Cheevos found in H > Zones > Storm Legion > Kingsward
Quizzical Queens

You can find a full guide to the Kingsward puzzle here.
The King's Hunt

You can find a full guide to the Kingsward rares here.
Garden Gathering

You will earn the title ‘Horticulturalist’ from this cheevo.
These are small ‘pickable’ plants that you will find in certain areas of Kingsward. They do not sparkle so they can be quite hard to see! They will light up when you mouseover them. You can only pick each plant once. When you pick it up it will gift you an artifact from the ‘Flowers from the royal garden’ artifact set.
If you pick up these flowers as actual artifacts from the ground then they will also count towards the cheevo. So if you already have some then it may be cos you were picking up artifacts.
Duke's Daffodil

/setwaypoint 6070 7954
/setwaypoint 6073 7975
/setwaypoint 6036 7978
In the Armory.
All under the bridge in the corners.
King's Rose

/setwaypoint 4378 9386
/setwaypoint 4377 9370
/setwaypoint 4378 9386
Around the Menagerie area.
Prince's Posy

/setwaypoint 4219 8582
/setwaypoint 4263 8581
In the Breach.
Nice big plants!
Princess's Cowslip

/setwaypoint 6194 8360
/setwaypoint 6151 8357
At the Halcyon Gates.
There are quite a few of them up against the walls here.
Queen's Promise

/setwaypoint 5910 7261
North of Korolis Valley
A nice clump of them here.
You aren't the First New Recruit to do This

Start by going up the slope at
/setwaypoint 6108 8036
Then up a second slope at
/setwaypoint 6023 7961
Go over to
/setwaypoint 6115 7995
Jump into the water below (not mounted)
There is quite a large area that will pop the cheevo.

Kingsward Killing

You can use a target macro to help you find them
target Lifebound Abomination
target Gruddin
target Skinflayer
This wont work too well with skinflayer as he is surrounded by small spiders with skinflayer in their name!
Lifebound Abomination

/setwaypoint 5188 7848
North of the Academy.
Patrols the area, check everywhere!

/setwaypoint 4419 9145
In the Menagerie.
Stays in one spot.

/setwaypoint 4342 8872
In the northern part of the Menagerie.
Patrols a short distance.
Razing Dawn

You will likely get these guys during the questline.
If you didn’t, you can find them inside the Tower of Dawn quest area.
Use a target macro to help you find them..
target Fleshrender Vlade
target Palace Defender
target Prophet Haurbauk
You will find each mob in separate rooms coming off the main area.
You can take the ‘Tower of Dawn’ porticulum to get straight into this section of the building.
These 3 mobs also count as 3 individual carnage quests.
(1) Prophet Haurbauk
/setwaypoint 5923 8833

(2) Fleshrender Vlade
/setwaypoint 5766 8794

(3) Palace Defender
/setwaypoint 5830 8646

A Reckoning

You will get this cheevo during the questline.
Taming A Beast

You will get this cheevo during the questline.
Awaking Nightmare

You can find quite a few of these around the small lake in the Halcyon Gates area.
/setwaypoint 6538 8734

Armory Admiration

Most of the guns are on the very top floors. If you get to a waypoint and cant see what you need, try going upstairs or downstairs!
1. Armory gun – /setwaypoint 6490 7986
2. Armory gun – /setwaypoint 6360 7987
3. Armory gun – /setwaypoint 6097 7990
4. Armory gun – /setwaypoint 6304 7848
5. Armory gun – /setwaypoint 6147 7849
6. Armory gun – /setwaypoint 6357 7927
7. Armory gun – /setwaypoint 6095 7930
8. Armory gun – /setwaypoint 6095 7698
9. Construct Charging – /setwaypoint 6311 7881
10. Construct Charging – /setwaypoint 6123 7881
11. Construct Charging – /setwaypoint 5967 7933
12. Construct Charging – /setwaypoint 6459 7942
13. Recruit Training – /setwaypoint 6326 7940
14. Recruit Training – /setwaypoint 6172 7876
15. Recruit Training – /setwaypoint 6448 7988
16. Recruit Training – /setwaypoint 5997 7991
17. Armory gun – /setwaypoint 6489 7932
18. Armory gun – /setwaypoint 5964 7990
19. Armory gun – /setwaypoint 5965 7931
20. Armory gun – /setwaypoint 6231 7865

Kingsward Exposed

1. Menagerie
2. The Breach
3. The Academy
4. Royal Gardens
5. Korolis Valley
6. The Armory
7. Arakhosian Hinterlands
8. Halcyon Gates
9. Path of Princes
10. Tower of Dawn