
Cheevos found in H > World Events

Rift holds 4 main seasonal events throughout the Year.
Call to Actions are smaller events that will generally be up for a few days at a time.


The Carnival of the Ascended event is a celebration of the anniversary of the game release. The event will generally run for 4 of the weeks between the end of February and the middle of April.


The Summerfest event is a celebration of the summer! It involves completing a lot of scavenger hunts! The event will generally run for 4 of the weeks between the end of June and the end of August.

Autumn Harvest

The Autumn Harvest event is a Halloween-like celebration. Lots of pumpkins and ghosts! The event will generally run for 4 of the weeks between the middle of October and the middle of November.

Fae Yule

The Fae Yule event is when Greatfather Frost comes to give us all presents! The event will generally run for 4 of the weeks between the middle of December and the middle of January.

Battle Pass

The Battle Pass Seasons last around 2 months. Each Season brings new rewards and a new selection of quests to complete.

Call to Action

The Call to Action events are mini-events that last a long weekend. All the Call to Action events have dailies you can farm to earn Chaos Motes to buy mounts and other novelty items.


Mariel-Taun is a small event to mark Valentines Day. It is generally just a week long and there is lots of cutesie fluffy stuff to buy in the store.

Shiny Shenanigans

The Shiny Shenanigans event is all about popping Pinatas for artifacts!

Taste The Rainbow

These items can all be bought/looted during the various world events.
They can also be looted from the Carnival Pinatas.

Touch of the Abyss

Bought during the Carnival event for 600 glass beads.
Can also be looted from the Carnival Pinatas.

Touch of Greed

Bought during the Carnival event for 600 glass beads.
Can also be looted from the Carnival Pinatas.

Touch of the Storm

Bought for 700 Snowflakes during the Fae Yule event.
Can also be looted from the Carnival Pinatas.

Gem of Boundless Energy

Bought for 600 Merit Badges during Summerfest.
Can also be looted from the Carnival Pinatas.

Touch of the Shade

Bought for 400 Ambersap during the Autumn Harvest event.
Can also be looted from the Carnival Pinatas.

Touch of the Flames

Bought for 600 Merit Badges during Summerfest.
Can also be looted from the Carnival Pinatas.

Always Something To Do

Complete some of the meta cheevos from the various world events.
Life of the Party – Carnival event
Fun In the Sun – Summerfest event
Summer Jammin’ – Summerfest event
A Spooktacular Harvest – Autumn Harvest event
Making a List, Checking it Twice – Fae Yule event
A Bloody Fae Yule – Fae Yule event

New Years Fireworks

You can find the guide for this cheevo on the Fae-Yule cheevos page.

The Puppet Master

Meta cheevo for completing the 3 Puppet collections.
Snow Puppet Master – Fae Yule cheevos
Noble Puppet Master – Autumn Harvest cheevos
Fae Puppet Master – Autumn Harvest cheevos

I Get Around

You can find guides to this cheevo on the Mariel-Taun guide page.

Quick on the Draw

You can find guides to this cheevo on the Mariel-Taun guide page.

A Most Nec-Romantic Getaway

You can find guides to this cheevo on the Mariel-Taun guide page.

Suddenly, Corgis

Corgi Rifts were available during special Extra Life weekends.
The corgi rifts may be randomly switched on during special events, with the most recent being in June of 2024.

The Rifts can drop Corgi themed dimension items, a corgi pet (not unique to this event), and possibly other corgi themed items.
You can also loot lures you can use to open more of the corgi Rifts. 
To get any of the special loot, you will need to mentor down on the final stage of the rift.

While in the rift area you will be transmorged into a Corgi.
The Corgi has 4 special abilities;

  • Nip – Use this to guide the sheep into the pen during stage 1.
  • Bark – Doesn’t seem to do much at all!
  • Bite – Stand close to the baddies and use this to kill them.
  • Howl – A small heal to help!
Corgi with Bow - Dimension Item

Due to the bad balancing of these rifts they are pretty brutal to solo ‘at level’, if you are in a group with a cleric, ask if they can summon their faerie healer to help! In fact, anyone with a pet spec should summon their pet before entering the rift and being transmorged.
Closing the rifts while not mentored will still credit the cheevo, so for most players it will be easier to just find them in low level zones and close the 10 needed for the cheevo while staying at level 70.

If you want to farm these rifts for the dim items, then the best thing to do is bring a friend, only one of you needs to mentor, just agree on how loot will be distributed beforehand.. also, you can make a group of players that mentor and just have one player not mentored, giving much more opportunity for loot.