As with all world events there are lots of cheevos to be earned!
These can be found under Cheevos >World Events >Autumn Harvest
There are 425 cheevo points that can be earned during the event (2023)
There are no new cheevos added for 2023
This page has guides for:
General Cheevos
Praise the Oracle, 2016 Tour of Terror, Things That Go Bump in the Night, and Mask-A-Raid 2015
Meta Cheevo – A Nightmare of a Harvest
Foxes in the Yarn, Scared Silly, Harvest Capers, Go Walk Your Mummy, Watching from the Wings, The Goblin’s Last Pack, and A Gourd by any Other Name
Meta Cheevo – A Spooktacular Harvest
Monster Mash, Reaping What You Sow, Noble Puppet Master, Jack of all Lanterns, Fae Puppet Master, and Go Forth My Minions!

General Cheevos
5 cheevos total.
Uncanny Visitor

Complete this cheevo by buying and equipping the Ghostly Levitation mount.
You can find this item in the Autumn Harvest Event Store for credits or from the mount vendor for event currency.
You need to buy the mount, right click to add it to your mount collection and then use it to pop the cheevo.
The reward for this cheevo is a suffix title called ‘The Uncanny’.

Praise the Oracle

Complete this cheevo by buying and equipping the Sun Oracle Parchments.
You can find this item in the Autumn Harvest Event Store for event currency.
You need to buy the item, right click to unwrap it and then equip it to your gear/equipment screen not just your wardrobe.

2016 Tour of Terror

This cheevo is earned when you complete the minion mission chain that is started when you buy the minion card ‘Valzor’ from the rift store (credits only). You can find the guide to the mission chain in the Autumn Harvest Shopping Guide.
The reward for this cheevo is a title called ‘The Unafraid’.
Things That Go Bump in the Night

This cheevo is earned during the special instant adventures that are only available during Autumn Harvest.
To join these adventures, open the instant adventures menu [.]Join the Featured: Spooky Adventures in Gloamwood
Every 5-10 quests there will be a boss to kill. When you have killed 10 of these bosses the cheevo will pop.
Mask-A-Raid 2015

These masks can be looted randomly from the Spooky Adventures in Gloamwood. They can also be rewarded from the 4 hour autumn harvest minion missions.
They are tradeable, so you may find them on the auction house, however they are a very rare drop so be prepared to spend a lot of plats on them!
You need to equip the mask for it to tick off the cheevo, having it in your bags is not enough. Once the mask is equiped it will be bound to you and you wont be able to trade it to other players anymore.
The reward for this cheevo is the portrait badge ‘Creepy Crawler’.

Meta Cheevo - A Spooktacular Harvest
8 cheevos total.
A Nightmare of a Harvest

A meta cheevo that you will get from completing the 7 cheevos listed, information for those cheevos is below.
The reward for this meta cheevo is the title ‘Harvester of Dreams’

Foxes in the Yarn

Complete this cheevo by buying and equipping the Knitted Fox Mask and the Crocheted Fox Mask.
You can find both these items in the Autumn Harvest Event Store for event currency.
You need to buy the item and then equip it to your gear/equipment screen not just your wardrobe.
The reward for this cheevo is the title ‘Woven Floof’

Scared Silly

Complete this cheevo by buying and equipping the Akvan Nightmare Mask and the Harvest Skull Helm.
You can find both these items in the Autumn Harvest Event Store for event currency.
You need to buy the item and then equip it to your gear/equipment screen not just your wardrobe.
The reward for this cheevo is the title ‘Scary Beyond All Reason’

Harvest Capers

Complete this cheevo by buying and equipping the Cape of the Infernal Scream.
You can find this item in the Autumn Harvest Event Store for event currency.
You need to buy the item and then equip it to your gear/equipment screen not just your wardrobe.

Go Walk Your Mummy

Complete this cheevo by buying and summoning the Pet ‘Bee Bee’.
You can find this pet in the Autumn Harvest Event Store for event currency.
You need to buy the pet, right click to collect it and then summon it.

Watching from the Wings

Complete this cheevo by buying and equipping the Haunted Watcher’s Wings.
You can find this item in the Autumn Harvest Event Store for event currency.
You need to buy the item and then equip it to your gear/equipment screen not just your wardrobe.

The Goblin's Last Pack

Complete this cheevo by buying and equipping the Tormented Goblin Skull Pack.
You can find this item in the Autumn Harvest Event Store for event currency.
You need to buy the item and then equip it to your gear/equipment screen not just your wardrobe.

A Gourd by any Other Name

Complete this cheevo by buying and summoning the Mount ‘Gourderella’.
You can find this mount in the Autumn Harvest Event Store for credits OR from the mount vendors in sanctum/meridian for event currency.
You need to buy the mount, right click to collect it and then summon it.

Meta Cheevo - A Spooktacular Harvest
7 cheevos total.
A Spooktacular Harvest

A meta cheevo that you will get from completing the 6 cheevos listed, information for those cheevos is below.
The reward for this meta cheevo is the Grim Harvest Cape wardrobe unlock.

Monster Mash

During the Autumn Harvest event there is a special Warfront available called
‘Monster Mash: The Black Garden’
Press [k] to open the Warfront menu and queue up!
When you enter the Warfront, the red side will be turned into zombies while the blue side get turned into werewolves.
Type /dance into the chat box and press enter.
You don’t even need to wait for the match to start!
NOTE: It seems that you have to be a zombie in order for the cheevo to pop, even as a zombie it still took me a few dances before the cheevo popped, it popped after I had just died and re spawned, so this could be a factor required too.
Reaping What You Sow

All these masks are random loot drops from instant adventures or the 4 hour minion missions.
The masks are tradeable as long as you don’t equip them, so check your auction house for the ones you are missing and make sure you share (or sell) your duplicates!
You need to equip the mask on your character to tick off the cheevo, once you have equipped the mask it will no longer be tradeable.

Random loot from the autumn harvest 4 hour minion adventures.
Corgi Mask
Doom Mask
Glowing Cowl
Horse Mask
Mallard Mask
Metallic Cowl
Missing Head
Smiling Cowl
Smiling Jack-O-Lantern
Stalker Cowl
Unicorn Mask
Dropped during the spooky adventures in Gloamwood – Also available in the store for 1 signet and 100 Ambersap each.
Devious Jack-O-Lantern
Foolish Jack-O-Lantern
Goofy Jack-O-Lantern
Smiling Jack-O-Lantern
Noble Puppet Master

These can be acquired from the boxes found in the store called ‘Random Discarded Puppet: Nobles’.

The boxes cost 1 signet and 225 Ambersap each.
You can buy the boxes on an alt and send them to your main character.
All the puppets are tradeable so you may want to search for ones you still need on the auction house.
To make the cheevo tick off you will need to right click to collect the puppet and then open up your companions screen and activate him. Just collecting the puppet wont tick off the cheevo.
When your cheevo completes you will receive an in game mail with your reward, the companion pet Puppet: Salvarola.

NOTE: The Fae and Noble Puppet cheevos go towards a meta cheevo on the world event main screen called ‘the puppet master’. You will need to complete a separate collection of puppets from the Fae Yule event in order to get this meta cheevo.
Jack of all Lanterns

These 4 masks are dropped during the Spooky Adventures in Gloamwood, they are also available in the store for 1 signet and 100 ambersap each, you can buy them on an alt and then send them to your main.

You need to equip the Lantern Masks in your equipment screen, not just in your wardrobe to tick off the cheevo.
You will get 10 random autumn harvest potions as a reward.
These are the potions found in the autumn harvest store in the illusion section, some of them are pretty fun 🙂
You can find more info about them in the shopping section of this guide
you will also earn the title ‘o’lantern’
Fae Puppet Master

These can be acquired from the boxes found in the store called ‘Random Discarded Puppet: Fae’.

The boxes cost 1 signet and 225 ambersap each.
You can buy the boxes on an alt and send them to your main character.
All the puppets are tradeable so you may want to search for ones you still need on the auction house.
To make the cheevo tick off you will need to right click to collect the puppet and then open up your companions screen and activate him. just collecting the puppet wont tick off the cheevo.
When your cheevo completes you will receive an in game mail with your reward, the companion pet Puppet: Twyl

NOTE: The Fae and Noble Puppet cheevos go towards a meta cheevo on the world event main screen called ‘the puppet master’. You will need to complete a separate collection of puppets from the Fae Yule event in order to get this meta cheevo.
Go Forth My Minions!

Simply complete any 4 hour special minion adventure. For more info on this see the Autumn Harvest main page.