
Autumn Harvest Shopping

A list of all the items available to buy in the Autumn Harvest Store Section.
Starting with the must have items that are new for this year and continuing with all previous items that are still available for purchase.

As with all World Events, the Autumn Harvest items have their own section in the store which is split into tabs for ease of use. You will need to press the tabs on the left for the wardrobe and dimension items.
You can find a full list and pictures of all the available wardrobe items here.

New for 2023

There are no new items for 2023

Gear Item (Necklace - 2019/2020)

There is currently no new necklace in the store for 2023 Autumn Harvest, so the 2019 neck is still second Best in Slot for DPS.
Tanks may find this necklace is BIS for them.

The gear item you want to buy from Autumn Harvest is a necklace.
The necklace is second best in slot.
If you already have a necklace from the VP boxes then you will need to carefully check the stats to see if this event necklace is better for you.
If your VP neck is an upgraded Overlord or Preserver then its not worth buying the Autumn one.
If you don’t have enough storm cells to upgrade your VP necklace, then this event necklace will do for you until you can replace it with an upgraded VP necklace.

The event necklace requires 5 Celestrial Matrixes, 3 Tenebrean engines and 3 Prophetic Ornament Amenders to upgrade it to its maximum stats.
The max stats are shown below..

The necklace is bound to account as long as you don’t upgrade it.

Cleric Necklace
Infused Medallion of the Grinning Skull
Mage Necklace
Infused Pendant of the Grinning Skull
Rogue/Primalist Necklace
Infused Necklace of the Grinning Skull
Warrior Necklace
Infused Gorget of the Grinning Skull

Let's Go Shopping!

A full list of everything available in the Autumn Harvest Store with screenshots and explanations.

Dimensions – All the Dimension Keys and items can now be found in the Dimension Sub-Section of the store.
There are hundreds of Unique Dimension Items available to buy during Autumn Harvest.
You can find the full Database of all the Autumn Harvest Dimension Items at
Have fun building!

Wardrobe – You can find screenshots of all the costume items over on the wardrobe page.

Everything Else! – Below is a full list of items available on the main page of the Autumn Harvest store section.
PremiumMount – PetIllusionConsumableMinionsDrinkTitleLure

The Helmet Vendor

In Sanctum and Meridian there is a Vendor that sells 3 Helmet wardrobes, these are bought with 75 dream bolts each (Made by Dreamweavers from breaking artifacts) not event currency. You wont find these listed on the rift store.

Horned Dragon Skull Visage
Source Decayed Head
Tiger Mask


Noxious Rune

This item is bound to account so you can buy it with and alt and send it to your main.
As with all weapon effect runes it will not lose its bound to account status even after you use it, so you can apply the rune to all your weapons on every character!
Noxious Rune applies a green sparkly glow (Noxious Vapors) to your weapons, this is highly animated. Apply the rune to your weapons in your wardrobe.

^^ click for animation ^^
Pet Skin: Spooky

Unlocks a skin for your combat pets on all your characters (Region wide). Will work on all skinable combat pets, does not work on flying pets (Such as the Griffon and Wyvern).

Paw Print Portrait Badge

Unlocks for all the characters on your account (Region wide).
To activate your portrait badge, right click your portrait and select it in the portrait badge menu.

17 Mounts

Please note most of the mounts are available for event currency!
In the Rift Store: You will find credit only mounts. When you buy these mounts they will unlock on every character on your account. The event currency single character mounts can also be found in the Rift store.
From the Vendor in Meridian/Sanctum: You can find a selection of single character mounts for event currency.
Meridian Mounts ‘Zoot-Toot’: /setwaypoint 6192 5209
Sanctum Mounts ‘Zoot-Toot’: /setwaypoint 7431 3143

Mount price reductions: Some of the previous years mounts have had their prices reduced. Also some mounts that were previously only available in lockboxes or for credits are now available for event currency.

Be very careful when buying mounts – Some of them are bind on pick up and others are bound to account. Make sure you buy them on the correct character!

Credit Prices: Prices shown may be for Patrons. Players without a Patron sub will pay slightly more (Patrons get 10% discount on store credit prices).

Mount NameCreditsEvent Currency
Akail the Venomous Tomb Guard – (2020)225020 Signets
Ghom the Ancient Dynasty Drake (2020)225020 Signets
Ghostly Levitation135010 Signets + 850 sap
Gourderella (2019)202514 Signets + 250 Sap
Harvest Levitation(2018)225020 Signets
Ironclad Nightmare225020 Signets
Magical Broom2250 
Murclownix (2019)2250 
Necro Budgie225020 Signets
Noxious Levitation225020 Signets
Spectral Ash Strider 10 Signets
Spectral Crocnard 10 Signets
Spectral Kontartula 10 Signets
Spectral Najmok 10 Signets
Spinderella225015 Signets
The Reaper180015 Signets
Wraps the Mummified Squirrel(2018)225020 Signets
Akail the Venomous Tomb Guard

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Ghom the Ancient Dynasty Drake

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Ghostly Levitation

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency.

^^ Click for animation ^^

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Harvest Levitation

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Ironclad Nightmare

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Magical Broom

Only available as an account wide unlock for credits. The broom will occasionally take you for a loop the loop in the air!

^^ Click for animation ^^
(Pictures kindly donated by Quakeheretic)

Only available as an account wide unlock for credits.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Necro Budgie

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Noxious Levitation

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Spectral Ash Strider

Only available to purchase for a single character with event currency.
This mount is bound to account so you can buy on an alt and send to your main.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Spectral Crocnard

Only available to purchase for a single character with event currency.
This mount is bound to account so you can buy on an alt and send to your main.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Spectral Kontartula

Only available to purchase for a single character with event currency.
This mount is bound to account so you can buy on an alt and send to your main.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Spectral Najmok

Only available to purchase for a single character with event currency.
This mount is bound to account so you can buy on an alt and send to your main.

^^ Click for animation ^^

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency.

^^ Click for animation ^^
The Reaper

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Wraps the Mummified Squirrel

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or to purchase for a single character with event currency.

^^ Click for animation ^^


See information about the necklace near the top of this page.

17 Pets

All the pets are bound to account, they can be bought with alts and sent to your main to be collected.

Addy - (2018)
BeeBee (2019)
Black Crow
Carefree Jack O'Lantern
Devious Jack O'Lantern
Gleeful Jack O'Lantern
Glinda - (2018)
Hagbrood Hatchling
Random Discarded Puppet: Fae

Costs 1 signet and 225 ambersap each.
You will receive a random puppet, these all go towards the cheevo ‘Fae Puppet Master’, you can find the info on the Autumn Harvest Cheevos page.
Duplicate puppets can be traded with other players.

Random Discarded Puppet: Nobles

Costs 1 signet and 225 ambersap each.
You will receive a random puppet, these all go towards the cheevo ‘Noble Puppet Master’, you can find the info on the Autumn Harvest Cheevos page.
Duplicate puppets can be traded with other players.

Shadetouched Hound
Shadetouched Scarab
Smiling Jack O'Lantern
Tut-Tut - (2018)
Wicked Jack O'Lantern
Young Treant


There is a wide selection of illusion items to buy, they will change your character into many weird and wonderful things!
The serums are multiple use, so when you buy them you can use them forever! They do have a 15 minute cooldown though.
The potions are single use, much cheaper to buy, but you will eventually run out of them. The potions have a 15 minute cooldown that is not shared with the serums.
All the serums and potions are bound to account so you can buy them on alts and send them to your main.

Note: These items do not work in dimensions or other instances.

Autumn Harvest - Shop - Horrible Potion
Horrible Potion
^^ Click for animation ^^

Note: There is one potion that is not available as a serum, called the ‘Horrible Potion’, this turns you into.. something horrible!

Serums are reusable
Potions are single use
Cleanly Serum

Costing 3 signets and 163 ambersap.
This serum turns you into a broom.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Ghoulish Serum

Costing 3 signets and 163 Ambersap
This serum turns you into a ‘ghoul’

^^ Click for animation ^^
Goblin Goo Serum

Costing 3 signets and 163 Ambersap.
This serum turns you into a goblin.

Green Thumb Serum

Costing 3 signets and 163 Ambersap
This serum turns you into a plant

Harvest Leafling Serum (2020)

Costing 3 signets and 163 Ambersap.
This serum turns you into a Shambler.

Mutated Serum

Costing 3 signets and 163 Ambersap
This serum turns you into a mutant

Philter of the Endless Void and Vial of Liquid Shadows

The Vial for 13 Ambersap is single use, the Philter for 400 Ambersap is unlimited uses. They both do exactly the same thing, creating a subtle purple tinted glow around your weapon.

^^ Click for animation ^^
Touch of the Shade

Costing 400 Ambersap. This item creates a beautiful purple glow around your character, the effect lasts 30 minutes.

^^ Click for animation ^^

Using this item also credits towards the cheevo ‘taste the rainbow’ found on the main page of the world event cheevos.

Witch's Serum

Costing 3 signets and 163 Ambersap
This serum turns you into a witch


Boxes of 10, 25 or 100 Random Autumn Harvest Potions.
The potions all do the same as the Illusion serums above but are single use.

These items are currently missing from the store (21st OCtober 2021).
Still missing from the store during 2022 Autumn Harvest event.


There are 5 minion cards available for purchase. 3 can be bought with event currency, these 3 are just normal minion cards.
The other two minion cards available for credit purchase only will both open up an adventure chain that will reward you with extra event loot and more minion cards.
I recommend you buy them both if you can, but if you can only afford one, go for Valzor as one of the rewards from Valzor is an attractor minion that will help you attract event missions.
Dont forget you can buy minion cards using your alts and they will be added to your deck for the whole region (NA/EU).

Minion Cards: Azumel, Necrawler and Scythe

Azumel, Necrawler and Scythe are 3 normal Minions available for event currency.

Minion Card: Valzor

When you purchase this minion and add him to your deck he will open up a chain of missions.. 
Below is a full guide to the Valzor minion card quest chain.
Use Valzor to complete the first mission.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Take a tour of the scariest locales in Telara! – 20 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – It isn’t too late to turn back! – 10 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck – Who used to live here? Do their spirits still linger? – 20 mins long.

Found in 1min Deck. – Perhaps you should take shelter in this ancient church… – 3 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – This might be a long, sleepless night. – 10 hours long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Something goes bump in the night! – 10 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – Baelnezum knows of scary places not confined to this world! – 10 hours long.
Baelnezum minion card reward

Found in 1min Deck. – Places where the realm of death breaks through into this world… – 3 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – And of the rumored shadowlands beyond… – 20 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – The secret halls of the Storm Legion… – 20 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – The twisted shores of the Nightmare Tide… – 20 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – And other realms even stranger still! – 10 hours long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – Sleilun prefers to take what he can and burns the rest! – 10 hours long.
Sleilun minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Reveling in the hellscapes he leaves in his wake! – 10 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Eventually nothing remains above but desolate wastes. – 20 mins long.

Found in 1min Deck. – While below, the flames are bent to darker ends! – 3 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – But let us take our leave of this hellforge for one final destination… – 10 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – Gambahl never says a word but frequent sharpens those blades. – 10 hours long.
Gambahl minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck. – What horrors lurk in the ruined caers of Stillmoor? – 20 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Past the fields of the ancient dead… – 10 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Are hidden the tombs of kings older still. – 20 mins long.

The next adventure needs to be attracted using the Gambahl minion card.
Put Gambahl on a 1min (or longer) adventure and don’t claim it if it finishes.
Search the 4 hour deck til you find the right mission card. Once you have selected and sent the mission you can then claim the 1 min adventure that Gambahl is on.

Found in 4hr Deck. – Time to shake your fears and discover what treasures are hidden. – 12 hours long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Take a tour of the scariest locales in Telara!
20 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
It isn’t too late to turn back!
10 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Who used to live here? Do their spirits still linger?
20 mins long.

Found in 1min Deck.
Perhaps you should take shelter in this ancient church…
3 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
This might be a long, sleepless night.
10 hours long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Something goes bump in the night!
10 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
Baelnezum knows of scary places not confined to this world!
10 hours long.
Baelnezum minion card reward

Found in 1min Deck.
Places where the realm of death breaks through into this world…
3 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
And of the rumored shadowlands beyond…
20 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
The secret halls of the Storm Legion…
20 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
The twisted shores of the Nightmare Tide…
20 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
And other realms even stranger still!
10 hours long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
Sleilun prefers to take what he can and burns the rest!
10 hours long.
Sleilun minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Reveling in the hellscapes he leaves in his wake!
10 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Eventually nothing remains above but desolate wastes.
20 mins long.

Found in 1min Deck.
While below, the flames are bent to darker ends!
3 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
But let us take our leave of this hellforge for one final destination…
10 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
Gambahl never says a word but frequent sharpens those blades.
10 hours long.
Gambahl minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
What horrors lurk in the ruined caers of Stillmoor?
20 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Past the fields of the ancient dead…
10 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Are hidden the tombs of kings older still.
20 mins long.

The next adventure needs to be attracted using the Gambahl minion card.
Put Gambahl on a 1min (or longer) adventure and don’t claim it if it finishes.
Search the 4 hour deck til you find the right mission card. Once you have selected and sent the mission you can then claim the 1 min adventure that Gambahl is on.

Found in 4hr Deck.
Time to shake your fears and discover what treasures are hidden.
12 hours long.

Buying Valzor rewards you these 3 extra minion cards during the chain missions.

Minion Card: Valzor
Minion Card: Baelnezum
Minion Card: Sleilun
Minion Card: Gambahl
Minion Card: Taskmaster Atrophinius

When you purchase this minion and add him to your deck he will open up a chain of missions.. 
Below is a full guide to the Taskmaster Atrophinius minion card quest chain.
Use Taskmaster Atrophinius to complete the first mission.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Let’s put these harvesters to work! – 5 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Autumn ’tis the season for knocking someone off, clearly. – 5 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – There are many crops to harvest this autumn! Let’s get to work – 15 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – It looks like even Delilath the Hag wants to collect some artifacts! – 8 hours long.
The Hag of Gloamwood minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Atrophinius would like the fae to be given an invitation. – 15 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – Qu’ella emerges from her home in Gloamwood to stalk prey! – 8 hours long.
Qu’ella the Wretched minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Take harvest decorations to all the main cities. – 15 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – The crops of corn are ready to be harvested! – 5 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – Who is going to cook the holiday roast? Haligan the Pyretouched! – 8 hours long.
Haligan the Pyretouched minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck. – It’s time for the pumpkin pie, we need fresh gourds! – 15 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – Speak to the Nightstalker and get the troll to join our cause! – 8 hours long.
The Nightstalker minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Artifacts have been discovered within the life rifts! – 5 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Establish diplomatic relations to the shalistri. – 15 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – Tidings from the wilds! The bounty overflows! – 15 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck. – The autumn harvest also has its need of sacrifice… – 15 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck. – With the changing of the seasons, the fallen Paladin Athelan comes! – 8 hours long.
Athelan the Fallen minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Let’s put these harvesters to work!
5 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Autumn ’tis the season for knocking someone off, clearly.
5 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
There are many crops to harvest this autumn! Let’s get to work
15 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
It looks like even Delilath the Hag wants to collect some artifacts!
8 hours long.
The Hag of Gloamwood minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Atrophinius would like the fae to be given an invitation.
15 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
Qu’ella emerges from her home in Gloamwood to stalk prey!
8 hours long.
Qu’ella the Wretched minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Take harvest decorations to all the main cities.
15 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
The crops of corn are ready to be harvested!
5 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
Who is going to cook the holiday roast? Haligan the Pyretouched!
8 hours long.
Haligan the Pyretouched minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
It’s time for the pumpkin pie, we need fresh gourds!
15 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
Speak to the Nightstalker and get the troll to join our cause!
8 hours long.
The Nightstalker minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Artifacts have been discovered within the life rifts!
5 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Establish diplomatic relations to the shalistri.
15 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Tidings from the wilds! The bounty overflows!
15 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
The autumn harvest also has its need of sacrifice…
15 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
With the changing of the seasons, the fallen Paladin Athelan comes!
8 hours long.
Athelan the Fallen minion card reward

Buying Taskmaster Atrophinius rewards you these 5 extra minion cards during the chain missions.

Minion Card: Taskmaster Atrophinius
Minion Card: The Hag of Gloamwood
Minion Card: Qu'ella the Wretched
Minion Card: Haligan the Pyretouched
Minion Card: The Nightstalker
Minion Card: Athelan the Fallen


A selection of drinks. These don’t really do a lot and there is no cheevo related to them.

Chunky Mashed Potatoes
Spoonful of Cranberry Sauce
Turkey Wing
White Table Wine
Cup of Cranberry Sauce
Red Table Wine
Spiced Mashed Potatoes
Turkey Drumstick
Bowl of Cranberry Sauce
Creamy Mashed Potatoes
Turkey Thigh
Vintage White Wine
ButteryMashed Potatoes
Roasted Turkey
Tureen of Cranberry Sauce
Vintage Red Wine
Grandma’s Chocolate Chip Cookies
Sweet Pumpkin Pie


These are all Bind on Pick up. You need to buy them with the character you want them on.

Writ of the Harvest Celebrant
Writ of the Mead Drinker
Writ of the Prophetic Speaker (2020)
Writ of the Pumpkin Picker


An Auspicious Harvest

Costs just 5 ambersap each!
This lure can only be opened in zones level 50 and below. From Freemarch/Silverwood up to ember isle.
The rift is very easy to do but doesnt really reward much.
Its nice to look at though! The ‘boss’ in the rift is a fully decorated Treant!

Historic - 2021

There were no new items for 2021

Historic - 2020

A quick breakdown of all the new items for 2020 with costs and totals.

Mount – Akail the Venomous Tomb Guard (2020) – 20 Signets – Single Character
Mount – Ghom the Ancient Dynasty Drake (2020) – 20 Signets – Single Character
Mount – Ghostly Levitation (2020) – 10 Signets + 850 Ambersap – Single Character
Title – Writ of the Prophetic Speaker (2020) – 195 Ambersap

Illusion – Harvest Leafling Serum (2020) – 3 Signets + 163 Ambersap

Wings – Wrapped Sun Oracle Parchments (2020) – 6 Signets + 1200 Ambersap

TOTAL: If you buy the necklace, all mounts and the dimension for one char.
50 signets on your main character (not really possible so you will have to choose one mount!)
1045 ambersap on your main character
9 signets spread across your alts
1363 ambersap spread across your alts.

Mount – Akail the Venomous Tomb Guard – (2020) – 2250 Credits – All Characters
Mount – Ghom the Ancient Dynasty Drake (2020) – 2250 Credits – All Characters
Mount – Ghostly Levitation (2020) – 1350 Credits – All Characters

Historic (2018)

The new gear item for 2018 is a necklace.
The necklace is a debatable 3rd or 4th best in slot.
If you already have a necklace from the VP boxes then you will need to carefully check the stats to see if this event necklace is better for you.
If your VP neck is an upgraded conqueror or higher then its probably not worth buying.
If you dont raid T2 at all and have no hope of getting storm cells to upgrade your VP neck then this event neck is probably going to be very good for you!

The event necklace requires 4 Celestrial Matrixes, 2 Tenebrean engines and 2 Prophetic Ornament Amenders to upgrade it to its maximum stats.
The max stats are shown below..

WARNING: The necklace is bind on pickup unlike previous event gear items. You will need to buy it on the character you want it on!

Cleric Necklace
Infused Medallion of the Deathwalker
Mage Necklace
Infused Pendant of the Deathwalker
Rogue/Primalist Necklace
Infused Necklace of the Deathwalker
Warrior Necklace
Infused Gorget of the Deathwalker

A quick breakdown of all the new items for 2018 with costs and totals.

Necklace – 20 signets 2000 ambersap
Mount – Harvest Levitation – 20 signets
Mount – Wraps the Mummified Squirrel – 20 signets

Noxious Rune – 3 signets 500 ambersap
Pet – Tut-Tut – 400 ambersap
Pet – Addy – 400 ambersap
Pet – Glinda – 400 ambersap
Key to Dimension: Xarth Mire – 10 signets 800 ambersap

Cyclopean Nightmare Helm – 2 signets 400 ambersap
Demonic Nightmare Helm – 2 signets 400 ambersap
Frightening Jack o’ Lantern Mask – 2 signets 350 ambersap
Demonic Clown Mask – 2 signets 350 ambersap
Soul Reaper’s Cowl – 2 signets 350 ambersap
Deathly Witch’s Hat – 2 signets 350 ambersap
Orphiel Mask – 2 signets 350 ambersap
Lexicon of Bone – 5 signets 1000 ambersap
Infernalist’s Vade Mecum – 5 signets 1000 ambersap
Infernal Tail – 5 signets 1000 ambersap
Deathwalker’s Rimed Broadsword – 3 signets 500 ambersap
Deathwalker’s Rimed Stormcaller – 3 signets 500 ambersap
Deathwalker’s Rimed Corseque – 3 signets 500 ambersap
Deathwalker’s Rimed Warbow – 3 signets 500 ambersap
Deathwalker’s Rimed Bulwark – 3 signets 500 ambersap

60 signets on your main character
2000 ambersap on your main character
57 signets spread across your alts
10,550 ambersap spread across your alts.