Cheevos found in H > Zones > Nightmare Tide > Draumheim
You can find the Draumheim Tideseekers on the Nightmare Tide Farseers page.
The Ocean Above. You can reach pretty much any spot in Draumheim, including the tops of the many many buildings by jumping up into the ocean above and then dropping down again above where you need to go. To jump up into the ocean you need to find a Bulbous Bouncer, thankfully, you can find one next to every portal!
Mark the waypoint that you want to go to on your map, then go to the nearest portal on the map and use the Bulbous Bouncer you find there, this will shoot you up into the ocean above. You can now swim across to your waypoint and drop down to land right on it.

A Prowed Moment

In the waters above Draumheim are some ship wrecks. Some of these ships have a long pole sticking out from the front called a ‘bowsprit’.
You need to climb onto the ship and then walk along the pole til you reach the end. Some of them will have support blocks along the pole which you will need to jump over. Just walk right up to the block and then spam jump until you double jump and go over the block. One of the blocks cant be jumped over in this way, so you will need to jump around them as shown in the video.
Waypoints given are at the very tip of the pole.
More information for each location is below..
The reward for this cheevo is the Minion Card: Reginald

Quick Guide
The Exodus Quester – /setwaypoint 6120 4921
The Ocean Horror – /setwaypoint 4611 5845
The Decietful Mermaid – /setwaypoint 6167 4973
Night’s Fall – /setwaypoint 6157 7064
Draum’s Doom – /setwaypoint 5410 7004
The Exodus Quester
/setwaypoint 6120 4921
The boat next to this one is The Decietful Mermaid.

The Ocean Horror
/setwaypoint 4611 5845
This one is underwater, no need to jump! Just swim up to the end of the pole.

The Decietful Mermaid
/setwaypoint 6167 4973
This one is right next to The Exodus Quester.
You will need to jump around the block instead of over it, see the video above for an example of how to do this.

Night's Fall
/setwaypoint 6157 7064

Draum's Doom
/setwaypoint 5410 7004
You will need to jump around the block instead of over it, see the video for how to do this.

Dropping in on Draumheim

This cheevo requires you to jump up into the ocean, go to locations and then drop down and land in a very specific spot.
In the ocean, just above where you drop out of the water, will be a small black square (shown in the picture on the right)
Use / to switch to walking speed, this will allow you to edge very close to the black square.
If you can, try to click the square to get you in exactly the right position and then drop down.
If you are unable to click it dont worry! Falling from very close to the square is usually enough to tick off the cheevo.
To swim straight down, you can use the keybinding for this, which is defaulted as X. Found under keybindings > movement.

Quick Guide
Cathedral of Canus – /setwaypoint 4909 6125
Nyreika Station – /setwaypoint 4372 4977
Sanctuary of Phydrena – /setwaypoint 6516 7033
Nadir Plaza – /setwaypoint 6571 6058
Thekk Overlook – /setwaypoint 5120 4570

Cathedral of Canus
/setwaypoint 4909 6125
Nyreika Station
/setwaypoint 4372 4977
Sanctuary of Phydrena
/setwaypoint 6516 7033
Nadir Plaza
/setwaypoint 6571 6058
Thekk Overlook
/setwaypoint 5120 4570
Shark Jumping in Draumheim

Quick Guide
Thekk Overlook – /setwaypoint 5193 4638
Gauntlet Street – /setwaypoint 5766 5169
Hedfell Farms – /setwaypoint 4980 4488
Vale of Dreams – /setwaypoint 4583 5543
Shadown Scion – /setwaypoint 6698 6354
Around the Nightmare Tide zones are mystical circles that you need to jump through while mounted on a Thresher mount.
At each location you will see a circle in mid air that you need to jump through and a white patch of light on the ground behind it where you need to land.
Some of the locations require you to jump perfectly and land exactly on the white circle, others give a bit more leeway.
You may need to practice the jump several times before you get that perfect attempt!
You can find information about which mounts will work for this cheevo on the main Nightmare Tide cheevo page.
Thekk Overlook
/setwaypoint 5193 4638
This one is a series of jumps between stone archways. It is the hardest of the 5 jumps so don’t be put off by it!
The archways are close together, so you will need to slow your speed down so you dont overshoot them.
The best way to do this is to mentor down to level 49. This will remove all your PA buffs and make you move much slower.
Start by jumping onto the first arch from the rocks near the house above. Then mentor down and jump carefully from one arch to the next, aiming for the next white circle each time.

Gauntlet Street
/setwaypoint 5766 5169
Drop down from above onto the round pool of water and then jump across to the pool nearby.

Hedfell Farms
/setwaypoint 4980 4488
Drop down from above to reach the rock easily and then jump across.

Vale of Dreams
/setwaypoint 4583 5543
Climb up onto the rock and then jump across the path to the circle of light.

Shadown Scion
/setwaypoint 6698 6354
So.. i spent a lot of time trying to land on the very top of the nearby tower thinking there was no way it was so simple as jumping from the wall to the platform.. turns out.. it is that simple..
The white circle and landing spot seems to disappear once you have ‘seen’ it, so if you need to try the jump a second or third time dont worry if you cant see the lights, just make the jump and it will tick off.

Scion Sightseeing

All around the Shadow Port Scion area you will find Bulbous Bouncers to help you up onto the higher levels.
Drop down onto the ledge above the balcony and then drop onto the balcony.
North Wing Northern Balcony – /setwaypoint 6708 6459
North Wing Southern Balcony – /setwaypoint 6724 6484
South Wing Northern Balcony – /setwaypoint 6685 6664
South Wing Southern Balcony – /setwaypoint 6659 6678
Main Gate Northern Balcony – /setwaypoint 6774 6567
Main Gate Southern Balcony – /setwaypoint 6764 6608
Upper Northern Balcony – /setwaypoint 6848 6590
Upper Southern Balcony – /setwaypoint 6841 6619

Making Sense?

You will get this cheevo by doing the main story quest line in Draumheim.
Completing this cheevo awards the Minion Card: Birch
Vision Quests

A selection of daily quests available from the various quest hubs in Draumheim.
Each quest hub has one quest giver that will choose one quest to give out. Keep checking each day until it gives the ones you need!
You can find a guide for exactly where to pick up each quest here.
Clam Up – Picked up from the Gemini Bluffs portal.
Lactic Detonation – Picked up from the Gemini Bluffs portal.
Trivia Night – Picked up from the Gemini Bluffs portal.
It’s Strangely Addicting – Picked up from the Ghar Station Rosh portal.
More Treats! – Picked up from the Ghar Station Rosh portal.
Of Course They Explode – Picked up from the Ghar Station Rosh portal.
There It Went Again! – Picked up from the Ghar Station Rosh portal.
A Complex Task – Picked up from the Margle Palace portal.
Recurring NIghtmare – Picked up from the Margle Palace portal.
Tour de Farce – Picked up from the Margle Palace portal.
Tribulation Torn – Picked up from the Margle Palace portal.
Rifts of Draumheim – Picked up from the Gemini Bluffs portal.
Scrubbing Scion

You will find these creatures on the upper levels of the Shadow Port Scion area.

There's More Than One of Those Things?

You can find these creatures in the ocean above Draumheim.
I find the best place to ‘farm’ them is above the southern parts of the map.
They are very difficult and time consuming to farm as they are singular mobs with an average of 100 meters between each one. This means you have to kill them one at a time, you cant group them up and AOE them down.
I find it quicker to find one and kill it and then switch shard at the same spot and kill all that are up before moving on to the next spot.
You can use a target macro to help you find the next closest one
/target akvan horror

Dream Walking

The reward for this cheevo is the Minion Card: Sulfus

1. Vale of Dreams
2. Nyreika Station
3. Gemini Bluffs
4. Headfell Farms
5. Thekk Overlook
6. North Gate
7. Tribulation Square
8. Margle Palace
9. Bottomtown
10. Zeuxis District
11. Cathedral of Canus
12. Ghar Station Rosh
13. Landquarium
14. Sanctuary of Phydrena
15. Fort Revo
16. Nadir Plaza
17. Rended Falls
18. Shadown Scion
19. Prosperity Heights
20. Lost Knot
21. Polyp Promenade
22. Lucid Strait
23. Choreburg
24. Gauntlet Street
25. Drowned Passage
26. Flargle Plaza
27. City’s Shadow
28. Illusory Junction
29. Unwoken Road