
Quest Pick Up

Quests can be picked up in Meridian or Sanctum.

/setwaypoint 6173 5224
/setwaypoint 7380 3078


You can do 4 quests per day, giving a total of 80 Chaos Motes each day.
Bug Hug and Burning Sensation are always available to complete every day, the other two quests will be randomly selected from 6.
Remember, you can do the quests on as many alts as you want! Completing the quests on alts will give you Chaos Motes on alts, which you can use to buy account bound items such as the wardrobe skins, saving your Chaos Motes on your main for bind on pickup items such as the mounts.

These 2 quests are available every day.

Bug Hug

Defeat Hellbug Invasions 0/15

During the Unnatural Speciation and Aggressive Colonization Zone events there will be special Hellbug Invasions.. Kill them!

You will need to mentor down to get credit for this quest. You can find out about mentoring here.

Rewards 20 Chaos Motes

Burning Sensation

Defeat Hellbug Footholds 0/5

During the Unnatural Speciation and Aggressive Colonization Zone events there will be Hellbug Footholds. Destroy them! The footholds spawn during the second half of the event, they are not the normal fire footholds.

You will need to mentor down to get credit for this quest. You can find out about mentoring here.

Rewards 20 Chaos Motes

You will also be able to pick up 2 random quests from the 6 below

Curiosity Hellbug Boxes

Collect Curiosity Hellbug Boxes x5

Find the boxes all around Meridian and Sanctum. This is a great quest to do on a bunch of alts!

Rewards 20 Chaos Motes

Little Crawlers

Kill Sprouted Crawlers x5

Defiants will find these critters on the shores of Fortunes end, Freemarch – /setwaypoint 7026 4876
Guardians will find these critters in Treant’s Grove, Silverwood – /setwaypoint 6756 2970

You do not need to mentor down for credit and they respawn really quickly.

Rewards 20 Chaos Motes

Eight Legs to Attack

Kill Stranding Skitters x5

You can find these critters in Blightweald, Moonshade Highlands – /setwaypoint 5626 2040
Or in Trapper’s Rest, Droughtlands – /setwaypoint 7210 6164

You do not need to mentor down for credit and they respawn really quickly.

Rewards 20 Chaos Motes

Hoggish Scarabs

Kill Skittering Scarabs x5

Defiants will find these critters in Eliam Fields, Freemarch – /setwaypoint 6435 5050
Guardians will find these critters in Silver Coast, Silverwood – /setwaypoint 7109 3204

You do not need to mentor down for credit and they respawn really quickly.

Rewards 20 Chaos Motes

Mysterious Flares

Kill Red Flares x5

There are many locations where you can kill these Red Flares, I find it easiest to portal to Gloamwood Pines as the Red Flares are very near the portal here!

You do not need to mentor down for credit and they respawn really quickly.

Rewards 20 Chaos Motes

Venom From Hell

Kill Venomous Skitterers x5

Defiants will find these critters in Crook Ridge, Freemarch – /setwaypoint 6187 5534
Guardians will find these critters in Wayward Thicket, Silverwood – /setwaypoint 6923 3112

You do not need to mentor down for credit and they respawn really quickly.

Rewards 20 Chaos Motes

Zone Events

Unnatural Speciation and Aggressive Colonization are the zone events you need to look out for. Both these events have the correct Invasions and Footholds for the quests. You can track which zone events are up by checking YARET  these two zone events will be in green text as they are special events.

Zone Event Summoning

The events pop in most of the Mathosian zones.

You can buy both the zone event lures (Planar Beacon/Fatestone) from the Call to Action section of the Rift Store. Or you can wait for the events to spawn naturally.

Planar Beacon: Unnatural Speciation

A re-usable zone event lure for summoning the Unnatural Speciation Zone Event.

Planar Beacon: Aggressive Colonization

A re-usable zone event lure for summoning the Aggressive Colonization Zone Event.

Minion card: Bitey
Zone Event Loots

During the zone events there is lots of special loot that drops.
You can see info about these loot drops on the Main Call To Action page.

Some loot is specific to these events, including:
Mount: Skittering Hellbug
Pet: Skitt
Minion Card: Bitey
Minion Card: Kepple


There are a few cheevos to get related to the Hellbug zone events..
These cheevos are found in the Planes > Fire section

Hellbug Hordes

Complete the Unnatural Speciation zone event.

Hellbrood Annihilation

Close 20 Hellbrood rifts during the Unnatural Speciation zone event.

Fiery Fissures

Destroy 60 of the hellbug Fissures, these appear during phase 2 of the event.


Complete the Aggressive Colonization zone event.

Emptying The Nesters

Close 20 Hellnest rifts during the Aggressive Colonization zone event.

Not Safe For Working

Destroy 60 of the Blast Pod Footholds, these appear during phase 2 of the event.

When Words Collide

Get an Invasive Species rift all the way to stage 5 and close it.
You can find the Lure for these rifts in the Rift Store under Rifts.
(I had trouble getting the rift to credit the cheevo in Silverwood and Freemarch, but it worked in Stillmoor while mentored to 50)


Items to buy with Chaos Motes or Credits.

7 Mounts For Credits or Chaos Motes

Mounts checked on 1st February 2022 – No changes

Please note most of the mounts are available for event currency!
In the Rift Store: You will find credit only mounts. When you buy these mounts they will unlock on every character on your account
From the Vendor in Meridian/Sanctum/Tempest Bay: You can find a selection of single character mounts for event currency.
Meridian Mount Vendor ‘Nefotep’: /setwaypoint 6173 5227
Sanctum Mount Vendor ‘Edmict’: /setwaypoint 7381 3080

Credit Prices: Prices shown may be for Patrons. Players without a Patron sub will pay slightly more (Patrons get 10% discount on store credit prices).

Bound to Account – All of the Hellbug Event Currency mounts are bound to account. You can buy them with alts to send to your main. This is always subject to change so make sure you always read tooltips before you purchase anything!

SC = Single Character
AW = Account Wide

Mount NameCredits – AWEvent Currency – SC
Cinder Hellbug2700800
Gulanite Hellbug2700800
Lavender Hellbug2700800
Radiant Hellbug2700 
Shadow Hellbug2700 
Skittering Hellbug 500
Toxic Hellbug2700800
Cinder Hellbug
^^ Click for animation ^^
Pictures Kindly donated by Kerbin@Typhiria
Gulanite Hellbug
^^ Click for animation ^^
Lavender Hellbug
^^ Click for animation ^^
Pictures Kindly donated by Marisun@Typhiria
Radiant Hellbug
^^ Click for animation ^^
Pictures Kindly donated by Holyroller@Deepwood
Shadow Hellbug
^^ Click for animation ^^
Pictures Kindly donated by Holyroller@Deepwood
Skittering Hellbug

This mount can also drop randomly from the zone events.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Toxic Hellbug
^^ Click for animation ^^


Account section checked on 1st February 2022 – No changes

Pet Skin: Hellbug Bundle

This unlocks a combat pet skin (Not a companion pet) for all the characters on your account that are able to use it.

To change your pet skin, summon your pet then open up your character screen, select pet on the left and choose a skin from the selection at the bottom.

5 Pets

Note: the newest pet, Erebos, was only added to the Hellbug section of the Rift store, not to the Hellbug vendor.
The Hellbug section of the Rift store has not been activated for the past few Hellbug events, thus making this pet impossible to buy.


This pet is bound to account.
You can buy it on an alt and send it to your main if required.


This pet is bound to account.
You can buy it on an alt and send it to your main if required.

Note: This pet is only availble to purchase from the Hellbug tab of the Rift Store, it is not on the vendor in Sanctum/Meridian.


This pet is bound to account.
You can buy it on an alt and send it to your main if required.


This pet is bound to account.
You can buy it on an alt and send it to your main if required.

This pet can also drop randomly from the zone events.


This pet is bound to account.
You can buy it on an alt and send it to your main if required.


Costumes checked on 1st February 2022 – No changes

Costume unlocks are region wide so feel free to buy all these with alts!
BE AWARE: the costume unlocks are consumable, you will unlock the costume but you will not have an item to sell back like in other areas of the Rift store.. (bear in mind sometimes this is not the case.. always check your bags after purchase!)

Votan Fragger


Wasteland Wanderer

Costume Helmet

Dimension Items

You can find information about the available dimension items on DimensionAddicts.com.


Lures checked on 1st February 2022 – No changes

Planar Beacon: Unnatural Speciation

A re-usable zone event lure for summoning the Unnatural Speciation Zone Event.

Planar Beacon: Aggressive Colonization

A re-usable zone event lure for summoning the Aggressive Colonization Zone Event.

Change log

1st February 2022

  • Erebos pet added.
  • 6 new quests have been added, Curiosity Hellbug Boxes, Mysterious Flares, Hoggish Scarabs, Little Crawlers, Eight Legs to Attack and Venom from hell.

— Erebos needs putting into the ‘pet’ category of the store
— Unnatural Speciation zone event lure is STILL in the [ rift store > rifts > events ] section for 1800 credits.. on the Hellbug store its for sale for 1500 planarite or 67 credits.. this is just bad