Artifact Set Database

There are a total of 1690 Artifact Sets to collect.
Within these sets you will find 12042 Artifacts!

All the sets can be found in specific locations. Some sets are found in the open world, while others are in instances. Some sets can only be collected during limited time events.

Below you will find the Artifact Set Database. This lists every artifact set and tells you where to farm for them.
A lot of the sets can also be farmed for passively, looted from caches etc. These methods are explained below the database.

Fun Stats!

The smallest sets have only 2 artifacts.
The largest sets have 32 artifacts!
There are no sets with 1, 21 or 29 artifacts.

The most common amount of artifacts in a set is 6, with 5 coming in a close second!

The single zone with the most amount of Artifacts is Planetouched Wilds, with 21 each of the PBNs, 29 Twisted, 26 Normals, and 8 Bounty sets. Making a total of 126 sets that can only be found in Planetouched Wilds!

1458 out of 1690 sets have White artifacts in them.
1375 out of 1690 sets have Green artifacts in them.
1211 out of 1690 sets have Blue artifacts in them.
667 out of 1690 sets have Purple artifacts in them.
196 out of 1690 sets have Orange artifacts in them.

Sources of Artifacts

Hunting in the World

One of the main sources of artifacts is picking them up from the floor! Artifacts can be found in all of the open world zones.
Artifacts can be found on the paths and in open areas, but are more likely to be found hidden behind rocks or trees, or tucked away in little corners. Because of this, most players prefer to hunt with a tracking vial active.

A tracking vial will place a white diamond on your mini map to show you where the artifacts are, much the same as tracking wood or ores. All artifacts types will show up as a white diamond. You can hover over the diamond to see which type of artifact it is, but this is sometimes not accurate due to many spots containing multiple artifact types.

Mathosia Zones
Scarlet GorgeYesYesYesYes
Scarwood ReachYesYesYesYes
Iron Pine PeakYesYesYesYes
Ember IsleYesYesYesYes
Storm Legion Zones
Cape JuleYesYesYesYes
City CoreYesYesYesYes
Eastern HoldingsYesYesYesYes
Ardent DomainYesYesYesYes
The DendromeYesYesYesYes
Nightmare Tide Zones
Goboro ReefYesYes
Tarken GlacierYesYes
Planetouched WildsYesYesYesYes
Prophecy of Ahnket Zones
Scatherran ForestYes
Gedlo BadlandsYes
Xarth MireYes
Vostigar PeaksYes

Opie's Artifact Stashes

Opie’s Artifact Stashes are the very best way to fill out those last missing epics/relics.
When you open a stash, it will look at your collection and try to give you artifacts that you actually need. It is best to relog between opening multiple stashes, to ensure the database has updated properly each time.
This is the only source that actively tries to give you an artifact you need, making Opie’s Artifact Stashes the most precious of precious things. Save them in your bags until you are really ready to use them.
Generally, a player should start opening up the Green and Blue stashes when they hit around 1000 completed sets. The Purple and Orange stashes should be saved until you have at least 1300 sets completed.

Common Opie's Artifact Stash

You will receive one of these from the Daily Rewards Calendar on the 3rd day of log in.
They can also be looted from Supply Crates.

Mostly normal zone artifacts, and twisted zone artifacts. Can also contain trophy fish and other fished up artifacts.

Rare Opie's Artifact Stash

You will receive one of these from the Daily Rewards Calendar on the 10th day of log in.
They can also be looted from Supply Crates.

Rarer zone artifacts, rarer twisted artifacts, common unstables, and planar artifacts.

Epic Opie's Artifact Stash

You will receive one of these from the Daily Rewards Calendar on the 17th day of log in.
They can also be looted from Supply Crates.

Common PBN artifacts, dungeon artifacts, rarer unstables, and the very rarest zone and twisted artifacts.

Relic Opie's Artifact Stash

These can be looted from Supply Crates.

Super rare bounties, including PVP ones. Epic Unstables, Epic PBN, and super rares of all previous artifacts.

Other Artifact Sources

Daily/Weekly Log In Gift

Every day when you log in there is a Daily Log In Reward available for you to collect from the Rift Store. This reward will contain an artifact! The artifacts are heavily weighed towards super common Normal or Twisted artifacts. Occasionally you may get a rarer blue, but it is unlikely you will ever get anything super rare.
Feel free to open these up as soon as you get them.


Artifact Minion missions are great for a nice passive source of artifacts. The 8 hour missions will often give rarer blues and even a few purples.
The 4 hour missions that get a great score will regularly bring back purple unstables and bounties, helping you fill out those sets.
Use attractor minion cards on 1 minute missions to attract as many artifact missions as possible before you send out a batch of 4 hour missions.
Minions that can attract Artifact Missions are: Opie, Jineth, Doreen, and Archaeologist Herim.


There are some fishing artifact sets that can only be found in the water. You will need to fish for these, or hope that you loot them from caches.
Most of the Normal and Twisted zone sets can also be fished up from the water in the zone. This is true for Mathosia, Storm Legion and NMT zones, but not for PoA zones. In PoA zones you can only fish up artifacts from the specific fishing sets.
It is best to use artifact lures on your pole while fishing for artifacts.

Little Shiny Pet

The pet that poops artifacts! A wonderful idea for sure, but unfortunately the poop is mostly very common artifacts that are just for breaking into ribbons.

Artifact Pinatas (Autumn Harvest)

These are rewarded by a daily quest during the Autumn Harvest world event. Some players may hold get togethers and pop many pinatas in a row, giving players free artifacts.
The artifacts that drop are heavily weighed towards the most common varieties, though you may get lucky and score a rarer blue every so often.

Auction House

You can search for artifacts that other players are selling in the auction house. 
For a general search, go into the auction house and click the Artifacts tab then tick the ‘Usable Only’ check box at the top of the window and hit search. This will bring up a list of every artifact that you need that is for sale.

A Note about Dimension Artifacts

You can buy artifacts to place in your dimension from the Rift Store (Credits Only). They look just like normal white artifact spawns.
Once placed, these artifacts can be picked up by any player visiting your dimension. They are NOT actual artifacts, the player will not loot anything, instead they will gain a stacking buff that counts how many artifacts they have picked up.
Players have used these artifacts for competitions, to see which player can pick up the most, or for just a bit of fun.
When the player with the buff leaves your dimension, the artifacts they pick up will respawn where they were and be pickable again by other players. This means you can use them again and again, changing their positions and challenging players to find them!

Buying Artifacts With Credits

In the artifact UI there is the option to buy missing artifacts directly with credits. The cost of this varies greatly, depending on various factors including; The set type, The amount of artifacts left to collect, The rarity of the missing artifacts.
There are a few unobtainable sets that can only be completed by spending credits in this way. Cadrift does NOT recommend this.. just leave them incomplete!
If you do choose to buy an artifact, then it will be helpful to know that once you click the button the missing artifact you get is random, and it will go straight into the set, it doesn’t go into your bags first, so you will be unable to trade it.