Hunting in Mathosia and Planetouched Wilds
Respawn timers for each group are separate
Level 19
Sets that are completed here:
Bounty: Crab
Bounty: Deer
Bounty: Faerie
Bounty: Fox
Bounty: Frog
Bounty: Goblin
Bounty: Hag
Bounty: Horse
Bounty: Lizard
Bounty: Owl
Bounty: Rat
Bounty: Satyr
Bounty: Squirrel
Bounty: Treant
Bounty: Wolf
Level 27
Sets that are completed here:
Bounty: Ant
Bounty: Basilisk
Bounty: Bat
Bounty: Bloodstrutter
Bounty: Bunny
Bounty: Cattle
Bounty: Cockatrice
Bounty: Corpse Candle
Bounty: Forest Troll
Bounty: Kobold
Bounty: Manticore
Bounty: Mountain Troll
Bounty: Roc
Bounty: Snake
Bounty: Werewolf
Level 30
Sets that are completed here:
Bounty: Gargoyle
Bounty: Gnar
Bounty: Golem
Bounty: Gravemaker
Bounty: Fire Elemental
Bounty: Flying Serpent
Bounty: Scarab
Bounty: Scorpion
Bounty: Tarrasque
Bounty: True Titan
Bounty: Troglodyte
Bounty: Umbral
Bounty: Vampire
Bounty: Vespid
Bounty: Vhar
Level 35a
Sets that are completed here:
Bounty: Arcane Construct
Bounty: Badger
Bounty: Diamond Golem
Bounty: Drake
Bounty: Fleshly Undead
Bounty: Ghost
Bounty: Hunting Cat
Bounty: Lorn
Bounty: Mistwalker
Bounty: Naga
Bounty: Oreling
Bounty: Razorbeast
Bounty: Siltreaver
Bounty: Water Elemental
Bounty: Will-o-wisp
Level 35b
Sets that are completed here:
Bounty: Air Elemental
Bounty: Anubian
Bounty: Barghest
Bounty: Earth Elemental
Bounty: Flesh Golem
Bounty: Harpy
Bounty: Hill Giant
Bounty: Iron Golem
Bounty: Lodebrink
Bounty: Ram
Bounty: Seacap
Bounty: Shambler
Bounty: Skeleton
Bounty: Sobek
Bounty: Spider
Level 50
Sets that are completed here:
Bounty: Bogling
Bounty: Centaur
Bounty: Cephalon
Bounty: Cyclops
Bounty: Demon
Bounty: Devil
Bounty: Dragon Whelp
Bounty: Dragonian
Level 65
Sets that are completed here:
Bounty: Yeti
Bounty: Prairie dog
Bounty: Golden Maw
Bounty: Verdain
Bounty: Bandit
Bounty: Dwarf
Bounty: Ettin
Bounty: Chimera
Freemarch and Silverwood
Level 19 Locations
Your Hunting Macro
targetexact Beatrice
targetexact Bloody Fang
targetexact Feol
targetexact Gnawer
targetexact Grakuul
targetexact Kelo
targetexact Oolo
targetexact Retorius
targetexact Reziar
targetexact Squidget
targetexact The Claw
targetexact The Ravenous Desolator
targetexact The Seductress
targetexact Tod
targetexact Yenuo
There are 15 types of bounty Mobs in Freemarch and Silverwood, each drops its own set of Bounty Artifacts. Any of the Mobs can spawn randomly in any of the 8 locations listed.
The best way to hunt is to simply check each location in order over and over again, killing every Bounty mob you find until you complete all 15 sets. Try to hunt during off-peak times and leave a good few hours (preferably a whole day) between each hunt.
All of the level 19 mobs are easy to solo kill while mentored to 26.
Smith’s Haven
/setwaypoint 7203 5199
Near the skeletons having a meeting.
The Iron Fortress
/setwaypoint 6946 5412
In the central square
Scarred Mire
/setwaypoint 6585 5446
To the west of the statue.
/setwaypoint 5937 5757
Around the wishing well and burnt out buildings.
Silverwood – Mirror of Ages
/setwaypoint 5857 2869
In the clearing.
/setwaypoint 6180 2550
Around the bottom of the tower.
Hedgerow Court
/setwaypoint 6587 2534
Walks through the hedges but not too far.
Overwatch Keep
/setwaypoint 6481 3050
On/near the pathway.
Stonefield and Gloamwood
Level 27 Locations
Your Hunting Macro
targetexact Bessie
targetexact Deathlight
targetexact Eialos
targetexact Eye Gouger
target Fluffy
targetexact Gore Ripper
targetexact Grunk
targetexact Harbinger of Regulos
targetexact Ieasis
targetexact Packmaster Vrexis
targetexact Queen Ia
targetexact Skyslayer
targetexact Stonegaze
targetexact Tewop
targetexact Yedisth
There are 15 types of bounty Mobs in Stonefield and Gloamwood, each drops its own set of Bounty Artifacts. Any of the Mobs can spawn randomly in any of the 8 locations listed. The best way to hunt is to simply check each location in order over and over again, killing every Bounty mob you find until you complete all 15 sets. Try to hunt during off-peak times and leave a good few hours (preferably a whole day) between each hunt.
Most of the level 27 mobs are easy to solo kill while mentored to 34.
Fluffy and Harbinger of Regulos are both super hard to kill! You can bring an unmentored friend to kill it for you, be sure that the mentored player hits the bounty first so you get loot.
Eialos does OP melee damage but not a lot of ranged damage, so kite when soloing or just bring a friend to help.
Stonefield Prairie
/setwaypoint 5292 4950
Among the Rams and Grazers.
Deepstrike Excavation
/setwaypoint 4882 5297
Around the two huts.
The Last Valley
/setwaypoint 3963 5618
Around the lava pool.
Millrush Pond
/setwaypoint 4498 2797
Near the entrance to the cave.
Shadefallen Keep
/setwaypoint 4619 2435
In the top area.
Standing Stones
/setwaypoint 4965 2703
Inside the circle of stones.
Darkening Deeps
/setwaypoint 4983 2212
Inside the spider cave.
Scarlet Gorge
Level 30 Locations
Your Hunting Macro
targetexact Baroness Maelifica
targetexact Carrion
targetexact Char
targetexact Drone 576
targetexact King Ruioa
targetexact Ojin’ali
targetexact Qialis
targetexact Rifak
targetexact Rot Claw
targetexact Sand Stalker
targetexact Serial Number 532
targetexact Ternios
targetexact The Soul of Darkness
targetexact Uilis
targetexact Windscale
You may need to delete and retype the apostrophes [ ‘ ] while in the macro UI as they dont copy/paste very well.
There are 15 types of bounty Mobs in Scarlet Gorge, each drops its own set of Bounty Artifacts. Any of the Mobs can spawn randomly in any of the 8 locations listed. The best way to hunt is to simply check each location in order over and over again, killing every Bounty mob you find until you complete all 15 sets. Try to hunt during off-peak times and leave a good few hours (preferably a whole day) between each hunt.
All of the level 30 mobs are easy to solo kill while mentored to 37.
Scarlet Gorge
1 – /setwaypoint 3903 2718
2 – /setwaypoint 3800 2798
3 – /setwaypoint 4765 3675
4 – /setwaypoint 4418 4132
5 – /setwaypoint 4114 4262
6 – /setwaypoint 4695 4195
7 – /setwaypoint 4608 4614
8 – /setwaypoint 4328 4912
Ternios the gravemaker is a worm hidden underground. The target macro will not target him. You will be able to see his tag floating above the ground. Hit him and pull him up to be killed.

/setwaypoint 3903 2718
At the base of the cliff near the cave entrance.
/setwaypoint 3800 2798
In the water.
Darkfire Grove
/setwaypoint 4765 3675
Surrounded by cobwebs!
Frayworn Rock
/setwaypoint 4418 4132
On the large ledge.
Frayworn Rock
/setwaypoint 4114 4262
In the large cave, entrance at /setwaypoint 4297 4302
Ironroot Draw
/setwaypoint 4695 4195
Up on the ramp.
Old Mule Run
/setwaypoint 4608 4614
On the slope on the side of the cliff.
Sunrest Canyon
/setwaypoint 4328 4912
At the very end of the river.
Scarwood Reach
Level 35a Locations
Your Hunting Macro
targetexact Akimo
targetexact Belrat the Bloodcloud
targetexact Ganel
targetexact Gha’unta
targetexact Globulous
targetexact Ightild
targetexact Inatai the Unliving
targetexact Model 35L
targetexact Nus
targetexact Rhuardar, Scourge of Scarwood
targetexact Ril’ash the Chained
targetexact Rynnysa
targetexact Tas’toni
targetexact The Walker
targetexact Umcha the Claw
You may need to delete and retype the apostrophes [ ‘ ] while in the macro UI as they dont copy/paste very well.
There are 15 types of bounty Mobs in Scarwood Reach, each drops its own set of Bounty Artifacts. Any of the Mobs can spawn randomly in any of the 8 locations listed. The best way to hunt is to simply check each location in order over and over again, killing every Bounty mob you find until you complete all 15 sets. Try to hunt during off-peak times and leave a good few hours (preferably a whole day) between each hunt.
All of the level 35 mobs are easy to solo kill while mentored to 42.
Shatterbone Canyon
/setwaypoint 2780 3295
On the slope near the water.
Granitewood Haunt
/setwaypoint 3143 4178
In the clearing.
Lotham’s Strike
/setwaypoint 3451 4788
In the forest.
Granitewood Crossing
/setwaypoint 3866 4776
Under the broken platform.
Iron Fall
/setwaypoint 3963 4353
In the clearing near the tents.
Keenblade Mill
/setwaypoint 3844 4020
In the lake.
Howling Plateau
/setwaypoint 3895 3659
On the slope.
Howling Plateau
/setwaypoint 3675 3490
Near the Guardian base.
Moonshade, Iron Pine Peaks and Droughtlands
Level 35b Locations
Your Hunting Macro
targetexact Amalgam
targetexact Deathweaver
targetexact Ferrite
targetexact Flamewake
targetexact Gedal
targetexact Hulonk
targetexact Isanga
targetexact Mk VIIX A v2.0
targetexact Moldermound
targetexact Render, Hound of Death
targetexact Renih
targetexact Sapiheci
targetexact Soulquake
targetexact The Executioner
targetexact Waveracer
There are 15 types of bounty Mobs in Moonshade, Iron Pine Peaks and Droughtlands, each drops its own set of Bounty Artifacts. Any of the Mobs can spawn randomly in any of the 8 locations listed. The best way to hunt is to simply check each location in order over and over again, killing every Bounty mob you find until you complete all 15 sets. Try to hunt during off-peak times and leave a good few hours (preferably a whole day) between each hunt.
All of the level 35 mobs are easy to solo kill while mentored to 42.
Grey Gardens
/setwaypoint 6226 1396
Around the entrance to Runic Descent.
/setwaypoint 5653 1668
Up the hill from the settlement.
Mage’s Mark
/setwaypoint 3921 1775
Near the frozen river.
Kestrel’s Cry Ravine
/setwaypoint 3248 2229
In the clearing.
Blood Iron Pools
/setwaypoint 2995 1608
Towards the back of the cave, entrance at /setwaypoint 3053 1709
/setwaypoint 8942 6878
At the top of the stairs/buildings.
Splitmouth Ponds
/setwaypoint 8330 7381
Around the Pools, recommend you kill the surrounding mobs before mentoring down to kill the bounty.
Harlan’s Lament
/setwaypoint 7995 6871
On the top platform. You need to go up at least halfway to be able to target the mob, using the macro from the ground wont work.
Shimmersand, Stillmoor and Ember Isle
Level 50 Locations
Your Hunting Macro
targetexact Ackttan
targetexact En-Emrak
targetexact Isyer the Burning
target Mos’osy
targetexact Quaetad
targetexact Urnkalit
targetexact Urntny the Soul Cleaver
targetexact Zujane
You may need to delete and retype the apostrophes [ ‘ ] while in the macro UI as they dont copy/paste very well.
There are 8 types of bounty Mobs in Shimmersand, Stillmoor and Ember Isle, each drops its own set of Bounty Artifacts. Any of the Mobs can spawn randomly in any of the 8 locations listed. The best way to hunt is to simply check each location in order over and over again, killing every Bounty mob you find until you complete all 8 sets. Try to hunt during off-peak times and leave a good few hours (preferably a whole day) between each hunt.
All of the level 50 mobs are easy to solo kill while mentored to 57.
Flamespawn Crater
/setwaypoint 5431 7504
In the small encampment.
Stone Nexus
/setwaypoint 4975 6019
On the slope.
The Endless Citadel
/setwaypoint 1136 2462
In the central square.
Eye of Regulos
/setwaypoint 1844 2615
In the middle of the eye, where the rift is.
Temple of Marakris
/setwaypoint 14392 3998
On the waters edge.
Gilded Strand
/setwaypoint 14233 3079
On the shoreline.
Fractured Plain
/setwaypoint 13371 3260
Around the lava pool just under the onslaught location.
Dormant Core
/setwaypoint 12903 3454
In the water at the bottom.
Planetouched Wilds
Level 65 Locations
Sets that are completed here:
Bounty: Yeti – Thalian
Bounty: Prairie dog – Thalian
Bounty: Golden Maw – Thalian
Bounty: Verdain – Thalian
Bounty: Bandit – Canis
Bounty: Dwarf – Canis
Bounty: Ettin – Canis
Bounty: Chimera – Canis
Your Hunting Macro
targetexact Thalian
targetexact Canis
There are 2 types of bounty Mobs in Planetouched Wilds, each drops a random artifact from one of 4 sets of Bounty Artifacts.
Planetouched wilds Bounties don’t stand still in one spot like the other Bounties do. Instead, a Bounty mob will spawn and then start walking all the roads, at each intersection they will randomly choose a direction to go, including back where they came from. This means that there is no way to predict where a mob will be, you just have to run along each road using the target macro til you find one.
All of the level 65 mobs are easy to solo kill while at level 70. The mobs are in a level 65 zone, but are actually level 67 elite mobs.
Both mobs will stun/silence you, be sure to have break free (or other cleanse) ready on your bar.
There are two ‘resting locations where a mob may stop for a long time (hours) these are both just outside of Khort, check these two locations first.
You should then explore each roadway and if you get close to a Most Wanted mob they will unstealth so you can see them. The mobs walk very slowly, even slower than ‘walking speed’, so as you travel down a road, if there is a bounty on it then you will eventually catch up with it and find it.
Sometimes you can hunt for hours without finding one, they really are very difficult to find! Be sure to check the two static spots at least every hour.
I found a bounty mob and followed him for 2 hours, this is the red line you see on the map.
I have marked the two locations in Khort (blue dots) where you should check, you can also see a red line between those two locations, where I have seen a bounty mob walk from the first spot to the second.
This doesn’t mean they don’t spawn on the other paths, just that I haven’t seen them there myself (yet).
Sometimes a Bounty will reach an intersection and then circle for a while before deciding which direction to go, I have highlighted in orange where I have seen them do this.
Bounties walk along the middle of the road. They can go on dirt roads, brick roads and the broken roads. They also go through the tunnels under the land.