Grim Remembrance

This event does not run regularly. It was never turned into a proper Call to Action event.


In June 2018 the rift PRIME shard is gearing up for the release of the River of Souls raid. The Rift dev team have decided that they will indeed give us back the awesome world event that the players so fondly remember from the first River of Souls release all the way back in 2011.
This world event is a great way to introduce a new raid to the game!

The event has 3 phases
PHASE 1 – Is the introduction of new death themed zone events, a small story questline and a few dailies.
PHASE 2 – Is loads of massive zone event bosses spawning in every zone of Telara all at the same time, 3 bosses per zone to kill! This will likely happen during peak play hours so that as many peeps as possible can join in.
PHASE 3 – Happens when all the bosses from phase 2 are dead. all the players will then move up to the top of Caer Mathos in Stillmoor, Alsbeth will spawn and after some roleplay with other main story characters, Alsbeth will open up the River of Souls raid portal and at that point the players can group up and go raiding!

As with all world events there is a specific currency for this event called ‘Otherworldly Sourcestone’.
Be aware that this currency appears in your bags, not in the currencies tab on your character screen.

There will be a special vendor up for the duration of the event to buy lots of pretty things from.


River of Souls Event / Grim Harvest

Back in April of 2011 the RIVER OF SOULS raid was released.
For 3 weeks before the raids release there was a very special world event. This started on the 30th March and finished on the 16th April, running for 3 weeks.
The event was heavily influenced by the ‘plane of death’, due to the river of souls being a death influenced raid area.
During this event there was a special currency to earn called ‘Otherworldly Sourcestone’ – You earned this currency by taking part in the open world zone events and/or by completing the event dailies and story quests.
PHASE 1 of the event lasted for the first 3 weeks. PHASE 1 introduced 2 brand new death zone events for some of the zones, one called ‘The Grim Harvest’ and the other called ‘Visions of Future Past’, you were also able to pick up dailies and story quests from your main city to help farm the special world event currency.
PHASE 2 began on the 16th April (Saturday) at between 12noon and 3pm — This depended on which shard you were on and was staggered to reduce load (there was no shard switching back then!) — PHASE 2 was a completely awesome time.. in EVERY zone 3 large zone event bosses spawned, all at the same time IT WAS FABULOUS… the event lasted around an hour, depending how organised your shard was. We had people running around to all the zones in huge trains defeating boss after boss it was loads of fun! However, it did put a lot of strain on the servers, there were many DCs and the shards went down a few times too! (due to shards going down a lot, some shards started their phase 2 much later than originally planned). You can find a number of videos on youtube of these bosses, here is a short video of the stillmoor bosses and a long video of phase 2 and 3 (Warning, some swearing in this one, but he does call Alsbeth the ‘main event chick’ which is hilarious).
PHASE 3 began as soon as phase 2 ended, it was at a different time for each server as it depended on how long it took all the zone bosses from phase 2 to be killed. PHASE 3 took place at the very top of Caer Mathos (the castle in the west of Stillmoor) it was mostly some roleplay between Alsbeth and the Guardian and Defiant heroes, there is a little bit of shooting Alsbeth, but then the portal to ROS opens up behind her and she runs away inside the portal (Alsbeth is the last boss inside ROS).
Once phase 3 was finished the river of souls raid became available for everyone to play.

Historic Cheevos

If you were playing the game back in 2011 its likely you have these cheevos tucked away in your legacy cheevo tab.

Grim Victory
Grim Hero
Grim Protector
Grim Bounty
Grim Survivor

Otherworldly Sourcestone

I didn’t have time to dissect the shopping section during the last grim remembrance event due to it being on at the same time as summerfest.
If this does come back as a regular event then i will of course update this guide and add all the shop stuff.

There is a full list of items available from the old 2011 vendor on this archived zamrift page.

Highlights include…

Hagbrood Hatchling

Companion pet

This is a small spider pet.
It is currently not on the PTS for the 2018 grim remembrance event.

Shadetouched Hound

Companion pet.

This is a death touched dog.
It is currently not on the PTS for the 2018 grim remembrance event.

Shadetouched Scarab

Companion pet.

This is a death touched scarab.
It is currently not on the PTS for the 2018 grim remembrance event.

There were also….
Loads and loads of death themed WEAPON SKINS!
A VIAL OF LIQUID SHADOWS, which puts a death effect on your weapon for an hour.
The TOUCH OF THE SHADE which makes your character glow with a purple death glow and goes towards the taste the rainbow cheevo.
The GUISE OF DEATH which turned your character into a different death character depending on your class.
There were also BIS rings, trinkets and lesser essences for your character to wear.

Where to find the Quests

The quests for the event are picked up in your Factions Home City.
There is a single story quest to pick up and complete, along with a few dailies which you can use to farm the currency.

Defiants in Meridian.
Can find the quest givers just behind the portal.
/setwaypoint 6157 5171
Guardians in Sanctum
Can find the questgivers at the bottom of the stairs to the Sanctum tower
/setwaypoint 7383 3024

Daily Quests

There are 4 daily quests to pick up.
The Otherwordly Sourcestone is tradeable between your characters, so you should do these dailies on as many chars as possible if you want to buy all the things!

Harbinger of Sorrows

TO COMPLETE: Seal rifts from the plane of death that would grant experience.
Close 3 rifts in open world, make sure you mentor down to 7 or less levels above the level of the rift (sometimes works without mentoring!).
This needs to be a rift in the Mathosian lands, you don’t need to get to the final stage of the rift, you can get it to stage 3 and let the timer run out before closing.

Exorcising Evil

TO COMPLETE: Find a corrupted essence.
This dropped for me from the first death rift I closed, an event was not active in the zone at the time.
Once you have looted your corrupted essence your quest objective will change to ‘exorcise corrupting energy’.
You will have the ‘corrupted essence’ as your quest item.
You can use this quest item on a rift creature to make a ghostly death mob appear.
Kill it to complete the quest.

With Death Denied

TO COMPLETE: Invaders destroyed 0/5
You will have a quest item for this quest called ‘Death Stone ‘
You need to find a special GRIM zone event and then find some invasions in that event.
Use the quest item on the invasion mobs, but only on the smaller mobs, not the larger ‘main’ mob.
You do not have to be mentored to complete this quest.

Shadows of Regulos

TO COMPLETE: Use the shade-tuned planar trap where the ward is weak in Meridian/Sanctum + Kill Shades of Regulos 0/3
This is a really easy quest to do, even on super low level alts!
You will be given a quest item called a ‘Shade-Tuned Planar Trap’.
All around Meridian and Sanctum will be plumes of black/purple/death smoke. Use the Trap on these as a ground aoe.
The shadow of Regulos mob will spawn for you to kill.
Reveal and kill 3 of them to complete the quest.
Remember you can switch shard if you cant find any smoke on your shard!

Story Quest

Tools of Destruction

This quest can only be done once during the Grim Remembrance event.
It awards 300 Otherwordly Sourcestone, so you should do it on as many alts as possible!
You DO NOT NEED TO BE MENTORED to get these loot rewards. (This is subject to change)

The items appear in your rift loot bag.

The scepters drop from invasions, the blades drop from rifts and the executor from an end boss colossi.

This quest is extremely time consuming, the drop rates are quite low for the items (even tho they have been increased since the start of the event).
You will need to tag as many of the grim events as possible, closing rifts, destroying invasions and tagging the end colossi. 
Good luck!


There are just 4 little cheevos for the GR event totalling 40 cheevo points for the whole event.

Dressed to Kill

Buy the guise of death item from the vendor in Meridian (/setwaypoint ##) or Sanctum (/setwaypoint ##) 
After you have used the item you can sell it back to the vendor to get your currency back (I imagine this will be fixed at some point)

Grim Tasks

Simply pick up all the daily quests in Meridian or in Sanctum and complete them.

Grim Remembrance

This  cheevo will pop when you have completed each of the special grim remembrance zone events.
You can easily track which events are up using YARET
The special GRIM events will show up in green writing on the list..

This cheevo is probably the most time consuming to get as some of the events are pretty rare.
The events only happen in the Mathosian lands.

The Revenge of the Kings – 
The Twilight Forest – Silverwood
Escape of the Ancients – Stonefield

Children of the Night – Gloamwood
The River of Souls – Stillmoor
Ancient Spirits of Evil – Shimmersand

Wages of Sin

Collect 1000 Sourcestone (the event currency) by doing dailies and/or killing planar creatures.