Season Five Quests

This season of Battle Pass has now ended.
You can find more information about Battle Passes on the main Battle Pass page.

Known Bugs/issues
— Large Sack of Starfall Currency (reward from level 22) does not open

Main changes for season 5
— You can see the Forum Announcement for Battle Pass 5 here, which explains all the changes.
— The daily Random Warfront will no longer be requested as a mandatory quest but can appear as a random daily.
— The Concentrated Expertise Caches awarded for completing Battle Pass quests now include a new currency, the Expertise Shards.
— Anomaly Tamer weekly quest now requires 14 BP quests completed instead of 20.
— Added BP Crafting quests in daily and weekly versions that progress whenever the crafting work order quests are completed.
— Removed BP Dimension quests that were requesting to place/pick items from dimensions.
— You can give your feedback about BP5 here on the forums.

Start and End Date

Start Date = Thursday 3rd September 2020 (16:30 Server Time)
End Date = Thursday 29th October 2020 (16:30 Server Time)
Season Five is 56 days long!

A player with Battle Pass bought and Patron sub active will take on average 25 days to complete the battle quest, if they do every quest available each day/week, they want to start no later than the 4th October to be able to complete the Battle Pass before it finishes. If you do not plan on spending money on Battle Pass then you will need to start straight away and do every quest, you will have around 8 days leeway.
You can spend credits to reroll low XP quests, or directly purchase XP with credits. This will help you complete in even less time.
You can see the maths on the main battle pass page and a graph below.

Will we have to complete every quest?

The simple answer is no.
If you want to get all the way to level 30 then you will need to earn 600,000 BPXP
This is an average of 10.7k per day or 75k per week over 56 days.
Weeklies give 10k each.
Dailies give between 1k and 3k.
Patrons will have 6 dailies to choose from, Non-Patrons get 4.
All Players have 3 weeklies.
You should always aim to do as many of the quests as you can each day/week.
But you do not have to do every single quest to get to level 30! 

XP boosts, such as those from Patron, Loyalty and Vials DO NOT increase your BPXP earned.

This graph can be used to see if you are still on track to finish the BP on time, try to stay just above this line!

How many different quests are there?

There are a lot of different quests available; 46 different dailies and 25 different weeklies!
Objectives will be massively varied, involving every aspect of the game, including; Dungeons, Raids, Zone Events, Rift Closing, Instant Adventures, Minion Missions, PVP, Rare Killing, Artifact Hunting and more.

Daily Quest Distribution

1x ‘Random Dungeon Victory’: Complete a random Expert Dungeon
3x Random Daily Quests (+2x dailies for Patron subscribers)

Rerolling daily quests will not grant the ‘Random Dungeon Victory’ quest.

Weekly Quest Distribution

1x ‘Anomaly Tamer’: Complete 20 Battle Pass quests
2x Random Weekly Quests

Rerolling weekly quests will not grant the ‘Anomaly Tamer’ quest.

Requires XP?

Some of the quests will require you to mentor down to the correct level so the content would grant XP.
If this is required then the quests will CLEARLY state that the content needs to grant experience.
If the quest does not state that it requires experience then you can stay at your current level.
This means that a lot of the old dungeon quests can be done solo by level 70s.
For the raid quests that require XP, only the players on the quest need to mentor, other players can join in and help out and stay at level 70, this will help make the raid much smoother!
You can find a guide to mentoring here.

Use your alts!

Quests can be completed on ANY character on that region. If you have a low level alt that needs some XP then maybe do some of quests using them; Instant adventure, Zone events and Rift Closing are particularly good for grabbing a bit of XP for an alt while completing quests.

Dungeon Quests

Dungeon quests will generally ask you to complete a specific dungeon, or to complete a random dungeon using the LFG system, or to kill a specific boss in a specific way.
You do NOT need to mentor down unless the quest specifies that you need to get XP from the kill.
You can find a full list of Dungeon entrances here.

Running through low level dungeons as a level 70 can be a lot of fun, but be careful not to kill the bosses too quickly or you may end up bugging the instance.

Be sure to check if the quest requires Standard or Expert mode, you can change the mode by right clicking your portrait and selecting Dungeon difficulty. You need to be the group leader to do this.

Random Dungeon Victory – Any of the random expert queues in the dungeon finder will work to complete this quest.

This quest is given every day. Rerolling daily quests will not grant either the ‘Random Dungeon Victory’ or the ‘Random Warfront Victory’ quests.

Random Dungeon Victory

Foul Cascade – Clear Foul Cascade on Standard difficulty.

Can I solo it at 70? – Yes easily.

Entrance – Scarlet Gorge – /setwaypoint 3702 2685

Foul Cascade

Expert Foul Cascade – Clear Foul Cascade on Expert difficulty.

Can I solo it at 70? – Yes easily.

Entrance – Scarlet Gorge – /setwaypoint 3702 2685

Expert Foul Cascade

Unhallowed Boneforge – Clear Unhallowed Boneforge on Standard difficulty.

Can I solo it at 70? – Yes easily.

Entrance – Seratos – /setwaypoint 11893 4154

Unhallowed Boneforge

Expert  Unhallowed Boneforge – Clear Unhallowed Boneforge on Expert difficulty.

Can I solo it at 70? – Yes easily.

Entrance – Seratos – /setwaypoint 11893 4154

Expert Unhallowed Boneforge

Archive of Flesh – Clear Archive of Flesh on Standard difficulty.

Can I solo it at 70? – Yes easily.

Entrance – Morban – /setwaypoint 15248 5126

Archive of Flesh

Expert Archive of Flesh – Clear Archive of Flesh on Expert difficulty.

Can I solo it at 70? – Yes easily. Make sure you kill Emphalea (water boss) slowly or you may be locked in. If this happens you can leave for 15mins to reset or you can use an alt to re-do it.

Entrance – Morban – /setwaypoint 15248 5126

Expert Archive of Flesh

Tower of the Shattered – Clear Tower of the Shattered on Standard difficulty.

Can I solo it at 70? – Yes easily.

Entrance – Morban – /setwaypoint 14341 7399

Tower of the Shattered

Expert Tower of the Shattered – Clear Tower of the Shattered on Expert difficulty.

Can I solo it at 70? – Yes easily.

Entrance – Morban – /setwaypoint 14341 7399

Expert Tower of the Shattered
PVP Quests

PVP quests will have you winning a certain warfront, killing a certain amount of enemies or completing warfront objectives.

Random Warfront Victory – Win a Random Warfront.
Press K to enter the PVP UI. Here you can queue up for a random warfront, this is best done during peak times.

Random Warfront Victory

Hostile Players – Kill players that grant favor x50.

Hostile Players

Player Hunter – Kill players that grant favor x100.

Player Hunter
Zone Event Quests

Zone event dailies are usually to complete a zone event in a specific zone. Remember you can use YARET to track zone events!
You need to actively participate in each zone event.. close a rift, defeat invasions, help kill the boss or pick up an artifact.
You need to stay in the zone til the event finishes to get credit.

Unstable events DO count towards these! You can tag an unstable event by picking up an unstable artifact (blue coloured sparkle) or by catching an unstable artifact thief (with a net made by dreamweavers).

Zone Event lures – For some of the zones you can buy zone event lures (credits only at the moment), these can be used to pop a zone event in specific zones, though you will still need to meet population requirements. You can buy the zone event lures in the rift store under Rifts > Zone events. You can also ask in chat for peeps to use lures they already own.

Silverwood Events
Droughtlands Events
Ember Isles Events
Planar Quests

All of the Planar Quests require you to be mentored to the correct level for the activity.

Rift Closing in lower zones – You can kill the first few stages of the rift at level 70 and then just mentor down for the final stage. However be aware other peeps may be closing too, make sure you allow everyone to tag before closing it fully.

Rift Closing – To credit the rift closing quests you do not have to get to the final stages of the rifts, you can just get to the first timer stage (generally stage 3) and then let it time out before you then close it.

Death Footholds – Destroy 3 Death Footholds that grant XP.

Look on the map for Death Footholds, any zone will count as long as you mentor to the correct level.

Death Footholds

Death Rifts – Close 3 Death rifts that grant XP.

Look on the map for Death rifts or open your own using your Death rift lure, any zone will count as long as you mentor to the correct level.

Death rifts can be easily farmed in the starter area of Freemarch /setwaypoint 6388 4276 there is a death rift here that respawns very quickly.

Death Rifts

Rifting in Mathosia – In any map from Mathosia, close 3 Rifts that grant XP.

Look on the map for rifts or tears you can open yourself with your planar lure. Mathosia is any of the level 0-50 zones and Planetouched Wilds (no need to mentor in PTW).

Rifting in Mathosia

Rifting in Freemarch – In Freemarch, close 5 Rifts that grant XP.

Rifting in Freemarch

Rifting in Silverwood – In Silverwood, close 5 Rifts that grant XP.

Rifting in Silverwood

Rifting in Moonshade – In Moonshade Highlands, close 5 Rifts that grant XP.

Rifting in Moonshade

Rifting in Shimmersand – In Shimmersand, close 5 Rifts that grant XP.

Rifting in Shimmersand

Rifting in Brevane – In Brevane, close 3 Rifts that grant XP.

Brevane is the western island of the Storm Legion expansion, including the zones of Cape Jule, City Core, Eastern Holdings, Ardent Domain, Kingsward, Ashora and Dendrome

Rifting in Brevane

Rifting in Dusken – In Dusken, close 3 Rifts that grant XP.

Dusken is the eastern island of the Storm Legion expansion, including the zones of Pelladane, Seratos, Morban and Steppes

Rifting in Dusken

Rifting in Vostigar Peaks – In Vostigar Peaks, close 3 Rifts that grant XP.

Rifting in Vostigar Peaks
Instant Adventure Quests

Instant adventure dailies will ask you to complete a small number of specific IA or a larger number of any IA.

Instant Adventures – Complete 10 Instant Adventures

Instant Adventures
Open World Quests

Open world dailies involve a selection of different tasks, including; killing certain mobs, killing rare mobs, exploring the world and harvesting artifacts.

Hunting Rarity – Kill rare mobs x6.

The easiest spot for this is VP for high level chars or Scarwood Reach for low levels.

You can find guides to all the rares here.

Hunting Rarity

Celestial Hunter – Kill rares in the Celestial Lands (on the comet/PoA zones) – Best spot for this is Vostigar Peaks as the rares are marked on the map – Full guide in here.

Celestial Hunter

Play Manugo – Go to one of the NIghtmare Tide Ghar Stations and play manugo on the machines! You can find a guide to Manugo here.


Kill Critters – You can find an easy spot to farm this in Atragarian Well, Goboro Reef, upgrade the Coral Springs to make the Shrimp appear, you can find one at /setwaypoint 3069 6979
You can also kill fire squirrels in Kindra’s Thicket, Freemarch
/setwaypoint 6527 4696

Critters Beware
Critters Begone!

Artifact Hunting – You can use patrons artifact vial to do this quickly. Or you can use the Opie mount for the artifact tracking abilities. If you have neither of these then Iron Pine Peak (and indeed most of the Mathosian zones) is a nice zone to hunt in, use Omen/Quantum sight to track twisted artifacts too, the artifacts show up really well against the snow. Make sure to choose a quiet shard/area to hunt in!
If you want to try to make some money while hunting, you can find a list of PTW rare spots here. The Epics still go for good money.

Artifact Novice
Artifact Collector
Minion Quests

You can complete these quests using any of the minion mission decks, from the 1min deck to the 4hour deck. Claiming a minion mission that was already running when you got the daily will work too, as long as it matches the requirements.

Minion Mania – Complete 5 minion missions.

Minion Mania

The Hunter – Complete 1 hunting minion mission.

The Hunter

The Diplomat – Complete 1 diplomacy minion mission.

The Diplomat

The Archaeologist – Complete 1 artifact minion mission.

The Archaeologist

The Builder – Complete 1 dimension minion mission.

The Builder

The Assassin – Complete 1 assassination minion mission.

The Assassin

The Gatherer – Complete 1 harvest minion mission.

The Gatherer
Crafting Quests

Hone your Craft – Complete a profession quest.
This should include any daily or weekly craft quest, the daily fish hand ins found in various cities/quest hubs do work for this.

Hone your Craft
Other Quests

Quests in dimensions, using items and other.

I’m Coming Home – You will find the Soul Recall spell in the ‘General’ tab of your ability book.

I'm Coming Home

Dimension Diving – Press [ to open the dimensions menu, go to public all time and select enter on a specific dimension or just hit the random button in the top left,.

Dimension Diving

Dimensional Judge – You need to visit 3 Dimensions built by other players and +1 them. Press [ to open the dimensions menu, go to public all time and select enter on a specific dimension or just hit the random button in the top left. Once inside the dimension, have a look around and hit the +1 in the middle of the dimension UI..

Dimensional Judge

A New Look – cast a cosmetic polymorph
Form of the Antiquarian (reward for 200 artifact sets) works.

Crystalline Scale (Turns you into a dino) does work.
The three polymorph cakes crafted by survivalists work (Wispy Whipped Pastry, Cake of the Fae and Zombie Molded Pudding)
The ‘stress ball’ item from the Draumheim questline works.

The food purchased/looted during the world events that transmorg you will also work.

Architect Carapace, looted from architects in Ashora, works.

Transnogsrifier (from unstable artifact set) works.

Electrostatic Transmogrifier (From Ardent Domain puzzle) works.

The daily sometimes given in Vostigar Peaks that gives you a ‘disguise’ also works for this quest.
Wand of Mechanization, Sheep Stick and Shamble Stick do not work. Secret of the Planes (from artifact set) does not work.

A New Look
Anomaly Tamer

Anomaly Tamer – Complete 14 Battle Pass quests.

This quest will always be in your list every week. Rerolling weekly quests will not grant the ‘Anomaly Tamer’ quest.

Anomaly Tamer
Dungeon Quests

Dungeon quests will generally ask you to complete a specific dungeon, or to complete a random dungeon using the LFG system, or to kill a specific boss in a specific way.
Be sure to check if the quest require Normal or Expert mode, you can change the mode by right clicking your portrait and selecting Dungeon difficulty. You need to be the group leader to do this.
If the quest specifies LFG then you have to use the LFG system and you will be mentored down accordingly.. you will still be very OP!
You can find a full list of Dungeon entrances here.

Random Dungeon Conqueror: ALL of the expert dungeon queues work as a random, including the Classic/Storm Legion, Nightmare Tide and EoA Featured Dungeon.

Random Dungeon Conqueror
Raid Quests

A lot of players have been looking forward to a reason to run the old legacy raids again.. well here it is!
You can find a full list of Raid Entrances here.

Endless Eclipse: Regulos – in Endless Eclipse and at a level that grants experience, defeat Regulos

Can I solo it at 70? – No. You will want at least a group of 5 competent people, the bosses up to Regulos are easy enough, but Regulos still needs tactics done properly. If you have enough people to carry you (10+ level 70s) then you may be able to one shot Regulos before he does any of his abilities (platforms).

Entrance – Morban – /setwaypoint 15236 5480

Endless Eclipse: Regulos
PVP Quests

Win a certain number of matches of the stated warfronts or kill a number of players. Remember you have all week to do this and some of your dailies will be for PVP too, so it’s best not to rush these out on the first day.

Random Warfront Conqueror – Win 7 random warfronts.

Random Warfront Conqueror

Player Slayer – Kill 1000 players that grant favor

Player Slayer

A Classic Treasure – You can find a full guide to the
Shimmersand puzzle here.

A Classic Treasure

A Knightly Treasure – You can find a full guide to the City Core puzzle here.

A Knightly Treasure

Static Shock – You can find a full guide to the Ardent Domain puzzle here.

Static Shock

The Queen’s Treasure – You can find a full guide to the Kingsward puzzle here.

The Queen's Treasure

Black Box – You can find a full guide to the Morban Puzzle here.

Black Box

Seratos Shuffle – You can find a full guide to the Seratos puzzle here.

Seratos Shuffle
Rare Mob Hunting

Rare Hunting: A lot of people will be hunting these rares due to these new quests! You will want to try to hunt during quieter times. You do not need to mentor down.

Free Silverwood – You can find a full guide to the Silverwood rares here.

Free Silverwood

Free Freemarch – You can find a full guide to the Freemarch rares here.

Free Freemarch

Free Scarlet Gorge – You can find a full guide to the Scarlet Gorge rares here.

Free Scarlet Gorge

Free Droughtlands – You can find a full guide to the Droughtlands Rares here.
You can find an ‘extra’ rare mob in the arena at /setwaypoint 8519 7359 here you may find a mob called ‘Stigori’ that counts as a rare, right click him to have a chat and he will fight you! This works like any other rare in the zone and is not always up.

Free Droughtlands

Free Seratos – You can find a full guide to the Seratos Rares here.

Free Seratos

Free Morban – You can find a full guide to the Morban rares here.

Free Morban
Open World Quests

Harvest Poison/Burning/Nightmare Artifacts
P/B/N Artifacts are only found in Stonefield, Gloamwood and Planetouched Wilds. When you loot normal artifacts in these zones you have a chance to gain the poison artifact sight (15mins).. looting poison artifacts gives you a chance for the burning sight (10mins).. looting burning artifacts gives you a chance for the nightmare sight (5mins). While you have the sight buffs active you will take ticking damage, so make sure you have some self heals in your spec. You can use Patrons Artifact Tracking Vial to track all these artifacts on the mini map, or you can use the OPIE mount to track a specific type of artifact.

Burning Artifacts

Crime Against Critters – You can find an easy spot to farm this in Atragarian Well, Goboro Reef, upgrade the Coral Springs to make the Shrimp appear, you can find one at /setwaypoint 3069 6979
You can also kill fire squirrels in Kindra’s Thicket, Freemarch
/setwaypoint 6527 4696

Crime Against Critters

Vostigar Protector – Close 9 Raid Rifts in Vostigar Peaks.

Vostigar Protector

Death Footholds – Death Footholds can be found in many zones. Stillmoor and Planetouched wilds are generally great for farming these.

Death Footholds

Death Rifts – Death rifts can be easily farmed in the starter area of Freemarch /setwaypoint 6388 4276 there is a death rift here that respawns very quickly.
Or you can open your own death rifts anywhere using your death rift lure.

Death Rifts
Crafting Quests

Master your Craft – Complete 5 profession quests.
This should include any daily or weekly craft quest, the daily fish hand ins found in various cities/quest hubs do work for this.

Master your Craft
Other Quests

Instant Adventures Marathon – Press [ . ] to queue for instant adventures, any of the types will do to credit this quest.

Instant Adventures Marathon