
Cheevos found in H > World Events > Summerfest
226 points total
This page has guides for:

General Cheevos
Pinata Puncher, Mitch’s 2016 World Puppet Tour, Dead Dance Revolution, Life of the Party and Beach Bum Style

Meta Cheevo – Fun in the Sun
Fun in the Sun, Summertime Scavengery, Not so Lazy Summer, Angling for the Top and Exterminator

Meta Cheevo – Summer Jammin’
Summer Jammin’, What Vacation?, Angling for More, Bug Juice and Summer Hunting Season: Open

Meta Cheevo – Summer Royalty
Summer Royalty, The Summer Sleuth, The Host With The Most, Cape of the Sun and Summerfest House Party: Let’s get this party started!

Quest Cheevos
Summer of Love, Stillmoor Thoroughbred, Riddle Me This, Flea Bitten Menace, Live Strong and Hammered

New for 2023
There are no new cheevos for 2023

General Cheevos

5 cheevos total.

Pinata Puncher

The reward for this cheevo is the Little Shiny companion pet.

You will also acquire the title Pinata Puncher

This cheevo is earned by completing all the artifact sets named in the cheevo.
These artifact sets all drop from the special summerfest pinatas.

The reward for this cheevo is the LITTLE SHINY companion pet – This pet is probably the best pet in the game, this is because it randomly ‘poops’ artifacts!

Mitch's 2016 World Puppet Tour

This cheevo is earned by buying the Mitch minion and completing the minion quest chain that he opens up, you can find the information for this in the Summerfest Shopping Guide.
As this cheevo is only completable once it will be granted to all your characters on that cluster.

This cheevo will award you the title Patron of the Arts.

Dead Dance Revolution

Both of these pets can be bought from the summerfest section of the rift store.

After you collect them, make sure you summon them to tick off the cheevo!

This cheevo will award you the title Undead Choreographer.

Life of the Party

The reward for this cheevo is a box of fireworks

You will also earn the title The Life of the Party.

These fireworks are found inside boxes that drop randomly from the summerfest baskets and the summerfest 4hour minion missions. You can also buy the boxes directly from the store using merit badges.

Most of these fireworks are pretty easy to come by if you open enough of the boxes.

However the RAINBOW fireworks are a very very rare drop, thankfully you only need one of them to complete the cheevo! – To test on PTS, I opened 35 of each of the boxes, I only got one rainbow firework from one of the blue (25pack) boxes.
The fireworks are all tradeable, so you may find the ones you are missing on the auction house.

Beach Bum Style

This cheevo will award you the title The Beach Bum.

Be aware – This cheevo gives no cheevo points!

To complete this cheevo you need to buy and equip 2 of the swimsuit bundles.
You need to right click each item to equip them onto your gear screen not just your wardrobe.
Make sure they have ticked off the cheevo before you destroy them.

You can buy these bundles on alts and send them to your main to equip for the cheevo.
You can mail the bundle straight to your main or you can open it up and equip the items and then send the items to your main, the items remain bound to account even after equipping, so you can send them and equip them on all your alts to get the cheevo on all your alts.

You may also have these items drop randomly from the 4 hour minion missions, tho you would have to wait many years to complete the whole cheevo this way!

Meta Cheevo - Fun in the Sun

5 cheevos total.

Fun in the Sun

A meta cheevo that you will get from completing the 4 cheevos listed, information for those cheevos is below.

This cheevo will award you the title The Scavenger.

Summertime Scavengery

Granted when you complete both scavenger hunts in Mathosia.

Not so Lazy Summer

The daily quests are picked up in Meridian/Sanctum. Complete 20 of them over the course of a few days to get this cheevo.

Angling for the Top

Details of how to find the summer sunfish can be found on the summerfest quests guide


These bugs are part of the daily that you pick up in Meridian/Sanctum to squish 6 bugs.
There are loads of them to squish outside of Meridian/Sanctum.

Pick up the quest and complete it by squishing 6 bugs, then carry on jumping til you squish all 300, or just keep doing the daily plus a few extra each day during the event (squish at least 15 each day).
You will need to have the daily active in your quest log to be able to squish bugs, you can have it complete but not handed in, but be aware you only have 5 mins from picking up the daily to squish bugs, if 5 mins pass and the quest fails then you can abandon it and pick it up again to carry on squishing bugs.

Meta Cheevo - Summer Jammin'

5 cheevos total.

Summer Jammin'

A meta cheevo that you will get from completing the 4 cheevos listed, information for those cheevos is below.

The reward for this cheevo is the Stinky companion pet.

What Vacation?

Granted when you complete both scavenger hunts in Brevane and Dusken.

Angling for More

Details of how to find the summer sunfish can be found on the summerfest quests guide

Bug Juice

This cheevo is for killing the last boss during the special summerfest zone event, Exuvia of Khargroth.
Check out YARET to see when this event is running!
There is no special loot from this event, its just for the cheevo!

Summer Hunting Season: Open

Granted when you complete the capture them all quest found in Meridian/Sanctum.

Meta Cheevo - Summer Royalty

5 cheevos total.

Summer Royalty

A meta cheevo that you will get from completing the 4 cheevos listed, information for those cheevos is below.

The reward for this cheevo is the Ravensong, the Ash Walker mount.

You will also acquire the title The Ash King.

Ravensong, the Ash Walker

The Summer Sleuth

These artifacts all drop from the summerfest baskets or from the summerfest 4 hour minion missions.
Collect as many as you can and then complete the set from the auction house during the last week of the event when they will be cheaper.

This cheevo will award you the title The Summer Sleuth.

The Host With The Most

All of these pets can be acquired from the summerfest party baskets, they also drop from the summerfest 4 hour minion missions.
They are tradeable so you will likely find the ones you are missing in the auction house!
I suggest you finish all your scavenger hunts on your main+alts and gather up all the pets you get and then buy the rest you need during the last week when the prices will be lower.

Be aware that the cheevo says to COLLECT AND USE – So once you have collected your pets you will need to summon them to tick off the cheevo –  You can summon them from the companions tab of your character screen.


The reward for this cheevo is the Party Punch Elemental companion pet.

You will also acquire the title The Host With the Most.

Cape of the Sun

This can be bought in the rift store for just 25 merit badges!
It can be found in the ‘wardrobe’ tab on the left side menu when in the summerfest section of the store.

You will need to equip the cape in your character screen not your wardrobe screen to make the cheevo pop.

This cheevo will award you the title The Sun Praiser.

Summerfest House Party: This is Bat Country

These baskets are given as rewards for some of the meta scavenger hunt quests.
You can also buy them in the rift store for 600 merit badges each.

The reward for this cheevo is the Gonzo companion pet.

The cheevo is tiered, giving points at each tier..

  • 1 Basket – Let’s get this party started! – 1 point
  • 5 Baskets – Summerfest House Party: Let’s invite Flopsy! – 1 point
  • 10 Baskets – Summerfest House Party: T-Bone’s in the House – 1 point
  • 15 Baskets – Summerfest House Party: That’s L. Gwapo to you – 1 point
  • 20 Baskets – Summerfest House Party: Place is Jumpin! – 1 point
  • 25 Baskets – Summerfest House Party: This is Bat Country – 1 point

Opening 25 of them will get you the cheevo.
These baskets also occasionally contain summerfest friendship bracelets, I opened 30 of them on PTS to test this and got 2 bracelets, so I could say you have around a 1in15 chance, but I would be better off saying that this is complete RNG and you could get 5 in a row or you could open 200 and get none!
What you will definitely get however is plenty of pets, a small amount of merit badges back and some of the special summerfest artifacts (not the ones from the pinatas tho).

Quest Cheevos

6 cheevos total.

Summer of Love

You just need to complete the Freemarch and Silverwood challenges of the HUNT 1 quests.

Stillmoor Thoroughbred

You just need to complete the Stillmoor challenge of the HUNT 1 quests.

Riddle Me This

You just need to complete the Iron Pine Peak challenge of the HUNT 2 quests.

Flea Bitten Menace

You just need to complete the Gloamwood challenge of the HUNT 2 quests.

Live Strong

You just need to complete the Moonshade challenge of the HUNT 2 quests.

This cheevo will award you the title The Aggressive.


This cheevo will award you the title The Drunk.

You will first need to complete the Morban challenge of the HUNT 2 quests.
When you hand in the quest you will receive ‘Lenny’s Finest’. This is a consumable item that you right click to get your character ‘drunk’. You will need to use all 6 charges to complete the cheevo. there is a 2 min cooldown between uses to help you pace yourself!
The drink is unfortunately soulbound, so if you accidentally delete it then you will need to wait til next year to get some more to complete the cheevo.