This season of Battle Pass has now ended.
You can find more information about Battle Passes on the main Battle Pass page.
Quick Links To The Quest Sections
Battle Pass Info
Start and End Date
Start Date = Wednesday 28th August 2019
End Date = Thursday 16th January 2020
How long is Season Two?
Season Two will last 4 and a half months. This will give you plenty of time to earn the 300k BPXP needed to complete all 30 levels. If the Battle Pass were to last just 60 days then you would need to earn at least 5k BPXP each day or 35K each week. Obviously completing some weeklies as well will boost your earnings and make it easier for you.
How do I see my quests?
Open up the Battle Pass UI to see your daily and weekly quests.
You can track your quests in your quest stickies by clicking the little dot in the top right of the quest box.
The Quests are completely separate to your normal quest UI, you do not have to go an NPC to pick them up, they will just appear in your Battle Pass UI each day/week. Handing in dailies does not effect your normal daily quest hand in limit.
When do the quests reset?
Daily quests will reset every day at 4am Server Time
Weekly quests will reset every week at 4am Server Time on a Wednesday.
All current quests, even those in progress will disappear and new quests will be given. If you are logged in during daily/weekly reset you may need to relog to see your new quests.
Can I change my quests?
Season Two brings with it the new ability to shuffle quests that you do not want to do.
Hit the shuffle button on the quest UI to be given a new random quest.
You can shuffle one daily for free each day and one weekly for free each week.
If you want to shuffle more quests than this then you can do so using credits, each reroll gets progressively more expensive til the next reset.
You can clearly see in the UI if you still have free shuffles left that day/week.
BE AWARE: You will get a new RANDOM quest.. this includes the whole list of quests available, including the one you are shuffling, so there is a very small chance that you may get the same quest back after a shuffle! (this may be fixed)

How to hand in Quests

When you have completed a quest you will see the little ‘completed quest’ icon in your alert tray.
You can click this to open up the battle pass UI and claim your XP.
Your completed quest will now have a little loot bag.
Click this to collect your BPXP.

Do we all have the same quests?
Quests are distributed completely randomly. Different players will have different quests. This is intended to give players variety and to ensure that people are not all farming the same thing at the same time.
How many different quests are there?
There are a lot of different quests available; 96 different dailies and 52 different weeklies!
Objectives will be massively varied, involving every aspect of the game, including; Dungeons, Raids, Zone Events, Rift Closing, Instant Adventures, Minion Missions, PVP, Rare Killing, Artifact Hunting and more.
Will the quests be varied?
With the release of Battle Pass 2, quests are now sorted internally into categories and players are given a few quests from each category. This should prevent players being given lots of the same types of quests at the same time.
Will we have to complete every quest?
The simple answer is no.
If you want to get all the way to level 30 then you will need to earn 300,000 BPXP
This is an average of 5k per day or 35k per week over a two month period. (Be aware BP1 lasted 3 months)
Weeklies give between 8k and 10k.
Dailies give between 1k and 3k.
Patrons will have 6 dailies to choose from, Non-Patrons get 4. All Players will have 3 weeklies.
It is up to you to do your math and work out how much BPXP you want to target for each day.
But you definitely do not have to do every single quest to get to level 30!
If you want to completely skip all PVP content, or even all group content then you ‘should’ be able to do so, unless you get very unlucky with your dailies/weeklies. So far we have seen a good enough mix of group/solo quests to be able to make the 35k XP each week without doing group content. However doing some of the PVP/group quests will help you a lot, even some of the dungeon quests are for low level dungeons and easily soloable.
XP boosts, such as those from Patron, Loyalty and Vials DO NOT increase your BPXP earned.
Some Maths
Your worst case scenario would be getting 4x 1k XP dailies each day and 3x 5k XP weeklies every week. (43k XP per week)
If you completed every quest then it would take you 6.9 weeks to complete.
Your best case scenario would be getting 4x 3k XP dailies each day and 3x 10k XP weeklies every week. (114k XP per week)
If you completed every quest then it would take you 2.6 weeks to complete.
An average scenario would be getting around 8k worth of XP from dailies each day and 23k worth of XP from weeklies every week. (79k XP per week)
If you completed every quest then it would take you 3.8 weeks to complete.
These scenarios assume you dont have patron and that you complete every quest.
Examples of Quests
Below you will see a huge list of quest examples.
There are 96 dailies and 52 weeklies in the mix (these may be added to as the battle pass runs its course).
You will be given a random selection of quests from the list each day/week.
Requires XP?
Some of the quests will require you to mentor down to the correct level so the content would grant XP.
If this is required then the quests will CLEARLY state that the content needs to grant experience.
If the quest does not state that it requires experience then you can stay at your current level.
This means that a lot of the old dungeon quests can be done solo by level 70s.
For the raid quests that require XP, only the players on the quest need to mentor, other players can join in and help out and stay at level 70, this will help make the raid much smoother!
You can find a guide to mentoring here.
Dungeon Quests
Dungeon quests will generally ask you to complete a specific dungeon, or to complete a random dungeon using the LFG system, or to kill a specific boss in a specific way.
You do NOT need to mentor down unless the quest specifies that you need to get XP from the kill.
You can find a full list of Dungeon entrances here.

Be sure to check if the quest requires Standard or Expert mode, you can change the mode by right clicking your portrait and selecting Dungeon difficulty. You need to be the group leader to do this.
Random Dungeon Victory – Any of the random expert queues in the dungeon finder will work to complete this quest.
Stand Behing Me – You need to queue for a random dungeon using the LFG queue. You can queue for a random expert or normal dungeon to complete this quest. You need to have the tank box ticked when you queue up and be selected as a tank by the LFG system. When inside the instance you will need to stay in your tank spec for the duration of the instance. A tank spec is counted when it flags you as a tank on the raid frames/portrait. A hybrid tank spec that flags as DPS will not count.
Don’t Stand in Fire – The second boss in Fall of Lantern Hook, Cortilnald. This dungeon is easy to solo at level 70. It needs to be Expert mode to count! Be sure to watch out for the circles of fire! (the damage from the fire is called Scaldflesh Ash)
Finding Krass – This is a reference to the Krasstastrophe puzzle found in the Nightmare Coast Expert Dungeon. The point of the puzzle is to pull all 4 levers and have someone stand on top of each platform (one at a time, in no particular order). Note that with a full group of 5 people you can have 4 peeps on the levers and pull them all at once so the jumper just jumps from one platform to the next! You need at least 2 people to do the quest as the platforms will only be there while the lever is being pulled. When each of the platforms has been stood on you then pull the lever at the top to stop the waves and go out the cave to loot the chest, everyone needs to be out the cave before the chest will appear. If the lever at the top doesn’t appear then you have likely missed a platform.
Ballroom Dancing – This quest can only be done in the NIghtmare Tide expert version of Gyel Fortress (Goboro Reef – /setwaypoint 3221 6170) (The Intrepid level 70 version will not work). On the last boss, be sure not to get hit by any of the bad stuff. You will want to bring a friend along to agro the boss and keep her away from you so you don’t get hit by Oculon Blast. Staying out of the fight (on the elevator or on the bridges) will mean you don’t get credit, you need to be on the circular platform with the boss.
Infernal Bond – Stay out of the laser beams between the Oculons during the cast.
Oculon Blast – Stay out of the big red bubble.
Scorching Radiation -Stay out of the red circles on the floor beneath the Oculons.
Atomic Whirlwind – Stay away from the boss when she casts this spell and spins.

Chronicle Quests
Chronicles can be run every day and can all be soloed at level 70.
Chronicles are accessed using [ J ]
When doing chronicles make sure you are hunting for artifacts and use your quantum/omen sight to get the twisted ones too, a lot of these artifacts are still quite rare and may be worth a lot on the Auction House!

PVP Quests
PVP quests will have you winning a certain warfront, killing a certain amount of enemies or completing warfront objectives.
Black Garden: Hunter – For this one, you dont have to get the killing blow on a fang carrier (like you do for the similar cheevo) but the fang carrier does have to die from enemy damage rather than the ticking damage from the fang. Make sure you put lots of bleeds on the fang carrier and save your big hitting abilities for when they are at low health.
Damaging Spells – Playing a few PVP matches is a good way to get this quest done. Or you can go to the PVP shard or /PVP and then just quest as normal.
Healing Spells – Healing a few PVP matches is a good way to get this quest done.
If you want to sit and spam a heal spell to get it done quickly then you should use a cleric. Remember you can use an alt on any shard. A Cleric using Justicar Soul (at level 12) can use the Righteous Mandate buff.
If you have a higher level Cleric then you can add some other spells to the mix. Put 24 points in Warden to give you ‘Open Water’ and ‘Healing Flood’.
Team it with 40 points in Oracle to get ‘Marshaled Favor’ for 5% reduced ability cost and ‘Vital Swiftness’ which will reduce your global cooldown and reduce mana costs.
Also add the level 63 Mastery of ‘Meditation’.
You can see all this in the soul tree below, it doesn’t matter where you spend the points as long as you end up with the skills circled.
Apply the ‘Marshaled Favor’ buff to yourself, flag as pvp and target a friendly player or NPC
Spam the following macro…
#show Healing Flood
cast Open Water
cast Healing Flood
cast Righteous Mandate

Zone Event Quests
Zone event dailies are usually to complete a zone event in a specific zone. Remember you can use YARET to track zone events!
You need to actively participate in each zone event.. close a rift, defeat invasions, help kill the boss or pick up an artifact.
You need to stay in the zone til the event finishes to get credit.
Unstable events DO count towards these! You can tag an unstable event by picking up an unstable artifact (blue) or by catching an unstable artifact thief (with a net made by dreamweavers).
Zone Event lures – For a lot of the zones you can buy zone event lures (credits only at the moment), these can be used to pop a zone event in specific zones, though you will still need to meet population requirements. You can buy the zone event lures in the rift store under Rifts > Zone events. You can also ask in chat for peeps to use lures they already own.

Rift Closing Quests
All the Rift Closing Quests require you to be mentored to the correct level for the rift.
Rift Closing – To credit the rift closing quests you do not have to get to the final stages of the rifts, you can just get to the first timer stage (generally stage 3) and then let it time out before you then close it.
Rift Closing in lower zones – You can kill the first few stages of the rift at level 70 and then just mentor down for the final stage. However be aware other peeps may be closing too, make sure you allow everyone to tag before closing it fully.

Instant Adventure Quests
Instant adventure dailies will ask you to complete a small number of specific IA or a larger number of any IA.

Hammerknell and Mind of Madness are both found in the Intrepid Adventures queue. When you go into Intrepid IAs you may be in Hammerknell or Mind of Madness, after killing the last boss of these IAs it should then switch to the other one. You can stay in the IA and hope it switches to the one you need, or go do something else and check the queue again later (every 15-30 mins).

World Exploration
Climber – go to /setwaypoint 6332 2321 on the border of moonshade and silverwood – guide here.
Jumper – Go to the bridge in Smiths Haven at /setwaypoint 7318 5203 jump off into the water below – guide here.
Gloamwood Pine Jump and Gloamwood Explorer – Full guides for these can all be found on the Gloamwood Cheevo page.
Gloamwood Pine Jump /setwaypoint 5268 3085
Deeproot Fissure – /setwaypoint 5079 3018
Millrush Troll Cave – /setwaypoint 4493 2823
Tearfall Catacombs – /setwaypoint 4776 2552
Titan’s Well – In Stonefield, go to the bottom of Titan’s Well at /setwaypoint 4474 5264 – guide here.
Secret Squirrels – In Stonefield, go to the Mountain Top at /setwaypoint 4914 4669 use /dance to dance with the squirrels – guide here.
Mountain Top – In Stonefield, go to the Mountain Top at /setwaypoint 4951 4795 – guide here.
Take a Leep (Leap) – In Scarlet Gorge at the top of the Riverfell Cliff at /setwaypoint 3671 2710 walk off to land in the deep water below. guide here.
Rope Walking – In Scarwood Reach, walk across the ropes starting at /setwaypoint 3611 3529 – guide here.
Into the ‘Water’ – At Keenblade Mill in Scarwood Reach, jump off the pipe at /setwaypoint 3837 3974 – guide here.
Moonshade Fall – Go to /setwaypoint 7321 1878 in Moonshade Highlands and jump (unmounted) off the edge of the waterfall. You need to land in the water just in front of where the waterfall hits the sea below. – full guide here.
The Towers – Visit 4 towers in Moonshade Highlands, go up the stairs and into the little alcove of the building on the top.
Kelpmere /setwaypoint 6595 1694 – Post /setwaypoint 6819 1791
East /setwaypoint 6540 1350 – West /setwaypoint 6364 1351
full guide here
The View – Harlan’s Lament is in Droughtlands, go to the top at /setwaypoint 8043 6832
Height is 1021 (the middle number when you type /loc)

Or you can stand on top of the alter at /setwaypoint 7987 6828 and switch shard, this will get you most of the way up, then just continue to the waypoint as above.
Thank you to Doranbolt and his list of teleports 🙂
Desert Diving – A full guide for this cheevo can be found on the Shimmersand Cheevo page.
Jeweled Heights – /setwaypoint 7194 6910
Hullbreach Shoals – /setwaypoint 6169 6582
Fortune’s Shore – /setwaypoint 6588 6890
Dancing Feet – You will find these mailboxes in Ember Isle, you can find a full guide to this here.
Atia – /setwaypoint 13447 4176
Farhall – /setwaypoint 13374 2846
Fort Zarnost – /setwaypoint 12484 4089
Talos Landing – /setwaypoint 12400 3078

Open World Quests
Open world dailies involve a selection of different tasks, including; killing certain mobs, killing rare mobs, exploring the world and harvesting artifacts.
Kill Critters – You can find an easy spot to farm this in Atragarian Well, Goboro Reef, upgrade the Coral Springs to make the Shrimp appear, you can find one at /setwaypoint 3069 6979
You can also kill fire squirrels in Kindra’s Thicket, Freemarch
/setwaypoint 6527 4696
Culling Aelfwar + House War – A decent spot to farm for this is the palisade area – /setwaypoint 6209 2606 – guide here
Clearing Gloamwood Goblins + Gloamwood Goblins Begone – Look in the areas of the Standing Stones and Darkening Deeps – guide here.
Culling Cultists + Cutting Down Cultists – You will find loads of these mobs in the Firesand Desert area of Shimmersand – guide here.
Vampire Hunter + Vampire Slayer – I find the best place to farm this is in Caer Thalos, the castle in the north of Stillmoor. Find the ‘Spawn of Thalos’ mobs and kill them all!
There is also a named mob in Hillsborough at /setwaypoint 1716 3160 called ‘Lord Androj Hillsborough’ this guy counts as a Vampire and has a fast respawn rate, you can switch shards to kill him multiple times and then wait for respawns before you kill him again – guide here
Stillmoor Canines and Canine Culling – You can kill werewolves in Briarcliff or Ravena – guide here
Still Sinister – These can be found around the buildings in the north of the underwater area /setwaypoint 11561 2886 and in the South in the half buried buildings around the lava spouts /setwaypoint 11482 4050 – full guide here

Celestial Hunter – Kill rares in the Celestial Lands (on the comet/PoA zones) – Best spot for this is Vostigar Peaks as the rares are marked on the map – Full guide in here.
Hunting Rarity – There are so many rare mobs to choose from! You can have a look at the Rare Mob Guides to find them.
The rare Mobs in VP do count and will probably be the quickest way to complete this quest.

Artifact Hunting – You can use patrons artifact vial to do this quickly. Or you can use the Opie mount for the artifact tracking abilities. If you have neither of these then Iron Pine Peak (and indeed most of the Mathosian zones) is a nice zone to hunt in, use Omen/Quantum sight to track twisted artifacts too, the artifacts show up really well against the snow. Make sure to choose a quiet shard/area to hunt in!
If you want to try to make some money while hunting, you can find a list of PTW rare spots here. The Epics still go for good money.

Play Manugo – Go to one of the NIghtmare Tide Ghar Stations and play manugo on the machines! You can find a guide to Manugo here.

Squirrel Hunter – You can find hints about where to hunt squirrel tears on the Freemarch Cheevo page.
Jump Club? – Pick up the daily quest from Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10200 5931 – Complete the small race around Shal Korva.
Stand Strong – Defend an Empyreal Stronghold. You will find these in the Dendrome. You can find a full guide on the Stronghold cheevo page.

Minion Quests
Quests for your minions!
You can complete these quests using any of the minion mission decks, from the 1min deck to the 4hour deck. Claiming a minion mission that was already running when you got the daily will work too, as long as it matches the requirements.

Other Quests
A selection of ‘other’ things to do!
A New Look – cast a cosmetic polymorph
Form of the Antiquarian (reward for 200 artifact sets) works.
Crystalline Scale (Turns you into a dino) does work.
The three polymorph cakes crafted by survivalists work (Wispy Whipped Pastry, Cake of the Fae and Zombie Molded Pudding)
The ‘stress ball’ item from the Draumheim questline works.
The food purchased/looted during the world events that transmorg you will also work.
Architect Carapace, looted from architects in Ashora, works.
Transnogsrifier (from unstable artifact set) works.
Wand of Mechanization, Sheep Stick and Shamble Stick do not work. Electrostatic Transmogrifier (Turns you into a glowing orb) does not work. Secret of the Planes (from artifact set) does not work.
Dimension Diving – Press [ to open the dimensions menu, go to public all time and select enter on a specific dimension or just hit the random button in the top left,.
Dimensional Judge – You need to visit 3 Dimensions built by other players and +1 them. Press [ to open the dimensions menu, go to public all time and select enter on a specific dimension or just hit the random button in the top left. Once inside the dimension, have a look around and hit the +1 in the middle of the dimension UI..

I’m Coming Home – You will find the Soul Recall spell in the ‘General’ tab of your ability book.

Dungeon Quests
Quests inside dungeons
Dungeon quests will generally ask you to complete a specific dungeon, or to complete a random dungeon using the LFG system, or to kill a specific boss in a specific way.
Be sure to check if the quest require Normal or Expert mode, you can change the mode by right clicking your portrait and selecting Dungeon difficulty. You need to be the group leader to do this.
If the quest specifies LFG then you have to use the LFG system and you wisll be mentored down accordingly.. you will still be very OP!
You can find a full list of Dungeon entrances here.
Random Expert Dungeons: ALL of the expert dungeon queues work as a random, including the Classic/Storm Legion, Nightmare Tide and EoA Featured Dungeon.
Tanking – You need to have the tank box ticked when you queue up and be selected as a tank by the LFG system. When inside the instance you will need to stay in your tank spec for the duration of the instance. A tank spec is counted when it flags you as a tank on the raid frames/portrait. A hybrid tank spec that flags as DPS will not count.
Only counts for Random Expert Dungeons (level 50, 60, 65 and 70 expert dungeons all work)

Raid Quests
Quests in Raid instances
A lot of players have been looking forward to a reason to run the old legacy raids again.. well here it is!
You can find a full list of Raid Entrances here.
Kill bosses that grant XP – in a raid, you can have level 70s clear the content, only the people who need the quest need to mentor down.
Level 50 raids can be done at level 57
Level 60 raids can be done at level 65
Level 65 raids can be done at level 70
LFR – Dont bother trying to queue solo for these.. nobody uses the queue system! Instead, find a group in Level 70 chat or crossevents and join them. When the leader has grouped their 10 players they will use the LFR queue to get instantly ported to the raid, thus crediting your LFR quest.
Finding Krass – This is done in the BoB Laethys raid, entrance in the Runic Athenaeum, Moonshade Highlands. This is a level 60 Storm Legion T3 raid. It is still very difficult to solo, and to get Krass’s Treasure you will need more DPS than usual anyway.
Recommend you take at least 5 players, but the more the merrier! (up to 20)
When you enter the instance, go to the left down the slope and kill the mini boss Mallaven (simply DPS him down while avoiding any red on the floor). Then back up the slope near the entrance portal you will find Krass with his treasure chest. Click the chest to activate the fight, Krass will walk towards the chest and then become attackable, kill him quickly! At 1% he will become friendly again and walk away, allowing you to loot the chest and complete your quest. It took our group of 7 players 11 seconds to get him to 1%. You need to do it within 15 seconds for this to work. If you are too slow then Krass will take the chest away and you will have to try again with an alt.

Health and Glory – You need to have the heal box ticked when you queue up and be selected as a healer by the LFR system. When inside the instance you will need to stay in your heal spec for the duration of the instance. A heal spec is counted when it flags you as a healer on the raid frames/portrait. A hybrid heal spec that flags as tank/support or DPS will not count.
Tank Commander – You need to have the tank box ticked when you queue up and be selected as a tank by the LFR system. When inside the instance you will need to stay in your tank spec for the duration of the instance. A tank spec is counted when it flags you as a tank on the raid frames/portrait. A hybrid tank spec that flags as DPS will not count.
Tartaric Depths:Beligosh – This is the proper T1 raid not the LFR version.

PVP Quests
Quests involving PVP
Win a certain number of matches of the stated warfronts or kill a number of players. Remember you have all week to do this and some of your dailies will be for PVP too, so it’s best not to rush these out on the first day.
Healing Spells – Healing a few PVP matches is a good way to get this quest done.
If you want to sit and spam a heal spell to get it done quickly then you should use a cleric. Remember you can use an alt on any shard. A Cleric using Justicar Soul (at level 12) can use the Righteous Mandate buff.
If you have a higher level Cleric then you can add some other spells to the mix. Put 24 points in Warden to give you ‘Open Water’ and ‘Healing Flood’.
Team it with 40 points in Oracle to get ‘Marshaled Favor’ for 5% reduced ability cost and ‘Vital Swiftness’ which will reduce your global cooldown and reduce mana costs.
Also add the level 63 Mastery of ‘Meditation’.
You can see all this in the soul tree below, it doesn’t matter where you spend the points as long as you end up with the skills circled.
Apply the ‘Marshaled Favor’ buff to yourself, flag as pvp and target a friendly player or NPC
Spam the following macro…
#show Healing Flood
cast Open Water
cast Healing Flood
cast Righteous Mandate

A Classic Treasure – You can find a full guide to the
Shimmersand puzzle here.
A Knightly Treasure – You can find a full guide to the City Core puzzle here.
Static Shock – You can find a full guide to the Ardent Domain puzzle here.
The Queen’s Treasure – You can find a full guide to the Kingsward puzzle here.
Black Box – You can find a full guide to the Morban Puzzle here.
Seratos Shuffle – You can find a full guide to the Seratos puzzle here.

Rare Mob Hunting
A selection of rare mobs to kill!
Rare Hunting: A lot of people will be hunting these rares due to these new quests! You will want to try to hunt during quieter times. You do not need to mentor down.
For the Planetouched Wilds rares: Every rare in the zone is linked and only a limited amount of rares can be up at any one time, if you check all locations for the rare you need and none are up, then you should run around some of the rares you don’t need and kill those ones to clear the spawns and that wait for respawns.
Free Silverwood – You can find a full guide to the Silverwood rares here.
Free Freemarch – You can find a full guide to the Freemarch rares here.
Free Scarlet Gorge – You can find a full guide to the Scarlet Gorge rares here.
Free Droughtlands – You can find a full guide to the Droughtlands Rares here.
Monster Hunters – You can find a full guide to the Planetouched Wilds Rares here.
You will find the Khadgak at..
/setwaypoint 10722 6299
/setwaypoint 11076 5709
/setwaypoint 8844 5284
Unusual Creatures – You can find a full guide to the Planetouched Wilds Rares here.
You will find the Babaroos at..
/setwaypoint 9668 6419
/setwaypoint 9565 6393
/setwaypoint 9570 6547 and /setwaypoint 9632 6525
/setwaypoint 9623 6643
Stop the Baacs: Worshippers – You can find a full guide to the Planetouched Wilds Rares here.
You will find the Baac Worshippers at..
/setwaypoint 11237 6836
/setwaypoint 11072 6927
/setwaypoint 10955 6832
Stop the Baacs: Hunters – You can find a full guide to the Planetouched Wilds Rares here.
You will find the Baac Hunters at..
/setwaypoint 11031 5602
/setwaypoint 11281 5414 – Down in the trench.
/setwaypoint 11608 5135
Stop the Baacs: Warriors – You can find a full guide to the Planetouched Wilds Rares here.
You will find the Baac Warriors at..
/setwaypoint 9919 7520 and /setwaypoint 9956 7607
/setwaypoint 10359 7567 and /setwaypoint 10435 7509 and /setwaypoint 10365 7433
/setwaypoint 10735 5047

Open World Quests
A variety of activities in the open world.
Volantile – Dreams of Blood and Bone zone event in Ashora.
Crime Against Critters – You can find an easy spot to farm this in Atragarian Well, Goboro Reef, upgrade the Coral Springs to make the Shrimp appear, you can find one at /setwaypoint 3069 6979
You can also kill fire squirrels in Kindra’s Thicket, Freemarch
/setwaypoint 6527 4696
Living Rifts – A Life zone event is generally a good place to find Life rifts. You can also use your Life Lure to open your own (found in Ascended Powers). You may also be able to join the ‘Splinter of Life’ in the Celestial Instant Adventures.
Lively Footholds – A Life zone event is generally a good place to find Life Footholds. Stillmoor spawns a lot of them naturally (remember to mentor down). You can also pop a load of Life Rifts in a zone and hope the invasions spawn some footholds for you (this is gonna be quite time consuming).
Tear Collector – You can find hints about where to hunt squirrel tears on the Freemarch Cheevo page.
Fool’s Gold – The Golden Devourer is an open world boss found in The Dendrome. You will want to bring a good group of at least 10 level 70s.. the more the merrier! You do not need to mentor down for the kill. If Senbora the Devourer has already been summoned then you wont be able to summon the Golden Devourer on that shard til it is dead/despawned.

You first need to summon the Golden Devourer by entering a cave in the Expert Nightmare Coast Dungeon, go into the cave that the stream runs into towards the East of the map (you do not have to kill anything in the dungeon). Run towards the fire, then you will gain the ‘golden mark’ buff and be ported straight to the Dendrome. You will be ported into a cave, leave via the tunnel into the crater.
The Golden Devourer spawns at
/setwaypoint 4494 4543
If he doesn’t spawn straight away you can try switching shard.
Note: You need to have the Golden Devourer quest active to summon him, so you can’t ask a friend to spawn him for you unless they have the quest too!
Harvest Poison/Burning/Nightmare Artifacts
P/B/N Artifacts are found in Stonefield, Gloamwood and Planetouched Wilds. When you loot normal artifacts in these zones you have a chance to gain the poison artifact sight (15mins).. looting poison artifacts gives you a chance for the burning sight (10mins).. looting burning artifacts gives you a chance for the nightmare sight (5mins). While you have the sight buffs active you will take ticking damage, so make sure you have some self heals in your spec. You can use Patrons Artifact Tracking Vial to track all these artifacts on the mini map, or you can use the OPIE mount to track a specific type of artifact.

Other Quests
A selection of ‘other’ things to do!
Instant Adventures Marathon – Press [ . ] to queue for instant adventures, any of the types will do to credit this quest.
Interior Design – Go into your personal dimension (or a dimension owned by someone else where you have build rights) and place 500 items. You may have stack of building blocks on your bank, or you may want to buy some items off the store to place.. the cheapest items in the store are 2 gold each, such as the ‘red dragon scale’ in the ‘decorations’ tab, buying 50 of these will only cost you 1 platinum. You can place all 50, then pick them up and replace them again and again til you hit 500. Use the dimension items list for fast pick up, use the tinker tools add on for fast placement!