
Cheevos found in H > World Events > Carnival of the Ascended

New cheevos for 2024

No new cheevos for 2024

This page has guides for:
True Veteran Carnival Rush! An Old Dog Learning New Tricks 10 Years of Service with the Defiants 10 Years of Service with the Guardians Hop To It Standing Ovation

5 Year Questline: Five More Years and Dimensional Divination

Meta Cheevo – Come on and Jump on my Spider: Tito Approved!, Party Personifier, The Color Changer and Celebration Through Decoration

Meta Cheevo – Life of the Party: Fortune Favors the Gold, Hard Core Gamer, Hope Someone Packed the Antacids (Changes to: Are You Really Going to Eat That?), Hit it with a Stick, Everyone Loves a Parade, Will Dance for Beads and What Do You Mean VIP Only? Don’t You Know Who I Am?

Zone Event Cheevos: What? I’m Taking it Back!, Go Home, You’re Drunk and Fear and Loathing in Tulan

Note: A LOT of the items for sale can be acquired by other means during the event. The 4 hour minion missions will give you various items, along with opening Carnival Celebration Crates – You will get one of these crates free from every weekly carnival quest (3 total per character).
But your main farm should be the Carnival Instant Adventures. Each Adventure boss kill will give you a Pinata Prize Bag which has a selection of mounts, pets, artifacts and wardrobes inside!
A lot of these items go towards the cheevos listed below.

True Veteran

Complete the 3 artifact sets listed

This cheevo awards the title ‘Elder’
The title is a prefix that goes before your name

Each of the Artifact sets will award you 4 Doubloons when you hand them in, some players may want to farm the artifacts and complete the sets on every character they have, this will give a huge boost to your Doubloon count!

Hero Generation

These artifacts are collected from the carnival instant adventures.
Each time you kill a boss you will be awarded with a Celebration Bag which will contain a random artifact towards this set.

Our Overlord

These artifacts are collected from the 4 hour Carnival minion adventures.
You will also get a couple of them from the minion chain when you buy the Minion Card: Trillian Lockwert.

Pinata Candy

These artifacts are randomly looted while killing Dragon Pinatas, found in all the open world zones during the Carnival event.
It took me 37 Pinata kills to get the full set, ofc this is RNG and it could take you more or less!

Carnival Rush!

Eat some of the ‘Fancy Celebration Cake to polymorph into a Carnival Unicorn.
You will find the cake in the main page of the Carnival Store, under ‘consumables’. Right click the cake to place it on the floor beside you and then eat the cake (right click it) to be polymorphed into a unicorn.
There is a second cake in the store called the 10 year Birthday Cake, this cake does not give the polymorph effect.

This cheevo awards the Helmet costume: Celebration Ruff
The costume will be posted to you

An Old Dog Learning New Tricks

Train Trillian Lockwert and his band members to their former glory.
Buying the Trillian Lockwert will open up a chain that awards you 5 more minion cards. Get all 6 cards to level 25 to earn this cheevo.

This cheevo awards the title ‘The Long-lived’
The title is a suffix that goes after your name

10 Years of Service with the Defiants

Buy any one of the 3 Defiant Warhorses and then collect and use the horse to pop the cheevo.
The mounts can be bought with event currency or credits.
The event currency mounts are Bound to Account so you can buy them with alts and send to your main.

This cheevo awards the title ‘Defiant Supporter’
The title is a suffix that goes after your name

10 Years of Service with the Guardians

Buy any one of the 3 Guardian Valmeras and then collect and use the Valmera to pop the cheevo.
The mounts can be bought with event currency or credits.
The event currency mounts are Bound to Account so you can buy them with alts and send to your main.

This cheevo awards the title ‘Guardian Supporter’
The title is a suffix that goes after your name

Hop To It

Complete all the Carnival artifact sets.
These are picked up from the Frogifact daily quest avilable in Tempest Bay and from the Carnival Instant Adventures.

The reward for this cheevo is the Philosopher’s Crown.
Philosopher’s Crown is a usable item with a 5 minute cooldown. It creates a ring of spinning shinies above your head for 5 minutes!

Standing Ovation

This cheevo awards an Ashen Greathound Supply Crate.
This crate contains a variety of currencies, wardrobe and possibly the Ashen Greathound Mount.
You can complete the cheevo on alts for more chances at cool stuff!

You can pick up daily quests for these rifts from Dantwor Honey-Tongue in Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 12474 11788 (this is the same questgiver that hands out the weekly quest).

When you pick up the quest the lure will appear in your quest sticky, so you can keep checking back every day til the lure you need is the daily. You can also just buy each lure directly from the vendor (questgiver) to pop them all at once.

Go to the area marked in Shimmersand to open the Rift.
/setwaypoint 7025 6990

These Rifts are various different levels (52 or 65), wait for the mobs to pop and then mentor down to 5 levels above them.
These Rifts are easily done with 5 people, even while mentored. A decently geared level 70 with a good spec will be able to solo them.

Shadow of Aedraxis
Vision of Prince Hylas
Image of Jornaru
Kain the Desolate
Shadow of Laethys
Cosmologist Mann
Shadow of Teth Infinitus

5 Year Questline

Five More Years

This cheevo awards the title: Conflict Mediator

Complete the Questline!

The first quest for the 5th Anniversary questline is picked up from Kwip. You can find Kwip in your home city, or in Tempest Bay at /setwaypoint 12512 11629
This is a level 65 questline.
You can find a full guide to this questline here.

Dimensional Divination

A cheevo for completing the second to last quest in the questline.

Meta Cheevo - Come on and Jump on my Spider

Come on and Jump on my Spider

The Meta-cheevo for the 4 cheevos listed.

The reward for this cheevo is the Knight Spider mount.

Tito Approved!

These pets can be looted from a variety of different sources.
Your best bet for farming for them is the Carnival Instant Adventures.
When you collect the pet you will need to summon it to tick off the cheevo.

The reward for this cheevo is the Tito companion pet.
When you bring Tito out and use a Tito’s Partini Item (looted from the IA and 4hr minions) it will make everyone in the targeted area dance!

Tickle Monster

Party Personifier

You can find these masks in the Wardrobe section of the Carnival store.
It is VERY likely that you will loot some (or all!) of these from your 4 hour minion adventures or from the Carnival Instant Adventures, so its best to wait til the end of the event and buy the ones you still need.
You need to equip the mask in your gear screen, not just your wardrobe screen, make sure it ticks off the cheevo before getting rid of it!
The masks will stay bound to account even after you equip them so you can send them to all your alts and get the cheevo for them too!

The Color Changer

You will find these 4 items in the Carnival Store.
Simply buy them and right click to use. They do not consume so you can keep re-using them for effect.

Celebration Through Decoration

You can buy these in the Carnival store.
The Dimension section is a little bugged, when you tick the Dimension Items box you will only be able to see one item, you need to tick all the roles to be able to see all the Dimension items.
Buying the kits  will cost you 925 Prize Tickets total.

Meta Cheevo - Life of the Party

Life of the Party

The Meta cheevo for the 7 cheevos listed.

Fortune Favors the Gold

Complete some of the carnival games!
You can find small guides for these games on the Quests page.

Hard Core Gamer

Complete 100 of the carnival games.. no need to work too hard on this as you will complete 150 of them just doing the weeklies.

Hope Someone Packed the Antacids (Changes to: Are You Really Going to Eat That?)

You will loot most of these by participating in the IA and running the 4hr minion missions.
You can buy any that you miss in the drink section of the Carnival store. (Its likely you will need to buy the watermelon slush which costs just 1 prize ticket)

Hit it with a Stick

Dotted around Mathosia are hundreds of Dragon Pinatas.
These are shown on the map with balloon symbols.
These pinatas are the best way to farm glass beads. Make sure you mentor down to 5 levels above the pinata to get the maximum amount of glass beads per kill.
They also drop other items, listed in the expanding box below.
Kill 20 of them to pop the cheevo.

This is what I have looted from farming Pinatas..

Celebration Bag for Pinata Hunters (contains artifacts from the ‘Pinata Candy’ set)

Wardrobe: Adventurers Hat
Wardrobe: Ancient Kelari Robe
Wardrobe: Endless Marauder’s Spiked Shoulders
Wardrobe: Endless Skull Helm
Wardrobe: Fae Yule Festive Cap
Wardrobe: Fae Yule Reveler’s Boots
Wardrobe: Fae Yule Reveler’s Leggings
Wardrobe: Fae Yule Reveler’s Tunic
Wardrobe: Puffy Dwarven Toque

Pet: Aschbacher
Pet: Blue Shell Crab (Bound to Account)
Pet: Gil
Pet: Hagbrood Hatchling (Bound to Account)
Pet: Happy Seacap (Bound to Account)
Pet: Nugget (Binds to Account) (Tradeable)
Pet: Rudy (Bound to Account)
Pet: Shadetouched Hound (Bound to Account)
Pet: Shadetouched Scarab (Bound to Account)

Item: Barnacle Encrusted Source Machine (Planar Focus, not useful)
Item: Dusty Treasure Hunter’s Satchel (24 slot bag)
Item: Gem of Boundless Energy
Item: Luminescent Conch Shell (Trinket that allows underwater breathing)
Item: Riotous Living (Throws coins in the air) (Binds to Account) (Tradeable) 
Item: Rune of the Sea Squall (Creates a cloudy/lightning effect above your char)
Item: Touch of Greed
Item: Touch of the Abyss (Bound to Account)
Item: Touch of the Shade

Weapon effect: Endless Overgrowth Oil
Weapon effect: Particle Charge
Weapon Effect: Philter of the Endless Void
Weapon Effect: Rune of Living Flames
Weapon effect: Vial of Abyssal Water
Weapon effect: Vial of Liquid Greed

Everyone Loves a Parade

Collect 250 of the Parade Cores dropped by parades moving through the lands.
There is a quest to hand in to exchange these Cores for Glass Beads, explained below.

Parade Cores

Hand in in Tempest bay at /setwaypoint 12468 11773

Collect Parade Cores from the parades around Brevane and Dusken.
Awards 10 Glass Beads

Go to parade locations and collect Parade Cores from the ground, then bring them back to this NPC to trade for glass beads.

Dragon Parades are marked on the map by small shield symbols.
They move across the maps slowly, only dropping cores during celebration phases, between flags marked on their routes.

Although the quest specifies Brevane and Dusken, you can collect the cores from any area to hand them in. One of the best spots to farm them is in Fortune’s Shore in Shimmersand.
A parade route goes right through the city here and drops cores as it passes. The cores are the little purple crystals on the ground, simply right click them to pick them up.
If there is no parade going through Fortune’s Shore then switch shard til you find one, it is highly likely that there will be one here on at least one shard.

Will Dance for Beads

Collect 1000 Glass Beads over the duration of the event.

What Do You Mean VIP Only? Don't You Know Who I Am?

All of these titles can be bought in the Carnival Store for 50 Glass Beads each.

Zone Event Cheevos

What? I'm Taking it Back!

Complete the ‘Take it all Back!’ Zone event.
This event only happens in Pelladane.
You can use an event tracker like YARET to see when the event happens.

Go Home, You're Drunk

You will find these Drunken Storm Drakes during the first stage of the ‘Take it all back’ event in Pelladane. Go to the areas marked on the map where the Storm Legion Kegs are. Here you will find the Drunken Storm Drakes to kill.

Fear and Loathing in Tulan

Complete the ‘The Jewel of Brevane’ Zone event.
This event only happens in Cape Jule.
You can use an event tracker like YARET to see when the event happens.

Collect all the mead!
Kill Greenscale above Tulan