
Quest Pick Up

Do the Weekly Quest on as many alts as possible!
You can then do easy dailies on alts and trade the Ambersap between your alts and main characters.
Quests are picked up in Sanctum or Meridian..

Questgivers in Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7416 3104
Questgivers in Meridian
/setwaypoint 6197 5185

If you cant pick up daily quests it may be because you still have last years in your quest log! Check your quest log under ‘World Event: Autumn Harvest’.

In this area you will find questgivers that hand out the weekly and some dailies.
You will also find a variety of Vendors, most of them sell the same items as you will find in the Autumn Harvest section of the Rift Store.
You can see these on the shopping page

If you cant see the questgivers!!! Just move closer to where they are shown on the pictures above. Using your ‘Hide Other Players’ button may help too! (you can find this in the key bindings menu). You can also switch to a quieter shard .
Due to peeps gathering near the questgivers for pinata popping, and that each artifact they drop counts as an entity, the NPCs are regularly disappearing in favor of rendoring players and artifacts.
This is shown clearly in this video!

HISTORIC – The Autumn Harvest Realm of the Fae instance that was entered through the faerie rings has been removed.. All the questgivers can now be found in Meridian/Sanctum – It won’t be back!

Autumn Harvest Weekly Quest

Once a week on as many characters as possible!

Fright Night

Awards 7 Autumn Harvest signets!

This quest is picked up weekly from Rollo in ..
Sanctum : /setwaypoint 7420 3106
Meridian : /setwaypoint 6193 5183
The weekly will reset on a Wednesday at 00:01am server time during the event.
You will be able to pick up the weekly 3 times during the event, giving a total of 21 signets.
There will not be a 4th or 5th weekly, even if the event gets extended!

The weekly quest requires you to complete 20 instant adventures in Gloamwood.
The Gloamwood Autumn Harvest instant adventures are a lot of fun. Silly bosses dressed up perfectly for Halloween and some spooky quests to complete! There is also a chance for random Halloween costume items to drop.

To join the special Gloamwood adventures, press [.] or go to Activities > Instant Adventure in your game menu.
Then select the Featured: Spooky Adventures in Gloamwood.

Join in with the questing until you have 20 adventure quests completed and then right click your character portrait to leave the group and go back to your home city and hand in the quest.

Autumn Harvest Daily Quests

Every day on as many characters as possible!

Pumpkin Patching

Awards 25 autumn harvest ambersap.

This quest is picked up from…
Meridian: Jhonen – /setwaypoint 6200 5181 
Sanctum: Jhonen – /setwaypoint 7416 3099

Then you will need to travel into Freemarch or Silverwood to gather pumpkins.
If you open up your map you will see yellow quest circles/dots that show you the location of the pumpkin patches.


When you reach these spots, pick up 6 pumpkins off the ground.. During busy hours you may need to switch shards or try one of the other locations.

When you have 6, go back to your home city (where you picked up the quest) to place the pumpkins on the piles.

You can find a pumpkin pile in…
Meridian – /setwaypoint 6199 5199
Sanctum – /setwaypoint 7421 3131

You will have the ‘Pumpkin’ ability on your quest sticky.

I recommend you drag this ability to your cast bar for ease of use.

Find a pile of pumpkins and use the ability to place each of the pumpkins onto the pile, you need to stand quite close to it! (Within a couple of metres)

Once you have placed 6 pumpkins the quest will auto-complete.

Autumncap Haul

Awards 25 autumn harvest ambersap.

This quest is picked up from Rollo in ..
Sanctum: /setwaypoint 7420 3106
Meridian: /setwaypoint 6193 5183

Collect 8 autumncap fungi.
Autumncap fungi can be found in all Mathosian zones except iron pine peak and stillmoor. They show up as a very sparkly fungi on trees and rocks.
Some good places to farm include..

The palm trees around fortunes shore in Shimmersand
The rocks and trees in Riptalon Gulch in Shimmersand
In Stonefield Prairie in Stonefield
All along Silkweb Pass in Gloamwood

When you have collected 8 autumncap fungi, go back to your main city to hand the quest in.

When you hand the quest in you will be rewarded with an ‘Autumnal Pinata’.
The Pinata is an item that you use in open world to drop a Killable Pinata.

Right click the Pinata in your bag, this brings up the hand symbol. Move your mouse to a spot on the ground near your character and place the Pinata down.
Be sure to do this when there are other players around! The areas in Meridian/Sanctum near the event questgivers are a good spot to pop your Pinata!

When the pinata is popped it will drop a lot of artifacts! You will generally be able to pick up only 3 or 4 before they disappear. You will also receive one artifact in your rift loot bag when the Pinata pops near you. (Which is why people will gather here to afk during the event).

Hand of the Harvest

Awards 25 autumn harvest ambersap.

This quest is picked up from Atrophinius in ..
Sanctum: /setwaypoint 7419 3099
Meridian: /setwaypoint 6202 5183

To complete the quest, you just need to hit an Autumnal Pinata to help make it burst.
This can be your own pinata, rewarded from the Autumncap Haul quest, or it can be a pinata that another player has placed down.
Kill the pinatas SLOWLY! This will allow other people to tag it too for the quest.
Try to stick to ONE pinata at a time, wait for the artifacts of the previous pinata to disappear before you place your own down or pop one that has been placed already.

The quest will auto complete, no need to return to the quest giver to hand in.

The Rift Closing Quest

Awards 25 autumn harvest ambersap.

This quest is picked up from Atrophinius in…
Meridian: /setwaypoint 6202 5183
Sanctum: /setwaypoint 7419 3099

Close rifts of a certain element 0/2
This quest has a different name depending on the element of rift required to close (frost warning for air, irrigation regulation for water etc..)
Simply go out into the open world and close rifts of the correct element that grant XP, mentor down for lower zones!

Water: Irrigation Regulation
Earth: Swords as Plowshares
Fire: Slash and Burn
Death: The Reaping
Air: Frost Warning