
Fae Yule Shopping

A list of all the items available to buy in the Fae Yule Store Section.
Starting with the must have items that are new for this year and continuing with all previous items that are still available for purchase.

BE AWARE: All prices are subject to change, older items will generally have their prices reduced after a few years of being on the store, so the price here may not be entirely correct, but its likely you will find the item cheaper in game rather than more expensive!

As with all World Events, the Fae Yule items have their own section in the store which is split into tabs for ease of use. You will need to press the tabs on the left for the wardrobe and dimension items.
You can find a full list and pictures of all the available wardrobe items here.

New for 2023

There are no new items for 2023

Let's Go Shopping!

A full list of everything available in the Fae Yule Store with screenshots and explanations.

Dimensions – All the Dimension Keys and items can now be found in the Dimension Sub-Section of the store.
There are hundreds of Unique Dimension Items available to buy during Fae Yule.
You can find the full Database of all the Fae Yule Dimension Items at
Have fun building!

Wardrobe – You can find screenshots of all the costume items over on the wardrobe page.

Everything Else! – Below is a full list of items available on the main page of the Fae Yule store section.


Queen Una's Winter Regalia

Shoulders > Costume > Queen Una’s Winter Mantle
Chest > Costume > Queen Una’s Winter Robes
Legs > Costume > Queen Una’s Winter Leggings
Gloves > Costume > Queen Una’s Winter Gloves
Feet > Costume > Queen Una’s Winter Boots
Helmet > Costume > Queen Una’s Winter Crown

Crystalline Wings

Unlocks the appearance: Crystalline Wings
Slot: Cape
Category: Costume

Fae Yule Holly Portrait (Animated Holiday Portrait)

Bought during the Fae Yule world event. (credits only)
Called ‘Animated Holiday Portrait’ in the Fae Yule store.

Fae Yule Gift Portrait

Bought during the Fae Yule world event. (Credits only)

Jingling Bells

Bought during the Fae Yule world event. (credits only)

Jolly Hellbug

Bought during the Fae Yule world event. (credits only)


Best in Slot Cape

This cape is best in slot once it is fully upgraded.

The cape requires 3 Tenebrean engines and 3 Prophetic Textile Amenders to upgrade to its maximum stats.
The max stats are shown below..

The cape is bound to account you can buy it with any character and send it to the character you want to use it on.

The cape will become soulbound when you upgrade it, only upgrade it if you intend to use it on that character!

The cape costs 30 Dark Icicles and 2550 Snowflakes. You can earn the Icicles by doing all 3 weeklies and the Snowflakes by doing some dailies or farming.

Upgraded Cleric Cape
Hallowed Cloak of the Bell Ringer
Upgraded Mage Cape
Mysterious Cloak of the Bell Ringer
Upgraded Rogue/Primalist Cape
Coveted Cloak of the Bell Ringer
Upgraded Warrior Cape
Stalwart Cloak of the Bell Ringer
Unlocks the wardrobe
'Cloak of the Bell Ringer'

12 Mounts

Please note most of the mounts are available for event currency!
In the Rift Store: You will find a selection of mounts, some of these will be the same mount twice, one of these will be an account wide unlock while the other will be only for a single character, make sure you read the tooltip and are sure of which you are purchasing!

Mount price reductions: Some of the previous years mounts have had their prices reduced. Also some mounts that were previously only available in lockboxes or for credits are now available for event currency.

Be very careful when buying mounts – Some of them are bind on pick up and others are bound to account. Make sure you buy them on the correct character!

Credit Prices: Prices shown may be for Patrons. Players without a Patron sub will pay slightly more (Patrons get 10% discount on store credit prices).

SC = Single Character
AW = Account Wide

Mount NameSC – CreditsSC – Event CurrencyAW -Credits
Astral Voyager130530 Icicles + 900 Snowflakes2250
(Swift) Festive Levitation130530 Icicles + 900 Snowflakes 
Grey Fae Yule Vaiyuu81010 Icicles + 750 Snowflakes 
Ice Harpy Wings130530 Icicles + 900 Snowflakes4050
Icy Levitation364530 Icicles +1000 Snowflakes2250
Jingle Bell Mink130530 Icicles + 900 Snowflakes4050
(Swift) Merry Mink130530 Icicles + 900 Snowflakes 
(Swift) Midnight Mink130530 Icicles + 900 Snowflakes 
Mighty Woolly Explorer130530 Icicles + 900 Snowflakes2250
Nightbringer2253 Icicles + 300 Snowflakes 
Spotted Fae Yule Vaiyuu81010 Icicles + 750 Snowflakes 
Tawny Fae Yule Vaiyuu4501 Icicle + 500 Snowflakes 
Astral Voyager (2020)

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency or credits.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Festive Levitation (Swift)
^^ Click for animation ^^
Grey Fae Yule Vaiyuu
^^ Click for animation ^^
Ice Harpy Wings

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency or credits.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Icy Levitation (2020)

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency or credits.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Jingle Bell Mink

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency or credits.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Merry Mink (Swift)
^^ Click for animation ^^
Midnight Mink (Swift)
^^ Click for animation ^^
Mighty Woolly Explorer (2020)

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency or credits.

^^ Click for animation ^^

This mount is a reward for ‘The Nightmare Before Fae Yule’ cheevo, so you probably wont need to buy it! 

^^ Click for animation ^^
Spotted Fae Yule Vaiyuu
^^ Click for animation ^^
Tawny Fae Yule Vaiyuu
^^ Click for animation ^^


Greatfather's Festive Sack

A 28 slot bag.
Bag is unique equip – you can only have one equipped at a time.
It is bound to account so you can buy this on one character and send it to another.

Greatfather's Grand Sack

A 36 slot bag.
Bag is unique equip – you can only have one equipped at a time.
It is bound to account so you can buy this on one character and send it to another.



You can find information about the cape in the ‘Cape‘ section near the top of the page.

Chondritic Necklaces

Chondritic Gorget
Chondritic Medallion
Chondritic Necklace
Chondritic Pendant

These are level 70 dungeon quality necklaces. They are not really worth you spending currency on.

The best in slot necklaces in game are now from the vendor in Uttila that will sell you T2 raid quality necklaces for Intel.

Level 65 and 60 Necklaces

These are some level 65 and 60 necklaces. They are not worth wasting currency on.

Lesser Essence

Level 70 Lesser Essence (2020)

You will find a really nice level 70 Essence. This Essence is main stat heavy compared to the Essences dropped from Raid Rifts. This Essence is perfect for a player that is at or nearing the Crit Power cap and needs to start tweaking Essences and Frags to get the very best stats possible.

The Essence costs 30 Dark Icicles and 750 Snowflakes. You can earn the Icicles by doing all 3 weeklies and the Snowflakes by doing some dailies or farming.

The Essence is unique equip, so you can only put one of them in your focus. It does work with the old ‘Seraphic Ice’ essence in the same focus.

It is bound to account so you can buy it with alts to send to your main.

Note: This item is ‘unintentionally tradeable’ so you may find one on the auction house! This may be fixed at any time.

Warrior Lesser Essence
Death Knight's Seraphic Zephyr
Cleric Lesser Essence
Shadowpriest's Seraphic Zephyr
Mage Lesser Essence
Shadowcaller's Seraphic Zephyr
Rogue/Primalist Lesser Essence
Shade Stalker's Seraphic Zephyr
Level 70 Lesser Essence (2018)

You will find a really nice level 70 Essence. This Essence is main stat heavy compared to the Essences dropped from Raid Rifts. This Essence is perfect for a player that is at or nearing the Crit Power cap and needs to start tweaking Essences and Frags to get the very best stats possible.

The Essence costs 30 Dark Icicles and 750 Snowflakes. You can earn the Icicles by doing all 3 weeklies and the Snowflakes by doing some dailies or farming.

The Essence is unique equip, so you can only put one of them in your focus.

It is bound to account so you can buy it with alts to send to your main.

Warrior Lesser Essence
Death Knight's Seraphic Ice
Cleric Lesser Essence
Shadowpriest's Seraphic Ice
Mage Lesser Essence
Shadowcaller's Seraphic Ice
Rogue/Primalist Lesser Essence
Shade Stalker's Seraphic Ice
Lower Level Essences

There are  a bunch of lower level Lesser Essences. You can send them to a low level character but you will out level the stats quickly. These are really not worth buying.

31 Pets

All the pets are bound to account, you can buy them on alts to send to your main character.
Some of the pets will also drop from the jingling bells or from minion missions, so you may want to wait til towards the end of the event before you start buying the ones you haven’t looted for free!
There are other pets available that only drop from the bells/minions, these count towards one of the Fae Yule cheevos, you can see them on the Fae Yule cheevos page.

Avalanche (2020)
Drift (2020)
Flurry (2020)
Glacier (2020)
Ice Bird
Obub (2019)
Powder (2020)
Rime (2020)
Sleet (2020)
Slush (2020)
Snowfall (2020)
Stubbs (2019)
Tundra (2020)


All minion cards are shared across your entire region of alts, so feel free to buy all of these with alts!

Minion Bundle: Jolly Hellbug
Jolly Hellbug

This minion is actually a bundle, which includes a minion card and 500 aventurine (When you buy the bundle it will appear as a bundle in your bags, you then right click this to be given the minion card and another item that you right click to receive the 500 aventurine. You can save this item to use at a later date if you want.)

Because its a bundle it doesn’t come up with the red text to tell you if you already have the minion card.
You need to search in your minion card deck for the Jolly Hellbug minion to see if you already have it! Or select the minion in the shop and then mouseover the preview on the right to look for the red text.

Minion Card:
Stubbs (2019)
Minion Card:
Minion Card:
Mr. Quackers (2020)

Levelling up Mr. Quackers will grant you a cheevo.

Minion Card:
Leah the Cool (2020)

Levelling up Leah the Cool will grant you a cheevo.

Minion Card: Grish

When you purchase this minion and add him to your deck he will open up a chain of missions.. 
Below is a full guide to the Grish minion card quest chain.
Use Grish to complete the first mission.

Found in 1min Deck. – Fae Yule is here! Grish has come to bring the hate! – 1min long.

Found in 1min Deck. – Spread some Fae Yule cheer to stop Grish! – 1min long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – Locate clues to Grish’s whereabouts. – 8hr long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Defeat followers of Grish. – 15min long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – Prove your might and gain the help of Sundereth. – 8hr long.
Sundereth minion card reward

Found in 8hr Deck. – Deliver alcoholic beverages to Atrophinius. – 8hr long.
Atrophinius The Festive minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Show everyone the festive festivities with Atrophinius the Festive. – 15min long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – Xharlion joining Grish? Convince Xharlion to join you instead. – 8hr long.
Xharlion minion card reward

Found in 8hr Deck. – Seoras must be stopped! – 8hr long.
Seoras minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Gather food to set a trap for Grish. – 15min long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – Locate dimension items to hand out as Fae Yule gifts. – 8hr long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – We’ve located a village that needs cheering up. – 5min long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Grish is near, hunt him down! – 5min long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Use fire to melt the ice blocking the way to Grish! – 5min long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Gather food for the poor villagers. – 5min long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – Subdue the Grendelkhan! – 8min long.
Grendelkhan minion card reward

Found in 1min Deck.
Fae Yule is here! Grish has come to bring the hate!
1min long.

Found in 1min Deck.
Spread some Fae Yule cheer to stop Grish!
1min long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
Locate clues to Grish’s whereabouts.
8hr long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Defeat followers of Grish.
15min long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
Prove your might and gain the help of Sundereth.
8hr long.
Sundereth minion card reward

Found in 8hr Deck.
Deliver alcoholic beverages to Atrophinius.
8hr long.
Atrophinius The Festive minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Show everyone the festive festivities with Atrophinius the Festive.
15min long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
Xharlion joining Grish? Convince Xharlion to join you instead.
8hr long.
Xharlion minion card reward

Found in 8hr Deck.
Seoras must be stopped!
8hr long.
Seoras minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Gather food to set a trap for Grish.
15min long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
Locate dimension items to hand out as Fae Yule gifts.
8hr long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
We’ve located a village that needs cheering up.
5min long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Grish is near, hunt him down!
5min long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Use fire to melt the ice blocking the way to Grish!
5min long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Gather food for the poor villagers.
5min long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
Subdue the Grendelkhan!
8min long.
Grendelkhan minion card reward

Buying Grish rewards you with 5 extra minion cards during the chain missions.

Atrophinius the Festive
Minion Card: Rudy

When you purchase this minion and add him to your deck he will open up a chain of missions.. 
Below is a full guide to the Rudy minion card quest chain.
Use Rudy to complete the first mission.

(1) – Found in 1 min Deck. – Where’s Greatfather Frost? I think that he’s missing! – 1 min long.
(2) – Found in 1 min Deck. – Gather your minions, and go on a mission. – 1 min long.
(3) – Found in 8 hour Deck. – Is he trapped in the webs that the spiders spin for us? – 8 hours long.
(4) – Found in 5/15 Deck. – Cut open this mummy with the axe of Atrophinious! – 15 mins long.
(5) – Found in 8 hour Deck. – Where can he be? Do we have a lead? Hmm, everyone yell “MEAD!” – 8 hours long.
Atrophinius minion card reward
(6) – Found in 8 hour Deck. – Chop and gnaw. Axe blades and paws. It’s… “Slobberjaw!” – 8 hours long.
Slobberjaw minion card reward
(7) – Found in 5/15 Deck. – To search from up high, we’ll need an eye in the sky! – 15 mins long.
(8) – Found in 8 hour Deck. – Ivory is perched on a tree, frowning at Slobberjaw and Rudy – 8 hours long.
Ivory minion card reward
(9) – Found in 8 hour Deck. – “That’s not a tree!” Ivory did caw. “Un-petrify him, Slobberjaw!” – 8 hours long.
Yulogon minion card reward
(10) – Found in 5/15 Deck. – The team is assembled, find Greatfather Frost! – 15 mins long.
(11) – Found in 8 hour Deck. – I’ve spotted frost, he’s held by the maw! – 8 hours long.
(12) – Found in 5/15 Deck. – We’ll be heroes, sung about by bards. Let’s take out the guards! – 5 mins long.
(13) – Found in 5/15 Deck. – Yulogon, smash into the door really hard! – 5 mins long.
(14) – Found in 5/15 Deck. – Arrows from the tower rain down into us. Charge, Atrophinious! – 5 mins long.
(15) – Found in 5/15 Deck. – Ivory’s flapping can help the sleigh get lift! – 5 mins long.
(16) – Found in 8 hour Deck. – Rudy can chew the ropes from Greatfather Frost’s wrists! – 8 hours long.
Greatfather Frost minion card reward

Found in 1 min Deck.
Where’s Greatfather Frost? I think that he’s missing!
1 min long.

Found in 1 min Deck.
Gather your minions, and go on a mission.
1 min long.

Found in 8 hour Deck.
Is he trapped in the webs that the spiders spin for us?
8 hours long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Cut open this mummy with the axe of Atrophinious!
15 mins long.

Found in 8 hour Deck.
Where can he be? Do we have a lead? Hmm, everyone yell “MEAD!”
8 hours long.
Atrophinius minion card reward

Found in 8 hour Deck.
Chop and gnaw. Axe blades and paws. It’s… “Slobberjaw!”
8 hours long.
Slobberjaw minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
To search from up high, we’ll need an eye in the sky!
15 mins long.

Found in 8 hour Deck.
Ivory is perched on a tree, frowning at Slobberjaw and Rudy
8 hours long.
Ivory minion card reward

Found in 8 hour Deck.
“That’s not a tree!” Ivory did caw. “Un-petrify him, Slobberjaw!”
8 hours long.
Yulogon minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
The team is assembled, find Greatfather Frost!
15 mins long.

Found in 8 hour Deck.
I’ve spotted frost, he’s held by the maw!
8 hours long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
We’ll be heroes, sung about by bards. Let’s take out the guards!
5 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Yulogon, smash into the door really hard!
5 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Arrows from the tower rain down into us. Charge, Atrophinious!
5 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Ivory’s flapping can help the sleigh get lift!
5 mins long.

Found in 8 hour Deck.
Rudy can chew the ropes from Greatfather Frost’s wrists!
8 hours long.
Greatfather Frost minion card reward

Buying Rudy and completing the minion quest chain rewards you these 5 extra minion cards during the chain missions.

Greatfather Frost


All the Weapon Effect Runes are bound to account, so you can buy them on an alt and send them to your main. Unlike most items in game, they will stay bound to account even after you have used them, so you can switch them between all your alts and apply them to all your weapons!
To apply them, open up the wardrobe screen and select a cosmetic weapon skin, then apply the rune to that weapon by right clicking the rune and then left clicking the weapon.

Assorted Barrel of New Years Fireworks: 100 Pack

Gives you Fireworks to use to credit the New Years Fireworks cheevo.

Festive Fae Rune

This rune will add a trail of red and green holly leaves to your weapons.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Frosty Fae Rune

This rune will add a trail of beautiful white snowflakes to your weapons.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Gumdrop Fae Rune

This rune will add a trail of red, green and white gumdrops to your weapons. The effect is called ‘Vision of Gumdrops’.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Particle Charge

Causes your weapon to sparkle with energy from the plane of air. This is a really pretty lightning effect.

Touch of the Storm

Causes you to sparkle with energy from the plane of air.
Using this effect will credit the cheevo ‘Taste the Rainbow’, you can find information about this cheevo on the main page of the events guide.


Eating all these foods will pop the Fae Yule Feasting cheevo. Most of these can be looted for free from minions/bells, except the Alo’s Amazing Honeyed Ham which you will have to buy.

List of foods available..

Alo’s Amazing Honeyed Ham
Bogling Souprise
Holiday Wassail
Candy Apple
Candy Cane
Mistletoe Berries
Yulelogon’s Sap

Each of the drinks has a transmorg effect. Some of the drinks say they will make you stronger, they do not, its just fluff.


Items from previous years.

New for 2020

A quick breakdown of all the new items for 2020 with costs and totals.

Single Character Mount – Icy Levitation – 30 Icicles + 1000 Snowflakes

Gear – Level 70 Lesser Essence (2020) – 30 Icicles + 750 Snowflakes
Single Character Mount – Astral Voyager – 30 Icicles + 900 Snowflakes
Single Character Mount – Mighty Woolly Explorer – 30 Icicles + 900 Snowflakes
Minion Card – Mr. Quackers (2020) – 2 Icicles + 250 Snowflakes
Minion Card – Leah the Cool (2020) – 2 Icicles + 250 Snowflakes
Pet – Avalanche (2020) – 6 Icicles + 500 Snowflakes
Pet – Drift (2020) – 3 Icicles + 400 Snowflakes
Pet – Flurry (2020) – 6 Icicles + 500 Snowflakes
Pet – Glacier (2020) – 6 Icicles + 500 Snowflakes
Pet – Powder (2020) – 3 Icicles + 400 Snowflakes
Pet – Rime (2020) – 3 Icicles + 400 Snowflakes
Pet – Sleet (2020) – 3 Icicles + 400 Snowflakes
Pet – Slush (2020) – 3 Icicles + 400 Snowflakes
Pet – Snowfall (2020) – 3 Icicles + 400 Snowflakes
Pet – Tundra (2020) – 3 Icicles + 400 Snowflakes

Cape – Astral Wings (2020) – 2500 Snowflakes
Cape – Infinity Flask (2020) – 2000 Snowflakes
Cape – Nebulous Omen Cape (2020) – 5 Icicles + 1500 Snowflakes

TOTAL FOR ALL NEW ITEMS: If you buy the essence, all 3 mounts, the 3 new capes, the 2 minion cards and the 10 pets.
30 Icicles on your main character
1000 Snowflakes on your main character
138 Icicles spread across your alts
13350 Snowflakes spread across your alts.

Account Wide Mount – Icy Levitation – 2250 credits (patron price)
Account Wide Mount – Astral Voyager – 2250 credits (patron price)
Account Wide Mount – Mighty Woolly Explorer – 2250 credits (patron price)

Buy All The Things!
You can buy all the new things by doing the weeklies on your main char plus 5 alts. You should do the easy dailies on as many chars as possible for Snowflakes.

Price Reductions

— Pet – Obub – Was: 3 Icicles + 600 Snowflakes – Now: 2 Icicles + 350 Snowflakes
— Pet – Stubbs – Was: 6 Icicles + 550 Snowflakes – Now: 2 Icicles + 450 Snowflakes
— Pet – Tags – Was: 5 Icicles + 500 Snowflakes – Now: 2 Icicles + 350 Snowflakes
— Minion Card – Stubbs – Was: 4 Icicles + 300 Snowflakes – Now: 2 Icicles + 250 Snowflakes
— No wardrobe items have been reduced.

Gear Item (Cape - 2017)

Gear - This item has been replaced and is no longer available to buy

Mage : Mysterious Winter Drape
Cleric : Hallowed Winter Drape
Rogue/Primalist : Coveted Winter Drape
Warrior: Stalwart Winter Drape

The capes all require 2x Tenebrean engines and 2x Prophetic Textile Amenders to upgrade.
Once upgraded they are Tier 2 quality.