
Timeline for 2025

Pre-coded event scheduling has now ended. This means that as players we can no longer look at the game code to find out when the events will be happening. Gamigo will activate the world events, we do not know what dates they will choose and will likely get very little warning before an event gets switched on.


The Summerfest event runs for 4 weeks.
There are 2 phases with 7 ‘big/weekly’ quests to complete. If you miss picking up the quests available during Phase 1 then you can still pick them up during the rest of the event (Phase 2).

  • Start of week 1 – Event starts, the first 3 Scavenger Hunt quests + Capture Them All quest are available to pick up.
  • Start of week 3 – Phase two starts, the second 3 Scavenger Hunt quests are available to pick up.
  • End of week 4 – Event Finishes. 
  • The event shop should remain open for one extra week until the end of the 6th of August, you will not be able to do quests during this time.
  • Daily quests reset at the normal 4am daily quest reset.
  • It is always best to do the quests as soon as you can, don’t leave it until the last minute!
  • The event shop should be open for an extra week after the event ends, you will not be able to do quests during this time.
  • The in game event tracker still shows the dates for 2022 – Just ignore it!
  • It is unlikely that the 4 hour minion missions will be switched on. They have not been switched on for any event since the start of 2022.
  • There are no new items to buy. The 2020 Seal is still best in slot.
  • World Event quests can randomly abandon from your character, this is more likely to occur during shard switch or teleporting. You can keep trying, or give it a few hours and then try again. This issue, which is common for all world event quests, usually clears itself up within 24hours of the event start.

Information / Guides

The summerfest world event in rift is a celebration of all things summery!

Of all the world events, this is probably the most time consuming and complex, but also the most fun!

As with all world events, I strongly suggest running all the hunt quests on your alts to get a good stock of currency to buy all the things.

The weekly quests in summerfest are Scavenger Hunt style quests, going from zone to zone doing various tasks and challenges. Some of these challenges are simply running/jumping/maze type quests, others however are specific waypoints for items you need to pick up. Trying to do those particular quests during peak time hours when everyone is trying to pick up the same thing is going to be frustrating.. Remember you can switch shard (right click your char portrait and select ‘teleport to shard’) to check the same location multiple times, but if its super busy at that spot with lots of people ‘camping’ you may want to do something else for a while then come back and try again at a different time of day.

There are full guides for HUNT 1 and HUNT 2.
On the first phase of summerfest only hunt 1 is available. At the start of phase 2, hunt 2 will open up, but you will still be able to collect the hunt 1 quest for the duration of the event, so don’t worry if you miss the first phase of the event.

There are also daily quests to do to increase your reserves of summerfest merit badges.
You can pick up the capture them all quest from your main city to do once over the events duration.

You can find many beautiful items in the rift store to buy with all the currency you earn and plenty of wardrobe/costumes to unlock.

You can farm pinatas for special artifact sets that reward the little shiny pet that poops out artifacts!

You can hunt special pets in the open world.

There are lots of different cheevos to be earned too!

Prepping for the Big Day!

A few of the scavenger quests require you to farm some materials or craft some items.. You can mail these materials to any character you plan to run the scavenger hunts with ahead of time. You can find info about where to gather these items on the Hunt Quest pages.

Gather 36 Lean Steak, 10 Lesser Crystalfish, 12 Sea Salt, 12 Ground Spices, 16 Mixed Vegetables and 10 Dough… USE THESE to craft 12 Hot Dogs, 6 Steak Kabobs and 10 Crystalfish Burgers (survival) and send them to your alts– for Dendrome hunt 1

Gather 60 Brisket, 30 Merpho and 30 Zirthan Dreamleech — for Goboro hunt 1

Gather 5 Normal-Eyed Guppy and 2 Deep March Eel — for Freemarch hunt 2

Gather 10 Diaphanous Cloth — for Goboro hunt 2

You will also find it much easier if you clear the questlogs of your alts! Each character can only hold 25 ‘normal’ quests before being unable to pick up anymore, if your questlog is full when summerfest hits then you wont be able to pick up multiple quests at a time, which will slow you down! Especially for the ‘capture them all’ quest. Try to clear your quest log down to 15/25 quests, or less if you can. you can find how many quests you are currently holding in your quest log..


There are a couple of macros that will help you during summerfest..

For the hunt quests..

target shichirin
target confused spirit guide
target itchy werewolf
target ironroot viper
target cockatrice
target foulmouthed
target tulan skunk
target sticky seacap
target tainted jelly
target dagon

For the 'capture them all' quest..

target Parasite
target Carrion Beast
target Cliffside Rhino
target Scavenging Thunderbird
target Dreg Beast
target Aurobon Stalker
target Shadewing Bat
target Sand Demon

Earning Currency

The currency is shown in your characters currency tab on the character screen..

Doing the scavenger hunts and ‘capture them all’ on all your alts will earn you
7 friendship bracelets total PER CHARACTER
plus 2150 merit badges (plus bonuses on the badges). This will allow you to buy a lot of the fluffy stuff from the world event store.
Merit Badges will be be increased by patron, guild perks and other bonus currency/token perks/vials. Friendship Bracelets are not effected by any currency/token boosts.

Sources of Bracelets
Quest NamePick UpZone LevelsRewardsAvailable
The Great Mathosian Scavenger Hunt Part 1Meri/Sanc1 to 501 BraceletFrom Phase 1
The Great Mathosian Scavenger Hunt Part 2Meri/Sanc1 to 501 BraceletFrom Phase 2
The Great Empyrean Scavenger Hunt Part 1Tempest Bay50 to 601 BraceletFrom Phase 1
The Great Empyrean Scavenger Hunt Part 2Tempest Bay50 to 601 BraceletFrom Phase 2
Capture Them AllMeri/Sanc50 to 601 BraceletFrom Phase 1
The Great Planar Scavenger Hunt Part 1Margle Palace60 to 651 BraceletFrom Phase 1
The Great Planar Scavenger Hunt Part 2Margle Palace60 to 651 BraceletFrom Phase 2

The scavenger hunts will net you 6 friendship bracelets total. On characters over level 50 you will be able to pick up the ‘Capture Them All’ quest which will give 1 more friendship bracelet. You also have a small chance of earning friendship bracelets with the special 4 hour summerfest minion missions and a very very very small chance of fishing up a friendship bracelet from the summer sunfish fishing nodes. (I really do not recommend farming these.. it would take less time to just create a new alt and do all the scavenger hunts again!)

Summerfest 2022
The 4 hour minion missions are currently not switched on.. I will update this if that changes!

Summerfest 2021
4 Hour Minion Card Loots – Will be updated as the event progresses

So far during Summerfest 2021 I completed 95, 4-hour Summerfest Adventures (2 Accounts, both regions).
I looted 24 Bracelets and 11 Spectral Carriage Supply Crates.

Known loot from the 4 Hour Summerfest minion missions 

Summerfest Fireworks: Individual + Packs
Summerfest Merit Badges
Summerfest Food
Summerfest Dimension Items

Pet: Baderpillar – Tradeable
Pet: Backmane – Tradeable
Pet: Black Bunny – Bound to Account
Pet: Black Coyote – Bound to Account
Pet: Blue – Tradeable
Pet: Brown Rat – Bound to Account
Pet: Burnoulli – Tradeable
Pet: Egon – Tradeable
Pet: Fweckles – Bound to Account
Pet: Green Cobra
Pet: Goner – Tradeable
Pet: Gonzo – Bound to Account
Pet: Heliacia – Bound to Account
Pet: Kyth – Tradeable
Pet: Micecream
Pet: N3wt0n – Tradeable
Pet: Party Fowl – Tradeable
Pet: Party Punch Elemental – Bound to Account
Pet: Purple Cobra – Tradeable
Pet: Quiffles – Tradeable
Pet: Sam the Sunburned Ram – Tradeable
Pet: Snaggletooth – Bound to Account
Pet: Snaps – Tradeable
Pet: Spotted Snake – Bound to Account
Pet: Sunset – Bound to Account
Pet: T-Bone – Bound to Account
Pet: Tabby Cat – Bound to Account
Pet: Tamed Deepfang Hatchling – Bound to Account
Pet: Tats – Bound to Account
Pet: The King – Tradeable
Pet: Twiddle – Bound to Account
Pet: White Squirrel – Bound to Account
Pet: Xalmathalmanar the IIIIVst – Tradeable

Costume: Arboreal Wings – Costume Cape
Costume: Beachwear: Floral Print Bottom – Costume Legs
Costume: Beachwear: Floral Print Top – Costume Chest
Costume: Beachwear: Floral Wetsuit Bottom – Costume Legs
Costume: Beachwear: Floral Wetsuit Top – Costume Chest
Costume: Beachwear: Red Wetsuit Bottom – Costume Legs
Costume: Beachwear: Red Wetsuit Top – Costume Chest
Costume: Beachwear: Solid Print Bottom – Costume Legs
Costume: Beachwear: Solid Print Top – Costume Chest
Costume: Boss of the Planes Hat – Costume Helmet
Costume: Endless Marauder’s Warhelm – Costume Helmet
Costume: Fine Fae Boots – Costume Feet
Costume: Fine Fae Gloves – Costume gloves
Costume: Fine Fae Headdress – Costume Helmet
Costume: Fine Fae Leggings – Costume Legs
Costume: Fine Fae Tunic – Costume Chest
Costume: Gossamer Wings – Costume Cape
Costume: Hollowed Bracken Pod – Costume Helmet
Costume: Long Oar – Two Handed Weapon
Costume: Short Oar – One Handed Weapon
Costume: Snorkel and Swim Cap – Costume Helmet
Costume: Summer’s Heat – Two Handed Weapon
Costume: Swimsuit: Black and White Bottom – Costume Legs
Costume: Swimsuit: Black and White Top – Costume Chest
Costume: Swimsuit: Blue and White Bottom – Costume Legs
Costume: Swimsuit: Blue and White Top – Costume Chest
Costume: Swimsuit: Red and White Bottom – Costume Legs
Costume: Swimsuit: Red and White Top – Costume Chest
Costume: Swimsuit: Teal and White Bottom – Costume Legs
Costume: Swimsuit: Teal and White Top – Costume Chest

During Summerfest 2020 I completed 106, 4-hour Summerfest Adventures (2 Accounts, both regions). I looted 22 Bracelets and 11 Spectral Carriage Supply Crates.

Merit Badges

Merit badges are best earned with the daily quests, try to do these on as many alts as possible. If you run out of quests then you can farm badges by closing rifts, destroying footholds, farming invasions, completing zone events and anything else planar related. This should be done on your main character for ease.

Trade your Currency

You can transfer merit badges between your characters by using the vendor in Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 12977 11464

You can buy these tokens with the merit badges you have on your main and then send them in the mail to your alts. Your alt then collects them from the mail and opens them up to receive the merit badges.

Please note that there is NO way to transfer friendship bracelets. 
They will have to be earned by each character by doing the scavenger hunts.

BE AWARE: Many items in the world event shop are account bound, especially all the costume items, however there are some items (mostly certain mounts) that are bind on pickup, so be careful what you buy on each character.

Where to Find the Quests

In Meridian or Sanctum you can pick up the Mathosian Hunt Quest, the capture them all quest and all the different dailies.


You can pick up the Great Empyrean Scavenger Hunt and 2 of the dailies in Tempest Bay near the Plaza portal
at /setwaypoint 13015 11590 – on top of the pillar!

In Margle Palace, Draumheim you can
pick up the Planar Scavenger Hunt
at /setwaypoint 5723 5625

Follow the guides for HUNT 1 and HUNT 2.
On the first phase of summerfest only hunt 1 is available. At the start of phase 2, hunt 2 will open up, but you will still be able to collect hunt 1 for the duration of the event, so don’t worry if you miss the first phase of the event.


  • The Summerfest event for 2024 ran from 3rd of July to 30th of July
  • The Summerfest event for 2023 ran from 28th of June to 25th of July
  • The Summerfest event for 2022 ran from 29th of June to 26th of July
  • The Summerfest event for 2021 ran from 15th of July to 12th of August
  • The Summerfest event for 2020 ran from 16th of July to 13th of August
  • The Summerfest event for 2019 ran from 18th of July to 8th of August
  • The Summerfest event for 2018 ran from 12th of July to 8th of August
  • The Summerfest event for 2017 ran from 21st of July to 11th of August
  • The Summerfest event for 2016 ran from 13th of July to 3rd of August
  • The Summerfest event for 2015 ran from 11th of June to 1st of July
  • The Summerfest event for 2014 ran from 3rd of July to 24th of July
  • The Summerfest event for 2013 ran from 25th of July to ??th of August
  • The Summerfest event for 2012 ran from 27th of June to 25th of July
  • The Summerfest event for 2011 ran from *unknown* (It’s likely there wasn’t a Summerfest event in the first year)