Season 1 2022 Rewards

This season of Battle Pass has now ended.
You can find more information about Battle Passes on the main Battle Pass page.

Is it worth it?

Battle Pass Season 1 2022 has nearly the same rewards as the original Battle Pass 1 2019. So is it worth buying?
If you are a new player that didn’t do BP1 2019, then yes, go for it, enjoy!

If you have done BP1 2019 before, then there are a few items that will still be useful to you and may help to sway your decision if you want to buy the BP or not.

  • Credits – With 1500 credits on offer, this makes it cheaper than buying credits outright from the store, especially with the reduced Battle Pass price!
  • Loyalty – There is 160,000 loyalty to claim, however you will also need patron to claim it.
  • Affinity – 300 Affinity is not enough for a whole mount, but it will certainly boost your affinity towards one! And of course there are other items to buy with affinity that 300 would cover.
  • The 6x Armored Fireball Dragon Supply Crate – If you usually buy Supply Crates, then this is cheaper than buying 6 of them individually! (Disclaimer: Cadrift does not recommend the purchasing of supply crates)
  • Expertise Shards – Even if you don’t buy the BP, you can still earn Expertise Shards from every quest you complete. This will allow you to buy more items from the BP vendor.

Free Rewards – Top Row – These rewards are available for everyone. (Yes without spending any money on Battle Pass or the game at all!)

Battle Pass Bought – Bottom Left Side – These rewards are only available to players who have bought the battle pass.
Buying Battle Pass will also grant you an extra 25% XP for each completed quest from the time of purchase.

Patron Bonus – Bottom Right Side – These rewards are only available to players who have bought the battle pass and have an active Patron Sub. Patron will be required to claim the rewards. You do not need to have an active sub for the entire Season, only when you want to claim the rewards.
Having an active sub will also grant you an extra 25% XP for each completed quest from the time of purchase. You do not need to have bought the Battle Pass to gain this extra XP. As a Patron you will also have 2 extra daily quests each day.

Rewards can be claimed retroactively within the same pass, ie: if you unlocked all or some of the rewards by levelling up and then purchased a Battle Pass or Patron Subscription, you can claim the previously unlocked rewards from all the levels in that pass.

Be careful which character you claim your rewards on, some of them are bind on pick up, though most are now bound to account.

After the Battle Pass Season is over, players will have 7 days to claim all pending rewards. During this time, players can still buy the Battle Pass and claim all regular tier rewards.

Rewards in Detail

A character displaying all the special effects from BP1 2022
Cosmetic effects and mount.

A variety of Fire themed cosmetic effects and a Fire Wing Levitate mount.

  • Lvl 2 – Flaming Eyes – An item that puts an Fire effect on your eyes.
  • Lvl 5 – Hot Feet – An item that puts an Fire effect on your feet.
  • Lvl 13 – Hot Hands – Creates an Fire effect around your hands.
  • Lvl 17 – Blast Off! – Creates an Fire effect every time you jump!
  • Lvl 23 – Crown of Flames – A fiery crown costume helmet.
  • Lvl 26 – Wings of Flame – Costume fire wings.
  • Lvl 30 – Great Balls of Fire – The Fire Balls mount! This mount is an account wide unlock.
  • From the Artifact set – Pants on Fire: An item that puts a fire effect on your legs.
  • From the Artifact set – Writ of the flaming pants: Grants you the title ‘Pants on Fire’
Pants on Fire Artifact Set

Artifact 1: BP lvl 2: Singed Cake
Artifact 2: BP lvl 6: Burnt Fingers
Artifact 3: BP lvl 11: Severe Sunburn
Artifact 4: BP lvl 15: Heatwave
Artifact 5: BP lvl 18: Bogling Barbeque
Artifact 6: BP lvl 21: Night Sweats
Artifact 7: BP lvl 24: Extra Hot Sauce
Artifact 8: BP lvl 26: Forest Fire
Artifact 9: BP lvl 30: Dragonfire

Artifact Set Rewards

Reward 1: A Star Shine Cache: Usually contains some platinum and some healing or mana pots.
Reward 2: Writ of the flaming pants: Grants you the title ‘Pants on Fire’
Reward 3: Pants on Fire: An item that puts a fire effect on your legs. Using this item places a ‘Pants on Fire’ buff on your buff bar, you can remove it by right clicking the buff.

Pants on Fire

Free Reward

— All 9 artifacts to complete the set.
— Underwater Mount Training.
— Rune Unsocketing Apparatus.

— Normal Artifact Tracking Vial
— A variety of other items

Battle Pass Bought

— 1500 credits
— A Variety of fire theme effects
— 300 Affinity
— Celestial Crafting Rift Lure
— Great Balls of Fire Mount
— A variety of other items

Patron Bonus

— Trove of 50 IRC
— 6x Armored Fireball Dragon Supply Crate
— 160,000 Loyalty
— A variety of other items

Level 1

300 Credits

300 credits to spend on anything you want from the Rift Store!

Trove of 50 IRC

When you claim this gift a bound to account container will appear in your bags with 50 IRC inside.
You can pop this container in your bank and open it when you need more IRC.
You can find out about IRC here.

Level 2

Artifact 1: Singed Cake

The 1st artifact in the Pants on fire set.

Flaming Eyes

An item that puts a fire effect on your eyes. Using this item places a ‘Flaming eyes’ buff on your buff bar, you can remove it by right clicking the buff.

Flaming Eyes
Level 3

Planar Essence Removal Device

This device is used for removing Planar Essences from your Planar Focus so you can upgrade them or place them in a different focus.

160% Favor Vial

A single use vial that increases your Favor rewards by 160% for 2 hours.

Relic Opie’s Artifact Stash

A selection of artifacts of up to Relic quality.

Level 4

100 Affinity

You can spend Affinity in the special Affinity Tab of the Rift Store. Here you will find Pets, Mounts, Minions and other items.

Level 5

Pack of 5 IRC

When you claim this gift a bound to account container will appear in your bags with 5 IRC inside.
You can pop this container in your bank and open it when you need more IRC.
You can find out about IRC here.

Hot Feet

An item that puts a fire effect on your feet. Using this item places a ‘Hot feet’ buff on your buff bar, you can remove it by right clicking the buff.

Hot Feet

Armored Fireball Dragon Supply Crate

Contains a random selection of currency, equipment, novelty items, potions, or runes with a bonus chance at service items. Contents may be appropriate for your level range, up to 70. It also includes a chance at the Armored Fireball Dragon mount.

Level 6

Artifact 2: Burnt Fingers

The 2nd artifact in the Pants on fire set.

Epic Opie’s Artifact Stash

A selection of artifacts of up to Epic quality.

10,000 Loyalty

Adds 10,000 Loyalty to your account.

Level 7

Crafter’s Energy Infusion

Resets the cooldown of all crafting recipes (for instance: the 20 hour cooldown on crafting amenders)

Level 8

Normal Artifact Tracking Vial

This will show you all Normal Artifacts on the mini-map for 30 minutes.

160% Token Tablet

A single use vial that increases your Token (currency) rewards by 160% for 2 hours. This does not work on the current top tier raid currency.

Poison Artifact Tracking Vial

This will show you all Poison Artifacts on the mini-map for 30 minutes.

Level 9

1 Dungeon Charge

A usable item that adds a random Dungeon charge to your character. This will increase the rewards that you get from completing a random dungeon. You can see how many charges you have in the LFG UI.

1 Warfront Charge

A usable item that adds a random Warfront charge to your character. This will increase the rewards that you get from completing a random warfront. You can see how many charges you have in the Warfront UI.

Level 10

Exceptionel Crafting Skill Boost

This scroll will boost a craft skill up to level 450.

Armored Fireball Dragon Supply Crate

Contains a random selection of currency, equipment, novelty items, potions, or runes with a bonus chance at service items. Contents may be appropriate for your level range, up to 70. It also includes a chance at the Armored Fireball Dragon mount.

Level 11

Artifact 3: Severe Sunburn

The 3rd artifact in the Pants on fire set.

300 Credits

300 credits to spend on anything you want from the Rift Store!

Level 12

Underwater Mount Training

Use this item on one of your mounts (in the character screen > mounts) to train them to be able to swim underwater!

160% Crafting Skill Sphere

This crafting boost will last for 2 hours. It will significantly increase your crafting XP form everything you craft during that time.

Level 13

Hot Hands

The Hot Hands effect! Using this item places a ‘Hot hands’ buff on your buff bar, you can remove it by right clicking the buff.

Hot Hands

Relic Opie’s Artifact Stash

A selection of artifacts of up to Relic quality.

Level 14

Fisher’s Friend

Resets the cooldown on all fishing lures.. including Artifact Lures and Stan’s Lure.

100 Affinity

You can spend Affinity in the special Affinity Tab of the Rift Store. Here you will find Pets, Mounts, Minions and other items.

Level 15

Artifact 4: Heatwave

The 4th artifact in the Pants on fire set.

1 Mass Soul Mend

Heals the soul of every player in your party of raid.

Armored Fireball Dragon Supply Crate

Contains a random selection of currency, equipment, novelty items, potions, or runes with a bonus chance at service items. Contents may be appropriate for your level range, up to 70. It also includes a chance at the Armored Fireball Dragon mount.

Level 16

160% Notoriety Vial

A single use vial that increases your Notoriety rewards by 160% for 2 hours.

50,000 Loyalty

Adds 50,000 Loyalty to your account.

Level 17

Rune Unsocketing Apparatus

Removes a Rune from a gear item so you can upgrade the gear without losing the rune, or use the Rune on a differen gear item.

Blast Off

The new fire jump effect! Using this item places a ‘Blast Off!’ buff on your buff bar, you can remove it by right clicking the buff.

Level 18

Artifact 5: Bogling Barbeque

The 5th artifact in the Pants on fire set.

300 Credits

300 credits to spend on anything you want from the Rift Store!

Burning Artifact Tracking Vial

This will show you all Burning Artifacts on the mini-map for 30 minutes.

Level 19

Twisted Artifact Tracking Vial

This will show you all Twisted Artifacts on the mini-map for 30 minutes.

Level 20

1 Warfront Charge 

A usable item that adds a random Warfront charge to your character. This will increase the rewards that you get from completing a random warfront. You can see how many charges you have in the Warfront UI.

Celestial Crafting Rift Lure: Bountiful Fire

This is just a free Crafting Rift lure, there doesn’t appear to be any difference with the loot tables compared to normal crafting rifts.

Armored Fireball Dragon Supply Crate

Contains a random selection of currency, equipment, novelty items, potions, or runes with a bonus chance at service items. Contents may be appropriate for your level range, up to 70. It also includes a chance at the Armored Fireball Dragon mount.

Level 21

Artifact 6: Night Sweats

The 6th artifact in the Pants on fire set.

Large Sack of Currency

Contains currency appropriate to your level.

Level 22

Cache of 20 IRC

When you claim this gift a bound to account container will appear in your bags with 20 IRC inside.
You can pop this container in your bank and open it when you need more IRC.
You can find out about IRC here.

Level 23

Brevanic Portal Battery

Resets the cooldowns on the Brevanic Portal Generator and Patron Fast Pass abilities.

Crown of Flames (Costume Helmet)

A fiery crown! The crown is a ring of flames above your head.
This is an actual wardrobe unlock, not a usable item.

Nightmare Artifact Tracking Vial

This will show you all Nightmare Artifacts on the mini-map for 30 minutes.

Level 24

Artifact 7: Extra Hot Sauce

The 7th artifact in the Pants on fire set.

300 Credits

300 credits to spend on anything you want from the Rift Store!

Level 25

1 Dungeon Charge

A usable item that adds a random dungeon charge to your character. This will increase the rewards that you get from completing a random dungeon. You can see how many charges you have in the LFG UI.

Armored Fireball Dragon Supply Crate

Contains a random selection of currency, equipment, novelty items, potions, or runes with a bonus chance at service items. Contents may be appropriate for your level range, up to 70. It also includes a chance at the Armored Fireball Dragon mount.

Level 26

Artifact 8: Forest Fire

The 8th artifact in the Pants on fire set.

Wings of Flame (Costume Wings)

Fiery wings!
You can open up your wardrobe screen and click the ‘show uncollected’ button to preview this in game.

Level 27

Unstable Artifact Tracking Vial

This will show you all Unstable Artifacts on the mini-map for 30 minutes.

Level 28

Planar Essence Removal Device

This device is used for removing Planar Essences from your Planar Focus so you can upgrade them or place them in a different focus.

100 Affinity

You can spend Affinity in the special Affinity Tab of the Rift Store. Here you will find Pets, Mounts, Minions and other items.

Relic Opie’s Artifact Stash

A selection of artifacts of up to Relic quality.

Level 29

300 Credits

300 credits to spend on anything you want from the Rift Store!

100,000 Loyalty

Adds 100,000 Loyalty to your account.

Level 30

Artifact 9: Dragonfire

The final artifact in the Pants on fire set.

Great Balls of Fire Mount

The new fire mount! You can see what this looks like in the preview video at the top of this list.
This mount is an account wide unlock, it will be posted to every character on your account.

Armored Fireball Dragon Supply Crate

Contains a random selection of currency, equipment, novelty items, potions, or runes with a bonus chance at service items. Contents may be appropriate for your level range, up to 70. It also includes a chance at the Armored Fireball Dragon mount.