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Summerfest Pinatas Finding Pinatas Mentoring + Farming Pinatas + Etiquette
Artifact Sets and Rewards Pet Hunting
Summerfest Pinatas
Pinatas to punch to loot shiny artifacts!
Summerfest Pinatas are only available during the Summerfest World event.
The Pinatas are a lot like the ones from the Shiny Shenanigans mini-event, however the artifacts they drop are completely different.
The artifacts from the summerfest pinatas all go towards a cheevo, Pinata Puncher..
Pinata Puncher

The reward for this cheevo is the LITTLE SHINY companion pet

You will also acquire the title Pinata Puncher
To complete the artifact sets you need to hunt pinatas which are scattered around the zones. The pinatas drop artifacts from the Summerfest artifact sets.
Completing each of the sets will give you a different coloured artifact pinata dimension item (see below)
Completing all the sets will give you the cheevo which rewards the Little Shiny companion pet.
The Little Shiny companion pet is a very special pet because it drops (poops) artifacts!
Any level player can participate, the pinatas appear in all zones. You need to mentor down or up to within 7 levels of the pinata in order to get loot from them.
TIP: Pinatas count as footholds, so if you have a quest or weapon upgrade that requires killing footholds, this is a good time to do it!
Finding Pinatas
Pinatas can be found in every zone, there are 15 spawn points in each zone and up to 5 pinatas should be up at all times in each zone, the only exception being tyrants throne, as this is such a small zone only 3 pinatas will be up at a time.
Porting to any zone in the game and opening up your map [M] will show you where the pinatas are.

These little party balloons on the map are locations of pinatas.
When you get to the location, you will find an artifact pinata!
During busy times when everyone is farming (when the event has just started and during normal peak playtimes), you may only see 1 or 2 pinatas on the map, maybe even none! You will need to wait for them to respawn, switch shard or try a different zone.
The artifact pinata will change colour as you DPS it down, the colour of the pinata when it dies/pops will determine the type of artifacts that the pinata drops..
White = Normal
Red = Twisted
Blue = Unstable
Green = Poison
Orange = Burning
Purple = Nightmare

The pinata will randomly switch between these colours, so if you are after a specific type you will need to DPS the pinata down to about 5% and then wait til its on the right colour before you then kill it.
Once the pinata is destroyed it will drop artifacts in the area around it..

You will have around 20 seconds to pick up as many artifacts as you can.
You will also receive one artifact in your rift loot bag so make sure to collect that too.
Mentoring + Farming Pinatas + Etiquette
To destroy a pinata and RECEIVE LOOT, you must be mentored to the level of that pinata. The general rule of thumb is to be within 7 levels of the pinata.. of course most peeps will choose to be 7 level above the pinata rather than 7 levels below 🙂
So if you go to Stillmoor and want to kill level 50 pinatas there, you will want to be level 57 or below. HOWEVER – in Stillmoor, and many other zones, there will be different level pinatas, in Stillmoor for instance, the pinatas to the west will all be level 50, whereas the pinatas in the east are likely to be level 49.. killing a level 49 pinata while mentored to level 57 will NOT give you loot, you would need to mentor down again to level 56. so be aware when running across zones, check the pinatas level each time and be sure you are mentored correctly before going for the kill.

To mentor down,right click your character portrait and select ‘set ascended mentor level’.

You will then be able to choose to mentor to whatever level you want.
This will allow you to farm pinatas in any zone you want to, from Freemarch to Vostigar Peaks.
For more information on mentoring please see the mentoring guide.
Farming Pinatas
Summerfest Pinatas are only up during Summerfest, they are the only way to obtain the Summerfest artifacts. If you want to finish all the sets and claim the little shiny pet reward, you will need to farm the pinatas hard when they are up.
Finishing the sets is dependent on the relic artifacts dropping for you. In the Shiny Shenanigans event these are super rare, for the summerfest artifacts they are easier to find, though still rare, remember you can trade with friends or use the Auction House to finish sets.
To finish the sets you will need to keep an eye on which artifacts you still need and only kill the pinatas when it is the correct colour before you kill it.
If you need to finish the nightmare set for example the you will need to pop pinatas when they are purple, a green pinata will work towards the poison set, blue pinatas for the unstable set etc.
This means you will need to bring the pinata to between 5% and 10% HP and then WAIT for the pinata to turn the correct colour.
Due to different lighting effects or graphics settings it can sometimes be hard to see the exact colour of the pinata, you can hover over the pinatas buff to double check before you kill.

Are you in a good zone?
With many different zones to choose from, I find it is better to farm in ‘end game’ zones. Meaning the zones at the end of each expansion. These are, Shimmersand, Stillmoor and Ember Isle. Ashora, Steppes and Dendrome. Tarken Glacier, Planetouched Wilds and Tyrants Throne. These zones will generally give you the maximum DPS while mentoring.
Are you switching shard?
Once you have destroyed the artifact pinata on one shard, switch shard and there is a good chance there will be another one up in the same place, work your way up the list of shards til you are back where you started, then move to another location and repeat.
Do you have enough bag space?
You be be picking up loads of artifacts! There are 90 unique artifacts in all the sets, so if you have only 20 bag slots empty they will fill up very quickly and you will end up constantly having to clear out your bags. I found it much easier to use an alt for the farm, stocking up all the artifacts in their bags and then shipping them off to my main every few hours (or just when I happen to have found an epic/relic).
Picking up artifacts..
Firstly, ensure that you have killed all the mobs in the area before you kill your pinata. A lot of pinatas are in out of the way locations with no mobs, but some have mobs right next to them! If you agro these mobs while picking up artifacts it will interrupt you and you wont be able to pick up any more, so kill the mobs first!
Secondly, position yourself a small distance away from the pinata to hopefully plant yourself in easy reach of at least 3 artifacts when they spawn. After destroying a few pinatas you will soon get used to the correct distance.
When farming in a group..
For 2 players, stand at opposite sides of the pinata so you don’t end up trying to pick up the same artifacts, groups of 3 should form a triangle around the pinata, groups of 4 a square.
A lot of players will be farming the pinatas all at once, it is a much more pleasant experience if players are kind to each other!
If you approach a pinata and someone is already attacking it, there is no problem at all with you joining in, however, position yourself opposite to the other player, so you don’t end up trying to pick the same artifacts, groups of 3 players should aim for a triangle formation, groups of 4 a square, 5 and above, an equally spaced circle. SLOW YOUR DPS while everyone adjusts position.
If you approach a pinata and it is on less than 10% with a player not DPSING it is likely that they are waiting for a specific colour to pop before the kill.. as they were there first it is their choice of colour. The simplest thing to do is to right click the pinata to auto attack it once for kill credit, then turn around and dont DPS, watch the colour changes and when the other player starts DPSING you can join in again for the kill.
If you are DPSING a pinata and can see another player approaching, slow your DPS til the other player gets there and you have positioned yourselves then kill it together for loot.
Unmentored players coming to your pinatas and one shotting them are super annoying. Its a pointless exercise as they wont get any loot from it! It is highly likely that they don’t know how to mentor or that they should! Try to explain kindly in whispers how to mentor, or simply link them this website.
Artifact Sets and Rewards

You can see all the artifacts and rewards in your character screen.
Open up your character screen and select artifacts in the left menu.
Type ‘Summerfest’ in the search bar.
Ensure the drop down menu in the top right is selected to ‘all’ then click search.
There are 7 artifact sets available to collect.
The search will also bring back 2 other summerfest artifact sets..
Summerfest Party Punch: Looted from the summerfest party baskets.
Summerfest Campout Momentos: Looted from the Stillmoor Hunt 2 quest.
You wont get these artifacts from the pinatas.

Summerfest: Poison: Summer Yummies
REWARD: Green Artifact Pinata – Dimension Item
15 artifacts in set including..
5 whites/common
4 greens/uncommon
3 blues/rare
2 purples/epic
1 oranges/relic
To make these artifacts drop, pop the pinata when it is green.

Summerfest: Twisted: Ali's Backroom Products
REWARD: Red Artifact Pinata – Dimension Item
15 artifacts in set including..
5 whites/common
4 greens/uncommon
3 blues/rare
2 purples/epic
1 oranges/relic
To make these artifacts drop, pop the pinata when it is red.

Summerfest: Unstable: Orphiel's Near Successes
REWARD: Blue Artifact Pinata – Dimension Item
15 artifacts in set including..
5 whites/common
4 greens/uncommon
3 blues/rare
2 purples/epic
1 oranges/relic
To make these artifacts drop, pop the pinata when it is blue.

Summerfest: Burning: Burn!
REWARD: Orange Artifact Pinata – Dimension Item
15 artifacts in set including..
5 whites/common
4 greens/uncommon
3 blues/rare
2 purples/epic
1 oranges/relic
To make these artifacts drop, pop the pinata when it is orange.

Summerfest: Surf's Up
REWARD: White Artifact Pinata – Dimension Item
15 artifacts in set including..
5 whites/common
4 greens/uncommon
3 blues/rare
2 purples/epic
1 oranges/relic
To make these artifacts drop, pop the pinata when it is white.

Summerfest: Nightmare: Summer Games?
REWARD: Purple Artifact Pinata – Dimension Item
15 artifacts in set including..
5 whites/common
4 greens/uncommon
3 blues/rare
2 purples/epic
1 oranges/relic
To make these artifacts drop, pop the pinata when it is purple.

Summerfest: Summerfest - The Mixed Set
REWARD: Rainbow Artifact Pinata – Dimension Item
24 artifacts in set including..
6 whites/common
6 greens/uncommon
6 blues/rare
4 purples/epic
2 oranges/relic
This set is made of duplicate artifacts from all the other sets.
To make these artifacts drop, you will need to pop the pinata when it is at all the different colours til you have collected them all.
I highly recommend you try to finish this set first!

Pet Hunting
Pets to catch in the Mathosian lands.
The guide that was on the Rift Forums was archived, but the pictures in the guide were not archived, and the waypoints were on the pictures!
I have recreated the guide as best as I can, and have listed all the waypoints that I could find.
I have never hunted for these pets before as they were always available from the 4 hour minion missions. I spent quite a few hours during the 2022 Summerfest trying to find these pets, but didn’t find any! Unfortunately I didn’t have a lot of time to give this, I will try to complete this guide next year.
In each of the Mathosian zones is a pet running around that you can capture and keep as a companion pet.
The pets spawn in small areas within each zone, you can use a target macro to help you find them. Sometimes the name of the animal that you need to catch is different to the final name of the companion.
The pets run around the small area, the waypoints are a guide for where the area is, not an exact location of the spawn.
The pets will be Bound to Account when you pick them up, so you can send them to alts!
Catching the Pets
When you are near a pet, you will gain a reactive ability that is specific to that pet, for instance, the Brown Rat uses a ‘Rat Net’ ability. Target the pet and stand near it, then use the ability to catch it.
The pets stay running around for around 5 mins with a one hour cooldown between them. So, when you have caught a pet, keep watching it until it despawns, then wait 1 hour exactly before continuing the hunt in the next zone. Check all the spots in the next zone, hopefuly you will find the pet quickly and then be able to continue to another zone before the 5 mins timer is up and they all despawn again for another hour. TBC
All of the pets are available as possible loot from the 4 hour summerfest minion missions. Although I have never looted Scoots myself, I would assume it is in the loot table!
/tar Spotted Snake
/tar Black Bunny
/tar Brown Rat
/tar Tamed Deepfang
/tar Scoots
/tar Black Coyote
/tar Tabby Cat
/tar Mini Mordant
/tar White Squirrel
/tar Green Cobra
/tar Jewel Scarab

Green Cobra
You can catch this pet in Shimmersand.
The animal you need to catch is called Green Cobra.
/setwaypoint 6960 7278 – The Oasis
/setwaypoint 7002 6896 – Tempest Plains
/setwaypoint 5253 6362 – Dunes of Akala
/setwaypoint 5658 6934 – Dunes of Akala

You can catch this pet in Stillmoor.
The animal you need to catch is called Jewel Scarab.
/setwaypoint 1630 2912 – Ruston
/setwaypoint 2153 2312 – Ravenna
/setwaypoint 1553 2330 – Death’s Approach