Cheevos found in H > Zones > Prophecy of Ahnket > Xarth Mire
Foci on the Big Picture

You can find a full guide to the Xarth Mire Rares here.
All You Need Is (The Queen's) Love

Awarded for completing all the cheevos in Xarth Mire.
The reward for this cheevo is the Spawn of Skub companion pet.

Great Sacrifice + The Questing Beast + Una Doesn't Love You Anymore
These cheevos are all earned by completing the Quests and Carnages in Xarth Mire.

Fairest of Them All

Go to each letter and right click to pick them up.
First Love Letter
/setwaypoint 5281 5008
Inside the tent next to the Shadow Market portal.

Second Love Letter
/setwaypoint 5152 4587
On the ground tucked under the roots of the plant (not on top of the plant or the cliff).

Third Love Letter
/setwaypoint 5628 3977
Go up the hill at /setwaypoint 5540 4254 the letter is inside a wide mouthed cave on that level.
You may wish to go to the back of the cave to /setwaypoint 5752 3997 to find and speak to Hurd towards the little boglings who could cheevo.

Fourth Love Letter
/setwaypoint 4668 4408
Near the Camp Quagmire portal at the base of a large tree.

Fifth Love Letter
/setwaypoint 4949 3641
This letter can be found at the base of the upper tree.

The Little Boglings Who Could

When you find the bogling, right click it to have a short conversation and tick off your cheevo.
/setwaypoint 4637 4884
Furd is stood at the base of a large tree.

/setwaypoint 5406 4568
Gurd can be found on top of the rocks.

/setwaypoint 5752 3997
Go up the slope at /setwaypoint 5541 4255 then into the mouth of the large cave at /setwaypoint 5574 3981 at the very back of the cave you will find Hurd.

/setwaypoint 5271 3863
Lurd is hidden just inside the bushes.

/setwaypoint 5010 3660
Murd is tucked under the tree roots.

/setwaypoint 4717 3428
Urd is slightly up the hill behind the tree roots.

Who Would You Die For?

Although there are many spots in Xarth Mire where you can kill Tuath’de forces, I find the area just south of Bailghol called ‘Xarth’s Anchor’ to be best for farming this cheevo.. There are plenty of Tuath’de to kill and very few annoying frogues!

At Least It's A Dry Heat

It is very likely that you will pop all these locations while doing the main story questline.
1 – Shadow Market – /setwaypoint 5247 5009
2 – Alicorn Isles – /setwaypoint 4613 4925
3 – The Bleed – /setwaypoint 5283 4002
4 – Azure Fen – /setwaypoint 4459 3822
5 – Xarth’s Skull – /setwaypoint 4953 4381
6 – The Devoured Forest – /setwaypoint 4511 4241
7 – Green Mothers Lair – /setwaypoint 4126 3770
8 – Bailghol – /setwaypoint 4189 3904
9 – The Marsh Gate – /setwaypoint 4318 3942
10 – Camp Quagmire – /setwaypoint 4794 4523