
Quest Pick Up

Do the Weekly Quests on as many alts as possible!
You can then do easy dailies on alts and trade the Snowflakes between your alts and main characters.
Quests are picked up in Sanctum, Meridian and Tempest Bay.. (You can’t pick up the weeklies in TB so most player use the home cities)

Questgivers in Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7374 3073
Questgivers in Meridian
/setwaypoint 6197 5185
Questgivers in Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 12765 11574

In this area you will find questgivers that hand out the weekly and some dailies.
You will also find a variety of Vendors, most of them sell the same items as you will find in the Fae Yule section of the Rift Store.
You can see all the items to buy on the Shopping Page and all the Costume Items on the Wardrobe page.


The quests that reward event currency are split into 3 phases. The weekly and dailies for each phase will be different.

Known Issues

Faelight Sparkle Extravaganza quest is still auto abandoning for a lot of people. This issue, which is common for all world event quests, usually clears itself up within 24hours of the event start. It is unusual that it is lasting a week after event start! You can try to help your quest stay stuck to you by repairing your game or lowering your graphics settings to help with faster loading times.
For the ‘less than technical’ explanation… The quest abandons because when you load in, the quest loads in before the world event does. The quest is always ‘looking’ to see if the world event is active and will auto-abandon if it can see it is not active. So, if your load times are slow and too much time passes between quest load and event load, then the quest will look to see if event is active, see that it isn’t and abandon.
This is why the quest will most often abandon during shard switches, teleports, or log ins.

Faelight Sparkle Extravaganza! - 2019

Once per event – You can pick up this quest on the first day and then have 4 weeks to complete it.

Awards a RANDOM item of T2 quality loot — Your character needs to be level 70 to pick up this quest. Also awards a Gumdrop Levitation mount the first year you complete it.
This quest is available ONCE per character throughout the whole of Fae Yule, it will not reset weekly or monthly!

This quest is picked up from…
DEFIANTS: ‘Merga’ in Meridian /setwaypoint 6197 5193
GUARDIANS: ‘Merga’ in Sanctum /setwaypoint 7377 3079
BOTH: ‘Merga’ in Tempest Bay /setwaypoint 12779 11571

Complete dungeons, win warfronts, complete zone events while mentored to the correct level.
Unstable artifact events do give sparkles! They will give you 4 sparkles each.
Farming unstable events can often be the quickest way to complete the quest, simply tag as many unstable events as you can, making sure you are always mentored to the correct level for the lowest event you have tagged (or just stay at level 20 while you farm). You can easily tag high level events at level 20 if you use an unstable artifact tracking vial (the patron one will do) or use nets to catch squirrels. Use an event tracker like YARET, here you can click on an event once you have tagged it so you can keep an eye on which events you still need to tag.

The Gumdrop Levitation Mount
Gumdrop Levitation will only show as a rewards the first year you complete the quest, in subsequent years you will only receive the T2 loot box.
Unstable events

Unstable zone events do work for earning Sparkles. You can tag a bunch of zone events, mentoring down each time and then stay low level as they all complete.
You do not need to stay in the zone until the event has finished, you can tag the event by picking up a single unstable (blue) artifact or catching a squirrel.
Don’t forget you can track zone events on YARET.

Fae Yule Weekly Quests - Reward Dark Icicles

There are 3 phases with a weekly quest each phase to complete.
All 3 quests are very easy to complete, giving you time to enjoy the holiday season!

Phase One - Remembering the Yulemother

Weekly Quest - Seasons Greetings!

Awards 10 Dark Icicles. 
This quest is picked up from Greatfather Frost in Sanctum or Meridian..
DEFIANTS: Meridian at /setwaypoint 6202 5192
GUARDIANS: Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7379 3075
Greatfather Frost has a throne/chair in these locations, although he does often wander off for a little walk then comes back to sit down.

The quest is REALLY simple and quick – Super easy to quickly complete it on all your alts! You simply have to find Atrophinius and invite him to the party!
Atrophinius can be found in two locations, one in Silverwood for the Guardians and one in Freemarch for the Defiants. (It doesn’t actually matter which you use though).

Talk to Atrophinius and then go back to Greatfather Frost in Sanctum/Meridian to hand in the quest!

The Silverwood Atrophinius is located at
/setwaypoint 6401 2473
(Marked as a speech bubble on your map)

The Freemarch Atrophinius is located at
/setwaypoint 5735 5696
(Marked as a speech bubble on your map).

Phase Two - Reclaiming Fae Yule

Weekly Quest - Surly Sober Satyr

Awards 10 dark icicles.
This quest is picked up from Atrophinious in Sanctum or Meridian..
DEFIANTS: Meridian at /setwaypoint 6192 5201
GUARDIANS: Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7380 3064

To complete this quest, you will first need to speak to Greatfather Frost in Sanctum or Meridian..
DEFIANTS: Meridian at /setwaypoint 6202 5192
GUARDIANS: Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7379 3075
He will ask you to go on the hunt for some ingredients to make mead.

These ingredients can all be found in Freemarch or Silverwood…
There are 3 quest circles on each map, you will find a different ingredient in each circle.

Once you have picked up 5 of each plant go back to Atrophinious and hand in the quest.


Phase Three - Fae Yule Celebration

Weekly Quest - Gift for a Bogling

Awards 10 dark icicles and a Fae Yule grab bag (contains pets or costume weapon skins).
This quest is picked up from MERGA in Sanctum or Meridian..
DEFIANTS: Meridian at /setwaypoint 6197 5196
GUARDIANS: Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7377 3078

To complete this quest, you will first need to go to some caves in iron pine peak and collect piles of gifts.
This is the only quest that very low level alts may have a problem with.. If your alt is below level 30 then you may have problems killing the mobs in the cave to access the piles of gifts. Try to group up with a higher level friend and turn on your sidekicking, or just run through the cave together.

The caves are located in Iron Pine Peak, the location is clearly marked on your map.
Inside the caves and tunnels are very large piles of presents, you need to pick up 5 of these. Dont forget you can switch shard if your shard is particularly busy.

Once you have all 5, head back to Sanctum / Meridian and speak to MERGA again
she will ask you to deliver the presents to RELLOP

Hand the quest in to RELLOP to claim your last 10 icicles.

In Meridian, RELLOP is at
/setwaypoint 5992 5139
You need to travel up the ramp from the ground floor.
In Sanctum, RELLOP is at
/setwaypoint 7516 3053
You need to travel up the ramp from the ground floor.

Fae Yule Daily Quests - Reward Snowflakes

 A large selection of daily quests to complete!

Quest Hubs

There are 3 main quest hubs to pick up dailies: Sanctum, Meridian and Tempest Bay.
It’s best to use Sanctum or Meridian to pick up your quests as you likely have to go to Sanctum or Meridian to complete them!

Planar Quests

In both Sanctum and Meridian there will be a planar quest to pick up where you either upgrade a wardstone, close 2 rifts of a certain element or kill 15 planar/rift creatures.. Make sure you are mentored correctly for this. You will be awarded 25 unique snowflakes and a jingling bell on completion.
Holiday Thievery – Collect Stolen Gifts from Air rifts that grant XP – Make sure you are mentored and close some air rifts! You can open you own air rift using your Ascended Power ability, or ask a high level char (even your own alt!) to open one for you. You need a single stolen gift to complete the quest, for me this dropped from the first rift with both characters that I tested, but it may not be a guaranteed drop.
Stormproofing the Wardstones – Use the Nexus Infusion ability to upgrade a wardstone – Wardstones can be found near most quest hubs, they are the spots that need defending during zone events – Select a wardstone and the Nexus Infusion ability will show up near the portrait, you can use the ability to credit the quest even if the wardstone is already at max level – You can find one just outside Meridian at /setwaypoint 6220 5297 and just outside Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7202 3039
Cheer Up! – Collect Stolen Holiday Cheer from rift creatures that grant XP – Kill any planar creatures that grant XP (a single rift will usually be enough) and loot the corpses for the holiday cheer. The holiday cheer will go straight into your quest log bag. When you have looted 15 the quest will auto complete.
Baffling Crucia’s Winds – Close Air rifts that grant XP – Make sure you are mentored and close some air rifts! You can open you own air rift using your Ascended Power ability, or ask a high level char (even your own alt!) to open one for you. Close 2 rifts to complete the quest.
Rift Closed! – Close 2 rifts that grant experience. – Make sure you are mentored and close 2 rifts
The Safest Way – Kill 15 rift creatures that grant XP – Rift creatures in any zone will do, make sure you mentor down to grant XP – High level characters (65+) may want to pop into the Celestial IA to see if is rift closing time!

Goboro / Draumheim / Tarken

There are also dailies to pick up in
Goboro Reef – /setwaypoint 4019 6608 –Ghar Station Mem
Draumheim – /setwaypoint 5495 6367 –Ghar Station Rosh
Tarken Glacier – /setwaypoint 6504 4139 — Port Scuddra
These dailies are pretty easy to do, they all reward 25 unique snowflakes + a jingling bell

Random Dailies

There are also 2 dailies that change randomly each day.. These are picked up in Meridian, Sanctum or Tempest Bay.. If you are unable to pick up the dailies during the first week it could be because you still have quests from the previous year in your quest log, check in your quest log under ‘World Event: Fae Yule’ and abandon any old quests.
There are guides for these dailies below.

Sledding in Iron Pine Peak

For information about the Iron Pine Peak sledding please see the main page of the Fae Yule guide.

Light The Way - Random Daily

Awards 25 unique snowflakes + jingling bell.
This quest is picked up from Merga in Sanctum or Meridian.. (Merga does wander around a bit).
Your character needs to have completed the first weekly in order to be offered this quest, if you have completed the weekly in previous years then you will be able to pick it up straight away.

When you pick up the quest you will be given a temporary quest ability of ‘Yulemothers Light’

Open the map to view Freemarch or Silverwood, there you will see large quest circles. Head over to them and look for clouds of black smoke.

Head over to the smoke!
In the middle of the smoke will be a lost traveller, use the ‘Yulemothers Light’ ability near the lost traveller then WAIT for the quest to tick off! You can switch shard at the same spot or go to the next black cloud to find 2 more and complete the quest.
The quest will auto-complete when you are finished.

Dashing Through the Snow - Random Daily

Awards 25 unique snowflakes + jingling bell.
This quest is picked up from VELANA in Sanctum or Meridian.. (Velana does wander around a bit).

All around the cities of Sanctum and Meridian (big yellow quest circle on map) are very sparkly ice flowers to pick up. Find 10 of them, remember to switch shard!

This quest will auto-complete when you are finished.

A Frosty Free-For-All - Random Daily

Awards 25 unique snowflakes + jingling bell.
This quest is picked up from Velana in Sanctum or Meridian..

In both Sanctum and Meridian is a circle of snowmen..

When you enter the circle of snowmen you will be given a temporary ability called ‘snowball’

To complete the quest you need to throw the snowball 8 times
you can throw the snowball by selecting another player and then using the ability. The other player will then turn into a snowman for about 3 seconds. you can then take it in turns throwing snowballs at each other til you both have 8..

HINT: Grouping up with the other player is very beneficial! Credit is shared each time one of you throws a snowball, so you only have to throw 4 each instead of 8, the more people in the group the better!

If there are no other players around you will need to wait for a ‘reveler’.
These guys will run across the circle very quickly about every 5-10 seconds. You can throw snowballs at them!

This quest will auto-complete when you are finished.


Deck the Halls - Random Daily

Awards 25 unique snowflakes + jingling bell.
This quest is picked up from MERGA in Sanctum or Meridian..

When you pick up this quest you will be given a temporary quest ability..

You need to make your way over to the buildings that need decorating in Meridian or Sanctum

The large tent outside Meridian.
The Tavern round the back (east) of Sanctum.

Use the quest ability and target the walls.
Keep using the ability until you have placed 5 Christmas Wreaths on the walls.
The quest will auto-complete when you are finished.

Yuletide Exchange - Random Daily

Awards 25 unique snowflakes + jingling bell
This quest is picked up from RELLOP in Sanctum or Meridian..

In meridian, RELLOP is at /setwaypoint 5992 5139
You need to travel up the ramp from the ground floor.

Start by picking up a present next to the questgiver, this will then open up a portal nearby..

Portal in Meridian.
Portal in Sanctum.

Going through the portal will take you to a different location depending on the day of the quest (could be Iron Pine Peak, Shimmersand, Droughtlands etc).
You will need to speak to the NPC marked on the map to deliver the present and then use the wreath portal at that location (also marked on the map) to go back to Meridian/Sanctum.
You can then hand the quest back in to RELLOP.

Gifts of the Yulemother - Random Daily

Awards 25 unique snowflakes + jingling bell
This quest is picked up from Velana in Sanctum or Meridian.

When you pick up the quest you will be given a temporary quest ability of ‘Yulemothers Gift’

You quest circle will be all around Meridian or Sanctum.
In these cities you will find specific NPCs called ‘Humbug’ walking around. You can use a [ /target humbug ] macro to make this quicker. The NPCs will also have a debuff saying that the would like a gift! Players can also get the debuff, a small cloud will form over the players head!

Find a Humbug NPC or a player with the debuff, select them and use the ability to throw them a gift!

Wassail for Atrophinius - Random Daily

Awards 25 unique snowflakes + jingling bell
This quest is picked up from Velana in Sanctum or Meridian.

All around Sanctum and Meridian are bowls of Fae Wassail to pick up. Simply click 5 of them to collect and complete the quest.