
Cheevos found in H > Zones > Rift > Shimmersand

A Classic Treasure

Stalking The Sands


This is the meta cheevo for completing all the 13 cheevos listed.
The reward for this cheevo is the ‘Pile of Sugar’ companion pet.

Cave Diving

Find the 3 caves and go inside them to tick of the cheevo.

ENTRANCE: /setwaypoint 7194 6910
CREDIT: Swim all the way down inside the cave, you will also find ‘Razorgore’ near the bottom, killing this fish and then completing the quest you get when you loot him goes towards the ‘cave in’ cheevo explained below.

ENTRANCE: /setwaypoint 6169 6582
CREDIT: Swim all the way down inside the cave, you will also find ‘Kliklik’ near the bottom, killing him and then completing the quest you get when you loot him goes towards the ‘cave in’ cheevo explained below.

ENTRANCE: /setwaypoint 6588 6890
CREDIT: This one is in deeper water than the other two, so watch your breath bar! There are air vents inside the cave to help you out.

Falling for Fortune

This is the usual jump cheevo, simply go up to the top of rock bridge and jump down into the water below, make sure you land in deep water for the cheevo to count.
The location to jump from is /setwaypoint 6598 6857
You can get up to the top of the bridge from the east or from the west. Then face the docks/boats below you and jump off.

Simply Messing About in Boats

Find this boat at /setwaypoint 6578 6953 – Fortunes Shore Docks.
Climb up onto the boxes/barrels on the jetty and then jump onto the boat.

Find this boat at /setwaypoint 6244 6729 – West of Fortunes Shore – In Hullbreach Shoals.
A shipwreck on the shoreline, just walk close to it to tick off the cheevo.

Find this boat at /setwaypoint 6635 6946 – Fortunes Shore Docks.
Simply jump onto the boat from the jetty nearby.

Find this boat at /setwaypoint 6629 6190 – North of Fortunes Shore – In Seafarer’s Folly.
An easy one to jump into.

Find this boat at /setwaypoint 6601 6996 – Fortunes Shore Docks
Jump onto the boat from the jetty nearby, you can jump up onto the boxes to give yourself an easier jump to the boat.

Find this boat at /setwaypoint 6613 6921 – Fortunes Shore Docks
Mount up and jump to the boat from the jetty.

Cave In

Each of these dudes is an open world mob that you need to kill. They are not ‘rare’ mobs and should always be up, if someone has just killed them then the respawn timer is the same as any other normal open world mob.
Most of the mobs are inside caves, so I have given you the waypoint to the cave entrance too.
When you have killed them you need to loot an item from their corpse, right clicking that item in your bags will open up a quest that will ask you to hand the item in to ‘Tzevi Durdana’ in Fortunes Shore at /setwaypoint 6637 7109
Tzevi Durdana is inside a building, right next to the entrance of that building is a paper on the wall, right clicking the paper will bring up a list of all these ‘bounty mobs’ with a small description of them and hints on where to find them.

Razorgore's Tooth

/setwaypoint 7193 6908
/setwaypoint 7196 6883

Swim down to the bottom of the cave.

Rockfist's Club

/setwaypoint 7633 7276
/setwaypoint 7671 7283

At the bottom of the cave.

Sandchewer's Leg

/setwaypoint 7353 7259
/setwaypoint 7365 7233

Inside the cave.

Kliklik's Claw

/setwaypoint 6169 6583
/setwaypoint 6165 6609

Swim down to the bottom of the cave.

Translucent Eye

/setwaypoint 6006 6908
/setwaypoint 6004 6936

Just inside the cave.

The Head Of
Boris Cobb

/setwaypoint 6635 7241
/setwaypoint 6667 7249

Killing this dude is gonna make all the Steeljaw Gang members in Fortunes Shore very angry with you!

The Head Of
Reilly Torrence

/setwaypoint 6552 7601
/setwaypoint 6578 7604

Down in the bottom of the cave.

The Head Of
Owain Kruper

/setwaypoint 6790 7371
/setwaypoint 6783 7413

Down in the bottom of the cave.

Living on the Edge

This cheevo is gained by doing the first quest of a hidden questline.
The first quest can be found in fortunes shore at /setwaypoint 6501 7017 – On the balcony at the back of the building
The questgiver appears randomly so you will need to keep checking if he is up or not. You should switch shards to check them all as he is up on different shards at different times.

The ‘quest’ is to place a bet on either the red or yellow fighting cockatrice and hope that your bird wins! Only a winning bet will progress the quest, so you may have to try a few times before you are successful.
The NPC Marsh Prodem can be spoken to to get information about the birds, although the information isn’t very useful, it’s mostly a random chance, however you can ‘help your bird win’ by healing them!

Use the ‘I’m ready to wager’ chat to start the proceedings!
The betting balls in the boxes beside you will now be clickable. Click the ball that matches the colour of the bird you want to bet on!

You should have a buff in your buff bar saying which bird you bet on..

Your bird needs to win before the timer runs out.
Dont forget to heal your bird if you can!
If you win, the red loot bag behind the NPC will sparkle. right click to loot it.
If you don’t win, you will have to try again another time, you only get one chance per NPC pop.

Inside the bag will be your magic ticket, which now allows you to start the magic ticket questline.
The magic ticket can be found in your quest items bag.
Be aware, the ticket is not clickable like other quest starters, you just have to go to the right location with the ticket in your bag.
You need to go to /setwaypoint 6873 7194 and find ‘Mona Bernardi’ – She will give you the first quest.

You can find a full guide to this questline on the Shimmersand quests pages for Guardians and Defiants.

Lord of Illusion

You will get this cheevo during the series of quests that come from the magic ticket.
You can find a full guide to this questline on the Shimmersand quests pages for Guardians and Defiants.

Dragon Cult Annihilation

You will find loads of these mobs in the Firesand Desert area.
They are nicely grouped up around the 4 broken roadways (in the red circles)…
Or you can kill the groups in the settlements (in the blue circles).

Dethroning the Desert Queen

Akala is a level 50 open world boss meant for a group of 20 players.
You can pick up a weekly quest to kill her from ‘Takavu Zinrah’ at /setwaypoint 5597 6623 – Southern quest hub in dunes of Akala.
Akala can be found all the way to the north in her own special arena.
This is easily solo-able at level 70.

Doing Time

You will get this cheevo during the storyline quests.
Here you can find a full guide to the Shimmersand quests for Guardians and Defiants.

Tarnish the Maw

You will get this cheevo during the storyline quests.
Here you can find a full guide to the Shimmersand quests for Guardians and Defiants.

Desert Nomad

1. Broken Road – /setwaypoint 6843 6762
2. Charred Chasm – /setwaypoint 6908 7516
3. Crescent Ridge – /setwaypoint 6279 6978
4. Cutthroat Cove – /setwaypoint 6509 6637
5. Deadman Gorge – /setwaypoint 6788 6611
6. Dunes Of Akala – /setwaypoint 5398 6503
7. Dustwind Hills – /setwaypoint 6424 7544
8. Farsight Tower – /setwaypoint 6981 6571
9. Firesand Desert – /setwaypoint 5601 7246
10. Flamespawn Crater – /setwaypoint 5441 7395
11. Fortunes Shore – /setwaypoint 6724 7089
12. Gildstone Sanctum – /setwaypoint 7189 7050
13. Gnawbone Valley – /setwaypoint 7224 7238
14. Golden Summit – /setwaypoint 7510 7659
15. Gritsquall Haven – /setwaypoint 5594 6633
16. Hullbreach Shoals – /setwaypoint 5894 6881
17. Jeweled Heights – /setwaypoint 7249 6769
18. Khaliti Refuge – /setwaypoint 7077 7330
19. Leestone Stand – /setwaypoint 6733 7369
20. Moonrise Hollow – /setwaypoint 7305 7564
21. Murderer’s Caverns – /setwaypoint 6667 6340
22. Nomads Furnace – /setwaypoint 7002 7072
23. Riptalon Gulch – /setwaypoint 7233 6963
24. Sandaxle Pit – /setwaypoint 7046 6765
25. Sandstorm Refuge – /setwaypoint 6058 7685
26. Sandwarden Pass – /setwaypoint 7486 7423
27. Scaldwater Fields – /setwaypoint 6210 7465
28. Scoured Ledge – /setwaypoint 6863 7062
29. Seafarer’s Folly – /setwaypoint 6503 6332
30. Stone Nexus – /setwaypoint 5144 5996
31. Sunblind Ascent – /setwaypoint 7138 7394
32. Tempest Plains – /setwaypoint 7011 6889
33. The Dragon’s Tail – /setwaypoint 5545 6870
34. The Flatyard – /setwaypoint 6711 6417
35. The Oasis – /setwaypoint 6857 7293
36. Widow’s Perch – /setwaypoint 6386 6808
37. Windfury Post – /setwaypoint 6519 7424