl Nighthunter
Poison: Gnarl Nighthunter
Gnarl Nighthunter was once a man of refinement and grace, after his run in with the hag he has less lofty pursuits.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Gnarly Neighbors
Gnash Nibbling
Gnathic Natter
Gnats Nuisance
Gnocchi Nutrition
Gnostic Notions
Poison: Goblin Metropolis of Darkening Deeps
Poison: Goblin Metropolis of Darkening Deeps
The great Gedlo city of Darkening Deeps is the largest enclave outside the Plane of Fire.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Centralized Treant Heater
Daub and Wattleminiums
Root Attic
Bridge in Tunnel Commuters
Stalactite Knit Communities
Central Express Ramp
Poison: Gudyurlug the Watcher
Poison: Gudyurlug the Watcher
It is said that the demon Gudyurlug lives in the dark waters of the Titan Well. But what does he watch?
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Explorer Guardians
Stonefeather Rocs
Titan Runes
Sun Penta-Dial
Thirsty Miners
Poison: Hamartias of the Titans
Poison: Hamartias of the Titans
Each Titan of the Wilds has had a fatal flaw that brought them down. Some had dozens.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Loved too Much
Big Hearted
Excessive Loyalty
Helpless Hoarder
Poison: Ionraic's Dust Pound Cake
Poison: Ionraic's Dust Pound Cake
When not collecting valuable artwork Ionraic the titan had a fondness for making pound cake.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Millennial Milk
Scarab Sugar
World Cracker Crumbs
Dusted Mortal
Cobolt Mixture
A Little Something
Poison: Karmic Blunders of the Wilds
Poison: Karmic Blunders of the Wilds
“Comedy is tragedy plus the weight of a Cosmic Rhinoceros stepping on you.” – Kubara Sakti
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Befriending Babaroos
Empathy for an Ukher
Seducing a Shalistiri
Forgiving a Baac
Trusting Teth
Insulting Khar's Mother
Poison: Khadluu Khatastrophes
Poison: Khadluu Khatastrophes
While much is made of the Wilds time in the fiery pit and the afterlife, it’s the crystal lizards that have caused the most damage.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Khadbaav Maulings
Running of the Khadbukh
Clever Khadlig
Khadchon Packs
Karmaed Khadsuul
Khadluu Khan
Poison: Mistaken for Teth
Poison: Mistaken for Teth
Many Wilds residents have been mistaken for Teth and then burned alive.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Truth Blower
Thoth Amonanon
Traff Biggles
Teath Ffinarch
Teach Ordown
Poison: Nemesis IV's Checklist
Poison: Nemesis IV's Checklist
The Titanguard construct Nemesis is very thorough, and believes in the life changing power of checklists.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Hygiene System Ready
Self Doubt System Ready
Confidence System Ready
Poetry System Ready
Commute System Ready
Corridor Guarding System Ready
Poison: Nightrock Goblin Tribe
Poison: Nightrock Goblin Tribe
Exiled from the Deeps due to their rockhounding hobby getting in the way of their murdering.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Geode Collection
Rock Hammer
Dirt Scoop
Stolen Defiant Magnet
Grubbing Rake
Delicate Brush
Poison: Nuha the Wolf
Poison: Nuha the Wolf
A handsome laborer who worked at the mill, Nuha found himself transformed into a monster that became the pet of the Hag.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Shadestone Choke Collar
Goblin Bristle Brush
Siltreaver Jowls Treat
Lichbone Transport Crate
Spider Silk Leash
Walkies Charm
Poison: Oh the Places We've Gone
Poison: Oh the Places We've Gone
The Wilds has traveled back through time and been witness to some amazingly depressing history.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Life Infects Somewhere
A Civilization Goes Mad
Fire Burns Some People
Blown Away
Crystalizing Creatures
Eternal Nightmares
Poison: Pibit Farthing's Artisanal Tools
Poison: Pibit Farthing's Artisanal Tools
Pibit Farthing has a number of hand tooled hand tools.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Planar Planar
Empathic Lathe
Argumentative Chisel
Exacting Pen
Prescient Screwdriver
Unlucky Pick
Poison: Planar Goods After the Printing Crash
Poison: Planar Goods After the Printing Crash
Lorem Ornae and Ipsum Lithiel were renowned printers. When the Ascended returned and so many stopped reading the text, they turned to planar goods.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Consectetur Adipiscing Kerner
Eiusmod Tempor Rage Potions
Incididunt ut Labore Saving Device
Magna Aliqua Thermos
Minim Veniam Serif Reducer
Nostrud Exercitation Exercise Machine
Poison: Planar Poisons
Poison: Planar Poisons
Guess what you have just been afflicted with!
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Legion Quicksilver
Endless Dyanide
Bloodfire Arsonic
Poison: Poison Gloamwood
Poison: Poison Gloamwood
Don’t eat, smell, touch or look at anything you find growing in Gloamwood. In fact it’s best to just levitate through with your eyes closed.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Grindstone Fist
Platemail Lingerie
Bark Carving Claws
Treant Targets
Cotton's Carpal
Deep Fried Ghost
Favorite Skull
Minim Veniam Serif Reducer
Tearfall Water Canteen
Tearfall Travel Rations
Post-mortem Claws
Lie Low for a Bit
Gnocchi Nutrition
Poison: Poison Stonefield
Poison: Poison Stonefield
Although not as common falling, crushing, drowning or stabbing. Death by poisoning does happen in Stonefield, especially at Stone Flask Tavern.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Titan Mine
Subtle Geometric Distortions
Stonefeather Rocs
Lothuu the Sad
Self Doubt System Ready
Bat Staff
Ushukhhel Lovshes Grenngrugug
Harrow Hideaway
Murderous Thoughts
Mathos Family Triptychs
Incinerated Priests
Elbius's Loyal Heralds
A Little Something
Poison: Poisoned Planetouched Wilds
Poison: Poisoned Planetouched Wilds
That in the wilds that does not kill you makes you a quivering pile of kadluu bait.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Disgusting Boils
2 Horned Yarnosaur
The Founding of Shal Korva
A Thousand Years of Tasty Recipes
Purring Shrimp
Drank to Forget
Loved too Much
Clever Khadlig
Truth Blower
Eternal Nightmares
The Free Range Pony Farm
Sneak up on a Sleeper
Letter of Mark
Constructed Rod of Decay
Fury and Cunning
Poison: Politics of Stonefield
Poison: Politics of Stonefield
Though thought to be a sleepy mountain town, the interplay of politics among the humans and monsters in Stonefield is quite complex.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Dreadbone Cartel
Skullcrush Clan
Dead Miner's Society
Grengrug Brewer's Local 124
Wretch's Prosperity Guild
Lothuu the Sad
Poison: Rest in Pieces
Poison: Rest in Pieces
Many of the Solemns want to come back as unholy revenants to plague their town and family, but some of the pieces were moved during the centuries.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Esta's Occipital
Lundy's Cuneiform
Sadie's Sternum
Cotton's Carpal
Beulah' Incus
Horace's Inferior Nasal Concha
Poison: Ruined Buildings of the Wilds
Poison: Ruined Buildings of the Wilds
The Wilds once contained the pinnacle of bahmi architecture. Most of it caught fire and fell over.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
The Historic Grimoire Library
The Adorable Toy Store
The Delicious Cake Bakery
The Free Range Pony Farm
The Only 5-Star Hotel
The Fancy Carnival Balloon Factory
Poison: Scald the Magnificent
Poison: Scald the Magnificent
Two dragons came out of the Gedlo’s egg. One was a fiery beast of prophecy, the other a nerdy little twerp.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Egg Cooking Breath
Quill Sharpened Beak
Elfin Ears
Bark Carving Claws
Eyes that Itch Like Embers
Ok Great Sword
Poison: Secrets of Grengrug
Poison: Secrets of Grengrug
The recipe of Grengrug has been a closely guarded secret known only to a select few. Unfortunately you found it out.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Filtered Troll Fat
Titan Well Water
Fall Walker Waste
Powdered Miner Bone
Shademoss Secretions
Giant Loincloth Sweat
Poison: Shadefallen Costume Party
Poison: Shadefallen Costume Party
Every year on Autumn’s Harvest, the Endless invite all the zombies of Gloamwood to Shadefallen keep for a costume party.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Sexy Butler
Sexy Docworker's Rags
Sexy Magitech Necrotriptic Operator
Sexy Murderous Clown
Sexy Battlefield Triage Physician
Platemail Lingerie
Poison: Shademoss Sickness
Poison: Shademoss Sickness
Have you come down with Shademoss Sickness? This deadly disease afflicts one out of ever three miners. Learn the symptoms and get help!
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Loss of Sleep
Murderous Thoughts
Nose Loss
Ghoulish Tastes
Poison: Shalastiri Wishes Gone Wrong
Poison: Shalastiri Wishes Gone Wrong
When entreating the Ancestors, one should choose one’s words carefully.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Rich as a Magpie
Clever as a Babaroo
Quick as a Naga
Baac in Telara
A Million Billion Wishes
Lovable as a Lamb
Poison: Skeletal Beard Decorations
Poison: Skeletal Beard Decorations
The skeletal miners of deep strike have to distinguish themselves somehow. Over the centuries they have taking to tangling things in their dead beards.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Goatee Sleeve
Skull Jangles
Bone Combs
Tendon Bands
Face Tchotchke
Rotting Beard Oil
Poison: Sky Whale Hunting Bloopers
Poison: Sky Whale Hunting Bloopers
The hunting of the leviathans is incredibly dangerous. It also can be hilarious.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Get Out In Front of it
Sneak up on a Sleeper
Unanchored Guide Rope
Messed With the Bull
Yanked Out a Whisker
Ride the Skywhale
Poison: Slippy the Skull Shambler
Poison: Slippy the Skull Shambler
Stonefield’s most famous leafy green lizard.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Bits of Ore
Herman's Slimy Shoe
Keevan's Bitten Pick
Jacksen's Dented Shovel
Soul Vessel of Titans
Poison: Spooky Rubber Masks of Delilath
Poison: Spooky Rubber Masks of Delilath
Since being transformed by Regulos the Hag of Gloamwood has tried many plots to scare off the residents of Gloamwood Pines.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Haggella the Duck
Smiling Jack
The Mad Carnivillian
Endless Holligan
Well Spun Terror
Poison: Stonefield Defender Workouts
Poison: Stonefield Defender Workouts
You need to be strong to defend Stonefield, absolutely ripped. The guards spend half their day building muscle mass.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Troll Club Caber Toss
Falls Cliff Climb
Squirrel Dance
Ram Wrestle
Titan Mine
Pick Up Rocks
Poison: Tainted Keystone
Poison: Tainted Keystone
Aside from miners trying to earn a living, the true evil rotting at the core of Stonefield were the rocks holding up doorways.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Harrow Hideaway
Gregori's Hand Prints
Economies of Evil
Gem Settings
Gravity Powered Necromancy
Thorne in Arthur's Side
Poison: The Harrow
Poison: The Harrow
This Gothic Mathosian church became corrupted when the corrupted keystone was hidden in the crypts beneath it.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Stinky Pews
Eternal Candles
Dank Dampness
Bursting Graveyards
Safety Deposit Coffin
Pain Glass Windows
Poison: The Hills are Alive
Poison: The Hills are Alive
With the –
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Flapping of Roc Feathers
Clanging of Miner's Picks
Wimpering of Troglodyte Wretches
Bleating of Sicklehorn
Clattering of Skeletons
Gurgling of Sobeks
Poison: The Legacy of Aedraxis
Poison: The Legacy of Aedraxis
The last king of Mathosia was a bloody tyrant whose influence can still be felt today.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Letter of Mark
List of Enemies
Ghastly Torture Tools
Mathosian Spintriae
Aedraxian Ethics by Orphiel Farwind
Constructed Rod of Decay
Poison: The Mass Wedding of the Hagborn
Poison: The Mass Wedding of the Hagborn
The betrothed hanging around the shack were getting antsy for their wedding day. So she married them all at once.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Werewolf Gloomsmen
Shadefallen Ceremony
Capoeira Dancing
Spidersilk Wedding Dress
Honeymoon Murder Spree
Unclear Invitation
Poison: The Necromancy of Werewolves
Poison: The Necromancy of Werewolves
Delilath the Hag was known to remark “The more I knew of the people of Gloamwood, the more I thought of dogs.”
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Glandidulan Putrification
Post-mortem Claws
Heart Enlargement
Skeletal Embiggenment
Lupined Zombie Bite
Necrotized Madness Disease
Poison: The State of the Wilds
Poison: The State of the Wilds
It’s a nice place to visit, but you wouldn’t want to live there.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Inaccessible Islands
Unstable Architecture
Aggressive Wildlife
Too Many Shinys
Poison: Troll Glyphs
Poison: Troll Glyphs
Though thought of as brainless brutes, the artistic glyphs of mountain trolls reveal them to have a rich inner life.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Asymmetrical Earthy Tones
Strong Negative Space
Dramatic Pale Colors
Elongated Vibrant Curves
Triptych in Stone
Intricate Relationships
Poison: Usukhel Reviews Stone Flask Tavern
Poison: Usukhel Reviews Stone Flask Tavern
After visiting many drinking establishments across Telara, here is how Usukhel describes Stonefield’s favorite watering hole.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Stonefield while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Stonefield
Usukhel Hate Grengrug
Usukhel Like Mountain Oysters
Usukhel Miss Beautiful Man
Ushukhhel Lovshes Grenngrugug
Usukhel Want Fight!
Poison: Usukhel's Fan Fiction
Poison: Usukhel's Fan Fiction
After being introduced to the concept of romance and civilization, the Lioness of the Wilds tried her hand at romantic fan fiction.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
50 Hues of Blue
Madame Saikhny
The Clay Tablet
Midmorning: Dying Moon
Fury and Cunning
Khadluu Billionaire
Poison: Warlord Swedge
Poison: Warlord Swedge
The military leader of the Gedlo on Telara, he demands his troops respect his authority. If only he had the tactical skill to match his adulation.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Weapon Forge Kickbacks
Siege of Shadefell
Aelfwar Guardian Fronts
Toxin Junkie Troops
Sluggish Scarn Development
Sneak Attacked the 8th
Poison: Waykeeper Brion's Emergency Preparedness Kits
Poison: Waykeeper Brion's Emergency Preparedness Kits
Be it rifts or goblins, treants, vampires, werewolves, cultists, zombies, or the Beast itself, it always pays to be prepared in Gloamwood.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Three Days Hard Tack
Healing Potions
Personal Hygine Trowel
Holy Symbol
Signal Fireworks for Entertainment
Entertainment Fireworks for Signals
Poison: Waykeeper Sera's Archery Tips
Poison: Waykeeper Sera's Archery Tips
Waykeepr Sera enjoys the sport of archery for its own sake. Luckily there is so much in Gloamwood that needs to be arrowed.
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Poison Gloamwood
Spider Talon Sharp Mind
Treant Targets
Stance Experimentation
Gloamlight Shooting
Short vs Longbow
Not Throwing Away Your Shot
Poison: Wilds Balloon Wrangler
Poison: Wilds Balloon Wrangler
A calling with lots of upward mobility!
These Poison artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds while you have the Poison Artifact Sight Buff. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as green shinys on the floor.
Feeling Queezy
Gas Prowler
Pump Surgeon
Polygonal Geology
Polygonal Geology
Amazing examples of mathematics in geology or is it geology in mathematics?
These Artifacts are collected inside Toks Dungeon.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
Old School Collector
Dolomite Duality
Vulcanite Vertex
Emerald Edge
Feldspar Face
Convex Regolith
Rhombic Chromite
Deltoidal Diaspore
Pentagonal Pyrite
Prismatic Silicon
Normal Nickle
Regular Umbite
Truncated Quartz
Osmium Characteristic
Hessite Divergence
Quasi-Regular Loadstone
Carnotite Polytope
Borax Pyramid
Platonic Mica
Isometric Ruthenium
Toroidal Alisharite
Naomium Reciprocal
Euler Chloritoid
Tessellated Gypsum
Hafnon Abstract
Snub Antimony
Uniform Epidote
Natron Fibrifold
Popular Reenactments of the Bloodlust Arena
Popular Reenactments of the Bloodlust Arena
Of all the battles that have raged across the planes and the mortal worlds, these have made the best arena fights.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Charge of the Achyati
The Destruction of Strozza
Izbithu’s Demise
The Burning of Kingsgate
The Rout of the Gedlo
Portentous Ruins
Portentous Ruins
Treasure hunters and scholars debate the meaning of some of the inexplicable ruins found in Cape Jule.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
History of the Cape
Jungle Hatch
Men Here
Train in Ocean
Swamp Bath House
Potential Misuses of the Planar Televeyer
Potential Misuses of the Planar Televeyer
The Architects planned to use the Televeyer to drop Planebreakers atop their enemies, but there are other ways the device could be used for mayhem.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Planebreaker Bastion.
Televey Fire Colossi into Sanctum
Teleport Tempest Bay Residents into Earth Plane Residents
Blast all the Donuts into the Plane of Death
Prayers of Layce Adaton
Prayers of Layce Adaton
The first high priestess of the God Engine discovered the mathematics of the divine.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Learning about Lycini
Predictions of Maklamos
Predictions of Maklamos
Not all the Scryer’s predictions proved true, though perhaps some came to happen in other Sliver realms.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Infernal Dawn: Laethys.
Shyla Ends a Tumultuous Affair
The Price of Witchweave Falls Precipitously
Guardians and Defiants Unite
The Infinity Gate Is Rebuilt
The Watchers Invade
Preserved Earth Plane Remains
Preserved Earth Plane Remains
Chambers deep within Infernal Dawn store the remains of planar beings that have died on Telara.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Infernal Dawn: Laethys.
Mummified Gnar
Ogre in Formaldehyde
Embalmed Titan
Canned Cyclops
Ant in Amber
Pretty Ice Crystals Until They Melted
Pretty Ice Crystals Until They Melted
There is beauty in Tarken; it just takes patience and a keen eye to find it.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Glowing Ice Crystallettes
Perfect Ice Crystal
Glowing Ice Column
Glowing Ice Crystal
Ice Diamond
Prince Hylas Aelfwar
Prince Hylas Aelfwar
Once the Prince of the elves, now turned traitor and heretic he leads House Aelfwar in the depraved cult of Greenscale.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Mirror of Ages
Wax Seal of the Prince
Concealable Elven Pugio
Vial of Greenscale's Blood
Shyla's Locket
Princess Mala's Malapropisms
Princess Mala's Malapropisms
The crone princess of Draumheim is a native spanker of the common tong, but many conceptuals prelude transduction foam her dream thoughts.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Personalities of Draumheim
Diamond Tibia Crown
Elephant Dress
Gas Slippers
Ceremonial Sawed
Brief Face of Military Codes
Products of the Ward
Products of the Ward
During more prosperous times, Kingsward was known for many fine products.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
Karthite Goblet
Vhar Dung Tea
Cross Hot Buns
Ward Silk
Queen's Dumplings
Propaganda Posters of Pelladane
Propaganda Posters of Pelladane
To help inspire the population a series of wartime posters were printed.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Learning about Lycini
Help Crush the Menace of the Skies!
Your Guildies are Fighting, Why Aren’t You?
Protect Your Mind! Wear Foil!
Defeat the Dragon! Learn to Program Prayer!
Free Pelladane! Welcome the Ascended!
Proper Parenting Techniques By Eustace Green
Proper Parenting Techniques By Eustace Green
Being a parent on a frontier farm, beset by monsters and torn apart by rifts offers some unique challenges. Eustace Green has some helpful tips.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
No Child Services on the Frontier
A Changeling Can Pick Beans Too
Kids Need to Stand Up to Faeries
Learn to Walk Home in the Dark
Crying Babies Mark Truffle Locations
Prophetic Tools of the Alaviax
Prophetic Tools of the Alaviax
It’s not all just speaking in tongues and shouting randomly when the vision strikes you, good prophecy depends the right tools to express your vision.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Dusted Off Shinys
Half Round Bolidium Chisel
Hellbug Saliva Varnish
Celestial Danced Needle
Messenger Feather Quill
Protective Talismans
Protective Talismans
The townfolk of Stillmoor carry talismans to ward off the evil that surrounds them. Little good they must do, given the blood stains on most of them.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Mathosian History
Fortune Clover
Simple Periapt
Blessed Coin
Dice of Guidance
Feathered Talisman
Puzzle Master Noshei
Puzzle Master Noshei
It is said that the mysterious Omi herself gave these items to Noshei for his great generosity.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planar Door Pick
Secret Shortcut Maker
Dreaming Decoder Ring
Any Color Orb
Extra Turn Generator
Time Distorter
Confuzatron 9000
Fake Square
Pyroclastic Remains of Hamatu
Pyroclastic Remains of Hamatu
When mount pyre suddenly erupted the citizens of Hamatu were totally unprepared.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Dusted Off Shinys
Jewel Encrusted Box
Erotic Statue
Intricately Decorated Urn
Ossified Food
Petrified Cat
Qaijiri Culture
Qaijiri Culture
Not everything that has happened since the Barrier fell has been terrible. The once almost mythical Qaijiri turned out to be real and benevolent.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Fertility Fetish
Scenic Tapestry
Fine Qaijiri Pottery
Bone and Stone Necklace
Intricately Carved Staff
Quarry Rat Instruments
Quarry Rat Instruments
The Quarry Rats of Scarlet Gorge have a distinct style of music made up of rich, down to earth tones accompanied by quiet timber melody and soulful group choruses.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarlet Gorge, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarlet Gorge, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarlet Gorge
Quarry Rat Tin Whistle
Quarry Rat Pan Flute
Quarry Rat Fiddle
Quarry Rat Lute
Quarry Rat Horn
Queen Miela
Queen Miela
The young queen of the Lycini elves has led her people through this dangerous time.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Learning about Lycini
Cipher to Memorize
Favorite Novel
List of Fallen Marines
Spell book of Mental Defenses
Blackout Diary
Queen's Gambit
Queen's Gambit
This book has obviously not been shown the reverence it deserves.
These artifacts can be picked up all around Kingsward. They are normal white artifacts on the ground.
The reward from this set is used as part of the Storm Legion puzzles. Because of this, you can also buy these artifacts from a special vendor called ‘Nomi’. You will find ‘Nomi’ in a secret area after you have completed the ‘It Goes to Eleven‘ cheevo. Check the guide for more detail.
Queen's Gambit Page 2
Queen's Gambit Page 3
Queen's Gambit Page 4
Queen's Gambit Page 5
Queen's Gambit Page 6
Queen's Gambit Page 7
Queen's Gambit Page 8
Queen's Gambit Page 9
Queen's Gambit Page 10
Queen's Gambit Page 11
Queen's Gambit Page 12
Quicksilver College
Quicksilver College
Upon acceptance to Quicksilver, all prospective students must bring the following items:
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Yew Practice Wand
Rothmann's Principia Conflagera
Radiances of the Wild
Radiances of the Wild
The karmic good intention of the Wilds have been stolen from the bahmi and crystallized into radiant jewels.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Grace Beryl
Magnanimous Taaffeite
Purity Zektzerite
Pride Poudretteite
Serenity Serendibite
Rain Cohort
Rain Cohort
Some key players and tactics of the Rain Cohort.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Crucia’s Crew
Tribuni Cestius
Vexillarii Quintus
Ballista Barrage
Synchronized Slingshots
Tactical Retreat
Ranri - Sea Jelly Goddess of the Mount
Ranri - Sea Jelly Goddess of the Mount
Ranri is worshiped in the shallows, among the vast schools that swim in harmony with the untold number of other creatures.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Bell of Wisdom
All Sensing Ocelli
Tentacles of Vengence
Rare Fish of Moonshade Highlands, Droughtlands, and Iron Pine Peak
Rare Fish of Moonshade Highlands, Droughtlands, and Iron Pine Peak
A collection of rare fish found within the waters of Moonshade Highlands, Droughtlands, and Iron Pine Peak.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in the listed Mathosia Zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
Trophy Aestivating Nautilus
Trophy Moonhorse
Trophy Highlands Eel
Trophy Serene Flatfish
Trophy Coldwater Seabug
Trophy Desert Greenling
Trophy Droughtlands Puffer
Trophy Grassland Pondleaper
Trophy Whalefish
Trophy Icebiter
Trophy Glacier Octopus
Rare Fish of Scarlet Gorge and Scarwood Reach
Rare Fish of Scarlet Gorge and Scarwood Reach
A collection of rare fish found within the waters of Scarlet Gorge and Scarwood Reach.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in the listed Mathosia Zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
Trophy Grouper
Trophy Green Widemouth
Trophy Inland Octopus
Trophy Steelscale Thrasher
Trophy Scarwood Crystalfish
Trophy Ironshell Crab
Trophy Electric Dragonfish
Rare Fish of Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle
Rare Fish of Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle
A collection of rare fish found within the waters of Shimmersand, Stillmoor, and Ember Isle.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in the listed Mathosia Zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
Trophy Desert Seabug
Trophy Firebelly Snapper
Trophy Bull Chameleonfish
Trophy Ember Stoneskin
Trophy Deep Ray
Trophy Powdernose Crab
Trophy Sand Nautilus
Trophy Moorleaper
Trophy Stillmoor Devil
Trophy Amphibious Jelly
Trophy Ash Shark
Rare Fish of Silverwood and Freemarch
Rare Fish of Silverwood and Freemarch
A collection of rare fish found within the waters of Silverwood and Freemarch.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in the listed Mathosia Zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
Trophy Normal-Eyed Guppy
Trophy Silverwood Devil
Trophy Deep March Eel
Rare Fish of Stonefield and Gloamwood
Rare Fish of Stonefield and Gloamwood
A collection of rare fish found within the waters of Stonefield and Gloamwood.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in the listed Mathosia Zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
Trophy Gloam Eel
Trophy Cascadefish
Trophy Indigoby
Rare Trophy Fish of the New World
Rare Trophy Fish of the New World
Rare trophy fish caught in the waters of Brevane and Dusken
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in any of the Storm Legion zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Big Collection of Trophies
A Bigger Collection of Trophies
Trophy Kraken Hatchling
Trophy Dusken Eel
Trophy Emerald Flycatcher
Rat Parts
Rat Parts
The Rat Catcher of Tok is obsessed with rats, especially when presented in little pieces.
These Artifacts are collected inside Toks Dungeon.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
Old School Collector
Rat’s Ear
Rat’s Spleen
Rat’s Eye
Rat’s Claw
Rat’s Whisker
Rat’s Nose
Rat’s Incisor
Rat’s Liver
Rat’s Fur
Rat’s Tongue
Rat’s Cheek
Rat Droppings
Rat’s Kidney
Rat’s Heart
Rat’s Veins
Rat’s Finger
Rat’s Intestine
Rat’s Brain
Rat’s Skin
Rat’s Skull
Rat’s Rib
Rat’s Molar
Rat’s Bladder
Rat’s Stomach
Rat’s Gall Bladder
Rat’s Lung
Rat’s Leg
Rat’s Spine
Rat’s Blood
Rawlte's Theories on Slivers
Rawlte's Theories on Slivers
Rawlte has studied Sliver phenomena for years, and has developed many interesting theories on the subject.
This set can be found in the level 65 Chronicle: Rhen Of Fate.
Seaside Collector
Sliver Worlds Do Not Have Hot Cocoa
Sliver Worlds Influence the Reality of Our Own World
Sliver World Versions of Myself Are Less Brilliant, Attractive Than Myself
Rawlte’s Favorite Flowers
Rawlte’s Favorite Flowers
The Rawlte from the Sliver realm differs in many ways from our Rawlte, but they both share a love of flowers.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Infernal Dawn: Laethys.
Nerinium Blooms
Crocus Bulbs
Birds of Paradise
White Tulips
Reagents of the Gilded Sages
Reagents of the Gilded Sages
The Gilded Sages Cyclops dedicate years to the study of magic, using a variety of incantations and reagents to enhance their power.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Infernal Dawn: Laethys.
Eye of Newt
Pickled Sea Horse
Recipes of Ancient Brevane
Recipes of Ancient Brevane
Before retreating to Necropolis, Brevanes lived lives similar to people everywhere else, as evinced by their traditional foods.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Blood Cake
Honeyed Dalla Petals
Crispy Nimdak Wings
Cat Bones
Recorded Architect Translations
Recorded Architect Translations
Attempts to decipher the Architects’ spoken language have yielded the following translations.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit.
Move Trans-Thermal Evaltenuator a Little to the Left.
Need Queen or Hive Will Die.
Must Regurgitate Load-Bearing Pylon.
Foolish Humanoids Will Serve Nicely.
Through Their Leader, Our Queen Reborn.
Regions of Dusken
Regions of Dusken
A collection of oddities found within the various parts of Dusken Spires.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Behemoth Graveyard
Camp Talon
Cydrel's Rest
Shaper's Citadel
Den of Kwell
Den of Lezul
Fetid Plains
Forest of Flesh
Ruinous Passage
The Crawl
The Eternal Assault
The Hollow
The Northern Ruins
The Pus Swamp
Valley of Bones
Regrets of the Condemned
Regrets of the Condemned
Sometimes a soul’s regret is so strong that it manifest as an item on their person, only to cause pain whenever they look at it.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Dusted Off Shinys
Recriminating Ring
Excoriating Earring
Blaming Bracelet
Criticizing Choker
Accusing Amulet
Tut Tutting Toe Ring
Relics of Architect Culture
Relics of Architect Culture
Antiquities of Architect culture left behind for the taking.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Old Construct Remote
Souvenir Piece of a Hive
Broken Architect Armor
Fossilized Architect Frass
Emergency Architect Rations
Architect Puzzle Box
Automated "Architect Butter" Churn
Relics of Carwin Mathos
Relics of Carwin Mathos
Carwin Mathos became an Ascended of the Vigil but then fell in battle against Regulos the Destroyer.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Lock of Carwin's Hair
Carwin's Discarded Armor
Grove Sprig
Carwin's Letters
Carwin's Signet Ring
Relics of Crucia's Last Battle
Relics of Crucia's Last Battle
The last great battle against Crucia was fought on the side of the Iron Pine Peaks, as the dragon was driven back to her temple. Only Telara’s greatest general, Warlord Borte, could overcome her tactically.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Storms of the North
Ekkehard's Fleece
Rothmann's Spellbook
Vachir's Claymore
Gisa's Rifle
Borte's Battle Plans
Relics of Freemarch
Relics of Freemarch
A collection of the most precious artifacts in Freemarch.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Phase Weight Prototype
Chart of Death
Scroll of Happiness
Dwarven Iron Penny
The Crossing - Page 5
Rusted Shovel
March Warden Denegar - Page 5
Liberation of the March - Page 4
Idol of Kashar
Skull-Handled Key
Relics of Greenscale's Tamers
Relics of Greenscale's Tamers
These items belong to the heroes who managed to bring Greenscale to heel and trap him in the mountains of Stillmoor.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Staff of the Storm Witch
Beast Tamer's Collar
Idol of the River Mistress
Bow of the Glade Guardian
Hammer of Divine Justice
Remains of Granitewood Crossing
Remains of Granitewood Crossing
Only a few tattered items remain as evidence that Granitewood Crossing was once home to a small, vibrant community.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Aelfwar Machinations
Empty Glass Frames
Blood Soaked Backpack
Torn Silk Kerchief
Broken Flute
Empty Flask
Remains of the Mire
Remains of the Mire
The possessions of common folk who took up arms to defend Freemarch from Jakub litter the battle sites.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Portrait of the March
Torn Daguerreotype
Crudely Fashioned Cudgel
Rusted Shovel
Bloody Playing Dice
Scorched Letter
Reoccurring Nightmares of Draumheim
Reoccurring Nightmares of Draumheim
Though Draumheim strives to provide pleasant but forgettable dreams, there are many nightmares that keep popping up to cause trouble to dreaming visitors.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Default Armor Always On
Drowning in Draumheim
Personal Planar Invasion
Ten Dreams Per Second Lag
Rhen Coronation Memorabilia
Rhen Coronation Memorabilia
The crowning of the first Rhen of the Cerulean Rhenke was a momentous occasion. Merchants were quick to flood the market with useless junk.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Shikolec Calamari Bowl
Genuine Rhen Tooth Pendant
Omen Sword Replicas
Mammal Hair Wig
Ceramic Nightmare Skulls
Richter, Lord of Belmont
Richter, Lord of Belmont
This is a book written by a woman obviously under the persuasive magic of the vampire lord Richter.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Mathosian History
Richter, Lord of Belmont - Page 2
Richter, Lord of Belmont - Page 3
Richter, Lord of Belmont - Page 4
Richter, Lord of Belmont - Page 5
Richter, Lord of Belmont - Page 6
Rings That Were Once Lost
Rings That Were Once Lost
Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Ring of Fallen Kings
Dwarven Ring
Dragon Ring
Signet of the Rider
The Ring of the Lord
The Ring of the Lady
Curiously Inscribed Ring
River of Souls: Chains of Death
River of Souls: Chains of Death
An odd collection of items found within the River of Souls while disguised as a cultist.
This set can be found in the level 50 Chronicle: River of Souls, and the level 65 Chronicle Intrepid: River of Souls.
Discordant Blade
Cultist's Deck of Cards
Endless Court Documents
Skeletal Rabbit
Wailing Crystal
Failed Servants Remains
Token of Oblivion
Possessed Skull
Tormented Soul
Roc Feathers
Roc Feathers
The rocs that nest in Stonefield have unique plumage that the people of Stonefield use for numerous home remedies.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Shiny Roc Feather
Glossy Roc Feather
Bright Roc Feather
Rorf Collection; Awesome Reward
Rorf Collection; Awesome Reward
Rorf put together collection for you. Has cat. Has other point you miss from not reading. You pay attention now item on auction house.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Wanton Tribes
Humorous But Degrading Kobold Item
You Mistake this for Weapon Upgrade
Reused Item From Earlier Zone
Story Point Lost on Most People
Game Changing Twist
Royal Foods
Royal Foods
It seems that the more exotic and expensive the food, the nastier it actually is.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
Monarch Memories
Firewing Honey
Thornshooter Berries
Deathgazer Feet
Goretusk Sweetbreads
Cloudstalker Eggs
Vhar Jelly
Rune King Molinar
Rune King Molinar
Rune King Molinar gained power through his clan’s unique skills of craft. Their runebindings ultimately were the doom of Hammerknell when the rifts came.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
The Fall of the Dwarves
Molinar Guide to Runebinding
Runebound Crown
Living Triptych of Molinar Glory
Collection of Unsent Edicts
Tidebound Stone of Whispers
Runebound Accessories
Runebound Accessories
At the pinnacle of the Dwarven kingdom of Hammerknell, these runebound accessories were considered the height of fashion.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
The Fall of the Dwarves
Everhot Portable Forge
Amazing Hammer of Convenient Use
Irresistible Trap
Mug of Plenty
Self-Replicating Ring
Runic Language of the Architects
Runic Language of the Architects
The architects have a runic language of six symbols.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Bennkaa - The great hive
Cunaan - The light in tunnels
Daazg - The time of growth
Ezwah - The bearer of burdens
Fueh - The wealth of the earth
Rusted Dimension Keys
Rusted Dimension Keys
Having fallen from the pockets of swimming Telarans, these dimension keys are so rusted, they’re unusable.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Hopelessly Broken Dimension Key
Nonfunctional Dimension Key
Un-unlockable Dimension Key
Glitchy Dimension Key
Dimension Key That Almost Works
Saint Taranis Fierce Expression Kit
Saint Taranis Fierce Expression Kit
A Warrior/Artist treats their artistic tools with the same care and obsession that they give their weapons.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Drake Cartilage Calligraphy Stylus
Spider Silk Loincloth Loom
Dragon Egg Tempera
Atramentium Grinding Wheel
Saint Taranis Packing List
Saint Taranis Packing List
Advice on what to bring for a trip to Saint Taranis is common, there is little agreement however. Here are a few items that do seem to show up on most lists.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Tar Tape
Drakebone Mobile Fastener
Fireproof Thorn Extractor
Appropriately Themed Torches
Goblin Rawhide Utilikilt
Salvarola the Great
Salvarola the Great
Items and documents extolling the virtues of Salvarola, most of them probably created by Salvarola himself.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in City Core, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in City Core, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
City Collector
Grow Stronger with Salvarola's Solutions!
Salvarola Demolishes Corrupt Noble Hierarchy!
Salvarola: Our Leader, Our Visionary
Salvarola: Our Guide to a Bright Future
Flattering Oil Painting of Salvarola
Salvarola’s Discovery
Salvarola’s Discovery
Salvarola discovered something during his exile that probably would have been best if it had remained hidden.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Tomb Key
History of the Barrier
An Artifact of Immeasurable Power
Sanity Cures of the Deep
Sanity Cures of the Deep
With mighty Akylios gone, the creatures of the deep struggle to regain their sanity.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
Polyp Spray
Mental Remora
Psycho Long-Line Trawling
Satyr Holidays
Satyr Holidays
Unsurprisingly all the Satyr Holidays revolve around getting completely catatonic before the holiday is over.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Fae Yule
Carnival of Atrophinius
Scales of Laethys
Scales of Laethys
These scales have remained as tokens of Laethys carried by her most loyal cultists.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Scale of Gigmar
Scale of Ulessei
Scarlet Gorge
Scarlet Gorge
Named for the red soil that collects at the base of the canyon, Scarlet Gorge’s sourcestone became a target of the dragon cults after the fall of Mathosia.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarlet Gorge, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarlet Gorge, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarlet Gorge
The Tome of Names
Uythradge's Bargain
Eggs of Chaos
The Golden Fable - Page 6
The Wild Thangs Ride Again
Golden Maw Lock Box
Scarlet Gorge Fishing Trophies
Scarlet Gorge Fishing Trophies
A collection of all the varieties of fish available in areas of Scarlet Gorge.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in Scarlet Gorge.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Collection of Trophies
A Big Collection of Trophies
A Bigger Collection of Trophies
Trophy Flatfish
Trophy Red Mangler
Trophy Green Widemouth
Trophy Steelscale Thrasher
Trophy Electric Dragonfish
Scarwood Reach Artifacts
Scarwood Reach Artifacts
A collection of the most precious artifacts in Scarwood Reach.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Prophecy of Kain
Ethian Magnetic Imaging Device
Do Not Taunt the Mill Blade
Life Bulb
Key to Lord's Hall
The Necropolis
Broken Flute
Final Repose Kit
Weapons of War - Page 6
Scarwood Reach Fishing Trophies
Scarwood Reach Fishing Trophies
A collection of all the varieties of fish available in areas of Scarwood Reach.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in Scarwood Reach.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Collection of Trophies
A Big Collection of Trophies
A Bigger Collection of Trophies
Trophy Blenny
Trophy Grouper
Trophy Inland Octopus
Trophy Scarwood Crystalfish
Trophy Ironshell Crab
Scatharran Critters
Scatharran Critters
Not every critter in Critter Glen is a harmless little bunny.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Shiny Collecting Unscathed
Ahnket Toxo-Cat
Ahnket Day Groundhog
Ahnket Spotless Leopard
Ahnket Multi-Rabbit
Ahnket Super Skunk
Ahnket Glitch Squirrel
Scatherran Forest
Scatherran Forest
Scatherran Forest is so stunningly beautiful, it’s a shame that death lurks around every corner.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Tiny Teacup Potter’s Wheel
Post Traumatic Patch Discussion
Blueberry Pie
Multicolored Mushrooms
Flower Petals
Transmogrified Spleen
Wild Vine Framing
Lichen Thatch
Bone Frame
Ahnket Glitch Squirrel
Petrified Wooden Treant Idol
Spawnal Dysfunction
Scotty's Research Paper
Scotty's Research Paper
The dwarf Scotty appears to have lost his research paper for Quicksilver College while in Gloamwood.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Scotty's Research Paper, Page 2
Scotty's Research Paper, Page 3
Scotty's Research Paper, Page 4
Scoundrel Teaching Implements
Scoundrel Teaching Implements
The tools employed by the Scoundrels to train their slaves hint at the cruelties Finric faced as a young hatchling.
This set can be found in the level 65 Chronicle: Rhen Of Fate.
Seaside Collector
Hot Poker
Spiked Cage
Scout Temujin's Lost Effects
Scout Temujin's Lost Effects
Items you found on the trail of Scout Temujin of the Qaijiri.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
The Battle's Touch
Celestial Half Wight: +5 HP, +6 MP
Melted Chocolates from Arjet Vos
Ashora Dirt Samples
Extra-Strength Bug Spray
Letters from Mum
Brush to Mark the Way
Scriptkeeper Chekharoth's Scrolls
Scriptkeeper Chekharoth's Scrolls
These scrolls are covered in the Scriptkeeper’s studies regarding the nature of Crucia’s imprisonment and how to get her out.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Storms of the North
Notes on the Temple
Notes on the Queen's Defeat
Notes on the Water Prison
Notes on the Army
Notes on the Ritual
Scrolls of Eliam
Scrolls of Eliam
When March Warden Eliam became the first elected leader of the Freemarch, he put down edicts of social justice in these scrolls.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Portrait of the March
Scroll of Liberty
Scroll of Justice
Scroll of Consanguinity
Scroll of Peace
Scroll of Happiness
Sea of Nama
Sea of Nama
Strange artifacts from the Sea of Nama of Ghar Station Kaf.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Nama Jetsam
Nama Flotsam
Tropical Beverage from Nama
Riches of Woe
Ghar Station Kaf Manifest
Secrets of the Ascended
Secrets of the Ascended
While the Ascended Guardians share their dreams and plans to bring Telara into harmony, there are some things they are reluctant to speak openly about.
These artifacts are found in Sanctum. They are part of a tutorial quest that shows you how to pick up artifacts and then hand in the set for your rewards.
Plot to Kill Orphiel
Abyssal Book of Names
Secrets of the Planebreaker
Secrets of the Planebreaker
The secrets of the abyss drawn forth by the power of the Planebreaker.
Hidden in the Planebreaker Bastion raid.
Secrets of the Bastion
Planebreaker Power Core
Seeing Dots
Seeing Dots
Finding the missing pages may help to determine what all these dots mean.
These artifacts can be picked up all around Seratos. They are normal white artifacts on the ground.
The reward from this set is used as part of the Storm Legion puzzles. Because of this, you can also buy these artifacts from a special vendor called ‘Nomi’. You will find ‘Nomi’ in a secret area after you have completed the ‘It Goes to Eleven‘ cheevo. Check the guide for more detail.
Seeing Dots Page 2
Seeing Dots Page 3
Seeing Dots Page 4
Seeing Dots Page 5
Seeing Dots Page 6
Seeing Dots Page 7
Seeing Dots Page 8
Selected Poems of Arlan Merkur
Selected Poems of Arlan Merkur
Though a fierce warrior and hunter, Arlan Merkur has a softer side he allows few to see. He has also written a lot of bad poetry he has forced many to see.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Ode to The Overseer
It’s the World’s End as We Know It
Vengeful Sky, Vengeful Heart
Skyburst on my Mind
Infinitely Yours
In Seratos, the forces of Crucia and Regulos have begun a conflict upon which rests the fate of the world.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
Brevanic Quasi Anomaly
Sacred Sealed Text
Crucia Prediction
Ezael's Moonshine
Torath's Rusted Chestplate
Wild Hunt High Quality Pelt
Dionaea Crepusculum Telum
Torn Bag
Krahzael's Shard of Regulos
Sergeant's Journal
Sergeant's Journal
Waterlogged journal of a Sergeant from the Filthy Fifth
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Sergeant's Journal - Entry 5
Sergeant's Journal - Entry 16
Sergeant's Journal - Entry 21
Sergeant's Journal - Final Entry
Shade Archon Artifacts
Shade Archon Artifacts
These shadowy artifacts are found upon the vanquished Archons from the Plane of Death.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Death.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Shadebound Collector
Decaying Tongue
Oath of the Endless
Vision from Beyond
Cursed Shadow Bangle
Dispelled Dark Staff
Shade Harbinger Artifacts
Shade Harbinger Artifacts
Harbingers of the Plane of Death gain strength from these elusive artifacts.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Death.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Shadebound Collector
Skeleton Pick
Elixir of the Endless
Pit Boss Key
Concentrated Evil
Cracked Endless Warmask
Shade Herald Artifacts
Shade Herald Artifacts
Heralds of the Plane of Death carry these artifacts with them into battle.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Death.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Eldritch Stone
Dark Trinket
Shadowy Prophecy
Grim Trophy
Dark Skull of the Invader
Shade Vanguard Artifacts
Shade Vanguard Artifacts
These artifacts are coveted by the vanguards of the Plane of Death.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Death.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Shadebound Collector
Corpse Missive
Putrid Fang
Drink of the Undead
Foul Trinket
Invader's Battle Horn
Shadefallen Keep
Shadefallen Keep
Shadefallen Keep changed hands repeatedly throughout the Shade War. It has taken on the character of the final vile owners.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
The Curse of Gloamwood
Bone Powder Face Paint
Necromancy Ritual Book
Mark of Regulos
Gravemaker Wax Candle
Crest of Aedraxis
Shademarked Bones
Shademarked Bones
These bones are clearly marked as part of a shadetouched skeleton, the lingering effects of the Plane of Death coloring them.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Jagged Shademarked Bone
Hollow Shademarked Bone
Shal Korva
Shal Korva
The remains of this mighty keep has become the refuge of the bahmi as their homeland falls through the planes.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Big Wheel Rubbing
Kite Caught Karma
Balloon Tether
Throne Cushion
Death Curse
These lords of the sky have long resisted Crucia’s tyranny, and taken an “interest” in the denizens of Telara.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Golden Thumb Thimble
Cloud Opals
Windy Kilt
Flirtatious Gifts
Metal Goatee
Shaper Tools of the Trade
Shaper Tools of the Trade
The Shapers, easily struck by inspiration, have left behind their artistic tools around Dusken Spires.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Woven Hair Yarn
Matted Fur Brush
Clawed Scraper
Sharpened Fang Chisel
Hide Canvas
Shaper's Twisted Artwork
Shaper's Twisted Artwork
“These foul ghouls have made an art out of abomination. The very land itself needs to be cut away from Telara like you would a cancer. I never thought I would look favorably on the Queen of Tyranny until she was side to side with these monsters.” – Sariel the Messenger
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Worked Tendons
Extruded Muscle
Molded Organ
Coiled Intestine
Facade of Corpulence
Shapers Artistic Fervor
Shapers Artistic Fervor
Oddities and other collectables well desired by any inspiring young Shaper artist.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Book of Artistic Pains
Living Dead Fungal Plant
Lucky Remorseful Skull
Crafter’s Horned Ornament
Organic Ribbon Charm
Sharad X9 Spare Parts
Sharad X9 Spare Parts
The Architects kept several spare parts around to keep the X9 in tiptop shape.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Planebreaker Bastion.
Laser Net Electron Booster
Voice Modulator
Morality Matrix Toggle
Sharax Tools
Sharax Tools
The Sharax were created by the gods to fight their wars against evils at the dawn of creation. In between wars and revenge they carve ice to pass the time.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Conflict in Tarken
Cosmic Lathe
Akvan Rib Chisel
Barr Horn Glue
Frystfall Silk Rope
Broken Ice Horn Lever
Shatterbone Possessions
Shatterbone Possessions
The Endless Court dreams of Telara’s imminent destruction and their reward of eternal existence. The Shatterbone cult packs accordingly.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Childhood Toy
Bucket List
Book of Death Poems
Heart of True Love
Last Cup of Coffee Ever
Shattered Remnants
Shattered Remnants
A collection of items ripped from the hands of those forced into the ranks of the Storm Legion.
These Artifacts can be looted from crates while running the Normal mode of the Tower of the Shattered Dungeon.
Lost Gamble
Forgotten Toy
Broken Locket
The vast desert of Shimmersand was once the heart of the Eth empire. The desert has now reclaimed what was taken from it.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Destella's Sash
Scale Brand
Dragon Powered Machines
Stonetouched Spice
List of Influential Debtors
Gold Khaliti Tiara
Map to the Hoard of Laethys
Mask of the Stormlord
Schematic for ARC
Shimmersand Fishing Trophies
Shimmersand Fishing Trophies
A collection of all the varieties of fish available in areas of Shimmersand.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in Shimmersand.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Collection of Trophies
A Big Collection of Trophies
A Bigger Collection of Trophies
Trophy Sunny Puffer
Trophy Brightwater Octopus
Trophy Desert Seabug
Trophy Powdernose Crab
Trophy Sand Nautilus
Shiny Pebbles
Shiny Pebbles
These pebbles have been polished to a smooth glow.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Fishing For Artifacts
Ruby Pebble
Sapphire Pebble
Shimmering Pebble
Bright Pebble
Smooth Blue Pebble
Glowing Orange Pebble
Brilliant Pebble
Shiny Shenanigans: Burning: But for their Might
Shiny Shenanigans: Burning: But for their Might
These Guardians spent most of their time reflecting on the virtue of their profession after all.
These artifacts are collected during Shiny Shenanigans World events.
Master Portia
Edgar Jones
Marcus the Brute
Master Elija
Raynar Wulfman
Una Green
Mary Tralk
Master Sala
Simma Lowlla
Delia Longton
Master Anastasia
Ziech Sieve
Mishka Provo
Master Mier
Mahal Dewpetal
Master Diavolo
Master Nox
Udam Michtem
Maisy Fenton
Burne Tuftnel
Master Darvych
Shiny Shenanigans: Nightmare: Myrkur Depths
Shiny Shenanigans: Nightmare: Myrkur Depths
The conditions at the very bottom of the Plane of Water are too intense even for the Ascended. Still, drones and seers have gotten a glimpse of what exists in those depths.
These artifacts are collected during Shiny Shenanigans World events.
Broken Plains
Bloodfire Ridge
The Maw
The Dark Palace
Ghar Prime
The Sink
The Desert Below
Planebreaker Executious
Temple of the Blind
Leviathan's Fall
Tidelord's Tomb
Myrkur's Bones
Temple of Slkosh
Bridges of Simpo
Panar Expanse
Takrono Volume
Drakshan Pits
Ferata Canyons
Town of Drosh
Revurah Caves
Losh Walls
Rota Convolution
Rickensha Lair
Thought Hydroponics
Shiny Shenanigans: Normal: Alittu Museum Displays
Shiny Shenanigans: Normal: Alittu Museum Displays
The Museum in Alittu contains a collection of artwork and artifacts that span the highlight of Telaran culture.
These artifacts are collected during Shiny Shenanigans World events.
Lost Fountain
Mathosian Ceremonial Vase
Unfertilized Red Dragon Egg
Zam Nuuts Moai
Titan Khar Moai
The Great Wheel
The Alpha Cosmos
Demonic Urn
Runebound Ark
Atia Urn
Onir Jug of Fizzy Air
Brevanic Planar Gyroscope
Librarian’s Rune Vessels
Legion Resonator
Khort Snake Spirit
Dusken Dragon Statue
Ceremonial Chain Spear
Soul Vessels
Bravanic Karthan Urn
Onir Nightmare Vase
Farclan Spirit Trap
Brevanic Construct Soul Jar
Dwarven Runic Inkwell (Green)
Hammerknell Demonic Urn
Dwarven Runic Inkwell (Purple)
Mathosian Funerary Urn
Mathosian Jars
Olive Oil Amphora
Beer Jars
Decorative Royal Display
Industrial Solvants/Flowers
Shiny Shenanigans: Poison: Deep Factions of the Planes
Shiny Shenanigans: Poison: Deep Factions of the Planes
The Cosmos is not Telara-centric. There are Factions whose plots would never involves them unless the Ascended venture too far.
These artifacts are collected during Shiny Shenanigans World events.
The City of Brass
Zuhak the Chaos Dragon
Tidelord Ikoluru
Harbingers of the End
The Dreamers of Complexity
Generalissimus Nevitta
The Hidden Gods
Grand Architect Miyu
The God Queen
Unity of Stone
The Forgotton Court
The Megalith Builders
The Wild Hunt
The Conspiracy
House Ardaigh
The Soul Sippers
The Logicians
The Convocated
Divinity Spark
Hakael the Incarnation
Krazhel the Cambion
Xunia's Eternals
The Living Prophecy
Emerald Brood
The Soul Collector
Shiny Shenanigans: Popped Out
Shiny Shenanigans: Popped Out
All this Popping’s got me pooped.
These artifacts are collected during Shiny Shenanigans World events.
Onir Jug of Fizzy Air
Farclan Spirit Trap
Dwarven Runic Inkwell (Purple)
Olive Oil Amphora
Cape Dragon
Kingdom of Burscony
Aral Sea
The Mists of the Collector
Gates of Chaos
Alba Remington
Cheren Shriage
Alika Sorros
Buele Brauhndaw
Layna Ajax
Tidelord Ikoluru
The Megalith Builders
The Logicians
Krazhel the Cambion
Emerald Brood
Marcus the Brute
Mary Tralk
Master Nox
Bloodfire Ridge
Temple of the Blind
Drakshan Pits
Town of Drosh
Rickensha Lair
Shiny Shenanigans: Twisted: The Lost Worlds
Shiny Shenanigans: Twisted: The Lost Worlds
The scribes of Telara are inventive, and spin tales of mythological lands. Or are these not lengends but an echo of places lost to mortal souls?
These artifacts are collected during Shiny Shenanigans World events.
The Sanctuary field
Amber Weald
Golden Vaults
The Stonebound Forest
The Monastery of Kalit
Ashen Claw
Cape Dragon
The Cradle of the Ziri
Port Tombac
Kingdom of Burscony
Mountain City of Virr
Maruk, the Turtle City
Bartizen Isles
Zenuria the Forgotten Continent
Emerald Tempest
The Shadow Maze
Aral Sea
Plains of Chaos
The Isle of Spirits
The Mists of the Collector
The Devouring Marsh
Gates of Chaos
Luminous Delve
Mount Galit
Shiny Shenanigans: Unstable: Obedient Defiants
Shiny Shenanigans: Unstable: Obedient Defiants
Residents of Meridian were encouraged to defy convention and invent a better tomorrow. These folks just lived their lives and did their jobs.
These artifacts are collected during Shiny Shenanigans World events.
Oedra Gravenfeld
Besina Mylos
Darlan Magistral
Zeed Jareel
Dymas Muto
Alba Remington
Jinx Bootstrap
Vaela Shadowfel
Mongo Temurgan
Jala Cleaveskull
Nyska Korbo
Reiko Xailos
Cheren Shriage
Kimia Ravneon
Jareth Paxnell
Arban Chinuas
Necralia Sakono
Arigh Nasan
Dymon Aganos
Jostin Kartel
Alika Sorros
Cyrano Peris
Suren Tolui
Buele Brauhndaw
Cara Sunsown
Marlin Longseer
Unegen Gan
Draenella Vox
Eylese Legas
Layna Ajax
Mina Shadoweurge
Ships of Scuddra
Ships of Scuddra
Port Scuddra has been a notorious port of call for Pirates and raiders for thousands of years. Many infamous ships have docked in this icy harbor.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Conflict in Tarken
The Mad Dragon
The Flying Draumheimian
Lonely Jack's Diversion
Queen Miela's Revenge
Shyla and Atrophinius
Shyla and Atrophinius
Although they both emphatically deny them, the rumors are hard to quash.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Beard Hair Caught in Earring
Increased Mead Knowledge
Caught Reciting Poetry
Underwear Mixup
"What to Expect, When You Unexpectedly Raise a Dragon"
Furtive Looks
Hoofprints Next to Footprints
Crushed Flowerbeds
Shyla Starhearth
Shyla Starhearth
Although a capable fighter Shyla seldom dons her armor. The threats to Scatherran Forest however have forced her to reluctantly do so.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Tightly Controlled Hair
Wicked Looking Sword
Packet of Treats
Argent Whetstone
Discarded Powder Puff
Shyla’s Lost Belongings
Shyla’s Lost Belongings
It seems that Shyla paid a visit to The Dendrome at some point. Exactly when or what she was looking for remains a mystery.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Elven Face Cream
A Pretty Hair Bow
Soft Leather Gloves
A Tiny Mirror
A Wicked-Looking Dagger
A Gift From an Unknown Admirer
Side Effects of Source Decay
Side Effects of Source Decay
Source decay can change the fundamental rules of physics and should not be take lightly.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Alternative Axioms
Unequal Opposite Reaction
Quantum Disentanglement
Prevalent Quark Stars
Signs of Wardfall
Signs of Wardfall
With Crucia’s escape, Telara is no longer as protected from the planes as it once was. Changes to the world are inevitable.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
Mushroom Ouroboros Patch
Igneous Iceberg
Mummified Mice
Saying Shells
The forest of Silverwood is the Ancient home of the High Elves and the location of the return of the Ascended Guardians.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
The Dragons - The Adversary
Goblin Slave Harness
Blueprints for the Vault of Heresy
Corrupted Fae Keystone Fragment
Aelfwar Treaty Scrolls
Goblin Heart Jerky
Cyril's Holy Symbol of the Vigil
Journal of Completed Prophecy
Conclusion: Gross and Evil
Rothmann's Principia Conflagera
Silverwood Fishing Trophies
Silverwood Fishing Trophies
A collection of all the varieties of fish available in areas of Silverwood.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in Silverwood.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Collection of Trophies
A Big Collection of Trophies
A Bigger Collection of Trophies
Trophy False Shark
Trophy Silverwood Angel
Trophy Silverwood Devil
Skelf Cultural Items
Skelf Cultural Items
The pilots of the vast leviathan avatar Namadraum, they fled the Kamoho Ocean seeking new demigods to pact with.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Atragarian Culture
Shard of Profane Menhir
Living Good Luck Charm
Pouch of Digestive Gravel
Tablet of Pactable Beings
Instructions on Air Breathing
Sky Cohort
Sky Cohort
Some key players and tactics of the Sky Cohort.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Crucia’s Crew
Tribuni Quietus
Vexillarii Lovita
Well Executed Pincer Movement
Capture and Hold
Flocking Behavior
Sky Leviathans
Sky Leviathans
The Leviathans of the clouds have come to the wilds to feed on the vast swarms of krillados.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Leviathan Fall
Chasm Chain Champions
Nimbus Noshers
Wind Pods
Songs of Distant Planes
Sky-Fish Joke Punch Lines
Sky-Fish Joke Punch Lines
Famous for their ridiculous sense of humor, even fora cubs could tell you the jokes these punch lines belong to.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Ten Tickles
Fish and Ships
A Clambulance
A Slobster
An Octoplus
Slain Patrons of the Unthralled
Slain Patrons of the Unthralled
After a skelf’s Pact Master is killed they often find it hard to continue on their own and turn towards a life of piracy.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Conflict in Tarken
Byzia Siren of Doomed Sailors
Jawennyher Twelve Mouth
Suckereye of the Sea of Fangs
Abhyaalac Akvari Sorcerer
Iovianus the Joyless Dreamer
Snake Eyes
Snake Eyes
From the tattered remains of these pages it is unclear whether the title of this book refers to real Snake Eyes or not.
These artifacts can be picked up all around The Dendrome. They are normal white artifacts on the ground.
The reward from this set is used as part of the Storm Legion puzzles. Because of this, you can also buy these artifacts from a special vendor called ‘Nomi’. You will find ‘Nomi’ in a secret area after you have completed the ‘It Goes to Eleven‘ cheevo. Check the guide for more detail.
Snake Eyes Page 2
Snake Eyes Page 3
Snake Eyes Page 4
Snake Eyes Page 5
Snake Eyes Page 6
Snake Eyes Page 7
Snake Eyes Page 8
Snake Eyes Page 9
Snake Eyes Page 10
Snake Eyes Page 11
Snake Eyes Page 12
Snake Eyes Page 13
Snake Eyes Page 14
Snake Eyes Page 15
Snow Names
Snow Names
While many civilizations have inhabited the icy wastes of Tarken the main cultural exchange has been words to describe the snow and ice.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Myrkur Hoar
Sharax Crud
Rime Master Ray
Soaked Instruments
Soaked Instruments
Sound travels differently through water, necessitating modified musical instruments.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Foam Pipe
Misty Lute
Abyssal Horn
Humid Lute
Thalassic Tuba
Solstice Tower
Solstice Tower
Probably having some religious significance in the past, Solstice Tower like so many of the ancient Brevanic constructions is now little more than an impressive ruin.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Shard of Broken Pottery
Pages From an Ancient Manuscript
Twisted Weathervane
Soros Security Measures
Soros Security Measures
The Soros family took security very seriously, giving a whole new meaning to the term lethal response.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
Western Holdings
Robotic Eye
Motion Detector
Beam Generator
Old-Fashioned Bear Trap
Giant Landmine
Souvenirs from Archive of Flesh
Souvenirs from Archive of Flesh
Interesting and dangerous keepsakes have been found in the aftermath of battles within the Archive of Flesh.
These Artifacts can be looted while running the Expert mode of the Archive of Flesh Dungeon.
Shapers' Guidebook
Grotesque Headpiece
Re-sewn Flesh
Rewakened Skull
Infusion of Undeath
Souvenirs from Empyrean Core
Souvenirs from Empyrean Core
When the Ascended won back the Core, Brevane’s citizens clamored for mementos of the battle.
These Artifacts can be looted while running the Expert mode of the Empyrean Core Dungeon.
Core Growth Drippings
Energy-imbued Tower Fragment
Verdant Core Growth
Cooling Shaft Water Sample
Perfidus' Keychain
Souvenirs from Exodus of the Storm Queen
Souvenirs from Exodus of the Storm Queen
Much smashing and destroying evidenced Crucia’s escape.
These Artifacts can be looted while running the Expert mode of the Exodus of the Storm Queen Dungeon.
Chancel Splinter
Assault Frame Interlocking Mechanism
First Hint of Regulos' Escape
Shard of Crucia's Prison
Crucia's Shed Bladefeathers
Souvenirs from Golem Foundry
Souvenirs from Golem Foundry
Perhaps one day, new automatons will be developed by reverse-engineering the pieces of those destroyed.
These Artifacts can be looted while running the Expert mode of the Golem Foundry Dungeon.
C1-0N3 Component
UV-315 Component
Bulwark Endoskeletal Strut
Liaz' Guide to Automatons
Liaz' Handkerchief
Souvenirs from Realm of Twisted Dreams
Souvenirs from Realm of Twisted Dreams
Every faer enjoys playing with a thematic tarot deck to pass the time.
These Artifacts can be looted while running the Expert mode of the Realm of Twisted Dreams Dungeon.
Faer Summer Tarot Decks
Faer Autumn Tarot Decks
Faer Winter Tarot Decks
Atrophinius' Tarot Deck
Twyl's Tarot Deck
Souvenirs from Storm Breaker Protocol
Souvenirs from Storm Breaker Protocol
Not all Architects avoided damage from their own sandstorm.
These Artifacts can be looted while running the Expert mode of the Storm Breaker Protocol Dungeon.
Sand-shredded Architect Leg
Sandstorm Sand
Sand-shredded Architect Wing
Telaphalon's Right Wing
Zidae's Middle Leg
Souvenirs from Tower of the Shattered
Souvenirs from Tower of the Shattered
Auram didn’t understand why the Ascended took these torture implements with them when they left the tower.
These Artifacts can be looted while running the Expert mode of the Tower of the Shattered Dungeon.
Forced Combatant's Handblade
Commissar's Mental Clamp
Dislodged Eye of Kronox
Typhiria's Willbreaking Needle
Psychophage Primakov's Mindbeam
Souvenirs from Unhallowed Boneforge
Souvenirs from Unhallowed Boneforge
The inhabitants of Unhallowed Boneforge are disgusting, yet their components are imbued with powerful magics of undeath.
These Artifacts can be looted while running the Expert mode of the Unhallowed Boneforge Dungeon.
Corpse Construct Armor
Corpse Construct Skull
Bruzhail's Extra Spines
Avoxcia's Stomach Contents
Piece of Ahgnox
Spider Parts
Spider Parts
Ever since the infestation of Silkweb Pass, bits of spider are showing up everywhere.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Unusually Strong Webbing
Decaying Eyestalk
Spirit Tokens
Spirit Tokens
Various items dedicated to honoring the native spirits.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Whorled Wooden Idol
Basalt Figurine
Carved Wind Chimes
Isidora's Crystal Pendulum
Globe of Fireflies
Station Rosh Dream Inventions
Station Rosh Dream Inventions
Having forged a close connection to the Onir, the colonists of Rosh are better able to direct their manifested dreams towards productive ends.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
All Knowing Oracular Glasses
Dreamweaver Ear-worms Traps
Weird Taste De-enhancer
Hive Mind Twinger
One Button Viral Macroinstruction
Steel Angel Choirs
Steel Angel Choirs
The Storm Legion’s ultimate weapon is organized into five increasingly destructive flights.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Gold Cherubim
Titanium Ophanim
Platinum Virtues
Orichalcum Archangel
Steel Cohort
Steel Cohort
Some key players and tactics of the Steel Cohort.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Crucia’s Crew
Tribuni Dexippus
Vexillarii Gaius
Paradox Avoidance Routines
Reusable Parts
Periodic Upgrades
Steppes of Infinity
Steppes of Infinity
The Steppes of Infinity has become the flashpoint in the conflict to stop Crucia from opening the Gate of Infinity.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Shock Mine
Dimensional Redistributor
Elementals Will Steal Your Jobs
The Lost City of Londra
Infinitely Yours
The Fall of House Jozano
House Sula
Stillmoor was the heart of Mathosia. When it fell to the Endless Court and became a locus for the rifts, the rest of Mathosia broke apart.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Locket of Ascended Beloved
Diary of Eternity
Hammer of the Vigil
Holy Water Decanter
Ceremonial Blade
Skull of the Fallen King
Feathered Talisman
Hammer of Divine Justice
Richter, Lord of Belmont - Page 6
Stillmoor Fishing Trophies
Stillmoor Fishing Trophies
A collection of all the varieties of fish available in areas of Stillmoor.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in Stillmoor.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Collection of Trophies
A Big Collection of Trophies
A Bigger Collection of Trophies
Trophy Brown Perch
Trophy Bull Chameleonfish
Trophy Firebelly Snapper
Trophy Stillmoor Devil
Trophy Moorleaper
Stone Harbinger Artifacts
Stone Harbinger Artifacts
Harbingers of the Plane of Earth carry these artifacts into mighty battle.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Earth.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Stonebound Collector
Malachite Splinter
Mineralized Flesh
Sandstone Carving
Azurite Heirloom
Amethyst Tooth
Stone Sourcethief Artifacts
Stone Sourcethief Artifacts
The Golden Maw, under direction of Ochrin, used these during their attacks on Ember Isle.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Earth.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Ledger of Debts
Empty Coin Sack
Knitted Gold Cozy
Armor Design for Laethys
Ochrin's Tarnished Gold Coin
Stone Vanguard Artifacts
Stone Vanguard Artifacts
The vanguards of the Plane of Earth are adorned with these artifacts.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Earth.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Troll Bracelet
Oreling Blood
Earthmaul Finger
Condensed Earth Spirit
Titan Rune
Stonefield Defenders' Relics
Stonefield Defenders' Relics
Possessions of the heroes who fought for Granite Falls and Deepstrike just before the fall of Port Scion remain spread among her fields.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Konnor's Straw Doll
Gold Linked Belt
Machine Fragments
Crumpled Letter
Kalmar Signet Ring
Stonefield Fishing Trophies
Stonefield Fishing Trophies
A collection of all the varieties of fish available in areas of Stonefield.
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in Stonefield.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Collection of Trophies
A Big Collection of Trophies
A Bigger Collection of Trophies
Trophy Tawny Rockfish
Trophy Fantail
Trophy Cascadefish
Storehouse Goods
Storehouse Goods
Once the many storehouses of the great estates were where the goods produced at harvest were stored for consumption throughout the year.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
Western Holdings
Block of Cheese
Jug of Wine
Dried Fruit
Crate of Nails
Bolts of Cloth
Bottles of Beer
Loaves of Bread
Storm Grafted Wreckage
Storm Grafted Wreckage
Fragments of Doctorandus Willhelm Zoetl’s, ‘Storm Grafted’ monstrosities.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Storm Grafted Plate Mask
Storm Grafted Spleen
Storm Grafted Sabatons
Storm Grafted Sinew
Storm Grafted Steel Plating
Storm Legion Archaeological Tools
Storm Legion Archaeological Tools
The Storm Legion searches Cape Jule for ancient weaponry, without a regard to good archaeological practices.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
History of the Cape
Static Cling Shot
Giant Magnet
Portable Time Vortex
Storm Legion Contraband
Storm Legion Contraband
The strict discipline of the Storm Legion has led to a very long list of contraband items.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Bitter Enemies
Victim’s Remains
Decorative Plant
Victim’s Loot
Pet Crab
Storm Legion Decorations
Storm Legion Decorations
The members of the Storm Legion are decorated with a number of medals in their service to Crucia.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Storms of the North
Iron Skull
Gold Skull
Silver Griffon
Storm Legion Mementos
Storm Legion Mementos
The average Storm Legion soldier can be expected to carry some or all of the following on his person.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Medal of Service
Lucky Trinket
Spare Boot Knife
Letters from Girlfriend
Letter from Wife
Storm Legion Technology
Storm Legion Technology
Broken parts of Storm Legion Technology
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: A hero Rises.
Stormwrath Warmachine Pushrod
Stormwrath Titan Helmet
Stormwrath Vindicator Gears
Stormwrath Defender's Power Core
Stormwrath Iron Angel Wing
Thunderclap Assault Frame Stabilizer
Skythrax's Pistons
Maelstrom's Clipped Wings
Storm Legion Technology Schematics
Storm Legion Technology Schematics
Even an organization as structured as the Storm Legion can misplace important schematics now and then.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Bitter Enemies
Stormbreach Power Cannon
Pus Swamp Legion Turret
Mired Convoy Security Pylon
Stormhold Construct Control
Storm Legion Unexploded Ordnance
Storm Legion Unexploded Ordnance
Just because they have been soaking in the water does not mean they are safe.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Unexploded Gas Mortar
Unexploded Acid Mortar
Unexploded Sticky Mortar
Storm Legion Weaponry
Storm Legion Weaponry
Though not in wide circulation, these weapons have been developed by Storm Legion researchers to give their armies an edge in battle.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Steppes of Infinity, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Steppes of Infinity, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Infinity
Wind Blade
Overcharged Static Saw
Concussion Charge
Shock Mine
Storm Legion Weapons
Storm Legion Weapons
These weapons left behind on the battlefield are proof of the Storm Legion’s struggle to conquer Dusken Spires.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Bitter Enemies
Disciplinary Officer Offhand
Storm Legion Lieutenant Sword
Storm Legion Trooper Shield
Storm Legion Commando Axe
Storm Legion's Occult
Storm Legion's Occult
In the Storm Legion’s service to Crucia, they’ve amassed a collection of ancient relics that they believe will grant them untold power.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Sacramental Arca of Transgression
Chalice of Sacrifice
Unholy Tablet of Revelation
Soul Compass of the Cabal
Sanctified Phial of the Eldritch Order
Stormlord Casimir
Stormlord Casimir
Once a mere caravan guard, Stormlord Casimir was touched by an aspect of Crucia and became a master tactician.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Empty Alchemical Draught
Mercenary Recruitment Poster
Notebook of Draconic Instructions
Mask of the Stormlord
Storms Deep
Storms Deep
The planes of Air and Water are colliding deep beneath the surface of the troubled ocean.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Lightning-Burned Crab
Thundering Conch
Windblown Grouper
Melted Pearl
Story of Brother Damon
Story of Brother Damon
A local bard has written down the story of Brother Damon, one time priest of the Vigil and now Defiant supporter.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
The Story of Brother Damon - Page 2
The Story of Brother Damon - Page 3
The Story of Brother Damon - Page 4
The Story of Brother Damon - Page 5
The Story of Brother Damon - Page 6
Strategies of Quintarus
Strategies of Quintarus
Before being captured by Finric, Quintarus led an army in an attempt to thwart the evil Rhen.
This set can be found in the level 65 Chronicle: Rhen Of Fate.
Seaside Collector
Lure the Enemy Into Threngar's Lair
Poison the Waters Near Port Scuddra
Seek Help from Other Planes
Stronghold Tactics
Stronghold Tactics
A collection of pages with chapter titles from what looks like a very useful book.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Upgrading For Survival
Useless Platform
Team Up For Victory
An Ample Supply of Flares
Studies of the Ascended
Studies of the Ascended
In their quest of understand and replicate the ascension process, the Awakened have produced many books on the subject, this is just one particularly grisly example.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Fall Damage Tests
Regulos Shade Replication
Elven Alchemical Solution
Dwarven Candle Wax
Bahmi Suit
Summerfest Campout Mementos
Summerfest Campout Mementos
Summer in Telara is great… except for all the dang bugs.
Collected from the Stillmoor Quest of the Scavenger Hunt Part 2 during Summerfest.
Book of Ghost Stories from the Summerfest Campout
Canteen from the Summerfest Campout
Summerfest Party Punch
Summerfest Party Punch
We were somewhere around Shimmersand, on the edge of the desert, when the punch began to take hold.
These artifacts all drop from the summerfest baskets or from the summerfest 4 hour minion missions.
The Summer Sleuth
Summer Berries
Delicious Nectar
Juicy Melon
Honey and Juice
Red Glowing Berries
A Carnivorous Plant
Creepy Eyed Plant
Bottled Elemental Essence
Summerfest: Burning: Burn!
Summerfest: Burning: Burn!
Summer is definitely the best time for burning things or places.
These artifacts can be collected from special Summerfest Pinatas during the Summerfest World event.
Pinata Puncher
Smith’s Haven
Farsight Tower
Rock Ridge
Flamesired Forge
Gift of the Gedlo
Thedeor’s Forge
Gyle Fortress
Pykari Excretions
Maelforge’s Blessing
Fell Fields
Charhound Walkies
Wanton Experimentation
Summerfest: Nightmare: Summer Games?
Summerfest: Nightmare: Summer Games?
Originally invented for fun, over the years these games have become the stuff of nightmares.
These artifacts can be collected from special Summerfest Pinatas during the Summerfest World event.
Pinata Puncher
Lava Kayaking
Mace Volleyball
Zombie Tag
Live Target Archery
Swimming with Threshers
Carnivorous Quoits
Horror Horseshoes
Udder Demon Dunk Bucket
Nine Legged Rhino Race
Body Parts Scavenger Hunt
Trauma Tennis
Bogling Toss
Rhaza’de Steeple Chase
Blood Grove Bowling
Summerfest: Poison: Summer Yummies
Summerfest: Poison: Summer Yummies
Delicious summer foods, but best not leave them out in the sun too long.
These artifacts can be collected from special Summerfest Pinatas during the Summerfest World event.
Pinata Puncher
Dolcega Sausage Pack
Rex Cantor’s Special
Seacap Jerky
Bottomtown Headcheese
Goboro Sushi
Windrider Breast
Cocktrice Breast
Shapers Chutney
Skywhale Blubber Pancakes
Arkella Balut
Bileshot Lavae
Vhar Fetus Stew
Jellied Morayan
Hedfell Icecream
Summerfest: Summerfest
Summerfest: Summerfest
With so many Artifacts to collect it’s lucky that the days of summer are so long.
These artifacts can be collected from special Summerfest Pinatas during the Summerfest World event.
Pinata Puncher
Seasong Swell
Salt Shallows Slab
Oliver Diving
A dumping holiday in Mathosia
Mimi and me
A catalog of aminoos
The Zombilus of Caer Thalos
Crocnard Polish
Babaroo Berry Juicer
Sourcecore Shirt Inflator
Earthstone Dimension Generator
Seacap Jerky
Shapers Chutney
Arkella Balut
Vhar Fetus Stew
Smith’s Haven
Thedeor’s Forge
Pykari Excretions
Wanton Experimentation
Goblin Head Soccer
Udder Demon Dunk Bucket
Body Parts Scavenger Hunt
Bogling Toss
Summerfest: Surf’s Up
Summerfest: Surf’s Up
Before the invasion from the plane of fire some of the best surfing in the cosmos could be found in Goboro Reef.
These artifacts can be collected from special Summerfest Pinatas during the Summerfest World event.
Pinata Puncher
Atragarian Carve
Blackwater Chop
Cresting the Spout
Dobori Foam
Seasong Swell
Pellagic Pearling
Tsunami Trimming
Ranri Wax
Salt Shallows Slab
Hemit Crab Kooks
Calceron Break
Oliver Diving
Summerfest: Twisted: Ali’s Backroom Products
Summerfest: Twisted: Ali’s Backroom Products
Many of the vendors in Callweddi have products they will only sell to trusted customers. Ali is no exception, with a collection of rare books meant for the most discerning reader.
These artifacts can be collected from special Summerfest Pinatas during the Summerfest World event.
Pinata Puncher
A dumping holiday in Mathosia
The redemption of Dolla Vaida
The history of Valence Times
Cooking with Camola Ahs
Mimi and me
Puen-gin hunting in summer
The Opatus saga
The adventures of Wumba Wumba
20 Uses for a second hand Onbella
A-gahdin in Goboro
A catalog of aminoos
Seeping, Sheeping or Sheepy a discussion
The construction of the great Fying Glass
The Zombilus of Caer Thalos
Summerfest: Unstable: Orphiel’s Near Successes
Summerfest: Unstable: Orphiel’s Near Successes
Heat can cause instability in even the hardiest of Orphiel’s inventions, but these ones nearly worked.
These artifacts can be collected from special Summerfest Pinatas during the Summerfest World event.
Pinata Puncher
Flamestone Glue Gun
Crocnard Polish
Tidestone Rehydrator
Babaroo Berry Juicer
Planar Powered Troll Shaver
Multi-Dimensional Wood Chipper
Void Sourced Leather Stretcher
Sourcecore Shirt Inflator
Simultaneous Instantaneous Duel Ear Punch
Triple Planar Manicure Converter
Earthstone Dimension Generator
Split Personality Projector
Sunken Treasures
Sunken Treasures
Most of Ashora is a dry desert and quite deadly but there are some places where water from an underground aquifer has welled up and swallowed whole structures.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Signs in the Sand
Freshwater Pearls
Encrusted Coins
Fine Qaijiri Pottery
Water-Worn Ashoran Glasswork
Suns Gazaar
Suns Gazaar
The Dervish of Jad was the Keeper of the Wild’s Radiance. A selfless hero, a mighty swordsman, and a bit of a blowhard.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Sword Polish
Diary of Accomplishments
Cyphered List of Loves
Wind Serpent Skin Boots
Wheel Carving
Survivor Training Equipment
Survivor Training Equipment
Turning the survivors into a fighting force requires a lot of equipment as well as patience.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Wooden Sword
A Padded Suit
Face Mask
Score Card
Swamp Exploration Equipment
Swamp Exploration Equipment
Exploring Xarth Mire is treacherous, but without the right equipment it can be lethal.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Self-Latching Skyhook
Double Sided Machete
Lifestone Powered Gas Mask
Waterproof Briefs
Frouge Repellant
Swamp Fishing
Swamp Fishing
Probably the only thing Xarth Mire is actually good for, but do be careful some of these fish are just as dangerous as the terrestrial inhabitants.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Swamp Searching
Magnetic Eel
Gargantuan Bullhead
Toxic Pickerel
Gnashing Gar
Sludge Sucker
Sylver's Ember Isle Research
Sylver's Ember Isle Research
Detailed notes and gathered samples of the intricacies of Ember Isle.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Ember Isle Coffee Beans
Reactive Qualities of the Sourcewell
Examining Glass
Accounts of Binding Spirits
Magitech Goggles
Sylver's Schematics
Sylver's Schematics
These schematics appear to have been penned by the magical technician Sylver Valis.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Schematic for Dimensional Cleaver
Schematic for Propulsar
Schematic for Source Sniffer
Schematic for Confluence Ray
Schematic for ARC
Symbols of Atia
Symbols of Atia
Symbology of the city Atia, both old and new.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Turquoise Signet Ring
Brightly Woven Tapestry
Spirit Taper
Colorful Enameled Shield
Anthousa's Decree
Tabitha Leighton
Tabitha Leighton
Once a simple farmgirl from Mathosia, Tabitha Leighton fell to the rifts and became an Ascended warrior of the Vigil.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Little Sister
Holy Book
Prophecy of Combat
Tales of the Forest
Tales of the Forest
Folk tales told by the people of Gloamwood to warn their children of the dangers of the forest.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
Little Red Hood
Scald and the Mouse
Buckley the Soul Merchant
The Mill of Death
Delilath the Hag
Tales of the Tuath’de
Tales of the Tuath’de
Like every culture, the Tuath’de have passed on its stories and fables from generation to generation.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Spirit Caller
Fallen Fairies of the Aberdook
The Great Hunt
The Gambler Idrae
Into the Fen
A Forgetful Frogue
Tam Daggerborn
Tam Daggerborn
An Ascended Guardian and renowned monster hunter. He keeps track of the worst demons that have made their way to Telara.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Bag of Demon Wards
Journal of Speculation
Tarken Glacier
Tarken Glacier
Lost oceans are preserved and ancient horrors are imprisioned in the Glacier at the edge of the cosmos.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
The Syntax of Eschatological Dance-Notation
Chimeric Snorox: A Genetic View
Ikbarru Broken Fang
Polyhedral Celestial Mechanics
Polyp Haruspicy
Suckereye of the Sea of Fangs
The Ouroboros Unraveling
Glyph of Compassion
Rime Master Ray
The Great Evaporation
Broken Ice Horn Lever
Tropical Tarken Ocean
Tarken Takedown
Tarken Takedown
Sailors from all over Brevane and Dusken report seeing strange sights in the depths.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Tale of Lightning From Below
Tale of Slithering from Below
Tale of the Fouled Anchor
Tale of the Frosty Reef
Admiralty Report: The Depths War
Tau Fields of Study
Tau Fields of Study
The decanted researchers of Ghar Station Tau are some of the leading minds in their field.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
The Syntax of Eschatological Dance-Notation
Snorox Social Dynamics
Theoretical Observational Chaos Geometry
The User Experience of Automated Theology
Clinical Naval Museum Administration
The patron of the High Elves, Tavril is goddess of the wilderness and nature. In the Vigil she represents the Land.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Mirror of Ages
The Living Prophecy
The Cycle of Life
Journal of Completed Prophecy
TBTS Construction
TBTS Construction
It is not really understood how the transit system really worked, but it is obvious from the few remaining early records that there was plenty of bureaucracy surrounding it construction.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Budget Proposals
Environmental Impact Report
Planned Track Routes
Materials Delivery Report
TBTS Ticket Stubs
TBTS Ticket Stubs
In its heyday the Tempest Bay Transit System must have been a sight to behold. Children now collect and trade these old ticket stubs.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
Vaud Tower Stub
Strozza Estate Stub
Arkella Estate Stub
Academy Stub
Tower of Dawn Stub
Technician Tools
Technician Tools
The technicians of Meridian use tools such as these to build magitech.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Source Canister
Field Generator
Source Scalpel
Planar Dosimeter
Telaran Coins
Telaran Coins
With its proximity to Port Scion, Freemarch once hosted many traveling merchants bearing various denominations of coin.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Portrait of the March
Mathosian Silver Penny
Mathosian Gold Dollar
Dwarven Iron Penny
Kelari Coral Kroen
Telaran Expedition Survival Equipment
Telaran Expedition Survival Equipment
With the retaking of the Infinity Gate, Telarans have begun to take their first steps out into a wider cosmos.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
100 Fathom Line
Diving Dress
Infinity Gate Codes
Telaran Wedding Mementos
Telaran Wedding Mementos
Ah, the joys of marriage! After celebrating their weddings, Telarans sometimes leave mementos behind.
These artifacts are given as gifts inside the Wedding Instances after a couple has been married.
Dwarven Nuptial Tongs
Eth Nuptial Coins
Eth Nuptial Sand Jar
Mother-in-law's Tears
Used Wedding Ring
Toothmarked Garter
Tossed Bouquet
Tempest Cohort
Tempest Cohort
Some key players and tactics of the Tempest Cohort.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Crucia’s Crew
Tribuni Maximanius
Vexillarii Vita
Storm Powered Jetpacks
Scorched Earth Policy
Death From Above
Tenebrean Cosmic Construction
Tenebrean Cosmic Construction
The Tenebreans tried to create their own universes. That didn’t go so well.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
The All Seeing Eye
Single Dimensional
Negative Time
Multi Simulations Outcomes
Tenebrean Drilling Technology
Tenebrean Drilling Technology
Nothing is more fun than employing technology that you have no idea how it works, just ask Orphiel.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Gedlo and Behold
Undulating Thingamajig
Self-Tightening Doohickey
Inflatable Gizmo
Toothed Doodad
Whirling Widget
Greased Doojigger
Spiral Whatsit
Rotating Contraption
Pointed Gadget
Tenebrean Technology
Tenebrean Technology
The study of Tenebrean technology is partially complicated by the fact that some items appear to serve no critical function.
These artifacts can be fished up from shallow and deep water in any of the Prophecy of Ahnket zones, except Ashenfell. You will want to use magnetic fishing Lures to increase your chances of fishing up the artifacts.
Non-mechanical Door Key
Ultra-soft Lavatory Tissue
Entertainment Display Controller
Intimidating Temporary Ocular Lenses
Shadestone Fuel Rod
Terrormaw Training for Fun and Profit
Terrormaw Training for Fun and Profit
It is now generally agreed that Terrormaws do not make good pets.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Don't Even Think of Using a Leash
Expect to Lose a Few Fingers
A Well Fed Terrormaw is a Happy Terrormaw
A Friend For Life or Until It's Hungry
An Ascended soul from the mysterious Tenebreans, all of Teth’s reincarnated form share the same evil soul as well as the name.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Wriggling Worm
Tiny Dog
Passive Aggressive Babaroo
Officious Bureaucratic Sentient Insect
World Ending Dragon
The Academy
The Academy
Some of the more amazing inventions of recent times have come from studies conducted at the Academy.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
Error Removal And Slipup Elimination Robot
Calcified Handheld Automatic Line Knickknack
Bifurcated Oblong Observation Keeper
The Age of Spiritual Constructs
The Age of Spiritual Constructs
Venta Estonta’s visionary look into the future past of the ancient Brevane, and where we could be headed.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
History of the Cape
Intelligent Swords
Messenger Aware Pin Heads
Self-Indexing Spellbooks
Plow Aware Larders
Exponential Singularities
The Aqueduct
The Aqueduct
Now a ruin, the Aqueduct was once a shining example of Brevanic building methods.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in City Core, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in City Core, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
City Collector
Empyrean Study
Aqueduct Construction Methods
Old Building Tools
Observations on Aqueduct Fauna
A Leak Stopper
A Report on Cost Overruns
The Arboreal War
The Arboreal War
Artifacts of a centuries-old war between goblins and elves.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Mirror of Ages
Ancient Arrowheads
Fossilized Goblin Tar
Ash-Covered Bones
Defiled Elf Skull
Goblin Slave Harness
The Art of Combat
The Art of Combat
Passed down from ancient times, these are the precepts that have made Mathosian warriors feared and respected across Telara.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Besiege Walled Cities
Hobbling the Army
Impose Your Will
Break the Enemy's Resistance
Feign Disorder, and Crush Him
The Barrier
The Barrier
Created several thousand years ago to protect the Eternal City from the ravages of planar influence.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in City Core, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in City Core, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
City Collector
Fine Coil
Pitted Strut
Barrier Design Blueprints
Small Field Generator
The Battle of Cirkbo
The Battle of Cirkbo
An account of the battle of Cirkbo Plains.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Zaviel’s Deployment
The General’s Betrayal
The Farmer’s Revolt
The Slaughter of the Lycini
The Storm Queen’s Triumph
The Big Book of Eth Conspiracy
The Big Book of Eth Conspiracy
“The Eth with their industrialized sin have not left Telara, but have arranged for all our troubles as part of an insidious plan.” – Brother Jebiah
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Arcane Spell Construction
Defiling Sourcestone
Apostate Ascension
To Kill a God
Dragon Powered Machines
The Blockade
The Blockade
Remnants of the heroic battle of the Endeavor, Truebreeze, and Troubadore to breach the Storm Legion blockade.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Endeavor's Lead-Bound Code Book
Notched Cutlass
Blood-Stained Bandana
Miela's Flintlock
Stout Boarding Axe
The Bogling and the Kobold
The Bogling and the Kobold
A romantic tale of love from across the planes. It proves one does not need proper grammar to woo your heart’s desire.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Wanton Tribes
Pretty Pretty Frogmouth Girl
We Fight Because We Told To
She Smell Good
We Find Secret Spot Behind Bush
Love is Forbidden We Croak and Howl
The City-State of Redoubt
The City-State of Redoubt
This book discusses the city-state once known as Redoubt, ruled by the great Redoubt mages.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Cultures of the Desert
City-State of Redoubt - Page 2
City-State of Redoubt - Page 3
City-State of Redoubt - Page 4
City-State of Redoubt - Page 5
City-State of Redoubt - Page 6
The Convocation
The Convocation
The Eth civilization came to an abrupt and catastrophic end in the eldritched event known as the convocation.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Demiurge Transcription Needle
Planar Prism
Detached Eth Shadow
Aura Enhancer
Inert Soulstuff
The Cosmic Rhinoceros
The Cosmic Rhinoceros
Most Ogres have forgotten the stories, but the Achyati not only retell them, they also believe them to be true.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Presently Horn
Rump of the Future
Infinite Vision
Saddle of the Enlightened
Unexplained Magic Droppings
The Court of Suffering
The Court of Suffering
Demons of chaos and flame delight in bringing pain and suffering to their victims.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarlet Gorge, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarlet Gorge, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarlet Gorge
Fall of Rock Ridge
Tandoluz's Fang
Burning Ichor of Broglax
Horn of Laxgrud
Uythradge's Bargain
The Crazed Collector... With A Twist
The Crazed Collector... With A Twist
You’re just as crazy as she is!
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Pew! Pew! Pow Pow POW PSHHHHH!!!
yes, no…no…yes, yes! NO! Come on…. Grrrrr…. NO! YES! HA!
The Crossing
The Crossing
This book describes the crossing from the Kelari isles to the Freemarch from the perspective of Ryala Zorros.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
The Crossing - Page 2
The Crossing - Page 3
The Crossing - Page 4
The Crossing - Page 5
The Current of Time
The Current of Time
The Plane of Water, with all its nightmares, was a refuge from the trauma of the planes.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Walked Plank
Pirates Hat
Ancestor's Fishing Pole
Sea Biscuit Skeleton
Devoured Eth Remains
The Dawnkeepers
The Dawnkeepers
Once the Royal Guard of the palace, the Dawnkeepers are struggling to find their way in this new world.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Bond of the Palace Guard
A Missing Tunic Button
General Batua's Field Notes
A Finely-Fletched Arrow
A Rushed Letter to Casimar
A Monogrammed Dagger Sheath
The Day the Rifts Came
The Day the Rifts Came
This book appears to have been written by a child about the appearance of the rifts.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
The Day the Rifts Came - 2
The Day the Rifts Came - 3
The Day the Rifts Came - 4
The Dendrome
The Dendrome
Signs of the corruption from the plane of life are everywhere but even the most fearful residents admit that it can sometimes be quite beautiful.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Ai’Ai’s Puhi
Purple-Crested Cockatrice Feathers
A Monogrammed Dagger Sheath
Olfactory Whiskers
Planned Track Routes
Moss-Choked Bark
Glowing Spores
Vine-Crushed Marble Slab
A Wicked-Looking Dagger
Rump of the Future
Unexplained Magic Droppings
Can of Golem Lubricant
Book of Impressive Chants
Hailol Sunrise
Brownie Boilermaker
Naughty Nymph
Pinker Pink Lady
Pan’s Panacea
Fear of Being Delicious
Massive Motes
Bahmi Suit
Underwear Mixup
Half Drunk Bottle of Mead
Screeching Chickadee
Twisted Weathervane
Faerie Lingerie
Crushed Flowerbeds
The Depths of Murder
The Depths of Murder
Dwarves across Telara are being executed by the Abyssal cult. It is unclear why the Abyssal are targeting the dwarves, but their plot is likely more sinister than random acts of violence.
These artifacts can no longer be collected from the world, the only way to get them is from minions or caches.
Soaked Journal
The Divine Observations
The Divine Observations
Octus the Stargazer taught his followers to construct a model of the multiverse from his observatory in Tarken Glacier.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Seven Heavenly Abodes
Crystalline Force
Risar True Names
Polyhedral Celestial Mechanics
Sphaera Creationis
The Dwarves of Moonshade
The Dwarves of Moonshade
The Dwarves of Telara are renown for their crafting, the dwarves of Hammerknell took that to undreamed of heights, until the coming of the rifts.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
The Fall of the Dwarves
Runebound Fatestone
Ring of Dreams
Hair of Gold
The Eighth Nightmare
The Eighth Nightmare
Artifacts found in Nightmare rifts.
These artifacts do not drop anywhere in game. They were never added to the NMR cache loot table.
The only way to complete this set is to buy the artifacts with credits… Cadrift does NOT recommend this!
Naalyk's Jagged Tooth
Kantiga's Rooted Visage
Nulurnia's Ring of Still Water
Vakimott's Iron Bracer
Ahtorav's Gloomtide Locket
Carcanun's Shattered Staff
Plehak's Ashen Flame Remains
Magtago's Unlucky Paw
Nandelir's Mane
Ratlith's Glacial Flask
Thudomok's Pillaged Jewels
The Elder Shapers of Dusken
The Elder Shapers of Dusken
The most powerful of the Dusken Spires ghouls, known for their artwork involving the reshaping of flesh and bone.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Elder Shaper Masterwork Tools
The Eldritched Civilization of the Eth
The Eldritched Civilization of the Eth
The definitve treatise on the civilization of the Eth by the Arcane Hand scholars.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Magic and Machine
Transformative Outlook
To Ascend
The Convocation
The Encroaching Tide
The Encroaching Tide
Trinkets from the Plane of Water.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Water.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Nightmare Tide zones.
Fury of the Sea
Deep Ones' Claw
Goblet of Endless Water
Seastone Amulet
Akylios's Dreamleech
The Eternal City
The Eternal City
Despite its name the Eternal City fell into ruin and is now mostly buried and decaying.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in City Core, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in City Core, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
City Collector
Shrunken Head
A Report on Cost Overruns
Barrier Design Blueprints
Broken Gold Chain
Anatomy of Brevane Wildlife
Crate of Rare Fruits
A Cockroach Ootheca
The Eth Mines
The Eth Mines
This book chronicles the presence of the Eth in Stonefield and the beginning of Deepstrike Mines.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
The Eth Mines - Page 2
The Eth Mines - Page 3
The Eth Mines - Page 4
The Fae Heralds
The Fae Heralds
Trinkets from the Plane of Life belonging to the Heralds of the Planarchs.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Life.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Storm Legion zones.
Runida's Broken Reins
Amanim's Herald
Soulseed of Kargont
Kargont's Disappointing Progeny
Amanim's Binky
The Fae Planarchs
The Fae Planarchs
Artifacts belonging to the Planarchs from the Plane of Life.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Life.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Storm Legion zones.
Holgor's Training Shield
Jaklorin's Everyday Birthday
Sylna's Unrequited Lover
Astadan's Mutant Fertilizer
Sarkor's Explosive Stench
Brachor's Fake Dragon Club Card
The Fallen Son
The Fallen Son
The remnants of one of the most important Kelari to endure the transformation.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
The History of the Isle
Well-Worn Scabbard
Defiled Elven Scimitar
Broken Grass Belt
"JM" Bracelet
Sketch of Anthousa Mona
The Farclan Pilgrimage
The Farclan Pilgrimage
Objects that embody the dwarves’ crossing to Ember Isle centuries ago.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
The History of the Isle
Statuette of the Rune King
Bag of Moonshade Soil
Dwarven Gem Satchel
Karine's Tuning Fork
The Fifth Nightmare
The Fifth Nightmare
Artifacts found in Nightmare V rifts.
These artifacts can be found inside Nightmare Caches. These Caches are awarded to you every 10 levels of a Nightmare Rift.
The nightmare artifacts that you get from the caches are completely random, for instance: you do not need to do a NMR4 to get the NMR4 artifacts, they will drop from any of the NMRs.
Nightmare V: Artifacts
Ippi's Seared Collar
Irforan's Fragmented Warglaive
Mulanulia's Pendant of Resonance
Scarpula's Scapula Shield
Ignakos's Venomous Vesicle
Bazomir's Imbued Robe
Lascuvor's Pestilent Fang
Darondis's Flask of Endless Winter
Jooras's Crystallized Armband
Orkitya's Eye
Bhukaro's Horn of Destruction
The First Nightmare
The First Nightmare
Artifacts found in Nightmare I rifts.
These artifacts can be found inside Nightmare Caches. These Caches are awarded to you every 10 levels of a Nightmare Rift.
The nightmare artifacts that you get from the caches are completely random, for instance: you do not need to do a NMR4 to get the NMR4 artifacts, they will drop from any of the NMRs.
Nightmare I: Artifacts
Nininkar's Helm
Proesyth's Silken Shroud
Shtramo's Ever Chilled Mug
Temara's Lavalliere
Zavanun's Shattered Sword
Adalbal's Secret Cookie
Buyogo's Four Stringed Lute
Caugsaan's Chitin Plating
Sacnoldan's Shadowy Remain
Litanium's Cursed Blade
Styxoris's Battle Worn Tabbard
The First Oaths of the Icewatch
The First Oaths of the Icewatch
This book details the beginning of the Icewatch at The Chancel of Labors.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Storms of the North
First Oaths of the Icewatch - Page 2
First Oaths of the Icewatch - Page 3
First Oaths of the Icewatch - Page 4
First Oaths of the Icewatch - Page 5
First Oaths of the Icewatch - Page 6
The Flame Heralds
The Flame Heralds
Trinkets from the Plane of Fire belonging to the Heralds of the Planarchs.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Fire.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Storm Legion zones.
Kurast's Fang Sharpener
Jupilos Treats
Rezurin Sidewinder
Rezurin Wildfire
Strike Reversal Device
The Flame Planarchs
The Flame Planarchs
Artifacts belonging to the Planarchs from the Plane of Fire.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Fire.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Storm Legion zones.
Barkur's Pretty Collars
Vivsar's Bottomless Spear Bag
Tozarin's Spare Parts
Festigor's Shameful Indulgence
Jamurn's Backup Rations
Quoras' Flame Rupturer
The Fourth Nightmare
The Fourth Nightmare
Artifacts found in Nightmare IV rifts.
These artifacts can be found inside Nightmare Caches. These Caches are awarded to you every 10 levels of a Nightmare Rift.
The nightmare artifacts that you get from the caches are completely random, for instance: you do not need to do a NMR4 to get the NMR4 artifacts, they will drop from any of the NMRs.
Nightmare IV: Artifacts
Nahuvinus's Hoarded Loot
Nayelin's Fireborn Lance
Zhaknar's Portal to the Briny Deep
Viragos's Disembodied Pincer
Slatturk's Ferric Mask
Venmar's Noxious Stinger
Ardurlode's Lustral Stiletto
Kneshi's Seed of Regeneration
Endomur's Unhatched Bone Egg
Horassor's Mace of Desecration
Kerakar's Animated Visage
The Gedlo Conclave
The Gedlo Conclave
The ancient goblins were born of fire but long ago became soft, mortal creature of flesh. The Gedlo Conclave has arrived from the planes to change that.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
Fire Runes
Planar Lodestone
Dragon Shell Necklace
The Gedlo Conclave 2
The Gedlo Conclave 2
Conclave Harder.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Fire Idol Ashes
Sharpened Charcoal
Sturdy Padlock
Flamestone Ballot Box
Ancient Brazier
Oily Rag
Overly Ornate Ring
Various Colored Beads
Worn Gavel
The Goddess of Fate
The Goddess of Fate
Several ancient Brevanic artifacts refer to a mysterious “Goddess of Fate.”
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Morban, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Morban, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts or Artifiction?
Strands of Fate
Idol of Fate
Runes of Fate
Defaced Statues of Fate
Fate Touched Dice
The Golden Fable
The Golden Fable
This is a record of a popular tale among cultists of the Golden Maw known as The Golden Fable.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarlet Gorge, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarlet Gorge, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarlet Gorge
The Golden Fable - Page 2
The Golden Fable - Page 3
The Golden Fable - Page 4
The Golden Fable - Page 5
The Golden Fable - Page 6
The Gorge
The Gorge
While not as rich in the miraculous stone as Deepstrike Mines, the lack of Eth defenses has made the gorge a profitable dig.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarlet Gorge, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarlet Gorge, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarlet Gorge
Tattered Mining Claim
Scaffolding Mallet
Spent Cartridges
Endless Ritual Shroud
Golden Maw Lock Box
The Great Betrayal
The Great Betrayal
Prince Hylas remained in Silverwood during the Shade War. When the Guardian Ascended returned he refused to join them in Sanctum.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Mirror of Ages
Faer Pact Totem
Insignia of the Prince
Amnesty Letter
Royal Demand for Regency
The Great Dragon Cult Gift Exchange
The Great Dragon Cult Gift Exchange
While the cults frown upon such arrangements, individual cultists sometimes meet up to exchange unwanted gifts.
During the Fae Yule World event there are special zone events called ‘Fae Yule Gifts’ where these Artifacts will spawn in little gift boxes around the zone.
Freshly Baked Cookies
Mead of the Faer Realms
Arcane Secrets of the Deep
Regulos Bobblehead
Bag of Gold
Fiery Hellbug
Akylios Plush Doll
The Great Dragon Cult Regift Exchange
The Great Dragon Cult Regift Exchange
Populations of planar-traveling people sometimes trade gifts, even though there is little commonground between their cultures.
During the Fae Yule World event there are special zone events called ‘Fae Yule Gifts’ where these Artifacts will spawn in little gift boxes around the zone.
Violet Wand
Dice Set
Very Cool Sheep
Personal Drinking Kit
Cure for Scurvy
Terrifying Predator
Marvelous Portrait
The Grimoire of Chaos
The Grimoire of Chaos
Bound in dragonian scales this heretical tome details forbidden rituals for the summoning of creatures of flame and chaos.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarlet Gorge, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarlet Gorge, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarlet Gorge
Blood Magic
The Plane of Torment
Eggs of Chaos
The Heir of Hammerknell
The Heir of Hammerknell
Clues are scattered throughout Telara that lead to the identity of General Stanig’s descendant. General Stanig in Moonshade Highlands may be able to aid in the location of these clues.
This set can be found in the level 50 Chronicle: Greenscale’s Blight, and the level 50 Chronicle: Hammerknell.
Frozen Rune Clue
Gloomy Rune Clue
Mathosian Rune Clue
Scarred Rune Clue
Harrow Rune Clue
The Heralds
The Heralds
To hear a god speak would shatter one’s psyche, so they have their heralds speak for them.
These artifacts are picked up in a special instanced version of Port Scion. To acces this, you will need to complete quest 22 of the Saga of Lord Arak, then place the Orphiel dimension NPC in your dimension and wait for him to open up the portal.
Herald of Tavril
Herald of Thontic
Herald of Thedeor
Herald of Mariel-Taun
The Drekanoth of Fate
The Holy City
The Holy City
The holy city of Sanctum was built off the coast of Silverwood by Borrin Gammult.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Earthstone Tipped Frame Saw
Souvenir Cobblestone Rock
Imported Mosaic Tile
Blessed Garden Seeds
Blueprints for the Vault of Heresy
The Icewatch
The Icewatch
The Icewatch have guarded the prison of the white wyrm since ancient times.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Library Tome
Badge of Honor
Camouflage Fur
Flametouched Powder
Map of the Prison
The Keepers of the Flame
The Keepers of the Flame
A collection of the necessities used by the Keepers of the Flame in their drive to keep the island free of corruption.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
The History of the Isle
Vermillion Heat-Resistant Gloves
Lava-Forged Scrying Glass
Burn Cream
Turret Repair Manual
The Kingdom of Mathosia
The Kingdom of Mathosia
The mighty Kingdom of Mathosia stood for centuries as a defender of the people of Telara until the corruption of the tyrant king Aedraxis.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Vassalage Contract
King's Call to Service
Ceremonial Blade
The Labors of Thedeor
The Labors of Thedeor
When the world was new it was beset by demons. Thedeor undertook six labors to cleanse Telara.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Captured the Sun Steed
Defeated the Primordial Beast
Slayed the Storm Heralds
Cleaned the Endless Bog
Stole the Fruit of Life
The Legend of Supertrampz
The Legend of Supertrampz
It is said that Supertrampz once perpetrated the Crime of the Century, but was it really a crime?
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Super Fast Clicker
Premature Pull
A Dubious Achievement
Key Turner
The Magic of Scatherran
The Magic of Scatherran
The Circles of Witchcraft are full of the Tuath’de and their madstones where they sacrifice the good creatures of Scatherran.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Blood Soaked Cord
Tuath’de Cauldron
Sickening Spell Ingredients
Foci Collar
Transmogrified Spleen
The Menagerie
The Menagerie
Some rather nasty items found in and around the area now known as The Menagerie.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
Goretusk Tusk
Thendril Thorns
Skinflayer Pellets
Fresh Loam
The Ninth Nightmare
The Ninth Nightmare
Artifacts found in Nightmare rifts.
These artifacts do not drop anywhere in game. They were never added to the NMR cache loot table.
The only way to complete this set is to buy the artifacts with credits… Cadrift does NOT recommend this!
Noctog's Doomtide Seastone
Zakoba's Magma Stone
Xylenar's Stolen Faestone
Kandan's Insanity Potion
Monarva's Borrowed Bones
Maghrub's Fungal Spore
Audvakar's Demolished Head
Ayenra's Eternal Rest
Yaphrok's Chart of Earthen Treasure
Thikonos's Obliteration Concoction
Uttalla's Primordial Spirit
The Noble Sons
The Noble Sons
Even if they did grow up somewhat spoilt, most of the sons of the noble houses did not deserve their fate.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
Monarch Memories
Terrik's Doublet
Thetormon's Honed Sword
Kaliban's Circlet
The Obligatory Pebble Collection
The Obligatory Pebble Collection
You just can’t leave Vostigar Peaks without a collection of the unique rocks that can be found there.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Source Polished Regmaglypts
Uttilian Eucrite
Storm Millbillillie
Bouxian Pallasite
Celestial Mesosiderite
The Original Primalists
The Original Primalists
These keepers were the first of their kind to follow the mystic radiance of the bahmi.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Zal Shulam the Acolyte
Khar Bataar the King
Sar Shidet the Mystic
Uul Dain the Healer
Usukhel the First
The Origins of Guinea Pig Power
The Origins of Guinea Pig Power
No one knows why so many Guinea Pigs hold positions of importance in Hailol but the theories are endless.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Pellet Based Currency
Making the Boss Laugh
A Well Placed Bribe
Fear of Being Delicious
The Places You'll Go
The Places You'll Go
To unravel the secrets of Lord Arak, the Ascended must travel far and wide.
These artifacts are picked up in a special instanced version of Port Scion. To acces this, you will need to complete quest 22 of the Saga of Lord Arak, then place the Orphiel dimension NPC in your dimension and wait for him to open up the portal.
Ghar Station Rosh
Gemini Bluffs
Salt Shallows
Tempest Bay
Necropolis Crypt
Ghar Station Tau
Octus Monastery
Greenscale's Blight
River of Souls
Port Scion
Old Mathosia
Eye of Regulos
Dayblind Hollow
Warden's Point
Mirror of Ages
Kirna's Arbor
Temple of Thontic
Temple of Aia
Port Scuddra
Glacier's End
The Nexus of Nightmare
The Port of Scion
The Port of Scion
This book chronicles the founding of Port Scion.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Freemarch, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Freemarch, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Freemarch
Port of Scion - Page 2
Port of Scion - Page 3
Port of Scion - Page 4
Port of Scion - Page 5
Port of Scion - Page 6
The Pyrkari
The Pyrkari
The leavings of those twisted and remade into malicious creatures by the spirits of the land.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Blood Pact
Melted Jewelry
Scorched Leathers
Mummified Spirit Claw
Last Words Before the Transformation
The Rhen of Fate
The Rhen of Fate
In a Sliver universe Finric fulfilled a dark prophesy, subjugating the Plane of Water by fang and claw.
This set can be found in the level 65 Chronicle: Rhen Of Fate.
Murder Anyone Who Opposes Me
Seek Help from Other Planes
Sliver World Versions of Myself Are Less Brilliant, Attractive Than Myself
Manugo Station
Carved Bone Barge Pulled by Albino Keentails
The Artist Formerly Known as Finric
The Rise and Fall of Mathosia
The Rise and Fall of Mathosia
This weighty tome detailed the rise of the Mathosian kingdom in the chaotic period after the fall of the Eth empire.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
Dominance of Eth
A Family Torn in Two
Mathosian Unification
The Great Kingdom
Endless Corruption
The Royal Record of Hammerknell
The Royal Record of Hammerknell
Pages of this journal were scattered around Hammerknell Fortress.
This set can be found in the level 50 Chronicle: Hammerknell, and the level 65 Chronicle Intrepid: Hammerknell.
The Royal Record of Hammerknell - Page 2
The Royal Record of Hammerknell - Page 3
The Royal Record of Hammerknell - Page 4
The Royal Record of Hammerknell - Page 5
The Rule of the Titans
The Rule of the Titans
This book chronicles the rise of the Titans in Stonefield.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Myrmidons of the Earth
The Rule of the Titans - Page 2
The Rule of the Titans - Page 3
The Rule of the Titans - Page 4
The Rule of the Titans - Page 5
The Sanctuary Guard
The Sanctuary Guard
“The goblins of the forest try to murder, burn and steal; so let the holy Guardians crush the wanton under heel…” – Battle hymn of Gloamwood
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
Sanctuary Hardtack
Blade Sharpening Kit
Letters from Sanctum
Enlistment Papers
The Second Fall of the Eth
The Second Fall of the Eth
This book describes the regret of the Eth who signed on to fight with Aedraxis in his war against his brother. Seeking to restore their kingdom, they instead unknowingly aided in the release of Regulos.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stillmoor, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stillmoor, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stillmoor
The Second Fall of Eth - Page 2
The Second Fall of Eth - Page 3
The Second Fall of Eth - Page 4
The Second Nightmare
The Second Nightmare
Artifacts found in Nightmare II rifts.
These artifacts can be found inside Nightmare Caches. These Caches are awarded to you every 10 levels of a Nightmare Rift.
The nightmare artifacts that you get from the caches are completely random, for instance: you do not need to do a NMR4 to get the NMR4 artifacts, they will drop from any of the NMRs.
Nightmare II: Artifacts
Sabahris's Riviere
Lyovgoya's Ring of Despair
Vontod's Broken Fang
Rakanarth's Favorite Song
Dagalep's Gnarled Staff
Zairatis's Iron Standard
Oberoil's Unstable Chain
Tagonia's Shadow Remnant
Hobono's Fly Swatter
Ruhtac's Tear
Lunaascur's Watery Grave
The Seventh Nightmare
The Seventh Nightmare
Artifacts found in Nightmare rifts.
These artifacts can be found inside Nightmare Caches. These Caches are awarded to you every 10 levels of a Nightmare Rift.
The nightmare artifacts that you get from the caches are completely random, for instance: you do not need to do a NMR4 to get the NMR4 artifacts, they will drop from any of the NMRs.
Tomakiv's Severed Tail
Stemmana's Energy Nexus
Srethusam's Spellbound Powder
Screkanos's Storm Talon
Ragalaa's Heart of Ice
Onumoch's Fire Choker
Jakakel's Favorite Goblet
Haraxitor's Digested Prey
Hadhuzo's Water Etched Gem
Ekkivorne's Engraved Bell
Avousso's Illusory Remnants
The Shade Heralds
The Shade Heralds
Trinkets from the Plane of Death belonging to the Heralds of the Planarchs.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Death.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Storm Legion zones.
Hagtaur's Collar
Murky Bits
Shoran Souvenir
Hagtaur's Broken Leash
Manzav's Scab Salve
The Shade Planarchs
The Shade Planarchs
Artifacts belonging to the Planarchs from the Plane of Death.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Death.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Storm Legion zones.
Boloav's Spare
Diravoss' Resurrection Charm
Munter's Right Hand
Gengrol Treat
Karkon's Last Will and Testament
Jolek's Favorite Color
The Silver Army
The Silver Army
Constructs make the perfect soldiers. They never get frightened and run, they don’t feel so they mindlessly obey orders and when they get destroyed you can make more.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Gate Alignment Apparatus
Breastplate Buffing Cloth
Scribbled Orders
The Sixth Nightmare
The Sixth Nightmare
Artifacts found in Nightmare VI rifts.
These artifacts can be found inside Nightmare Caches. These Caches are awarded to you every 10 levels of a Nightmare Rift.
The nightmare artifacts that you get from the caches are completely random, for instance: you do not need to do a NMR4 to get the NMR4 artifacts, they will drop from any of the NMRs.
Nightmare VI: Artifacts
Bokrunor's Unyielding Shell
Cenaxus's Power Crystal
Dythoth's Cleaved Hand
Navadim's Binding Stitches
Nehorana's Feather of Flight
Poyoro's Pelt
Topiaru's Splintered Maw
Ukobal's Talisman of Acuity
Usurasin's Battle Axe
Zaiqui's Bone Claw Necklace
Zanota's War Cask
The Solemn Family
The Solemn Family
The Solemn family lived apart from the people of Gloamwood Pines. Now only Alistair and Janina remain alive.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
Hertrude's Good Boots
Brofer's Armored Shorts
Zeek's Big Hammer
Batius Mail Order Knife
Clovis's Lighter Fluid
The Sorcerer-Kings
The Sorcerer-Kings
This book discusses the tradition of the Sorcerer-Kings among the Eth of the Shimmersand.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
The Sorcerer-Kings - Page 2
The Sorcerer-Kings - Page 3
The Sorcerer-Kings - Page 4
The Soulstream
The Soulstream
Alsbeth’s personal records seem to have been scattered around River of Souls.
This set can be found in the level 50 Chronicle: River of Souls.
The Soulstream - Page 2
The Soulstream - Page 3
The Soulstream - Page 4
The Spreading Plague
The Spreading Plague
Trinkets from the Plane of Death.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Death.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Nightmare Tide zones.
Miscreant Ruby
Sundered Tongue
Angel Trumpet
Sigil of the Undying
Crown of Aedraxis
The Stone Column
The Stone Column
Trinkets from the Plane of Earth.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Earth.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Nightmare Tide zones.
Obsidian Totem
Imbued Earthen Spirit
Boots of the Earthshaker
Face of the Mountain
Laethys's Scale
The Stone Heralds
The Stone Heralds
Trinkets from the Plane of Earth belonging to the Heralds of the Planarchs.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Earth.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Storm Legion zones.
Bratun Shavings
Garnock's Scary Face
Bratun's Left Hand
Garnock's Happy Face
Roklom's Third Eye
The Stone Planarchs
The Stone Planarchs
Artifacts belonging to the Planarchs from the Plane of Earth.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Earth.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Storm Legion zones.
Borott's Bifocal
Grimlor's Carapace Polish
Nitzmog's Drumstick
Korlam's Clingy Friend
Taviton's Gravitron
Vaharan's Pyrite Progeny
The Storm Heralds
The Storm Heralds
Trinkets from the Plane of Air belonging to the Heralds of the Planarchs.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Air.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Storm Legion zones.
Anvonia's Patented Static Guard
Dimiral-7's Whetstone
Anvonia's Gift
Immori's Arbitration Device
The Storm Planarchs
The Storm Planarchs
Artifacts belonging to the Planarchs from the Plane of Air.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Air.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Storm Legion zones.
Tendrok's Party Dress
Vorlas' Moulting Serum
Tirana's Feathers
Zorov's Key Fob
Urzon's Midnight Snack
Galevan Simulacrum Schematics
The Tenth Nightmare
The Tenth Nightmare
Artifacts found in Nightmare rifts.
These artifacts do not drop anywhere in game. They were never added to the NMR cache loot table.
The only way to complete this set is to buy the artifacts with credits… Cadrift does NOT recommend this!
Lorandis's Splintered Staff
Rodyamil's Ring of True Strike
Inguzar's Prophetic Parchment
Daglak's Bloodstained Map
Guabrach's Gnarled Arm
Gebernah's Torn Wing
Omburon's Seaworn Carapace
Nalata's Warwater Blade
Vinaura's Intoxicating Pollen
GRT-77's Targeting Systems
Nazarsi's Burning Feather
The Teth
The Teth
The Teth are responsible for the curse upon the Bahmi.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Teth Fasd'aois
Teth Solikh
Teth Shidten
Teth Koreth
Teth Dalchid
The Theology of the Vigil
The Theology of the Vigil
Theological writings on the gods, the Vigil, and the dragons.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Silverwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Silverwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Silverwood
Bahralt - The City
Tavril - The Land
Mariel-Taun - The Heart
Thontic - The Sea
The Third Nightmare
The Third Nightmare
Artifacts found in Nightmare III rifts.
These artifacts can be found inside Nightmare Caches. These Caches are awarded to you every 10 levels of a Nightmare Rift.
The nightmare artifacts that you get from the caches are completely random, for instance: you do not need to do a NMR4 to get the NMR4 artifacts, they will drop from any of the NMRs.
Nightmare III: Artifacts
Broekoof's Slag Totem
Lexanon's Last Meal
Zebrayan's Spoils of War
Bastzath's Essence
Shadimir's Spectral Guise
Valeos's Earthen Cleaver
Tautivak's Adamantine Armgaurd
Husaro's Mutated Claw
Napotag's Leafblade Scales
Tsathtosa's Detached Mandible
Tivadar's Phantasmic Cowl
The Tide Heralds
The Tide Heralds
Trinkets from the Plane of Water belonging to the Heralds of the Planarchs.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Water.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Storm Legion zones.
Planar Soup Recipe Page 2
Planar Soup Recipe Page 3
Planar Ingredient: Krimeo Eyes
Planar Ingredient: Mork Tears
Planar Ingredient: Narkor Broth
The Tide Planarchs
The Tide Planarchs
Artifacts belonging to the Planarchs from the Plane of Water.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Water.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Storm Legion zones.
Myrtin's Geyser Caller
Zendril's Vanity Mirror
Gurkant's Love Letters
Mareket's Beauty Secrets
Gertak's Rejection Letters
Augmur's Illegitimate Eggclutch
The Tower of Dawn
The Tower of Dawn
It’s hard to say whether the corruption growing around the Tower of Dawn makes it more or less impressive than it was before.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
Monarch Memories
A Bone from the Forgotten Prisoner
A Gear from the Great Clock
Key to Casimar's Chambers
Halcyon Gate Guard Insignia
Palace Houseplant
The Uncontained Blaze
The Uncontained Blaze
Trinkets from the Plane of Fire.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Fire.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Nightmare Tide zones.
Unyielding Ember
Entombed Elemental
Hellforged Necklace
Hellbug Limb
Wanton's Sacrifice
The Unicorns of Wyredode
The Unicorns of Wyredode
The Unicorns are mercilessly hunted by the Tuath’de for sacrifices upon the madstone.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Prancing Unicorn
Dappled Unicorn
The Wheel of Fate
The Wheel of Fate
The bahmi of the Wilds have resigned themselves to an unending cycle of exploration and torment in the planes.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Deathly Birth of Baac
Winds of Shalistiri
Waves of Bandits
The Sprouting of Callweddi
The Turning of the Great Stone
The Wild Hunt
The Wild Hunt
Bestial scavengers and predators that stalk Dusken Spires, hoping to catch a victim before the Shapers arrive.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
Wild Hunt Claw
Wild Hunt Tongue
Wild Hunt Tail
Wild Hunt Scales
Wild Hunt High Quality Pelt
Thedeor's Sword
Thedeor's Sword
Faith in Thedeor is strong here in the harsh mountain peaks. Those who venerate him fashion a holy sword to receive his blessings.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Blade of Courage
Sword of Duty
Blade of the Champion
Things to Do While in Ashenfell
Things to Do While in Ashenfell
Not every creature that arrives in Ashenfell is desperate to get out again.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Dusted Off Shinys
Lava Rapids Rafting
Dragon Egg Hunt
Lava Lake Skinny Dipping
Hamatu Archeology
Lava Bomb Bowling
Thontic, God of Mystery
Thontic, God of Mystery
The god of mysteries and travel, Thontic is often prayed to in the vast desert of Shimmersand.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Sanctified Caravan Route
Prayer Journal of Adventure
Ancient Holy Sextant
Sacred Cyphers
Spyglass of Revelation
Thoughts of the Overseer
Thoughts of the Overseer
The incessant whispering thoughts and memories of those buried in Necropolis.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
Three Springs
Three Springs
Three Springs was started as a colony by the Guardians to reclaim Moonshade Highlands and Hammerknell.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
Pilgrim Garb
Councilmen Insignia
Ship Schedule
Grain Shipment
Threngar's Rituals
Threngar's Rituals
Shaman of the cold warriors, speaker of the Cosmic Moot, god seer, Akvan priest; Threngar the Sharax has many rituals of vengeance.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Tarken Glacier, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Tarken Glacier, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Tarken Ice
Conflict in Tarken
Heartstone Ritual Murder
Soul Bloodstone
Solraminous Sacrifice
World Tree Incense
Throne Room Mementoes
Throne Room Mementoes
Reminders of a happier time.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Kingsward, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Kingsward, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Kingsward Mementoes
Monarch Memories
Chipped Ruby
A Swatch of Velvet
Coat of Arms
Royal Guard Insignia
List of Offenses and Their Punishments
Through the Never
Through the Never
Bizarre fragments that have drifted through the cosmos to this current universe.
This set can be found in the level 65 Chronicle: Shadow From the Beyond.
Meteorite Fragment
Imploded Star Mote
Solidified Darkness
Conduit of Time
Whorling Transdimensional-Loop
Essence of Creation
Tattered Towel
Thunder Cohort
Thunder Cohort
Some key players and tactics of the Thunder Cohort.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Crucia’s Crew
Tribuni Norbanus
Vexillarii Caelia
Yet Another Sacrificial Blade
Extreme Punishments
No Survivors
Tide Herald Artifacts
Tide Herald Artifacts
Heralds of the Plane of Water carry these artifacts with them into battle.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Water.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Frosty Mug
Tidal Trinket
Glowing Aqualessence
Icy Core
Tidal Rune
Tide Sourcethief Artifacts
Tide Sourcethief Artifacts
These artifacts remained after the forces of Ithkus invaded Ember Isle.
These artifacts will drop from planar mobs from the plane of Water.
They are most likely to drop while farming in the Mathosian zones.
Extremely Long Siphoning Hose
Water-Filled Bladder
Moisture Detecting Gem
Runed Dowsing Rod
Ithkus' Shifting Charm
Tidelord Brenin
Tidelord Brenin
Escaping the Defiant assault upon his home city of Meridian, Brenin traveled north to claim the power of the fallen dwarven kingdom.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Moonshade Highlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Moonshade Highlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Moonshade Highlands
Charm of Clear Thoughts
Skin Sewn Mask
Meridian Cube of Unmaking
Artifact of Ancient Madness
Tintan's Snake Oil
Tintan's Snake Oil
John Tintan’s remedies for maladies both mundane and fantastical. For resale opportunities seek him at his shop in Gloamwood Pines.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
Goblin Toxin (diluted)
Specter Vapors
Electrified Spider Venom
Vampire Fang Needle
Lycanthrope Spleen
Tips for Underground Living
Tips for Underground Living
Recommendations to help keep your sanity while living underground.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Eastern Holdings, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Eastern Holdings, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of the East
Learn to Love the Dark
Report Cracked Ceiling Tiles
Mushrooms Grow Well in Damp Conditions
Titan Collars
Titan Collars
Collars such as this one were used first to bind the Titans to the will of the Eth, and then by the Titans with the troll chiefs.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Myrmidons of the Earth
Collar of Hiberus
Collar of Cornix
Collar of Hybrida
Collar of Primus
Collar of Plutonus
Titan Idols
Titan Idols
The trolls have ‘carved’ these idols to the titans. They pretty much just look like rocks, though.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Myrmidons of the Earth
Idol of Hiberus
Idol of Cornix
Idol of Hybrida
Idol of Primus
Tito's Trove
Tito's Trove
It’s time to Party!
These are looted from Pinata Prize Bags during Carnival Instant Adventures.
Dance Master Morin's Moves
Tito's Glowing Purified Water
Tito's Backup Drum Head
Tito's Illegible Martini Recipe
Tito's Dry Wine
Tito's Dirty Pulp
Tito's Lemon Peel
Tito's Special Sauce
Tito's Shaker
To Be a God
To Be a God
The Eth strove to elevate themselves to gods in the ritual known as the Convocation.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
To Be a God - Page 2
To Be a God - Page 3
To Be a God - Page 4
To Be a God - Page 5
To Be a God - Page 6
To Honor the Ancestors
To Honor the Ancestors
In many ways the bahmi of the Wilds never left the big skies of the Plane of Air.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Sky Scrimshaw
Moth Wing
Floaty Figurine
Funerary Wraps
Ovog Idol
Tok's Field Guide - An Introduction
Tok's Field Guide - An Introduction
It’s questionable whether just the introduction to this field guild will be any help, besides it seems to be in some unreadable language.
These artifacts are found inside Toks Dungeon.
When you start Toks you can only pick up artifacts from Tok’s Field Guide – An Introduction.
When you hand in the full set of Tok’s Field Guide – An Introduction, you will be able to pick up pages from the next set: Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 1. You will no longer be able to pick up artifacts from Tok’s Field Guide – An Introduction.
You are able to buy the artifacts from the set you are currently working on from the Skeleton dude in the foyer of Toks.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
Tok’s Field Guide: An Introduction - Page 2
Tok’s Field Guide: An Introduction - Page 3
Tok’s Field Guide: An Introduction - Page 4
Tok’s Field Guide: An Introduction - Page 5
Tok’s Field Guide: An Introduction - Page 6
Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 1
Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 1
Ah! This might be more useful, if I can get it translated.
These artifacts are found inside Toks Dungeon.
While you work on this set you will only be able to find artifacts from this set, not any of the other Field Guide chapters. You will need to have completed and handed in all previous sets before you can start collecting this one.
When you hand in the full set of Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 1, you will be able to pick up pages from the next set: Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 2. You will no longer be able to pick up artifacts from Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 1.
You are able to buy the artifacts from the set you are currently working on from the Skeleton dude in the foyer of Toks.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
Tok’s Field Guide: Chapter 1 - Page 2
Tok’s Field Guide: Chapter 1 - Page 3
Tok’s Field Guide: Chapter 1 - Page 4
Tok’s Field Guide: Chapter 1 - Page 5
Tok’s Field Guide: Chapter 1 - Page 6
Tok’s Field Guide: Chapter 1 - Page 7
Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 2
Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 2
I should have guessed there would be more than one chapter.
These artifacts are found inside Toks Dungeon.
While you work on this set you will only be able to find artifacts from this set, not any of the other Field Guide chapters. You will need to have completed and handed in all previous sets before you can start collecting this one.
When you hand in the full set of Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 2, you will be able to pick up pages from the next set: Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 3. You will no longer be able to pick up artifacts from Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 2.
You are able to buy the artifacts from the set you are currently working on from the Skeleton dude in the foyer of Toks.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
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Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 3
Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 3
Three chapters! That’s a nice round number right?
These artifacts are found inside Toks Dungeon.
While you work on this set you will only be able to find artifacts from this set, not any of the other Field Guide chapters. You will need to have completed and handed in all previous sets before you can start collecting this one.
When you hand in the full set of Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 3, you will be able to pick up pages from the next set: Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 4. You will no longer be able to pick up artifacts from Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 3.
You are able to buy the artifacts from the set you are currently working on from the Skeleton dude in the foyer of Toks.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
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Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 4
Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 4
Hmm a fourth chapter, I wonder how many there are.
These artifacts are found inside Toks Dungeon.
While you work on this set you will only be able to find artifacts from this set, not any of the other Field Guide chapters. You will need to have completed and handed in all previous sets before you can start collecting this one.
When you hand in the full set of Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 4, you will be able to pick up pages from the next set: Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 5. You will no longer be able to pick up artifacts from Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 4.
You are able to buy the artifacts from the set you are currently working on from the Skeleton dude in the foyer of Toks.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
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Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 5
Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 5
How long is this book anyway?
These artifacts are found inside Toks Dungeon.
While you work on this set you will only be able to find artifacts from this set, not any of the other Field Guide chapters. You will need to have completed and handed in all previous sets before you can start collecting this one.
When you hand in the full set of Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 5, you will be able to pick up pages from the next set: Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 6. You will no longer be able to pick up artifacts from Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 5.
You are able to buy the artifacts from the set you are currently working on from the Skeleton dude in the foyer of Toks.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
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Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 6
Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 6
Well I guess it’s longer than 5 chapters.
These artifacts are found inside Toks Dungeon.
While you work on this set you will only be able to find artifacts from this set, not any of the other Field Guide chapters. You will need to have completed and handed in all previous sets before you can start collecting this one.
When you hand in the full set of Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 6, you will be able to pick up pages from the next set: Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 7. You will no longer be able to pick up artifacts from Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 6.
You are able to buy the artifacts from the set you are currently working on from the Skeleton dude in the foyer of Toks.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
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Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 7
Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 7
Okay, this is one long Field Guide.
These artifacts are found inside Toks Dungeon.
While you work on this set you will only be able to find artifacts from this set, not any of the other Field Guide chapters. You will need to have completed and handed in all previous sets before you can start collecting this one.
When you hand in the full set of Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 7, you will be able to pick up pages from the next set: Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 8. You will no longer be able to pick up artifacts from Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 7.
You are able to buy the artifacts from the set you are currently working on from the Skeleton dude in the foyer of Toks.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
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Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 8
Tok's Field Guide - Chapter 8
Seriously! Another chapter?
These artifacts are found inside Toks Dungeon.
While you work on this set you will only be able to find artifacts from this set, not any of the other Field Guide chapters. You will need to have completed and handed in all previous sets before you can start collecting this one.
When you hand in the full set of Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 8, you will be able to pick up pages from the next set: Tok’s Field Guide – Conclusion. You will no longer be able to pick up artifacts from Tok’s Field Guide – Chapter 8.
You are able to buy the artifacts from the set you are currently working on from the Skeleton dude in the foyer of Toks.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
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Tok’s Field Guide: Chapter 8 - Page 14
Tok's Field Guide - Conclusion
Tok's Field Guide - Conclusion
Phew, conclusion. Finally!
These artifacts are found inside Toks Dungeon.
While you work on this set you will only be able to find artifacts from this set, not any of the other Field Guide chapters. You will need to have completed and handed in all previous sets before you can start collecting this one.
When you hand in the full set of Tok’s Field Guide – Conclusion, you will be able to pick up pages from the next set: Tok’s Field Guide – Post Script. You will no longer be able to pick up artifacts from Tok’s Field Guide – Conclusion.
You are able to buy the artifacts from the set you are currently working on from the Skeleton dude in the foyer of Toks.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
Tok’s Field Guide: Conclusion - Page 2
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Tok’s Field Guide: Conclusion - Page 15
Tok's Field Guide - Post Script
Tok's Field Guide - Post Script
Oh c’mon! I can’t even read this thing anyway!
These artifacts are found inside Toks Dungeon.
While you work on this set you will only be able to find artifacts from this set, not any of the other Field Guide chapters. You will need to have completed and handed in all previous sets before you can start collecting this one.
When you hand in the full set of Tok’s Field Guide – Post Script, you will receive the ‘Toks Field Guide’ Book. Follow the rest of the Toks guide pages to learn how to read the book and then craft the wardrobe.
You are able to buy the artifacts from the set you are currently working on from the Skeleton dude in the foyer of Toks.
The chest you get from the Toks Chest Weekly Quest is a great source or the rarer artifacts.
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Tok’s Field Guide: Post Script - Page 16
Tokens of Centius
Tokens of Centius
Centius gives out gems from the Plane of Earth to the troll leaders among the Dreadbone who have sworn themselves to him.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Myrmidons of the Earth
Token of Brunt
Token of Grudgraw
Token of Gontraesk
Token of Korbosh
Token of Gormungun
Tokens of the Ancestors
Tokens of the Ancestors
The messengers of the Vigil tapped those slain by the apocalypse of the rifts to save Telara.
These artifacts can no longer be collected from the world, the only way to get them is from minions or caches.
Industriousness of the Dwarves
Valor of the Mathosian
Mystery of the Coming Ascended
Tomb Artifacts
Tomb Artifacts
There are several ancient Tombs dotted around Ashora, most have been plundered but some still contain interesting artifacts.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Signs in the Sand
Canopic Jar
Rusty Sword
Gravestone Rubbings
Scarab Necklace
Zombie Skin
Tools of the Forest
Tools of the Forest
The trees in Gloamwood are gnarled and tough, requiring special tools to work.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gloamwood, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Gloamwood, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Gloamwood
Runecrafted Drag Blade
Consecrated Log Tongs
Cursed Mill Buzz Saw
Torath the Wretched
Torath the Wretched
Torath the fallen Paladin, plucked from the Soul Stream by Regulos and given planar death magic to serve as a minon of Krahzael.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Seratos, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Seratos, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Seratos
Torath's Wedding Band
Torath's Worn Prayer Book
Torath's Battered Bulwark
Torath's Fell Blade
Torath's Rusted Chestplate
Traitors from Dolcega
Traitors from Dolcega
The residents of Dolcega capitulated to the Storm Legion without a fight. Now they reap the rewards of their treachery.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Pelladane, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Pelladane, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Spoils of Pelladane
Dulled Servants
Construct Made Finery
Precision Civics
Mandated Friendship
Lost and Found Time
Treasure of Ionraic
Treasure of Ionraic
Although the highest concentration of treasure can still be found in the Azcu’Azg Oasis, jealously guarded by Golems, some of it has found its way to the far corners of the Dendrome.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
A Shiny Coin
Gem Encrusted Goblet
A Bar of Precious Metal
A Flawless Ruby
Beautifully Inlaid Jewelry Box
A Famous Painting
A Delicate Necklace
Can of Golem Lubricant
Treatise on Architects
Treatise on Architects
The accumulated study of Architects and related species.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit.
Adaptation of Earth Plane Species
Non Verbal Communication of Bipedal Insectoids
Hierarchy of the Architect Species
Instinctual and Learned Building Behaviors
Tribulation Propaganda
Tribulation Propaganda
The nightmares of Tribulation have written many inflammatory screeds to bring support to their revolution. They justify evil with engaging design.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Impalement for Progenitors
Food is a Weapon
United Manifestations
Dreams are the Enemy!
Victory Means Progenitor Death!
Trinkets of Planebreaker Bastion
Trinkets of Planebreaker Bastion
Trinkets found by adventurers within Planebreaker Bastion
These artifacts likely drop from the bosses in the Planebreaker Bastion raid.
Architect Eggshell
Partially Chewed Harpoon
Krizzix's Toy Bomb
Inyr'Kta's Crown
Spare Planebreaker Eye
Trog Cuisine
Trog Cuisine
Troglodytes are well known for their questionable, yet oddly defined for a monster race, definition of cuisine.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Myrmidons of the Earth
Pickled Ram Heart
Pond Skum Soup
Swamp Goo Souffle
Miner Gizzard Pie
Troll Carrion Cream
Troll Toenails
Troll Toenails
The toenails of the trolls have been described as their own microclimates for all the unique organisms that grow in them.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Stonefield, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Stonefield, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Stonefield
Myrmidons of the Earth
Crystallized Troll Toenail
Mossy Troll Toenail
Trophies of the Filthy Fifth
Trophies of the Filthy Fifth
Souvenirs of the endless battle for Mazamar
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Storm Legion Zones. They can also be looted from the Fished up treasure Caches.
Mazamar Suture Thread
Mazamar Sickle
Mazamar Scythe
Mazamar Ectoplasm
Trophy Fish of Brevane
Trophy Fish of Brevane
Trophies caught in and around Brevane
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in any of the Storm Legion zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Big Collection of Trophies
Trophy Sharpfin
Trophy Kraken Hatchling
Trophy Empyrean Dragonfish
Trophy Giant Pondleaper
Trophy Coldflare Octopus
Trophy Fish of Dusken
Trophy Fish of Dusken
Trophies caught in and around Dusken
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in any of the Storm Legion zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Big Collection of Trophies
Trophy Veiled Octopus
Trophy Dusken Eel
Trophy Quick Minnow
Trophy Sunhorse
Trophy Emerald Flycatcher
Trophy Fish of the Plane of Water
Trophy Fish of the Plane of Water
Trophies caught in the Plane of Water
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in any of the Nightmare Tide zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Bigger Collection of Trophies
Trophy Oorl Remora
Trophy Seer Eel
Trophy Merpho
Trophy Skygrazer Manta
Trophy Yellow Petrel
True Grit
True Grit
Gedlo Badlands is comprised of many types of sand, some with mystical properties.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Gedlo and Behold
Night Dust
Caustic Salt
Stink Stone
Silk Silt
True Grit
Truffles for the PRI
Truffles for the PRI
Gather truffles from Wild Boars to help the PRI in it’s studies.
This set was available during an old Promo event called ‘Razorback Round-Up’.
There is now no way to get them in game except by buying with credits.
There are no cheevos or special reward for completing this set, so it’s not worth spending credits on!
Burned Truffle
Noxious Truffle
Rotten Truffle
Perfect Truffle
Tuath’de Bounties
Tuath’de Bounties
The Tuath’de offer bounties to anyone willing to help them hunt the hated unicorns.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Refined Vespid Honey
Crystal Goblet
Chest of Dried Goblin Eyes
Gold Plated Pan Pipes
Box of Chocolate Liqueurs
Tuath’de Heroes of Yore
Tuath’de Heroes of Yore
The history of the Tuath’de is filled with notable figures, though what may seem heroic to some, may be considered villainous by everyone else.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Akrae the Duplicitous
Queen Drusai
Ipiyon Spider Tamer
Harbinger Maerxyn
Ritualist Mkaldah
Naoali the Forceful
Tuath’de Instruments
Tuath’de Instruments
These instruments can be used for entertainment or torture, but to the Tuath’de these are one and the same.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Crushing Cymbals
Lacerating Lute
Choking Cello
Deafening Drum
Burning Bag Pipe
Tulan Smoothies
Tulan Smoothies
Relax on the beach with a frosty beverage.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Cape Jule, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Cape Jule, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Treasures of the Cape
Blue and Red Berry Swirl
Nettle Nut Butter Blast
Infused Pome
Turnis River Stones
Turnis River Stones
A collection of interesting rocks found along the banks of the Turnis.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
Moss-Covered Boulder
Gold-Flecked Gravel
Irregularly-Shaped Chalk
A Flat Skipping Stone
Fine Quartzite
Twisted Ardent Domain
Twisted Ardent Domain
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Ardent Domain.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ardent Domain. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Raw Gems
Platinum Medal
Giant Enemy Crab
Lord Rufus
Twisted Ashora
Twisted Ashora
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Ashora.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ashora. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Ashora Daffodil
Diabolical Box
The Best Defense
Deathtouched Colossus
Flying Silverwing
Twisted Cape Jule
Twisted Cape Jule
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Cape Jule.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Cape Jule. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Oasis Map
Haunting Memory
Twisted Nature
Dream Fabric
The Last Slice of Cake
Twisted City Core
Twisted City Core
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of City Core.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in City Core. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
The Brilliance of Brevane
It's a Trap
Blue Saliva
Architect Molt
Falling Damage
Twisted Dendrome
Twisted Dendrome
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Dendrome.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in The Dendrome. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Dust Eater
Scroll of Shadows
Planar Air Energy Cube
Critical Damage Rifle
Daglar's Duck
Twisted Draumheim
Twisted Draumheim
It’s hard to imagine Draumheim any more twisted than it already is.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Draumheim. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Pyromancer's Beef and Noodles
Darkmoon's Birthday Cookies
Zareph's Plaza
Count Cozy
Gut the Insightful
Peter Pewter Von Bladderfull's Throne
Whispering Doom
The Surprise Angle
Twisted Droughtlands
Twisted Droughtlands
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Droughtlands.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Droughtlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Yellow Mark
Bandages of Fire
Skull Topped Portal Key
Fluctuating Dimensional Power
Top DPS Build
Twisted Eastern Holdings
Twisted Eastern Holdings
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Eastern Holdings.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Eastern Holdings. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Crystalline Seed
Personal Assistant
Rock Candy
Perfectly Cut Gem
Thetormon's Thesis
Twisted Ember Isle
Twisted Ember Isle
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Ember Isle.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ember Isle. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Temple Guard Training Manual
Sapient Shambler
Scerrion's Mask of Judgment
Stuffed Maelforge Doll
Magitech Device with "G.P.S." Initials
Twisted Freemarch
Twisted Freemarch
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Freemarch.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Freemarch. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Neo-Eth Hourglass
Crest of Jakub the Kind
Tomb Blueprints
Hero's Bandage
Cephalopod Remains
Twisted Gloamwood
Twisted Gloamwood
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Gloamwood.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Pink Karma Seed
The Thorn of Truth
Wrath: Famine of the Heart
Like Loving Death Itself
Chapter 4: Nightcap or Nightshade?
Twisted Goboro Reef
Twisted Goboro Reef
Artifacts representing some of the infinite possibilities where things turned out very differently for Goboro Reef.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Goboro Reef. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Viz Mission Nature
Flametouched Warm Wood
Still 1
Sacrificial Hearth
Coral Glockenspiel
Petrified Tentacle Trees
Rock Seathe Salt
Twisted Iron Pine Peak
Twisted Iron Pine Peak
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Iron Pine Peaks.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Iron Pine Peak. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Longclaw Crustacean
Hydration: Avoid Dry Skin
Replica Tartagon
Kaspar's Treasure Map
Miniature Earthen Maul
Twisted Kingsward
Twisted Kingsward
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Kingsward.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Kingsward. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Green Thumb
Giant Frost Wolf
Dimensional Energy Pulse
Faratha's Special Blend
The Mandibula
Twisted Moonshade Highlands
Twisted Moonshade Highlands
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Moonshade Highlands.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Moonshade Highlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Flask of Evil
Lesson Six: We Live And Learn
Goblin Warblade
Blue Glaive
Jebiah's Crossbow
Twisted Morban
Twisted Morban
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Morban.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Morban. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Crystal Ball
Pet Rat
Morban Squirrel
Piece of my Heart
Pocket Knife of Doom
Twisted Pelladane
Twisted Pelladane
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Pelladane.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Pelladane. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Golden Key
Currents of Life
Neverending Storybook
Shattered Core
Queen Miela's Cloak
Twisted Queen's Gambit
Twisted Queen's Gambit
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Queen’s Gambit.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Elixir of Love
Inyra's All-knowing Speech
Pheromone Concentrate
Twisted Scarlet Gorge
Twisted Scarlet Gorge
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Scarlet Gorge.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarlet Gorge. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Blue Clawmark Rune
Card of: Screaming Death
Shimmering Swirly Thing
Twisted Lifestone
Not a Talking Rat
Twisted Scarwood Reach
Twisted Scarwood Reach
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Scarwood Reach.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarwood Reach. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Pious Chain
Water of Rebirth
Oh Sap - Fragment 6
Schematic: 'Dasher' Personal Teleportation Device
Rod of Pacifism
Twisted Seratos
Twisted Seratos
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Seratos.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Seratos. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Bone Bullet
The Rib Not Taken
Undeveloped Overseer
Best Friend
Charred Remains
Twisted Shimmersand
Twisted Shimmersand
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Shimmersand.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Shimmersand. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Golden Shovel
Highly Rated Restaurant
Bugle of Wrecking
Delightful Candy
Twisted Silverwood
Twisted Silverwood
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Silverwood.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Silverwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Bogling Rune
Box of Benevolence
Luggodhan's Locket
Sagespire Select
Red Gauntlet
Twisted Steppes of Infinity
Twisted Steppes of Infinity
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Steppes.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Steppes of Infinity. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Commemorative Coin
Amber Fragment
Bottomless Bag
Top Ranked
Detricus' Mistake
Twisted Stillmoor
Twisted Stillmoor
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Stillmoor.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stillmoor. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Impeccable Diving Schedule
Mathosian Strength
Sly Fox
Shadow of Inevitability
The Dwarven Stein
Twisted Stonefield
Twisted Stonefield
These alternate reality objects can be found in a strange version of Stonefield.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stonefield. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Ghost of Lewin Dinford
High Density Magic
Time-Flux Hourglass
Neutral Density Transference Generator
Twisted Tarken Glacier
Twisted Tarken Glacier
On the rocks with a twist.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Tarken Glacier. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Disgruntled Playing Cards
Feigned Cuteness
The Akvan Hybrid Condition
The Divine Plot
The Wasteland of Bulf
Veras's Cavalcade of Government
Twisted: A Different World
Twisted: A Different World
A collection of artifacts from a dimension connected to Telara in many ways.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in The Dendrome. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Elrar's Mead
Pithos' Answer
Dead Simon's Puzzle
Daglar's Duck
Twisted: Abyssal Beauty Secrets
Twisted: Abyssal Beauty Secrets
Secrets are meant to be kept, but this torn pamphlet exposes many of the Abyssal Cult’s beauty secrets.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Iron Pine Peak. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
The Wet Look: Amazing Hair
Masks: Cover those Blemishes
Lips: Blood Red the Easy Way
Hydration: Avoid Dry Skin
Twisted: Akvan Name Meanings
Twisted: Akvan Name Meanings
The uncanny names of the Akvan Horrors convey the unholy terror that they represent.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Tarken Glacier. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Twisted: Alternative Energies
Twisted: Alternative Energies
These constructs are powered by another energy source, not yet discovered by the Brevane.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Eastern Holdings. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Regenerative Power
Moon Powered Core
Rechargeable Power Block
Infinite Power Core
Twisted: Alternative Finrics
Twisted: Alternative Finrics
In one alternate universe, Finric became an evil Rhen, but other universes have their own versions of Finric.
This set can be found in the level 65 Chronicle: Rhen Of Fate. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Strange Acquisitions
Finric the Shoe Merchant
Doctor Finric
Ascended Finric
The Artist Formerly Known as Finric
Twisted: Alternative Medicines
Twisted: Alternative Medicines
Treatment devices from a different dimension or are these torture devices?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ardent Domain. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Bone Graft
Plant Substitute
Lobotomy Tools
Twisted: Angdralthus the Philanthropist
Twisted: Angdralthus the Philanthropist
Known as a Lich Lord in our realm, what kind of world would produce a member of the Endless Court that gives back to the world?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarlet Gorge. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Food Shipment for the Hungry
Educational Tomes
Cloth for the Less Fortunate
Box of Toys
Twisted: Antharo Quarum
Twisted: Antharo Quarum
In this timeline Antharo Quarum is alive and well. It is said that potential students wait in lines as long as a day just to hear his lectures in person.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Steppes of Infinity. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Brevanic Triangulation Techniques
The Art of Cyro-Defense
Brevanic Language
Thaumaturgical Engineering
Twisted: Anthousa the Nalthema
Twisted: Anthousa the Nalthema
It seems Anthousa was unable to speak to spirits in another reality.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ember Isle. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Powerless Among Priests
That Rotten Egg Smell
List of Career Options
Temple Guard Training Manual
Twisted: Aquatic Mounts
Twisted: Aquatic Mounts
What type of tiny beings rode on the backs of fish?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ashora. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Deep Sea Explorer
Manta Glider
Swift Shark
Flying Silverwing
Twisted: Art is a Fact
Twisted: Art is a Fact
The smuggling of unique artifacts is one of the few profitable points of inter-dimensional trade.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Twist on Twisted Tablets
Missed Ex-Pantheon Clue
In a Proprietor's Yoke
Icon of Evil
Macramed Dream Ribbons
Blood Squeezed Stone Set
Twisted: Articles of Defiant Faith
Twisted: Articles of Defiant Faith
It is said that in an alternate reality that the Defiant are a much more faith based organization.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarwood Reach. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Land Mines of Penitence
Devotional Apparatus
Sanctified Tools
Pious Chain
Twisted: Ascension of the Ascended
Twisted: Ascension of the Ascended
It is believed that these objects were used, or will be used, to create the Machineborn Defiant Ascended.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stonefield. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Shadows of the Night
Untamed Spirit
Spark of Ingenuity
Cerebral Coating
Twisted: Ashstone's Supply List
Twisted: Ashstone's Supply List
This list appears to belong to Caor Ashstone, but how could such a thing belong to a mummy trapped in a tomb?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Freemarch. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Crushed Dreams
Box of Bones
Deathwood Planks
Tomb Blueprints
Twisted: Atrophinius' Winelist
Twisted: Atrophinius' Winelist
In another dimension Atrophinius is the sommelier to the most prestigious of royal families.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Silverwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Moonshade Glow 1484
Bahmi Windwine
Walking Wolf 1501
Sagespire Select
Twisted: Auram's Bistro
Twisted: Auram's Bistro
In this alternate reality Auram is world famous chef. It is said that his dishes will reunite your fragmented taste buds.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Cape Jule. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Cape Salad
Pumpkin Soup
Catch of the Day
Heavenly Desert
Twisted: Baac Apoc-alypse
Twisted: Baac Apoc-alypse
When Teth took the radiance of the bahmi from the Keeper, an apocalypse of negative karma swept over Telara in the form of the baac.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Cry of Hunger
Scream of Pain
Bellow of Battle
Wail of the Wastes
Bawl of Telara's Fall
Yawp of the Final Seal
Twisted: Balzari's Poems
Twisted: Balzari's Poems
Works from the great Balzari, poet extraordinaire.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ardent Domain. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
"Casualties of Faith"
"Grave Silence"
"Undying Love"
"The Ultimate Sacrifice"
Twisted: Battlefield Weapons
Twisted: Battlefield Weapons
In another reality great battles were fought between the Caretakers and Shapers using weapons unheard of in our world.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Seratos. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Flesh Slicer
Goo Grenade
Planar Throwing Star
Bone Bullet
Twisted: Better Homes and Guardians
Twisted: Better Homes and Guardians
In what kind of a strange reality would someone create a set of non functional items with the Guardian logo on it?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Moonshade Highlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Commemorative Guardian Badge
Commemorative Guardian Banner
Commemorative Guardian Helm
Commemorative Guardian Blade
Twisted: Bogling Migration
Twisted: Bogling Migration
The Boglings in this alternate plane are nomadic and currently settled in King’s Corridor.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in City Core. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Bogling Walking Stick
Bogling Foraging Sack
Bogling Canteen
Shambler Hatchling
Twisted: Bogling Supremacy
Twisted: Bogling Supremacy
What would have to go wrong for the Boglings to produce the best products in all of Telara?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Silverwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Bogling Satchel
Bogling Ale
Bogling Blade
Bogling Rune
Twisted: Boing!
Twisted: Boing!
The Musical History of the Bulbous Bouncer.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Tarken Glacier. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Oof, Bouncer Krupke
Do you Hear the People Bounce?
Akvan are Better than People
Twisted: Bunker Conversion
Twisted: Bunker Conversion
In this timeline Brevane has prospered and the bunkers are now storage lockers for all of their belongings.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Eastern Holdings. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Partially Broken Appliance
Old Mattress
Worn out Shoes
Winter Clothing
Twisted: Canyons of the Wilds
Twisted: Canyons of the Wilds
The canyons of the Wilds are elementally morphic and take on the characteristic of whatever elemental plane they last visited.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Fissures of Fins
Bone Ravines
Electric Gulches
Faevine Arroyo
Golden Gorges
Tenebrean Rift
Twisted: Capes of the Jule
Twisted: Capes of the Jule
Capes are the key accessory in this world. Without one of these fashionable accessories on your back, you are a nobody here.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Cape Jule. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Trendy Blue Cape
Trendy Red Cape
Trendy Black Cape
Trendy Green Cape
Twisted: Carcera’s Animal Disguises
Twisted: Carcera’s Animal Disguises
In one reality, Carcera was not chosen as jailor to Laethys. Instead, he wandered Telara, assuming a variety of forms.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Infernal Dawn: Laethys. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
White Cat
Twisted: Caretaker Caravan
Twisted: Caretaker Caravan
Caretakers in this timeline live a life without the threat of the Shapers and still ship goods via caravan between the different regions of Dusken Spires.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Seratos. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Honey Jar
Gift Basket
Stack of Hay
Recycled Metals
Twisted: Caretaker Runes
Twisted: Caretaker Runes
Magical protective runes were crafted with the help of their Runeguard allies. These runes help the Caretakers travel the land of Morban without incident.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Morban. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Lesser Caretaker Rune
Greater Caretaker Rune
Great Caretaker Rune
Master Caretaker Rune
Twisted: Cathedral of Aia
Twisted: Cathedral of Aia
The lost goddess of fate spins many slivers of destiny where her victory over the Vigil is complete.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Draumheim. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Draconic Clergy
Demonic Congregation
Rites of Predestination
Orphiel's Relics
Spider Statues
Twisted: Circus Mazamar
Twisted: Circus Mazamar
What we know as Fort Mazamar is the location of the world famous Fifth Company Trapeze Troupe led by Kando Malacida. Without planar invasions the people in this reality were able to focus on more relaxing activities.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Pelladane. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Tamed Lion
Clown Hat
Circus Ring
Ringleader Kando's Whip
Twisted: City Architects
Twisted: City Architects
In another reality the Architects have reached as far as the City Core.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in City Core. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Architect Antenna
Cracked Husk
Chyrine Gem
Architect Molt
Twisted: Cliffside Vale
Twisted: Cliffside Vale
In some slivers of Fate, the Wilds was known as Cliffside Vale, but few planeswalkers have ever seen that land.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Guardian Kobolds
Smooth Dragonians
Green Slopes
Freemarch Ancestors
Few Cliffs
No Vales
Twisted: Clockwork Conquest of Callweddi
Twisted: Clockwork Conquest of Callweddi
A paltry amount of people permutated the puzzle, so the clockwork constructs conquered Callweddi.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Pullback Pugilist
Self Transforming Machine Faerie
Analytical Owl Mill
Wheel Brain
Oscillation Cat
Twisted: Collected Fluids
Twisted: Collected Fluids
There is something out of this world in these jars.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in City Core. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Shadow Gel
Ghastly Ooze
Bubbling Secretion
Blue Saliva
Twisted: Collected Works of Esai
Twisted: Collected Works of Esai
Amongst all the realms and possibilities, there is one in which Esai decided against vying for power, and instead became a poet.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Planebreaker Bastion. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Down to Earth
Mineral Musings
Heart of Stone
Pupae in the Park
Twisted: Collecting Dust
Twisted: Collecting Dust
Planar dust from another plane. Don’t sneeze or we’ll lose everything.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in The Dendrome. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Angelic Dust
Mystery Dust
Cosmic Dust
Dust Eater
Twisted: Compulsions and Disorders
Twisted: Compulsions and Disorders
Quicksilver College’s school for Physicianing and Chloromancimating has identified eight new disorders found only in the Ascended.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Theoreonomical Thinking
Foot in Mount Disease
Spawnal Dysfunction
Communal Tragedy
Rotational Dislocation
Acute Companion Compulsion
Post Traumatic Patch Discussion
Twisted: Containers of Evil
Twisted: Containers of Evil
There is something extremely sinister about these containers.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Moonshade Highlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Quiver of Evil
Satchel of Evil
Chest of Evil
Flask of Evil
Twisted: Cultural Samples
Twisted: Cultural Samples
Cultural artifacts from a different dimension.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ardent Domain. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Divine Pitchfork
Glorified Soap
Blessed Dirt
Holy Tongs
Twisted: Cyril, God of Mercy
Twisted: Cyril, God of Mercy
It is rumored that in other realms, the Ascended can ascend even further, becoming gods themselves. These are the artifacts that belong to one such god.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Silverwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Mirror of Forgiveness
Amphora of Absolution
Plank of Penance
Box of Benevolence
Twisted: Dangerous Beasts of the Far Realms
Twisted: Dangerous Beasts of the Far Realms
These creatures are far more dangerous than they appear.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stillmoor. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Cute Corgi
Innocent Crab
Mischievous Squirrel
Sly Fox
Twisted: Decadent Desserts
Twisted: Decadent Desserts
Every day in this dimension is a reason to celebrate. Which dessert will you have tonight?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Cape Jule. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Giant Cupcake
Frosty Float
Creamy Smore
The Last Slice of Cake
Twisted: Delicious Hedfell Farms Recipes
Twisted: Delicious Hedfell Farms Recipes
Hedfell Farms was once the source of delicious gourmet food that delighted and tortured dieters in their dreams.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Draumheim. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Cheesy Razorback Bacon Potatoes
Honey Garlic Merpho
Pyromancer's Beef and Noodles
Dulce de Leche Cheesecake
Darkmoon's Birthday Cookies
Twisted: Demon Unearthed Graves
Twisted: Demon Unearthed Graves
In many realities the demonic invasions that plagued the wilds were successful and overran the land of the bahmi.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Spectral Moths
Skyletal Whales
Primal Spirit Callees
Khort Necromancers
Regulos's Gift
Khar, Titan of the Graves
Twisted: Depths of the Abyss
Twisted: Depths of the Abyss
These objects look like they belong at the bottom of the ocean. What are they doing on land?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Freemarch. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Bio-Luminescent Bottom Feeder
Unfathomable Crustacean Shells
Shell of the Unspeakable
Cephalopod Remains
Twisted: Dimensional Fabric
Twisted: Dimensional Fabric
In another reality the Brevanic people have learned weave magic into their threads. This has created many unique uses for fabric.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Cape Jule. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Glowing Survival Suit
Flying Carpet
Invisibility Cloak
Dream Fabric
Twisted: Dimensional Keys
Twisted: Dimensional Keys
Keys scattered throughout the land that can bring you to another dimension. If you could find the correct gateway.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Kingsward. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Key to the Underworld
Key to the Universe
Key to the Future
Key to Utopia
Twisted: Dimensional Prisms
Twisted: Dimensional Prisms
Prisms infused with the planar energies from which they came from.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ashora. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Dimensional Life Prism
Dimensional Water Prism
Dimensional Fire Prism
Dimensional Earth Prism
Dimensional Air Prism
Twisted: Districts of Port Scion
Twisted: Districts of Port Scion
The Grand City of Port Scion was so thoroughly destroyed by the Endless Court that its districts don’t even show up in nightmares.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Draumheim. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
The Citadel
The Garrison
The Academy
Zareph's Plaza
Twisted: Divine Conjunctions of Power
Twisted: Divine Conjunctions of Power
The pronouncements of the gods are brief and powerful, but occasionally their sentences run on a bit and get too long-winded, yet no one seems to correct their grammar, or they do, but they are labeled a Defiant so they aren’t taken seriously either here nor there.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Tarken Glacier. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Twisted: Doctor Visek's Tips for Health
Twisted: Doctor Visek's Tips for Health
This pamphlet contains tips for health by Doctor Visek. These tips don’t seem to make a lot of sense.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarwood Reach. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
The Importance of Snake Tears
Gangrene or Gangreat?
Gluttony is Its Own Reward
The Dangers of Exercise
How Fear Makes you Healthy
Twisted: Dragas' Survey
Twisted: Dragas' Survey
Dragas’ curiosity of Cape Jule’s nature led him to survey the wild nature surrounding his encampment. This distraction alone stopped the Storm Legion advancement.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Cape Jule. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Twisted Vegetation
Twisted Aquatics
Twisted Minds
Twisted Nature
Twisted: Dream Come True
Twisted: Dream Come True
It is said that dreams do come true. Unfortunately for this reality most of the dreams are nightmares.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Cape Jule. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Panic Attack
Figment of Terror
Phantom Pain
Haunting Memory
Twisted: Dreaming a Revolution of Contentment
Twisted: Dreaming a Revolution of Contentment
In a nightmare-ruled Draumheim, a revolution of peaceful slumber and pleasant imagery rose up to overthrow Lork Arak.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Draumheim. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
General Bliss
The Zonked Insurgency
Cool Pillow Pierre
White Noise Wilhelmina
Twisted: Dwarven Domain
Twisted: Dwarven Domain
Where are we again? Dwarven objects in Brevane?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ardent Domain. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
On Tap
Chipped Stein
Runebound Pickaxe
Raw Gems
Twisted: Dwelari Detritus
Twisted: Dwelari Detritus
In an alternate reality, the Farclan and Kelari interbred into “Dwelari.” What sort of culture could possibly result?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ember Isle. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Spiritbound Forge Embers
Beard Wax
Outlandish Chained Earrings
Malgam Fox
Twisted: Elemental Detritus
Twisted: Elemental Detritus
These strange artifacts were obviously left over by some strong elemental forces.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stonefield. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Condensed Water
Liquid Earth
Essence of Death
Crystallized Wind
Burning Life
Twisted: Encyclopedia Brevanica
Twisted: Encyclopedia Brevanica
This reality they were able to amass a collection of articles of Brevanic knowledge unlike the Brevane of our world.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Kingsward. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Planar Animals of Brevane
Your Automaton Family
Time Lords of Brevane
The Mandibula
Twisted: Energy Cubes
Twisted: Energy Cubes
Be careful where you place these cubes of planar energy. They appear to be highly unstable.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in The Dendrome. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Planar Death Energy Cube
Planar Fire Energy Cube
Planar Water Energy Cube
Planar Earth Energy Cube
Planar Air Energy Cube
Twisted: Error Reports
Twisted: Error Reports
An odd list of messages found in another reality.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in The Dendrome. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Raised Exceptions
Break Point
Bad Expression
Twisted: Estate Pets
Twisted: Estate Pets
Who kept people as pets?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ardent Domain. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Twisted: Ethereal Tracker's Kit
Twisted: Ethereal Tracker's Kit
Ethereal trackers travel from dimension to dimension attempting to keep each reality separate. It looks as though one has disrupted this dimension by leaving its tool kit behind.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Shimmersand. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Anomaly Adjuster
Mind Wipe Device
Map of Reality
Distracting Wisps
Twisted: Exotic Fish of the Gorge
Twisted: Exotic Fish of the Gorge
How did these strange fish get into the gorge?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarlet Gorge. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Silverskin Thrasher
Luminescent Flatfish
Rising Dragonfish
Grimsmile Bottomfeeder
Twisted: Experimental Elixirs
Twisted: Experimental Elixirs
The Awakened have not figured out the formula to achieve infinite wisdom. Instead their experiments achieve other miracles celebrated by the Awakened. They have since given up on the search for the formula of Ascension.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Elixir of Amusement
Elixir of Joy
Elixir of Happiness
Elixir of Love
Twisted: Fabric of the Universe
Twisted: Fabric of the Universe
These types of cloth are the very fabric of the universe.
These Twisted artifacts can be picked up in any of the Mathosian zones. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Fabric of Life
Fabric of the Cosmos
Fabric of Time
Twisted: Faces of Death
Twisted: Faces of Death
In this alternate reality the plane of death overtook the desert. What a grim place to be.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ashora. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Deathtouched Survivor
Deathtouched Construct
Deathtouched Onslaught
Deathtouched Colossus
Twisted: Fae Lord's Treats
Twisted: Fae Lord's Treats
In a world very similar to our own Fae Lord Twyl became a master chef. No longer does he find ways to thwart the Ascended, he finds ways to fill their bellies with delicious treats!
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Silverwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Fried Faerie Legs
Smoked Shambler
Bogling Kabob
Twisted: Failed Prototypes
Twisted: Failed Prototypes
These failed prototypes are obviously not from this timeline.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stonefield. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Positive Matter Injector
Multi-Beam Sublimator
Charged Image Indexing Recorder
Neutral Density Transference Generator
Twisted: Farclan Schematics
Twisted: Farclan Schematics
The dwarves of the island were apparently interested in magitech in another realm.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ember Isle. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Schematic: Nexus Power Core
Schematic: Ore-Finder Goggles
Schematic: Powered Mining Pick
Schematic: Construct of Bahralt
Rejected Schematic: Forgiborg
Twisted: Flame and Flesh
Twisted: Flame and Flesh
There is constant struggle in this dimension between the Plane of Fire and Death. This is what you find scattered throughout Seratos on your travels.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Seratos. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Flaming Corpse
Rotted Soot
Burnt Hair
Charred Remains
Twisted: Flatyard Resort and Spa
Twisted: Flatyard Resort and Spa
This pamphlet describes the features of the Flatyard Resort and Spa.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Shimmersand. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Breathtaking Views
Warm Weather
Expert Masseurs
Highly Rated Restaurant
Twisted: Flowering Desert
Twisted: Flowering Desert
In this alternate dimension Ashora is known as the Northern Plains of Brevane and filled with wildflowers during the spring.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ashora. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Blood Daisy
Northern Moon Lily
Iridescent Vine
Ashora Daffodil
Twisted: Folksongs of the Titans
Twisted: Folksongs of the Titans
In what strange world do the Titans sing songs such as these?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stonefield. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Living My Life Under a Rock
Stones Are My Bones
Between a Rock and Telara
Twisted: Forest Floor
Twisted: Forest Floor
The skies are dark in this reality as well. Unlike our dimension it is not due to Regulos’ influence but from the lush forest canopy up above us.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Morban. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Morban Wildvine
Dusken Song Bird
Morban Squirrel
Twisted: Fragmented Currency
Twisted: Fragmented Currency
Look at these glowing shards on the ground. In this reality they are more prized for their exchangeable value than their magical properties.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Steppes of Infinity. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Green Fragment
Blue Fragment
Red Fragment
Amber Fragment
Twisted: Friendly Neighbors
Twisted: Friendly Neighbors
In this timeline the Senviva name was for commoners and not nobles, they were a kind and caring family.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Morban. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Koralu the Gentle
Lucijo the Caring
Noxious the Charitable
Sachto the Gracious
Twisted: Future Ghosts of Stonefield
Twisted: Future Ghosts of Stonefield
The ghosts of the future have found a way to infiltrate our reality. Someone should collect them all and put them to rest!
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stonefield. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Ghost of Alvarend Fergos
Ghost of Violet Harwood
Ghost of Lyndon Kassel
Ghost of Lewin Dinford
Twisted: Ghost Shadows
Twisted: Ghost Shadows
In this timeline all was lost when Crucia faced no resistance from the Ascended. All that remain is the shadow of Brevane’s former glory and the spirits of that inhabit this land.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Kingsward. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Ghost of General Batua
Ghost of Issabella Conti
Ghost of Prince Casimar
Ghost of Salvarola
Twisted: Girl Enkidu
Twisted: Girl Enkidu
In some realities it was the matriarch of Jad who accompanied the Ascended in the epic fight against Teth.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Cirina's Visions
Oldagar's Betrayal
Maqaudan's Past
The Great White Skywhale
The Slaughter of Shal Korva
Happily Ever After
Twisted: God Engines of the Wilds
Twisted: God Engines of the Wilds
In many realities, Planetouched Wilds was home to some of the most powerful artifacts in the cosmos.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Portal of the Endless
Cathedral of Unity
Mount Crucible
The Maze
Animus Matrix
The Triangle Charm
Twisted: God King Bloop Relics
Twisted: God King Bloop Relics
This unassuming sea jelly rose to become worshiped by skelf, sirens, and morayan alike in an ever-expanding empire.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Goboro Reef. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Vial of Bloop Poison
Polyp Colonial Warriors
Jellyfish Armor
Phosphorescent Minions
Twisted: Good Behavior
Twisted: Good Behavior
These holovid chips reveal the celebrated accomplishments of Aetleron Arkella and his associates, how odd is that?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Eastern Holdings. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Feeding the Elders
Pride of the City
Toys for Orphans
Top Fundraisers
Twisted: Grand Apiarist Accoutrements
Twisted: Grand Apiarist Accoutrements
In a world where the Fae and the followers of the Vigil work together in harmony there is said to be a legendary beekeeper.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Silverwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Vespid Repellant
Apiarist's Hood
Apiarist's Gloves
Apiarist's Hive Tool
Twisted: Guardian Colonies
Twisted: Guardian Colonies
In ancient times, Mathosian missionaries spread the word of the true gods throughout the Plane of Water.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Goboro Reef. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Viz Mission City
Viz Mission Heart
Viz Mission Nature
Viz Mission Wisdom
Twisted: Guardian in a Defiant Land
Twisted: Guardian in a Defiant Land
After the Fall of Sanctum the Defiant’s used these heretical implements to corrupt the followers of the Vigil.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Silverwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Sky-gazing Device of the Condemned
Obviously Evil Machinist Tools
Unspeakable Tome of Heresy
Accursed Stein of Ale
Twisted: Halbert's Schedule
Twisted: Halbert's Schedule
In our dimension Halbert is the most astute manager of schedules. In other realms it appears that his skills are somewhat lacking.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stillmoor. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Slipped Date
Note about Unscheduled Work
Unexpected Dependency
Special Qualifications about Quality
Impeccable Diving Schedule
Twisted: Hiberna Desert
Twisted: Hiberna Desert
In this dimension the region of Hiberna is a desolate desert. It remains mostly barren and dry since the planar earth invaders came thousands of years ago.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Cape Jule. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Sand-Filled Canteen
Sandy Bedroll
Grit Stew
Oasis Map
Twisted: Indecipherable Scrolls
Twisted: Indecipherable Scrolls
These scrolls are written in a language unseen on Telara. Who knows if these are powerful spells or a simple correspondence.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in The Dendrome. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Scroll of the Messenger
Scroll of the Mind
Scroll of Purpose
Scroll of Shadows
Twisted: Infestations of Khort
Twisted: Infestations of Khort
In each reality the mystics of Khort have found their town infested with a different creature.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Hordes of Groundhogs
Troops of Babaroos
Grists of Moths
Congress of Khadluu
Crashes of Rhinos
Implausibilities of Akvan Matriarchs
Twisted: Infinite Visibility
Twisted: Infinite Visibility
Blue clear skies and fresh air in Dusken? Which reality is this.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Steppes of Infinity. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Refreshing Brew
Cooling Device
Shady Hat
Melting Chocolate
Twisted: Instruments of Destruction
Twisted: Instruments of Destruction
What sort of infernal musicians would play such vile and destructive instruments?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Shimmersand. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Lute of Havoc
Horn of Ruination
Drums of Annihilation
Bugle of Wrecking
Twisted: Interdimensional Energies
Twisted: Interdimensional Energies
Traces of a mysterious energy from another dimension.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Kingsward. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Dimensional Flicker
Dimensional Beam
Dimensional Energy Burst
Dimensional Energy Pulse
Twisted: Inyra's Ascension Ceremony
Twisted: Inyra's Ascension Ceremony
In this timeline the Ascended fail to locate the Awakened splinter group. Mistress Inyra gains enough volatile chemicals and pure pheromone extract to ensure her Ascension. These are the artifacts of her ceremony.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Inyra's Ceremonial Dress
Inyra's Ceremonial Cape
Inyra's Ceremonial Tiara
Inyra's All-knowing Speech
Twisted: Ironhook Benefits Pamphlets
Twisted: Ironhook Benefits Pamphlets
These pamphlets describe the various benefits of joining the Ironhook gang. It seems unlikely that this is the same Ironhook gang which terrorizes Lantern Hook.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Droughtlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Ironhook Paid Leave
Ironhook Health Care
Ironhook Childcare
Ironhook Life Insurance
Twisted: Jebiah, Techno-Heretic
Twisted: Jebiah, Techno-Heretic
It appears that in another realm Jebiah did not practice what he preached. These objects belong in his heretical collection.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Moonshade Highlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Jebiah's Construct Parts
Jebiah's Toolkit
Jebiah's Construct Control Rod
Jebiah's Crossbow
Twisted: Jewels from Beyond
Twisted: Jewels from Beyond
Ornate Jewelry from craftsmanship unseen on Telara.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Eastern Holdings. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Radiant Bracelet
Opulent Ring
Priceless Necklace
Perfectly Cut Gem
Twisted: Karris, Philanthropist
Twisted: Karris, Philanthropist
These look to be articles detailing the philanthropic works of a great hero of the Kelari named Karris.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ember Isle. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Wind Serpent Refuge Successful
Great Feast Held for All
Spiritual Blessings Lead Kelari Forward
Karris Monument Raised in Port Scion
World Peace Achieved by Kelari Hero
Twisted: Kaspar's Caches
Twisted: Kaspar's Caches
It is said that Kaspar is a legendary thief in another realm. These are the treasures of that thief.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Iron Pine Peak. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Kaspar's Platinum
Kaspar's Sourcestone
Kaspar's Lockbox
Kaspar's Treasure Map
Twisted: Khar the Penitent
Twisted: Khar the Penitent
As the high mystic of Ovog, Khar the Penitent preaches harmony by abstaining from one’s base desires.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Throne of Wise Elders
Agreement Flag
Vegetarian Khuushuur
Key to Woe House
Grimoire of Life Lessons
Spear of Peace
Twisted: Kingdom of Gold
Twisted: Kingdom of Gold
The Plane of Earth has taken over all of Pelladane in this dimension. These are the artifacts you’d discover in this treacherous yet oddly glamorous land.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Pelladane. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Golden Egg
Golden Critter
Golden Thread
Golden Key
Twisted: Kiranthar the Dreamer
Twisted: Kiranthar the Dreamer
In this timeline Kiranthar was nothing but a lowly farmer and dreamed of greater things for himself.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ashora. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Secret Invention
Cocatrice Recipe Book
Story Ideas
Business Plan
Twisted: Kondraum's Misplaced Stuff
Twisted: Kondraum's Misplaced Stuff
Items misplaced in a dream, fallen through the strands of fate, found in the cushions of a couch.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Draumheim. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Keys to the City-state
Liver Pills
Engine Schematics
Figurine of Unassuming Power
Crumpled Letter from Teth
Twisted: Krillado Doom
Twisted: Krillado Doom
In some realities it is the krillados of the Plane of Air that are the real threat to the world of Telara.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Collective Cunning
Sky Leviathan Extinction
Thunder Moulting
Canyon Spawning Journeys
Crucia's Gumbo Revenge
They've Eaten Mortal Flesh
Twisted: Lady Kain
Twisted: Lady Kain
It appears that in another dimension Commander Kain is a woman named Frederica Kain.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarwood Reach. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Magnificent Cloth
Glowing Bauble
Massive Diamond Ring
Exotic Necklace
Expensive Perfume
Twisted: Laethys’s Scarlet Collection
Twisted: Laethys’s Scarlet Collection
Her greed for gold is a defining trait, but in another reality, Laethys instead collected all things red.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Infernal Dawn: Laethys. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Red Rum
Red Wine
Red Box
Red Velvet Cake
Red Bull
Red Vines
Twisted: Last Merchant of Seratos
Twisted: Last Merchant of Seratos
The only merchant to survive the Shaper Onsalught in Seratos, Ezael now corners the market in Nug trinkets.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Seratos. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Stink Remover
Distracting Noisemaker
Nug Sneak Potion
Mystery Bag
Twisted: Last of the Architects
Twisted: Last of the Architects
As his reward for aiding Crucia, Detricus is made “King” of all Architects by default as none others were left after Crucia’s invasion.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Steppes of Infinity. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Detricus' Crown
Detricus' Naivety
Detricus' Betrayal
Detricus' Mistake
Twisted: Legendary Tails
Twisted: Legendary Tails
What became of the hunter that slayed these beasts and cut off their tails?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Kingsward. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Grizzy Fox
Royal Viper
Mutated Barghest
Giant Frost Wolf
Twisted: Legiontouched Wilds
Twisted: Legiontouched Wilds
Sometimes even the most resolute people fall to the might of the Storm Legion. All hail Crucia!
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Howling Wolves Resistance
Ovog Processing Center
Woe Work Camp
Rhaza'de Airship Facility
Legion Keep Korva
Legion Commander Sevshee
Twisted: Library of Telara
Twisted: Library of Telara
Just another day at the library, without planar influence the library has prospered into the great cultural hub of Telara. These are the Brevanic studies of Telara.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in City Core. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
The Magnificence of Meridian
Discoveries of Dusken Spires
An Exploration of Ember Isle
The Brilliance of Brevane
Twisted: List of Odd Cookbooks
Twisted: List of Odd Cookbooks
A collection of notes describing books which someone was intending to purchase. These books do not sound like they have very appetizing recipes in them.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Droughtlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Cooking with Scum
Late Night Snacks with Richter
Salad with Greenscale
How To Cook Anyone
Twisted: List of Overdue Books
Twisted: List of Overdue Books
This list describes a number of books that were checked out from the Chancel of Labors but never returned.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Iron Pine Peak. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
How to Unleash Your Dragon God
Doing Normal Human Things
Watching the Ice: A History of the Icewatch
Interior Design and the Modern Dwarf
Twisted: Loot Bags
Twisted: Loot Bags
Planar invaders that poured through the gate following the dragons were disappointed to see th lack of treasures to be found. They left their loot bags behind and returned back into the gate.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Steppes of Infinity. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Gatecrasher Satchel
Raider Chest
Sack of Useless Coins
Bottomless Bag
Twisted: Lost Critters
Twisted: Lost Critters
These critters don’t seem familiar to anything seen in our version of Telara.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ashora. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Black Tiger
Snake Eater
Cloud Fox
Diabolical Box
Twisted: Lost Revelations of Ananke
Twisted: Lost Revelations of Ananke
While the imps of Gyel care deeply for their holy book, a number of pages got wet and are now hard to read.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Goboro Reef. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Mass Hypochondria
The Seventh Performing Seal
Four Vaiyuu Riders
Flametouched Warm Wood
Skelflike Beast
Twisted: Luggodhan's Luxuries
Twisted: Luggodhan's Luxuries
In what strange realm is Luggodhan the foremost expert on luxury?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Silverwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Slime Covered Diamond
Green Eye Ring
Luggodhan's Pipe
Luggodhan's Locket
Twisted: Maelforge Appreciation Day
Twisted: Maelforge Appreciation Day
A curious day where gifts are given both to and from the benevolent dragon Maelforge.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ember Isle. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Jar of Scale Polish
Festive Flaming Streamers
Dragon-Sized Bag of Treats
Lava Lamp
Stuffed Maelforge Doll
Twisted: Magic of the Granitewood
Twisted: Magic of the Granitewood
In another timeline the Granitewood was never harvested and the magic of the forest was allowed to flourish.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarwood Reach. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Arboreal Phoenix Feather
Panacea Root
Mystical Sap
Water of Rebirth
Twisted: MaNuShtaCo
Twisted: MaNuShtaCo
Make Number Shtay Constant
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Goboro Reef. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Also 1
Still 1
Remains at 1
Twisted: Market Manipulation
Twisted: Market Manipulation
The goods found at this Public Market are not of this world.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in City Core. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Shattered Gem
Dust Filled Flask
Liquid Gold
Mystery Cube
Twisted: Miniature Planar Weapons
Twisted: Miniature Planar Weapons
These weapons are very small. Perhaps in another realm everyone is very small?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Iron Pine Peak. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Miniature Wand of Death
Miniature Flame Musket
Miniature Watery Glaive
Miniature Wind Bow
Miniature Earthen Maul
Twisted: Modern Medicine
Twisted: Modern Medicine
In the future, medicine will fix all that ails you. These cures are proof of that future.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Droughtlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Cure for the Uncommon Cold
Broken Heart Balm
Instant Skin
Replacement Eye
Twisted: Modern Shaper Art
Twisted: Modern Shaper Art
Art appreciation among Shaper society is highly regarded. Here are a few recent pieces of art.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Morban. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Meat Cubed
Morban Muscle
My View
Piece of my Heart
Twisted: Morayan Blood Empire
Twisted: Morayan Blood Empire
The sacrifice of Queen Dronea upon the altar of Tulchtuhad began the brutal rule of the Morayan leech sorcerers.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Goboro Reef. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Trident of Torture
Sea Star Silk Cowl
Sacrificial Hearth
Darkened Doorways
Twisted: Mutant Intelligence
Twisted: Mutant Intelligence
In this reality the mutants are much more intelligent than the primitive mutant minds we see here today.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in City Core. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Mutant Chemistry
Mutant Astrology
Mutant Technology
Mutant Cartography
Twisted: Mysterious Runes
Twisted: Mysterious Runes
A collection of runes from an unknown source. Be careful where you put them, there is no telling what magic they possess.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in The Dendrome. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Rune of Torrents
Rune of Addiction
Rune of the Inevitable
Rune of Sensations
Rune of Dreams
Twisted: Mystery Messages
Twisted: Mystery Messages
Are these warning signs still valid, or are they just decorative accents now?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in City Core. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Fatigue Zone
Broken Porticulum
Falling Damage
Twisted: Nexus Creatures
Twisted: Nexus Creatures
The wildlife has been oddly affected by the surging Nexus energies in another place and time.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ember Isle. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Lightning Squirrel
Tentacled Jungle Cat
Serpentine Millipede
Sapient Shambler
Twisted: Noble Shovels
Twisted: Noble Shovels
A humble instrument of work or the prince of tools?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Shimmersand. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Hand Shovel
Engraved Shovel
Sharp Edged Shovel
Life Touched Shovel
Golden Shovel
Twisted: Nug Gifts
Twisted: Nug Gifts
The Nugs in this dimension appreciate the day the Caretakers saved them from the Shapers. These are customary gifts to remember that day.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Morban. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Drop of Cranial Fluid
Spore Snack
Mutant Spore
Pet Rat
Twisted: Nug Raiders
Twisted: Nug Raiders
In this alternate plane the Nugs are savage raiders, and collect more than just trinkets.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Seratos. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Cranial Fluid Injector
Porticulum Master
Psymmunic Spine
Undeveloped Overseer
Twisted: Nug Tactics
Twisted: Nug Tactics
The Nugs in this dimension were pushed to their limit. They trained in secret and fought the Shapers to win back Morban.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Morban. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Trip Wire
Noise Amplifier
Sticky Goop Trap
Pocket Knife of Doom
Twisted: Offerings to Crucia
Twisted: Offerings to Crucia
Offerings to Crucia? The people of Pelladane welcomed Crucia without any resistance?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Pelladane. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Lightning in a Bottle
Wind Sock
Twisted: Offerings to the Shapers
Twisted: Offerings to the Shapers
Caretakers in this reality tried to reason and see if they could appeal to the softer side of the Shaper’s connection to humanity, well parts of it. They were wrong.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Seratos. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Tasty Steak
Comfy Bed
Childhood Memory
Best Friend
Twisted: Oh Sap!
Twisted: Oh Sap!
The pages of this tome describe the various uses for sap.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarwood Reach. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Oh Sap - Fragment 2
Oh Sap - Fragment 3
Oh Sap - Fragment 4
Oh Sap - Fragment 5
Oh Sap - Fragment 6
Twisted: Orphiel's Gifts
Twisted: Orphiel's Gifts
In another world Orphiel has created various strange objects.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stillmoor. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Constructed Life
Synthetic Fur
Energy Web
Source-Core Lute
Twisted: Orphiel's Sermons
Twisted: Orphiel's Sermons
Famous speeches that Orphiel has given in an attempt to protect the world from the dangers of technology.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Freemarch. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Trust Not The Construct
The Planes are Dangerous
Sourcestone, the Root of All Evil
Twisted: Otherworldly Treats
Twisted: Otherworldly Treats
Otherworldly treats that no one in Brevane would enjoy.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Eastern Holdings. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Slate Biscuit
Crushed Rock
Crystal Candy Corn
Rock Candy
Twisted: Outrageous Demands
Twisted: Outrageous Demands
In one dimension, Hidrac, Oonta, and Weyloz formed a popular bard troupe, famous more for their entitled off-stage demands than their music.
This set can be found in the level 65 Chronicle: Rhen Of Fate. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Strange Acquisitions
Platter of Goboro Coral Cheese
Six Left-Handed Shaghi Backup Dancers
Bowl of Spawnling Eyes, Green Eyes Only
Carved Bone Barge Pulled by Albino Keentails
Twisted: Pan Dimensional Residue
Twisted: Pan Dimensional Residue
This sounds like something that should not exist.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Droughtlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Dimensional Dust
Phased Dimensional Worm
Fluctuating Dimensional Power
Twisted: Pets of Akylios
Twisted: Pets of Akylios
These strange creatures belong to the lord of water Akylios.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Moonshade Highlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Longbow Angel
Crystalline Minnow
Deep Mobu
Blue Glaive
Twisted: Pheromone Addiction
Twisted: Pheromone Addiction
In this reality Effario still lives, though dependent on a daily dose of the serum to stave off bouts of madness.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Pheromone Spray
Pheromone Extract
Pheromone Serum
Pheromone Concentrate
Twisted: Pheromone Den
Twisted: Pheromone Den
In this dimension Hive Kaaz’Gfuu is the source of the true architect bloodline. This is what they are judged on before mating.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Architect Stance
Architect Speed
Architect Strength
Architect Pureblood
Twisted: Picture Perfect
Twisted: Picture Perfect
What appear to be portraits of pets, are actually portraits of the great nobles of this dimension.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ardent Domain. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Master Jerald
Madam Dolly
General Olaf
Lord Rufus
Twisted: Pirate Fleets of Fate
Twisted: Pirate Fleets of Fate
After the destruction of Telara by the Blood Storm dragons, the pirate fleets in the Plane of Water expanded their reach and composition.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Tarken Glacier. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
The Golden Fleet
Descended Navy
Leviathan Freebooters
The Orchestra of Pain
Twisted: Planar Dust
Twisted: Planar Dust
Loose piles of dust from another dimension. Seems as if a traveler between the planes has left this for us to discover.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Cape Jule. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Planar Air Dust
Planar Life Dust
Planar Death Dust
Planar Water Dust
Planar Fire Dust
Twisted: Planar Games
Twisted: Planar Games
Apparently competitive games between planes were held here to prove dominance.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ardent Domain. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Bronze Medal
Silver Medal
Gold Medal
Platinum Medal
Twisted: Planar High Council
Twisted: Planar High Council
How strange; the planar lieutenants came together in a ruling council in another dimension.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ember Isle. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Tarkaron's Bonds of Penitence
Alltha's Gavel of Justice
Ithkus' Pool of Reflection
Ochrin's Crystal of Truth
Scerrion's Mask of Judgment
Twisted: Planar Metropolis of Shal Korva
Twisted: Planar Metropolis of Shal Korva
As it traveled through the planes the Wilds eroded away, but Shal Korva endured and became a mighty dimensional city.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Balloon Taxis
Planar Touched Babaroos
Multi-dimensional Yurts
Korva Ball Stadium
Unkhanny Shadow Kharnival
Bath House of the Gods
Twisted: Planar Photosynthesis
Twisted: Planar Photosynthesis
These odd looking plants are part plant, part mineral.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Eastern Holdings. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Citrine Blossom
Barbed Jade Leaf
Ironstem Bulb
Crystalline Seed
Twisted: Planar Predictions
Twisted: Planar Predictions
Some in this dimension say the invasion of the dragons was foretold with a fortune telling ceremony. This allowed them to prepare for the oncoming invasion.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Morban. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Vision of Life and Death
Vision of Earth and Air
Fate Card
Crystal Ball
Twisted: Poems of the Hag Lover
Twisted: Poems of the Hag Lover
What kind of person would possibly send a love letter to the Hag of Gloamwood?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Sickly Eyes and Yellow Teeth
Black Heart, Black Robe
The Wounded Are Easier to Catch
Like Loving Death Itself
Twisted: Portal Keys
Twisted: Portal Keys
What wonders can be found if you have the right key?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Droughtlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Silver Portal Key
Bronze Portal Key
Turquoise Portal Key
Skull Topped Portal Key
Twisted: Portal Scraps
Twisted: Portal Scraps
The Infinity Gate was destroyed by Volan in this reality. With no new planar threats the Caretakers found other uses for the scrap metal left behind.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Steppes of Infinity. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Infinity Horn
Infinity Buckle
Infinity Construct
Commemorative Coin
Twisted: Portents of Dessert
Twisted: Portents of Dessert
You find many strange things in the desert. Normally you do not find dessert though!
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Shimmersand. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Dainty Cupcake
Delectable Cake
Delightful Candy
Twisted: Poster Child
Twisted: Poster Child
Neutta grows to become a child prodigy designing the most unique automated work force.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Eastern Holdings. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Construct Bodyguard
Personal Assistant
Twisted: Pride of the Architects
Twisted: Pride of the Architects
In this dimension not only was Nixtoc a immune to the mind leeches he was the hero of the clan. These are his heroic deeds documented in Architect memory crystals.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Steppes of Infinity. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Nixtoc the Mind-Bender
Nixtoc the Liberator
Nixtoc the Gate Crasher
Nixtoc the Key Breaker
Twisted: Princess Mala's Prepositions
Twisted: Princess Mala's Prepositions
Being the power offsides the throne is not the most ex-cycling way to spend one’s day. Princess Mala pays Artifact Improv to past the time.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Draumheim. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Twisted: Professor Gammult's Syllabus
Twisted: Professor Gammult's Syllabus
In another time-line Borrin Gammult decided to become a teacher instead of following the call of the gods and building the Sanctum.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Moonshade Highlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Lesson Two: Better Late Than Never
Lesson Three: Easy Come, Easy Go
Lesson Four: Little Strokes Fell Great Oaks
Lesson Five: Take It or Leave It
Lesson Six: We Live And Learn
Twisted: Qaijiri Prosperity
Twisted: Qaijiri Prosperity
In this timeline the Qaijiri is a bustling society with a thriving culture. It is very unlike the dwindling population we see here in our world.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ashora. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Qaijiri Celebration Drums
Qaijiri Treasures
Qaijiri Currency
Qaijiri Delicacy
Twisted: Quantum Possibility
Twisted: Quantum Possibility
What may have been? What might be? That is the Quantum Possibility.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stonefield. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Detritus of the Void
Growing Collective Consciousness
Analytical Time-Space Particle
High Density Magic
Twisted: Queen Miela's Clothing
Twisted: Queen Miela's Clothing
In this dimension lies Queen Miela’s vast wardrobe selection.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Pelladane. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Queen Miela's Tunic
Queen Miela's Battle Hood
Queen Miela's Boots
Queen Miela's Cloak
Twisted: Rahn Chuluun's Travel Guide
Twisted: Rahn Chuluun's Travel Guide
The leader of the bahmi in Meridian, finally returned to his homeland of Rhaza’de, where everything was exactly as he remembered it.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Babaroo Picked Fruit
Sun Warmed Houses
Poet Based Economy
Forced Perspective City Walls
Marvelous Ramparts
Architectural Sewer Wonders
Twisted: Raw Elements
Twisted: Raw Elements
These raw elements are the purest of their kind. They should not exist outside of their planes.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Moonshade Highlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Raw Water
Raw Earth
Raw Air
Twisted: Rawlte's Requested Beverages
Twisted: Rawlte's Requested Beverages
In the Rhen of Fate, Rawlte could have asked for any beverage. In other worlds, he did.
This set can be found in the level 65 Chronicle: Rhen Of Fate. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Strange Acquisitions
Salty Skelf Grog
Chillhoof Milk
Sarleaf Smoothie
Mulled Spawnling Venom
Twisted: Remnants of the Final War
Twisted: Remnants of the Final War
In another reality the Guardians and the Defiants destroyed each other. These objects are all that remains of that conflict.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Shimmersand. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Broken Crest
Broken Defiant Sourcemachine
Broken Guardian Sigil
Energized Sourcestone
Twisted: Remnants of the Third Eth Empire
Twisted: Remnants of the Third Eth Empire
These objects appear to be of Eth origin, but they are far too new. There must be a new Ethian Empire in an alternate dimension.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Freemarch. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Neo-Eth Key
Neo-Eth Bell
Neo-Eth Chest
Neo-Eth Hourglass
Twisted: Replica Mounts
Twisted: Replica Mounts
These tiny mounts look so life like. Who would go to all the trouble of making such things?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Iron Pine Peak. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Replica Armored Najmok
Replica Armored Eldritch Steed
Replica Armored Vaiyuu
Replica Armored Yarnosaur
Replica Tartagon
Twisted: Restaurants of Stillmoor
Twisted: Restaurants of Stillmoor
This collection of scrolls describes various restaurants in Stillmoor. It’s unlikely these establishments are in your dimension.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stillmoor. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Stillmoor Grille
Ethian Princess
Frederic's Freeze
The Dwarven Stein
Twisted: Rituals for Everyone
Twisted: Rituals for Everyone
This pamphlet describes a number of simple rituals. The symbols do not look familiar.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Iron Pine Peak. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Ritual: Find Keys
Ritual: Heat Leftovers
Ritual: Open Bottle
Ritual: Dry Hair
Twisted: Rock Ridge, a Model Planar City
Twisted: Rock Ridge, a Model Planar City
In another reality Rock Ridge is the greatest city in Telara. Planar beings and Telarans work together to create a utopia.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarlet Gorge. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Rock Ridge Motto - Together We Stand
Sign: Rock Ridge Thermal-Works
Seal of Rock Ridge
Twisted: Rorf's Extra Hidden Shinnies
Twisted: Rorf's Extra Hidden Shinnies
Rorf is very good at hiding things. Rorf!
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Droughtlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Miracle Patch
Tank for Expert
Best In Slot
Twisted: Rorf's Other Collection of Awesome
Twisted: Rorf's Other Collection of Awesome
Rorf’s collection is obviously the most awesome collection ever.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Droughtlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Forum Troll Links
Overtuned Boss
The Most Dangerous Game
Top DPS Build
Twisted: Rusila’s Techno Arsenal
Twisted: Rusila’s Techno Arsenal
In a wildly divergent realm, Rusila armed herself with a variety of technologically advanced weapons.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Infernal Dawn: Laethys. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Fusion Bomb
Soul Magnet
Plasma Beam
Gravity Engine
Twisted: S'aralet Lavinrac
Twisted: S'aralet Lavinrac
With all the Planar travel the Carnival has engaged in, we’ve found a Carnival from another Dimension!
These are picked up during the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay during the Carnival of the Ascended World Event. They can also be looted from the Carnival Instant Adventures.
Hop To It!
Godsless Guardian
Beardless Dwarf
Hairy Elf
Friendly Goblin
Tiny Bahmi
Handsome Troll
Live Simon
Twisted: Salvarola the Gardener
Twisted: Salvarola the Gardener
In this reality Salvarola’s only aspirations was to be the best landscaper the Royal Gardens have ever seen.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Kingsward. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Salvarola's Hedge Clippers
Salvarola's Gloves
Salvarola's Spade
Green Thumb
Twisted: Scraps from the Big List of Guardian Conspiracies
Twisted: Scraps from the Big List of Guardian Conspiracies
A very convincing pamphlet printed as Defiant propaganda in an alternate reality.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Freemarch. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Tithing - How They Take What is Yours
If the gods are watching you. Who is watching the gods?
What is Tavril adding to the food you eat?
Twisted: Seeds of Fate
Twisted: Seeds of Fate
These seeds are said to be capable of predicting the future. Though they are from another realm, perhaps they can show the past?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Silver Prophecy Seed
Brown Destiny Seed
Pink Karma Seed
Twisted: Sentient Organs of Kondraum
Twisted: Sentient Organs of Kondraum
While the liver of Kondraum has recently risen to fame and political power, it’s not the only sentient organ he possesses.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Draumheim. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Appendix the Librarian
Tom the Thumb
Gut the Insightful
Spleen the Beautiful
Gluteus the Maximus
Twisted: Sevshee the Melodious
Twisted: Sevshee the Melodious
The greatest bard in Telaran history rose from obscurity in Jad to launch a thousand ships with her voice.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Port Scion Playbill
Portrait of Virtue and Beauty
Hailol Puppet Caricature
Key to Exciting Dimension
Tower of Dawn Invitation
"Yes! This! Again!" Score
Twisted: Shadows of Uncertainty
Twisted: Shadows of Uncertainty
It is nearly impossible to say where these strange shadows are from.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stillmoor. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Shadow of the Past
Shadow of Time
Shadow of Inevitability
Twisted: Shaper Poems
Twisted: Shaper Poems
Having overtaken the Caretakers in this reality. The Shapers have started to evolve their other skills.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Seratos. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Of Flesh and Fear
Phenomenal Organ
How Do I Love Knee?
The Rib Not Taken
Twisted: Sharad X9's Relationship Advice
Twisted: Sharad X9's Relationship Advice
The Sharad X9 was created for war, but in one Sliver universe, Architects value its sound advice on relationships.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Planebreaker Bastion. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Take Time to Gaze into Each Other’s Compound Eyes
Families that Exsanguinate Prey Together, Stay Together
Ensure Your Commitment Before Popping Out a Couple Thousand Larvae
What Is This Thing Called Love?
Twisted: Shattered Sun
Twisted: Shattered Sun
The Sun Orb was destroyed in this timeline, the pieces are split up and hidden from the Storm Legion. It will take more than these pieces that you can find to put it back together.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Pelladane. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Shattered Inner Ring
Shattered Gear
Shattered Conduit
Shattered Core
Twisted: Shell Shocked
Twisted: Shell Shocked
Crustaceans and mollusks here? We’re days away from the ocean!
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ardent Domain. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Trench Clam
Darkwater Prawn
Moongazer Nautilus
Giant Enemy Crab
Twisted: Shelled Beasts of Ironpine
Twisted: Shelled Beasts of Ironpine
There should not be crustaceans in the mountains.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Iron Pine Peak. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Green Crustacean
Orange Crustacean
Purple Crustacean
Longclaw Crustacean
Twisted: Shikolec's Clam Shack
Twisted: Shikolec's Clam Shack
From humble beginnings, this restaurant became famed throughout all the Akvan Seas for having the best food on the border of collapsing reality.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Goboro Reef. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Morayan Fritters
Fresh Fried Siren Roll
Stofie Bisque
Thresher Chowdah
Twisted: Shyla, Goddess of Conspiracy
Twisted: Shyla, Goddess of Conspiracy
It is rumored that in other realms, the Ascended can ascend even further, becoming gods themselves. These are more artifacts that belong to one such god.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Silverwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Natural Spy
Forged Credentials
Conspirator Toolkit
Red Gauntlet
Twisted: Simon the Great
Twisted: Simon the Great
What world is this that Simon is the ultimate adventurer of Telara?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Steppes of Infinity. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Optimal Rotation
Best Build
Level 60
Top Ranked
Twisted: Sirens of Old Atragaria
Twisted: Sirens of Old Atragaria
In ages past, the cult of the Sirens overthrew the mermaid scions who ruled the seas with song.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Goboro Reef. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Lashed Masts
Scuddra Pirate Stew
Lock of Tail Scales
Coral Glockenspiel
Twisted: Skelf Names of Note
Twisted: Skelf Names of Note
Some skelf had no choice but to achieve greatness due to the strength of their names.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Goboro Reef. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Twisted: Skull Trader
Twisted: Skull Trader
Unlike the shapers who collect skulls for parts, in this reality skulls are traded as a form of currency.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Morban. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Brevanic Skull
Exotic Skull
Beastly Skull
Demon Skull
Twisted: Sky Shepherd Zal
Twisted: Sky Shepherd Zal
The Shepherd Zal just tended a flock of sky whales, and stayed out of everyone’s business no matter how bad things got.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Climbing Harpoon
Boom Boom Rocks
Good Flensing Knife
Crumpled Scroll of Primalism
Big Grimoire of Snappy Comebacks
Sketch of Handsome Scoundrel
Twisted: Songs of the Sea
Twisted: Songs of the Sea
In a world much like ours they celebrate the great ocean, but unlike our dimension there is no land to set foot on.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Pelladane. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
The Deep Ones
Waves of my Father
Ocean Blues
Currents of Life
Twisted: Sourcewell Portals
Twisted: Sourcewell Portals
Sourcewells became portals to all manner of different dimensions, spitting out leavings of strange worlds.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ember Isle. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Hard Rubber Wheel
Giant Slab of Bacon
Text Full of Nonsensical Equations
Reflective Lightweight Disc
Magitech Device with "G.P.S." Initials
Twisted: Sterling Sylver, a Romantic's Guide to Love
Twisted: Sterling Sylver, a Romantic's Guide to Love
This book is the premier guide to romance and love.
These Twisted artifacts can be picked up in any of the Mathosian zones. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Sterling Sylver: Fragment 2
Sterling Sylver: Fragment 3
Sterling Sylver: Fragment 4
Sterling Sylver: Fragment 5
Twisted: Stonetouched Gyel
Twisted: Stonetouched Gyel
The forces of Malat Pa’us and his luminous lithosaurs have corrupted the coral tree of Gyel.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Goboro Reef. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Crystal Mud Abominations
Petrified Tentacle Trees
Rock Seathe Salt
Rockulon Power
Twisted: Strange Evolution
Twisted: Strange Evolution
What kind of a world would produce such strange life?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarwood Reach. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Carnivorous Fairy
Living Shadow
Albino Fox
Flying Shellbeast
Greater Fire Bear
Twisted: Strange Experiments
Twisted: Strange Experiments
In an alternate reality Orphiel has conducted experiments that would be considered unethical even by Defiant standards.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stonefield. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Talking Head
Dragon Essence Engine
Regenerating Turkey
Mind Transfer Host
Twisted: Strange Flora
Twisted: Strange Flora
This flora is very similar to our own, but is strangely different.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Red-Eyed Albino Plant
Bio-Luminescent Drakefoot
Greater Spiked Flower
Golden Plank Tree
Twisted: Strange Gifts of the Vigil
Twisted: Strange Gifts of the Vigil
Rumors abound that in other realities the Vigil interact much more directly with mortals, blessing them with unique powers not available to the Ascended.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Technique: Suppress Boredom
Technique: Longwinded
Technique: Hyperbole Storm
Technique: Big Lie
Twisted: Strange Reads
Twisted: Strange Reads
A series of books documenting the world from which these books came from. An interesting read indeed.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in The Dendrome. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Walking on Lava
Acid Bath Secrets
Breathing for Beginners
The Secret Code
Twisted: Strange Runes
Twisted: Strange Runes
These runes are not in any dwarven script known in Telara. What are they doing in the gorge?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarlet Gorge. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Red Circular Rune
Blue Crescent Rune
Green Crescent Rune
Yellow Clawmark Rune
Blue Clawmark Rune
Twisted: Subjugation of the March
Twisted: Subjugation of the March
These objects must have belonged to the famed Subjugators of the March. This group is said to have conquered all of Freemarch in an alternate dimension.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Freemarch. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Asha's Necklace of Imprisonment
Sylver's Boomstick
Kaspar's Cocktail
Record of the Subjugation
Twisted: Suns the Scoundrel
Twisted: Suns the Scoundrel
The notorious Suns Gazaar was a thief, a Dervish, a slayer, who trod the jeweled plane of Earth under his sandaled feet.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Corruption of the Wang
Sack of Ovog
Radiant Heist
Theft of the Raz'dara
Magpie Chieftain
Khort Spice Run
Partners with Teth
Twisted: Swirly Things
Twisted: Swirly Things
What in the world are these swirly things? Why do some people find them so alarming?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarlet Gorge. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Green Swirly Thing
Living Swirly Thing
Red Swirly Thing
Shimmering Swirly Thing
Twisted: Table of Contents - Gloamwood after Dark
Twisted: Table of Contents - Gloamwood after Dark
A ripped page containing the chapter list for a book called “Gloamwood after Dark: A Guide to an Exciting Night Life”.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Chapter 2: Dancing with the Shadows of the Wolves of the Night
Chapter 3: Dining Out or Being Dined On
Chapter 4: Nightcap or Nightshade?
Twisted: Tailortects of the Earth Plane
Twisted: Tailortects of the Earth Plane
In an alternate universe, the beings we know as Architects took up knitting and sewing instead of construction. Many fabrics exist there, and nowhere else.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Planebreaker Bastion. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Rock Hemp
Jade Filament
Twisted: Taking Notes
Twisted: Taking Notes
These appear to be notes left by explorers from other planes visiting the City Core we know today.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in City Core. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Avoid Aqueduct
Menacing Mutants
Don't Trust Him
It's a Trap
Twisted: Talking Rat
Twisted: Talking Rat
The gorge is known for the Quarry Rats, but they are human. Where did these talking rats come from?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarlet Gorge. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Not a Talking Rat
Twisted: Tam and Usukhel's Wedding
Twisted: Tam and Usukhel's Wedding
Usukhel and Tam were married in a grand ceremony in Shal Korva that absolutely everyone, who was anyone, attended.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Bride's Side Maulings
Sanctuary Guard Intervention
Wolf Pelt Gown
Public Vows on Private Acts
Amazing Wedding Portrait
Years of Unlikely Bliss
Twisted: Tarot of Death
Twisted: Tarot of Death
This deck of cards is quite strange indeed. It seems like every card is another face of death.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarlet Gorge. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Card of: Fiery Death
Card of: Thunderous Death
Card of: Angelic Death
Card of: Screaming Death
Twisted: Tavril's Omens
Twisted: Tavril's Omens
Tavril has left several very odd omens throughout the lands for those with the wisdom and gift to see them.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
The Bush of Alarm
The Flower of Transcendence
The Bitter Berry
The Thorn of Truth
Twisted: Temporal Traveler's Tools
Twisted: Temporal Traveler's Tools
Traveling through time can be hectic. It’s quite easy to lose track of your tools if you are not careful.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stonefield. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Chrono-Phase Gloves
Time-Flux Notebook
Time-Flux Hourglass
Twisted: The Alsbeth Rothman Collection
Twisted: The Alsbeth Rothman Collection
In another realm Alsbeth resisted the call of Regulos and followed her heart to become a fashion designer
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stillmoor. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Rothman Collection Pantaloons
Rothman Collection Boots
Rothman Collection Belt
Rothman Collection Cap
Twisted: The Awakened Society
Twisted: The Awakened Society
The Awakened here in this reality are connoisseurs of fine tea.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Kingsward. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Brevanic Tea Pot
Brevanic Infuser
Twig Tea
Faratha's Special Blend
Twisted: The Completely Untrue Origins of Tenebreans
Twisted: The Completely Untrue Origins of Tenebreans
The mysterious Tenebreans’ appearance in the Plane of Water has confounded the Ascended. The sages of Telara have come to these incorrect conclusions.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Tarken Glacier. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Ascended Clones Gone Wrong
Disgruntled Playing Cards
Secret Crisis War Veterans
Future Echoes
Robot Doppelgangers
Twisted: The Draumheim Worry Squad
Twisted: The Draumheim Worry Squad
Your brain isn’t the scumbag; it’s actually these jerks waking you up in the middle of the night.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Draumheim. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Elaine Xavier Spousel's Wedding Ring
Miss Edwina Opportunitia's Hotel Key
Billy Blab Bermouthman's Wagging Tongue
Sally Silent Feels's Love Letter
Peter Pewter Von Bladderfull's Throne
Twisted: The Dream Traveler
Twisted: The Dream Traveler
Dreamers across Telara have all reported seeing this face in their dreams. To date, no Onir can be found that matches the description.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Draumheim. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Sweaty Brow
Weak Wide Chin
Large Ears
Thinning Hair
Whispering Doom
Twisted: The Fall of the Icewatch
Twisted: The Fall of the Icewatch
These objects are all that remains after the fall of the Icewatch in another realm.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Iron Pine Peak. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Battered Icewatch Breastplate
Beaten Icewatch Buckler
Nicked Icewatch Blade
Unused Icewatch Flare
Twisted: The Foul Flock
Twisted: The Foul Flock
In this dimension many of the sheep in Pelladane have revolted against two-legger demands. As the saying goes, “When one goes bad they all go baaad”.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Pelladane. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
The Scout
The Escape Artist
The Maaad Bomber
The Chief
Twisted: The Goblin Gardens
Twisted: The Goblin Gardens
In another time-line the goblins established major footholds in the Moonshade Highlands. They were apparently great builders.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Moonshade Highlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Goblin Chalice
Goblin Crest
Goblin Root
Goblin Warblade
Twisted: The Guffin Plot
Twisted: The Guffin Plot
The pirates of Port Scuddra have long felt that the true evil in the cosmos is the adorable guffins waddling across the ice.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Tarken Glacier. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Unexplained Mass Migrations
Presence at Tragedies
Ruthless Colony Interrelations
Feigned Cuteness
Guffins are Jerks
Twisted: The Guns of Fortune's Shore
Twisted: The Guns of Fortune's Shore
These weapons have been used to protect Fortune’s Shore from planar menaces in multiple realities.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Shimmersand. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Bahmi Rifle
Ethian Fusil
Mathosian Sniper Rifle
Dusty Blunderbuss
Twisted: The Implements of Jakub the Kind
Twisted: The Implements of Jakub the Kind
These objects are rumored to have belonged to a King of Freemarch known as Jakub the Kind. Could this be an alternate version of Jakub the Iron Tyrant?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Freemarch. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Crown of Benevolence
Stein of Giving
Signet of Favor
Crest of Jakub the Kind
Twisted: The Legends of Freemarch
Twisted: The Legends of Freemarch
There are many tall tales that the people of Freemarch tell. None of them appear to be based in fact. Are these objects proof or are they from another world?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Freemarch. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Eye of the Hexatiger
Spectral Throatripper
Blade of the Avenger
Hero's Bandage
Twisted: The Missing Artifacts
Twisted: The Missing Artifacts
There is one legendary set of artifacts that was rumored to have been cursed. Those that collected it were never heard from again.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
The Shadow Box
The Crossbow
The Lock of Hair
The Clockwork Mouse
The Anvil
The Rotten Apple
Twisted: The Missing Statues of Bottomtown
Twisted: The Missing Statues of Bottomtown
When the Tribulation giants spanked Bottomtown into rubble, many of its infamous statues were lost.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Draumheim. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Satyrs Lounging Oddly
Modesty: An Anti-Study
The Grabber
The Surprise Angle
The Uncomfortable Questions of Children
Twisted: The Offerings of Maelforge
Twisted: The Offerings of Maelforge
Maelforge is not known for his giving nature. It appears that in another realm the dragon of chaos is much more peaceful and giving.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Droughtlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Vial of Liquid Fire
Crystallized Fire
Wings of Fire
Bandages of Fire
Twisted: The People's Republic of Mathosia
Twisted: The People's Republic of Mathosia
In another dimension both Aedraxis and Zareph were slain during the Mathosian civil war. The people rose up and pushed back the dragons founding a new golden age for Mathosia.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stillmoor. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Mathosian Work Ethic
Mathosian Efficiency
Mathosian Valor
Mathosian Strength
Twisted: The Rhaza'de Ascended
Twisted: The Rhaza'de Ascended
For once a Tenebrean invention worked exactly as planned and brought some good to Telara.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Pets for All
Crafter Souls
Arcane Lifter Avatar
Rat Tamer
Twisted: The Royal Collection
Twisted: The Royal Collection
In another timeline, the armory was never built. Instead, a zoo was built in its place. Here are a few of its specimens.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Kingsward. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
King Beetle
Northern Snow Tiger
Howling Jaguar
Brevanic Brown Bear
Twisted: The Science of Predeterminism
Twisted: The Science of Predeterminism
The immortal voice of Fate, Prophet of Aia, and Prime Philosopher of the Evanescent Technocracy commands his followers to live by his manifesto.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Tarken Glacier. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
The Akvan Hybrid Condition
The Divine Plot
Ascended Lapdogs
Return to Nothingness
Fate Commands It
Twisted: The Secret Garden of Prince Hylas
Twisted: The Secret Garden of Prince Hylas
In another realm Prince Hylas did not oppose the Vigil. He became known as a master gardener instead.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Stillmoor. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Red Phoenix
Blue Dawn
Purple Windwisp
Gloam Eater
Twisted: The Swimming Colossi
Twisted: The Swimming Colossi
Because it is the deepest of the Calceron reefs, terrifyingly giant aquatic monsters call Goboro home.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Goboro Reef. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Mochaccino Bob
Twisted: The Unscratchable Itch
Twisted: The Unscratchable Itch
Many Telaran cartographers have been driven mad by their inability to chart fabled locations of the world.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Luminous Delve
The Discovery of Myrkur Depths
Vantar, City of Rails
The Shadowlands
Sunbreaker Cliffs
Lands of the Shi-Ming
Twisted: The Vigil's Prison
Twisted: The Vigil's Prison
When Aia emerged victorious in her conflict with the other five gods, she imprisoned them in the wastes of Tarken.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Tarken Glacier. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Mariel-Taun's Dormant Volcano
Bahralt's Ruins
Thontic's Chained Satellite
Thedeor's Graveyard
Twisted: The Wild Depths
Twisted: The Wild Depths
When the Wilds traveled to the plane of water, it sank to the bottom and stayed there.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Thought Hydroponics
Leviathan's Fall
Planebreaker Executious
The Blind Temple
Tomb of the Tidelord
The Dimensions of Slkosh
Twisted: The Wild Planar War
Twisted: The Wild Planar War
The Planar War was prophesied to ravage the Wilds many times, it never happened.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Bridge Battles
Armies of Ascended
Monstrous Lairs
Might of Industry
Espionage Corps
Storm Legion's True Might
Twisted: The Wild Tower of Ankh
Twisted: The Wild Tower of Ankh
Other Tenebrean Ascended could have made the journey before Teth, it was just the luck of the draw.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Yellow and White Comet
Endless Tower of Khadluu
Dungeoneer Calling
Escape Whales
Simulacrum Ancestors
Impactful Arrival
Twisted: Thedeor's Peace
Twisted: Thedeor's Peace
In what world is the god of war the god of peace?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarwood Reach. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Everlasting Peace
Accord of Friendship
Rod of Pacifism
Twisted: Thetormon's Theories
Twisted: Thetormon's Theories
We see now the potential of a mind were it not filled with hate. These are a collection of studies authored by Thetormon from another reality.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Eastern Holdings. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Interplanar Communication
Dimensional Astronomy
Planar Ethics
Thetormon's Thesis
Twisted: Threats Unrealized
Twisted: Threats Unrealized
The various worlds, planes and cosmoses that clash and conflict have few heroes but many possible villains.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Tyrant Wizards
Insecure God Emperors
Rabid Ideologs
Supernatural Moralists
Your Own Hubris
It's Always Crucia
Twisted: Trinkets of Affection
Twisted: Trinkets of Affection
The would be suitors of Queen Miela often came with unique and rare gifts. One can only assume the lengths to which they went to acquire such rare trinkets.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Pelladane. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Otherworldly Sweets
Magical Jewelry Box
Eye of Laethys
Neverending Storybook
Twisted: Twisted Planetouched Wilds
Twisted: Twisted Planetouched Wilds
The Planetouched Wilds has been through enough tragedies that the twisted versions often seem preferable.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Corruption of the Wang
Khort Spice Run
Hailol Puppet Caricature
Good Flensing Knife
Guardian Kobolds
No Vales
The Maze
Babaroo Picked Fruit
Crafter Souls
Bellow of Battle
Balloon Taxis
Khar, Titan of the Graves
Ovog Processing Center
Rhaza'de Airship Facility
Lands of the Shi-Ming
Post Traumatic Patch Discussion
The Clockwork Mouse
Twist on Twisted Tablets
It's Always Crucia
Twisted: Twisted Sourcestone
Twisted: Twisted Sourcestone
These objects appear to be Sourcestone, but lack the proper attunement to Telara. Perhaps they are from an alternate Telara?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarlet Gorge. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Twisted Thunderstone
Twisted Firestone
Twisted Waterstone
Twisted Deathstone
Twisted Lifestone
Twisted: Twisted Tesni’s Favorite Delicacies
Twisted: Twisted Tesni’s Favorite Delicacies
It isn’t ordained that Gnar only eat rocks. In one universe, Tesni the Ravenous turns her gluttonous gaze towards all kinds of foods.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Planebreaker Bastion. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Shi-Ming Style Dumplings
Tasty Cakes
Own Offspring, in Lemon Butter
Twisted: Tyranny of the Sanctum
Twisted: Tyranny of the Sanctum
In another dimension the Sanctum is the seat of all tyranny. These clippings from various pamphlets recount its reign of terror.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Clipping: The Sacking of Meridian
Clipping: Cyril imposes Curfew for Non-Ascended
Clipping: Protestors in Gloamwood Imprisoned
Clipping: Ownership of Sourcestone Outlawed
Twisted: Uncoronated Kingdoms
Twisted: Uncoronated Kingdoms
Without the Ascended’s guiding hand, Finric never became Rhen. Yet a sovereign was still crowned that day in Scuddra.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Tarken Glacier. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Sharkey's Syndicate
Umcka's Lapis Horde
Mitch's Hero Kingdom
The Wasteland of Bulf
Veras's Cavalcade of Government
Twisted: Undecipherable Code
Twisted: Undecipherable Code
Are these stones a secret code, or simply random gibberish?
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Droughtlands. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Green Mark
Pink Mark
Red Mark
Purple Mark
Yellow Mark
Twisted: Underground Charts
Twisted: Underground Charts
The Caretakers in this dimension gave the land to the shapers and went deep underground into a vast tunnel network.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Seratos. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Tunnel Park
Housing Grid
The Sub Sub-Chamber
Secret Tunnel Project
Twisted: Ungolok's Pets
Twisted: Ungolok's Pets
Born vicious and trained to kill, Ungolok is far different than the loving version of himself that exists in a kinder universe.
This set can be found in the level 65 Chronicle: Rhen Of Fate. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Strange Acquisitions
Lord Stripes
Sir Fluffy Pants
Twisted: Unseen Constellations
Twisted: Unseen Constellations
The Onir astronomer-priests of Octus cataloged all the celestial bodies they could see. They missed a few.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Tarken Glacier. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Twisted: Useless Detritus
Twisted: Useless Detritus
These things are useless, even in their home dimensions.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Shimmersand. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Glowing Splinter
Pile of Dust
Gross Sap
Broken Spectacles
Twisted: Usukhel the Playwright
Twisted: Usukhel the Playwright
The most revered playwright of Shal Korva, her works have added more words to the language than any other source.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Twisted: Uureg the Terrible
Twisted: Uureg the Terrible
This bloody conqueror of the Wilds, ruled the bahmi with an iron fist, and a pile of bodies.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Planetouched Wilds. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Seeing Red
Chest of Magpie Gold
Enslaved Baac
Bottled Ancestor
Mystic Fortune
Legion Pin
Collection of Teth Heads
Twisted: Volan the Defender
Twisted: Volan the Defender
In this reality Volan is a defender of Telara and was sent into the Infinity Gate to defend against the onslaught of Crucia’s Army. These are the reports of Volan’s success.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Ashora. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Unleashing Volan
Path of Destruction
Successful Onslaught
The Best Defense
Twisted: Weapon Schematics of the Neo-Defiant
Twisted: Weapon Schematics of the Neo-Defiant
These schematics outline the creation of powerful super weapons. Unfortunately many of the elements described are simply unavailable in this world.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Scarwood Reach. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Schematic: 'Abrogator' Piloted Construct
Schematic: 'Reaper' Flying Dreadnought
Schematic: 'Raider' Landship
Schematic: 'Dasher' Personal Teleportation Device
Twisted: Weapons of Devastation
Twisted: Weapons of Devastation
These weapons deal massive critical damage in their world, but in our reality they are just trinkets.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in The Dendrome. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Sword of the Madman
Ultimate Power Wand
Critical Damage Rifle
Twisted: Wrath of the Vigil
Twisted: Wrath of the Vigil
The Vigil make their displeasure known in a variety of ways. Those with the ability to see these warnings of their future wrath would be wise to heed it.
These Twisted artifacts are picked up in Gloamwood. You will need the Quantum Sight or Omen Sight buff to see them. Once the buff is active, you will see the artifacts as red shinys on the floor.
Wrath: Maelstrom of Fury
Wrath: Eyes of Madness
Wrath: Dancing Beasts
Wrath: Famine of the Heart
Typhoon Hunter
Typhoon Hunter
An old prophecy was written about an upcoming devastating event registered in the manuscripts as the Typhoon of Doom. Preparation is key.
These artifacts could be earned during the Battle Pass Season 6 event.
You can also buy the artifacts from Huckster Ratioskr in Tempest Bay, using the Battle Pass currency ‘Expertise Shard’.
The artifacts are tradeable, so you may be able to find another player with left over shards to buy them for you.
A Typhoon is Coming
Hurricane Essence
Arcane Barometer
Blizzard Spell Scroll
Prevailing Storm Winds
Squall Reports
Bottled Supercell
Heavy Rain Extract
Weather Control Spell Scroll
Typical Telaran Weaponry
Typical Telaran Weaponry
As best as the citizens of Draumheim can guess, these are the most normal of Telaran weapons.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Strong Flower Stem
Candy Cane
Uncanny Artifacts
Uncanny Artifacts
The Akvan ruled the Plane of Water in ancient times with powerful magic that has persisted its corruption even today.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Mementoes
Menhir Chip of Great Weight
Shattered Sanity Gem
Blood Stained Flint Shard
Void Scarred Skeleton
Uncanny Icon
Uncommon Trophy Fish of the New World
Uncommon Trophy Fish of the New World
Uncommon trophy fish caught in the waters of Brevane and Dusken
These Trophy Fish can be fished up in any of the Storm Legion zones.
You can use Trophy fishing lures to help speed up collecting them.
A Big Collection of Trophies
Trophy Giant Pondleaper
Trophy Veiled Octopus
Trophy Sunhorse
Undead Fish
Undead Fish
The release of Water and Death energies from the opening of Hammerknell Fortress has had untoward effects on some of Stoneborn Harbor’s fish.
This set can be found in the level 50 Chronicle: Hammerknell. Fish in the pools behind Rune King Molinar and Prince Dolin to have a chance of looting these artifacts.
Dread Anglerfish
Undying Mackerel
Deathbound Ochre Carp
Everlasting Stickleback
Unfantastical Flora
Unfantastical Flora
As it tore through the Plane of Life, Comet Ahnket took with it many plants possessed of amazing magical or curative properties. It also took these.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Swamp Searching
Irritating Ivy
Forgettable Field Daisies
Not-Quite-Beet Plant
Unnamed Weed
Nondescript Rose
Stinging Stinkweed
Stinking Stingweed
Unfortunate Red Flight Names
Unfortunate Red Flight Names
Not every dragon gets an inventive name as they are hatched. The Alaviax only have so much time.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashenfell, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
No No Stop Eating My Face
Maelforge II: The Reforgening
Sparklewing McFireface
Unstable: Abandoned by the Abandoned
Unstable: Abandoned by the Abandoned
There are artifacts originating from the Temple of the Abandoned strewn all over the Dendrome, they have a tendency to blink in and out of existence and are consequently very difficult to collect.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in The Dendrome. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Dendrome
Abandoned Canopic Jar
Abandoned Fertility Idol
Abandoned Ceremonial Mask
Abandoned Excessively Sharp Blade
Abandoned Beveled Stone
Abandoned Ornate Amulet
Abandoned Service Scroll
Abandoned Polished Horn
Abandoned Embroidered Shroud
Abandoned Carved Bone
Abandoned Cracked Cup
Abandoned Delicate Bell
Abandoned Chanting Beads
Unstable: Abyssal Dream Catchers
Unstable: Abyssal Dream Catchers
Used by the Abyssal to steal specific people’s dreams and send them to the Plane of Water to manifest as solid entities.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Moonshade Highlands. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Moonshade Highlands
Captured Dream of Ersonin Gray
Captured Dream of Brother Jebiah
Captured Dream of Councilwoman Evalina
Captured Dream of Emin Nolar
Captured Dream of Gari Birchbark
Captured Dream of Allison Vineleaf
Captured Dream of Kasper Massi
Captured Dream of Jalad Omun
Captured Dream of Maxim Wrung
Captured Dream of Steil Rummnuggin
Captured Dream of Buck Grasstalker
Captured Dream of Percy Jeune
Captured Dream of Daemin Tomiri
Unstable: Academy Handbook
Unstable: Academy Handbook
For security reasons there is only one physical copy of this book. All others are temporary instances of it.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Kingsward. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Kingsward
Academy Handbook – Page 2
Academy Handbook – Page 3
Academy Handbook – Page 4
Academy Handbook – Page 5
Academy Handbook – Page 6
Academy Handbook – Page 7
Academy Handbook – Page 8
Academy Handbook – Page 9
Academy Handbook – Page 10
Academy Handbook – Page 11
Academy Handbook – Page 12
Academy Handbook – Page 13
Academy Handbook – Page 14
Unstable: Achyati Recipes
Unstable: Achyati Recipes
The Achyati are famous or perhaps infamous for food that leaves you hungry for more, however much you eat.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in The Dendrome. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Dendrome
Mucus Blancmange
Palm Dripping
Charred Scorpion Eyes
Leaf Wrapped Brine Beetles
Sifted Earth Gum
Masticated Bark Patties
Unstable: Airtouched Shards
Unstable: Airtouched Shards
The rocks around the Vengeful Sky are all infused with energy from the Plane of Air, these are some rather nice smaller samples, without proper attention though they can end up floating away.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Steppes. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Steppes of Infinity
Polished Airtouched Shard
Glowing Airtouched Shard
Vibrating Airtouched Shard
Pitted Airtouched Shard
Sharp Airtouched Shard
Dull Airtouched Shard
Pointed Airtouched Shard
Warm Airtouched Shard
Rough Airtouched Shard
Unstable: Anomalous Water Samples
Unstable: Anomalous Water Samples
If caught out of the corner of your eye, these samples can display some very strange behavior.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Scarlet Gorge. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Scarlet Gorge
Congealing Into a Sphere
Changing Colors
Constantly Boiling
Frozen at Room Temperature
Persistent Swirling
Strangely Viscous
Suddenly Sublimating
Unstable: Architect Pheromone Jars
Unstable: Architect Pheromone Jars
Once opened the message contained within is lost forever unless you happen to be an Architect.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Kingsward. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Kingsward
Missive from Overseer Tek’Kerr
Hive Provisions Manifest
Empty Pheromone Jar
Overseer Tz’Zrrk’s Battle Plans
Ornate Pheromone Jar
Commands from Queen Kj’Rkkt
Cracked Pheromone Jar
Plans for the Breach
Glowing Pheromone Jar
Unstable: Architects of Infinity
Unstable: Architects of Infinity
The Architects became unwilling slaves of the Storm Legion and were put to work reconstructing the Infinity gate; these are some of the temporal tools they used.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Steppes. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Steppes of Infinity
Sky Hook
Uncertainty Thread
Time Pliers
Integrity Plane
Coalescing Drill
Verification Meter
Predestination Crowbar
Implication Calipers
Logic Driver
Duration Measure
Paradox Compensator
Erasure Eraser
Negation Mallet
Unstable: Barrier Fragments
Unstable: Barrier Fragments
Although it was not a physical barrier it did manage to leave temporary fragments of itself after Salvarola moved it.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in City Core. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable City Core
Aqueduct Fragment
Still Glowing Fragment
Fragment from the Cape Jule Division
Depleted Fragment
Barrier Generator Fragment
Control Fragment
Deteriorating Fragment
Unstable: Brief Protection from Curses
Unstable: Brief Protection from Curses
Proven to work but so short acting it is hardly worth it.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Gloamwood. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Gloamwood
Necklace of Onion Skins
Wooden Worry Beads
Badly Drawn Glyph
Ivory Stake
Flawed Crystal
Hematite Wrist Band
Molding Yarrow Root
Blurred Prayer Scroll
Slightly Broken Wand
Unstable: Captured Flames of Smith’s Haven
Unstable: Captured Flames of Smith’s Haven
What magic keeps these flame samples burning is unclear, it’s probably best not to think about it too hard.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Freemarch. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Freemarch
Guttering Candle Flame
Flickering Lamp Light
Smith’s Haven Forge Fire
Unconsuming House Fire
Smoke without Fire
Nonexistent Blue Flame
Fragment of Maelforge
Unstable: Captured Mirages
Unstable: Captured Mirages
Through some arcane magic these mirages have been made manifest in miniature.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Shimmersand. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Shimmersand
An Inviting Oasis
A Caravan of Merchants
Shady Palm Trees
A Shimmering Ocean
A Nomad Encampment
Pack of Caravan Guard Hounds
A Rampaging Dragon
A Delicious Looking Feast
A Distant City
Lush Jungle
Sand Storm
A Fishing Boat
Wyrmbane Spire
Unstable: Captured Sunbeams
Unstable: Captured Sunbeams
The light playing off the rocks of Scarlet Gorge can be nothing short of breathtaking; someone went to great lengths to capture some of it.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Scarlet Gorge. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Scarlet Gorge
Shining Through a Crack
Reflecting off Granitedust Falls
Blinking Through the Blades of a Windmill
Dipping Below Sunrest Canyon
Glinting Off a Metal Surface
Catching the Eves of Scarlet Gorge Tavern
Illuminating the Crimson Wash
Bouncing Off Frayworn Rock
Twinkling Through the Leaves of Darkfire Grove
Unstable: Carnival: Things you wont find
Unstable: Carnival: Things you wont find
Search the fairgrounds all you’d like, you wont find them!
These are picked up during the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay during the Carnival of the Ascended World Event. They can also be looted from the Carnival Instant Adventures.
Hop To It!
Healthy Snacks
Free Try
Even Odds
Valuable Prize
Exact Change
A Fair Game
Honest Carney
Unstable: Carnos Medals
Unstable: Carnos Medals
These were but temporary accolades as the competitors at the Auditorium Carnos seldom live long enough to enjoy them.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ardent Domain. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ardent Domain
Contestants Ribbon
Gold Gladiators Coin
Order of Knights Carnos
Defenders Band
Silver Moon
Unstable: Centaur jewelry
Unstable: Centaur jewelry
Surprisingly delicate, all of this Jewelry is made of plants and is intended to be temporary.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Droughtlands. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Droughtlands
Woven Grass Broach
Pleated Petal Hoof Covers
Reed belt
Rose Thorn Ring
Vine Bracelet
Braided Fern Earrings
Sagebrush Necklace
Unstable: Citizen’s Library Books
Unstable: Citizen’s Library Books
It seems the library of City Core had a unique method of preventing late returns. The books simply return themselves after a period of time. This mechanism still seems to be working despite the fact that the rest of the library has been destroyed.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in City Core. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable City Core
Empyrean Technology Explained
1001 Uses for Terrormaw Dung
Stained Glass: A Primer
Empyrean Water Management
Thorn Vines. Invasive Species or natural Evolution
History of the Public Market
The Royal Lineage
Hiking in the Holdings
Legend of the Karthans
Unstable: Cleanwood
Unstable: Cleanwood
Few areas of Gloamwood have escaped the Hag’s curse, and even these could be overtaken at any time.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Gloamwood. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Gloamwood
A Pristine Leaf Bud
A Supple Twig
Sweet Smelling Petals
A Healthy Soil Sample
Pure Spring Water
Sprouting Seeds
A Happy Squirrel
A Colorful Butterfly
Vibrant Moss
A Beautiful Songbird
An Assortment of Interesting Grasses
A Polished River Stone
Unstable: Critter Ghosts
Unstable: Critter Ghosts
There is something about the Ardent Domain the keeps spirits lingering around longer than normal, this includes all the wildlife.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ardent Domain. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ardent Domain
Rat Ghost
Fox Ghost
Snake Ghost
Bat Ghost
Squirrel Ghost
Rabbit Ghost
Deer Ghost
Unstable: Crumbling Fragments of the Undead
Unstable: Crumbling Fragments of the Undead
If these artifacts are not preserved quickly they are likely to fall apart.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Freemarch. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Freemarch
Disintegrating Burial Shroud
Putrefied Eyeball
Completely Rusted Dagger
Flaking Scapula
Faded Resurrection Scroll
Shriveled Heart
Bent Coffin Nail
Paper Thin Skin Fragment
Delicate Phylactery
Unstable: Death Plants
Unstable: Death Plants
The influence of the Plane of Death has had some strange effects on the flora of Seratos and created some short lived death touched versions of some of the local plants.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Seratos. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Seratos
Toxic Lilac
Lethal Pansy
Deadly Crocus
Venomous Lavender
Fatal Violet
Dangerous Iris
Contaminated Wisteria
Unstable: Decaying Treants
Unstable: Decaying Treants
Anyone wandering the forests of Silverwood knows that many of the trees are more than they appear.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Silverwood. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Silverwood
Desiccated Aldern Leaves
Jointed Twigs
Brierthorn Sap
Once Supple Bark
Crushed Kongeegon Nuts
Stoneroot Sawdust
Clouded Eye Stalks
Blunted Gnarladon Thorns
Treant Mulch
Unstable: Desert Snow and Ice
Unstable: Desert Snow and Ice
Not as rare as it sounds but it’s never around for long, somehow these samples survive.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Droughtlands. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Droughtlands
Stormbrood Drift
Lantern Hook Icicle
Redoubt Sleet
Splitmouth Black Ice
Harlan’s Flurry
Mordant Frost
Mongrel Blizzard
Spitescar Avalanche
Cliffside Hail
Broodwatch Slush
Unstable: Dolcega Pamphlets of Dissention
Unstable: Dolcega Pamphlets of Dissention
The existence of these pamphlets is emphatically denied by absolutely everyone.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Pelladane. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Pelladane
Today is a Horrible Day
I am so Unhappy
Curse the Queen of Skies
I Don’t Like Sausage
Your Thoughts Are Your Own
The Sheep are a Lie
The Centurions are Not for Your Protection
The Unhappiest Place in Telara
Unstable: Dreams of the Overseer
Unstable: Dreams of the Overseer
With such a very large and powerful brain, sometimes the dreams of the overseer actually solidify and can be dreamt by anyone picking them up.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Seratos. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Seratos
Planting a World Tree
Endless Forest
Finding a Soul-Mate
Reliving Former Glories
A Dreamless Night
Frozen Ripples
A Banquet of Nutrients
Unstable: Drowned Halls Leakage
Unstable: Drowned Halls Leakage
There are some objects, creatures and other things that briefly appear in our world from the Drowned Halls.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Scarwood Reach. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Scarwood Reach
Lost Ragetide Carbuncle
Transient Horn of Joloral
Shard of Isskal
Jorb’s Book of War
Seaspawn Scale
Seaclaw Slime
A Gem from Hydriss’s Amulet
Waterlogged Sobek Skin
Abyssal Battle Plans
Icy Chain Link
Shell Encrusted Rusty Dagger
Unstable: Dweedle’s Items Not for Sale
Unstable: Dweedle’s Items Not for Sale
It is very unlikely that Dweedle will even acknowledge the existence of these things.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Scarwood Reach. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Scarwood Reach
Boots of Lava Walking
Circlet of Double Jump
Badge of Maximum Notoriety
200 Slot Bag
Flying Mount Training
Rare Spawn Lure
One Shot Staff
Pick of Infinite Mining
Unstable: Ephemeral Lakeside Wisps
Unstable: Ephemeral Lakeside Wisps
Tormented Wisps are not the only ones seen around Lakeside, the others are much rarer.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Freemarch. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Freemarch
Flickering Wisp
Blinking Wisp
Transparent Wisp
Periodic Wisp
Transient Wisp
Momentary Wisp
Wispy Wisp
Sonorous Wisp
Fleeting Wisp
Peripheral Wisp
Tranquil Wisp
Unstable: Ethereal Gems From The Searing Brink
Unstable: Ethereal Gems From The Searing Brink
The unique interplay of the volcanic mountain heart and the proximity of the Sourcewells give rise to some uniquely delicate and precious gems.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ember Isle. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ember Isle
Carcera Sapphire
Ashen Opal
Searing Diamond
Obsidian Emerald
Fractured Amethyst
Scorched Garnet
Fell Fields Feldspar
Blazing Peridot
Glowing Hematite
Shimmering Agate
Iridescent Malachite
Flickering Moonstone
Glittering Amber
Dazzling Onyx
Burning Topaz
Fiery Pearl
Sizzling Carnelian
Unstable: Ever Evolving Wildlife
Unstable: Ever Evolving Wildlife
The wildlife that inhabits Greenscale’s Crater is evolving at an accelerated rate due to the infusion of planar when Greenscale made landfall.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in The Dendrome. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Dendrome
Speedy Shambler
Mega Minnow
Iridescent Arak
Virulent Vine
Armored Water Skater
Poison Switchgrass
Lacerating Fern
Marching Moss
Freshwater Jelly
Troll Mite
Flame Fungus
Electric Elm
Snapping Lily
Scaled Mosquito
Nine Legged Eel
Luminous Lizard
Unstable: Faerie Gardening Tools
Unstable: Faerie Gardening Tools
Infused with magic these items are usually only visible by moonlight.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Moonshade Highlands. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Moonshade Highlands
Braided Fern Hoe
Split Bark Spade
Spider Silk Sieve
Horse Hair Netting
Bone Trowel
Fine Silk Gloves
Fae Growing Wand
Brownie Dung
Unstable: Faering Flora
Unstable: Faering Flora
Like the Fae that inhabit the Faering Woods these plants are magical and fleeting.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Moonshade Highlands. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Moonshade Highlands
Enchanted Daisy
Charmed Bluebell
Mystic Lily
Spirit Reed
Dream Fern
Transitory Cowslip
Passing Peony
Momentary Hawthorn
Fae Buttercup
Short-Lived Rose
Unstable: Failed Bogling Wishes
Unstable: Failed Bogling Wishes
The reclusive Bogling Genies are known for their trickery, this is a record of wishes gone wrong and other wisdom that could be useful should you want to risk a Bogling wish.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Eastern Holdings. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Eastern Holdings
Forever In Love with a Bogling Maid
Newly Webbed Feet
Pockets Full of Wet Seaweed
Boglings Count in Base 6
Learning to Live as a Bogling
Boglings Have a Sick Sense of Humor
Unstable: Failed Cloudbourne Talismans
Unstable: Failed Cloudbourne Talismans
Most of these fakes not only don’t work but they crumble to bits before you even get them home. Buyers beware!
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Iron Pine Peak. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Iron Pine Peak
Cloudbourne Voodoo Doll
Cloudbourne Blade Deflecting Bracers
Cloudbourne Toe Ring of Speed
Cloudbourne Invisibility Choker
Cloudbourne Infatuating Pendent
Cloudbourne Glowing Crown
Cloudbourne Band of Toughness
Cloudbourne Silver-Tongued Trinket
Cloudbourne Ankle Chain of Might
Cloudbourne Lucky Dice
Cloudbourne Eavesdropping Earring
Cloudbourne Tiara of Insight
Cloudbourne Sash of Silence
Cloudbourne Eye Patch of Healing
Unstable: Failed Stormgrafts
Unstable: Failed Stormgrafts
The technology used in Stormhold to graft soldier and construct is imperfect, defects are not uncommon but they are dispatched as soon as they are discovered.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Morban. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Morban
Headless Stormgrafted Soldier
One Legged Stormgrafted Soldier
Twisted Stormgrafted Soldier
Broken Stormgrafted Soldier
Reversed Stormgrafted Soldier
Armless Stormgrafted Soldier
Inside Out Stormgrafted Soldier
Immobile Stormgrafted Soldier
Depleted Stormgrafted Soldier
Rusted Stormgrafted Soldier
Tiny Stormgrafted Soldier
Twitchy Stormgrafted Soldier
Unruly Stormgrafted Soldier
Unstable Stormgrafted Soldier
Multi Grafted Stormgrafted Soldier
Unarmored Stormgrafted Soldier
Friendly Stormgrafted Soldier
Unstable: Favorite Spells
Unstable: Favorite Spells
Some scraps of parchment containing strange recipes and incantations, favorites of the resident of Witches Thicket.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ardent Domain. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ardent Domain
Silver Voice
Bat Ears
Fleet Foot
Stone Heart
Unstable: Feathers of the Dragonwatch Griffons
Unstable: Feathers of the Dragonwatch Griffons
Once dropped from the Griffon these feathers only last a short time before disappearing.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Shimmersand. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Shimmersand
Yellow tail Feather
White Chest Feather
Golden Head Feather
Green Wing Feather
Blue Head Feather
Grey Chest Feather
Blue Leg Feather
Brown Tail Feather
Unstable: Fen Gorge Geology Volume II
Unstable: Fen Gorge Geology Volume II
This second work on the geology of this interesting place deals with the more obscure and unstable formations of the area.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Eastern Holdings. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Eastern Holdings
Fen Dream Granite
Damocles Stalactite
Azure Singing Crystal
Fragile Sedimentary Formation
Florescent Agate
Fresh Gnar Droppings
Unstable: Fleeting Flora and Fauna of Silverwood
Unstable: Fleeting Flora and Fauna of Silverwood
Whether by nature or magic these plants and animals exist for a very short time.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Silverwood. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Silverwood
Gilded Grieveblossom
A Usual Squirrel
Magic Marsh Moss
Transient Silverwood Thrush
A Usual Deer
Ambulatory Fungus
Highglades Private
Silver landing Anemone
Seasonal Snottite
Argent Nightshade
Overwatch Moth
Unstable: Found and Lost
Unstable: Found and Lost
These items were carefully gathered by the Storm Legions and then carelessly lost.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Cape Jule. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Cape Jule
Everlasting Lighthouse Bulb
Multi Channel Broadcast Device
Empyrean Control Device
Automated Enigma Solver
Mech Power Supply
Rhinoceros Repelling Automaton
Empyrean Mech Navigation Unit
Static Discharge Coil
Sub Sonic Soil Sampler
Foliage Accelerant
Foliage Decelerant
Empyrean Depth Charge
Sourcestone Catalyzer
Unstable: Fragments from the Eye
Unstable: Fragments from the Eye
The explosion at the Eye of Regulous sent tainted fragments far and wide across Stillmoor, most have already returned to the Plane of Death.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Stillmoor. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Stillmoor
A Jagged Eye Fragment
A Cold Eye Fragment
A Sharp Eye Fragment
A Dark Eye Fragment
A Smooth Eye Fragment
A Serrated Eye Fragment
A Polished Eye Fragment
A Glittering Eye Fragment
A Frosty Eye Fragment
A Glowing Eye Fragment
A Hot Eye Fragment
An Irregular Eye Fragment
A Rough Eye Fragment
A Tiny Eye Fragment
A Transparent Eye Fragment
Unstable: Fragments of Planar Beings
Unstable: Fragments of Planar Beings
Sometimes bits and pieces of the denizens of the planes remain for a time after an incursion, fleeting reminders of the ever present menace they pose.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Shimmersand. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Shimmersand
Death Touched Finger Bone
Frigid Smasher Fur
Ice Dervish Shard
Storm Screecher Feather
Skyguard Beak
Flamecleanser Staff
Rockhammer Maul
Oreling Rock
Aquafont Scales
Tideliege Tooth
Bogsprite Claw
Fleshbeast Spines
Construct Skull
Fae Wing Tip
Primal Troll Tusk
Gravemaker Slime
Unearthed Corpse Flesh
Dopple Demon Fang
Infernal Hound Paw
Roosttender Plating
Mordant Chomper Tongue
Unstable: From the Depths of Kelpmere
Unstable: From the Depths of Kelpmere
Probably due to their association with the plane of water these items have a nightmarish dream like quality.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Moonshade Highlands. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Moonshade Highlands
Carapoid Horns
Freshwater Pearl
Kelpmere Weed
Kelpmere Minnow
Vent Residue
Bogling Vanishing Stick
Crystallized Sobek Snot
Unstable: Ghosts of City Core
Unstable: Ghosts of City Core
A collection of images purported to be depictions of ghosts from a long lost era.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in City Core. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable City Core
Spooky Little Kids
Weeping Librarian
Barking Merchant
Drowned Citizen
Twisted Bell Ringer
Animated Chains
Flayed Traitor
Hound of the Aqueduct
Unstable: Gifts from the Spirits
Unstable: Gifts from the Spirits
It turns out that just as the Kelari and the Farclan have been leaving offerings for the Island Spirits, they have been leaving gifts for them. They just go unnoticed due to their spiritual nature and the fact they tend to disappear after a brief time.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ember Isle. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ember Isle
Glowing Chin Horn
Bubble Pipe
Spirit Tusk
Shadow Shroud
Grass Tiger Spirit
Purple Spirit Crystal
Translucent Foliage
Pyrkari Blade
Ornate Phylactery
Ghostly Crocodile Scale
Wavecaller Ectoplasm
Unstable: Granite Falls Remedies
Unstable: Granite Falls Remedies
According to the medics, all these remedies require application within a very narrow timeframe.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Stonefield. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Stonefield
Wellworm Astringent
Titantooth Mouthwash
Spirit Binding
Stoncrush Expectorant
Troghair Tablets
Harold Auten’s Snakeoil
Stonefield Panacea
Unstable: Harrow Tome
Unstable: Harrow Tome
No one has collected enough pages at one time to make neither head nor tails of this spectral text.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Stonefield. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Stonefield
Harrow Tome – Page 2
Harrow Tome – Page 3
Harrow Tome – Page 4
Harrow Tome – Page 5
Harrow Tome – Page 6
Harrow Tome – Page 7
Harrow Tome – Page 8
Harrow Tome – Page 9
Harrow Tome – Page 10
Harrow Tome – Page 11
Harrow Tome – Page 12
Harrow Tome – Page 13
Unstable: Haunted Buttons
Unstable: Haunted Buttons
Fallen or dropped from ghostly garments, these are so tenuous to be almost not there at all.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Moonshade Highlands. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Moonshade Highlands
A Brass Ghost Button
A Square Ghost Button
A Scuffed Ghost Button
A Black Ghost Button
A Cloth Covered Ghost Button
A Broken Ghost Button
A Dull Ghost Button
A Silver Ghost Button
A Round Ghost Button
A Polished Ghost Button
A Red Ghost Button
A Pearl Ghost Button
A Perfect Ghost Button
A Mirrored Ghost Button
A Gold Ghost Button
An Oval Ghost Button
A Blue Ghost Button
A Bent Ghost Button
A White Ghost Button
Unstable: Helpful Faerie Maps
Unstable: Helpful Faerie Maps
These would be very useful if they didn’t disappear just when you needed them most.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Silverwood. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Silverwood
Under Argent Glade
Tunnels of Silverwood
Backdoors of the Overwatch
Safe Passage Through the Marsh
Faerie Treasure Hiding Spots
Unseen in Sanctum
Currents of Fletcher’s Beach
Palisades Passages
Faerie Ring Placement
Guide to Realm of the Fae
Silverwood by Night
More Faerie Hiding Spots
The Slopes of Sterling Hills
Unstable: Hiberna’s Mobile Plant Life
Unstable: Hiberna’s Mobile Plant Life
The Tartary Trees are by far the biggest and most dangerous of Hiberna’s ambulatory plants, but there are many smaller and shorter lived examples.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Cape Jule. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Cape Jule
Walking Stick
Creeping Crud
Slithering Slime Mold
Hopping Toadstool
Gliding Vine
Slinking Moss
Sneaking Hydrangea
Hiberna Jumping Bean
Sidestepping Pansy
Burrowing Fern
Diving Water Lily
Unstable: History of the Sun Temple
Unstable: History of the Sun Temple
This history is written in a type of ink that can only be seen under very specific conditions.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Pelladane. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Pelladane
History of the Sun Temple – Page 2
History of the Sun Temple – Page 3
History of the Sun Temple – Page 4
History of the Sun Temple – Page 5
History of the Sun Temple – Page 6
History of the Sun Temple – Page 7
History of the Sun Temple – Page 8
History of the Sun Temple – Page 9
History of the Sun Temple – Page 10
History of the Sun Temple – Page 11
Unstable: Iceworks Experiments
Unstable: Iceworks Experiments
Many experiments had to fail before true transformation was achieved, some escaped to a brief existence in the wild.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Iron Pine Peak. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Iron Pine Peak
Multi-Eared Mouse
Six Legged Squirrel
Hairless Rat
Twisted Chipmunk
Faceless Cat
Scaled Fox
Something Unrecognizable
Demented Dog
Unstable: Impermanent Effects of the Life Bomb
Unstable: Impermanent Effects of the Life Bomb
Some very unusual, grotesque and painful side effects of the Aelfwar experiment in Scarwood Reach.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Scarwood Reach. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Scarwood Reach
Lung Sprouts
Palm Fungus
Eyelid Mildew
Underarm Toadstools
Scalp Weeds
Crotch Grass
Stomach Thorns
Nail Mould
Ear Moss
Unstable: In the Ashes of Kingsgate
Unstable: In the Ashes of Kingsgate
Strange items indeed have been found around Stillmoor that are thought to have originated in the fires that burned Kingsgate.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Stillmoor. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Stillmoor
Flaming Darkfire Hoof
Imp Horns
Charhound Fur
Drugon Khalikos’s Spell Book
Enraged Flame Fingers
Eternally Hot earth
Charbringer Teeth
Unstable: Infinity Fish
Unstable: Infinity Fish
These really aren’t from around here.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Steppes. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Steppes of Infinity
Elongated Thresher
Cubic Moray
Geometric Skate
Polyhedral Smelt
Compressed Flounder
Apeirogonal Eel
Equilateral Turbot
Spherical Grouper
Parabolic Mackerel
Triangular Seahorse
Truncated Cod
Unstable: Karthan Fibers
Unstable: Karthan Fibers
These legendary fibers are claimed to only be visible to those with a high enough planar attunement. It is said many emperors sought fabric made of these threads to have fine clothing made.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ashora. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ashora
Twisted Karthan Thread
Fine Karthan Thread
Tinseled Karthan Thread
Yellow Karthan Thread
Worn Karthan Thread
Multi-Colored Karthan Thread
Frayed Karthan Thread
Knotted Karthan Thread
Orange Karthan Thread
Snapped Karthan Thread
Thick Karthan Thread
Woven Karthan Thread
Waxed Karthan Thread
Golden Karthan Thread
Metallic Karthan Thread
Strong Karthan Thread
Exquisite Karthan Thread
Unstable: Kelari and Farclan
Unstable: Kelari and Farclan
Being begrudgingly forced to work together due to recent events, the Farclan and the Kelari have started exchanging peace offerings. It has been slow going.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ember Isle. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ember Isle
Kelari Exploding Surprise
Farclan Disguised Stink Bomb
Kelari Itching Pollen
Farclan Whoopee Cushion
Kelari Disintegrating Undies
Farclan Source Infused Joy Buzzer
Kelari Fake Grass Tiger Dung
Farclan Can of Spectral Snakes
Kelari Superheated Pepper Gum
Unstable: Kr’chkk Hive Crystals
Unstable: Kr’chkk Hive Crystals
A collection of crystals taken from the Kr’chkk hive, all emanating a different note, any sound even coming close the pitch of an individual crystal causes it to shatter into a million pieces.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ashora. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ashora
Subsonic Chest Gem
Strumming Nursery Crystal
Pulsing Arm Stones
Singing Crystalline Arch
Humming Crystal Light Source
Shattered Mouth Crystals
Moaning Wall Gems
Thrumming Throne Room Crystal
Egg Chamber Soothing Crystal
Unstable: Lesser Works of Lezul
Unstable: Lesser Works of Lezul
Although Lezul prized his great works of shaper art, these lesser works tended to enrage him and most were smashed.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Morban. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Morban
The Flower Child
Flesh Undone
Partial Support
Brittle Chain
The Designer
Upside Down
Artistic Espionage
Eye of the Newt
Unstable: Life and Death
Unstable: Life and Death
As its influence leaks from Greenscale’s Blight, the Plane of Life battles against the Plane of Death.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Stillmoor. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Stillmoor
Blighted Polyp
Shambler Twigs
Bloodletter Horn
Johlen’s Whetstone
Aleria’s Backhair
A Green Scale
A Toxic Blossom
A Noxious Braken
Some Sentient Pollen
Unstable: Maelign Secretions
Unstable: Maelign Secretions
Queen Maelign uses these pheromone secretions to coordinate the movements of her hive. Someone somehow has preserved some, possibly in the hopes of understanding their language.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Droughtlands. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Droughtlands
Tend to the Brood
Go Out and Forage
Excavate a New Nursery
Aid Me!
Gather in the Main Hall
Search Out Prey
Repel the Invaders
Dismember This Corpse
Seal This Tunnel
Unstable: Moor Bits of the Dead
Unstable: Moor Bits of the Dead
As with all artifacts of this type, these are on the verge of disintegration due to the strain of flashing in and out of our existence.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Stillmoor. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Stillmoor
Chain Link from a Thalos Knight
Fragment of a Crypt Walker
Bloodpawn Impaler Leg Wrappings
Rib Bone from A Minion of Mathos
Animated Custodian Skin
Wisp of Experimental Cadaver Hair
Gauntlet from a Rotting Mathosian
Unstable: More Motes
Unstable: More Motes
The temporary nature of these Motes may be a clue as to where these things came from in the first place.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in The Dendrome. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Dendrome
Missing Mote
Magic Mote
Minute Mote
Mashed Mote
Merged Mote
Misty Mote
Madcap Mote
Unstable: Necropolis Wards
Unstable: Necropolis Wards
The wards that protect Necropolis are many and varied, most can only be observed under very specific conditions.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Seratos. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Seratos
Corpse Binding
Ghost Dispeller
Phantasm Barrier
Cadaver Calmer
Enchanted Grave Dirt
Crypt Rat Trap
Apparition Wall
Specter Chains
Carcass Restraint
Ghoul Be Gone
Unstable: Nuetta’s New Nightmares
Unstable: Nuetta’s New Nightmares
Stirrings from the Plane of Water have caused some of the more sensitive souls in Telara to suffer terrible nightmares.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Eastern Holdings. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Eastern Holdings
Eerie Song of the Sirens
Devastating Floods
Night of the Crabs
Constant Dripping
Drowning, Drowning, Drowning
Swept Away
Never-Ending Rain
Horrors from the Deep
Whispers of Martrodraum
Unstable: Phantom Mushrooms
Unstable: Phantom Mushrooms
Believed to have originated in the Auroborus Woods, these ethereal fungi are a rare delicacy for those in tune enough with the spirit realm to be able to harvest them.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Eastern Holdings. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Eastern Holdings
Ephemeral Fieldcap
Shifting Polypore
Transparent Amanita
Misty Grisette
Transient Bolete
Hollow Stagshorn
Hazy Chanterelle
Cloudy Inkcap
Sticky Webcap
Haunted Pinkgill
Wispy Spindleshank
Ghostly Waxcap
Twisted Deceiver
Vaporous Milkcap
Variable Bonnet
Orange Crystalcap
Void Fungus
Dead Man’s Fingers
Planar Truffle
Unstable: Planar Plants of the Royal Gardens
Unstable: Planar Plants of the Royal Gardens
How exactly the royal gardeners got these plants to grow is a mystery.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Kingsward. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Kingsward
Vibrant Anemone
Damp Pimpernel
Blazing Thistle
Airy Peony
Rocky Birch
Decaying Dogwood
Vivacious Ragweed
Drowned Juniper
Bright Thimbleberry
Earth Violet
Diaphanous Hellebore
Unstable: Planar Tainted Water
Unstable: Planar Tainted Water
After the barrier came down and the planes invaded much of the water gets periodically tainted with planar power. These samples were taken to measure the rate of planar decay.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in City Core. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable City Core
King’s Corridor Sample
Life Touched Water Sample
Public Market South Side Sample
Public Market North Side Sample
Sample from the Miran Pond
Citizen’s Library Ground Water Sample
Earth Touched Mud
Water Tainted Water
Fire Water
Bubbling Sample
Planar Thickened Water
Air Touched Vaud Tower Sample
Green Life Touched Sample
Deep Core Sample
Multi Planar Tainted Sample
Stagnant Water Sample
Evaporated Sample
Unstable: Planetouched Pebbles
Unstable: Planetouched Pebbles
Rocks touched by various combinations of the planes, these effects soon wear off of non living things.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Scarlet Gorge. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Scarlet Gorge
A Red Hot Pebble
A Sticky Pebble
An Icy Pebble
A Mossy Pebble
A Muddy Pebble
A Wet Pebble
A Decaying Pebble
A Confused Pebble
Unstable: Prior Versions of Auram
Unstable: Prior Versions of Auram
Various incarnations of the synthetic soul were tried out until it was perfected in its final form, parts of these programs can still be encountered.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Cape Jule. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Cape Jule
Inferior Vengeance Component
Next Generation Dream Object
Deprecated Auram’s Humor
Semi Functioning Nightmare Module
Discarded Master Control
Crashed Anger Management
Personality Simulator
Orphaned Auram’s Compassion
Self Replicating Sub-Routine
Unstable: Qaijiri Planar Totems
Unstable: Qaijiri Planar Totems
Most of these are homemade by amateurs and fall apart at the slightest provocation; it is highly suspect that they even work in the first place.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ashora. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ashora
Lump of Crumbly Clay
A Brittle Fish Skeleton
Ash Covered Effigy
Decaying Blob of Flesh
A Vial of Chia Seeds
Finely Spun Dream Catcher
Out of Tune Whistle
Badly Bound Rocks
Mostly Burned Candle
Polished Incisor
A Bunch of Weeds
Unstable: Relics of the Flamesired
Unstable: Relics of the Flamesired
The addition of power from the Plane of Fire has caused some interesting properties to manifest in the Empyrean relics of the Scoria Pit; they seem to disappear if removed from the area though.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Cape Jule. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Cape Jule
Heat Dissipating Stone
Lava Flow Controller
Flame Focusing Nozzle
Charcoal Conversion Cylinder
Ash Compacter
Pyroclastic Analyzer
Cinder Engine
Automated Forge Bellows
Unstable: Rules of the Icewatch
Unstable: Rules of the Icewatch
As graduating members of the Icewatch are required to eat this text once it is committed to memory it is very hard to find any evidence of its actual existence.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Iron Pine Peak. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Iron Pine Peak
Rules of the Icewatch – Page 2
Rules of the Icewatch – Page 3
Rules of the Icewatch – Page 4
Rules of the Icewatch – Page 5
Rules of the Icewatch – Page 6
Rules of the Icewatch – Page 7
Unstable: Sagespire Spells Volume II
Unstable: Sagespire Spells Volume II
These pages are on the verge of disintegrating, it is believed Volume I is already lost to the ravages of time.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Scarwood Reach. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Scarwood Reach
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 2
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 3
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 4
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 5
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 6
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 7
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 8
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 9
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 10
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 11
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 12
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 13
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 14
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 15
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 16
Unstable: Secret Communications of the Awakened
Unstable: Secret Communications of the Awakened
The Awakened use some sort of magic they uncovered to infuse these communications with a substance that causes them to disintegrate if not handled correctly.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Eastern Holdings. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Eastern Holdings
Instructions to Tyberious
Mutant Thrall Losses
Resource Inventory
Production Progress
Orders to Issril Strias
Field Agent report
Recruiting Strategy
Unstable: Senviva Family History
Unstable: Senviva Family History
For the many years of oppression the local villagers paid to have House Senviva cursed, all records of them would gradually disappear over time. These pages of their history survived however, at least for now.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Morban. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Morban
Senviva Family History – Page 3
Senviva Family History – Page 5
Senviva Family History – Page 7
Senviva Family History – Page 11
Senviva Family History – Page 13
Senviva Family History – Page 17
Senviva Family History – Page 19
Senviva Family History – Page 23
Senviva Family History – Page 29
Senviva Family History – Page 31
Unstable: Shady Dealer Wares
Unstable: Shady Dealer Wares
Most of these items are very perishable.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Shimmersand. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Shimmersand
A Beating Heart
A Long Length of Intestine
A Broken Spleen
A Left Lung
A Pair of Kidneys
A Fresh Eye
Half a Tongue
A Big Toe
Your Liver
Unstable: Shaper Doodles
Unstable: Shaper Doodles
The Shapers have been known to practice their twisted “art” with smaller helpless life forms, there seems to be no purpose to this other than to amuse these malevolent beings and they are discarded as soon as they are made.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Seratos. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Seratos
Malformed Fox Conception
Horrific Badger Art
Monstrous Snake Notion
Frightening Puppy Installation
Hideous Cat Carving
Grisly Chipmunk Outline
Misshapen Bunny Masterwork
Deformed Rat Illustration
Revolting Owl Sculpture
Sickening Lamb Concept
Nauseating Frog Design
Repulsive Bat Blueprint
Macabre Guinea Pig Diagram
Unstable: Shaper Poetry
Unstable: Shaper Poetry
All Shapers consider themselves artists. Most restrict themselves to ‘sculpting’ flesh; a few however have tried their hand at poetry usually scrawled on decaying skin.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Morban. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Morban
Gristle and Bone
Musing on Knotted Muscle
Transposition of the Organs
A Screaming Sonnet
A Tendon Verse
Elegy for a Twisted Masterpiece
Unstable: Shifted Parasites
Unstable: Shifted Parasites
There are strange time shifted creatures hiding in the thick foliage of Kingsward.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Kingsward. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Kingsward
Temporal Flea
Blinking Lace Worm
Fleeting Louse
Insubstantial Hookworm
Twisted Botfly
Ephemeral Heartworm
Unstable: Shimmersand Fulgurites
Unstable: Shimmersand Fulgurites
Beautiful, delicate and very sharp, the abundance of Air Rifts in the area mean these are quite common but most don’t last long before they get broken.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Shimmersand. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Shimmersand
Branching Fulgurite
Clear Fulgurite
Hollow Fulgurite
Sparkling Fulgurite
Black Fulgurite
Amorphous Fulgurite
Huge Fulgurite
Unstable: Short Lived Mutants of the Biofoundary
Unstable: Short Lived Mutants of the Biofoundary
The mutating properties of the Biofoundary created many strange creatures but with the exception of some of the fish most of them didn’t live very long.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ashora. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ashora
Strangely Mutated Sparrow
Strangely Mutated Rabbit
Strangely Mutated Deer
Strangely Mutated Fox
Strangely Mutated Crab
Strangely Mutated Badger
Strangely Mutated Cat
Strangely Mutated Shambler
Strangely Mutated Squirrel
Unstable: Snow Demons
Unstable: Snow Demons
At certain times of the night, during certain times of the year, small mischievous Demons roam the Iron Pine Peaks causing all sorts of trouble. These are just some of the evils that the fabled Cloudbourne Ice Necklace can protect you from.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Iron Pine Peak. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Iron Pine Peak
Icestorm Pixie
Ephemeral Pickpocket
Blue Prankster
Mischievous White Brownie
Fleet Footed Charlatan
Giggling Backstabber
Invisible Key Thief
Faerie Swindler
Dayblind Cheat
Blood Iron Bamboozle
Chancel Book Eater
Unstable: Soggy Tomes
Unstable: Soggy Tomes
Some of the experiments in the Arcanum Conservatory resulted in valuable works being frozen in ice, once thawed they became very fragile.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Steppes. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Steppes of Infinity
Mind Control Methods
Notes from the Dig
History of the Conservatory
Construct Construction Techniques
Observing the Architects
Brevanic Technical Manual
Long Distance Communications
Dangerous Dusken Wildlife
Reporting Protocols
Infinity Power Sources
Order and Discipline
Conservatory Blueprints
Banishing Techniques
Unstable: Soil Samples from Simoom’s Edge
Unstable: Soil Samples from Simoom’s Edge
There is definitely something strange about this place. It looks like someone was trying to figure out what.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in The Dendrome. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Dendrome
Sample of Simoom’s Desert Dust
Sample of Simoom’s Crushed Rock
Simoom’s Deep Core Sample
Sample of Simoom’s Shifting Mud
Sample of Simoom’s Sun Baked Crust
Sample of Simoom’s Elastic Loam
Sample of Simoom’s Packed Powder
Sample of Simoom’s Sterile Earth
Sample of Simoom’s Geometric Gravel
Simoom’s Sludge Sample
Sample of Simoom’s Grit
Unstable: Solitons of Pelladane
Unstable: Solitons of Pelladane
These make rather nice jewelry once the fight has been knocked out of them.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Pelladane. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Pelladane
Unstable Soliton
Depleted Soliton
Sky Soliton
Empowered Soliton
Strange Soliton
Mythical Soliton
Sustaining Soliton
Storm Soliton
Micro Soliton
Solitary Soliton
Pulsed Soliton
Differential Soliton
Cloud Soliton
Unstable: Sourcewell Ejecta
Unstable: Sourcewell Ejecta
Every now and then something is thrown up from the Sourcewells from another plane of existence. These are rare and sought after but are also quite volatile.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ember Isle. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ember Isle
Nexus Infused Mud
Chunk of Planar Lava
A Cohesive Droplet
Lightning Stone
Dream Crystal
Manifest Decay
Earth Crystals
Solidified Wind
Nexus Ice
Flickering Nexus Flame
Chaotic Gem
Unstable: Spectral Belongings
Unstable: Spectral Belongings
Some specters manage to manifest spectral versions of some of the belonging they had in life, however once they are separated from their spectral owner they almost invariable disperse after a short period of time.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Morban. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Morban
Spectral Whistle
Spectral Walking Stick
Spectral Comb
Spectral Gloves
Spectral Purse
Spectral Decorated Dagger
Spectral Hair Clip
Spectral Horn
Spectral Diary
Spectral Quill
Spectral Teddy Bear
Unstable: Spectral Detritus
Unstable: Spectral Detritus
Bits and pieces briefly left behind after a ghostly visitation.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Scarlet Gorge. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Scarlet Gorge
Rotting Shirt Sleeve
A Glob of Ectoplasm
A Haunted Dirk
A Ghoulish Grin
Disgustingly Long Fingernail
Shadowy Mist
Foul Smelling Goo
Eerie Chain Link
Pile of Grave Dust
Clicking Deathwatch Beetle
Decaying Leather Strap
Creepy Scribblings
Squirming Maggots
Unstable: Spider Silk Pictures
Unstable: Spider Silk Pictures
Strange images spun into spider’s webs, extremely difficult to preserve.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Gloamwood. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Gloamwood
Silk Crown
Silk Gollum
Silk Mouse
Silk Mill Wheel
Silk Wolf
Silk Goblin
Silk Tower
Silk Cat
Silk Eagle
Silk Bridge
Silk Sword
Silk Horse
Unstable: Spirit Plants of Ember Isle
Unstable: Spirit Plants of Ember Isle
Often overlooked due to their more mobile brethren, there are many spirit plants that can be observed under certain conditions all over Ember Isle.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ember Isle. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ember Isle
Ethereal Orchid
Tenuous Rose
Transient Honeysuckle
Ephemeral Holly
Fleeting Ivy
Eerie Fern
Strange Palm
Unstable: Spooky Book Missing Pages
Unstable: Spooky Book Missing Pages
Hard to read at the best of times, the fact that pages go missing periodically just adds insult to injury.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ardent Domain. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ardent Domain
Spooky Book – Page 3
Spooky Book – Page 4
Spooky Book – Page 6
Spooky Book – Page 7
Spooky Book – Page 10
Spooky Book – Page 12
Spooky Book – Page 21
Spooky Book – Page 22
Spooky Book – Page 40
Spooky Book – Page 41
Spooky Book – Page 42
Spooky Book – Page 47
Spooky Book – Page 79
Spooky Book – Page 108
Unstable: Stonefield Microbes
Unstable: Stonefield Microbes
Short-lived microbes found only in Stonefield.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Stonefield. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Stonefield
Troglodyte Lice
Titan Well Copepod
Prairie Nematode
Troll Toe Fungus
Stonefeather Spider Mite
Giant Cladocera
Undead Harrow Tick
Granite Falls Flea
Dreadbone Chigger
Unstable: Storm Charged Gems
Unstable: Storm Charged Gems
The ceaseless storm in the Glacio Mountains caused these gems to become electrically charged. They are even more valuable so long as this charge lasts.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Pelladane. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Pelladane
Shocking Cat’s Eye
Powered Amethyst
Electric Diamond
Emerald Capacitor
Lightening Sapphire
Storm Topaz
Force Quartz
Static Opal
Polarized Garnet
Charged Citrine
Unstable: Striking Crystals of the Droughtlands
Unstable: Striking Crystals of the Droughtlands
The unique geology of the Doughtlands gives rise to some beautiful crystal formations that exist for fleeting moments when the conditions are right.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Droughtlands. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Droughtlands
Redoubt Crystallite
Droughtlands Rhombohedron
Lantern Hook Star
Harlan’s Filigree
Desert Matrix
Lakeside Quartz
Brood Ruby
Ironhook’s Folly
Unstable: Technology of Sanctum
Unstable: Technology of Sanctum
Some experiments with technology were done around Sanctum by a select and secretive few, all of it self-destructs if handled improperly.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Silverwood. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Silverwood
Rift Tear Inhibitor
Defiant Detector
Loot Doubler
Cyril’s Cosmic Chronometer
Self Targeting Telescope
Independent Stable Cleaner
Reloading, Recoilless Crossbow
Unstable: Temporal Rill Fish
Unstable: Temporal Rill Fish
As they exist in our timeline only briefly, most people believe these fish to be nothing but a myth.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Freemarch. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Freemarch
Distortion Bitterling
Indefinite Trout
Uncertain Stickleback
Undetermined Bull Head
Polarized Minnow
Paradox Perch
Improbable Grayling
Spin Carp
Preposterous Pike
Variable Bream
Podolsky’s Gudgeon
Spectral Crayfish
Transposed Ruffe
Unstable: Temporary Meridian Edicts
Unstable: Temporary Meridian Edicts
Proclamations made and then quickly repealed.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Freemarch. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Freemarch
Honor the Vigil
Order for the Arrest of Sylver Valis
Carnival is Canceled
Observatory Tours Signup Sheet
Catari Kissing Booth Ticket
Spirit of Rhaza’de License Revocation
Porticulum Travel Ban
Planarite Procurement
Unstable: Temporary Rock Formations
Unstable: Temporary Rock Formations
The unique environment of Ashora gives rise to some strange and sometimes beautiful rock formations that only stay around a short time.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ashora. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ashora
Wind Formed Cairn
Sun Baked Silica Dome
Crystallized Mini Arch
Crusted Pillars
Finely Balanced Pebble
Geometric Micro Towers
Iridescent Sand Tube
Unstable: The Collection of Count Cyrus
Unstable: The Collection of Count Cyrus
This particularly nasty vampire kept a private collection of mementoes from intended victims that should probably be respectfully buried as soon as possible.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Gloamwood. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Gloamwood
Wrangler Dein’s Blood
Miriam Noh’s Blood
Janina Solemn’s Blood
Captain Rotherdan’s Blood
Zatalia Blackroot’s Blood
Gwyddon Duskenleaf’s Blood
Denkal Sarot’s Blood
Jorda Tacklegrub’s Blood
John Tintan’s Blood
Razario Silveredge’s Blood
Nishala Stonehide’s Blood
Ferton Suresight’s Blood
Doonan Hammerfell’s Blood
Unstable: The Pit and the Hold
Unstable: The Pit and the Hold
The Endless Court are up to something in the Blighted Pit and Shatterbone Hold, whatever it is unsurprisingly involves the Plane of Death.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Scarwood Reach. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Scarwood Reach
Death Touched Tent Peg
Death Touched Bedroll
Death Touched Crate
Death Touched Candle
Death Touched Cave Fish
Death Touched Rib Bone
Death Touched Rose
Unstable: The Raging Karthan Inn
Unstable: The Raging Karthan Inn
In its heyday, this inn was as legendary as its namesake. It specialized in creating drinks that evaporated almost the instant they were drunk, causing a unique taste and adding to the drinks potency.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in City Core. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable City Core
The Holdings Hangover
The Raging Karthan
Red Mist
Kings Touch
Vaud Vaporizer
Miran Marvel
Gin Fizzle
Momentary Martini
Quick Shot
Unstable: Things You Saw After Licking a Frog
Unstable: Things You Saw After Licking a Frog
The Hallucinogenic properties of the Hiberna Tree Frog are legendary, but some things you saw were real, it’s just hard to tell which.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Cape Jule. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Cape Jule
Faeries Everywhere
Griffons in the Sky
Blue Lights
Shimmering Motes
Ethereal Mist
Walking Plants
A Touchable Cloud
Unstable: Transient Pus Formations
Unstable: Transient Pus Formations
Although technically not pus, the substance that pervades the Pus Swamp does make interesting formations, some frequently enough to have been named.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Seratos. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Seratos
Knuckled Mucus Stick
Crystallized Globule
Hardened Slime
Dangling Secretion
Dripping Emission
Bloated Seepage
Engorged Pus Bladder
Moist Film
Creamy Orb
Burst Gobbet
Flowing Swamp Butter
Oozing Discharge
Fetid Tubule
Unstable: Treasures of the Ancients
Unstable: Treasures of the Ancients
Many things have come through the Passage of the Ancients; some seem to have a tenuous hold in this reality though.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Stonefield. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Stonefield
Elemental Tear
Griffin Feather
Fine Link Control Chain
Ancient Black Pearl
Shimmering Mirror
Enormous Shiny Button
Strangely Glowing Ruby
Large Jewel Encrusted Hairgrip
Scroll of the Ancients
Crested Goblet
Implausibly Small Key
A Coin of Unknown Denomination
Crown of Centius
Unstable: Unbalanced Crystals
Unstable: Unbalanced Crystals
Fatally flawed, these Crystals are likely to tear themselves apart before long.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Scarlet Gorge. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Scarlet Gorge
Melted Flux Stabilization Crystal
Chipped Illuminated Crystal
Scratched Meteoric Crystal
Depleted Charged Crystal
Dead Life Crystal
Broken Pyronite Crystal
Anchored Dimensional Crystal
Useless Synergy Crystal
Calmed Crystalline Rage
Unstable Planar Crystal
Cold Crystallized Flames
Wasted Energy Crystal
Mined Data Crystal
Used Crystallized Insight
Blunted Sharp Crystal
Unstable: Underworld Communications
Unstable: Underworld Communications
These were probably separate messages at one time; they have now been collected in a book. Unfortunately the secret to revealing the text has been long lost.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Droughtlands. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Droughtlands
Underworld Communications – Page 2
Underworld Communications – Page 3
Underworld Communications – Page 4
Underworld Communications – Page 5
Underworld Communications – Page 6
Underworld Communications – Page 7
Underworld Communications – Page 8
Underworld Communications – Page 9
Underworld Communications – Page 10
Underworld Communications – Page 11
Underworld Communications – Page 12
Underworld Communications – Page 13
Unstable: Unearthed Curiosities
Unstable: Unearthed Curiosities
A lot of excavation has been done in the Steppes of Infinity and many strange and unexplained things have been found, most are very unstable for some reason.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Steppes. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Steppes of Infinity
Triple Terminal Battery
Self Sealing Collection Jar
Autonomous Crystallizer
Charged Divining Rod
Ancient Carved Tablet
Architect Claw Saw
Unstable: Unstable Ardent Domain
Unstable: Unstable Ardent Domain
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Ardent Domain.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ardent Domain. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ardent Domain
Spooky Book – Page 10
Spooky Book – Page 40
Spooky Book – Page 79
Bat Ears
Stone Heart
Buboo Buboo
Rat Ghost
Snake Ghost
Bat Ghost
Deer Ghost
Contestants Ribbon
Order of Knights Carnos
Defenders Band
Silver Moon
Unstable: Unstable Ashora
Unstable: Unstable Ashora
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Ashora.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ashora. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ashora
Crystallized Mini Arch
Finely Balanced Pebble
Iridescent Sand Tube
A Brittle Fish Skeleton
A Vial of Chia Seeds
Badly Bound Rocks
Polished Incisor
Subsonic Chest Gem
Humming Crystal Light Source
Thrumming Throne Room Crystal
Egg Chamber Soothing Crystal
Fine Karthan Thread
Frayed Karthan Thread
Thick Karthan Thread
Metallic Karthan Thread
Strangely Mutated Sparrow
Strangely Mutated Crab
Strangely Mutated Cat
Strangely Mutated Shambler
Unstable: Unstable Cape Jule
Unstable: Unstable Cape Jule
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Cape Jule.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Cape Jule. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Cape Jule
Griffons in the Sky
Ethereal Mist
A Touchable Cloud
Everlasting Lighthouse Bulb
Rhinoceros Repelling Automaton
Foliage Accelerant
Sourcestone Catalyzer
Next Generation Dream Object
Discarded Master Control
Orphaned Auram’s Compassion
Self Replicating Sub-Routine
Heat Dissipating Stone
Flame Focusing Nozzle
Ash Compacter
Cinder Engine
Creeping Crud
Hopping Toadstool
Sneaking Hydrangea
Diving Water Lily
Unstable: Unstable City Core
Unstable: Unstable City Core
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around City Core.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in City Core. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable City Core
1001 Uses for Terrormaw Dung
The Royal Lineage
Legend of the Karthans
Fragment from the Northern Boundary
Fragment from the Cape Jule Division
Barrier Generator Fragment
Deteriorating Fragment
King’s Corridor Sample
Water Tainted Water
Air Touched Vaud Tower Sample
Evaporated Sample
Core Bomb
Miran Marvel
Momentary Martini
The Holdings Hangover
Spooky Little Kids
Drowned Citizen
Animated Chains
Hound of the Aqueduct
Unstable: Unstable Dendrome
Unstable: Unstable Dendrome
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around The Dendrome.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in The Dendrome. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Dendrome
Magic Mote
Merged Mote
Madcap Mote
Abandoned Canopic Jar
Abandoned Service Scroll
Abandoned Carved Bone
Abandoned Delicate Bell
Sample of Simoom’s Desert Dust
Sample of Simoom’s Sun Baked Crust
Sample of Simoom’s Packed Powder
Simoom’s Sludge Sample
Mega Minnow
Virulent Vine
Freshwater Jelly
Snapping Lily
Mucus Blancmange
Palm Dripping
Leaf Wrapped Brine Beetles
Masticated Bark Patties
Unstable: Unstable Droughtlands
Unstable: Unstable Droughtlands
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Droughtlands.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Droughtlands. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Droughtlands
Redoubt Sleet
Mongrel Blizzard
Broodwatch Slush
Pleated Petal Hoof Covers
Rose Thorn Ring
Braided Fern Earrings
Sagebrush Necklace
Defend the Entrance
Aid Me!
Repel the Invaders
Dismember This Corpse
Underworld Communications – Page 2
Underworld Communications – Page 6
Underworld Communications – Page 9
Underworld Communications – Page 12
Redoubt Crystallite
Lantern Hook Star
Lakeside Quartz
Ironhook’s Folly
Unstable: Unstable Eastern Holdings
Unstable: Unstable Eastern Holdings
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Eastern Holdings.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Eastern Holdings. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Eastern Holdings
Drowning, Drowning, Drowning
Never-Ending Rain
Horrors from the Deep
Shifting Polypore
Hazy Chanterelle
Twisted Deceiver
Orange Crystalcap
Instructions to Tyberious
Resource Inventory
Production Progress
Field Agent report
Pop Rocks
Azure Singing Crystal
Fragile Sedimentary Formation
Fresh Gnar Droppings
Boglings Value Fish
Newly Webbed Feet
Boglings Count in Base 6
Boglings Have a Sick Sense of Humor
Unstable: Unstable Ember Isle
Unstable: Unstable Ember Isle
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Ember Isle.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ember Isle. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ember Isle
Grass Tiger Spirit
Ornate Phylactery
Ghostly Crocodile Scale
Dream Crystal
Nexus Ice
Chaotic Gem
Ashen Opal
Blazing Peridot
Dazzling Onyx
Sizzling Carnelian
Ethereal Orchid
Transient Honeysuckle
Ephemeral Holly
Eerie Fern
Kelari Exploding Surprise
Farclan Disguised Stink Bomb
Kelari Disintegrating Undies
Kelari Superheated Pepper Gum
Unstable: Unstable Freemarch
Unstable: Unstable Freemarch
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Freemarch.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Freemarch. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Freemarch
Shriveled Heart
Paper Thin Skin Fragment
Delicate Phylactery
Undetermined Bull Head
Spin Carp
Podolsky’s Gudgeon
Transposed Ruffe
Guttering Candle Flame
Smith’s Haven Forge Fire
Smoke without Fire
Fragment of Maelforge
Order for the Arrest of Sylver Valis
Catari Kissing Booth Ticket
Porticulum Travel Ban
Planarite Procurement
Periodic Wisp
Wispy Wisp
Fleeting Wisp
Tranquil Wisp
Unstable: Unstable Gloamwood
Unstable: Unstable Gloamwood
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Gloamwood.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Gloamwood. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Gloamwood
Silk Goblin
Silk Eagle
Silk Sword
Wooden Worry Beads
Flawed Crystal
Molding Yarrow Root
Slightly Broken Wand
A Pristine Leaf Bud
Sprouting Seeds
A Beautiful Songbird
A Polished River Stone
Digit from a Front Left Paw
A Tuft of Course Hair
A Piece of Ear
Chunk of Quivering Flesh
Wrangler Dein’s Blood
Gwyddon Duskenleaf’s Blood
Jorda Tacklegrub’s Blood
Doonan Hammerfell’s Blood
Unstable: Unstable Iron Pine Peak
Unstable: Unstable Iron Pine Peak
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Iron Pine Peak.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Iron Pine Peak. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Iron Pine Peak
Giggling Backstabber
Dayblind Cheat
Blood Iron Bamboozle
Ice Doll
Snow Ball
Sleet Slip n Slide
Packed Rime Blocks
Cloudbourne Blade Deflecting Bracers
Cloudbourne Glowing Crown
Cloudbourne Ankle Chain of Might
Cloudbourne Eye Patch of Healing
Multi-Eared Mouse
Faceless Cat
Something Unrecognizable
Rules of the Icewatch – Page 1
Rules of the Icewatch – Page 4
Rules of the Icewatch – Page 6
Rules of the Icewatch – Page 7
Unstable: Unstable Kingsward
Unstable: Unstable Kingsward
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Kingsward.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Kingsward. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Kingsward
Academy Handbook – Page 7
Academy Handbook – Page 11
Academy Handbook – Page 13
Missive from Overseer Tek’Kerr
Overseer Tz’Zrrk’s Battle Plans
Cracked Pheromone Jar
Plans for the Breach
Temporal Gears
Empyrean Polishing Powder
Foundry Fuel
Magnatite Couplings
Doom Rose
Airy Peony
Vivacious Ragweed
Diaphanous Hellebore
Fleeting Louse
Twisted Botfly
Ephemeral Heartworm
Unstable: Unstable Moonshade Highlands
Unstable: Unstable Moonshade Highlands
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Moonshade Highlands.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Moonshade Highlands. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Moonshade Highlands
A Silver Ghost Button
A Perfect Ghost Button
A Blue Ghost Button
Carapoid Horns
Kelpmere Weed
Vent Residue
Crystallized Sobek Snot
Braided Fern Hoe
Horse Hair Netting
Fine Silk Gloves
Brownie Dung
Captured Dream of Brother Jebiah
Captured Dream of Allison Vineleaf
Captured Dream of Steil Rummnuggin
Captured Dream of Percy Jeune
Charmed Bluebell
Transitory Cowslip
Momentary Hawthorn
Short-Lived Rose
Unstable: Unstable Morban
Unstable: Unstable Morban
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Morban.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Morban. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Morban
Brittle Chain
The Designer
Artistic Espionage
Headless Stormgrafted Soldier
Rusted Stormgrafted Soldier
Tiny Stormgrafted Soldier
Friendly Stormgrafted Soldier
Spectral Whistle
Spectral Purse
Spectral Hair Clip
Spectral Teddy Bear
Senviva Family History – Page 5
Senviva Family History – Page 17
Senviva Family History – Page 23
Senviva Family History – Page 31
Ode to Flesh
Transposition of the Organs
A Screaming Sonnet
Elegy for a Twisted Masterpiece
Unstable: Unstable Pelladane
Unstable: Unstable Pelladane
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around The Kingdom of Pelladane.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Pelladane. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Pelladane
Lightening Sapphire
Force Quartz
Polarized Garnet
I am so Unhappy
I Don’t Like Sausage
The Sheep are a Lie
The Unhappiest Place in Telara
Vampire Mouse
Vampire Gnat
Vampire Wombat
Vampire Dog
Depleted Soliton
Mythical Soliton
Solitary Soliton
Cloud Soliton
History of the Sun Temple – Page 2
History of the Sun Temple – Page 5
History of the Sun Temple – Page 8
History of the Sun Temple – Page 10
Unstable: Unstable Rocks
Unstable: Unstable Rocks
The exploding rocks of Moonshade Highlands are almost famous; the ones in Stonefield though are largely unknown.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Stonefield. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Stonefield
Dreadbone Glittering Gravel
Steppes Stones
Far Mine Rock
Volatile Granite
Last Valley Magma
Quarrystone Bolder
Temblor Quartz
Harrow Pumice
Coterie Crystal
Prairie Marble
Titan Stone
Deepstrike Soapstone
Unstable: Unstable Scarlet Gorge
Unstable: Unstable Scarlet Gorge
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Scarlet Gorge.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Scarlet Gorge. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Scarlet Gorge
A Mossy Pebble
A Wet Pebble
A Confused Pebble
Reflecting off Granitedust Falls
Dipping Below Sunrest Canyon
Illuminating the Crimson Wash
Twinkling Through the Leaves of Darkfire Grove
Congealing Into a Sphere
Constantly Boiling
Persistent Swirling
Suddenly Sublimating
Rotting Shirt Sleeve
A Haunted Dirk
Eerie Chain Link
Creepy Scribblings
Chipped Illuminated Crystal
Dead Life Crystal
Unstable Planar Crystal
Blunted Sharp Crystal
Unstable: Unstable Scarwood Reach
Unstable: Unstable Scarwood Reach
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Scarwood Reach.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Scarwood Reach. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Scarwood Reach
Badge of Maximum Notoriety
Flying Mount Training
Pick of Infinite Mining
Facial Polyps
Lung Sprouts
Underarm Toadstools
Crotch Grass
Lost Ragetide Carbuncle
Jorb’s Book of War
A Gem from Hydriss’s Amulet
Icy Chain Link
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 2
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 7
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 11
Sagespire Spells Volume II – Page 15
Death Touched Tent Peg
Death Touched Bedroll
Death Touched Candle
Death Touched Rose
Unstable: Unstable Seratos
Unstable: Unstable Seratos
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Seratos.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Seratos. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Seratos
Engorged Pus Bladder
Burst Gobbet
Oozing Discharge
Planting a World Tree
Finding a Soul-Mate
A Dreamless Night
Frozen Ripples
Grotesque Squirrel Sculpture
Hideous Cat Carving
Sickening Lamb Concept
Macabre Guinea Pig Diagram
Corpse Binding
Crypt Rat Trap
Specter Chains
Ghoul Be Gone
Toxic Lilac
Deadly Crocus
Fatal Violet
Contaminated Wisteria
Unstable: Unstable Shimmersand
Unstable: Unstable Shimmersand
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Shimmersand.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Shimmersand. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Shimmersand
A Nomad Encampment
A Distant City
A Fishing Boat
Yellow tail Feather
Green Wing Feather
Blue Head Feather
Blue Leg Feather
Branching Fulgurite
Clear Fulgurite
Sparkling Fulgurite
Amorphous Fulgurite
Frigid Smasher Fur
Tideliege Tooth
Primal Troll Tusk
Infernal Hound Paw
A Broken Spleen
A Pair of Kidneys
A Big Toe
Your Liver
Unstable: Unstable Silverwood
Unstable: Unstable Silverwood
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Silverwood.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Silverwood. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Silverwood
Under Argent Glade
Sala’s Glorious Fire Glue
Defiant Detector
Transient Silverwood Thrush
A Usual Deer
Cyril’s Cosmic Chronometer
Pipwhistle’s Perfect Powder
Palisades Passages
Stoneroot Sawdust
Clouded Eye Stalks
Guide to Realm of the Fae
Erford’s Effervescent Tonic
Independent Stable Cleaner
Silver landing Anemone
Overwatch Moth
Reloading, Recoilless Crossbow
Quicksilver Potion of Superspeed
The Slopes of Sterling Hills
Treant Mulch
Unstable: Unstable Steppes of Infinity
Unstable: Unstable Steppes of Infinity
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around the Steppes of Infinity.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Steppes. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Steppes of Infinity
Implication Calipers
Paradox Compensator
Negation Mallet
Polished Airtouched Shard
Pitted Airtouched Shard
Dull Airtouched Shard
Rough Airtouched Shard
Summoning Techniques
Dangerous Dusken Wildlife
Infinity Power Sources
Banishing Techniques
Reticulated Hagfish
Polyhedral Smelt
Parabolic Mackerel
Truncated Cod
Partially Toothed Infinity Gear
Autonomous Crystallizer
Ancient Carved Tablet
Architect Claw Saw
Unstable: Unstable Stillmoor
Unstable: Unstable Stillmoor
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Stillmoor.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Stillmoor. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Stillmoor
Tooth of Gaurath
Unstable Shard
Deathtree Bark
A Jagged Eye Fragment
A Serrated Eye Fragment
A Hot Eye Fragment
A Tiny Eye Fragment
Decaying Sentinel Incisor
Fragment of a Crypt Walker
Animated Custodian Skin
Wisp of Experimental Cadaver Hair
Blighted Polyp
Johlen’s Whetstone
A Toxic Blossom
Some Sentient Pollen
Flaming Darkfire Hoof
Charhound Fur
Enraged Flame Fingers
Eternally Hot earth
Unstable: Unstable Stonefield
Unstable: Unstable Stonefield
These Artifacts appear only briefly and unpredictably around Stonefield.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Stonefield. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Stonefield
Titan Well Copepod
Harrow Tome – Page 4
Wellworm Astringent
Elemental Tear
Last Valley Magma
Giant Cladocera
Harrow Tome – Page 7
Spirit Binding
Shimmering Mirror
Coterie Crystal
Undead Harrow Tick
Harrow Tome – Page 10
Troghair Tablets
Large Jewel Encrusted Hairgrip
Titan Stone
Dreadbone Chigger
Harrow Tome – Page 13
Stonefield Panacea
A Coin of Unknown Denomination
Unstable: Up the Proverbial River
Unstable: Up the Proverbial River
With the proximity of River of Souls it is not surprising that detritus from this horror leak into Stillmoor.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Stillmoor. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Stillmoor
Fragment of a Spirit’s Shroud
Dark Focus Slime
Tooth of Gaurath
War Drake Claw
A Flake of Golem Rust
Unstable Shard
Alsbeth’s Hair Grip
Discordant Spectral Chain
Deathtree Bark
Unstable: Vampire Creatures of Tammark
Unstable: Vampire Creatures of Tammark
When pressed vampires have been known to feed from all manner of creatures or creatures have fed on them, and on rare occasions this creates a vampire version.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Pelladane. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Pelladane
Vampire Squirrel
Vampire Mouse
Vampire Rat
Vampire Cow
Vampire Snake
Vampire Gnat
Vampire Sheep
Vampire Fox
Vampire Wombat
Vampire Dog
Vampire Hawk
Unstable: Volatile College Concoctions
Unstable: Volatile College Concoctions
These would be marvelous potions if they could be made more stable.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Silverwood. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Silverwood
Sala’s Glorious Fire Glue
Samerre’s Tincture of Inspiration
Pipwhistle’s Perfect Powder
Bedstraw’s Anti-Sheeping Salve
Erford’s Effervescent Tonic
Quicksilver Potion of Superspeed
Nox’s Noxious Cure-all
Unstable: Volatile Golem Components
Unstable: Volatile Golem Components
Some of the materials used in Golem and other Automaton construction are quite dangerous unless handled carefully.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Kingsward. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Kingsward
Temporal Gears
Automaton Binding Plasma
Empyrean Polishing Powder
Foundry Fuel
Brevanic Gear Grease
Magnatite Couplings
Undulating Gyroscope
Unstable: Wadu Wadu!
Unstable: Wadu Wadu!
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Ardent Domain. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Ardent Domain
Body Poops
Fuzzy Koot Koot
Yadda Bebe
Buboo Buboo
No No No No
Unstable: Werewolf Parts
Unstable: Werewolf Parts
You really should get these to a collector before they revert to something you would rather not have in your pocket.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Gloamwood. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Gloamwood
Digit from a Front Left Paw
A Tuft of Course Hair
Tail Tip
A Piece of Ear
Torn Silk Shirt
A Vicious Claw
Chunk of Quivering Flesh
Unstable: Yeti Children’s Toys
Unstable: Yeti Children’s Toys
As they are all made of snow and ice these toys are not suitable for use indoors.
These artifacts can be collected during Unstable Artifact zone events in Iron Pine Peak. During the event you will see the artifacts as Blue shinys on the floor. The best way to farm the rarer artifacts is by hunting the Squirrel Thief’s. You can find information about this in the Unstable Artifact guide.
Unstable Iron Pine Peak
Snow Yeti Plushy
Icicle Play Sword
Snow Ball
Frost Puzzle
Ice Pull Toy
Sleet Slip n Slide
Packed Rime Blocks
Uriel's Study Implements
Uriel's Study Implements
Gifts given by the necromancer Mulia to Uriel Chuluun to aid her in her study of death power.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarlet Gorge, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarlet Gorge, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ritual Dagger
Dissection Tools
Deadly Nightshade
The Lioness Berserker of the Wilds was infused with karmic power by Teth to be a foil for Khar, instead they became the best of friends.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Pile of Smashed Steins
Bloodstained Club
Silken Chew Toy
Secret Radiance
Lock of Tam's Hair
Usurper Esai’s Top Reasons
Usurper Esai’s Top Reasons
Usurper Esai had many reasons why he should be leader of the hive.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Planebreaker Bastion.
Devastatingly Good Looks
A Commanding Presence
Unusually Strong Mandibles
A Rock Hard Thorax
Uttilan Philosophy
Uttilan Philosophy
Two distinct factions of Uttilans arose in Vostigar Peaks with very differing views on life.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Atone for Our Sins
Revenge is Sweet
Forgiveness is Divine
Inner Peace
Manifest Rage
Vaiyuu Wool
Vaiyuu Wool
The vaiyuu are the primary pack animal of the deserts, and the Bahmi make many of their famous textiles with vaiyuu wool.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Shimmersand, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Shimmersand, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Shimmersand
Cultures of the Desert
Lavender Vaiyuu Wool
Green Vaiyuu Wool
Blue Vaiyuu Wool
Silver Vaiyuu Wool
Vestments of the Necromancer
Vestments of the Necromancer
One can only guess at what horrible and untimely end fell upon the original owner of these items.
All of these artifacts can be fished up from the waters while fishing in any of the Mathosian zones.
Tattered Cloth Robe
Dragon Ring
Dreary Insight
Not-So-Strong Strongbox
Menacing Skull Key
Grime-covered Dagger
Discarded Compendium of Demons
Volatile Chemical Ingredient List
Volatile Chemical Ingredient List
Created by Awakened natural scientists, the mixture of Volatile Chemicals are essential to Mistress Inyra’s plan.
This set can be found in the level 60 Chronicle: Hive Kaaz’Gfuu: Queen’s Gambit.
Distilled Mucasoid
Architect Pheromones
Vostigar Peaks
Vostigar Peaks
The undeniable beauty of Vostigar Peaks belies the potential danger for complete and utter destruction of this and every universe.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
All Hail Crucia
Source Infused Bark Beetle
Praetor Catulus
Vexillarii Marcia
Quantum Disentanglement
Tribuni Quietus
Ten Tickles
Periodic Upgrades
Vexillarii Vita
Negative Time
Celestial Mesosiderite
Praetor Salvius
Destroy All Ascended
Effective Spy Network
Sneak Infantry Attacks
Wanton Desires
Wanton Desires
You must possess these powerful artifacts. Though, once you have them, everyone will be trying to take them from you. In order to keep these items safe, sacrifices will have to be made, but that is a price worth paying so that you can revel in the glory of these treasures.
These artifacts drop from the bosses and trash in the Caduceus Rise dungeon. It is likely that they will only drop in expert or master mode, not in normal mode.
Chest of Dreams
Cup of Quenching
Eternal Illumination
Jewels of Final Peace
Ring of Bounty
Wanton Tribe Trophies
Wanton Tribe Trophies
The Wanton tribes take trophies from creatures who serve other dragons as symbols of Maelforge’s dominance.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Wanton Tribes
Dragon Whelp Talon
Harpy Plume
War of the Fractured Plain
War of the Fractured Plain
Artifacts of the war between the Farclan dwarves and Kelari elves of Ember Isle.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
The History of the Isle
Shredded Leather Jerkin
Dwarven Heirloom Blade
Ripped Elven Quiver
Dismantled Mine
Bearded Skull
Waterlogged Telaran Headgear
Waterlogged Telaran Headgear
There’s only one thing that can happen to a hat once it enters the Plane of Water.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Goboro Reef, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Goboro Reef, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Moist Tricorne
Wet Fedora
Drenched Fae Yule Hat
Sopping Top Hat
Dripping Beanie
Weapons of Ember Isle
Weapons of Ember Isle
A collection of high quality weapons that spans the gamut of Ember Isle inhabitants.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ember Isle, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ember Isle, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Ember Isle
Kelari Hatchet
Farclan Maul
Charred Bone Dagger
Fire Turret Barrel
Weapons of the Primalist
Weapons of the Primalist
Tools of war often used by the Primalist.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Weapons of War
Weapons of War
This books describes the projects undertaken by the army of Aedraxis Mathos that required the wood of the Scarwood.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scarwood Reach, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Scarwood Reach, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Scarwood Reach
Weapons of War - Page 2
Weapons of War - Page 3
Weapons of War - Page 4
Weapons of War - Page 5
Weapons of War - Page 6
Wedding Gifts of Shadow Scion
Wedding Gifts of Shadow Scion
The accursed apparition of Port Scion that appeared in the hills of Draumheim has thrown a party. Be sure to check the registry.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Draumheim, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Draumheim, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Draumheim Doodads
Personalities of Draumheim
Abyssal Shrimp Forks
Freeholme Townhouse
Regulos Sackcloth Napkins
Catari Blade Reforged Steak Knives
Matching Unicorn Mounts
Well Thought Out Plans of Victory
Well Thought Out Plans of Victory
Crudely drawn, and frankly ridiculous, invasion plans for all major population centers on Telara.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Droughtlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Droughtlands, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Droughtlands
Wanton Tribes
Lantern Hook: Activate Well Device
Fortune's Shore: Poker Game
Gloamwood Pines: Were-Kobolds
Meridian: Steam Tunnel Assault
Sanctum: Pretend Pilgrims
In the northern mountains of Iron Pine the town of Whitefall offers shelter from the bitter cold.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Wool Underwear
Rum Warmer
Piton Hammer
Snow Shoe
White Dragonscale
Whitefall Recruitment Letters
Whitefall Recruitment Letters
These letters have been sent to the citizens of Whitefall to recruit them into the failing numbers of the Icewatch.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Iron Pine Peak, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Iron Pine Peak, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Artifacts of Iron Pine Peak
Storms of the North
Letter to Patrick Thorntaun
Letter to Rikkard Wridings
Letter to Yvora
Letter to Dar-ves
Letter to Oldont
Wicked Wonders
Wicked Wonders
Found Adventuring in Gloamwood
These artifacts can be found while in Instant Adventure groups in Gloamwood. During the adventure, a special mob called ‘Rhaskan’ will spawn that will drop the artifact. This happens super rarely.
You could try to farm them by setting up a target macro for the mob and then joing IA randomly to see if it is the right zone.
You can queue specifically for Gloamwood IA during the Autumn Harvest world event. This is a great time to attempt to farm these artifacts!
Crimson Ceremonial Candle
Jade Ceremonial Candle
Violet Ceremonial Candle
Wild Boar Study for the PRI
Wild Boar Study for the PRI
Gather components from Wild Boars to help the PRI in it’s studies.
This set was available during an old Promo event called ‘Razorback Round-Up’.
There is now no way to get them in game except by buying with credits.
There are no cheevos or special reward for completing this set, so it’s not worth spending credits on!
Wild Boar Eye
Wild Boar Tusk
Wild Boar Pelt
Wild Boar Jawbone
Wind Cohort
Wind Cohort
Some key players and tactics of the Wind Cohort.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Vostigar Peaks, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Mana From Heaven
Crucia’s Crew
Tribuni Barbatus
Vexillarii Lucius
Effective Spy Network
Sneak Infantry Attacks
Artful Deception
Windriders of Brevane
Windriders of Brevane
Usually passive creatures then Windriders can be quite formidable if provoked.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in The Dendrome, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in The Dendrome, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Dendrome Ditties
Flora and Fauna
Sanguine Windrider's Tooth
Gliding Windrider's Scale
Serene Windrider's Eye
Aggressive Windrider’s Claw
Tranquil Windrider's Tail
Witch’s Brew
Witch’s Brew
Whatever this makes it is sure to be nasty.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ardent Domain, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ardent Domain, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ardent Collector
Toxic Nightshade
Terrormaw's Gallbladder
Troll’s Tongue
The Town of Woe has always been a source of crime and banditry.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Magpie Insignia
Raz'dara Replica
Beagle Bar Shot Glass
Stolen Statue
Stuffed Babarro Doll
Bottle of Questionable Schnapps
Woltan, the Great Necromancer
Woltan, the Great Necromancer
Little is known about the one known as the Great Necromancer. Woltan kept most of his discoveries to himself as he vanished, but there should be a way to find his laboratory.
These artifacts could be earned during the Battle Pass Season 5 event.
You can also buy the artifacts from Huckster Ratioskr in Tempest Bay, using the Battle Pass currency ‘Expertise Shard’.
The artifacts are tradeable, so you may be able to find another player with left over shards to buy them for you.
Embalming Ointment
Bone Tools
Fibula Fragment
Splintered Ulna
Cursed Carpal Bone
Rotten Radius
Necromancer Amulet
Necromancer Cranium
Wyrd Hut
Wyrd Hut
The Wyrd Hut was grown with the blood of Xarth as a place of power on the ley lines of the fae.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Scatherran Forest, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Behind Every Tree, Under Every Bush
Shiny Collecting Unscathed
Empowered Madstone
Nightly Sacrifice
Duel Standing Stones
Bone Frame
Xarth Mire
Xarth Mire
Marshlands perform a vital role in any ecosystem by filtering the water, providing a habitat to many species, and acting as a reservoir for the evil that we dare not speak about.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
First Spawned Offering
Isla Histoplasma
Ipiyon Spider Tamer
The Ball and the Bloat Spider
A Forgetful Frogue
Spurious Serpent
Forged Centipede
Chocolate Ice Cream
Aggravating Reed
Finely Crafted Horn Chains
Golden Horn Cap
Sacrificial Victim
Bogling Diction Syndrome
Garden Fertilizer
Gargantuan Bullhead
Gnashing Gar
Putrescent Stench
Xarth Mire Effluvium
Xarth Mire Effluvium
Awful doesn’t begin to describe some of the smells in and around Xarth Mire.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Swamp Searching
Gangrenous Vapor
Sulfurous Reek
Putrescent Stench
Noisome Fetor
Malodorous Whiff
Xarth Swamp Grass
Xarth Swamp Grass
You could spend a lifetime cataloging the different grasses in Xarth Mire; this is primarily due to the life expectancy here being very low.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Xarth Mire, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Xarth More
Swamp Searching
Biting Fescue
Stinging Millet
Caustic Oat-Grass
Strangle Thorn Grass
Aggravating Reed
Yaret Ajek
Yaret Ajek
Yaret is something of a self described archeologist and has spent many years studying the ruins of Ashora in his quest to preserve something of the ancient Brevanic cultures.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Ashora, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Ashora, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Ashora Historian
Collection Jars
Excavation Tools
Ancient Scrolls
Yaret's Medicine Bag
Yngvarr’s Feather Collection
Yngvarr’s Feather Collection
If you tell anyone of Yngvarr’s collection he will have you killed.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Gedlo Badlands, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You cannot fish up these artifacts.
Ged All The Things
Light Fluffy Feather
Long Colorful Feather
Incredibly Tiny Feather
Iridescent Feather
Unknown Tail Feather
Unnaturally Long Feather
Purple Feather
Zal Shulam
Zal Shulam
The Vulcanist of Ovog was the most powerful primalists of her generation, whose temper was as fiery as her evocations.
These artifacts can be looted from the ground while in Planetouched Wilds, they will appear as normal white sparkles, with no need for any buffs to see them. You can also fish them up from the waters in Planetouched Wilds, using lures to increase your chances and give you a greater chance of fishing up blues.
Planetouched Shinys
Pouch of Hexes
Map of Hideouts
Beacon of the Drake BBQ Tongs
Disguising Cultist Mask
Keeper Shadow Puppet