Cheevos found in H > Zones > Prophecy of Ahnket > Gedlo Badlands
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Take Only Lives, Leave Only Corpses The Burning Down Thirsty Work + Bleed for your Art + All Kobolds go to Heaven
Spoutin’ Off Shrine It All Horde Breaker All Is Dust
Take Only Lives, Leave Only Corpses

You can find a full guide to the Gedlo Badlands Rares here.
The Burning Down

Awarded for completing all the cheevos in Gedlo Badlands.
The reward for this cheevo is the Garnblood Drake companion pet.

Thirsty Work + Bleed for your Art + All Kobolds go to Heaven
These cheevos are all earned by completing the Quests and Carnages in Gedlo Badlands.

Spoutin' Off

At each location are 2 holes/geysers.
You need to stand in the right spot and wait for the geyser to blow! This will shoot your character up in the air and tick off the cheevo.
If you are stood in the right spot then the geyser should blow within 2 mins. If you have been waiting for more then 3 mins and the geyser hasn’t blown then it is likely you are not quite in the right spot. Try zooming in on your mini-map to ensure you are stood exactly on the waypoint!
Try shifting a little inside the hole and waiting another 2 mins 🙂
Great Geyser: Not Faithful
/setwaypoint 2648 6395

Great Geyser: Volatile Burster
/setwaypoint 2956 6049

Great Geyser: Bubbling Jetsam
/setwaypoint 2694 6162

Great Geyser: Scalding Gusher
/setwaypoint 2844 6140

Great Geyser: Top Spout
/setwaypoint 2384 6691

Shrine It All

These shrines are quite large and very sparkly, you may have clicked a few already while questing!
You need to click the shrines to tick them off your cheevo.
Ancient Koboid Shrine: Burning Hunt
/setwaypoint 3729 5931
Very easy to get to.

Ancient Koboid Shrine: Caustic Oasis
/setwaypoint 2666 6186
Easy to get to, this one is tucked inside the large bush.

Ancient Koboid Shrine: Statue Hollows
/setwaypoint 3448 7068
This one is at the top of a large rock, move to /setwaypoint 3426 7192 then climb up to the top.

Ancient Koboid Shrine: The Nesting Grounds
/setwaypoint 2027 6061
This one is also on top of the rock.

Ancient Koboid Shrine: Valley Of The Morning Star
/setwaypoint 1768 6842
This one is at the base of the cliff tucked inside a small bush.

Horde Breaker

There are a lot of goblins to kill in the Statue Hollows area towards the south east of the map.
You can find a goblin camp like the one at /setwaypoint 3434 6624 then kill all the goblins and switch shard and repeat.
All Is Dust

1. Devils Canyon – /setwaypoint 3863 6154
2. Saint Taranis – /setwaypoint 3604 6486
3. Burning Hunt – /setwaypoint 3382 6126
4. Statue Hollows – /setwaypoint 3503 6632
5. Caustic Oasis – /setwaypoint 2738 6383
6. Gedlonia – /setwaypoint 2683 5901
7. Nesting Grounds – /setwaypoint 2205 6236
8. Valley Of The Morning Star – /setwaypoint 2010 6834