
Cheevos found in H > Zones > Rift > Silverwood

Puzzled at the Top of the World

The Foul Enemies of the Wood

You can find a full guide to the Silverwood rares here.

Silverwood Campaigner

This cheevo is only available to Guardians.

This is the meta cheevo for completing all the 13 cheevos listed.
The reward for this cheevo is the ‘Campaigner’s Satchel’, this is an 18 slot bag.

So Much Fun, I Did It Once

Go to the bridge leading to Sanctum and stand at /setwaypoint 7294 3056
Jump off the bridge at this spot!
This one doesn’t demand a high degree of accuracy, as long as you land in the deep water below then you will pop your cheevo.
Warning: A Defiant trying to pop this cheevo will become PVP flagged!

A High Point

/setwaypoint 6332 2321
Simply climb the hill all the way to the top! This is a very easy one to get to

House Aelfwar Shall Fall

A decent spot to farm for this is the Palisade area – /setwaypoint 6209 2606
There are lots of bad guys here that count as Aelfwar – Clear the whole area and then switch shard to kill them all again!

Spelunking in Silverwood

You will need to go right to the back of each cave to get credit for the cheevo..

Spider Cave

Called the Cave of Seasons on the map.

/setwaypoint 6175 3108
/setwaypoint 6208 3133
Gutter's Cave

Called Snarebrush Pit on the map.

/setwaypoint 5887 2608
/setwaypoint 5872 2586
Satyr Cave

Called Kelgnaw’s Den on the map.

/setwaypoint 6445 3205
/setwaypoint 6445 3165
Tongue Chewer's Cave

Called Overwatch Cavern on the map.

/setwaypoint 6349 3134
/setwaypoint 6372 3166

Meditating in Sanctum

WARNING: A Defiant trying to pop this cheevo will become PVP flagged!


Between the bridge and the entrance to the tower
/setwaypoint 7374 3050


The area just in front of the portal in Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7466 3042


Here you will find all the craft stations
/setwaypoint 7397 2984


To the north of the tower, this is where you find all the PVP questgivers
/setwaypoint 7414 2931


The area to the east of the tower where the pub is!
/setwaypoint 7559 3086


A large empty area of land south of the Sanctum tower, this area is mostly used during world events
/setwaypoint 7395 3111


Note: Sanguine Shores really didn’t want to pop for me.. Relogging in the correct area worked.

1. Divine Landing – /setwaypoint 6150 3949
2. Sanguine Shores – /setwaypoint 6191 3766
3. Sterling Hills – /setwaypoint 6083 3401
4. Argent Glade – /setwaypoint 6013 3104
5. Quicksilver College – /setwaypoint 5908 3097
6. Sunken Marsh – /setwaypoint 6599 3461
7. Silver Coast – /setwaypoint 6919 3285
8. Silver Landing – /setwaypoint 7045 3338
9. Sanctum Watch – /setwaypoint 7154 3058
10. Treants’ Grove – /setwaypoint 6630 2936
11. Wayward Thicket – /setwaypoint 6920 2933
12. Fletcher’s Beach – /setwaypoint 7088 2815
13. Point Solitude – /setwaypoint 7141 2993
14. Hedgerow Court – /setwaypoint 6619 2607
15. Mirror Of Ages – /setwaypoint 5888 2821
16. Untamed Copse – /setwaypoint 6164 2839
17. Snarebrush Grot – /setwaypoint 5973 2641
18. Palisade – /setwaypoint 6209 2606
19. Overwatch Keep – /setwaypoint 6478 3076