Fae Yule

Timeline for 2025


The Fae Yule event runs for 3 weeks. There are 3 phases with 3 weekly quests to complete. If you miss a weekly quest, you will be unable to collect the missed quest, so try to get it done each week!

  • Start of week 1 – 10th of December 2025 – Event starts, first weekly quest is available for this week only.
  • Start of week 2 – 17th of December 2025 – Phase two starts, second weekly quest is available for this week only.
  • Start of week 3 – 24th of December 2025 – Phase three starts, third weekly quest is available for this week only.
  • End of week 3 – 30th of December 2025 – Event Finishes.
  • Daily quests reset at the normal 4am daily quest reset.
  • It is always best to do the quests as soon as you can, don’t leave it until the last minute!
  • The event shop should be open for an extra week after the event ends, you will not be able to do quests during this time.
  • The in game event tracker still shows the dates for 2022 – Just ignore it!
  • It is unlikely that the 4 hour minion missions will be switched on. They have not been switched on for any event since the start of 2022.
  • There are no new items to buy. The best in slot Cape is still available.
  • World Event quests can randomly abandon from your character, this is more likely to occur during shard switch or teleporting. You can keep trying, or give it a few hours and then try again. This issue, which is common for all world event quests, usually clears itself up within 24hours of the event start.

Information / Guides

The Fae Yule world event in rift is a celebration of the Winter Season and CHRISTMAS!!!
As with all world events, I strongly suggest you complete all the weekly quests on all your alts to get a good stock of currency to buy all the things.

The weekly quests during Fae Yule are all very easy quests, even for very low level alts (minimum level for quest pickup is 15)
There are also daily quests to do to increase your reserves of Unique Snowflakes.
Killing anything Planar related will also earn you Snowflakes which you can use to buy pretty things.

You can find many beautiful items in the rift store to buy with all the currency you earn.
Winter themed costume items are also available to purchase, see the wardrobe page for details.

Fae Yule has plenty of cheevo points linked to it, you can find guides for these on the cheevo page.

Earning Currency

The currencies for Fae Yule are ‘Dark Icicles’ and ‘Unique Snowflakes’

These currencies are earned by doing a variety of daily and weekly quests.
You will be able to earn 10 dark icicles each phase by doing the weekly quest (A total of 30 during the whole event) along with loads of snowflakes from the various other quests and from killing planar mobs in open world. Your usual token boosts will also boost your snowflake gain; patron, vials, treasure map etc. Token boosts do not work on dark icicles.

The weekly quest changes each phase on Thursday at 15:30PM server time. If you miss a weekly quest, you will unable to collect the missed quest, so try to get it done each week!

Minion Adventures

Note: The 4 hour minion adventures for Fae Yule have NOT been turned on for 2022. It is unlikely that they will be.

Dark Icicles can also be earned from the special Fae Yule 4 hour minion quests, these are a random and very rare drop and should not be entirely relied upon for the farm! You do not need to buy any of the event minions to make these adventures start popping.. You will also very rarely receive the current lock box from these minion adventures.
Mostly you will receive snowflakes, costume unlocks, dimension items, festive food and the occasional pet.

Fae Yule 2021
4 Hour Minion Card Loots

During Fae Yule 2021 I completed 103 4 hour Fae Yule Adventures (2 Accounts, both regions).
I looted 24 Dark Icicles, 11 Fae Yule Bagling Supply Crates and multiples of all the items listed below.

LOTS of Jingling Bells
LOTS of Unique Snowflakes

Costume – Angry Snowman Hat – Helmet
Costume – Candy Cane – One Handed Weapon
Costume – Dead Snowman Hat – Helmet
Costume – Fae Yule Festive Cap – Helmet
Costume – Fae Yule Festive Cape – Cape
Costume – Fae Yule Reveler’s Leggings – Legs
Costume – Gargantuan Candy Cane – Two Handed Weapon
Costume – Ice Dagger – One Handed Weapon
Costume – Ice Scythe – Two Handed Weapon
Costume – Ice Sword – One Handed Weapon
Costume – Joyous Snowman Hat – Helmet
Costume – Snowflake Staff – Two Handed Weapon

Pet – Blue Light of Yule – Tradeable
Pet – Bowie – Bound to account
Pet – Broody – Bound to account
Pet – Celyn – Bound to account
Pet – Chip – Bound to account
Pet – Dasher – Bound to account
Pet – Green Light of Yule – Tradeable
Pet – Jack – Bound to account
Pet – Jingle – Bound to account
Pet – Jolly – Bound to account
Pet – Krinkle – Bound to account
Pet – Marv – Bound to account
Pet – Oakenoel – Bound to account
Pet – Ol’Frosty – Bound to account
Pet – Prancer – Bound to account
Pet – Puppet: Dacia – Tradeable
Pet – Puppet: Faceless Man – Tradeable
Pet – Puppet: Fae Yule Caroller – Tradeable
Pet – Puppet: Fae Yule Spirit Singer – Tradeable
Pet – Puppet: Greatfather Frost – Tradeable
Pet – Puppet: Tasuil – Tradeable
Pet – Red Light of Yule – Tradeable
Pet – Rudy – Bound to account
Pet – Slobberjaw – Bound to account
Pet – Snowball – Bound to account
Pet – Snowflake – Bound to account
Pet – White Light of Yule – Tradeable
Pet – Yellow Light of Yule – Tradeable

Dimension Items….

Blue Fae Yule Candle
Blue Gift Box
Blue Tree Star
Cyan Tree Star
Fae Yule Candy Cane
Fae Yule Defiant Wreath
Fae Yule Gift Pile (Binds to Account)
Fae Yule Guardian Wreath
Fae Yule Large Gift Pile
Fae Yule Music Box
Fae Yule Sleigh
Fae Yule Small Gift Pile
Fae Yule Tree
Fae Yule Tree with White Lights
Fae Yule Tree with Red and Blue Lights
Fae Yule Tree with Red and Blue Lights & Ornaments
Fae Yule Tree with White Lights & White Ornaments
Fae Yule Wassail Bowl
Fae Yule Wreath
Fox Plushie
Frozen Cephalon
Greatfather Frost
Green Garden Gnome
Green Striped Gift Box
Green Stuffed Stocking
Green Tree Star
Happy Scarfed Snowman
Holiday Bogling Snowman
Icy Stalagmite
Jingling Bells
Jolly Hellbug – Stationary
Long Icicle Corner
Long Icicle Variant
Long Icicles
Magenta Gift Box
Purple Tree Star
Red Garden Gnome
Red Gift Box
Red Stuffed Stocking
Red Tree Star
Ribboned Fae Yule Candle
Shambler Plushie
Sheep Plushie
Short Icicles
Short String of Color Lights
Short String of Red Lights
Short String of White Lights
Snow Covered Bell on a Post
Snow Covered Defiant Banner
Snow Covered Guardian Banner
Snow Covered Merchant Cart
Snow Globe
Snowy Brazier
Snowy Cart
Snowy Platform
String of Blue Lights
String of Color Lights
String of Red Lights
String of White Lights
U-Shaped Garland
Vandalized Fae Yule Tree
Violet Gift Box
White Tree Star
Yellow Striped Gift Box
Yellow Tree Star
Yule Pine Tree


During Fae Yule 2020 I completed 104 4 hour Fae Yule Adventures (2 Accounts, both regions). I looted 20 Dark Icicles, 7 Fae Yule Bagling Supply Crates.
During Fae Yule 2019 I completed 99, 4-hour Fae Yule Adventures (2 Accounts, both regions). I looted 14 Dark Icicles, 14 Fae Yule Bagling Supply Crates

Use Your Alts!

I highly recommend you do the weekly on as many alts as possible and as many of the dailies as you feel up to! This will allow you to buy all the things you want/need from the shop. A lot of the shop items are either region wide unlocks (in the case of costume items) or are bound to account so you can buy from alts and send to your main. 

Trade your Snowflakes

Unique Snowflakes are tradeable between your characters on the same shard. This means you can use your main char to farm snowflakes and then send the required amount to your alts for shopping purposes.
Go to the vendor ‘Aleatoria Sendang in Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 12975 11460
On lower level alts who may not have opened up Tempest Bay yet you can find a vendor in…
Sanctum: /setwaypoint 7463 3007 – In the ground floor of the Sanctum tower to the left as you exit the portal.
Meridian: /setwaypoint 5942 5276 – In the college of planar studies.
Here you can swap your Unique Snowflakes for tradeable token boxes that you then post to your alts for them to open.

Farming Snowflakes

The main way to farm snowflakes is simply by joining in with as many zone events/rifts as possible! Considering you will likely be farming for the Fae Sparkle Quest, you may be farming loads of zone events anyway, so your snowflake stocks should soon be overflowing.
However, a few days of tagging every zone event can soon get either boring or overwhelming.. You will be glad to hear there are also many other ways to gain snowflakes.
Remember that snowflakes can be traded between characters, so you may want to allocate an alt (or two) for snowflake farming and pop a token vial on those characters, then you can take breaks when you need to.. I suggest you figure out which snowflake farming activity will net you the most snowflakes while being most fun for you! But a simple thing to do with these token vial alts is to simply log them, do all the dailies as quickly as you can then log off til the next day.
Below I will describe all the ‘other’ activities you can do to farm snowflakes once you have run out of the main dailies (quest guide).

Invasion Farming in Planetouched Wilds

Farming invasions in Planetouched Wilds is the best snowflakes per minute ratio you will find.. however this is only if you have a decent enough character with good gear and a good spec to be able to farm many invasions at a time without dying.
Planetouched Wilds invasions are also a nice group activity, grab all your friends and farm together! Just be sure to let everyone tag properly.

The invasions here are level 65 so they grant XP without having to mentor down, however they are a whole expansion below you, so you can murder them very quickly!
There are 5 locations in Planetouched Wilds where you can spawn massive invasion events.

Ovog Shirne – Air – /setwaypoint 9234 6026
Khort – Air – /setwaypoint 9698 7067
Jad – Earth – /setwaypoint 11663 5751
Woe – Death – /setwaypoint 9370 4993
Shal Korva – Earth – /setwaypoint 10303 5975

When you reach the waypoints in Planetouched Wilds, there will hopefully be a ‘primal focus’ up. If there isn’t, then you will need to switch shards to find one or try a different location

Around the focus are Spiritstones and Spiritwells that can be upgraded. Upgrading these will increase the flow of invasions, as will having more people in your group, so be careful if you are solo not to upgrade too many and end up with a flow that you cant handle. I recommend upgrading 2 or 3 of the Spiritwells to start you off and see how you go (The Spiritwells will splash small heals on you while the Spiritstones are turrets that will agro some of the invasions away from you).
Remember you can use your ‘fury of the ascended’ ability to help you out if it gets a bit too much!

There will be a few ‘ancestral conflux’ around to help you upgrade everything, destroy them and stand in the blue bubble to refill your planar charges.
If the primal focus is destroyed the invasions will stop, so keep it alive!
The invasions will stop automatically after 15 mins or so, then you can switch shard at the same location to go again, or go to a different location.

If you are farming in a group, agree a spot to stand in (Usually 20-30 meters away from the centre stone) and STAY there. Let the mobs come to you and then lay ground AOE to destroy them, ensure everyone is able to tag them by killing them slowly!

Christmas Tree Farming

In Mathosian zones, every so often Christmas trees will appear in numerous locations in the zone. This is not a proper zone event and wont appear on event trackers such as YARET.
There will however be an announcement in chat as long as you are in the zone when the trees appear and you can see the trees on the map.

When you go to the trees you will find they are surrounded by collectable presents. Each present will give you one snowflake, you will get around 20-30 snowflakes from each tree. Simply start picking them up, then circle around the tree grabbing them all, when you reach the start point again they will all start respawning, you can keep circling and collecting til the tree disappears, then move on to the next one.

Sledding in Iron Pine Peak

In Iron Pine Peak is a sledding track! You can pick up a repeatable quest and go down the sled track over and over again to farm snowflakes. Depending on your speed (i.e. ability to stay on the track!) this may be the fastest way for you to farm snowflakes.
There is a portal in Meridian and Sanctum that will take you to the correct spot, or you can just go there yourself in Iron Pine Peak to /setwaypoint 3595 1924

Meridian - /setwaypoint 6169 5224
Sanctum - /setwaypoint 7426 3140

Just outside the portal in your main city is a questgiver that will give you a quest to speak to the sledding questgiver in Iron Pine Peak.. simply go through the portal and hand the quest in! (once per event)

Once you are through the portal you can speak with Merry who will give you the 2 repeatable quests..

sled slalom
snowmen snowpocalypse

Next to the questgiver is a square platform, moving onto this platform will launch you up to the starting platform.

Once on the starting platform you can grab a sled (right click the sparkling rack of sleds) and start making your way down the track. To complete both the quests in one run, you will need to hit at least 10 snowmen and go through all the flagged gates.
The controls while on the sled are very simple, press forward to go, stop pressing forward to stop.. However, you will be going VERY fast, you may need to backtrack a bit if you miss flags!

You can mentor down to go slower! (Level 49 is best for this)

At the end of the track is a ramp, when you go up it you will be launched into the air through rings, hitting each ring gives you an additional snowflake.

Jingling Bells + Secret Santa Mail

Opening Jingling Bells.

You will likely earn LOADS of jingling bells during the Fae Yule event.
They are looted as rewards from the daily quests, but also randomly from zone events.
Each jingling bell will contain between 1 and 5 snowflakes plus bonuses.
They will also randomly drop Fae Yule food, costume skins, dimension items, pets and the snowmen needed for the snowman cheevo.

You may find it beneficial to send all your bells to a single alt, then pop a token vial on that alt when you open them all to increase your snowflake loot.

You can also receive random mails from a Secret Santa.
These are NPC generated, not from other players in the game.

These Fae Yule gift boxes contain the same sort of selection of items as the jingling bells.

Snowman Heads Everywhere!


  • The Fae Yule event for 2024 ran from 18th of December to the 7th of January
  • The Fae Yule event for 2023 ran from 13th of December to the 2nd of January
  • The Fae Yule event for 2022 ran from 14th of December to the 4th of January (There is no announcement post due to no CMs)
  • The Fae Yule event for 2021 ran from 9th of December to the 6th of January
  • The Fae Yule event for 2020 ran from 10th of December to the 7th of January
  • The Fae Yule event for 2019 ran from 12th December to the 9th January
  • The Fae Yule event for 2018 ran from 13th December to the 10th January
  • The Fae Yule event for 2017 ran from 7th December to the 11th January
  • The Fae Yule event for 2016 ran from 15th December to the 11th January
  • The Fae Yule event for 2015 ran from 10th December to the 6th January
  • The Fae Yule event for 2014 ran from 11th December to the 8th January
  • The Fae Yule event for 2013 ran from 12th December to the 7th January
  • The Fae Yule event for 2012 ran from 13th December to the 7th January
  • The Fae Yule event for 2011 ran from *unknown*