Cheevos on the main page of H > Zones > Storm Legion
The main page of the Storm Legion cheevos is mostly meta cheevos for completing the individual zone cheevos.
Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Blood Lust Puzzler Sore Foot Empyrean Flyer Ultimate Camper
Nemesis of Crucia Cairn Do Too It goes to eleven
Blood Lust

All the Zone Carnage Achievements amount to 306 carnages so you will easily pop this cheevo just doing the normal zone activities.

Meta cheevo for completing all the Brevane and Dusken puzzles (not including Dendrome)
City Knights – City Core
Bogling Boggle – Eastern Holdings
Short Circuit – Ardent Domain
Quizzical Queens – Kingsward
Going Dotty – Seratos
Black Box – Morban
Sore Foot

Meta cheevo for exploring all the Storm Legion lands.
You can find info about locations at the bottom of each zones individual cheevo page. (See links at top of this page)
Empyrean Flyer

Meta cheevo for all the Storm Legion jump cheevos
Splash or Splat – Cape Jule
Vine Diving – City Core
Estate of Insanity – Eastern Holdings
More Vine Diving – Ardent Domain
You Aren’t the First New Recruit To Do This – Kingsward
That Had Better Not Be a Mirage – Ashora
Dendromic Diver – The Dendrome
Paratroop Without a Chute – Pelladane
Camp Falls – Seratos
Seriously, That Was It? – Morban
Sky Diving – Steppes of Infinity
Ultimate Camper

A HUGE meta cheevo for all the Storm Legion rares.. this is explained in detail on the Storm Legion Rares Pages
Nemesis of Crucia

10,000 Storm Legion mobs may seem like a very tall order, but by the time you have completed all the questlines in the Storm Legion zones and ran a few dungeons you will likely be much more than halfway there!
Occasionally you can pick up the daily quest ‘Under Fire’ from Vora Orabel in Zerzala, Steppes of Infinity. This quest will allow you to kill hundreds of Storm Legion mobs! You can then abandon the quest and pick it up again to kill hundreds more!
You have 3 abilities on your bar while in the cannon. Use the first ability ‘Main Gun’ top break open the building, then spam the third ability ‘Lightning Barrage’ to kill the soldiers.
Cairn Do Too

Cairns are loot piles that are hidden all around the open world. Looting them for the first time will award you a piece of loot equal level to the zone the cairn is in.
Quick Guide
Irque Guemech – /setwaypoint 7164 8302 – City Core
Nunmempeh Batshinshin – /setwaypoint 7264 9340 – City Core
Ina’eme Sarus – /setwaypoint 7435 12196 – Cape Jule
Queny Sulgar – /setwaypoint 7761 11040 – Cape Jule
Ashsh Tonavor – /setwaypoint 6424 11016 – Cape Jule
Oryp Namap – /setwaypoint 7531 8880 – Eastern Holdings
Banald Warver – /setwaypoint 9093 8386 – Eastern Holdings
Tathon I’rilgar – /setwaypoint 8087 9629 – Eastern Holdings
Riduf Enthurn – /setwaypoint 4826 10186 – Ardent Domain
Yer’shyi Att – /setwaypoint 5842 9836 – Ardent Domain
Niey Tiran – /setwaypoint 6229 7239 – Kingsward
Is’bur Oughverund – /setwaypoint 5599 8070 – Kingsward
Skeltorard Perdyn – /setwaypoint 4053 9090 – Kingsward
Okalu Prev – /setwaypoint 4052 7121 – Ashora
Orn Tonall – /setwaypoint 2078 6034 – Ashora
Omoos’i Itnal – /setwaypoint 2659 7113 – Ashora
Osm – /setwaypoint 12332 4715 – Morban
Vesdar Doc – /setwaypoint 10583 4800 – Seratos
Sayiss Vernys – /setwaypoint 11254 3610 – Seratos
Omight Tonig – /setwaypoint 8482 5896 – Pelladane
Uomu Tonig – /setwaypoint 3985 5924 – Dendrome
Morbur Ati Itther – /setwaypoint 2958 4555 – Dendrome
Ildbur Reled – /setwaypoint 4537 4273 – Dendrome
Tirror Awaya – /setwaypoint 7448 4077 – Pelladane
Lunibe – /setwaypoint 15700 6067 – Morban
Fevok Beleen – /setwaypoint 15590 7395 – Steppes
Urari Urari – /setwaypoint 12638 7345 – Morban
Warsul Icero – /setwaypoint 7093 8584 – City Core
Detailed Guide
Cairn of Irque Guemech
/setwaypoint 7164 8302
The hill has some stepping stones to help you up at
/setwaypoint 7213 8308

Cairn of Nunmempeh Batshinshin
/setwaypoint 7264 9340
Easy to get to.

Cairn of Ina'eme Sarus
/setwaypoint 7435 12196
An easy climb up the cliff.

Cairn of Queny Sulgar
/setwaypoint 7761 11040
Very easy to get to, just climb straight up the hill from the Sanco Outpost portal.

Cairn of Ashsh Tonavor
/setwaypoint 6424 11016
An easy way to get to this one is to take the Cassana Estate portal into Ardent Domain and then climb the hill behind the estate.

Cairn of Oryp Namap
/setwaypoint 7531 8880
I found the easiest way for me to get to this one was to come up the mountain from City Core and then follow the crest til I reached the cairn

Cairn of Banald Warver
/setwaypoint 9093 8386
Climb up the hill from the north.

Cairn of Tathon I'rilgar
/setwaypoint 8087 9629
I found the easiest way to get to this one was climbing up the mountain from the east.

Cairn of Riduf Enthurn
/setwaypoint 4826 10186
Easy to get to.

Cairn of Yer'shyi Att
/setwaypoint 5842 9836
Easy to get to.

Cairn of Niey Tiran
/setwaypoint 6229 7239
An easy climb up the hill.

Cairn of Is'bur Oughverund
/setwaypoint 5599 8070
Climb up the hill from the north.

Cairn of Skeltorard Perdyn
/setwaypoint 4053 9090
An easy climb up the hill.

Cairn of Okalu Prev
/setwaypoint 4052 7121
There are many different ways up this hill!

Cairn of Orn Tonall
/setwaypoint 2078 6034
Down at the bottom of the lake.

Cairn of Omoos'i Itnal
/setwaypoint 2659 7113
There are many different ways to get up this mountain!

Cairn of Osm
/setwaypoint 12332 4715
There are a couple of ways to get to the top of this rock.

Cairn of Vesdar Doc
/setwaypoint 10583 4800
A lot of windy paths to get to the top of the hill.

Cairn of Sayiss Vernys
/setwaypoint 11254 3610
An easy enough climb from the Nug Village portal.

Cairn of Omight Tonig
/setwaypoint 8482 5896
Really easy to get to. On a small island just off the coast of Ferric Harbor.

Cairn of Uomu Tonig
/setwaypoint 3985 5924
An easy mountain to climb.

Cairn of Morbur Ati Itther
/setwaypoint 2958 4555
Carefully make your way up the mountain.

Cairn of Ildbur Reled
/setwaypoint 4537 4273
Follow the crest of the hill behind the Achyati Village portal as if you were going to the Dendrome puzzle, then drop down at the end.

Cairn of Tirror Awaya
/setwaypoint 7448 4077
An easy climb up the cliffs in the very north of Pelladane

Cairn of Lunibe
/setwaypoint 15700 6067
An easy hill to climb.

Cairn of Fevok Beleen
/setwaypoint 15590 7395
Corkscrew up the hill til you reach the top.

Cairn of Urari Urari
/setwaypoint 12638 7345
Climb up the lighter coloured rocks.
There is a video for climbing these rocks on the Morban Puzzle page.

Cairn of Warsul Icero
/setwaypoint 7093 8584
Really easy to get to, just shimmy behind the wall and walk to it.

It goes to eleven

When you have completed this cheevo you will be able to click any of the Henges to be teleported to a small snowy area (Simoom’s Edge) where you will find ‘Nomi’ (in a hut to the west of the stonehenge/yetis). Nomi will sell you any of the Storm Legion Puzzle artifacts for 5-20plat. She also sells ‘Rainbow Glue’ which is used for sticking together puzzle pieces during your adventures in Callweddi.
Quick Guide
City Core Henge – /setwaypoint 6964 9082
Eastern Holdings Henge – /setwaypoint 9512 8342
Ardent Domain Henge – /setwaypoint 5686 9252
Kingsward Henge – /setwaypoint 6853 7766
The Dendrome Henge – /setwaypoint 3076 4366
Ashora Henge – /setwaypoint 1713 7175
Cape Jule Henge – /setwaypoint 7503 11478
Seratos Henge – /setwaypoint 11633 5302
Morban Henge – /setwaypoint 13883 7779
Steppes of Infinity Henge – /setwaypoint 16829 8219
Pelladane Henge – /setwaypoint 7110 5659
Detailed Guide
A simple enough achievement, each zone has a small ‘stonehenge’ to find.
When you get to each location there will be a beam of light shining on the henge, you need to stand in the beam to make the henge tick off your list, you can tick the little box on the top right of the cheevo to track it on your quest stickies so you can easily check when they are ticked off.

City Core Henge
/setwaypoint 6964 9082
Climb up to the top of the building using the ramp at /setwaypoint 6877 9166

Eastern Holdings Henge
/setwaypoint 9512 8342
Very easy to get to.

Ardent Domain Henge
/setwaypoint 5686 9252
Easy to get to, climb the mountain from the south.

Kingsward Henge
/setwaypoint 6853 7766
very easy to get to

The Dendrome Henge
/setwaypoint 3076 4366
Climb up to the mountain behind the clump of trees at /setwaypoint 3191 4430

Ashora Henge
/setwaypoint 1713 7175
There are two way to get to this one, you can jump up from the rocks below, or you can go all the way up the mountain then drop down.

Cape Jule Henge
/setwaypoint 7503 11478
Very easy to get to, just climb up the rock from the south.

Seratos Henge
/setwaypoint 11633 5302
Go to Necropolis portal and take the transporter at /setwaypoint 11033 5001 .. Then travel along to the waterfall at /setwaypoint 11635 5296 and walk backwards off the edge to land on the ledge halfway down.

Morban Henge
/setwaypoint 13883 7779
Easy to get to.

Steppes of Infinity Henge
/setwaypoint 16829 8219
Go up the rocks at /setwaypoint 16714 8082

Pelladane Henge
/setwaypoint 7110 5659
Easy to get to.